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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Why did I read a cookbook cover-to-cover that I can‘t eat 90% of the recipes in? I‘m still not sure, but it‘s Tony. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ Is this going to be your go-to cookbook? No, unless you live in a city with access to a lot wider variety and better quality ingredients than I have in my large town, and you have more speed and fluency in the kitchen than I do. He scores point on not using complicated equipment though. #borrownotbuy on #hoopla!

Megabooks Also, it‘s a bit sad reading a family friendly cookbook when we now know his marriage was crumbling and he had started to date Asia, who was a problematic girlfriend at best. And Ariane, who is pictured without showing her face, is growing up without a dad. 😢 (edited) 4mo
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Happy Thanksgiving, Litsy family! ☺️ I‘m up before dawn, getting started on cooking my first-ever Thanksgiving dinner, with the help of Anthony Bourdain here. Just finished making this garlic herb butter with lemon zest, mmmm. I have so much to be thankful for this year! 🙏🏻 Wishing the same for all of you. ❤️

BookBabe Note: I got the lemon herb butter recipe from Gordon Ramsay on YouTube 😬 https://youtu.be/e5PFXhdfVT8 5y
wordslinger42 Sounds yummy!! Happy Thanksgiving 🦃💚 5y
Megabooks Happy thanksgiving! I hope your pregnancy is going well! Wishing you a good holiday season! 5y
Nute Thankful for you, Ms. Jennifer. Have a wonderful day today!🧡 5y
catebutler Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. 🦃🍂 5y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Research for the final paper of my stories and creative leadership class. This is going to be an emotional ride for me, but (hopefully) worth it.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa So great after we read Typhoid Mary! Good luck! 6y
Megabooks Very sad loss. He was quite a talented storyteller. 6y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Amazing cookbook. Funny and well written. The club sandwich is evil!! Lolol.

Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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My birthday gifts, Appetites: A Cookbook was a very pleasant surprise......Anthony Bourdain, the world genuinely misses you, man. RIP.

Bronte_Chintz Welcome to Litsy! Hope you love it here! 6y
JoScho Welcome to Litsy! I hope you love it here as much as we do! Happy Reading 💖😊 6y
Theshadedbuffalo Welcome to Litsy! 🌟📚 6y
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StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 👍📚 6y
Leftcoastzen 👋 welcome to Litsy 6y
Swe_Eva I‘ve read part of the Bourdain book. Miss him! 6y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy🌼 6y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 6y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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1) I don't have any cookbooks, but I've stacked a couple that sounded intriguing.
2) I'm going to have to say no. Although Freddy's has a mean Chicago dog with Texas toast. It seems like it should qualify, but it also seems blasphemous.
3) Anthony Bourdain. 💔
4) Maybe peanut butter & bananas on waffles?

JoScho 😋❤️🌭 6y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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#ManicMonday @JoScho

🍴(the tagged book) is the last cookbook that I have gotten so right now I guess it's my favorite?

🍴No. Just like toast and jam isn't a pie.

🍴Hmmm. David Chang (Momofuku) or René Redzepi (Noma).

🍴Watermelon & bleu cheese...although to me that's not weird it's delicious. 😁

JoScho Damn straight toast and jam isn‘t a pie! 😋❤️ 6y
RealLifeReading Oh man a dinner cooked by both Chang and Redzepi would be amazing! 6y
umbrellagirl Blue cheese is good with other fruit, so why not watermelon? 6y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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I grabbed this one at the library last weekend. It's been making me laugh (the first line in the dessert 'section' says F*%# Dessert!) 🤣& it's been making me sad. 😢 Oh Bourdain, such a loss--I can't believe it's been a week. 💔I tried the Spaghetti with Garlic, Anchovy & Parsley tonight. Delicious & done in about 15 min--which with today's heat & humidity, was more than enough time in the kitchen. It was my dinner & my blog post. Link👇🏻

