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Murder in the Snow
Murder in the Snow: A Gripping 1920s Historical Cozy Mystery | Verity Bright
62 posts | 17 read | 11 to read
An English Christmas has mince pies, cheerful carols, a twinkling tree... and a murder? Thank goodness Lady Swift is on the scene! Winter, 1920. Amateur sleuth Lady Eleanor Swift is feeling festive. She is playing host to the entire village at Henley Hall for gifts, games and gingerbread. She's also purchased perfect presents for each of her household - not forgetting the biggest bone in the butcher's shop for her partner in crime, Gladstone the bulldog - and is looking forward to celebrating her first English country Christmas. As snowflakes fall, Eleanor is cheering on contestants in the traditional Christmas fun run in the grounds of the Hall. But tragedy strikes when one of the runners drops dead at the finish line. Dashing Detective Seldon is convinced it's just a heart attack, but Eleanor isn't so sure. When she finds a rather distinctive key where the man fell, Eleanor knows she'll never rest until she finds out the truth about what happened in her own home. Next the vicar is taken ill with what looks like poison and Eleanor starts to wonder if the two cases are linked. When someone tries to frame her by planting poisoned berries in her own kitchen, she knows speed is of the essence. But the entire village was at Henley Hall for the festivities and Eleanor has enough suspects to stuff a town full of turkeys. Can she nail the true killer and clear her name in time for Christmas? Christmas won't be complete without it! A festive treat for fans of Agatha Christie, TE Kinsey and Lee Strauss. Readers absolutely adore Verity Bright! 'Oooh I loved this book... I wanted a book which would be absolutely soothing to read with a murder in it and this was it. The book was everything I wanted in these troubling times. I loved it.' Book Reviews by Shalini 'Worth the wait!! It was an excellent visit once again with people that felt like old friends. I can't wait until the next book in the series is ready to read. Verity Bright has created endearing characters that you want to spend time with again and again.' NetGalley Reviewer ??????????
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Last one! I fell super behind on the #sundaybuddyread discussions but I'm glad it put this on my radar. It was the perfect cozy mystery for me to dip into throughout the month as a break from all the romance 😅
Lady Swift and Clifford's relationship was a joy to watch as they were sleuthing together. It reminded me a little bit of Father Brown, especially how the inspector is always a bit peeved when the amateurs get involved lol

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I finished this over a week ago but still haven't gotten around to the final set of questions. 6mo
TheBookHippie I enjoyed this one! 6mo
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Enjoyable last book of the year! #wintergames @StayCurious

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#DashingDecember #readathon

Here are the books I finished.
thanks for hosting @Andrew65 !

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Wasn‘t quite my cup of tea (pun intended). But this was fun finish to the end of the year for #sundaybuddyread. And Gladstone was delightful

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This is just a fun murder mystery set at Christmas. Set in the 1920s, the best parts are the bulldog and the butler but also the descriptions of the house, food and decorations.

#SundayBuddyRead @TheBookHippie

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheBookHippie This was FUN! And yay booksleeve! 7mo
vlwelser @TheBookHippie I love the book sleeve. I may be a new convert. 7mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser 😂😂😂 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 7mo
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#Rushathon #DashingDecember #SeriesLove2023

Read with #SundayBuddyRead 📚 Book 4 in a cozy mystery series set in 1920s England. Eleanor Swift is newly transplanted to her (dead) uncle‘s estate & accompanied by bulldog Gladstone, solves mysteries with the help of butler, Clifford. Fun & charming, I enjoyed the characters (especially Gladstone the naughty dog) & I‘m planning on going back & reading the first 3 books next year. A good holiday read.

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎄🎅🏼🎄 7mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 7mo
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TheBookHippie The dog!!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 7mo
TheBookHippie @Andrew65 you would love these!!! 7mo
Andrew65 @TheBookHippie Yes I tried to get hold of this to join in, but unfortunately wasn‘t able to get hold of a copy. Will have to keep searching! 7mo
AnnR Such a cute post! 7mo
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That‘s a WRAP!!! I much preferred a murder to solve than a courtship to endure 😂🙃😅😵‍💫!

I am so grateful for all of you and Sundays!!
I‘ll be posting some throw backs the next two Sundays -just for fun -of books from our year!
Stop in and say hi!

On to 2024!! https://bookhippie.com/index.php/2023/10/01/2024-sunday-buddy-read/

IndoorDame Thank you for a great year! You make Sundays really special 💜 7mo
Librarybelle Yay! Great choice for this month! 7mo
vonnie862 It's always fun to join on Sundays! Looking forward to 2024! 7mo
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AmyG As always, thank you so very much for all you do for “book club”. I love this group. Wishing everyone a great holiday. See you in 2024! 7mo
mcctrish I loved this month‘s pick!!! I‘m reading a holiday romance right now and I‘m wondering what is going on with me ?! Thank you so much for Sundays! I‘m so glad I stumbled upon you all, maybe someday I will be in your ‘hood and we can meet irl #agirlcandream 7mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish I promise to feed you well and give you books! ♥️ I‘m so glad you found us! 7mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 7mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶 7mo
AmyG @mcctrish HA! (About reading romances) 7mo
mcctrish @AmyG I know 🤯🤦🏻‍♀️ 7mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie ❤️❤️❤️ 7mo
vlwelser I vastly preferred the Christmas murder mystery. 7mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser SAME💀☠️🏴‍☠️ 7mo
Karisa Great pick! Thank you again for creating this space for us all, Christine. I look forward to our time here every Sunday with you all. 7mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 7mo
Deblovestoread Thank you for our Sundays! Even if I don‘t comment I love reading along and enjoy reading everyone else‘s comments and all your extra research. 😊 7mo
TheBookHippie @Deblovestoread ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 7mo
DebinHawaii Sundays are my favorites! I get up & usually respond to the questions over breakfast so it‘s a great start to the day! Thank you for all you do to host us & make it fun & informative! Looking forward to 2024! 🎉📚🎉 7mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 7mo
Read4life I‘m so happy I joined this group! Even when my eyes & migraines are acting up the discussions on Sundays really make me feel better. 7mo
TheBookHippie @Read4life YAY! Several of us in this group have severe migraine and or autoimmune things. This is our happy thing to look forward to! So glad you joined us. 7mo
kspenmoll This was such a seasonal delight! Sunday discussions enhance my reading & it‘s wonderful to see the usual & new Littens! Christine thanks for all the work- all the engaging links that make these reads/discussion a fun learning experience! 7mo
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll ♥️♥️♥️♥️it‘s been such a gift! 7mo
Sargar114 Thank you for our Sundays! ❤️❤️❤️ 7mo
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IndoorDame Definitely a satisfying ending. I‘m not rushing to read the whole series immediately, but I‘m excited to have another cozy series I can reach for when the mood strikes. 7mo
Librarybelle I was glad we can say goodbye to Lancelot as a love interest! I‘m very interested in reading more in the series. 7mo
vonnie862 I liked the ending and I'm curious about why Lancelot was a thing. 7mo
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AmyG I thought the ending wrapped up nicely. I‘d perhaps read more of the series if I didn‘t have a million other books to read. 7mo
mcctrish I loved the ending. It seemed like such a cozy mystery with E and C poking their noses in here and there and making notes in journals and then Eleanor is switching cups of tea and being jumped with a knife and Clifford shows up with a shotgun and it was CRAZY! This series should be on tv !!!! I wish I was someone and could make it happen 7mo
vlwelser The cheese straws for sure. I don't know if I will be reading more of these I already have so many series started that I seem to have abandoned. I should get back to Poirot and Miss Marple though. 7mo
Karisa They feel like they‘d be nice palate cleansers after an especially heavy read. Cozy for sure! Perfect pick for this hectic time of year. 7mo
Deblovestoread I will likely continue the series as palate cleansers spaced fairly far apart. 7mo
DebinHawaii Cheese straws are the best! 😋 I am intending on reading the first three for sure as my series-out-of-order issues require it. 😉 I also like that they are on Kindle Unlimited. I will decide at that point whether to keep going. Although I don‘t *need* another cozy series to commit to, these seem fun & a change for me due to their era/setting. 7mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii it‘s so fun they are on kindle! 7mo
Read4life I enjoyed the book and the ending. Since they‘re on Kindle Unlimited I may read more as free spaces for #BookSpinBingo 🤓 7mo
kspenmoll I plan to read as many as I can! Yay for kindle unlimited! Satisfying ending, would love some of those cheese sticks and chutney (edited) 7mo
AnnR @Librarybelle @vonnie862 I felt the same about the Lancelot storyline. It almost felt like an obligatory romance that was inserted into the book. I don't think it's necessary for every cozy to have a potential love interest for a main character but I'm not really into romance novels either. 🤷 7mo
TheBookHippie @AnnR SAME. 😂😝 7mo
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Did you like Eleanor in the end?

