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Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal
Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal | Mary Roach
The irresistible, ever-curious, and always best-selling Mary Roach returns with a new adventure to the invisible realm we carry around inside. Americas funniest science writer (Washington Post) takes us down the hatch on an unforgettable tour. The alimentary canal is classic Mary Roach terrain: the questions explored in Gulp are as taboo, in their way, as the cadavers in Stiff and every bit as surreal as the universe of zero gravity explored in Packing for Mars. Why is crunchy food so appealing? Why is it so hard to find words for flavors and smells? Why doesnt the stomach digest itself? How much can you eat before your stomach bursts? Can constipation kill you? Did it kill Elvis? In Gulp we meet scientists who tackle the questions no one else thinks ofor has the courage to ask. We go on location to a pet-food taste-test lab, a fecal transplant, and into a live stomach to observe the fate of a meal. With Roach at our side, we travel the world, meeting murderers and mad scientists, Eskimos and exorcists (who have occasionally administered holy water rectally), rabbis and terroristswho, it turns out, for practical reasons do not conceal bombs in their digestive tracts. Like all of Roachs books, Gulp is as much about human beings as it is about human bodies.
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I read this book because a friend‘s book club read it and I was curious. I‘ve read this author‘s books before so I‘m familiar with the narrative voice. This one is a similar iteration of TMI science nonfiction. I enjoyed it but I‘m not prone to body horror or coprophobia. If you have an appreciation for fart jokes and toilet humor, you‘ll find this as fascinating and funny as it is gross.

Cathythoughts Your flowers ♥️ 1y
Chelsea.Poole Love peonies! 1y
REPollock @Cathythoughts I have a flower subscription with a local florist and they bring whatever‘s in bloom! 1y
REPollock @Chelsea.Poole they remind me of my Aunt Peony! 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 1y
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First book of 2023. I love Mary Roach's books. I'm never disappointed.

DocBrown I haven‘t read any of her books. Which one should I start with? 2y
Wannabe_Quijote @DocBrown Any of them! You really can't go wrong 2y
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Meal prep while listening to how I'm gonna digest it! #audiobook #science #food #cooking

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I've been reading Gulp by Mary Roach (the best popular science writer out there, IMHO), and now I can't eat anything without thinking about whatever I read most recently in her book. #food #science #curry

Billypar Mary Roach is the best. One of my favorite parts of Gulp was the section on Fletcherism. I feel bad for Mr. Fletcher's dining companions - all that chewing couldn't have been great for conversation 😅 2y
Wannabe_Quijote @Billypar Poor Fletcher 🤣 2y
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Gulp | Mary Roach
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I found this book so fascinating. I thought it might be a ‘dipping in‘ book where I‘d only fancy reading a chapter every so often but I wanted to read it cover to cover! This is my #booked2021 choice for science non-fiction by a woman.
I‘d never heard of this author until I saw the 2020 author a month posts by @Eggs so I will have to thank you and @Soubhiville for a great choice!

Cinfhen Great choice!! Everyone loves her books!! 4y
Soubhiville I‘m so glad you found her! She has so many really great books and her writing style makes it fun to be learning. 4y
alisiakae Great pick for this prompt! Glad you enjoyed it! 4y
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Eggs She‘s one of a kind! Be sure to read her My Planet-so good and 😆 4y
Helen19 @Cinfhen I‘m including myself in that group now! 4y
Helen19 @Soubhiville I‘ve already ordered a copy of this one to give to my brother. Spreading the word! 4y
Helen19 @4thhouseontheleft I think it would have been a while before I got round to it without the challenge so thank you! 4y
Helen19 @Eggs I think I‘ll be putting them all on my TBR from now! 4y
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Gulp | Mary Roach
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I listened to the audio. I‘m not sure if there was as much humour as usual, or maybe I just missed some of it. I‘m rating this one ok, and although the audio was fine, I think my mind did occasionally wander. Not sure if it would have had a higher rating if it hadn‘t been the audio or not.

