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Outlawed | Anna North
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"A masterpiece." - R.O. Kwon "A grand, unforgettable tale." - Esm Weijun Wang "Reader, you are in for a real treat." - Jenny Zhang The Crucible meets True Grit in this riveting adventure story of a fugitive girl, a mysterious gang of robbers, and their dangerous mission to transform the Wild West. In the year of our Lord 1894, I became an outlaw. The day of her wedding, 17 year old Ada's life looks good; she loves her husband, and she loves working as an apprentice to her mother, a respected midwife. But after a year of marriage and no pregnancy, in a town where barren women are routinely hanged as witches, her survival depends on leaving behind everything she knows. She joins up with the notorious Hole in the Wall Gang, a band of outlaws led by a preacher-turned-robber known to all as the Kid. Charismatic, grandiose, and mercurial, the Kid is determined to create a safe haven for outcast women. But to make this dream a reality, the Gang hatches a treacherous plan that may get them all killed. And Ada must decide whether she's willing to risk her life for the possibility of a new kind of future for them all. Featuring an irresistibly no-nonsense, courageous, and determined heroine, Outlawed dusts off the myth of the old West and reignites the glimmering promise of the frontier with an entirely new set of feminist stakes. Anna North has crafted a pulse-racing, page-turning saga about the search for hope in the wake of death, and for truth in a climate of small-mindedness and fear.
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Outlawed | Anna North
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This was a fine book. Just very down the middle. I liked the old Western feeling of this book, but I wish there would have been more descriptions to really sink into the atmosphere. Also, it says she can't tell us what she accomplished with women being barren, I think I would have enjoyed that story better. I think a deep delve into her midwife career doing research on why some women are barren would have been super interesting. 2.5/5

Outlawed | Anna North
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This week I managed to finish the book for work and make decent progress in my other reads. I think I'm like 60% into Atlantis and 30% into Grass.

My goal for this week is to finish Grass and get more caught up in the ReadingWesteros Chapter A Day read.

Outlawed | Anna North
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I enjoyed this more than i thought I would. An interesting take on a world where woman are defined by their fertility. The ending felt a little abrupt but made sense for the character.

Outlawed | Anna North
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Had a pretty good reading week. I enjoyed both books I finished. One was my commute book so I was able to start another.

My goal this week is to make a dent in my current reads. The tagged is for work, ASoS is for ReadingWesteros, and Thistlefoot is for the SFFBC. If I manage to finish any of these I'll be starting my BookSpin which is Grass.

Outlawed | Anna North
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I had a phenomenal reading week and ended up finishing four books this week two of which I absolutely devoured. Arkady Martine is now a must read author for me.

My goal this week is to finish TMIaHM and make a dent in both the tagged and Saint of Bright Doors. If I have time I'll probably start my BookSpin draw when it comes up on Friday.

Outlawed | Anna North
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This is fun. Like a western version of The Crucible. That sounds dreadful actually but it isn't. It's very girl power.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 10mo
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Outlawed | Anna North
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#LeastFaveGenre is tricky for me as I read & enjoy books from many genres. I find I gravitate least to Westerns or books with that setting.

Still, I have enjoyed books in or somewhat the Western genre & these 3 books with “Western” tags are in my #TBR.

Eggs Well done 👍🏼 🐎 👏🏻 12mo
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Outlawed | Anna North
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My second roll book for this month‘s #roll100 ended up being a second in a series and since I didn‘t have the first one, I put it aside for now. Told my son to go grab a random book from my shelf to replace it with. Here was the pick. So far I am enjoying it.

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Outlawed | Anna North
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Setting: Women who can‘t have babies within their first year of marriage, are “not real women” & sentenced to hang. When one straight, white woman can‘t get pregnant, she joins a band of thieves &outlaws, women or non-binaries only, she risks all of their safety &comfort, for her own goals with little regard to the rest of them. the only male, gay character is so deeply abused. please reevaluate which women &queer people y‘all claim this serves

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Outlawed | Anna North
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I see this has mixed reviews, but I enjoyed it.

In an alternate old west, barren women are pushed out of society, often persecuted as witches or cursed. Main character Ada fails to have a baby after a year of marriage, and is sent to a convent. She learns of The Kid and the Hole in the Wall Gang and finds they are not what she expected.

I liked the quirkiness of all the gang members and Ada‘s drive to improve women‘s lives.

Hooked_on_books I thought this one was great. The mixed reviews really surprised me. I‘m glad you liked it! 1y
Gissy Glad to see a positive comment because I want to read it but it has low rating. I will try it🤗 1y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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A feminist Western - sign me up! I enjoyed this twist take on Billy the Kid.

