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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Eggs 🧡🤎🧡 1y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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I read book one back in 2014 and it's as vivid now as it was the day I finished it.

This book is a very different experience when you are grieving yourself for an out of time death of a loved one.

I think this book leans into grief pretty well, I liked how it was handled. Parts are very difficult to read as you'd imagine them to be, I'm always pleased to see grief representation that isn't glossed over.

A decent sequel

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes

I really enjoyed hearing more about Louisa‘s journey after Will. I love her family and Lily was a nice surprise. There were chunks that felt slow-going, it‘s definitely a different pace from MBY, but it was still enjoyable for me because I was invested in the characters.

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Much different than the first book however it was enjoyable in its own sense. 4/5 ⭐️

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Lou deals with the aftermath of “Me Before You”

This book had a good beginning and a good ending, but the middle was very slow to get through.

#mistletoemaniacs #wintergames

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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This lacked the magic of Me before you. Lou was still a nice character but the story didn't live up to the first book.

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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes

Thought I had donated this in a pile of books but I found it in my closet so it‘s time I read it.

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Reading this as well at the moment. I'm feeling like this might be lacking some of the story power Me before you had. 🤔

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes

3 stars

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes

After reading the first book it felt really really slow start. By the end of the book I was really rooting for Lou and Sam and was gutted the book was over. I think I preferred me before you but I still want know what happens next and am excited to read the next book

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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My Rating: 4.5/5
I usually have to take a longer break between books in a series, but Before You stuck in my mind and prompted me to want to read more about Louisa almost immediately.
While I didn't love this book as much as the first, it was still a really good read. I found it had a much different tone than the first, which is to be expected considering the subject matter of both, and I found that what I liked in this one was the differences.

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Me likey

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes


After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes

Ahh I finished this one and forgot to log it. I enjoyed reading about what happens to Lou. I have to admit, it‘s not necessarily what I expected. Characters both old and new are in this one & that makes for a fun dynamic.

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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@Kaila-ann 😁😁😁 Thank you for the book!! I‘ve wanted to read it forever but it never seemed to go on sale 😂 Also, I have now discovered Book Crossing, which I‘d never heard of - such a cool idea!! Thank you again, so much, for thinking of me ❤️😁

Kaila-ann You‘re so welcome and I‘m so excited you joined bookcrossing! Do you have specific questions about it?! I‘ll send you an email as well but wasn‘t sure if there was something in particular you were wondering about 😊!! 4y
CBee @Kaila-ann me too! I was stoked that something like it exists! I have so many books that need new homes 😂😂 I am going to look around the site a bit more and will email you if I have questions! Thank you again for the book 😁❤️ 4y
Kaila-ann @CBee I love bookcrossing and have met some truly wonderful people on there as well. Take a look around and I‘ll be happy to answer any questions you have 😊❤️. 4y
CBee @Kaila-ann thank you 😁❤️ 4y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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This wasn‘t for me, it was disappointing because Me Before You was such a great book. It took me this long to read this because I simply couldn‘t imagine how this story could go on without Will, his presence was definitely missed throughout this whole story and the chemistry between Lou and Sam was just...meh

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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I enjoyed this sequel to Me Before You, it necessarily in the same way as the first one but I did enjoy it. I enjoyed the new characters that were introduced and who helped Lou deal with the loss of Will. Overall, a quick enjoyable read. I still have the third one to go but #lmpbc and a couple of other promised books will take priority. #bookcrossing

Dopo di te | Jojo Moyes
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La continua mi è sembrata una forzatura, si poteva concludere con il primo e basta.

Ast_Arslan @Lalunadimezzo perfettamente d'accordo con te! Il primo l'ho trovato adorabile, il secondo era assolutamente non necessario. So che esiste il terzo, ma non credo lo leggerò mai 😅 4y
Lalunadimezzo @Ast_Arslan Non sono riuscita a finire questo figuriamoci il terzo ahaha 😂❤️ 4y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Unbelievable!!!! I will admit I read this series because of the movie getting ready to be released. But WOW! I was taken on such a beautiful, heartbreaking and thrilling journey. Both books are highly recommended as immediate reads.

Cupcake12 Love this book x 4y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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A few books I‘ve read with a #newbeginning. ❤️

Catherine_Willoughby What AFTER YOU like? I enjoyed BEFORE YOU 5y
OriginalCyn620 @Catherine_Willoughby I enjoyed it. It was nice to see what Louisa‘s life was like without Will. 5y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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So it‘s still in the early stages as I am still setting everything up but I am finally setting up by book review Instagram! This is something I have thought about doing for awhile and decided to finally take the plunge and do it. So if you have Instagram and would like another book reviewer to follow just look for my account. Hoping to fully launch the account 2/01/20! Also looking for suggestions for my first book review!

