"There lie the woods of Lothlorien! said Legolas. That is the fairest of all the dwellings of my people. There are no trees like the trees of that land. For in the autumn their leaves fall not, but turn to gold. Not till the spring comes and the new green opens do they fall, and then the boughs are laden with yellow flowers; and the floor of the wood is golden, and golden is the roof." ??
I'm really tired and cranky, so I'm glad I'm reading something so familiar. I love how Tolkien manages the tone shift from The Hobbit through to the darkness of most of LotR, pretty much by the time the hobbits reach Weathertop.
When I was reading yesterday, I realized that the individual book is only around 200 pages long, but when I was reading Hobbit, It was 289 pages long, but the text was larger and there were fewer words. Lord of the Rings has more words and smaller text.
The book is great so far, I never realized how long it took for Frodo to leave the Shire.
Been messing around the with app, I‘ve read this in the past but decided I want to track only what I read since joining litsy. How do I delete books from my stack? Also, when I add a competed book, why aren‘t my number of pages I‘ve read going up? Cheers all!
@JenlovesJT47 #tuesdaytidbits
1. "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door." From The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
2. "Houston we have a problem"?
3. Nuclear and Aluminum
4. ?? ?
It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.
I feel that some of the most profound quotes & imagery come from the detailed writings of J.R.R. Tolkien ?
Fellowship of the Ring
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."
These are my favorite books. They‘re beautifully written & drag me into a world of fantasy, emotion, and characters I fall in love with, root for, and feel with. I‘ve been reading them since high school and it‘s time for my yearly read -starting with the Fellowship and ending with The Hobbit (weird, I know). Reopening these books is like re-meeting old friends and discovering bits and pieces I‘ve somehow overlooked in previous readings.
I love booksleves, I never know how much I needed them 😁.
"Not all those who wander are lost."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
#jrrtolkien #thefellowshipofthering #fantasy #classics #reading #bibliophile
"The world indeed is full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater. " -J.R.R. Tolkien
It's a beautiful day today. And I'm feeling grateful.
I am playing the game of posting covers of my favorite books for 7 days on FB. I start with its one because Tolkien rules my heart in the fantasy genre.
Thank you so much @BookwormAHN ! I received your letter and will be replying in the next day or so. Hoping to have a letter out to you by Wednesday at latest. Sam is so cute!! And I loved the other goodies! The bookmark is already being put to good use. #litsypenpals
Well, all I can say in my defence is I had to sleep 😂 taking a break from The Dark Descent to continue The Fellowship of the Ring, that I am more than halfway through !
#24in48 #readathon
Yesterday was National Compliment Day so here‘s a belated compliment, courtesy of Bilbo Baggins. 😉
Finally a chance to sit back and relax...
LotR is picking up, and I have a warm drink
Life is good❤️
I hope everyone gets a few minutes to relax
I love Lothlórien #dreamflower Behind Hobbiton and The Last Lonely Home.. I would want to live here. #lotrchapteraday
#lotrchapteraday Reading the parts about Lorien I love that the Company sleeps in trees the first night and that Golum sneaks up the tree. Kind of scary. I love Gimli and Legolas' friendship. The crossing the river on ropes, that would have been fun to see in the movie.
Finished chapter 2 and read through 9 yesterday, still behind but trying to catch up in #lotrchapteraday I had forgotten how much trouble they had even just getting to Bree, our poor hobbits really should have listened to Bilbo about the danger
Chapter 10- gotta love Strider :) Face feels like someone is sitting on it today- hoping to get more reading done tomorrow! #lotrchapteraday
#lotrchapteraday I am unfortunately just now getting started in Fellowship, though I had finished The Hobbit days ago. Oh well, I will do my best to get caught up
Had surgery on Thursday on my nasal passages so I haven't felt much like reading. Going to try to catch up #lotrchapteraday ! Pictures with my three year service award- I was like oh I can chose a bookmark? Well that's an easy choice.
My TBR pile for August!!
📚Outlander for the #lengthylit
📚The fellowship of the ring for #lotrchapteraday
📚Witches Abroad for #LitsyAroundTheWorld
📚IT, since I missed the previous #lengthylit
Hour Twelve challenge! 1. Any audiobook with a full cast is sure to keep me engaged, and The Golden Compass is one of the best! 2. A good thriller will also keep my interest for a long period of time, and I enjoyed both In a Dark, Dark Wood and Woman in Cabin 10 narrated by Imogen Church. 3. What's better than an epic journey to listen to on your epic journey? The Fellowship of the Ring (dramatized) is the most epic of them all! #24in48
To complete my blurb-quote-review trilogy, I've chosen my favourite of the series, books one and two, commonly published together under the title 'the Fellowship of the Ring'. The remaining books are excellent too, but this early installation is my favourite, especially bits that never made the movie, like Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, or the encounter with the Barrow-wights. Essential fantasy reading for all. #fantasy #Tolkien #classics #mustread
I picked up this trilogy today for $9 at a used book store and my son bought me the Sam and Frodo Pop Figures.
If I were (FAMOUS CHARACTER), I would have gone to (RIDICULOUS LOCATION) with the (LEGENDARY FICTIONAL ITEM) instead. And go!
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost."
— J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring