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Den hengivne hr. X
Den hengivne hr. X | Keigo Higashino
Da den enlige mor Yasuko i selvforsvar drber sin voldelige eksmand i et af Tokyos utallige lejlighedskomplekser, tilbyder hendes gdefulde nabo, en stille matematiklrer ved navn Ishigami, at fabrikere et alibi til hende. I desperation og uden at kunne overskue konsekvenserne accepterer hun naboens tilbud. Da politiet ikke kan finde huller i Yasukos alibi, konsulterer de den geniale fysiker professor Yukawa, hvis blndende intuition fr har hjulpet politiet i komplicerede sager. Det frer til en sofistikeret hjernekamp mellem fysikeren og matematiklreren. Kan Yukawas egen matematiske intelligens hamle op med Ishigamis glasklare logik? Og hvor langt vil den hengivne matematiklrer g for at beskytte Yasuko? DEN HENGIVNE HR. X er en af Japans strste krimisuccesser nogen sinde. Det er en intelligent og overraskende roman, som foregr i et moderne Japan, stadig prget af ldgamle begreber som re og hengivenhed.
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The Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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This is pretty twisty. You go in thinking you know what's going on. But you definitely do not.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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I heard a lot about this writer and book since I live in Japan. I didn't expect much. Not only did it surpass my expectation but I have to admin that it might be one of the most compelling detective stories I have ever read. It's great when the “classic“ lives up to it's reputation. Highly recommended, check out our discussion the podcast: https://bit.ly/45f499C

#devotion #suspect #x #keigo #higashino #crime #mystery #detective #galileo #japan

KathyWheeler I‘ve heard so many good things about this that I bought it. I haven‘t read it yet and need to find it so I can do so. 4mo
mindduckbooks @KathyWheeler hope you won't be disappointed, I went in with zero expectations as almost never read detective stories :D 4mo
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I started reading this one on my kindle,
but I was not jelling with reading it this way,
I decided to listen to the audiobook instead,
the story was ok, but not really for me.

Read for reading challenges.


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What a mess. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be swept up in tension or tragedy but the general vibe was 'poorly-paced and vaguely off-putting'. The 'devotion' as described feels sociopathic rather than romantic. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality The puzzle presented seems to ignore the existence of cell phone records (time and duration of calls at the other end of the public telephone) or the possibility of canvassing local restaurants with a picture that they presented in other locations (the one place there where the reader knows witnesses saw suspect and victim together having an argument prior to the murder). 🤦🏼‍♂️ 2/? 1y
Robotswithpersonality I'm not a fan of a mother/daughter team being consumed by guilt and elaborate subterfuge when there's a good case for self-defence against an abusive, threatening stalker. [I acknowledge this might be a naive overestimation of the benevolence of the 'justice' system.] 3/? 1y
Robotswithpersonality I'm not a fan of a person who is hyper-focused on a and a recognized talent in a specific field of interest, unlikely to socialize and struggling with their mental health, yet still holding down a job that requires human interaction being typified as a blank-faced calculation machine with an iffy set of ethics and one reason to live. 4/? 1y
Robotswithpersonality I much prefer a mystery where you follow a detective/scientist type along a journey of discovering the who/what/why of the murder, rather than witnessing the who/what/why at the beginning of the book, spending more time with the suspects and accomplices and trying to figure out how the ruse throwing off the investigation was accomplished.
Needless to say, I will NOT be continuing in the series. 5/6
Robotswithpersonality 6/6 ⚠️ Misogyny, traditional gender roles/expectations, stalking, intimate partner violence/abuse, focus on traditional beauty standard, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt 1y
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The Humanities student only visited the university library a few times, during the whole of his degree?!
Trying to figure out if this is supposed to be a statement on his qualities as a student, or the amount that records can be accessed digitally, remotely, these days. 🤔

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The Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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Happy Fall! @LiteraryinLawrence I have mailed you Broken Girls and @MeganAnn I have mailed you the Devotion of Suspect X , they should arrive Tuesday

LiteraryinPA Thank you so much! I received the book today! 2y
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Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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Completely cheating for Letter X...