Outlawed | Anna North
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Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this! But I wanted a little more from it.

I'm giving it a hesitant "Pick" status because I don't think "So-So" does the story justice.

Outlawed | Anna North
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Started #Outlawed today. It has quite a mixed bag of reviews! Have you read it?

The first couple pages gave me anxiety, but I have settled in a bit and am looking forward to the adventure ahead.

IndoorDame I really liked it! I also noticed how mixed the reviews were which gave me a few reservations before starting it. I think the combo of an out there concept and sort of middle of the road writing really put some people off. But the concept totally worked for me and it‘s one I plan to reread at some point. 2y
steph_phanie @IndoorDame I am glad to hear you liked it enough to reread it! That says a lot! 2y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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This book is a woot so far.

Outlawed | Anna North
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This didn't live up to the hype IMO. I've heard it described as cinematic & I absolutely agree. The alternate history was interesting but I wanted to see the winds of change starting to blow. I didn't feel the optimism I wanted at the end. The stories of all the women, maybe esp The Kid, were heartbreaking & well done. But I wanted more for them. Maybe that's my problem rather than the book's but I ended up not liking this the way I expected to.

bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks This was my #BookSpin for August 2y
Ruthiella I didn‘t love this one either. Cool concept, though. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
bookandbedandtea @Ruthiella Yes, a very cool concept, so it's a bummer that it fell short. 😕 2y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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Really fun. “The Kid” in this book is not Billy! Going to be a terrific movie, can‘t wait.

Outlawed | Anna North
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This is an alternate history version of classic westerns. I was drawn to it because I've always been interested in the Old West. The story felt a little uneven and I would have liked a more in-depth portrait of the "Hole-in-the-Wall Gang". I'm using this for #Booked2022 #NonPatriarchalSociety @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Agreed, fun but not fully developed 2y
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Outlawed | Anna North
Outlawed | Anna North

I had high hopes for this. A cowgirl, feminist, western? Sounds good to me! Unfortunately, this book didn‘t quite hit my boxes. 4/10

Outlawed | Anna North
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This book had me at “genderqueer cowboys” and only continued to impress me. While rushed in some parts, I felt that the plot escalated very naturally. The pace didn‘t feel forced, even for a ~260 page book :) I loved the character dynamics, and the explorations of what it means to be different, define yourself, and find community (even amongst outlaws!) Top tier pick for me personally :)

Outlawed | Anna North
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I appreciated the clear, concise prose and how well North captures the starkness of the landscape in which most of the story occurs. It reminded me, in some interesting ways, of Katherine Paterson's Jacob Have I Loved. The theme is all too timely.

Outlawed | Anna North

I really enjoyed this story about a woman who was unable to conceive and joined a gang of women. It was a fun story 4/5

Outlawed | Anna North
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An alternate history with a feminist slant. What if an epidemic wiped out most of the population in the US mid-19th century and the became primarily fundamentalist Christian with an emphasis on bearing children and shunning women who were unable to conceive? Ada‘s mother is a respected midwife, but she cannot protect her when Ada is run out of town as a witch. But Ada finds refuge in an unlikely place.

#Booked2022 Non-patriarchal society.

Cinfhen Great choice - love the collage 2y
Ruthiella @Cinfhen Thanks! 2y
Cathythoughts Great pictures ❤️ 2y
Ruthiella @Cathythoughts Thanks Cathy! 😊 2y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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Amazing concept: a feminist western that is a bit of a gender bent “Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid” mashed up with “A Handmaids Tale”. But the constant info drops (all tell, no show) and lack of true character development really killed it for me. And the audio narrator didn‘t do a great job with the voices- using a completely different voice for the same person.

BkClubCare Darn, I bought this ebook on a sale. I will temper my expectations. Might be awhile before I start it, too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 2y
Sarahreadstoomuch @BkClubCare I was really aggravated with the audio narrator. Maybe it will read differently? 2y
BkClubCare @Sarahreadstoomuch - yes, narrator can have a lot of influence. What is your favorite audiobook that is due to narration? 2y
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Sarahreadstoomuch @BkClubCare loved the Game of Thrones books - amazing narrator. And I tend to recommend Born a Crime as well. I‘ve found Julia Whelan to be a reliably good narrator too. Oh and there‘s a Irishman too… can‘t remember his name but I‘d love to listen to another with him! 2y
BkClubCare @Sarahreadstoomuch - I think I just listened to Julia Whelan! And Born a Crime is tops, for sure. Check out Beautiful Ruins for a lovely narrator- I can‘t recall how to spell his name … brb… Ballerini 2y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ • I really liked this, although most characters weren‘t developed enough.