My favorites are the dog and Clifford 🙃

Fun towns people and staff.

IndoorDame I second your nominations for the naughty puppy and Clifford! I stayed sort of neutral on Eleanor the whole time 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7mo
Librarybelle I think Eleanor grows on you, but I‘d really like to see how her character develops. Clifford and Gladstone for the win! 7mo
vonnie862 Eleanor was ok. I'm with you ladies, I'm all about Clifford and Gladstones. 7mo
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AmyG I really liked Eleanor. She seemed like a decent woman. I, too, loved Clifford and Gladstone. 7mo
mcctrish I‘m with @AmyG I really like Eleanor - she makes me think of Ted Lasso 🤣 she‘s curious, not judgmental and gives people second chances 7mo
vlwelser Definitely Gladstone and Clifford. But Eleanor is also good. 7mo
Deblovestoread Love Clifford and Gladstone and would like to get more of Eleanor‘s backstory. 7mo
DebinHawaii I like Eleanor & I think she‘ll grow on me even more but Gladstone is the best! I love Clifford too-he has more hidden depths & background to explore. 7mo
Read4life Gladstone is the star! 7mo
kspenmoll I liked Eleanor from the beginning- of course Clifford & Gladstone were great characters- can‘t imagine what her previous books are like w/o them. 7mo
Sargar114 Team Gladstone for sure!!! 7mo
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So many suspects
It always someone close or closer than we think yes?
A snow storm
Mistaken arrests
Mistaken suspects
It‘s almost a comedy

Tanghin seeds
Mrs Fontaine
Serves up more poison tea
The old switcheroo worked to catch her….
And goodness, phew.

Anyone guess who it was????

Librarybelle Nope! I did not guess. 7mo
IndoorDame I definitely didn‘t guess! But I basically never do, so I‘ve sort of stopped even trying 😆 Love that this veered towards a comedy of errors at the end! I needed something fun! 7mo
vonnie862 The switching of the cups reminded me of that scene in Princess Bride. Lol Anywho, I didn't guess correctly either. 7mo
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AmyG Ha! i never guess who it is. 7mo
mcctrish I was almost close! I thought it was the reverand and I thought they‘d poisoned themselves to throw people off but the whole pant wearing French patisserie part went over my head clue wise, as did how long they‘d been in England - I was basically just being anti church and hoping the pious fall 7mo
vlwelser It seemed to point either at her or the reverend. From a logic perspective. Or maybe I read too many books (inconceivable). 7mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser agree. Although it was a fun twist of info to get to it! 7mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish SO WAS I !!!! 7mo
Karisa @vonnie862 That switching cups scene was so cute and although done before felt clever if her. I think this whole book would‘ve made a cute Holiday movie. Hey Hallmark! 7mo
mcctrish @vlwelser NEVER!!! 🤣🤣 7mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa For sure a holiday movie!!! 7mo
Deblovestoread The who was a surprise. I love to try to piece the clues together but I‘m rarely right. 7mo
DebinHawaii When they went to the vicarage I was thinking it was Mrs. Fontaine because the Reverend was too obvious & what the doctor said about their poisoning, but it was a lucky guess as I assumed she was somehow romantically involved with Canning. The whys & how she did it were a good twist. And I agree, the switching cups scene was fun! 7mo
kspenmoll I truly had no idea who did it- the hows & why was a big surprise! 7mo
Sargar114 Definitely a surprise, didn‘t try to guess other than it was someone completely not on the radar. Seemed a bit out of nowhere 🤷🏼‍♀️ 7mo
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We opened in a tea room that was fun start to reading this week



I love how we go about the town for information!

Librarybelle I like how this shows that Lady Swift is approachable and not taking her class to her head. She truly cares, which is refreshing. 7mo
IndoorDame Personally I‘m low key obsessed with tea rooms, but it was way more fun to see Lady Swift in a dive bar. 7mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame 😂😂🍻 7mo
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vonnie862 Huh, I was wondering when tea time started. Thanks for the articles! 7mo
AmyG @Librarybelle Yes, it is refreshing to see. Made me like her even more. 7mo
mcctrish I‘m putting Twinings on my bucket list now and I agree with both @Librarybelle and @IndoorDame on both counts 7mo
vlwelser She's all over the place. I love it. Also I'd like an English tea room. Preferably near my office. I mean there is one in the library but it's stupidly expensive. 7mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I love tea rooms. None here probs a sin 😅🤷🏻‍♀️. Chicago has many wonderful ones! 7mo
Karisa I agree with all above. A little world building goes a long way. Small villages are a fun setting. It‘s all about the snacks for me at a tea but haven‘t done that in ages. 7mo
Deblovestoread I love tea rooms and high tea. Finger sandwiches and tiny desserts with a good tea in a pretty cup, what‘s not to love. ❤️ 7mo
DebinHawaii I love tea rooms too! Mostly here a few hotels do a high tea service, but there are a couple of small places too. Makes me want to go. @IndoorDame I agree about seeing her at the dive bar! 😆 7mo
Read4life I love the articles and info you supply, Christine 💙 The setting and world building in this one was really well done. 7mo
TheBookHippie @Read4life it really was! Thank you - I‘m a wee bit nerdy 😅🩶👀. I‘m glad these are on kindle many of us can read new and even go backward. 7mo
kspenmoll I feel the same as most of you- village setting almost a character on its own- my mom used to take us girls (4) to tea at a long gone Hartford department store for Christmas. We loved it- all dressed up & festive! 7mo
kspenmoll #blameitonlitsy Now I have to go to tea- thinking of taking my friend & neighbor as a thank you for all she dies for us doesn‘t this sound delicious? https://www.taketeainct.com/general-8 (edited) 7mo
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll love it!!!! 7mo
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll I did this with my grandma where she lived. It‘s so fun! 7mo
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Lancelot 🤮just dump him for good already 😵‍💫
Not liking that story line at alllllll
Who‘s going back to read earlier books to figure him out🙄🤦🏻‍♀️😅😂?

Librarybelle I‘m definitely reading the first few in the series…maybe I‘ll figure out what she actually saw in him. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7mo
IndoorDame Ugh, Lancelot! 🤮 There had better be something way more appealing about him in the early books whenever I go back to them, or else I might just skip ahead in the series instead of finding out where we started… 7mo
vonnie862 I am tempted because I want to know why she sticks around him. 7mo
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TheBookHippie @IndoorDame agree. 🤮 7mo
AmyG I was glad when she did that. And happy he took it easily. Seemed an unnecessary plot line. 7mo
mcctrish Good bye to Lancelot 👏🏻👏🏻 I‘ve already bought book 1 for my kindle 7mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7mo
vlwelser Good riddance. I bet he has better qualities in the earlier books but it seems like the author is over him. 7mo
Karisa @vlwelser Exactly! By the time we see him, author and Eleanor are done. We‘re just like move on to the inspector already or forget the romance. Focus on the murder. 7mo
Deblovestoread I was so glad to see the end of this romance. Looking forward to seeing how it plays out with the inspector. 7mo
DebinHawaii Yep! Bye-bye Lance, go Detective Hugh! 😍 7mo
kspenmoll Lance & his affectation- too much!!!! Glad she saw the light! (edited) 7mo
kspenmoll @mcctrish I have too- just loved her character 7mo
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Criminal gangs, Ghandi, Charlie Chaplin, and smuggling rings oh my!
If you were with us for early Simone reads you‘ll remember the huge smuggling rings present in this area after WWI before WWII .
Too much ?