JenReadsAlot I'm rewatching Parts Unknown and also making me laugh and so sad 😢 6y
BookHermit That dessert chapter! 😂 I‘m a baker so Bourdain and I had different food priorities. Still can‘t believe he‘s gone. 6y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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I‘ve been absolutely heartbroken about Anthony Bourdain‘s death the past few days. I‘ve never really understood emotional reactions to celebrity deaths until now. My husband and I have been reading and watching him for years and the loss is just so massive, at a time when America needed his voice more than ever before. We live nearby and went to see the tributes at the original Les Halles on Friday night. 🖤

JoScho 🖤 6y
Erinsuereads So so sad. I had the same reaction. 6y
Smrloomis Same here 😔😢 6y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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On the menu tonight. Partly feeling a comfort food meal, partly cause this one has ingredients we have/can easily get. First recipe we're trying from this book, though we've had it a while now.

RIP, Anthony Bourdain.

Andrea4 Heavy week 😧 6y
llwheeler @Andrea4 Yeah no kidding 6y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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So sad he's not out there experiencing, creating, and sharing anymore 😢 #rip #anthonybourdain

Smrloomis 💔💔💔 6y
Bookzombie 💔 6y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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"Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life - and travel - leaves marks on you. Most of the time, those marks - on your body or on your heart - are beautiful. Often, though, they hurt.""
Anthony Bourdain
Just numb ....
May he be at peace. My daughter and I were just leafing through his cookbook two days ago, talking about him...#rip

LMJenkins So very sad. 6y
Christine Heartbreaking. My husband and I were huge fans of his television work, just watched the remarkable West Virginia episode of Parts Unknown last night. 💔 6y
TheBookHippie @Christine we did as well...my heart just hurts.. 6y
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Reviewsbylola So horrible. 💔 6y
AmyG I am so deeply saddened...especially for his wife and daughter. 😪 6y
Blaire So heartbreaking- I recently watched his show set in West Virginia (where I live), he had such a gift for listening and understanding others. 6y
TheBookHippie @AmyG I'm saddened he felt the pain so deeply to this end. The fallout of all his loved ones gut wrenching 😭 6y
Smrloomis 💔 6y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Entertaining. And, put those goddamn marshmallows away.


celtichik Pure Anthony for sure! 6y
BookishBelle 😂😂😂 6y
MelAnn That is awesome! 6y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Just started. Picked up because of the cover art and Bourdain's appreciation for In 'n Out Burger. 🍔

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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Bourdain's snark and foul language pepper his family's favorite recipes accompanied by splashy and somewhat creepy photos of animal bits and other culinary carnage. Basically all the yes. I even found several recipes I'd love to try despite it being massively meat-centric. And now I'm hungry 😬 #mommyreads #cookbook #ebook

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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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A fun, idiosyncratic cookbook.
Not Les Halles, but w more recipes I'll actually make. I ❤ Bourdain because you know he told the publisher "get me Steadman for the cover or it's no deal."

Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Have I mentioned how much I love Anthony Bourdain lately?
Here's a reminder:

britt_brooke YES. I bought this for hubby for Christmas. I love Anthony Bourdain! 7y
Echo @britt_brooke my grandmother got it for me for Christmas! She had to make several trips to the bookstore because it was ALWAYS sold out! Every other chef and travel show host could fall off the planet and I would have no idea. 7y
Donnasmiles Loved that book! 7y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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A good start to my challenge! I do love reading cookbooks!!!

Zelma How was it? I almost asked for it at Christmas but thought maybe I should check it out from the library first. 7y
Jen2 It was good. Some recipes were way over my head. I say library first. 7y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Last post for Christmas Day. #christmasdinner! Prime rib with a side of dog eyes peering over my table. I'm broken-hearted over George Michael, but I am still having a wonderful, relaxing day.