“Murder isn't the most logical way to escape a difficult situation. It only leads to a different difficult situation.”

#alphabetgame #letterX @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻📚 2y
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I may have taken an extra long lunch today to finish this one up 🤫
A soft pick for me. I figured out the major twist about halfway in, but still wanted to see how it all came together. It gave me some Christie/Poirot vibes with the heavy focus on motive, personalities, and assumptions. I wanted it to be twistier! Might read more Higashino in the future since I liked his style more than I didn‘t. #diversecozy #foodandlit

BookmarkTavern It totally did give Christie vibes! Also reminded me a bit of Columbo. 2y
sarahbellum @ozma.of.oz I‘ve never watched Columbo, but I feel like I should! 🧐 2y
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Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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So this was an interesting book. Not sure how I feel about it. There are parts that I really enjoyed and then there was some character development (not even sure if it was development) that I didn‘t like. Definitely outside my normal reads…. I am intrigued enough to try book 2 in the series.

The narrator did an excellent job!

#diversecozy My first finish for #AwesomeAugust

sarahbellum I‘m just about to start this one! 2y
Mollyanna @sarahbellum interested to hear your thoughts on this one. 2y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 2y
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You know everything. Who‘s dead, who did it, how, why, and when. And yet you‘ll still be as confused as the detectives in charge of figuring out who killed Shinji Togashi.

I liked the first bit, but the fire burned out pretty quickly. For a murder story, this felt very passionless. But once I got to the 1/2 mark, I started to get invested again as I realized just how little I actually knew. Although I do feel conflicted about the end. 🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑

sarahbellum Haven‘t gotten to it yet, but it‘ll be my next read! 2y
BookmarkTavern @sarahbellum I look forward to your thoughts! 2y
Mollyanna I just finished the book and am still trying to figure out how I feel about the ending… 2y
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My #bookspin was a fantastic translated detective novel from Japan. If you love twisty mysteries, pick up a Higashino for the plot but also the characters. And the poignancy, in this case. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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The Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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#LMPBC members, I received these books from @phantomx today, I'll be starting with the tagged book, marking them up and getting them back to you 🥰. I also received my own book back and enjoyed reading all of your comments! @MeganAnn @MaleficentBookDragon

MeganAnn Yay! 2y
phantomx I'm so glad the picks made it to you 2y
TheBookDream Did you get the bookmarks I sent? 2y
Kayla.Adriena @TheBookDream I did! So sorry for the late posting 😞 2y
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My latest #librarystack! 😍 Prepping for my August reads and finishing up Winter in the Blood this weekend

The #diversecozy buddy read for August is The Devotion of Suspect X, chosen to correspond with #foodandlit‘s August country, Japan 🇯🇵. I‘ve seen some great reviews for this one, so 🤞

Let me know if you‘d like to join in for this casual, read at your own pace buddy read! @ozma.of.oz @Mollyanna @mhillis

Cathythoughts Very nice! I‘m getting ready for Custom of the Country too. ❤️ 2y
mhillis Great choice! I haven‘t read book three in the series, so I‘ll go with it 2y
Mollyanna Just downloaded the #diversecozy book! Looking forward to it. Still haven‘t had a chance to get to the others, but they are definitely coming up soon on my TBR. 2y
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BookmarkTavern My hold just came in yesterday! 👍🏻 2y
sarahbellum @Cathythoughts the only Wharton I‘ve read is Ethan Frome, which I really disliked. I had to read it for high school though, so I‘m hoping Custom of the Country will redeem Wharton for me! 2y
sarahbellum @Mollyanna @ozma.of.oz Awesome, looking forward to hearing your thoughts! @mhillis Yay, hoping the series holds up for you! 🤞 2y
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Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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Vacation reading on a cruise ship. Perfect time for me to read mysteries and thrillers. This one came recommended by The Currently Reading podcast. Quite an interesting read. I liked all the characters and found the plot compelling. I read on kindle and it had a sample chapter of another book at the end so my percent read was misleading which affected the pacing of the ending for me. Lesson learned. 4/5 ⭐️