Librarybelle From what I know, smuggling was a way for men to earn money and kind of stick it to the government at the same time - no taxes, so a way to protest government interaction. But, my basic knowledge is more of the Poldark days, so 18th century! 😂 7mo
IndoorDame It makes a lot of sense with the impact of the war on the economy. 7mo
vonnie862 People had to do what they had to do back then during war time. 7mo
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TheBookHippie @Librarybelle 😂😂😂😂😂 7mo
TheBookHippie @vonnie862 I agree I would have been one of them I‘m sure 🙃 7mo
AmyG Criminals are everywhere, in every time period. (edited) 7mo
mcctrish They never actually said what was being smuggled ? I was curious if it was had to get stuff or just stick it to The Man stuff Soprano‘s style. I‘m not a fan of getting out of taxes economies- I like education and health care getting their money ( and electing people who are responsible ) 7mo
vlwelser I grew up on the Canadian border so smuggling is sort of part of the culture. Even now. This just seemed normal to me. 😂 7mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser normal here too 😅👀 7mo
Karisa I think having it used as a device in the books we‘ve read before made it more here. Otherwise, it would‘ve came out of nowhere at the end with the whole smuggling thing. 7mo
DebinHawaii @Karisa Great point! I think if you haven‘t read this era much or definitely Simone, it would have been more of a surprise. 7mo
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This was a cute, cozy mystery set in the early 1900s. Not sure if I would have picked this up if it wasn't for the #SundayBuddyRead but I'm glad I got introduced to a new series. I may read the first few books just so I can make more sense of certain characters.
#rushathon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #dashingdecember #candylandreadathon @Catsandbooks #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks #teamevergreen #wintergames @Clwojick

TheBookHippie Good fun it was. 🙃🤐 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
Catsandbooks 🍭❄️❤️ 7mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 7mo
emz711 Sounds cute 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎄🎅🏼🎄 7mo
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This was a perfect, cozy mystery read for December! Book 4 in the series finds Lady Swift dealing with a dead body at her manor. Clifford the butler is her perfect partner in crime solving. I‘m definitely going to read the others in the series, starting with book 1! #SundayBuddyRead

#52BookClub23 #TakesPlaceDuringTheRoaringTwenties

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This was a delightful book for #SundayBuddyRead. I look forward to discussing the final third of the book tomorrow. And then, since this is the fourth book in the Lady Eleanor Swift Mystery series, I must go back and be delighted by the first three books in the series.

TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 7mo
kspenmoll I agree!!!! 7mo
mcctrish Same 7mo
CatLass007 The first book in the series currently is on sale on Audible. I looked on Libby and the first three books are available, just not in English. 🤷‍♀️ 7mo
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mcctrish Now I‘m hungry 7mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish RIGHT???? The foods in this book! I love it! 7mo
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I‘m ready for #sundaybuddyread tomorrow ❤️ An absolutely delightful murder mystery set in the holiday season leading up to 1920. This is book 4 in the series so now I have to go back and read the first 3. Gladstone, the bulldog, provides the perfect dash of comic relief

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty ❤️📚 7mo
mcctrish Thank you @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it‘s my current favourite reading spot ( the Christmas tree is where I usually read) and book photo taking spot too ❤️ 7mo
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I have to admit that I keep confusing Clifford and Gladstone. 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😁

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I loved this book. Thanks to @TheBookHippie for hosting this #BuddyRead. Even though this is book 5 of the series #SeriesLove23 @Andrew65, I wasn't lost and feel good that this book can be read on its own. Got more bingo lines. @AnnR @Andrew65 @Catsandbooks @PuddleJumper and some #Readathons @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES @peanutnine

peanutnine Awesome! I'm reading this one now ☺️ 7mo
PuddleJumper 💙❄️💙 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
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TheBookHippie This was book 4! But yes it was a good stand alone too! I would read more or at least 1-3 ! Thanks for joining in! 7mo
Catsandbooks Terrific! 🙌🏼🍭❄️❤️ 7mo
AnnR Well done. 🎄🎉📚👍 7mo
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#weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday This book was full of fun 1920s British slang but this (fairly normal) word totally grabbed me because it‘s so much more fun to say than its American counterpart. @CBee

CBee I just like the “tufts of irritant hairs” 😂 7mo
The_Penniless_Author Turns out my lawn is excessively tussocky 🤣 7mo
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Bookwormjillk That right there is what I need right now. 7mo
IndoorDame Ooooh, loving that the recipe suggests mulling white wine. Never seen that before. Fun! 7mo
Catsandbooks I was hoping to end the year with y'all for Sunday buddy read but unfortunately I've fallen behind. I'm gonna try to catch up so I can finish with everyone but this month (and year 🙃) has been hard for me. I feel so behind on everything 7mo
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TheBookHippie @Catsandbooks this one is fun quirky and short! Answer whenever several people are about 2 weeks behind as a rule and chime in late, I hope 2024 is a better year! ♥️ 7mo
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie I got through the first 1/3 and thought it was good so far. I'm hoping 2024 is better too! I'm very excited for the chloe gong reads! 7mo
TheBookHippie @Catsandbooks I‘m excited for Chloe Gong as well! 7mo
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This was so much fun discussing this book with the #SUNDAYBUDDYREAD group. This was my first book in this series and by this author but I‘ll be reading more. #blameitonlitsy #anotherseries
#BookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2023 #WinterGames #GhostsOfXmas #WinterGamesAtoZ #RushAThon

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
BookwormAHN Nice 🩵❄️🩵 7mo
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This was such good fun! It came complete with fantastic 1920s British slang and a spoiled naughty bulldog. What more could I ask for? #sundaybuddyread

Read4life I agree. So much fun! 7mo
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Another fun installment of the Lady Swift mystery series. #SundayBuddyRead #WinterGames #DailyPhotoChallenge #BlueCover
#SeriesLove23 #4thinseries

LiseWorks I am loving this one 7mo
TheSpineView Well done! 7mo
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This week‘s #hyggehour was all about my one unscary kindle book so I could bask in the warm blankets and twinkly lights and embrace the darkness a bit. #midwintersolace #naturalitsy @AllDebooks @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

dabbe Soooo snuggly and cozy! 💙❄️💙 8mo
TheBookHippie Ooooo love it!!! 8mo
JenReadsAlot That looks so cozy! 8mo
AllDebooks That looks so pretty and soooo relaxing x 8mo
Gissy Yes! Very cozy🙌 🕯 📖 7mo
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Whelp we get to see how it ENDS!!

I‘m just treating this like a fun game. I am enjoying it. Hope you are as well! I cannot thank you enough for joining me this year! Sundays are love!!

On to next week!!!!

vlwelser I'm pumped to see how it ends because I have zero clue. I also quite appreciate that we did this as a 3 week because this month is 🍌 👖. 8mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser Meeee tooooo 🍌🍌🍌🍌 8mo
Librarybelle Cannot wait to see how this ends! 8mo
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AmyG Always look forward to the finish. 8mo
LiseWorks I love the language. Wish I had a butler lol 8mo
TheBookHippie @LiseWorks oh my word can you imagine?! What fun! 8mo
kspenmoll @LiseWorks we all need a butler!!!! Eleanor is such an independent feisty character for her time. I love her! This is a perfect murder mystery, with depth to its characters. I love that the book explores the classism issues of the time. Being part of this group has exposed me to so many books that I may have not known about or read. Thank you Christine for hosting this for the last several years. 8mo
Karisa 💗💗💗 8mo
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 8mo
mcctrish I love this book and 2024 is going to be an Eleanor and Clifford rabbit hole I go right down. I am kind of sad we are finishing so soon, I love our chats on Sunday 😞 8mo
DebinHawaii Thanks for a great holiday pick! I am getting over my need to read series books in order with this one-but I will probably go back & read them now! 😉 Sundays are the best! 💙💙💙 8mo
DebinHawaii And how about the food at that dinner party too?! 😋 8mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I know I was going to look it all up and then my week was a year long 😵‍💫 however I still plan to look and post 😅🤣👩🏻‍🍳 (edited) 8mo
vonnie862 I can't wait to find out who did it! 8mo
TheBookHippie @vonnie862 Me either and I have no clue!!! 8mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish 👀 it‘s going to be weird. I‘ll probably post fun checkins 🤣♥️ and what a fun rabbit hole to go into ! 8mo
Larkken This is nice! It has a good sense of place and good side characters - they don‘t feel as thrown in as they do in some cozies. 8mo
Larkken @DebinHawaii this month it feels like all my buddy reads are deep in series that I‘ve not started and it‘s been a trial for me too haha. I‘m with you, I may go back to the beginning for this series! 8mo
mollyrotondo So sorry to be lagging behind! I‘m loving this book but was so busy I didn‘t get to participate in this thread of questions! Need to finish the book now so I can chime in for today‘s posts. Loving this book though and always love this group! Thank you Christine and the Sunday Buddy Read group! ❤️ 7mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo ♥️♥️♥️♥️ it‘s so much better than the romances 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 7mo
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Revenge… motive for murder..or love?