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My first read of Mary Roach‘s. Some parts funny, some parts nasty, mostly very informative. It‘s all about our digestive system, the journey food takes through our body -first from our smelling of food, into mouth, stomach, then intestines, finally, anus. Taking us from US to Europe, introducing scientists & people of past & present, Roach presents science in an easy-to-understand way. I‘m not a sciency person, so this is great.

Crazeedi I love her books! Informative and funny, this is a good one! 4y
Ruthiella I‘ve only read Packing for Mars, which I really enjoyed, but she definitely does not shy away from the gross! 😬 4y
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Gulp | Mary Roach
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My favorite chapters dealt with gas, constipation (Elvis), gut bacteria and enzymes! Interlaced with Roach‘s delicious sense of humor! Learned a lot!

#authoramonth2020 @Soubhiville
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

Deifio So which one was your favourite by Mary Roach? 4y
MicrobeMom Great book! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Eggs @Deifio Tough choice 🧐. They‘re all witty and well-researched but My Planet is a collection of articles on many different topics and I love to laugh—I will read it again and again 4y
Eggs @MicrobeMom @TheAromaofBooks 🙌🏻🙏🏻😊 4y
Deifio @Eggs Thanks for the rec, I'll check it out 4y
Eggs You‘re welcome 🤗 @Deifio 4y
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Although I didn‘t enjoy Gulp as much as I did Stiff, I still learned a lot, more than I probably wanted or need to know. The one piece of info I took away, is why dogs stick their heads out of car windows. #AuthorAMonth #AAMMR

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Completed my second pair of earrings while listening to the tagged audio book. I‘m finding jewelry making to be not only the perfect thing to do while listening to an audio book, but also very relaxing. #audiocrafting #jewelry

BennettBookworm Woahhhh!! Teach me, please!! 😆 4y
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Gulp | Mary Roach
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Timequake transformation:
the authenticity project!
Look at the birdie-


TheSpineView 👍 4y
Eggs @TheSpineView Thanks ❣️ 4y
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Gulp | Mary Roach
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Just finished reading Gulp. Interesting, witty, and makes normally dry scientific information extremely readable! I've definitely learnt some interesting things 😂

Nute Learning with wit and humor...it doesn‘t get better than that!🙂 4y
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Gulp | Mary Roach
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Read Heroes in a day 😂 On to the next...

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Going easy on myself this weekend has meant less reading than I typically push for in #24in48. Gave myself the morning off reading before settling in with this #audiobook and a puzzle, which I‘m almost done with. #stayhome24in48

Bookzombie This a lovely and relaxing photo. 💗 5y
cornfedwellread I love your reading room! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty ❤️ 5y
SShiney Audiobook and a puzzle sounds lovely! 5y
Buechersuechtling I love your picture. It looks so cosy. Especially love that typical cat-at-the-window posture. 😍🐈 Additionally your room is so tidy but still comfortable. You‘ve got a wonderful place there. 🥰 5y
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#stayhome24in48 #24in48 #audiobook Listening to this one while I walk the dog and do chores around the house. My own gut has been weird this week— a combo of plain old anxiety, weird eating schedules being home all the time, and a round of steroids to counteract an eczema flare. (I‘ve wrapped up the steroids, though, so I‘m hoping that helps.) Somehow, maybe because of Mary Roach‘s humor, reading about this is soothing right now.

BlameJennyJane I hope you find more soothing and peace soon! 5y
Buechersuechtling Oh, I perfectly know what you‘re talking about when mentioning weird eating schedule is because of being home all the time. I hope your eczema gets better quick❓🤗 5y
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Gulp | Mary Roach
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I didn‘t have time to make any #LitsyPartOfOne posts yesterday. It was a little crazy and I fell asleep with with a book on my face. But I did get 7:17 on the clock for #24B4Monday and #MrBook1inAMillion This is the stack I‘ve been working on. I will have more time to post today. I hope.

