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Eleven Hours
Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
51 posts | 38 read | 124 to read
Lore arrives at the hospital alone--no husband, no partner, no friends. Her birth plan is explicit: she wants no fetal monitor, no IV, no epidural. Franckline, a nurse in the maternity ward--herself on the verge of showing--is patient with the young woman. She knows what it's like to worry that something might go wrong, and she understands the distress when it does. She knows as well as anyone the severe challenge of childbirth, what it does to the mind and the body.Eleven Hours is the story of two soon-to-be mothers who, in the midst of a difficult labor, are forced to reckon with their pasts and re-create their futures. Lore must disentangle herself from a love triangle; Franckline must move beyond past traumas to accept the life that's waiting for her. Pamela Erens moves seamlessly between their begrudging partnership and the memories evoked by so intense an experience: for Lore, of the father of her child and her former best friend; for Franckline, of the family in Haiti from which she's exiled. At turns urgent and lyrical, Erens's novel is a visceral portrait of childbirth, and a vivid rendering of the way we approach motherhood--with fear and joy, anguish and awe.
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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A life-affirming character-based novel about Lore, a pregnant woman who has been living alone, and Franckline, the pregnant Haitian nurse who is assigned to care for Lore when she arrives at a NYC hospital in labour. The pacing is good, with just enough urgency to keep it compelling without feeling overwrought. Peripheral characters add richness & depth, widening the scope beyond the 11-hour time frame. #Audiobook narrated by Cassandra Campbell.

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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I can already tell that this isn‘t a novel I would recommend to someone who doesn‘t like reading about childbirth. (I‘m looking at you, Jenny @ReadingEnvy .) Looks like what I‘ve got ahead of me in this audiobook is eleven hours of labour (condensed into a 5-hour novel). Meanwhile, I‘m knitting as I listen.

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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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I lost the #fight again. Went to the library for ONE book-the tagged book-but came out with all of these. I guess it‘s ok since they‘re not all for me. . . 😂😊🤓

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Now if you're pregnant (especially w your 1st), don't read this. And as someone who's already had two, it was still a very emotional read. Lore arrives at the hospital, all alone, feeling like she's going to give birth at any second but she's just 3cm along. Her nurse Franckline is herself pregnant, something she wasn't expecting and something she worries about. Such lyrical writing as we follow these 2 women through labor, through their past

Heideschrampf As someone who really wants some one day somewhen I'm not sure whether I'm brave enough to put it on my TBR 🙈 (edited) 6y
BucklingBookshelves I have one son and I‘m not sure I could handle it, fascinating as it sounds. I distinctly remember not watching the new episodes of Call the Midwife while I was pregnant — just a little too close to home! 6y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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The 4yo is staying home today as he has an upset stomach. So while he's watching Toy Story, I'm trying to finish this book and I've got some rice porridge simmering away for lunch (I'll add fish later).

Annl And what are you knitting? 6y
ElisabethRose I love that yarn color! What are you going to crochet? 6y
RealLifeReading @Annl @ElisabethRose it's a simple crochet sweater! And the yarn is Lion Hometown USA Chicago Charcoal 6y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Today's swim class read

My life involves a lot of waiting around for kids' things to happen and books help take me away for a bit. In this case into a hospital room where a young woman is in labour.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds really good!!!! 6y
PictureandBook Gotta ask. Any stressful or scary parts? Don‘t think i could do that. 6y
ElishaLovesBooks Sounds good! Stacked! 6y
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UrsulaMonarch @PictureandBook great question, I'd be interested to know this too! 😬 6y
EricaReads @PictureandBook It‘s been awhile since I read it, but I remember being grateful that I didn‘t read it while pregnant. Definitely some stressful parts. 6y
PictureandBook Thanks! Maybe I‘ll pass. 6y
RealLifeReading @PictureandBook @UrsulaMonarch I'm about halfway through and while I am liking it, like @EricaReads said, I'm not sure if I would read it if I were expecting my first child. So far there's nothing that's really terrifying that's happening to the woman in labour but I can't be sure until I finish reading it. But as ive already had two kids, it's feeling really, well, real and makes me think back on my two pregnancies. 6y
UrsulaMonarch @EricaReads @RealLifeReading perfect, thank you! I've also had two, and I'm done, so I think I can read it (stacked!). I recently have read a couple of books I'm glad I was not reading while pregnant with my 10 week old, including 6y
EricaReads @UrsulaMonarch Thanks for the warning! I‘m pregnant now so I‘ll hold off on that one for a bit. 6y
UrsulaMonarch @EricaReads congratulations! The other book that I recently read and was glad I waited until after delivery was 6y
EricaReads @UrsulaMonarch Thanks! I have that one on hold, but it probably won‘t be my turn until after I deliver anyway. 6y
UrsulaMonarch @EricaReads ? I was like "this may not be useful AT ALL" because what are the chances - shows what I know! I was reading it when I went into labor! 6y
RealLifeReading @EricaReads congratulations and best of luck! 6y
RealLifeReading @UrsulaMonarch oh you have a newborn! You sure get a lot of reading done with such a young one!! 6y
UrsulaMonarch @RealLifeReading 😂 I feel like it is all I do! (For better or worse)- thank goodness for my kindle! Lots of reading during nighttime feedings... I remember with my older one i one weekend I read all of ! 6y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Picked up some books for myself this week!
Of course I had just this morning borrowed plenty of ebooks but who's counting

GrilledCheeseSamurai Saga! Yaaaas! 🤘 6y
KaraDunn Oooh, is that a new Saga? I‘m falling behind on that series. Love the cover! 6y
RealLifeReading @KaraDunn yes! This is the latest volume. Vol 8. So happy! 6y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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It is -23 her BUT the windchill makes it feel like -33. The only upside is an increase in reading time while the car warms up. I am so cold.

