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Isn't It Bromantic?
Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
54 posts | 62 read | 14 to read
With his passion for romance novels, it was only a matter of time before Vlad took up the pen to write a novel the Bromance Book Club would swoon over. Elena Konnikova has lived her entire adult life in the shadows. As the daughter of a Russian journalist who mysteriously disappeared after speaking out against government corruption, she escaped danger the only way she knew how. She agreed to marry her childhood friend, Vladimir, and move to the United States, where he is a professional hockey player in Nashville. Vlad, aka The Russian, thought he could be content with his marriage of convenience. But after four years, it's become too difficult to continue in a one-sided relationship. He joined the Bromance Book Club to learn how to make his wife love him, but all he's learned is that he deserves more. He's ready to create his own sweeping romance--both on and off the page. The Bros are unwilling to let Vlad forgo true love--and this time they're not operating solo. They join forces with Vlad's senior citizen neighbors, a group of meddling widows who call themselves The Loners. Just when things finally look promising, the danger from Elena's past life intrudes, and the book club will face their first-ever life-or-death grand gesture as they race to a happy ever after.
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Another #BookChain set completed.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looking great!! 3mo
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I absolutely love Vlad! I‘m glad we got his story & he got his HEA. I don‘t think that‘s a spoiler. It‘s a rom-com so a HEA is expected.
#BookSpinBingo #Roll100 #SeriesLove2024
@TheAromaofBooks @PuddleJumper @Andrew65 @TheSpineView @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude

TheSpineView Fantastic! 4mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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KadaGul @Read4life If anyone who read 📖 the series will absolutely 💯 understand the reference. Mack isnt an athlete. #UncoverBromance 4mo
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Second Wicked Words done on day two of the year! #hotel #wickedwords @AsYouWish

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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1. My husband watches a lot of sports, so I watch a lot of sports. Luckily, I enjoy watching sports, especially baseball. ⚾️
2. The tagged book features a Russian hockey player in a marriage of convenience. Or is it? 😏

TheSpineView Books sounds interesting. Thanks for playing 10mo
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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DO VLAD AND ELENA KNOW I ADORE THEM??? Loved the modern "marriage of convenience," loved their dynamic, loved the drama at the end. A top-tier series installment! #romcom #contemporaryromance

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Vlad is my favorite character so I‘m glad he got his own book.

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Super sad this is the last in the series for me to read (because I read #5 out of order lol). Loved this one because the Russian is my favorite character. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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“He was a fraud. He‘d joined the book club because Mack had said ‘the manuals,‘ as they called the romance novels they read, would help him be the best husband he could to his wife, Elena, but, of course, he had failed.

“Because his #marriage had never been real.”

Aww Vlad. 😭


Eggs Perfection❤️👍🏼🧡 1y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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This series is a lot of fun, always enjoyable.

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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ISN‘T IT BROMANTIC? is great so far, but I‘ve barely made any progress with it because last Tuesday somebody posted about their recently completed book nook, and I splurged on one for myself, and it arrived Saturday, and IT HAS TAKEN OVER MY LIFE. I‘m totally addicted to creating tiny things and slotting them into tiny buildings. So far I‘ve completed an entire tiny hotel and I‘ve got all the stuff made for a tiny sweet shop. Tomorrow, it rises.

psalva That looks really cute! Is this a kit? 1y
xicanti @psalva yep! It‘s a book-sized alleyway scene that folds out so you can enjoy the whole thing at once. This is just the first half. 1y
BiblioLitten May I ask where you bought the book book kit from? 1y
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xicanti @BiblioLitten I ordered it from Amazon; my first physical purchase from there in years. After I placed the order, I learned that my local fancy toy shop does stock some, but they were all simpler and more expensive than this one. It‘s called Cherry Blossom Alley and it seems like a bunch of third party sellers are offering it right now. 1y
BiblioLitten Thank you 😊. I‘ll check it out. 1y
xicanti @BiblioLitten warning: it‘s sooooo easy to spend hours looking through all the kits on offer! There are some really beautiful ones. 1y
BiblioLitten Gosh! I was starting to do just that.😅😅 1y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Lyssa Kay Adams is always a hit with me and this was an enjoyable, easy read to get into and done over the course of two days. Cute rom com for the series.

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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These seem to be acquiring a bit more depth. They manage to retain the humor and sense of camaraderie, though. Lots of fun with just a bit of steam.

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Vlad, aka the Russian, is injured from a hockey game. He asks his wife he hasn‘t talked to in a while to take care of him. The Bromance Bookclub is back to help them fall back in love and repair their marriage.

This one was okay. The writing could‘ve been better. There were a couple cute and funny parts, but there could‘ve been more. I mostly just wish it had more spice.

mybookishaffair I looked so forward to this one - But in reality I struggled all the way through it. 2y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Yay! I was waiting for this one! This is the 4th book of the Bromance Book Club series and it's my favorite. I fell in love with the Russian during the first book so I was thrilled that he got his own happily ever after. It was sweet, cute, and funny. I rate it 4 ⭐️.