@MrBook @Lynnsoprano @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65 @Rachel.Rencher @Lucas.Rencher

Lynnsoprano Glad you could join the party today! ❤️🎉🎉 5y
MrBook Love this stack! And love falling asleep with a book in my face! 😂🤣👏🏻🙌🏻😎 5y
MrBook Thank you for joining the fun, I‘m really happy you have! ☺️🤗 5y
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Andrew65 Wow! A great time. 5y
Andrew65 @MrBook Can be painful when it‘s an ebook on your iPad. Know from regular experience. 🤕 5y
JacqMac @MrBook @andrew65 I try to switch to my phone or kindle if I feel sleepy. Lessens the chance of breaking my nose. Lol 5y
Andrew65 @JacqMac Me too, but sometimes just a book I can‘t stop reading. 5y
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What better book to read with breakfast??

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I‘ve read most of Mary Roach‘s books — she‘s one of the few non-fiction writers that I tend to gravitate toward. But I thought this one was really just so-so. It wasn‘t exactly what I‘d expected. It seemed like she got off-topic a little and I found my mind wandering while listening. But she does know her stuff. Her books are well- researched and she‘s not afraid to get in there and touch, smell, taste.....whatever it takes.

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Very interesting book, but not for the faint of heart. If you‘re queasy at all, this is not for you. It is all about the alimentary canal (the path food takes from mouth to butt). I laughed out loud a few times.

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I enjoyed this book, but I can‘t help comparing it to Gut, which I also listened to recently. This one was more humorous with diversions that varied the topic more, and it seemed to mostly skip the small intestine. I felt Gut was more focused on the actual function of the entire human digestive system.

I listened to much of the book on the drive to my house yesterday from visiting my family with my pets looking very ready to go home.

Crazeedi Love all Mary Roach's books! 5y
rretzler 😻 5y
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Scochrane26 The pets are so cute! 5y
Daisey @Crazeedi It was fascinating, and I have others of hers on my someday TBR. 5y
JeanaRae I've read Stiff and currently reading Bonk. I love her work! 5y
Dolly I found this book rather incomplete too and felt the same way after reading Stiff by Roach. I liked Working Stiff by Melinek much better. 5y
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Gulp | Mary Roach
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Mary Roach's Gulp is, as her work always is, fascinating. And funny. Parts of it are deeply disgusting . . . yet, she makes a case for why we shouldn't be disgusted, as she explores all elements, angles, and facets of the alimentary canal, beginning to end. As always, Roach finds unique stories to illustrate the importance of a topic I hadn't thought much about. This was excellent on audiobook!⠀

Who else is a Mary Roach fan? Have you read Gulp?

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A journey from the beginning of the digestive system all the way through to the end. Funny and informative.

Deborah42 @LiterRohde Stiff was fascinating. I liked it better than this one. Oddly, I find death less squicky than poop. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
LiterRohde @Deborah42 Agreed. 🤣 5y
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Gulp | Mary Roach
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This book is incredible. And guess what? You can get the audiobook FREE from Sync for one week only. Head to the link below to grab your copy.


Well-ReadNeck Thanks for the heads up!!! Snagged it! 🙌🏼 5y
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She‘s the best science writer around

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Mary Roach is the queen of mixing interesting and disgusting- I love her books! #nonfiction #audiobook

AutumnRLS Have this and several other Roach books on my tbr after reading and loving Stiff! 5y
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That line from Casablanca comes to mind: "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." I've long been interested in trying something by Mary Roach and this met expectations. Strange but true tales of digestion: Want to hear about chewing your food until it liquifies? See-through stomachs? Escaping from being eaten? The science of rectal transport? Flatulence-proof suits? Roach has it covered, in all its gross, yet scientific glory ?

