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Black Prism
Black Prism | Brent Weeks
From "New York Times" bestselling author Brent WeeksTHE BLACK PRISM begins a brand new action-packed tale of magic and adventure ... Guile is the Prism, the most powerful man in the world. He is high priest and emperor, a man whose power, wit, and charm are all that preserves a tenuous peace. Yet Prisms never last, and Guile knows exactly how long he has left to live. When Guile discovers he has a son, born in a far kingdom after the war that put him in power, he must decide how much he's willing to pay to protect a secret that could tear his world apart. Lightbringer"The Black Prism""The Blinding Knife""The Broken Eye""The Blood Mirror"""""For more from Brent Weeks, check out: Night Angel"The Way of Shadows""Shadow's Edge""Beyond the Shadows" "Night Angel: The Complete Trilogy" (omnibus)"Perfect Shadow: A Night Angel Novella ("e-only)"The Way of Shadows: The Graphic Novel"
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Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Bailing for now. The magic system is very cool but I don‘t like the pervy male gaze description of women. If you‘ve read this and think it‘s worth going back to let me know! Another off the #roll100 tbr

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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OMG I CONQUERED THE CHONKY BOI. I almost hate how much I enjoyed this but it fed the part of my soul that grew up watching soap operas with my grandma. I feel like this is what you get when you put a white guy in charge of writing a telenovella set in a fantasy world. I am addicted.

HeyT Oh this was also my #DoubleSpin from April @TheAromaofBooks 2y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!!! 2y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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I am hype because I am so close to conquering this chonky boi. My goal this week was to hit 50% and I‘ve surpassed that.

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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A friend gifted me all these books yesterday! 😍

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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I am always so hype for #BookSpin! I tried to be a little more methodical when ordering my new list for 2022. Like the chunksters are at the top and for the most part it alternates fantasy and sci fi. I think the only way it can do me dirty is if 1, 3, and 20 are picked with each other. FINGERS CROSSED @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks I would give you a hard time about your fat books, but I just made my #BookSpin list and apparently hate myself as I've filled it with random old classics and chunksters I've been meaning to read for YEARS! 😂 3y
HeyT @TheAromaofBooks As tempting as it is not to include the chunksters all of these books are for a year long challenge so eventually they'd have to get picked and I figured might as well just yolo them now. 3y
TheAromaofBooks I'm determined to tackles some fat/slow-reading books this year. The last couple of years I've been caught up in the excitement of trying to hit my GR goal, but I am going to drastically reduce it this year so I can take some time to read through some of these chunksters that have been piling up!!! 3y
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majkia Once and Future King is one of my all time favorites. I also enjoyed Blindsight a lot. The Prism series is great fun. 3y
HeyT @TheAromaofBooks Oooh yeah I feel you. I need to find that War and Peace twitter readalong again so I can finally knock that one off the list. I generally don't worry about my goodreads challenge though because I've set it at 50 every single year because I like them to match and I've been reading 50 books a year since 2007 (Generally way more so I have some wiggle room with the chunky bois) 3y
HeyT @majkia That's good to hear thanks. These are all books from my book club's backlist so I'm never sure how much they'll fit in with what I actually like. 3y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks

Very cool magical world building!! Takes a second to get into/grasp the magic system, but very interesting character development and plot building. Will read the second one!

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Magic system is unique, characters are interesting... Here at the halfway point, a good balance has been struck between what the audience knows and can theorize on and what's mysterious still... It's honestly very well written I think.

But I'm not completely sure I enjoy it. Very cis/Heteronormative so far, and also my personal pref is Not for "protagonist" characters whose motivation/morality is real gray or unclear. May just not be for me!

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks

Not even a week into the new year and already behind. ?

Book 1 of the year, finished Jan 4, audio

I enjoyed this one. Lots of fun quips. A bit heavy handed on the "awkward 15 year old boy sees boobs and stares" trope, but over all very enjoyable. I'd recommend it.

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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My next read. Started this 3 days ago and I‘m on Chapter 30! So far it‘s really good. I like that the chapters are small.

Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Just got these, can't wait to start reading them... even though my TBR is getting hopelessly long!

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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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This has been sitting on my shelf for over a year. As I started it I considered passing it on without reading it, as there are so many other fantasy series I‘m partway through.

I‘m glad I went for it though. I really liked the magic system, and Brent Weeks is a good fantasy author. I will continue with the series (someday 🤣😂.). Of course it leaves you wondering what will happen in the next book, and with unanswered questions.

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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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#bookreport @Cinfhen
I finished three books I‘d had in progress early this week, got in another audiobook and novella, and started a new audio chunkster, fantasy/scifi, and research for my upcoming trip. 😊 overall a great week!