Texreader Mmmm prime rib. My fave. Yes. Sad about George Michael. 😞 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Mimosa + Bourdain = 👌🎄🎉⭐Great photos and Bourdain comes across just as delightfully snarky on the page as off 👍👍

ReadingEnvy Oh my gosh the dessert section made me guffaw 8y
BookHermit @ReadingEnvy Me too! But Bourdain and I will agree to disagree. Desserts are my thing, my jam, my raison d'être and no meal is complete without a little something sweet! 8y
ReadingEnvy @BookHermit agree it was just so him 8y
BookHermit @ReadingEnvy I was a little disappointed that there wasn't a section on "meat in tube form" but I quite enjoyed his guide to the perfect hamburger. 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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I'm kind of so-so on cookbooks. I think it's good to have a couple around and I'll buy ones from friends who write them but there's a ton of internet recipes to check out instead. Still, this will be satisfying for Bourdain fans and does have killer recipes like Macau pork bun sandwich. He described the original experience in Macau as "like peeling the panties off a super model". So there's that. Lovers of Bourdain rejoice!

Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Oh my....had the kids at the library and saw this book on the new book shelf. I love all things Bourdain! This book is beautiful and as is Bourdain's way many recipes I might never cook but plenty I would. The pictures and his writing cracks me up. Would be a great gift for anyone who appreciates his style.

Laura317 That cover is brilliant! Love all things Bourdain, too. 8y
Donnasmiles @Laura317 would love to meet him! 8y
Laura317 @Donnasmiles Me, too! I would love to just sit and listen to him talk of his foodie travels. 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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#recommendsday: Giving these lovelies to my husband for Christmas.

BookishBlonde12 Both great choices! 😁 8y
KarenUK Love both covers 😊💕 8y
My_novel_obsession I got Appetites for my daughter for Christmas...Haven't wrapped it yet because I'm not done going through all the recipes 🙄 8y
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vivastory Love Brautigan. Recommend "Willard & His Bowling Trophies." 8y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
britt_brooke @vivastory Good to know, thanks! He's never read any Brautigan (neither have I). 8y
britt_brooke @Anovelobsession I have thought about doing the same! 8y
L_auren Got the boardain for my dad ☺️ 8y
britt_brooke @L_auren 🙌🏻 I think it's a great gift. I can't wait to take a look at it myself. 8y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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I picked this cookbook up for my foodie hubby as an early Christmas gift.
Anthony Bourdain is kick-ass awesome! Can't wait to try some of these dishes.
"Mutant quesadillas chorizo and duck"
"Melted cheese. End of story"
Page 114

Abby-J I have such a crush on Anthony Bourdain. 8y
ApoptyGina69 He's definitely the "real deal" in the culinary world. A celeb now, but has earned his chops (so to speak?). 8y
TeR I know.... me too! @Abby-J 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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#BookNDinner: #Thanksgiving Edition! 😋 Bourdain breaks down how to make a disaster-free Thanksgiving feast, step by step, day by day. I recommend reading his Thanksgiving tips for next year! This feast is comprised of turkey & gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, turnips, mashed potatoes, candied yams, green beans, the works! Yum yum. And as always, I'm thankful for you, my wonderful @Litsy family. ❤️

BookishMarginalia 💜💕💜 8y
LeahBergen It looks amazing. Have fun, you guys! 😘 8y
Magdawrites Happy Thanksgiving you two! 🍾📚 8y
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Litlady I'm salivating over here! Looks delish. Happy Thanksgiving to you and MrBook and sweet fur baby Coale, too! 😻🦃❣🐾 8y
Litsy We love you too, @BookBabe ! And this spread is gorgeous! Perfect for #LitsyCooks! 8y
BookBabe @Litsy Thank you! ☺️❤️ And thanks for reminding me about the #LitsyCooks hashtag — I meant to use it, but I was on a tryptophan trip at the time! 😂👍🏻 8y
BookBabe Thank you! @MrBook and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too! @BookishMarginalia @LeahBergen @MysteryAuthor 8y
MrBook 😁👏🏻 8y
BookBabe @Litlady Awww, thank you! 😸 Coale appreciates your remembering him. 😻 We three wish you a very happy Thanksgiving! ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😎👍🏻 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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This is happening any minute! Anthony Bourdain take me away into your world.