Ncostell That‘s one of my favorite podcasts. I end up stacking more and more books on my TBR list after listening to them! 2y
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Whoa! What a clever and satisfying mystery. Flew through this one. @EvieBee you were right. Great ending!

For sure need more Higashino in my life. I‘ve read Malice and now this. Any suggestions for which one I should try next? Newcomer? Salvation of a Saint? Under the Midnight Sun? Silent Parade? I can‘t decide!

EvieBee Yay! If you want something along these lines, I would go with 2y
EvieBee If you want something dark, gritty and set in 70s Tokyo…this one is phenom… 2y
BarbaraBB This one was my favorite so far but I also enjoyed Salvation of a Saint and 2y
jlhammar @EvieBee @BarbaraBB I think I'll go with Salvation next. Hope to get to them all eventually. Thank you! 2y
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📚 Really enjoyed Malice so wanted to try more Higashino, tagged.
📚 Physical, paperback
📚 Only a quarter through and good so far, 3-4 ⭐️
📚 No, but I will jot down thoughts on a notepad


EvieBee The ending on this one will blow your mind. 2y
MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 📚☺️ 2y
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Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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Hades is enjoying my March #doublespin and #LMPBC #ROUND14 #GROUPW selection.

This is how I woke up this morning. 😆
He‘s so talented he can read upside down.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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The weather is hitting 65 today! So, after some parking lot reading I may go read in the park. Yes I just did that. 😝. I just started this #LMPBC #ROUND14 #GROUPW pick. I‘m trying to be early with mailings this round. 🤞

CaitZ Enjoy the great weather! 3y
Avanders 🌳🌈☀️ 3y
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The Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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I think we have some great selections for #LMPBC #ROUND14 #GROUPW
I think I‘m most looking forward to The Memory Police.

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Kayla.Adriena Yay! Also I'd like to go with dark blue for my pen color if that's good with everyone @MaleficentBookDragon @MeganAnn @phantomx 3y
phantomx Fine by me 3y
MaleficentBookDragon @Kayla.Adriena @MeganAnn @phantomx I'll go with a purple/lavender ink color. (edited) 3y
MeganAnn Great lineup! I think I‘m going use a pink pen. @MaleficentBookDragon @Kayla.Adriena @phantomx 3y
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Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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Hello #LMPBC #GroupW #Round14!!!
I‘m excited to discover some new authors with you.
Here are a few books from my shelves that are by Japanese authors as well as an introduction to Haiku. Do any of them tickle your fancy? I am leaning towards the tagged book (which has been on my shelf for YEARS, or There‘s No Such Thing As An Easy Job (which is new), OR Before The Coffee Gets Cold (which I just finished but would go through again and make notes).

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Kayla.Adriena Devotion of Suspect X , works for me ! The Traveling Cat Chronicles was going to be one of my offered choices too (on my unread shelf) , I'll make a post soon! 3y
MaleficentBookDragon @Kayla.Adriena great! I took the Cat Chronicles off my list so you can put it on yours. (edited) 3y
MeganAnn Devotion of Suspect X and There‘s no such thing as an easy job both sound interesting to me! Before the coffee gets cold was going to be one of my choices as well. And @Kayla.Adriena so was the Traveling Cat Chronicles but I‘ll take that off since it‘s on yours. Great choices!! (edited) 3y
Avanders Ooh I loved the tagged book! And Before the Coffee Gets Cold 😁 3y
phantomx The Devotion of Suspect X has been on my mind since last year. I wouldn't mind reading There's such thing as an easy job--peaked my interest when it came out 3y
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Fantastic! Well written and intriguing. A fabulous novel!

