Raising a glass (I mean, a mug) of tea and a cardamom bun to @JoeMo as I kick off #AuldLangSpine2025 with this pick from his list.
Raising a glass (I mean, a mug) of tea and a cardamom bun to @JoeMo as I kick off #AuldLangSpine2025 with this pick from his list.
"Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food."
1. Honey crisp apples and bananas
2. Not sure if this counts for an actual meal, but need to tag this man always
Thanks @Kshakal @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
My second read through. Since the first time, I have become a big fan of Anthony Bourdain. I really enjoy his show No Reservations. I feel very bittersweet watching it, knowing that he committed suicide. This book is well worth reading.
I enjoyed this book. It was definitely a shocking look into the restaurant business. After reading about Anthony's experiences, I am surprised that anyone wants a career in the culinary arts.
Loved the tales of Bourdain essentially Hunter S Thomson-ing around various kitchens, &his tales on risk assessment when it comes to food safety. Some made me wonder how he got so far. But his discourse on cultural appreciation, honesty & not burning bridges are worthwhile in any industry &life in general.
I listened to this audiobook recently and loved it. Bourdain left me feeling both disappointed and relieved that I‘ve never worked in professional kitchen. His honesty about his own career to include the mistakes he made was refreshing. I wish I had gotten around to this sooner and now plan to check out his other books.
I will never work in a kitchen (I don't think I have the chops for it), but... it sounds like a wild place to spend some time. I am thankful for the amazing chefs in my life :) - (my husband is a phenomenal cook, and his sister is a chef for a retirement community).
Anthony Bourdain was an amazing man, he is surely missed.
Thanks to @TheBookHIppie, I found this one on Audible, which he read. Coincidently my husband was talking about him the other day. So, I am sure he wants me to wait to listen with him -- but I needed an #AudioCommute book (to and from work, about 25-30 min each way), so I will start this one today.
Thanks for the recommendation! I loved his show :)
I liked Bourdain. I liked him best when he was slightly uncomfortable in a new place, but still bringing his considerable charm to bear in making his hosts at ease & part of the joke (& never its butt). This book has much of his charm, and only a hint of the travellust. I don't agree with it all (I've done fine in a dif testosterone-poisoned career so doubt women can't make a kitchen their own too) but the charm kept me happily listening along.
I‘m not enough of a foodie to like this book. It‘s pretty well written, just some of the food terms and stories weren‘t up my ally.
I love Anthony Bourdain. I miss his attitude and outlook on life.
I enjoyed this, but just thought it was okay. I‘m sure restaurateurs and cooks would have a greater appreciation for this book. I could see my mom liking it more, having a lot of experience in restaurant kitchens, as well as cooking for a convent for 17 years. Some fun anecdotes of kitchen life and compelling to hear some of Bourdain‘s back story. I enjoyed his food network series much more.
1. Dinner... and dessert!
2. Tagged and anything else by Anthony Bourdain
Thanks @Kshakal @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Lunch. The older I get the more convinced I am that lunch should be the biggest and most elaborate meal. Late enough in the day that I've worked up a hunger, early enough that even if I stuff myself there's time to work it off.
2. Tagged
Tag @RaeLovesToRead @CBee @dabbe @IuliaC @julesG @SamAnne @swishandflick @RosePressedPages
21-3 Jul (audiobook)
I wish I had listened to this or watched his shows when Bourdain was alive. He is such an appealing character. Yes, there is foul language and some very problematic treatment of women and I would probably not have survived an hour in his kitchen but I love to imagine an alternative life where I tried. If only for the music.
This was so entertaining. I particularly loved his chapter about what not to order. Such a likeable man.
#19 of 2022 (Since July 9th) A classic for everyone in the food service industry!
Started: 12/20/22
Finished: 12/31/22
12 Days
I miss Anthony Bourdain. He lived life unashamedly, appreciating the simple things in life: culture, food and people. I miss him greatly. It was good to hear his voice again.