I want to add “Oh help” and “ balderdash” and some others to my regular language …
Any words you found fun?

vlwelser Seems like revenge but why poison the vicar (or whatever he is) and the housekeeper. Who I also quite like. 8mo
IndoorDame It would be a blast to start saying balderdash and botheration! I wonder if I can pull it off! Must channel my grandma, she definitely could‘ve, she was such a card. 8mo
Librarybelle I loved botheration!! 8mo
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AmyG I, too, feel it‘s revenge for something. 8mo
Sargar114 I‘m on board with the idea that Eleanor and Clifford may have been the intended targets 8mo
LiseWorks I soooooo love this book 8mo
TheBookHippie @LiseWorks it‘s such a cozy read and so much fun for this time of year! 8mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame right? Must add! As my little readers would say I say funny words all the time anyway. 🤣😅🫣 8mo
kspenmoll I just wish I was reading it with snow falling outside my windows. It‘s 60 degrees here in CT-unfathomable in December. 8mo
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll I don‘t have falling snow either -so weird -but it is 34F 🥶 (edited) 8mo
Deblovestoread @Sargar114 I‘m with you. 8mo
Karisa @IndoorDame I can hear my grandma saying them too😂 Mine does say, “Oh pish posh!” (waving a shooing hand) when someone is taking themselves too seriously and “well, I never…”/“that just tickles me so much” while laughing. Grandma Robbie could easily work a “botheration” into her repertoire. 8mo
mcctrish I‘m extremely thankful there is no snow at present adding another challenge to my class in the portable - I‘ve got 10 days to go until break and the ‘real‘ teacher comes back in January. They can have all the weather then. I‘m in for adding botheration to my vocabulary @Librarybelle and I agree that Clifford and Eleanor were the intended ( maybe the rector is to blame 🤔) 8mo
DebinHawaii Botheration is my favorite! @Sargar114 @TheBookHippie It does seem more likely they were the targets unless the reverend & housekeeper did see something they maybe didn‘t realize. @kspenmoll I feel you on the wanting to read this in snowfall! ❄️😉😆 8mo
CatLass007 Botheration is an excellent word. 8mo
Read4life I agree with botheration! 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I'm enjoying the book, but I'll leave y'all to add botheration to your vocabulary. I'm far too fond of the swear words that might make a sailor blush. The setting and cozyness of the book though are good for this time of year. I'm not exactly feeling grinchy, but the spirit of the holiday is still eluding me and I don't know how much Hallmark-style preciousness I could take right now. 8mo
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Bodies falling everywhere in a cozy mystery 🤣😅😳
Suspects everywhere
I‘m not even trying to guess.
It was the barmaid with a candlestick holding poisoned tea in the library? 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️😝🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyone have a clue ????

vlwelser I have no clue at all. I just hope it isn't Miss Moore or her son. 8mo
IndoorDame Nope. I‘m just along for the ride. 8mo
Librarybelle No clue! 8mo
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AmyG Ha, I never have a clue. 8mo
Sargar114 No idea, it seems like they‘re setting up the illegitimate son as the murderer but I have a feeling it‘ll be someone far more arbitrary 8mo
kspenmoll I have no clue either and I‘m not not even bothering to try. I‘m just enjoying the story. 8mo
Deblovestoread No clue yet. 8mo
Karisa 🤷🏻‍♀️ 8mo
Karisa @vlwelser Agreed! Having it be the Mores seems like a low blow… 🤞it is not 8mo
mcctrish I‘d laugh if it was the Rector trying to throw people off but I hope it isn‘t Miss Moore 8mo
DebinHawaii The Moores seem a bit too obvious as the killer(s). At this point, I don‘t have a guess but interesting if it is somehow related to her uncle‘s death. 8mo
vonnie862 I thought i did but I actually don't have a clue. 8mo
Larkken … Lancelot? But really, I dunno. Maybe someone related to the smuggling 🤷🏻‍♀️ 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Beth the Barmaid seems to have a strong interest in what Alvan Moore is divulging to Eleanor & Clifford. Could she want to marry Alvan to get a taste of that inheritance. Also, I'm not ruling out Mrs Fontaine just because she was poisoned. She could've low-dosed herself so as to suspicion off herself after lacing the tea. Or I could be WAY off. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I think it stems from them but how 🤷🏻‍♀️ 8mo
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The inspector 👀

The bulldog is my favorite 🤣🤍
Truthfully I did not realise it was in this story how fun!
I do quite like him
Eleanor is growing on me.


vlwelser They're all fun. I love most of the characters. Eleanor is definitely growing on me. 8mo
IndoorDame Gladstone is definitely winning the prize! But so far everyone is fairly endearing. 8mo
Librarybelle I love how Clifford knows everything. Stereotypical in a way for a butler, but he‘s also so charming. A good foil to Eleanor. 8mo
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AmyG I adore Clifford and his relationship with Eleanor. 8mo
Sargar114 Gladstone is the best. I love imagining him in his little sweater and the prospect of him getting boots is delightful 8mo
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 I think Winnie needs boots …. No idea how we‘d get them on her though 🤣🤣🤣 8mo
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle I agree! I just love it! 8mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG it‘s so very sweet! 8mo
kspenmoll Yes, Clifford is a wonderful foiled to Eleanor. She certainly needs his help navigating her new role Gladstone has a distinct personality That is essential to the book. 8mo
Deblovestoread Clifford is a gem. 8mo
Karisa I‘m predicting that Gladstone somehow provides the needed final clue to solve the whole thing. He‘s always there in the background adding cuteness. 8mo
DebinHawaii Gladstone is the best! I love how naughty he is! 😆 Clifford is exactly who you want in an investigation & I love how avuncular he is with her. I am fond of Mrs.Butters too & her household/estate staff in general - they seem like a great & loyal group. 8mo
mcctrish Oh @Karisa I hope that‘s true and Gladstone saves the day ❤️ I truly like everyone except Lancelot and the barmaid 8mo
DebinHawaii @Karisa Good prediction! 👍 8mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish OHMYWORD the barmaid!!!!! 8mo
Read4life I agree that the relationship between Clifford & Eleanor is wonderful. @Karisa it would be fabulous if Gladstone provided the final piece. 🐶 8mo
vonnie862 They are very cute together! 8mo
Larkken Yes to them all - the characters are all working for me, and Gladstone is a star. I was thinking from the cover he was a frenchie but I‘m getting English bulldog vibes from the story! 8mo
TheBookHippie @Larkken me too! Acts like my English bulldog!! 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 😍 That little face!!! 😍 I love Gladstone!! My dog is a Boston Terrier and looks quite similar to this pup, and is often mistaken for a French Bulldog, so I picture Gladstone doing a similar slow chew on an old slipper or rolling around in a sweater like Watson does. I enjoy the Clifford & Eleanor sleuthing duo. Henley's Hall's staff all seem like good people, too. The gardener seems like an interesting guy. 8mo
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vlwelser I thought this was really cute. And the fact that they can't get Gladstone out of his sweater was hilarious. Still picturing Winnie in these scenes. 8mo
IndoorDame I really want these silk pajama sets!!!! 8mo
Librarybelle I thought it was so sweet that everyone spent the morning together like this. I know they were kind of forced to as employees of Eleanor‘s, but it seemed like they enjoyed it. And yes, @vlwelser …the fact they can‘t get Gladstone out of his pj‘s is hilarious! 8mo
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AmyG Hahaha yes @vlwelser I picture Winnie in those scenes ,too. Gladstone is the star of the show! 8mo
kspenmoll I love that Gladstone adds so much humor to the book! A pajama day is the best! (edited) 8mo
Karisa Love the fashion photos! So glamorous! Their pjs are fancier than what I wear to work 😂 8mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa RIGHT?!?! I want them!! 8mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG I‘m not even sure we could get it on Winnie 👀 8mo
mcctrish I loved this scene. Makes it feel like family for everyone. Lancelot would not approve so he‘s not ever invited #makegiodchoiceseleanor 8mo
CatLass007 I love pajama days any time of year. 8mo
vonnie862 I love how back in the day they used to get dressed for every meal. 8mo
TheBookHippie @vonnie862 I do too!!!! 8mo
Larkken @Karisa haha, yes. Def nicer than mine too! Reminds me how at Covid when we started work from home I asked for more “respectable” pjs to work in. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Larkken here too!!! Had to get respectable pjs for zoom 🤣 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I thought it was sweet that they all had breakfast together in their PJs. I imagine you are a sort of family living & working in a manor year round. I wish the people in Walmart had pyjamas this nice if they're going to wear them out. 😂 I've never been one for long nightgowns. Even as a kid, I would sleepwalk into another room to take it off & go back to bed. I think it was equal parts too warm and too constricting. Silky pants for the win! 8mo
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Lancelot 🤦🏻‍♀️
Personally, I find him to be a misogynistic ass hat. I surely hope she dumps him.
😝thoughts ????