Cathythoughts I agree 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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The Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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Eggs ❤️🇯🇵💙 3y
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The Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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A Murder takes place in Japan, you've got a beautiful single mother, her neighbor a brilliant mathematician, and his physicist college friend. A few detectives who can't seem to uncover the alibi of the suspect without the help of the physicist who straddles the friendship of the mathematician and his work with the police department.
See full review here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4103557703

Cathythoughts Oh I enjoyed this one 👍🏻❤️ 3y
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The Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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A very enjoyable murder investigation, not mystery because we know what happened up front. Seen from the eyes of the killer and accomplice we are also following the investigative side of things. Having read a good amount of murder mysteries in the past I felt like this was a good chance of pace and I would gladly pick up another in the Detective Galileo series.

Cathythoughts Nice review 👏🏻 I really enjoyed this one too 3y
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I loved this. Enjoyed the twists near the end. Quite a quick read, well it would have been had I not had a slump for a few days!

Cathythoughts Such a good thriller 👏🏻 4y
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Yasuko is a single mom, living with her daughter, Misato. One day her abusive ex-husband shows trying to extort money. The situation escalates and Togashi is killed by mother and daughter. Ishigami, a brilliant mathematician lives next door and overhears the commotion. Because he is secretly enamored with Yasuko, he offers his help disposing of the body. Enter “Detective Galileo”, an equally brilliant physicist, and the battle of wits begins.

Cathythoughts Nice review! I really enjoyed this one 4y
suvata @Cathythoughts It was one of the best thrillers I‘ve read in a long time. 4y
cathysaid Love this author 4y
suvata @cathysaid This is the first book that I‘ve read by him. I am definitely going to read the rest of them. 4y
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Branching out to read more books from around the world. Venturing to Japan this time round 🇯🇵

Cathythoughts This is a good one 👏🏻 4y
kellock I'm excited for it! 4y
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#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz
1.I find this book is my go-to recommendation,great story, memorable characters but also a fast paced read
2. Nothing particularly niche!
3. Ma Jian,Chimamanda Adichie, Susannah Clarke, and books in the Precious Ramotswe series!
I hope you have a good week!

BookmarkTavern That is a fascinating looking book! Stacked! Thank you for sharing! 4y
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The Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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ChasingOm I stacked a few of these too. 😅 4y
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Started this one yesterday. It‘s been translated from the original Japanese. The dialogue between the detectives is very manly. #asianreadathon

BookishMe This book is very popular and I hope to read it soon. This is the book by Higashino I enjoyed 4y
juliegumdrop @BookishMe it was very good and there was a surprise to it. I will have to check out Salvation of a Saint because I will definitely be reading more from this author. 4y
BookishMe 👍🏽 👍🏽 4y
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The Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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What do you think of a mystery thriller novel that begins by showing you not only the crime but also the criminal? How does the rest of the story go? Is it a simple cat and mouse story? or is there more? Check out my review on a book that has achieved a cult classic status in that genre - The devotion of suspect x


#bookreview #bookishview #mysterythriller #japaneselit #keigohigashino

Cathythoughts I really enjoyed this one 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
rrkreads @Cathythoughts I too enjoyed it a lot but I found Malice to be much much better, have you read that? 5y
Cathythoughts I havnt ! But I see I have it stacked! I might just purchase ..... 5y
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Cathythoughts Just purchased on kindle 👍🏻😁 5y
rrkreads @Cathythoughts 👍 let me know what you think abt that book as well... It's super fun to have company in liking books 😀 5y
Cathythoughts @rrkreads it is great fun & yes I will let you know ... could be awhile though 😁 5y
rrkreads @Cathythoughts Take your time but my guess is that if it snares your attention the first time u start reading it, u might hv trouble putting it down w/t cmpleting it 😊 I wish I could read it for the first time again. #thrillerpblms 5y
BarbaraBB Ooh I‘ll stack Malice too since I really enjoyed this one! @Cathythoughts 5y
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Woah!!!! What a mind wrangling book!!! This was a gripping, thrilling, confusing, awesome story. What seemed idiotic in the beginning seemed logical in the end. What seemed unbelievable seemed the only believable thing in the end. I probably have to read this again to soak in the nuances but 👌 crime thriller.