#BookSpinBingo #11

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 2y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Here‘s my May #bookspinbingo recap.

I was completely sucked into Ruby Dixon‘s Ice Planet Barbarians series on KU, forsaking most of my original reading plans for the month, but giving me lots of bingos. This series is just so much fun and I finished most books in a day or two.

Finished my #bookspin which was the tagged book and my favorite of the series so far. 💖🧀🏒 The whole “cheese man” part cracked me up and I love the Russian!!


MeganAnn @TheAromaofBooks #doublespin was Jane Austen at Home which I‘m still working my way through and really enjoying. I did finish Lady Susan for #pemberlittens which was good and am still working on the Tenant of Wildfell Hall. ⬇️
MeganAnn @PuddleJumper Also finished 2 of the 3 #roll100 picks this month. 1) Glaciers which was a lovely little book completely different than what I expected. 2) The Feast of Roses which I really enjoyed. The author managed to transport me straight to India every time I picked up the book and I was enthralled with these characters. My only complaint was that the last quarter of the book lost some of its steam and seemed to slow way down. 2y
Kayla.Adriena I've read the first two Ice Barbarians, I know what you mean 😆 2y
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MeganAnn Wolfsong was very good as well and more romantic than I was originally expecting. Perfect to read outdoors while camping last weekend. 🐺🐺 And finally, I also loved The Memory Police which was my #lmpbc title this month @Kayla.Adriena @phantomx @MaleficentBookDragon It was mailed out to you today so you should have it next week. (edited) 2y
MeganAnn @Kayla.Adriena who knew big blue aliens could be so sexy and endearing?! 😂 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!!! 2y
Zuhkeeyah Ice Barbarians? I‘m officially very curious and will be checking this series out. 2y
MeganAnn @Zuhkeeyah it‘s very fun! I‘m currently reading the book 16/22 and she has other spin off series as well. 😉 Although be warned it‘s full of well described sexy times if that‘s not your thing. Here‘s the first book (edited) 2y
Zuhkeeyah @MeganAnn oh the cover made it very clear sexy times are ahead. Turns out my library has the whole series on audiobook 😎 2y
Kayla.Adriena P.S I don't have a book to mail to you for #LMPBC for June, as soon as I receive it I'll read it mark it and send it off 😀 2y
MeganAnn @Zuhkeeyah awesome! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have! 2y
MeganAnn @Kayla.Adriena thanks for the heads up and no worries. 😊 2y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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So…I was really interested in The Russian‘s story from his mentions in the previous books. But reading the premise and finding out he was already married sort of made me…less interested. But then I dug in and, well, it‘s my favorite. Isn‘t it funny when that happens?

Side note - I need a book with the Cheese Man because cheese is my favorite food group. 🧀🤣

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams

The best one yet!

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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#LitsyLoveValentinesDaySwap #LLVDS @rsteve388 I just loved the package you sent me! I love everything!The books are on my TBR and I‘m so excited to read them, and I adore the little bookmark with the mouse. Thanks so much!

AmyG I have this bookmark. It‘s so cute! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 2y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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This was a really fun addition to Adams‘ Bromance series - I enjoyed the “marriage of convenience” trope as it‘s one I don‘t usually read, and, as always, I enjoyed watching the “bros” subvert toxic masculinity in all their weird ways. Definitely a series I‘ll continue reading.

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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Spending our Thanksgiving in Frankenmuth since my family and my husband‘s family are still in Iowa so it‘s just me, the husband, and our kiddo! Fine with me as I love spending time with just my little family and some good reads.

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Book four in the series! I'm super excited for this one!

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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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So I fell in love with Vlad in this book, but never quite warmed up to Elena 100%, but I like her a lot. Not my favorite in the series because I hate big misunderstandings. Also, the neighbor Claud was too much for me. Still, yay for Vlad! Glad he figured out his gluten intolerance 👍🏽

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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I have been loving this romance series and was so excited for Vlad to have his own book! It was very sweet, but I did end up feeling like there was no real conflict to overcome here.

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Sweet, silly, delightful. Cozy quick read, loved the Russian‘s romance! Another great story in the series, I hope it won‘t be the last. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #romantsy

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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#currentread So excited about book 4 in the series!

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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I just got off the inaugural Men Read Romance book club meeting with the 4 authors from Lyssa‘s inaugural subscription box (Lyssa Kay Adams, Melonie Johnson, Kate Bromley, & Lucy Eden). It was only me and one other reader with these 4 amazing authors. So.much.fun.

TheSpineView Cool!👍🤩📖 3y
Sharpeipup Wish I‘d known about it…that sounds amazing! 3y
wanderinglynn @Sharpeipup this was just the first one. There will be more corresponding with her quarterly MRR subscription box. And Lyssa has a Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/menreadromance/?ref=share 3y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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My current view which would be perfect reading weather only I‘m at work. Sigh.

