This book is about a girl, Nick, who has a sister that went missing on her birthday and is trying to find her. The book was very intriguing and had an excellent plot. 🤓
This book is about a girl, Nick, who has a sister that went missing on her birthday and is trying to find her. The book was very intriguing and had an excellent plot. 🤓
I went into this book knowing nothing and had no idea there was a big twist. Vanishing girls feels unfocused, a mishmash of genres. (Is it a thriller, love story, coming-of-age tale?) For a YA book, it took me some time to finish—mostly, because I was feeling rather uninspired about it all. While some chapters were captivating, this book was ultimately just ok.
I read this when I was 12, but I had to read it 3 or 4 times before I understood what was going on. Once I did it made a lot of sense! It's a good book, and the ending is. Not what you'd expect. 3 out of 5 stars
I loved it. Thought it was well written but honestly all of her books are.
Oliver's excellent craftsmanship of this story kept me engaged and thoroughly gobsmacked me!
And the included quote ... 100% hit me in the feels. ❤️💔❤️
#Tattoo #QuotsyAug19 @TK-421
Good. I had some trouble following the timeline, but it didn‘t mess me up. E. Lockhart is the perfect cover blurber. If the premise interests you, go for it. You‘re safe for a solid read. :)
I am sending off my #lmpbc book tomorrow-early this month!
Enjoy the last one @whippoorwill815
@OriginalCyn620 @Victoriahoperose
One more book to read, I cant wait till next month when I get it!
#LitsyMailPostalBookClub #groupc
This book was ok. I got really confused at the end, and had to reread the last few chapters to catch and understand the book.
I did enjoy it, but would not have picked it up myself.
I am done early this month! @whippoorwill815
#lmpbc #grouoc @OriginalCyn620 @Victoriahoperose
This is my current stack of TBR books. Not sure how long it will take to get though, but here goes nothing.
Vanishing Girl is the top of my stack. #LMPBC @OriginalCyn620 @whippoorwill815 @Victoriahoperose
Finished this month‘s book for #lmpbc! Lots of red herrings throughout but I did like the twist near the end. It kept my interest and was a decent thriller!
Getting ready to send this to @OriginalCyn620 - just finished today. Pretty good. Can‘t wait to see what everyone thinks. I‘m sending to the right person for this right? I figured in last so send to the first person? #lmpbc
🔆 #KindleDeal Alert 🔆 - I read #VanishingGirls by #LaurenOliver a couple years ago and enjoyed it.
Blurb: When Dara vanishes on her birthday, her sister, Nick, thinks she is playing around. But another girl, 9 y.o. Madeline, has vanished, too, and Nick becomes convinced that the two disappearances are linked. Oliver creates a world of intrigue, loss, and suspicion in this #YA thriller as two sisters search to find themselves, and each other.
Wow..I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and the magnificent way that Lauren Oliver wrote it. The gripping it gives you to not want to put it down. I highly recommend this book for sure!!
This is a solid book. I was really captured in the story and didn't see the plot coming. But what really annoyed me was the lovestory in it - I'm just fed up at this point. (We really need more YA novels that aren't focusing on love stories, PLEASE.)
YA psychological thriller.
Good girl Nicole (Nick) and her wild younger sister Dara are both unlikeable. Dara is constantly getting in trouble and Nick feels responsible and resentful for bailing her out.
A serious car accident leaves Dara permanently disfigured and Nick unable to forgive herself.
When Dara disappears, Nick is determined to find her.
And there‘s a twist ending that may seem very familiar.
I found this to be very slow-moving through most of it. It was a lot of teenage girl drama that I wasn't terribly interested in. But I knew there was a twist, so I stuck with it. I did not guess the twist, so that was good. I just wish that the pace had been a little quicker throughout. ⭐⭐⭐ V for #LitsyAtoZ (only 2 left: J and Q)
This was the first book that came to mind with the #Siblings prompt. A book that messed with my mind completely 😭
#AugustGrrrl | Day 3: #PerfectIllusion | #VanishingGirls by #LaurenOliver
My rating: 3.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟- This book is a #YA #psychologicalthriller about two #sisters inexorably altered by a terrible #accident. It contains a world of intrigue, #loss, and #suspicion as the two sisters #search to find themselves, and each other. #suspenseful #quickread #YoungAdult
#alsichdichsuchte muss ich unbedingt auch mal bald lesen!!! 😊
#UnreliableNarrators abound in this one. It took me a few chapters to get interested, but once I started to figure out where the plot was going, I read most of it in one sitting. #MayBookFlowers
Starting this today on #Audible.
Well I didn't see that ending coming. Jeeze, it's sad. Overall I liked the book though. I usually enjoy anything to do with complicated sibling relationships. #LitsyAtoZ #myVpick #sisters
Look guys I've broke 5,000 litfluence! 💕📚❤️😍🤡👍🌈.
I've always been close with my sister and could "feel" if she was hurt or in trouble. Really hoping these two sisters work it out. ❤
Current bookhaul! I'm in the middle of the top three and picked up the others at the library earlier this week. ❤📚💕
The combination of the third person limited view point and various epistolary elements make this nonlinear story dynamic and interesting. Thought the story skips back and forth through time it is not hard to follow. I'm one of those people who prides myself on guessing the ending of the book midway through. Oliver's ending, though perfectly logical, surprised me. #girlinthetitle #litsyreadingchallenge
Das Wochenende bei Freunden startet mit Tolino und Lektüre aus dem Carlsen Verlag, der diese Schwesterngeschichte demnächst in Deutschland rausbringen wird. Hoffentlich wird es nicht zu traurig.
I haven't read any of these yet. They came to me in a box of books I won, which I've been using to fill in when my library holds are slow. #girlinthetitle #ReadJanuary
2? By the time I got to the "exciting" part of this book, I no longer cared about the characters. The twist was obvious. ???? I like Oliver's writing style, but I haven't cared for her plots or characters. I think this will be my last book by her.
#LitsyAtoZ Letter O
Hi Littens! Sorry I haven't been around today. Count me as a member of the #litsymigraineclub. 😕😕
I'm listening to music/audiobooks by Christmas-tree light. 👍🏻 I went with a table-top tree this year because I missed the sales on bigger trees. The big ornament on the top is one a co-worker gave me with a picture of Bandit in it, so he's my angel!! 💕💕😇😇🐶🐾
This book was predictable and the characters were very generic and meh.
I bounced out of Broken Monsters after only about 60 pages, so this is up next.
I bailed at 30%. When I realized that I don't care what happens to these people, I knew that was it for me. So many other books on my TBR, thanks/blame it on Litsy.
Vanishing Girls is my first book by Lauren Oliver. (I know, I know!) Trust me, it won't be my last. The pages turned themselves and it was a terrific combination of suspense, drama & heartbreak. Read my full review at theludicreader.wordpress.com #yawinner
We all go a little crazy sometimes
I wish that photographs were physical spaces, like tunnels; that you could crawl inside them and go back.
Dara and I used to name the monsters in our closet so we wouldn‘t be so frightened of them, silly names that reduced their power: Timmy was one, and Sabrina.
Sometimes day and night reverse. Sometimes up goes down and down goes up, and love turns into hate, and the things you counted on get washed out from under your feet, leaving you pedaling in the air.
maybe helping solve other people‘s issues kept me from thinking about my own.
You act like you‘re so good. But deep down, you‘re just as screwed up as the rest of us.
all of life is about ending up somewhere you didn‘t expect, and learning to just be happy with it