vlwelser Definitely an ass hat. I didn't catch on to the fact that they're supposed to be together until she mentions it later. They're a bad match. He's an idiot. And also that poor other girl. 8mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I agree that poor other girl!!!!!! How awful! 8mo
IndoorDame He‘s awful! And the worst part is she‘s so unenthusiastic about him. I hate it when people just play along with relationships because that‘s what‘s expected! 8mo
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Librarybelle Yeah…he doesn‘t get any man of the year votes from me. Ugh! 8mo
AmyG Agreed. Lancelot is an ass. 8mo
Sargar114 He‘s pretty ugh…but the scene with him I started confusing who was who
kspenmoll I agree with all of you! She just has to dump him! 8mo
Deblovestoread He takes the bright young thing to a whole new level of ass hatery. Can‘t stand him. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Deblovestoread 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 8mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame makes me puke 😵‍💫 8mo
Karisa He‘s so annoying! Makes the inspector look like a better match for our lady detective. 8mo
DebinHawaii Yep to all of this. Always go for the broody detective versus the annoying society asshat! 🍑🎩 8mo
mcctrish “She‘s supposed to be love with Lancelot” hard pass! Stick with the detective, he‘s going to give you a longer leash 8mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 8mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🤣 8mo
vonnie862 I agree with all of you. 8mo
Larkken Ugh! Never pick a person that belittles you to your face. Not cute. I wish she HAD been close enough to kick him. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Larkken yes a kick !!! Ughhh 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick UGH. I'd rather she falls into a romance with Clifford! I gather Lancelot is handsome enough and more age appropriate. Seems most everyone is a bit older, so far. I don't think he's who she'd pick if given all the men in the world, but maybe he's a proximity pick who might scratch an itch. That poor other girl though, completely ignored. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick anyone else!!! Literally. 8mo
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Mail woman totally forgot her name 🫣🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Gotta love the town gossip
And in charge of the mail too
Paradise 🤣👀
What did you think of her?
I was giggling I admit..

💌 https://www.thesocialhistorian.com/royal-mail-history/

vlwelser I love a good town gossip scene. This was amusing. 8mo
IndoorDame Nothing like a small town gossip 😂 8mo
Sargar114 Gossip is a good device for getting information out there and it still be believable
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Librarybelle Gotta love the town gossip! 8mo
AmyG Welcome to the small town…where your business is everyone‘s business. 8mo
kspenmoll Yes! 8mo
Deblovestoread @AmyG 💯. Every town has at least one busybody. 8mo
Karisa Gossips feel essential to Eleanor as an unofficial investigator! She needs that lady on her side for sure😊 8mo
DebinHawaii Gotta have the gossip—it‘s essential. Here in Hawaii it‘s know as the “coconut wireless!” 🥥 📞 😆 8mo
mcctrish 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 the post lady needs the tea 8mo
Read4life This scene had me thinking of all of the busybodies from my hometown, college dorm, coworkers and customers. They‘re both annoying and essential. 😁😁 8mo
TheBookHippie @Read4life HA. Truth. 8mo
vonnie862 All the gossiping is very helpful for Eleanor. 8mo
Larkken Very transactional almost? Fun 😆 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I love how the town gossips are all the same when you break it down...“Oh, I REALLY shouldn't. Oh, what the hell! *spills tea ALL OVER YOU*“ 8mo
TheBookHippie @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅 it‘s true in every small town for sure!! 8mo
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TheBookHippie I‘m adding this word to everyday conversation. 8mo
LiseWorks I am enjoying this book 8mo
Read4life @TheBookHippie I‘m adding it along with Oy to the Vey! 😄 8mo
Read4life @LiseWorks Me, too! 8mo
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#20in4 #readathon
1 did not get much reading done- holiday shopping & lunch with my family Friday, movies, etc. although our #sundaybuddyread book (tagged) is not due to be finished yet,I can‘t put it down! It‘s a historical cozy mystery,set on a manor & in its surrounding village in the UK in the 1920s.
I plan to finish tonight.
I‘ve read just a few chapters of the other Murder in the Snow, also a historical mystery.

Andrew65 I‘m still trying to get hold of a copy of this book. 8mo
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All the Oscar Wilde quotes ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

It‘s fun
It‘s like Nancy Drew
Or the game of clue
Thoughts ?

Happy SUNDAY!!! Can you believe this is our last read of 2023 together?!