Kind of interesting but he has quite a potty mouth! Makes you feel like you can understand what crazy people many people in the restaurant biz are. I'm always interested in the world as seen by other people--biographies are my main book category. I'm not a foodie but this book makes me want to try some foods that I never have. I did work briefly as a busboy at 18 and so I relate a little.
Started reading this biography found at a Little Free Library. I know he passed away recently and there's a controversy about his girlfriend. I can't resist a good biography.
White out conditions driving back from our staycation in Homer, AK this Sunday morning. Thankfully we are out of the storm now, but we did have to pause our audiobook briefly when the blizzard was at its worst so that my bf could concentrate on driving.
Been really enjoying listening to Bourdain narrate his memoir. I‘d read it before many years ago but my bf suggested we listen on our road trip since we recently watched Roadrunner (documentary).
Day 101.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.
Bourdain was a good choice as narrator for his story, and the book was fun, but now I‘m not sure if I ever want to go to a restaurant again! I was floored by how many casual references to suicide there were in this book. Also, it must have been written before he knew Tom Colicchico because he mispronounced his name. Ramp is begun in preparation for my husband‘s return from the hospital, finally; he‘s been there since September 30! #audiowalk
"Skills can be taught, Character you either have it or you dont." This book has been saved for a while, waiting for my heart to heal enough to listen. Today is the day.
After seeing the film Roadrunner, after watching his shows on TV, I had to read this book! After learning that he was reading what he wrote when narrating his shows, it feels like he really is talking to you when you read his book. I now have incredible respect for the people who work at restaurants, just seems like such hard work. Bourdain‘s blunt style is riveting and often pretty funny. He made me feel guilty for lazily using jarred garlic
This is the book version of a movie I can watch again and again, especially on audio with Bourdain reading. Sure, not everything in it holds up to current standards for social acceptability, but I love his writing and living in this world that is so different from my own for a short time. I read (listen to) it at least once a year when I want something to enjoy that doesn‘t require much from me. I loved seeing that @Megabooks does the same!
I read almost 10% of the book and I just wasn't interested in finishing it.
It was interesting to hear from bourdain himself about some parts of his life. I would read other books by him.
I‘ve probably read this once a year for the last 20 years. (Has it really been that long?) Does it 💯 stand up over time? No. Do I still enjoy and miss everything that was wonderful about his writing and enthusiasm for food? 💯💯💯
I am so glad I got to see him in person back in 2010, but I wish I had paid the extra $50 for the meet & greet and book signing. Damn grad school finances!!
Anyway, an enjoyable #reread for sure! #audiobook
“Cooking is a craft, I like to think, and a good cook is a craftsman — not an artist.” #culinary #QuotsyJul21
Such a personality.
Morning reading with Bourdain
#CuriousCovers Day 13 #Man This book and man gets lots of Litsy love. The book is on my #LitsyAtoZ list so will be read by the end of the year.
Anthony Bourdain describes the gritty experiences he had working in the food industry. His writing style is vivid and startling, and really sets the scene in the restaurant work Bourdain did in his lifetime. It was an interesting read, and I highly recommend checking out the deluxe edition because of his hand-written notes. Content warnings for crude content and language, sexual content, and other Bourdain-esque content. #Nonfiction #Memoir
Just released episode 51 on Kitchen Confidential. Bourdain was a terrific writer and the book is a fascinating look at the inner workings of the New York restaurant scene from a lucid storyteller. Highly recommend the book and check out the episode if you are so inclined!
We have selected an April book of the month. Looking forward to this one. I've wanted to read it for a long time.
Ill be right here. Until they drag me off the line. Im not going anywhere.
As an art form, cook-talk is, like haiku or kabuki...
What might happen, what could happen, what will happen.
Skills can be taught. Character you either have or dont have.
Like I said before, yout body is not a temle, its an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.
Vegetarians are the enemy of everything food and decent in the human spirit, an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoymemt of food.
Hollandaisenis a veritable petri dish of biohazards.
It [a bad mussel] slammed me shut like a book, sent me crawling to the bathroom...
Cooking is a craft, I like to think, and a good cook is a craftsman- noy an artist.