britt_brooke I am SO JEALOUS RIGHT NOW. 8y
britt_brooke Have fun! 😁 8y
BeththeBookDragon Saw him in Columbus!!! ❤️ 8y
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L_auren Just bought this for my dad 🤓 8y
LauraBrook I'm jealous too! Love him. 8y
DebinHawaii Very jealous! Enjoy! 😀 8y
geodynamical_nonfiction Cool share! 😮👏 8y
Theresa Beautiful venue! 8y
intothehallofbooks Oh wow, how cool!! 8y
ApoptyGina69 Lots of laughs for sure. Just picked this book up a couple weeks ago. Fun times!! 8y
ApoptyGina69 @Theresa I'd know the San Francisco Opera House anywhere! It is beautiful. And mysteriously, it always smells like a lime tree orchard in the lobby. 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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I got this book from the library for a specific recipe that kept getting mentioned on @bookriot podcasts and giving me cravings. I'm clearly in above my head here. But I have to admire the dedication of this fridge shot.

#cookbook #amreading

alanacristin Which recipe is that? I'm curious. And hungry. 😜 8y
8little_paws Yeah I'm curious too! 8y
LeahBergen I like the Fanta next to the Dom! 😂 8y
lean_rosey @alanacristin @8little_paws black bean chorizo soup! I'm going to attempt it this weekend 8y
lean_rosey @LeahBergen I hadn't even noticed. Keepin' it classy! 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Great fun to read through this book after listening to him read his memoir. (And I think Anthony Bourdain would not appreciate this dinner I ate recently in Providence!)

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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Anthony Bourdain's surly intelligence makes me happy and so does his new cookbook and the butterlicious Pommes Anna I cooked from it today! #anthonybourdain #appetites #bookstagram #butter

PurpleyPumpkin Wow, this looks awesome!😊 8y
jlondon1963 Looks very tasty! 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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🍃🍂It's a blustery autumn night here in the Pennsylvania mountains, so I'm digging in to a comforting creamy mushroom soup with garlic, while reading Bourdain's chapter on soup! Reading about food makes me hungry. 🍲😋

8little_paws Oh that looks so delicious! 8y
Owlizabeth On my Chrismukkah wish list! 8y
Arcana @Owlizabeth 👍👏👏👏 8y
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JacqMac It's on my list, too. It looks good! 8y
readinginthedark Yum! We went the pancake route! 8y
kricheal Ooooh I'm in PA too! 8y
Chassie I loved this cookbook! And it made me realize I need an immersion blender. 😉 8y
MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😎👍🏻 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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I'm just delving into cookbook territory (mostly relied on Allrecipes till now): Appetites, full of Bourdain's sassy humor, cooking tips, & his personal tried & true recipes that he uses at home w/ fam & friends; Ingredient, the book I've waited for all my life, teaches chemistry of cooking & how ingredients' interactions affect results (why eggs fried in olive oil suck, but eggs fried in butter rock). Fab books!

#CookBookLove #LitsyDoesCooking

britt_brooke I'm happy you posted this! I've been curious about the Bourdain one. 8y
LilMamaMastro My oldest son has a degree in Chemistry & my 2nd son is a chef. Despite their being complete opposites in almost every way, I say their professions are basically the same. 8y
Reviewsbylola But where's your tater tot cookbook? 😂😂 8y
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Posemn Oooo. Haven't seen the Anthony Bourdain book. Looks good. 8y
Audrey For the ultimate science and delicious cooking cookbook, check out the food lab. I love Kenji. 8y
ApoptyGina69 Just got Appetites last week. Bourdain is so fun and this is his first book with recipes. 8y
MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #WheresTheTots?! 8y
andreadmw Ingredient is on my list 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😎👍🏻 8y
Jinjer Yasss! Butter! I think that‘s why I can‘t get a decent egg in a restaurant! They aren‘t frying, scrambling or poaching in butter! You MUST use butter!!! 6y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Obviously had to post this for #cookbooklove ... One of my favorites ❤️🙌🏼 #photoadaynov16

