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Poor Things
Poor Things: Episodes from the Early Life of Archibald McCandless M.D., Scottish Public Health Officer | Alasdair Gray
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"The greatest Scottish novelist since Sir Walter Scott." Anthony Burgess
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I read this book because the movie trailer intrigued me. It was as wild and amusing as I hoped it would be.

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This is a more modern, female version of Frankenstein. Without the monster and killing part. It's interesting. The main character is quite amusing.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1mo
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Poor Things was just as weird and wonderful as I'd hoped it would be. And the final chapter, icing on the cake. I loved the film as well but I understand why viewers are divided. But here's the thing, men are idiots...that's the joke. Yorgos gets it.

Please enjoy this sideways photo as I continue to battle with litsy.com.

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There is a lot more to this story than meets the eye. Many of the driving points can be found in the long “notes critical and historical” chapter at the end of the book. I read this book because the movie trailer intrigued me. I look forward to watching the movie. I admit that I the last few chapters of the book confused me at first. I had to re-read and perform google searches in order to fully understand the end. All in all, I enjoyed this book.


The underlying ideas are super interesting, but the format and all the “extras” (that you can‘t really skip if you want the whole story) toward the back make for an ultimately tedious read. The “book within a book” framing is also executed somewhat clumsily, and I would have preferred just a “normal” novel overall.

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Ahead of seeing the film I read this astonishingly imaginative novel which creates a fantastic narrative of a woman rescued from the dead whose unborn child's brain is transplanted into the adult body.The subsequent tale is bawdy + funny but with a twist at the end as Bella's own afterword turn the readers beliefs on its head. The novel is far better.The film, however, is visually + musically stunning and Emma Stone is brilliant.Next step Lanark.

LeahBergen I love this photo! 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 6mo
Centique The film was so good and i didnt realise it was based on a book! Adding to the TBR 👍 6mo
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Reading at the Broadway cinema yesterday. Went to see The Holdovers (which was incredible) and Priscilla (beautifully shot, but not a happy film).

Also saw Poor Things here the week before, which was incredible too. I want to read the book now, but I doubt it will come close to the film, which was bonkers.

julesG Is double-caffeine the upgrade version of double- and triple-carbs? 6mo
RaeLovesToRead @julesG This probably explains the massive jitteriness yesterday eve haha. 6mo
Bookwomble I find myself intrigued by the couple at the table in the background. I feel there's a story to be told! 6mo
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vivastory I was looking through the book Poor Things & it looks like it has a very innovative format, plays around a lot with typography etc 6mo
RaeLovesToRead @Bookwomble Alas! My people watching skills haven't furnished me with any more information! We shall always wonder... 😄 6mo
RaeLovesToRead @vivastory Honestly, after seeing the film I suspect it will be a disappointment, because the film is so expansive and colourful and bizarre! 6mo
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards Loved The Holdovers, from the deliberately old filming style to Paul Giamatti doing a lazy eye! 6mo
RaeLovesToRead @SaunteringVaguelyDownwards It was beautiful wasn't it? I loved Sideways too. 6mo
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Frame tale with lots of addenda, pastiche, layers. Satire of Victorian novel, author as editor, unreliable narrator. Hysteria, women‘s education, class struggle. Odd & fun & questioning. Ornate, cheeky language. Lolita x Galatea. Invented female fiend, superpower=sexual appetite & sheer will. 1992

216 “She has a right to know why you say she is an unstable woman with insane appetites who should have had a surgical operation after her honeymoon.”

Pinta Movie adaptation=disappointment. Took a clever, funny send-up of portrayals of women in the gothic novel and turned it into a low grade horror. Getting rid of the story frame and telling JUST Max‘s crazy tale is garbage. Not including Bella‘s coda where she tells her story in her own words feels ugly and exploitative. Without her story, just Manic Pixie Dream Girl BS, what the book was writing AGAINST. Yuk. (edited) 6mo
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I imagine this is a divisive book, that you either read it compulsively, like I did, or you are entirely repelled. It is a sharp, dark and mischievous satire of Gothic literature and Late Victorian society but that really doesn't explain how weird it also is. I will be thinking about it for a while. Anyway give it a try, you'll know quick if it's a yes or a no. Loved the illustrations.

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Looking at the past posts, I can see that I proudly said 7 yrs ago that I'd picked it up on a charity stall + planned to read it soon! Anyway I plan to have a cinema trip on Saturday to see the film so I started the book last night and was chuckling away today as I had my lunch at work. So far, but only 100 pages in, a) I can't see how the film can top the book, and b) im annoyed that i didn't read it sooner.
Still will make for a fun comparison

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Catching up on some reviews.

I‘ve been following Jen Campbell on her YouTube channel for years. This is one of her favorite books, and when I saw it in the bookstore I knew that I had to read it.

This book was different from what I expected and there was more than one surprise here.

Extended #RushAThon
#1992 #192025

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 10mo
Librarybelle Hooray!! 10mo
BookNAround I have had this one on my tbr for literally decades. Maybe this will inspire me to actually get to it! 10mo
TheSpineView Awesome! 10mo
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JacqMac Oooo 14mo
Meshell1313 My interest is piqued! 14mo
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Balibee146 😢😢 5y
Leftcoastzen 😢 5y
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#90sinJuly #ScarTissue I've used this book for a lot of photo prompts. AG is my favourite Scottish author. Poor Things is a retelling of Frankenstein. Not even a modern day retelling, as it's set in Victorian Glasgow. The twist being that it's a female being brought alive. He also is a fantastic artist and illustrates all of his books in great detail ❤️ This is my favourite by him

Cinfhen Gorgeous 💗 7y
Robothugs 👆🏻 echoing @Cinfhen 7y
TrishB Lovely 💟 7y
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#melodicmay #takeachanceonme
I have always wanted to read Lanark but have been daunted by the size so when I saw this for £1 in a charity shop the other day i thought i would take a chance. Has anyone read lanark or any by the author?