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This one is VERY good so far ...

BarbaraBB I loved this one too! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm It IS very good! 👍😊 5y
Cathythoughts Loved it too 5y
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Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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I hated the narrator‘s voice, but I held on for the bizarre story that I enjoyed. I didn‘t see the twist coming. 🗡

Cathythoughts I read this one & really loved it 5y
Anna40 Read it and loved it too. Never would have guessed the ending 5y
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The Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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I loved this one ! Detective Galileo ♥️thankyou Jessie ! I just finished on the beach here ... hubby has already started & after less than 100 pages he thinks he knows the twist ( and he does 😳🙄 😂) I‘m not half as quick , I never guessed it - I didn‘t know it was a series , Yay to that. Great start to the Holliday reading X

erzascarletbookgasm Yay, glad you liked it! 👏 And what a great place to be chilling out! 😍 🏖 5y
AlaMich Oh my, I am so jealous!! Beach! Spain! Have a great time!!🏖🌞 5y
Cathythoughts @AlaMich thanks! It‘s lovely here 😊☀️ 5y
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#MayMovieMagic #RedRightHand packing my suitcase .. for holls in Spain - flying in the morning 🥳🥳💃🏾. I have kindle ready to go too. I hope the apartment is nice 🤞🏻weather looks to be good

Cinfhen Soooooo awesome!! Where in Spain?? I was meant to be there next week May 19 but we had to postpone our trip.😔 5y
Cinfhen Have fun!!!!! 5y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen Malaga ! We were there 2 years ago. I can‘t wait 😊 5y
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Cathythoughts @Cinfhen thanks 😘 5y
Cinfhen Share your thoughts when U return!! Happy reading and safe travels 😘 (edited) 5y
squirrelbrain Have a fab trip! 5y
Ms_T Have a wonderful time! 5y
LeahBergen Have a wonderful holiday! 😘 5y
Cathythoughts @squirrelbrain @Ms_T @LeahBergen thanks so much. I‘ll post a shot from our balcony... I just want a nice balcony..., to read On ofcorse 🤞🏻♥️ 5y
Libby1 Woo hoo! Have fun. 😃 5y
Cathythoughts @Libby1 Thankyou ♥️👍🏻 5y
batsy Have a fabulous holiday ❤️ Spain! So exciting 🎉 5y
Cathythoughts @batsy thanks! I‘m excited X 😀 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Hahaha! Good one! Have a wonderful trip, how exciting! 😍 5y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm 😀thanks 😉📖 5y
RohitSawant That's fantastic! Have a wonderful holiday! And awesome use of the prompt 👏🏼 ❤ 5y
youneverarrived Have a great holiday 😘😘 5y
Cathythoughts @rohit-sawant Thanks @youneverarrived thankyou both. I‘m not going to lie , I‘m seriously hyper ! So excited... love traveling so much 💃🏾. 5y
TrishB Enjoy 😘😘 5y
Cathythoughts @TrishB thanks Trish X 5y
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What I‘m currently reading.

wanderinglynn Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻 6y
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This was such a fascinating mystery. I have never read one quite like this before. I was on the edge of my feet the entire time and I never saw that ending coming. I already own the second book and just ordered the third book in the series and will be reading these very quickly.

erzascarletbookgasm I like this series too! 6y
minkyb You are killing my TBR!!! 😂 5y
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It's going to the printer!
When would be the right time to add my book to Litsy?
Any thoughts?

