Ch 24: I‘m digging these shorter chapters #schoolvisitors #teawithteacher #readingallthebooks #politicsinschool 🙄 #notafan #nobodyshouldtellanyonehowtovote #especiallyateacher #anyway #backtothebooks #ilovehowtheyplayact #momhidingthebooks #laurashouldbesewing 🙄 #imwithlaura #sewingishqrd #hashtagbrigade
Ch 20: Mrs Herring giving me HO feels 🤣 #lauraisscaredofthecloset #hermomtreatsherlikecrap #notafan #anyway #mrsHcomestocleanitout #mumwonttakegandmedowns #sheplanstopickthegarbageinstead #becausethatsbetter 🤣 #tomorrowwegotocandleford #hashtagbrigade
Does she know what the word dalliance means, because this sentence suggests that she either does NOT or has no respect for the field of anthropology. Neither looks good. Then again, she‘s starting paragraphs (and by extension sentences with the word “and,” so I may have to skip her horrible introduction all together.
#CarolynMcVickarEdwards #TheReturnOfTheLight #getadictionary #whotaughtyouhowtowrite #badgrammar #notafan
Ch 25-26: Angel visits his family #notafan #theywanthimtomarryalocalgirl #hewantstomarrytess #dadmentionsalec #iaboutdied #thiscantendwell #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 7: Ronny ruins Fielding‘s tea party #fieldingandazizarebestiesnow #adelaslipsup #mrsmoorewasunthrilled #ronnyissorude #notafan #aziztooknoshit #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
I love Eeyore. As I‘ve grown older, I love him more and more. I‘ve heard him described in many ways, some beautiful and wonderful, some horrible and judgemental. I‘ve certainly never heard him referred to as “abrasive.” I‘m absolutely disgusted with the way Eeyore is treated in this chapter. If it weren‘t for the group, I‘d be done with this book right now. I am NOT a Benjamin Hoff fan at all. I find some of his claims disgusting.
1.5-2🌟 First, let me say that I really like Robin Hood stories. I like the legend and I like the idea of humanitarianism. It is from these stories that I first came to believe that the wealth of a nation should be the wealth of the entire nation not just the select few. However, I was not a great fan of this particular telling of it. Pyle talks to the reader as if they are both travelling with Robin or spying on him. (cont‘d below)
Someone loaned me this book and boy, it‘s been a s-t-r-u-g-g-l-e to finish. I have a hard time putting a book down especially when someone recommends one. I was not a fan though. It was way too cheesy and had too many corny jokes. This one was not for me! #notafan #finallyfinished #nonfiction
This one's for you @Laalaleighh ! 😂👏🏻🙌🏻 What would you do if you found yourself going down the highway behind these two trucks? 😎 #LitsyHumor
I have some sympathy with Laura's mom... the “fear of falling“ must have been really strong in her position. But people who love babies so much are annoying! 😂