AmyG I love when I finish the books I‘d started....a bunch at once. Makes me feel like I truly accomplished something. Great week. 5y
Soubhiville @AmyG me too! For a while this month I felt like I was never going to finish anything, so it was nice to get three done in a couple of days. 😊 5y
Cinfhen Great week!!! When‘s the trip??? I was just in London :) I can give you some awesome eateries 5y
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Soubhiville @Cinfhen I‘m going to the #LitsyReadingRetreat the last weekend in March, then spending 5 days in London with @Mitch. 😊 I‘m so excited! I‘d love to hear your favorite experiences! 5y
Cinfhen OMG!!! That‘s SO MUCH FUN!!!!! I‘m sure @Mitch knows the BEST places! But just in case the V&A Museum had some amazing exhibits, Farm Girl Cafe in Notting Hill was DELICIOUS and SOOOOO charming and we had a lovely, luxurious high tea at The Beaumont 💕💕💕Of course there‘s a zillion awesome book stores and the theatre. Soooooo excited for you 5y
LazyOwl Ooh, I been wanting to Read Gideon the Ninth, keeping looking for it in my local bookstore, am thinking about getting them to order it in for me. 5y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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My new read. Picked it up in passing and thought it sounded interesting. Hopefully it's good

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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#ReallyRandomFebruary #Expectation

I still haven't read the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks. Which is a little weird as I'm such a fantasy nut. I'd like to finally read it this year - I'm waiting for the 5th (and final) book, which is now out in HC, to release in TPB so it matches my set and then I think I'll begin.

The expectation is pretty dang high. I hope I haven't overhyped myself. 😳


OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚 5y
BehindthePages It will make your head spin. I loved it! 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Letora Good to hear. I'm looking forward to it. 🤘 5y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks

A great piece of fantasy genre fiction! Not the best in its genre, but as far my experience with the rest of the Lightbringer series go, it only gets better

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks

This was a very engaging audiobook. While the story has a few hiccups here and there, I really enjoyed the book.

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Alright, this one is really catching my attention. I‘ve been in an audiobook slump for months. Normally fantasy books don‘t hook me in audio form but I‘m enjoying this one a lot. 😁

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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I‘m getting back into audiobooks even if it kills me. Damnit. I go through phases with them but now that I‘m in peak grass mowing season, I need to find my love of audiobooks again.

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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I have owned this book for far too long and finally read it! It has been a while since I read a new (to me) high fantasy and this one was so good. Very interesting approach to magic. And, the ending tied up some things and then opened up some new doors. Can't wait to see where this series goes next. Strongly recommended!!

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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When I listen to audios, it is often while doing Diamond Dots. I am a bit obsessed with them. Here is my most recently finished one!

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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1. Do not enter....oh wait, you mean the OTHER sign 😅 I‘m a Leo 🦁♌️
2. Uhhh....there‘s nothing I can think of at the moment...
3. The Black Prism by Brent weeks. Don‘t know what it was but the writing style didn‘t seem to be working with me at the time. I plan to give it another shot, but don‘t know when yet.
4. Reading and keeping the puppy occupied 😁
5. Will do!
#Friyayintro @howjessreads

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Here‘s my #bookhaul. Unfortunately they were out of the tote bags. 😩 #somuchfornotbuyinganymorebooks

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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First up: Black Prism. Yes, I‘m in bed. No plans to leave either. 😊 Stay warm, all y‘all!

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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1. The tagged book, Warcross / Lu, Cry of the Kalahari / Owens
2. House ‘Claw checking in
3. Steven Universe

rachelsbrittain Love Warcross and Steven Universe! Thanks for joining in 💙💙 6y
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Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Happy Solstice everyone! 🌅

Cathythoughts ♥️👍🏻 6y
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Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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London at 🌙

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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2019 is fast approaching...and so I stand here in front of all the reading gods, that they may bear witness, declaring that this will be the year I finally read the Lightbringer series! 🙆‍♂️

Even if it f@*king kills me! 😅

RainyDayReading Good luck! I hope you have better luck with it than I have 🙃 6y
KarouBlue By the end of 2018??? Dude, you got this! 6y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @MellieAntoinete haha. No no! I wish! I meant 2019 will be the year. 😅 6y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Finished these first two in the Lightbringer series on audio. It's good solid fantasy. The magic system is confusing to me but an enjoyable read so far.

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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#Sunday and rain means #reading , and right now I‘m doing #TheBlackPrism by #BrentWeeks, which is one of THE best #epicfantasy books I‘ve read in a looooong while😍 Those who‘ve read Brent Weeks before (for instance #TheNightAngelTrilogy ) will know that while keeping inside traditional fantasy-tropes, he still manages to create something new and exciting and INTELLIGENT. MUCH recommend for fantasy-lovers!

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks

I‘m not sure if I‘m just not in the mood for it or if I will truly DNF it, but for now I‘m moving on.

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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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I know nothing about this, all I know is that I liked the night angel trilogy so I had to give this a try.

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Here's a #bookthatshouldbeadapted

Yes, it is the first in a series, and it would require some serious effects, but with the right director and cast, and a... um... *generous* budget, it could be fabulous.