I thank you so much for Sundays!!! 😘

Librarybelle It‘s a nice light mystery for this time of year! 8mo
IndoorDame Thank you for looking after us on Sundays!!! All the photos and recipes and articles you bring make our reading so much more fun! 8mo
vonnie862 So far I'm enjoying it! 8mo
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vlwelser I love the Oscar Wilde quotes. Excellent addition. Though there's a lot to choose from. 8mo
vlwelser Honesty time.... Did you pick this because there's a bulldog on the cover? 8mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser 🤣🤣🤣 a delightful bonus! I read an article what to read if you don‘t want to read romancy books for Christmas last year and this was mentioned! I did a little research and was sold! @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick did a little research too and found it and that it could be a stand alone, so here we are! 8mo
vlwelser It's very fun. We may have needed a break from the fluffy xmas themed books after last year (or was it the year before?) You must have had this planned before we read the one last year. 8mo
mcctrish This is just delightful! Better than Christmas fluff romance ( I‘m already reading one with another Litsy group) because it‘s so fun. I can hear all the banter and chatting in my head and it is totally getting me in the Christmas mood. Well Done @TheBookHippie you take such wonderful care of us 8mo
Sargar114 I‘m enjoying the fun deviation from romance but still a little Christmas themed. Thank you for our Sundays!!! 8mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser ah yes before last years 😵‍💫 I had this. Good thing 🤣. Next years YA short stories hopefully will be okay 👀🤷🏻‍♀️ then back to murder 🤣😳 8mo
vlwelser I'm sure the YA stories will be fun. But also looking forward to what you find for a new holiday murder. 8mo
kspenmoll Really really enjoying this book! Now I do want to read the series. 8mo
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll it‘s fun to have a new one! And with so many books!! 8mo
Karisa Oscar Wilde 😍 It‘s fluffy detective fun and nice seasonal tie ins. Now I do want to re-read some Wilde. He‘s so clever. Thank you, @TheBookHippie 8mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish 🩶🩶🩶🩶 8mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa ❤️🙃 I‘ve not read Wilde in so long and I‘ve been eyeing new copies so this is my permission right? 🤣😵‍💫😅 8mo
DebinHawaii Loving the Oscar Wilde quotes for sure! Thank you for hosting & picking fun books. I like the turn from romance but still seasonal. ❄️🎄 8mo
Deblovestoread Love the addition of the quotes, the setting, the whole thing. It‘s a nice break from reality. 8mo
CatLass007 Thank you for all the hard work you put in to hosting. So much detail! I‘m enjoying the book very much. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Deblovestoread I agree it‘s a lovely escape! 8mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii 🙃🩶❄️ 8mo
AmyG Again, sorry for being late. My husband is out of town so I spent the yesterday reading and forgot the world. Yes to @Deblovestoread It‘s a lovely holiday escape. 8mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG oh how lovely!!!! And what fun!! 8mo
AmyG @TheBookHippie I haven‘t had time to myself in months. It‘s wonderful!!! 8mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG ♥️♥️♥️ 8mo
mollyrotondo Love this holiday mystery! So not into romances so I‘m very happy to be reading a Christmas murder mystery 😂 can‘t wait for more in the future! Thank you!!!! 8mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo I‘m so happy I can‘t tell you 😂😂😂 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Glad I could help. ? @vlwelser I read a few reviews last year because I knew I wouldn't remember any potential spoilers. All signs pointed to "can be read as a standalone". I might be in the minority so far in that, I like this well enough, but I'm not eager to read another 16 books in the series just yet. 8mo
vlwelser @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I like this a lot. It's very fun. But not 16 books fun. 8mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser 🤣 it‘s worth a few more because the dog is cute🤣👀🐾🤎 8mo
vlwelser The dog is cute. I need someone to go through and just read me the Gladstone scenes. 8mo
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Librarybelle Love it! I recently read another manor house mystery set in the 1920s. 8mo
IndoorDame One of my all time favorite settings! 8mo
vonnie862 I like it. 8mo
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vlwelser I was just at one of these places last weekend in Ipswich MA. Made it easy to imagine this one. 8mo
mcctrish I want to move in and read this while I‘m there #fullimmersiveexperience 8mo
Sargar114 It‘s not my preferred setting, but can very enjoyable if done well. 8mo
kspenmoll I enjoy this time period & setting. 8mo
Karisa I like it too. It‘d be interesting to see one some day. 8mo
DebinHawaii I love this era & the British manor house setting is always fun, especially during the holidays! 8mo
CatLass007 I guess I never thought about preferring one time period over another for the setting, as long as the setting feels authentic. 8mo
AmyG I‘d love to see this home. Wonderful time period. 8mo
mollyrotondo Love the house and the time period. No technology and only face to face interviews and physical searches to help. Makes it fun lol 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick It sounds like a pretty place. If not for all the staff, it seems like it might get lonely there. I like the setting. 8mo
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A key in the snow
A mysterious woman….

Any guesses yet?!

Librarybelle I think the key is to something Canning either smuggled or blackmail evidence. As to the woman…we know for sure there was one woman he wronged, and I suspect there are others. So, 🤷🏻‍♀️ 8mo
IndoorDame I‘d never heard of a magnetic key before, fascinating. No theories yet. 8mo
vonnie862 She's an accomplice? With who? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 8mo
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vlwelser @Librarybelle I love the blackmail idea. 8mo
mcctrish I never work too hard to solve the mystery, I like going along for the ride ( I think those runs for hand warming are delightful and less garbage-y than hot pockets) 8mo
Sargar114 No guesses yet, just along for the ride! 8mo
kspenmoll I also like to let the story unfold. If Its blatantly obvious I can guess. 8mo
Karisa Those seem to be the biggest clues and Cannings‘ words to her and argument before the race. I wonder who took his clothes after the race. If he had changed before the race, they should have still been in the room. 8mo
DebinHawaii No big guesses so far. @IndoorDame I think the magnetic key is interesting too! @Karisa Good point on the clothes & her conversation with Canning. I may have to go back & reread that. (edited) 8mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa OH!!!! Good catch! 8mo
CatLass007 I prefer to let a mystery unfold. If it‘s really obvious and I‘m able to guess the murderer before the sleuth, I‘m not impressed. I like to have my “aha” moment at the same time as the amateur sleuth, when all the pieces come together. 8mo
AmyG I am with @mcctrish as I also like to go along for the ride and let the mystery become revealed. My guesses of the murderer, ha, I am always wrong. 8mo
mollyrotondo I‘m not sure. Was the key Canning‘s or the murderer‘s? Are there two murderers? Is it someone on that list of out of towners? Need to read more to start piecing things together lol 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick No true guesses yet. We've only just met some of the players, so I won't point a finger just yet. 8mo
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Cornad Canning dies 👀

The Reverend lets poisonous plants grow ?!
Poison bee stings?

The Reverend had something with the deceased?! Upset over the treatment of a woman and her “situation” what woman?
Also hell, have no fury like a woman scorned …


Digitalis is used to treat congestive heart failure (CHF) and heart rhythm problems (atrial arrhythmias).


Librarybelle I thought it was interesting that Clifford brought up he felt Ellie‘s uncle was also poisoned. It made me initially wonder if he had been a victim in one of the prior books, but it seems like his death was off page. Anyhow…Canning does not sound like a good person. 8mo
IndoorDame The reverend is a strange fish, but I can‘t decide if he‘s sketchy or just quirky 8mo
vonnie862 The Reverend is strange but I'm not sure if he's the one. 8mo
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vlwelser It does seem like he's too obvious to be the killer. Despite the hatred and the crazy garden. 8mo
mcctrish @vlwelser hatred and crazy garden 🤣🤣 he sounds like a witch ( also he holds a grudge big time )and I agree with @Librarybelle the possibly poisoned uncle is an interesting turn in this mystery 8mo
Sargar114 Yeah, he seems like a red herring. But still sketch for sure! I do wonder if it‘s a woman scorned. I think Clifford mentioned that poison is a woman‘s weapon, so possibly. 🧐 8mo
kspenmoll Agree with you all & possibly poisoned Uncle is a quite the new turn in the story. That Rev is a wild character- lending an eerie vibe, hi t of evil in disguise 8mo
Karisa I‘m thinking the Rev is too obvious for this early in the book. Canning certainly seems to have many enemies. I don‘t see how Clifford even jumped to him being murdered so quickly. People do puke from over exerting while running and if he had a heart condition it was strange for him to run anyway (and to work carrying big bags of coal all day too). I guess they needed a murder to solve though 🤷🏻‍♀️😅 8mo
DebinHawaii Yes, the reverend is too obvious. @Sargar114 That‘s where my thoughts are going although Clifford mentioning it may be another red herring. 8mo
CatLass007 Digitalis is made with Foxglove, if my memory from other mysteries is correct. It‘s not necessarily poisonous unless it‘s taken or given as an overdose. I‘m not convinced at all that it‘s the Reverend. But the French woman seems like a viable suspect. 8mo
AmyG The Reverend seems to be the first possible murderer. There is always more. 8mo
mollyrotondo I also thought Clifford‘s suspicions about her uncle‘s death was also an interesting spin. Could be a serial murderer out for revenge. Will we see more deaths in this book? 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick The reverend is an odd duck, but most likely to obvious a choice to be the actual killer. @CatLass007 I do like the French woman name being tossed into the suspect list. Also, there was a woman on the list they crossed out, perhaps too soon. 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I can't have the digitalis link in my search history. What if something happens to someone I know in the next 30 years? 🤣 8mo
TheBookHippie @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick me looking it all up 😳👀 8mo
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Inspector Detective
We may get a love story anyway 🤣
You think ?