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#signed #readjanuary I also have a load of signed Anthony Horowitz in my library, my eldest brought them down a few months ago as he says he's grown out of them! I told him if he's anything like me he'll want them back some day ❤️📚

ScorpioBookDreams I love Jo Nesbo 😍😍 8y
DeborahSmall @ScorpioBookDreams He's been to Belfast a few times. I was lucky enough to catch him when he was signing and reading from Police. I've missed so many good authors the last year as it's usually mid week signings in Belfast...my husband works most evenings so I'm limited to what events I can get to x 8y
ScorpioBookDreams @DeborahSmall I rarely go to author events as I live in rural Northumberland and none are held here! Newcastle isn't far but still a hassle x 8y
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DeborahSmall @ScorpioBookDreams yeah I think Goldsboro is definitely the next best thing x 8y
Libby1 Look at that lovely David Park book! I'm in the same boat with author events or anything in the evenings because of the nature of my husband's work. 7y
DeborahSmall @Libby1 the only night we're at home at the same time is a Tuesday. Between his work and the kids football training we don't get a minute. The only upside is him having teachers holidays, getting the full summer off and the rest x 7y
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#seasonsreadings2016 #bookwithpictures #1 Alasdair Gray is not only fantastic author but also a fabulous artist and illustrator. All his books are beautifully illustrated like this. He has also painted some beautiful murals in The Glasgow College of Art 💞

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#signedsundays ❤️ Alasdair Gray is the finest living Scottish author. Also an amazing artist. I've met him a few times and was even in his home! I arranged, with his wife, to buy a few signed first editions ,while I was home in Glasgow. She worked in a bookshop back then. I couldn't believe it when Morag invited me to their home. I met him again and he talked me through his illustrations for Songs of Scotland a beautiful book he illustrated❤️📚

ValerieAndBooks Very cool! 8y
DeborahSmall I met my hero. Such a surreal day. I'll never forget. The following year they sent me a Xmas card, designed by him! Morag McAlpine unfortunately passed away over 2 years ago. I last spoke to her 4 years ago on the phone about my first print/edition of Lanark, at the age of 18 I bought it for 698, we ended up chatting about everything, she was bed bound and enjoyed having a moan about Alasdair. Such a lovely couple. ??⭐️ 8y
LeahBergen Wow!! 8y
DeborahSmall @LeahBergen Leah I've never met a more humble gracious man in my life. He was gravely sick this year but now doing well. I cried hard when Iain Banks died, I'll go into a week of mourning when this fabulous man leaves us 💞 8y
kspenmoll So wonderful for you! 8y
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This had been sitting on my TBR for quite a while and I finally got around to reading it. I wasn't blown away but liked the Victorian setting and the quirky take on Frankenstein. It also reminded me a bit of Pygmalion. :)

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Truth! Though I'd prefer tea. 😉

Giuly ❤️ 8y
bookishkai Ditto on the tea. 8y
OneLitChick Me too for tea! 8y
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Shvonne Hot chocolate is also a good option 8y
Varshitha Tea for me as well.. Nice mug!! 8y
KarenUK Me too! 8y
MrBook @scripturient , what you and @bookishkris , @OneLitChick , @Shvonne , @Varshitha , and @KarenUK said ☝🏻️ 😊. 8y
Cinfhen 💜that mug❣ 8y
susanw ❤️☕️📚 8y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Book in morning avec coffee, book in afternoon avec tea, book at night avec h2o 🌸 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 My morning mantra - every single morning! ❤️ 8y
Gulfsidemusing ❤️ that mug!! 8y
Robothugs Love this mug! 8y
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This has been on my shelf for ages. Now a student wants to write his term paper on it so I'd better start reading. :)
BTW, I finally (after nine years of slaving as an adjunct lecturer) signed my permanent contract with our university yesterday! I'm so happy I'll now get to teach British Lit until I retire. 😍

BookishMarginalia Congratulations! 8y
Lauren_reading Congrats!! That's awesome! 8y
CherylDeFranceschi Congratulations! 8y
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Zelma Congratulations! That is fantastic news! 👏 🍾 🎉 8y
Dragon Congrats on getting tenure 👏🎉 8y
Lacythebookworm Congratulations! 🎉👍👏 8y
Laura317 That's fantastic!! 🎉🎉🎉 8y
LeahBergen Awesome!! 🎉🎉 8y
becausetrains Congrats, @scripturient!! 💃🎓🏛 8y
Godmotherx5 Congratulations! 💼✒️📚📖📓 8y
quirkyreader All I can say is Yippee 🌟 8y
bookishbunny Congratulations! 8y
LiteraryinLawrence That's awesome! 8y
Thessalia That is incredible news! Congrats!! 8y
Grrlbrarian Well done you! 🎉 8y
LauraBrook Congratulations!!!!!!!! 🎉🍰🍾 8y
DebinHawaii Congratulations! 👍👍👍 8y
Bookzombie That's wonderful! Congratulations! 8y
StacksNShelves Congratulations! 8y
shawnmooney The novel looks interesting. More importantly, congratulations on the exciting news! 8y
Kathrin Congrats!!! 8y
Caryl Wonderful news! Congratulations! 8y
Posemn Congratulations! 8y
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