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Outlawed | Anna North
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Clwojick Lovely! You‘re reading so many books that are on my 2022 TBR! 3y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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I saw tons of mixed reviews for this one when it came out last year, so I was a little surprised when I ended up really liking it. I think this is the third alternate history feminist western I‘ve really dug in the last few years. Who knew that was even a genre? I‘ll have to be on the lookout for more. #PopSugar2022 #Booked2022 #AboutANonPatriarchalSocietyorEcoFeministNovel #BBRC Adult Alternate History #LGBTQBookBingo #F/MLove

Johanna414 I think I‘m going to read this for the PopSugar challenge too 3y
BookBosomed1 I‘ve read this book. What are the other alternative history feminist westerns you‘ve ready? 3y
Cinfhen Well done 👍🏽 🤠 3y
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IndoorDame @BookBosomed1 Dread Nation and Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland 3y
OriginalCyn620 I read this one for those same prompts and liked it way more than I thought I would! I love when that happens! 3y
alisiakae Great pick for this prompt! If you like the feminist western genre, you should check out this one: 3y
IndoorDame @4thhouseontheleft oh awesome! thanks for the rec. I just added it to my TBR. 3y
LibrarianRyan yeahh 3y
Kenyazero Alt history feminist Western sounds like a ton of fun! 3y
IndoorDame @OriginalCyn620 me too! Always the best surprise! It‘s a great feeling. Like you won something 😁🙌🥇📚 3y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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The Wild West meets The Handmaid‘s Tale! I liked this way more than I thought I would, though I probably wouldn‘t have read it if it didn‘t fulfill a couple of my reading challenges. Just goes to show that reading challenges can help you broaden your horizons by finding and liking books that you otherwise would not have picked up!

#bookspinbingo - free space
#pop22 and #booked2022 - non patriarchal society

EvieBee That‘s an interesting way of describing it! I might have to check it out. 3y
Lizpixie Yes they can, that‘s why I do so many.👍 3y
Cinfhen Cool choice 🤠💖 3y
Clwojick Ahh! So glad you enjoyed this as it‘s coming up soon on my TBR! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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Barren women, ejected from society, become criminal outlaws in order to survive, but there‘s a serious undertone to this Wild West adventure. If you like your social politics (feminist, sexuality, gender identity, race and reproductive rights) delivered in an alternate history 19th-century western, this novel is for you. #LGBTQ

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Outlawed | Anna North
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I know how living under a false name depletes the storehouse of the heart.

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Outlawed | Anna North

I read this in January so my original review was I liked it and I mean it's been 11 months now so I guess I did to a point but it has no staying power. Ada doesn't get pregnant in her first year of marriage so her mother tries tricks and eventually she has to run away. I didn't love it but maybe that's because I'm suffering through my own round of infertility and there's no magic in it, and setting it in the west of the future was a weird choice.

Outlawed | Anna North
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What an adventure! I didn‘t know what to expect with this book, but was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. North‘s prose is fast-paced, fun, and easy to consume. Her alt-history of the United States in the 1890s and take on the Western genre is fresh, but women‘s precarious position in this fertility focused society is a little too close for comfort if you‘re concerned about the attack on reproductive justice unfolding today. 4 ⭐️

Outlawed | Anna North
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Married a year with no baby to show for it, Ada finds herself
accused of being barren & a witch, the latter of which is a hanging offense in this 1890s America. Abandoned by her husband, Ada leaves town to protect her family & eventually finds her way to the Hole in the Wall gang & a chance for a better life. I really enjoyed this “feminist western” that explores gender, fertility, family, survival & more. A very timely (unfortunately so) story.

Outlawed | Anna North
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There was a lot to like about this book. I love the alternate timeline that has so much of our own history peppered in at all the right places. I love the all female band of misfits, outcast for not being the perfect specimen, even when it was the church's God that was in control of that imperfection. It was a little slow moving at some places but all in all I really liked the story.


Libby1 This looks good. I looked at the description, which talks about the Hole in the Wall Gang. Where I live in Northern Ireland a “hole in the wall” is the term used for an ATM! The Hole in the Wall Gang is also a troupe of comedic actors here! If I read the book I‘ll have to block all those associations from my mind. 3y
nichollinlove @Libby1 There's a bit of mixed meaning for both "Hole in the Wall Gang" and their leader "The Kid" here in the states too. The gang is associated with a 70s/80s Vegas mafia/mob group and The Kid is more of the era of the book - mid to late 1800s cowboy Billy the Kid. Though they explain why they call themselves that and I think it helps place their gang name to this story. 3y
Libby1 Excellent! Thanks for the explanation. 3y
nichollinlove What I wrote doesn't read well but those are two separate thoughts ? The book explains their gang name and why The Kid is just "The Kid" as well. 3y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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Reading by the pool today…

Outlawed | Anna North
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This #althistory of the West leans heavily on Medieval European witch-hunts and a True Grit-style heroine.
I‘m having trouble with it.
While I really enjoyed the concept of a gender-bent Hole in the Wall gang, this book seems to imply that queerness in women stems from barrenness…? There could have been a lot more here regarding what it means to be a woman when you can't have children.