aartichapati Just found you! I am @aartireadsalot 5y
HoneyBeeLee @aartichapati sweet! I just followed you back. Thank you so much! 💜 5y
TheSpineView Followed you! 😃 5y
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HoneyBeeLee @TheSpineView Thank you so much! 5y
TorieStorieS I just started today too!! I‘m TorieStorieS6 - following you now! 5y
HoneyBeeLee @TorieStorieS sweet! Just followed you back 😁 5y
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So was looking at my Litfluence and thinking if I can make it to 1,000 Litfluence I will do a giveaway. 🤔 Not sure what will be in the giveaway but it will defiantly be book related. Maybe a book off your wish list and some other book goodies. What kind of things do you like to get in giveaways? Let me know. #conversationstarter

Chrissyreadit Fun!!! Anything in a giveaway is fun! 5y
HoneyBeeLee @Chrissyreadit lol that is true 5y
ElizaMarie I am all about anything as a give away. Sure a book on your TBR is practical but... maybe looking at their TBR you can recommend something similar. Or give away your favorite book! I like that much better now that I think about it. Or other bookish items like bookmarks, fuzzy socks, tea.

Anyway, I think its super awesome you want to do a giveaway.
HoneyBeeLee @ElizaMarie Hey that's not a bad idea. I could definitely give a book they would like based off whats on their TBR pile. Thank you so much for the suggestion.

Yeah a giveaway just seemed like something fun to do that like everyone could enjoy.
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes

Didn't love it as much as the first book but was still really enjoyable.

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Made it to 100 books this year on my goodreads challenge. Now to take my time and enjoy this book before my vacation ends 😩

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes


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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Ready for #24in48 book 3! Thought about finishing this series, but I think it's time for something different. Maybe an audiobook so I actually accomplish something around the house today?

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. I loved ‘Me before You‘ and I thought it would be really hard to do a sequel. It‘s not as all consuming as the first book but it‘s a clever study on grief. Jojo is a gifted character writer so I cared about all the new characters and it was lovely to catch up with Louisa Clark. 👍🏻

Ycart85 I‘ve just started this 😊 I also have the 3rd book ready to go x 5y
Caroline2 @Ycart85 yep I‘ve already got the third book and I‘m looking forward to seeing what happens next...! 👍🏻 5y
Crazeedi Love that Penman series, I have to get back to it... 5y
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Mishu94 @caroline2 @Ycart85 Guyssssss! I‘m so glad the both of you are starting on the third book! I have read the first and the second part and I don‘t know anyone around me who has read the last one as yet! So when the both of you get done with that, can you pleaseeee leave a review on it! 😬😬 5y
Ycart85 @Mishu94 it may take me a while as it‘s the book I keep at work for my break time entertainment 😊 5y
Mishu94 @Ycart85 That‘s completely fine! I have a lot of books to catch up on in the meantime! 😂 and I also read when I get a break at work aswell! 😂 5y
Caroline2 @Mishu94 Yes of course! I love a good chat after I‘ve finished a book! I‘ll tag you when I‘m done. 👍🏻 ☕️ 5y
Mishu94 @Caroline2 that sounds perfect! 😁 5y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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New Starbucks opened in Cologne?

There are just way too many great little Cafés in town so I don‘t frequent Starbucks on a regular basis but wanted to give this one a whirl before the comfy chairs get all gross ??

So after a long busy week & a particularly taxing meeting with an old friend I‘m treating myself to a grande Latte ?☕️ and at least a half hour with a book ??

Cinfhen Self care #goodplan ❤️ 5y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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I really liked, ‘Me before you‘ so I‘m looking forward to reading the next one! 👍🏻 #frommetoyou #beatlemaynia

tina_b.ooks I especially liked the last one 5y
Texreader Oh I love Elizabeth Chadwick! 5y
Eggs 🤗🎶📚👏🏻🤗 5y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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I loved this book! So emotional and dealt with the aftermath of will‘s death. Wish I could stay in the car and start the last book in the series. Alas, I have to go into work....

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Book 1 and 2 of the Me Before You Series, tissues required. 😭😭😭 How do you go on without me?

OriginalCyn620 Great choice for the prompt! 😢💔 5y
caffeinated Currently reading the first book. I hope to get it done before the week ends. 😊 5y
SarahHarts_books Haven't read these yet. But have been meaning to for a while. They both look good. 5y
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Andrew65 @micamaldita Hope you are enjoying it. 5y
Andrew65 @SarahHarts_books There is also a third in the series, (edited) 5y
Andrew65 @OriginalCyn620 Thanks 😊👍 5y
SarahHarts_books Oh thank you! I actually didn't know about the 3rd! I'll have to add it to my stack! 👍 5y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Finished this yesterday. It was, in a word, ok. But as a sequel to Me Before You.... it falls short....so much so that one wonders why she even bothered. It would have been so much better if it were not standing in the shadow of its vastly superior predecessor. On its own it would have at least stood a chance of being kind of cute, (a romantic comedy with a happy ending).

Traci1 I felt the same about this one and the third one. She should have just left Me Before You as a stand-alone. 5y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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At roughly the half way point, it is not quite what I expected, and is definitely a departure from the types of books I normally read. Yet it is also oddly compelling. However, whether this is due to the writing or just a result of the kind of train wreck rubbernecking we are all guilty of at times, is yet to be determined.