MrBook Making @BookBabe jealous over here 😎👍🏻. 8y
BookBabe 😊👍🏻 8y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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This book by my favorite punk-rock chef extraordinaire is my new obsession. With Mr. Bourdain's wry voice and Ralph Steadman drawings, it's gorgeous and functional. #cookbooklove #photoadaynov16

[DELETED] 2437761296 He is so hot. Not that that has anything to do with his books, 😂. 8y
Megabooks @margo_lane He's single again. 😉😉😉 8y
KDo27 @margo_lane agreed! 8y
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MrBook #NoTotsNotACookbook!!! 😂👏🏻 8y
KarenUK Love him 💗 8y
kspenmoll Enjoy his at times, wild show on TV. 8y
BookBabe I'm reading this one now...awesomeness! 🙌🏻 8y
Zelma I want this book so much. I am going to do some heavy hinting for Christmas. 8y
Zelma @Ebooksandcooks again? He just had a kid and went on and on about the joys of family life. I wouldn't wish a break-up on anyone, but I didn't really care for the settled down, softer side to him. 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Among our Holiday Picks for 2016 is Anthony Bourdain's first cookbook in 10 years! A look at home cooking with Bourdain's infamous no-holds-barred style, "Appetites" will save the day on Thanksgiving and the rest of the year too. #CopperfieldsRecommends #CopperfieldsBooks

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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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LeahBergen How does it seem so far? 8y
MrBook #NoTotsNotACookbook!!! 😂👏🏻 8y
AmandaL @LeahBergen He says it's just a collection of the stuff he cooks for his family, and it is a great collection of popular family foods, just a bit fancier. The photos are edgy and cool, though the animal parts were more artistic than appetizing. I'll definitely try some recipes, and I always like his anecdotes. 8y
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BookBabe I'm reading this one now...awesomeness! 🙌🏻 8y
AmandaL @BookBabe Agreed! 🙌🏻 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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These are the two new editions to the #cookbooklove bookshelf. "His and hers" Ha! I have yet to page through either, but I hear the WoW book has some interesting ideas. We already made the cherry grog. Hic! ?This is the first Bourdain book that has recipes. #photoadaynov16

BooksForYears I have the Bourdain on my holiday wish list 😍 8y
RealLifeReading Nice! I didn't know Bourdain had this book out! 8y
MrBook #NoTotsNotACookbook!!! 😂👏🏻 8y
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ApoptyGina69 @MrBook um, isn't the point of tots, actually, the sheer BEAUTY of them is you don't need a recipe? Trying to improve on the crispy tot, not an option. 😍🍷 8y
MrBook @ApoptyGina69 😂👏🏻 Nnnno! There are a number of facile enhancements to rocket the beloved food to new and extraordinary heights of pleasure and satisfaction. 😎👍🏻 8y
ApoptyGina69 @MrBook Lesson Learned. 8y
MrBook Lol 8y
BookBabe I'm reading this Bourdain book now...awesomeness! 🙌🏻 8y
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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Great writing, no big surprise but still entertaining plus lots of great cooking tips.