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Outlawed | Anna North
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I picked this book because it had a cool cover and was NOT disappointed. It was my first ever cowboy book! All the cowboys were women and the only man ate pussy. The main character was a cowboy who was passionate about women‘s healthcare. I couldn‘t have dreamed of a better book.

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Outlawed | Anna North
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I really loved the start of the book. It‘s a feminist western with a Handmaid‘s Tale twist. As the story went on it lagged a bit and by the end I wasn‘t as invested as I once was. I appreciated the LGBTQ+ representation and the writing was masterful. Overall I have to give it a Pick.

Outlawed | Anna North

very bad

Outlawed | Anna North
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I am really starting to enjoy queer, female-centric Westerns, but I did not love this one as much as Upright Women Wanted. The plot was great, but the characters were not feared out enough, and I hard a hard time distinguishing between the different members of the Hole in the Wall gang.

Also, it‘s been a crazy and stressful week, but @Marmie7 I sent my #lmpbc book to you today. I didn2 day shipping, so you should get it on Monday.

Outlawed | Anna North
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Jumping in to #20in4 readathon this weekend. I‘ve got some 2021 releases on my plate I‘m hoping to read:

📖 Outlawed by Anna North
📖 Aftershocks by Nadia Owusu
🎧 The Body is not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor

Lots and lots of laundry to do today, so will be do focusing on the audiobook!

Andrew65 Good luck with the Readathon and the laundry. 3y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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I have to admit I was expecting a little more from this (I may have, unfairly, had ‘Even Cowgirls Get the Blues‘ in mind thanks to this fun cover) but it was a decent read at a time when I need a little escape at the moment 😊

Outlawed | Anna North
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Spa day!! Got here 4 hours before my massage to enjoy the amenities and read with the sound of falling water in the background!

TrishB Lovely ♥️ 3y
Branwen Enjoy! 💖 3y
LeahBergen Wonderful! 3y
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Cathythoughts So nice 3y
Megabooks Awesome! 3y
Soubhiville That sounds so nice! 3y
marleed As you should! 3y
BarbaraBB Enjoy 🤍 3y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

I've seen many mixed reviews on this one, but it's a definite pick for me. I loved the characters North created and how she manipulated the typical Western world to fit them in. The backstory for each character was fascinating to learn about as the story unfolds.

If you enjoyed Upright Women Wanted, give this one a try.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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Finished!! Great book! A female led western .. never thought I‘d read a western but it was good! Not too graphic, just a nice story.

Outlawed | Anna North
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ slow and dragged at times

Outlawed | Anna North
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My beautiful beach day on Monday betrayed me and now I‘ve got skin as pink as the cover of this book. 😅

However, spending a day away from the sun did give me the nerve to read a library book at the beach, so it wasn‘t all bad! This story was excellent — I loved all the sexual preference/gender fluidity throughout the book and the way the gang related to each other. I loved Ada‘s backstory and how it powered her forward. I would LOVE a sequel!

Outlawed | Anna North
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I‘m too ashamed to actually stack my unread #BOTM books, but I‘m sure it‘s as tall as my shortest friend at this point. Determined to lighten this load. LOVE this cover and it seems super short, so diving in! I‘m pretty sure this one previously got the “1 page and ditch” during one of my more moody book selection moments. Anyone read it?? #outlawed

brittanyreads I was surprised I enjoyed it as much as I did! I hope you do too! 3y
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Outlawed | Anna North
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13-29 May 2021
The start and end of this ‘feminist western‘ intrigued me. I loved Ada‘s study of midwifery and obstetrics and her yearning to understand infertility. The slightly alternative US where barren women were denounced as witches was fascinating. The middle section was not for me. I was not interested in banditry or gunfights and was not sure I liked many of the gang or their treatment of Ada. Barely scraped a pick - for the ending.

Outlawed | Anna North
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I enjoyed this. It was fun and fairly engaging. I think the premise and world building were really interesting, but it could have done a lot more with it and the characters. Good, not great. But a great book for my reading slump.