Ruthiella Congratulations! When it has an ISBN maybe?🤔 (edited) 6y
ZacPaup @Ruthiella it has an ISBN. Should I wait for it to be launched? Printing would take a 5-7 weeks. 6y
BooksMcD I say if it has an ISBN and cover then add away! Then you can share it around and get everyone pumped about it! Plus if there are advanced reader copies going out, those readers will be able to find the book to leave their reviews right away 😊 6y
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ZacPaup @BooksMcD thank you so much. I'll add it then. 6y
ZacPaup @BooksMcD book has been added to Litsy. I shall announce the release date when it is finalized. Thank you 😊 6y
BooksMcD @ZacPaup Awesome! Always excited to read new stuff 💙📚 Is this your debut? 6y
ZacPaup @BooksMcD yes, it is. 😊 6y
BooksMcD @ZacPaup So cool! Sending all the Litsy love ❤️ your way and I‘ll keep my eyes open for the release date! 6y
ZacPaup @BooksMcD thank you so much. Your anticipation means a lot to me. ❤️ 6y
UwannaPublishme 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
BoleyBooks Tell me more 😃 6y
ZacPaup @BoleyBooks the complete back cover blurb is at the link given above. 6y
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This book was selected by Book Riots #TBR. I happened to have this on my shelf. So really looking forward to it.

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#LetterH for #LitsyAtoZ (in translation). This is my second book by this author and I always enjoy them. I had a big chunk of this one figured out before the ending, but it was still fun! I‘m also including my February reading summary in this one - not a great month for me, but still solid!

jpmcwisemorgan What‘s the MMD Challenge (at least, that‘s what I think it says)? 6y
bookwrm526 @jpmcwisemorgan Modern Mrs. Darcy 6y
jpmcwisemorgan Ah ok, that makes sense. 6y
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This book was perfection!! A brilliant thriller that I'd recommend to anyone! There was a steady pace throughout and i was like this is a 4 star read and then boom!!! That climax! The climax earned the extra star! Yet to watch the movie, but the book is amazing! 5/5 . Keigo Higashino is going to be my autobuy author!

Cosyreader Love mysteries - added! 6y
swatreads @Cosyreader Yay! I'm sure you'll love it! 6y
ZacPaup I love this book. 6y
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swatreads @ZacPaup Me too! The ending shook me! Also that twist 😱 6y
ZacPaup @swatreads depressing ending. Too good. It has so many movie adaptations, but nothing beats the book. 6y
swatreads @ZacPaup Yeah the end made me so sad. Yet to watch the movie adaptations. Will probably watch the japanese one soon❤ 6y
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Wow! Finally a thriller again that I really, really liked, from the first to the last page. It‘s Japanese, thus unusual. And it‘s not so much (we know who did it!) about the murder but about the investigation.

Last but not least it #RemindsMeOfMyHappyPlace, which is Japan, where I had the most wonderful time some years ago and where I really want to return to some day. #Booked2019