Aimeesue I love Mary Roach soooooooo much! Gulp and Stiff are my favorites. ❤️ 5y
Billypar @Aimeesue Stiff is next on my MR list. Part of me cringes at the subject, but I assume that's kind of the point. 5y
Toniyesss Stiff was super interesting! I read it years ago and things I learned in it still pop in my mind on a regular basis. I think it‘s probably less cringe-y than you expect 5y
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LauraJ I love her sooooo much! 5y
Billypar @Toniyesss That's good to know- it's a fascinating topic for a book- something that you can't picture anyone but Roach tackling. 5y
Billypar @LauraJ I'm looking forward to reading more of hers! 5y
Aimeesue @Billypar I certainly did a lot of cringing while reading it, but a lot of it was oddly touching as well. 5y
Liz_M I loved Stiff! The idea of (I'm sure I'm paraphrasing incorrectly, but....) munitions-grade gelatin still cracks me up. 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 5y
Billypar @Liz_M Ha- I'm sure there's no shortage of creative metaphors 😀 5y
Liz_M Oh, it's not a metaphor. That's what makes it so wonderful. 😁 5y
Billypar @Liz_M Audio hold officially placed! 5y
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This is my book haul for this month. I bought no books in January, so I made up for it in February.

SilversReviews Nice stack. I read THE AU PAIR and I INVITED HER IN. Enjoy all of your books. 6y
cinann @SilversReviews Thank you, I will. 6y
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Mary Roach is really such an awesome author. No one actually wants to know about the “alimentary canal”, but Mary Roach writes in such a way that I want to know everything she has to tell me. She‘s funny and smart and dedicated to every topic she dives into. She makes the mundane fascinating and I love her writing. This was awesome and really entertaining.

Maude I will have to look for this one, I really liked her book Stiff, the Curious Life of Human Cadavers. 6y
Victoriahoperose @Maude I liked that one a lot too!! She‘s so talented. I definitely recommend this one. 6y
Pricel101 Mary Roach books are terrific in audio, she brings science to life! (gross, funny & fascinating) @maude @Victoriahoperose 👍 6y
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Gulp | Mary Roach
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As always, Mary Roach delivers a marvellous blend of humour and knowledge.

If you're squeamish, don't read while eating 😁

Gulp | Mary Roach
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I adore Mary Roach‘s extra notes 📝

This one in particular I find quite amusing 😂

Gulp | Mary Roach
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It‘s been a long while since I posted here 😲
I‘ve a lot of reading since I was last here - still less than I‘d like.

Right now I‘m smashing through another Mary Roach book on my IPad - this will be the 3rd one I‘ve read of hers, and I also have another one lined up!

Stay tuned for many more updates!

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CouronneDhiver Well done 👍🏽 6y
Aimeesue I loooooooove Mary Roach!❤️ 6y
Crazeedi Good author, I've read a couple of ger book. I have this one on my shelf 6y
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LeahBergen @Aimeesue @Crazeedi I have this and also Stiff (and both are still TBR 😬). 6y
Aimeesue @LeahBergen I've read all her stuff. She has a sense of humor, which makes it fun, but there are also a lot of very human moments when she's telling the stories behind some things, especially in Stiff, I think. 6y
Crazeedi @LeahBergen This is one of the ones I read , very good , I need to get her other books off my shelf and read! 6y
Cinfhen Still haven‘t read anything by her😬 6y
Reviewsbylola Hahaha, love this! 6y
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Today's used book loot! Thanks Abebooks! Seriously, two look like they've never been read.

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“The slang for the rectum is ‘prison wallet.‘”

Interesting, but gross, with a good dose of potty humor. I now know more about Elvis‘s “super colon” than necessary.