Librarybelle I have a sense that there is a budding interest between him and Ellie… 8mo
IndoorDame I definitely see that happening, but it feels like a slow burn so maybe not till later in the series…? 8mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame from what I‘ve read there are 17 books so far and although you can read as stand alones you learn more by reading 1-17 but not much. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 8mo
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IndoorDame @TheBookHippie that sounds about right. I haven‘t read any of the others and while sometimes it‘s clear this isn‘t the first, I‘m definitely not missing anything vital 8mo
vonnie862 It's a very slow burn because this is the 4th book in the series. 8mo
vlwelser Agreed. Seems like a very slow burn. Maybe we can skip the awkward sex scenes this time. 8mo
mcctrish The slow burn is another reason to get me reading these for sure @IndoorDame @vonnie862 8mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 8mo
Sargar114 I get a big Stephanie Plum vibe, so definitely imagine an on and off again romance. Or a love/hate thing with her getting involved or countering his investigation. @vlweser I very much worry about Simone St James awkward love scenes given the time period and setting, lol
kspenmoll @TheBookHippie Wow! 17… 8mo
Karisa He‘s not very warm and fuzzy. Of course her response to him showing up at the party was pretty awkward too. 😅 8mo
DebinHawaii Definitely seems like a slow burn cozy series romance, so probably little danger of awkward sex scenes! 🫣 8mo
Deblovestoread Just a heads up there is a different love interest in books 1 - 3 but he hasn‘t made an appearance yet. Possible love triangle . 8mo
CatLass007 I had the impression from something Clifford said that she had hoped to have seen the detective sooner and not related to a murder. 8mo
AmyG A love interest, yes. Always adds a layer of fun. 8mo
mollyrotondo 😂 I thought it was so strange that the detective just came by to say hi so randomly and left just as abruptly as he arrived 😂 don‘t mind a slow burn since romance isn‘t my main interest. 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Who am I to say no to a little eye candy for Eleanor? I suspect we'll get a flirtatious conversation & a few stolen glances, but will hopefully be spared the awkward sex scenes. 8mo
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IndoorDame Yum! I don‘t think I‘ve ever had anything resembling those pickled walnuts and now I‘m obsessed! Also how organized do you have the be to make dessert a year in advance!!!!???? 8mo
Librarybelle It sounds like an amazing gathering! Lots of work too! 8mo
vonnie862 @IndoorDame right?! I guess they took their dessert making seriously. 8mo
vlwelser Pickled walnuts? Yes! 8mo
mcctrish I was so hungry while reading this part! I want to light a fire and have something delicious served to me while I read in front of it 8mo
kspenmoll This part was fun & had me yearning for food.my mother made something like a yule log but we just called it chocolate roll. Delicious!!‘ (edited) 8mo
kspenmoll I love parsnips-the recipe sounds delicious. I plan to make them for Christmas now! 8mo
Karisa Sounds wonderful and like a ton of hard work! Definitely would need a full staff to pull this day off! 8mo
Karisa Oh my gosh! I just look at that parsnip recipe—I‘m a sucker for goat cheese… I need to make that! Thanks! 8mo
DebinHawaii Loving all the food in this one! @kspenmoll my mom made chocolate rolls for Abraham Lincoln‘s birthday/President‘s Day & we called them Lincoln Logs. 😆 I would request them for my birthday too. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa I added it to my list too!! So much yum. 8mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii forever more calling them Lincoln logs … ❤️❤️❤️ 8mo
kspenmoll @DebinHawaii Thank you so much it was Lincoln log not chocolate roll that she called it. I could‘ve called my older sister she remembers everything. 8mo
DebinHawaii @kspenmoll Hah! That is so funny! I just thought we were weird. 😆 Like at my house eggs-in-a-hole were “ding dong eggs!” 8mo
CatLass007 The menu sounds scrumptious. If I were any kind of a cook, I‘d be more interested in the recipes. But it seems like I‘m in the minority of just not liking to cook. I think the only time I‘ve ever enjoyed cooking, it was a joint effort. 8mo
AmyG @CatLass007 I cook but it‘s not my favorite thing to do. The food seemed wonderful. I wouldn‘t have the patience to cook most of it. 8mo
CatLass007 @AmyG Me either! 8mo
mollyrotondo I think it‘s so nice that they host this dinner for the community since a lot of the people can‘t afford to have such a big dinner for Christmas. And it all sounded delicious! I can‘t wait for our Christmas meal 😆 8mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo so hungry reading!!! 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I love that they host this dinner and invite everyone in the village. It doesn't sound like the cheap out on the food either. I was eyeing that Yule Log cake, but that's a lot of effort. I think I'll pass and just buy a box of Swiss Cake Rolls . 🤣 8mo
TheBookHippie @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick you can put them in the freezer take them out probs same… 🤣 8mo
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Clifford-thoughts? Me the butler did it 😵‍💫🤣 my first thought
But that‘s way to obvious 👀
And I don‘t think for now he did …
Also phew, that‘s a lot of staff 😅
Your thoughts ?

Librarybelle I like Clifford…there‘s more to him than we know. He has the stereotypical butler ambience, but there is also a sparkle underneath us facade. 8mo
IndoorDame Pretty sure he could have organized a murder easily enough 😆 but I don‘t get a ‘the butler did it‘ vibe from him yet 8mo
vonnie862 A lot of characters for sure. At first I was like, the butler did it! But learning more about his character has changed my mind. 8mo
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vlwelser So much staff. But I love Clifford. He seems like a more grounded version of the butler in the Flavia de Luce books. 8mo
mcctrish I am aghast at all of you! Clifford is upstanding - he‘s the perfect foil for Eleanor in her sleuthing 8mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish Such a jaded bunch we are! 🤣 8mo
Sargar114 Clifford is great! I like that there seems to be more to him than he lets on. He‘s a good balance for Eleanor and a way for them to explain their investigation.
kspenmoll I agree with @mcctrish @Sargar114 . He is a great foil for Eleanor & his suggestions seem to be quite helpful & on target for any situation. 8mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie 🤣🤣🤣 8mo
Karisa It reminds me of Downton Abbey with all the people working on her estate. Eleanor is well taken care of for sure! Some parts also reminded me of Mrs. Maisel when Rose goes home and is fussed over. Clifford is really the one in charge. I agree with @mcctrish. He‘s one step ahead of her always. Her Watson (edited) 8mo
DebinHawaii Clifford is awesome & definitely her Watson as @karisa said. No way he‘s responsible for the murder! I do believe he has some secrets & layers though. It feels like her uncle & Clifford have a colorful past-it seems like he has a lot of good knowledge that came from somewhere like SIS or MI6. 8mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii ooooo good thoughts!!!! 8mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa Maisel ❤️ yes Watson for sure. 8mo
Deblovestoread Love Clifford! I‘m as curious about his backstory as I am about Eleanor‘s. 8mo
CatLass007 I never even thought of Clifford as the culprit. He‘s a wonderful character. He seems to enjoy the sleuthing as much as Eleanor does. And I hadn‘t thought about it, but I like the idea suggested by @DebinHawaii. It seems like Clifford, and maybe her uncle as well, could have had a history of doing intelligence work. 8mo
Catsandbooks He's a good sidekick 8mo
AmyG I love Clifford. If he did it???? I will throw my book at the wall. Unacceptable. 8mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG 👀😂😂😂😂 8mo
mollyrotondo @mcctrish I agree! I never thought once Clifford did it lol he‘s like Eleanor‘s Wilfred 😂 I hope there‘s a book all about his backstory because I‘m sure it‘s interesting. I also like the women who work in the house. Everyone seems very caring and attentive to each other. 8mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo well to date there are 17 books -so I‘ve just given us all a new author to love!!! (edited) 8mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie now my biggest problem is do I commit to buying 16 more books in print, switch to my kindle OR borrow from the library #whatisareaderhoardertodo 🤷🏻‍♀️ 8mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish also they‘re so pretty 😬😂 8mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie I love the look of them 🥰 I‘m going to need to completely redo my bookshelves 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ 8mo
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie 17? 😂 wow! My library doesn‘t seem to have any of them so looks like I‘m buying them 😂 I had to buy this one on Thriftbooks 😆 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I like Clifford, too. He does seem to be a good sleuthing partner for Lady Eleanor. I picture him a bit like Alfred from the Gotham TV series. Older, but young enough to get into some fisticuffs of the need arises. 8mo
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Eleanor -
Well how do you like our main character ?