Texreader How lovely!! 3y
wanderinglynn What a great view, even if you are working and not reading. 💚 3y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Is this the last in Lyssa‘s fun romcom series? The Russian must woo his wife in the latest. The book club comes to the rescue with great advice. This is what men should aspire to and what they should be reading.

behudd It‘s the latest, but not the last! She has a Christmas one coming out next year 🎄🎉 (edited) 3y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Absolutely love this series!! Another funny and sweet read!!! 💜💜💜

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I love this series, and was so excited for Vlad's book. Unlike the others in the series, the second romance novel interspersed throughout isn't just a book the book club's reading, but the romance novel Vlad is currently writing. This was a great romance and Elena and Vlad navigate what they really want out of their relationship.

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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Adams has made some interesting choices with the Russian in the earlier books so it was nice to finally see him as a full character. Very sweet second chance story.

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Unlike my pup I have been dying to read this book since I read the first in the series and fell in love with the Russian!

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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I‘m so happy that the Russian got his own HEA story. All the feels. ❤️

As for #AwesomeAugust, I started the week off strong with 4 books in 4 days, then got derailed. This is book 5 but I still haven‘t finished my July #bookspin 🤷🏼‍♀️ Oh well. Maybe next readathon 😆

Andrew65 5 books is still a great total 👏👏👏 3y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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This was probably my favorite of the series. Vlad has been a standout character throughout the series and it‘s great to see his HEA with his mysterious wife. Though this is book 4 in the series, it does work as a standalone. Miscommunication is a big part of this book and it can verge on cringy, but it‘s worth reading through. 4⭐️ A free space for my #bookspinbingo #romantsy

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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Pretty cute romance story with miscommunication trope. It is a delightful and cheesy rom-com, but the execution felt schematic. The main characters felt like strangers around each other, not best friends since childhood.. This was an okay book!

CaroPi I loved the first book in the series. The second one was ok. Despite the fact that the topic of me too was mentioned. Not sure if I will read the next two 3y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I want a cheese man. I want a Russian. I thought there would be more of a mob connection. I wanted more closure of her father‘s story at the end. But mostly I love the Russian.

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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“Do you know what happens when you milk a cow too many times?” I mean as a farm kid, had similar conversations.

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams

Black market cheese shop?

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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The Russian has always seems to me to be quirky and sensitive but to get his full story was amazing. I think I like him the best. For this towering man to be this teddy bear who is just trying to do the right thing was enduring. He struggled was very real...having the best of intention but trying not to hurt the other person.

August Book 7/25 #LitsyLove #bookspinbingo

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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The inaugural Men Read Romance Subscription Box includes Lyssa‘s newest Bromance Bookclub book (tagged), Blind Date with a Book Boyfriend, Talk Bookish To Me, and Too Good To Be Real. So excited to dive into these!


julesG Great box! Now I'd like to know how many men subscribed to this. 😁 3y
wanderinglynn @julesG that would be interesting to know. 3y
julesG Wouldn't it? 3y
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MidnightBookGirl Wow!!! Blind Date with a Book Boyfriend looks so good! 3y
wanderinglynn @MidnightBookGirl I thought so too! I plan to read it after I finish the JD Robb book. 👍🏻 3y
Ahw06 To Good To Be Real looks so cute! 3y
wanderinglynn @Ahw06 👍🏻 Lyssa did a good job curating the box (edited) 3y
Ahw06 @wanderinglynn it looks like a wonderful selection of titles! (edited) 3y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I loved this series and loved this book. I was so excited to hear that The Russian was getting his own book. This book didn‘t disappoint. I had so many laugh out loud moments while I listened to the audiobook. To the point my mom asked me what I was laughing about. I am so glad that Elena and Vlad finally communicated with each other and got their happily ever after. Can‘t wait to see who the next book is about!

wanderinglynn I can‘t wait to read it! I love this series. 💜 3y
Lovesbooks87 @wanderinglynn it was so good! I listened to the audiobook without stopping it. Can‘t wait to hear what you think about it! 3y
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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There is always a character in a series that readers MUST have a story for: The Russian is that character. A similar premise in that the Bromance book club must help Vlad in his relationship, but this books adds so many more amazing characters and an often unheard of relationship scenario. It was fun, tear inducing, and heartwarming. I think Vlad needs his own series 🤣😉


Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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The latest in the Bromance Book Club series might be my favorite.

Vlad aka “The Russian,” married his childhood best friend to get her to the US where he plays professional hockey after her journalist father disappeared. Vlad has always hoped for more than a marriage of convenience, but Elana has finished her degree and will soon head back to Russia.

Can the guys help their friend capture the heart of the woman he loves before it‘s too late?

Isn't It Bromantic? | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I love the Russian. He‘s been one of my favorite book clubbers and as soon as I realized that he was getting his own story - I preordered it immediately. It truly didn‘t disappoint. Elena and Vlad are so sweet. I loved so many of the small parts that were added (animals and new friendships specifically).

The second book might have been my favorite… but this one just may have taken the spot.