#riotgrams @bookriot

Knightingale It would need a huge budget for the special effects but it would look awesome on the screen. 7y
SpeculativeFemale @Knightingale Exactly! I'd really just love to see Brightwater Wall on the big screen. 7y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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When you get up inhumanely #early to catch a ride #home. And you decide to stay #awake instead of going to bed. So you put on a #game of #DontStarve and you make some #coffee. And then there‘s a knock on your door. And it‘s the mailwoman. And she has a #package from Amazon. And in that package are the #books you bought with the Christmas gift gift card.

#lightbringer #BrentWeeks #TheBlackPrism #TheBlindingKnife #TheBrokenEye #TheBloodMirror

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Any Brent Weeks fans here? Which should I start first, Lightbringer series or Night Angel trilogy? I know they aren't connected I just don't know which is the better choice.

I'm flexible either way and from what I've heard they are both pretty awesome. I need to read 'em as they've both been on #tbr for far to long now...

Knightingale Very different. If you like the works of Brandon Sanderson and cool magic systems that you can follow and understand, go with Lightbringer. If you want more of a ninja assassin vibe go with Night Angel. Either way is a decent ride. 7y
TricksyTails Okay, so not helpful but your Bitmoji again is slowly bringing me to the Dark Side. Almost. 😂 7y
TricksyTails @Knightingale Ooh ninja assassin vibe! Winnah winnah chicken dinnah! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails @Knightingale that's what I'm thinking too. Mostly cuz it's the shorter series and can finish it quicker and then move onto Lightbringer down the road. 👍 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails dooooooo it! Be a cool kid. ☺️ 7y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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It‘s time to read this behemoth! 😁 I am hoping it‘s a good one.

Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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A fantastic fantasy book even if the audio was a bit strange, the narrator made the Prism sound like a surfer dude... not sure that it really fit him.. although he does have his little boat thing he sort of surfs with... very epic story and hoping to read the rest soon!

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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This is a book full of delightful #wannabe characters. Gavin wants to be free of the restrictions the White puts on him. Kip wants to be a son his father can be proud of. Everyone has desires and everyone has secrets in this awesome first installment of the Lightbringer series.

@Cinfhen @Robothugs

Robothugs Sounds perfect for the prompt! 7y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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#ashapeinthetitle #junebookbugs
Not a lot of shapes on the shelves 😀

RealLifeReading You managed a prism title! Cool! 7y
LaraReads Wow! Great one! 7y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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I am having a REALLY hard time getting into this one so I think I'm going to put it down for now and try again later. I keep exhaling and getting distracted and then getting annoyed with how much of the book is left. Try it again when I'm in a different mood

Joe_Jones Some books you really have to be in the right mood to read. Nothing wrong with putting one down to try another! 7y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Peruse Project on BookTube mentioned this and then someone gifted me this book in thanks for running a giveaway on Facebook...that could literally only be more Canadian if the book included a bottle of maple syrup or can of Tim Hortons coffee grinds.

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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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I read 50% of this book before coming to the realisation that I just wasn't enjoying it! It's taken me 12 days to read 300 and something pages! I initially thought the magic system sounded interesting but I got bored of the story and the characters and the writing started to irritate me after a while. Ah well... the search continues for an epic fantasy series that I will enjoy and stick with to the end!

annkuch13 Good to hear your thoughts. I've been on the fence about picking this one up. 8y
bookedbybliss I almost gave this one up too. The first 16 or 17 chapters were terribly boring and simply dragged on. But I'm glad I kept going because it definitely got better. I'm on book 2 now and really enjoying it 😊 7y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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I am going to have to let this one go. I started this as an audiobook, and I can't handle the narrator. The voice for the main character suddenly sparks into California surfer boy. The female characters and worst of all Samson are all just a big nope.. Maybe I'll try this in print someday so I don't inadvertantly hear those voices while I read. I would like to see what happens. What's the deal with the prisoner, etc?

Arcana The prisoner is his brother. This entire series is addictive. Definitely read it in print. Hope those voices go away😣 8y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks

This was a lot of fun. If you like epic, character-driven fantasy and unique magic systems, you should give it a try. Be forewarned, though; the ending leaves you wanting answers, so be sure to have the second book handy!

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Seriously, I'm getting buried alive here. #booknerdproblems #photoadaynov16

Faibka Lol, I know the feeling 😁 8y
tpixie Welcome to Litsy!! 8y
Celeste57 @tpixie Thanks! I like it here! 😉 8y
tpixie It's a fun place with lots of nice people!! Sometimes I spend a little too much time here when I should be reading my books! 😜 8y
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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks

Something about this series is absolutely irresistable.

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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One of my favorite fantasies!

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The Black Prism | Brent Weeks

I gave it an honest shot. It just wasn't for me. I felt the writing and character development was aimed towards teenage boys.

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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Lunch break!

The Black Prism | Brent Weeks
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So, I went to the library again...

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