IndoorDame Spoiled. But I love strong spunky women! And the 20s produced some of the best, so I‘m finding her charming. 8mo
Librarybelle I wish I had taken the time to read the first three in the series to see how her character developed. I get the sense that she has learned a lot and is still learning. She also has a good sense of adventure. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle I think most of the series is free on kindle unlimited may be worth a months purchase and bindge reading 👀 8mo
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TheBookHippie @IndoorDame I feel the same! I love this time frame. 8mo
Librarybelle @TheBookHippie I purchased the first 5, so I can read them! 8mo
vonnie862 I love the time frame. Eleanor is rich but still likeable. 8mo
vlwelser She just seems young. I like her a lot. 8mo
mcctrish I have loved this book from the first page and I want all the books in the series (edited) 8mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish RIGHT?! What a find! I love it. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle HA! I think a lot of us are going to have a new series 👀😅. 8mo
Sargar114 I‘m kind of middle of the road. She‘s fine, maybe the earlier stories would have a little more character development but I‘m not sure. This feels intended as a fun romp and I can‘t imagine a ton of character depth.
kspenmoll I like her character. She is intent on hosting the village in the Manor‘s Christmas traditions she is very interested in the village people and and sees them as individuals. 8mo
Karisa @Sargar114 I‘m with you. She seems nice and fun, but more of a character sketch. I was a little confused that she seems to not know how to be a lady but said her uncle had sent her to boarding school at a young age. Then in a different spot it mentioned she‘d been raised by bohemian parents abroad… Maybe reading the other books would make it more clear. Probably thinking too much though since it is a cozy. 8mo
DebinHawaii I like her so far & generally enjoy books with women in the 1920s too. I am mad at myself for not reading the previous series books before this one because I have “issues” with reading series out of order but I am trying to get over it & just enjoy it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 8mo
Deblovestoread I read the first 3 first because I must with a new series. The details of her backstory are doled out slowly but she definitely is spirited and is still learning her role as lady of the manor. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Deblovestoread 🤷🏻‍♀️ ha. My daughter would too. Since it was says we could read it as a stand alone I picked it for the seasonal aspect. So far I don‘t feel like we‘re missing anything. Kind of like the old soap operas it didn‘t matter where you started 🤣🤣🤣. @DebinHawaii I‘m here to take us all on a wild ride of not following rules 😳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Or daily life for me. 😵‍💫😅😘 8mo
CatLass007 I don‘t like reading books out of order but I have with this book. I may have to go back and listen to the first three. I like Eleanor. She‘s working hard to live up to her title but isn‘t overdoing it. She genuinely cares about her staff and anyone else who needs her help. Kindness is something I strive for and Eleanor is successful in being just that. 8mo
Catsandbooks I think she's fine. She seems nice but I'm not totally invested in the character. Just she is what she is 🤷🏼‍♀️ 8mo
AmyG She seems lovely. I don‘t know much else to say. 8mo
mollyrotondo I really like her a lot. She‘s kind and generous and respectful. She‘s a take action kind of person. I really like this one so far and would love to read more in the series. I usually hate not reading books in order but I don‘t think it matters for this story. I‘m just enjoying it lol 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Eleanor seems like a good-hearted person, but like @Catsandbooks I'm not fully invested in her yet. She seems generally optimistic and wants everyone, no matter their station, to have a good holiday. 8mo
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Bulldogs, Gladstone I imagine is a French bulldog ..
Any book with a bulldogs antics…
Is good fun! 🙃
Also willful and bulldog together is an oxymoron !
Do you like animals in books?

IndoorDame Gladstone is awesome!!!! Love animals in books! With the one quirky exception of adult books told from the POV of the animals themselves. 8mo
Librarybelle Gladstone sounds like a hoot! As long as the animal does not die, I‘m good with animals in books (animals dying in books is really my only trigger…go figure!). 8mo
vonnie862 I love dogs so I'm glad there's one in this one. And with @Librarybelle as long as the dog doesn't die, I'm good. 8mo
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vlwelser Gladstone is so fun. The graphic on the cover is a Frenchie (most likely) but it made me think of your Winnie and her funny antics. 8mo
mcctrish I am loving all the Gladstone antics ( he makes me wish this was a show - it‘s perfect for PBS/BBC Murder mysteries ) 8mo
Sargar114 Gladstone is delightful and the best part of the story in my opinion.
kspenmoll Gladstone‘s antics are wonderful & add so much to my enjoyment of this book! 8mo
Karisa I like Gladstone too. He works to show just how much time is going by if he can accomplish all those antics. He must be sneaky to get those things done with no one noticing. Kind of funny with her being a detective and not so observant of her dog. 😂 8mo
Karisa @vonnie862 @Librarybelle Oh! I hadn‘t worried about that… Now I‘m remembering her calling him geriatric. He still seems to have a lot of life in him though 8mo
DebinHawaii I love Gladstone 🐶❤️ & like @Librarybelle & @vonnie862 I love animals in books but don‘t deal well with animal deaths in books & avoid them when I know about them. 😥 8mo
Deblovestoread Love Gladstone! 8mo
CatLass007 I‘m not just a cat lover, I‘m an animal lover. Gladstone is wonderful! I know this is fiction and is a book that‘s supposed to be representative of a certain time, but I‘m not familiar with any breed of dog (or cat). I prefer mixed breeds. But can you imagine someone of Lady Eleanor‘s standing having a mixed breed? I sure can‘t. I‘m in agreement about the death or injury of an animal being a total negative. 8mo
Catsandbooks I like animals in books but like everyone else, the animal can't die otherwise it absolutely ruins it! 8mo
AmyG I‘m sorry! I completely forgot about this. 🤪Anyway…I love Gladstone. I am guessing Winnie picked this book. 🤣 8mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG 😂🐾🐾 8mo
mollyrotondo I love Gladstone! I love animal sidekicks in a story lol this reminds me of Asta in The Thin Man. Part of the fun of the story. 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I love Gladstone! I just picture his little chubby body rolling around in front of every fireplace in the manor. I'm sorry the others, that I don't like when animals are harmed, but I do enjoy animals in books. I will literally ugly cry if the dog dies. 8mo
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Ruthiella Love that mug! 😍 8mo
TheBookHippie Love this view! 8mo
TheSpineView Love morning reading! 8mo
kspenmoll @Ruthiella Thanks perfect for the season! 8mo
kspenmoll @TheBookHippie @TheSpineView The morning sun shines through these windows about 8 o‘clock. Another lovely place to view outdoors as I read. (edited) 8mo
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~Read &Finished 4 books
~ Read 124 pgs of a book to finish
~ started 3 books
I am pleased with my reading during this readathon!
#NovelNovember #readathon #nonfictionnovember #setieslove2023

TheSpineView Fantastic! 8mo
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Everyone welcome ❄️💙❄️

It is free with kindle unlimited or 3.99
Paperback is under 10 bucks

Verity Bright is the pseudonym for a husband-and-wife writing partnership that has spanned a quarter of a century. Starting out writing high-end travel articles and books, they published everything from self-improvement to humour, before embarking on their first historical mystery.

vonnie862 Got my copy! 8mo
peanutnine This sounds fun! Looking forward to joining in ☺️ 8mo
IndoorDame Oooh, writing partnerships fascinate me! Co-writing is deceptively difficult, but full of possibilities when it works. 8mo
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TheBookHippie @IndoorDame I know!!!! I‘m more excited to start now! 8mo
AmyG I am going to start it today. 8mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG me too! And it‘s snowing 🤣❄️💙📘 8mo
AmyG Perfect for reading! We had snow yesterday. 8mo
AnnR Oh goodness! I need to be reading this now, lest I fall behind in the discussion. 📚😬 8mo
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This is supposed to be okay as a stand alone and concidered a cozy historical mystery. Not my genre but I‘m looking forward to seeing what it is 🙃


All welcome ♥️

This can work for #wintergames I imagine ☃️

LiseWorks I would like to join and read this book 8mo
TheBookHippie @LiseWorks gotcha! I‘ll tag you in the first week you‘ll see how it goes and get the hang of it 💙🙃 welcome! 8mo
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