TrishB I‘d love to go to Japan! 6y
julesG It reminds her of her happy place, says the woman who's reading on a Caribbean island right now. 🙈🙈🙈😸😸 6y
BarbaraBB @julesG Ooooh, I sound horrible! You‘re absolutely right!! I am so very happy right now too. I just chose this book months ago as the one for this prompt, not knowing then where I would be reading it 😯🙈🙈🙈🙈😘 6y
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julesG 😁😁 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I liked this one too! I recommend you read more of Higashino. 🙂 And I love Japan too! 6y
BarbaraBB @erzascarletbookgasm I will 😁, I mmediately bought a used copy of (edited) 6y
arubabookwoman That was the 1st book I read by Higashino and I liked it a lot. I've read a couple of others by him that I liked too. I envy your time in Curacao-of course I would pop over to Aruba too. 6y
BarbaraBB @arubabookwoman I hope you‘ll get there one day again, when your husband feels better! 6y
Cinfhen Since #booked2018 and the #JapaneseThriller prompt I‘ve become a fan of this genre. Your review of this book sounds excellent ❤️ 6y
Cinfhen Ha, but after reading the publisher‘s blurb I realized I bailed on this book last year 😂😂😂 6y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Really? For me it was the thriller I had been waiting for for months: one that didn‘t disappoint! #booked2018 made me a real fan too, That‘s why I used one again for #Booked2019 😉😘 6y
cathysaid Love this author. Just discovered 2017-18. 6y
BarbaraBB @cathysaid thanks! The Nakano Thrift Shop is on my tbr. Have you read 6y
Cinfhen I haven‘t read either book @cathysaid but I‘ve seen good reviews for Traveling Cat. 6y
cathysaid @BarbaraBB No! But it is now stacked...thanks! 6y
cathysaid @Cinfhen I was concerned the book would be too “sweet” but it was actually quite clever and beautifully written! 6y
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I heard about this book from Rincey on Book Riot‘s Read or Dead podcast (which I love). She loved this one and so did I! Fast read. If you love puzzles, you will like this one. #TheLetterD #LitsyAtoZ

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Clever and absorbing. The crime happened early on in the story, but the police investigation into the cover up is what makes it interesting. It‘s a battle of wits (and mutual respect) between two geniuses - a math genius and a physicist, who is assisting in the investigation. A story about ordinary people in a different culture, in their ordinary daily life. What drives them to live, to commit a murder, and to such devotion. I liked this one. 👍

Cathythoughts Great & interesting review ♥️👍🏻stacked 6y
batsy Nice review; I'm intrigued 🧐 Are you interested in reading his latest book? I'm not sure if that's part of a different series... 6y
See All 12 Comments
erzascarletbookgasm @batsy Yes, I‘m planning to read more of him. I‘ve read this and Midsummer‘s Equation. I have Malice on my TBR. I heard the new one is good. 6y
TrishB Great review and lovely cover 👍🏻 6y
Leftcoastzen This one on my TBR 6y
BarbaraBB I just bought this one! Looking forward to it. 6y
BarbaraBB Also, did you still not get or find Insomniac City? Was the track & trace code any help? I wonder what next step I can take to have it reach you 🤨 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @BarbaraBB I was just thinking of dropping you an email about this! I went to the post office today (was occupied last week) but they couldn‘t find any parcels for me. Apparently the tracking number doesn‘t help them. Since from your end of tracking it says the item has arrived in my country, it is only a matter of time before it reaches me. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I think I‘ll just wait it out. I suspect it must be left neglected somewhere in their store/warehouse, and due to the high traffic around Christmas season, and they‘re short handed 🤷‍♀️perhaps, it‘s stuck somewhere. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘m so sorry sending me a book is giving you much worry, @BarbaraBB 😔. I‘ll let you know as soon as I receive it. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @BarbaraBB I‘ve sent you an email. Please look. 6y
86 likes3 stack adds12 comments
Devotion of Suspect X | Keigo Higashino
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I don‘t feel like I missed anything by starting with the 3rd in the Detective Galileo series, because it‘s the kind of mystery novel that has the elements I love:
❤️Surprising plot.
❤️Intriguing characters, including a mathematician in a battle of wits with a physicist; and a single mother harassed by her ex-husband.
❤️Vivid setting (Tokyo).
❤️A focus on the psychological.

#Audiobook performed by David Pittu; #translation by Alexander O Smith.

Verdchtige Geliebte: Roman | Keigo Higashino
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So I finished. It was an interessting book and have a fresh art to explain what happend. But it have also boring and long capitals (and this book have only 300 pages). #crime #japan

Verdchtige Geliebte: Roman | Keigo Higashino
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Such a thrilling story. You know what's happened and don't want, that the police find tips. #thriller #crime #japan