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Appetites: a Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Oh man. I think this might qualify for #HalloweenReads. #booktober

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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Why yes I did have to make Bourdain's tomato soup again in order to answer a very important question: is it better served with a grilled cheese or BLT? We have decided the test needs to be performed many more times before we can even begin to decide.

angrylilasian Oooo that's tough! Love grilled cheese and BLTs! What's the verdict? 8y
Matilda @angrylilasian I'll have to make it again with grilled cheese and then probably with BLT before deciding lol the salty BLT was great but the grilled cheese lets you dip. 8y
KDo27 Ahhhh I just got this book last night at his talk!!! Can't wait to start trying these recipes!!!! Love him! 8y
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BeththeBookDragon @KDo27 I was there last night and picked up a copy for my mom!!! 8y
celtichik So far I'm just enjoying his stories...but there are lots of good recipes! 8y
A.Song.of.Ice.and.Chai @Matilda BLTs are great dipping sandwiches. Don't let your dreams be dreams! 8y
Matilda @A.Song.of.Ice.and.Chai lol! 8y
Matilda @celtichik I found his stories and rants very entertaining. 8y
BooksForEmpathy Hah! Love his rant about hamburgers and Mac and cheese. Glad you enjoyed the soup; I personally want to make his lasagna ASAP! 8y
Matilda @BooksForEmpathy I hope to try a bunch more of the recipes! (His rant at the beginning towards someone complaining about how a chef used a fork in a pan made me die laughing.) 8y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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A glass of red and yes.

BeththeBookDragon I'm seeing him in Columbus on Saturday and I'm SO excited! 8y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Anthony Bourdain had a great talk about cooking for loved ones and the practicality of it. His is a great signature to add to the collection. #anthonybourdain #appetites @Eccobooks

Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Anthony Bourdain has feelings about: bacon, brunch, burgers, eggs, English muffins, family meals, leftovers, risotto prep, sex after dinner parties, truffle oil, and Thanksgiving prep (a stunt turkey!) among other things. I love his writing style. Reading through his recipe book is a true delight, and the photography is stunning and so compelling.

Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Come to me, My Precious.

BooksForYears 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 8y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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This gorgeous book comes out today! Anthony Bourdain's latest cookbook in about 10 years is filled with decades-worth of his experience as a professional chef and world traveler - and is perfect for entertaining even the most discriminating guests. The cover, created by artist Ralph Steadman, is as edgy, irreverent, and fun as Bourdain himself!
#appetites #anthonybourdain #ralphsteadman #cookbook #newrelease

aeeklund AMAZING!!! 8y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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I giggled my way through this cookbook, coming soon. Another recipe includes the phrase "fuck nuts."

Zelma I just ❤️ him. Looking forward to this. 8y
ReadingEnvy @Zelma me too and the writing in this sounds exactly like him 8y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Made the tomato soup out of Bourdain's new cookbook and omg delicious! He curses and is himself throughout the entire book- I found it amusing.
Notes regarding soup:
*I followed the recipe to the letter.
*The cream should not be fridge cold when +
*I saved all the "pulp" from the strainer to use for spaghetti sauce.
*in total I was in the kitchen for 1.5 hours.

ultrabookgeek That looks delicious! 8y
brilliantglow I love Anthony Bourdain. That soup looks fantastic 8y
Shemac77 Looks delicious! 8y
BeththeBookDragon I'm seeing Bourdain in Columbus at the end of the month, I am SO excited!!! 8y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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Love Bourdain and cannot wait to try some of these.

capriciousreader So jealous. 8y
szainabwilliams Yay, me too!🍴I hope to see pics! 8y
Owlizabeth Oh man, I can't wait 8y
E.H.Kern Has the man who swore he would never write a cookbook actually written a cookbook? 8y
BlueNoodleFritz Oh man!!! I do love him! His audio books are fantastic too....because you can hear him 😍 8y
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Appetites: A Cookbook | Anthony Bourdain
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APPETITES IS COMING from Anthony Bourdain on 10/25

tkmadden 😱 8y
skrishna Here. For. This. 8y
kbuggle yes please 🍴 8y
Liz Excited about this! 8y
Aimee @Judithah you might like this. 8y
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