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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After finishing Fellowship of the Ring, I needed something a little less heavy... realy hoping I am not setting myself up for trip through the emotional wringer.

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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I was surprised at how much I liked Me Before You, but it took me awhile to pick up this sequel. This story was quite a bit different than the first book. Nothing unpredictable happens, but I have to admit, these characters really worm their way into your feels.

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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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New bookmarks :) Never know what you are going to find at a thrift store.
#bookmarkhorder #lovinthebooklife

RedLeaves They're great 😊 6y
AmyG Lovely! 6y
398.2 These are cool! 6y
Smrloomis These are awesome! 5y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Scribd!!!! Possibly my new favorite thing. I decided to do the 30 day free trial to see if I liked it. I am always looking for new ways to get books. This is absolutely perfect. #booksbooksbooks #lovelisteninginmycar #mightbeaddicted

Weaponxgirl I‘m a big fan of scribd but find it can be hard to just browse sometimes. 6y
chyepanda @Weaponxgirl I haven‘t had a ton of trouble just browsing. I have noticed that at certain times books I know I added to my list won‘t show up as bookmarked. If that‘s my only complaint though it could be worse. 6y
S3V3N @chyepanda panda I just downloaded it too. I'm going to try it for free to see if I like it. I love Hoopla and Overdrive. 6y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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This one was kind of “meh.” Honestly took me a while to get through. Pretty slow start, imo. I really enjoyed the first book, but with no Will this one just didn‘t do it for me as much.

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes

Fun, fast read. Not quite as good as “Me Before You” but thoroughly enjoyable.

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes

It is a sequel to me before you and Lou in this meets Will's daughter who is similar to Will in many ways and pushes Lou to do things. It is an okay read.

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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My favorite quote from my current read:
"You're going to feel uncomfortable in your new world for a bit. It always does feel strange to be knocked out of your comfort zone...
There is a hunger in you, Clark. A fearlessness. You just buried it, like most people do.
Just live well. Just live."

This is the reason why I love fictional characters... ❤?

CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
Slajaunie Welcome to Litsy!💙📖📚 6y
bibliophile0810 @CoffeeNBooks thank you 😇 6y
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bibliophile0810 @Slajaunie thank you 😇 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌸 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📚🐛 6y
bibliophile0810 @Eggs thank you 😇 6y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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I can‘t put this book down! I am for sure finishing it tonight ☺️

Lovesbooks87 Welcome to Litsy! 6y
MayJasper Hello and welcome 6y
Nelle1 Thank you so much @Lovesbooks87 @MayJasper I am still getting the hang of using this app but I am already loving it so much! 🥰 6y
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Purrfectpages Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Nelle1 @Purrfectpages thank you! ☺️ 6y
AlaSkaat Welcome to Litsy 📖 I enjoyed this book more than the first one... 6y
DarcysMom Welcome to Litsy! 🤗 6y
Nelle1 @OleAnder me too! I‘ve actually already read #stillme (in the wrong order I know haha) and it was fantastic! 6y
Nelle1 @DarcysMom thank you! ☺️ 6y
AlaSkaat @Nelle1 Wow. I didn't even know there was a third book! 😂 6y
CrowCAH Welcome to the Litsy family!!! 📚 6y
BethM Welcome! 6y
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😺 6y
jenreads7 Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚 6y
Lynnsoprano Welcome to our Litsy family! 6y
Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out @LitsyHappenings for details. 6y
Megabooks Enjoy the book! Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻📚 6y
Crazeedi Welcome to litsy!!! 6y
Nelle1 Thanks everyone!! 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗 6y
greenhairdontcare Such a great read. Welcome to Litsy! 💚 6y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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From the tbr shelf!! I‘ve got to get to these!!

Lovesbooks87 I loved these books and the third book in the series. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Lovesbooks87 what is the third one? 6y
Lovesbooks87 Still Me 6y
See All 12 Comments
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Lovesbooks87 thank you!! I‘ll look for it to add to my collection ❤️ 6y
Klou I have the first 2 on my shelves from last Christmas. Have yet to read them. Waiting for Still Me to come out as Paperback in the UK (February I think) before I start ❤ 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Klou when you get it may we can do a little buddy read!! 6y
Klou @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks yes. Maybe. I'm not the fastest of readers but if I'm inbetween books at the time, sure! ❤ 6y
RenePenn Absolutely loved Me Before You. In my opinion Me After You didn‘t measure up. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Klou 👍🏻❤️ 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @RenePenn hmmmm I hate when that happens!!! 6y
RaimeyGallant Me, too! 6y
vkois88 I've never read these. I'd received multiple copies at various points, but ended up giving them all away for some reason lol... my TBR is too long!!! Happy new Year ❤🎉❤🎉❤ 6y
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After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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The first book in the trilogy still lingers inside me, but I enjoyed reading this one. Not as emotionally raw, and some of the sub plots seemed to be out of place, but still good use of my time! Starting on the third book later today.

After You: A Novel | Jojo Moyes
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Someway, somehow, I fell in love with Louisa Clark's character even more in AFTER YOU than in ME BEFOFE YOU.

Check out my review. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