LittlePixels 😂😂😂 6y
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Cleaning kitchen grout with some #MaryRoach. I somehow hadn‘t realized how dirty the grout had gotten and now it‘s all I can see ... and family who‘ve never been to our house are coming to visit tomorrow. So, here I am. 😬😭

#currentlylistening #multitasking #booksandchores #audio #audiobook #libby

Hollie I‘m glad you‘ve got an audiobook to make the sucky task go quicker! 6y
Libby1 Good luck. 😊 6y
Floresj Good luck! I hate when I finally notice how dirty something is and then I obsess about cleaning it and how everyone would notice (although they probably wouldn‘t!)😊 6y
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britt_brooke @Hollie @Libby1 Went more smoothly than I expected. The book helped! 6y
britt_brooke @Floresj Next thing you know I‘ll be cleaning baseboards, lol! 6y
Libby1 So glad. 💕 6y
Reviewsbylola My kitchen floor has grout that is impossible to clean. 😣 6y
AlaMich Grout is the Absolute Worst. You spend forever on you knees on hard tile and when you get up you have tile impressions on your knees. Or is that just me? 6y
britt_brooke @AlaMich 🙋🏼‍♀️ Not just you! 😬 6y
AlaMich @britt_brooke Phew! 😀 6y
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I started listening to Mary Roach's Gulp this morning while I had breakfast. Odd book choice, I know 😅

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Parts of this were really interesting, parts were just gross and kinda made me nauseous. I also felt like the scientific way she looked at some things didn't pay enough attention to the humanity of people involved in the cases she was talking about (like drug smugglers and prisoners). And then there was the offhand comment with no evidence to back it up that Black people and Latin Americans are more homophobic than white people...

WhatDeeReads This is one on my list that I think I‘m skipping. Your reviews frequently point to issues that matter to me and I appreciate it so much! 7y
batsy That last point is something I haven't seen anyone else mention and that's pushing it way down the TBR for me. Thanks! 7y
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Mary Roach said she hoped people would think "I thought this book would be gross but actually it's really interesting." Unfortunately so far I am finding it both gross and interesting...

Rachel.Rencher I have such a hard time with Mary Roach books. My stomach is too weak 😂 7y
CouronneDhiver Haha! I love her books ... to each their own, I suppose. 👍🏽 7y
emtobiasz I love her books, but I'm not sure I could handle them on audio-- that's a whole other level for me! 7y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Rachel.Rencher I think one is especially bad for a weak stomach since it talks so much about spit, chewed food, and poop! 7y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @CouronneDhiver oh I like it! Just am simultaneously disgusted. 7y
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Eh, it was okay. I've heard such great things about Mary Roach that I was expecting something more entertaining, or more funny. I'll probably still try another one.

jpmcwisemorgan I‘m iffy on Mary Roach. I don‘t care for how much time she spends describing people because she seems to put a lot of emphasis on appearance, especially of scientists. It rubbed me the wrong way. 7y
Reviewsbylola Mary Roach is a total bore for me, with the exception of 7y
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Who would‘ve thought you could write an entire book on this

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I thoroughly loved this especially on audio. My biggest caveat is that I have a high “gross” tolerance so this is not for everyone. But I think Mary Roach did such a great job showing humor but also detail in fascinating subject! She brings so much wonder and curiosity to the study of our GI tract. Highly rec for those interested in medical history ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Late night reading #insomnia

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#HumpDayPost @MinDea
1. Post a Shelfie! This is one of two bookshelves made by my sweet husband.
2.History or Futuristic? Futuristic has been keeping my interest lately.
3. 🍷, 🍺, or 🍸? 🍻
4. What color are your eyes? Hazel
5. Currently reading? Finishing up the tagged book on audio, Jane Eyre for the #janeeyrebuddyread , and a short story collection by Karen Russell.

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I decided to accompany my husband on a business trip out to west Texas this weekend, so we are currently road tripping with Mary Roach. Super fascinating so far!

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Gulp | Mary Roach
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I came across this at the bookstore the other day. The biology geek in me is ever so curious 🧐🤣

#gulp #biologygeek

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Mary Roach takes you along as she dives into the science and pseudoscience surrounding the alimentary canal. A trove of scientific factoids, interesting historical anecdotes, cultural trivia, this book makes it interesting to read about something all take for granted every day: the journey our food takes. A must-read for any armchair scientist or otherwise curious mind- and don't miss the footnotes!