AmyG Yikes! 7y
Mdargusch That is brutal! 7y
Jas16 I cannot even imagine 7y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Have you guys heard of Postepic? It's an app that lets you take a picture of a book quote and then it'll turn it into text that you can edit and then you pick a background and turn it into a fun photo! Kinda fun if you don't want to type or write out quotes you like or have a bunch of photos of quotes on your phones. Just found it! No endorsement from them, just sharing :)

Cinfhen Cool, thanks for sharing! 7y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens

This is a short read that I ended up liking in the end. At first I was a little bored, but soon I was thinking, "ooh, who is this mysterious woman?"
I really enjoyed it once the back story drama got going and then before I knew it the L&D drama got going!
If you're pregnant, do yourself a favor and hold off on this one for a while

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Short #audiobook while I wait for a library hold to come in.

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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That's my baby bump. I can't take a picture of the book, as it's the middle of the night, so this is the only picture I had on my phone that would work for this book.
So good. So riveting and also unsettling, this book. Even though I read reviews that warned against reading Eleven Hours if you're currently pregnant, I feel good about my choice to read it anyway. It wasn't TOO intense. The tone is melancholic and yet hopeful, an absorbing read.

julesG If I haven't said so before: Congratulations! 7y
Joanne1 Beautiful bump. Congrats. 7y
Suet624 Congrats!! 7y
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Cinfhen Great review and beautiful bump❤️ 7y
kspenmoll Thx for sharing your baby bump!!! 7y
Ruri_kaichou Yay for good book and for expecting. 😊😊 7y
ValerieAndBooks Love the picture. Do you know if it's a boy or girl? 7y
ValerieAndBooks I mean... do you know which 😊? 7y
LauraBeth Awww - baby bumps 💕💕 7y
Smangela Congratulations :) 7y
CrowCAH Congrats! ☺️ 7y
Chessa Congratulations! 💕 7y
Robothugs Congratulations❣️☺️👶 7y
CherylDeFranceschi ❤️👏🏻❤️ 7y
Chelsea.Poole Thank you so much everyone!!! 😊❤️ 7y
Chelsea.Poole @ValerieAndBooks it's a boy! A little brother for my 2 year old son, Leo! 👬 7y
ValerieAndBooks Congrats! BTW I have a nephew named Leo (he's 16), it's a cool name 😊. 7y
MyNamesParadise Awwww congratulations!!!! 7y
drbethandherkindle Congrats!!🎈 7y
DGRachel Congrats! 7y
asiriusreader Congrats!! 7y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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So, I'm pregnant and not taking others' advice and going to read this anyway. Hopefully I don't regret this decision! 🤞🏻
The ebook is already on my phone and so far so good!

RadicalReader @Chelsea.Poole what an absolutely wonderful book can't wait to get my hands on this book couldn't imagine how wonderful of a read it will be 7y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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My current bingo stats. Trying to catch up with my challenges. This month is a whirlwind with the #24in48 readathon. #lrc #LitsyReadingChallenge

Eyelit Nice! 7y
OSChamberlain I've only read one book from this list 😩 7y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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I made it!! Stats tomorrow or later I don't know. #24in48

MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻!!!! Congratulations!!! Inspirational! 7y
MatildaBaggins Yay!!!! 👍🏼👍🏼 7y
CherylDeFranceschi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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Yournewfriendsams Great job 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 7y
moranadatter Congrats!🎉 7y
GlitteryOtters Yayayayayay!!! Congrats!! 👍👍👏👏🎊✨📚✨🎉💪 7y
Eyelit Awesomeness! 👏📚🎉 7y
TrishB Well done 😀🎉 7y
DebinHawaii You rocked it! Great job! 🎉📚👍 7y
vivastory Congrats 👍 💪 📖 📚 7y
Simona Congrats 🎈🍾🎉🎊 7y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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I read this in one sitting. A beautifully raw story centered around a woman in labor and the nurse who tends to her. I thought I could handle the subject matter despite being pregnant myself, as this is not my first child but I was mistaken. The medicine is very accurate and Erens made me feel like I was in the delivery room. This is a 100% recommend, but hold off if you're pregnant. 🙃

jessberk13 I really want to read this! And I think it's by an indie publishing company, so it would tick off a box for #LitsyReadingChallenge! 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens

Whoa. And I mean whoa. I don't think this is a great book if you are pregnant. But for those of us who have gone through it and are done or are choosing not to go there, give it a go. This was all it was hyped up to be and more. I LOVED how the two women's stories bumped up to each other. I could go on but my greatest endorsement is this: it's been months since I've read the book and can recall the plot, the characters, and all the feels.

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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"No, the girl says, she will not wear the fetal monitoring belt. The birth plan says no to fetal monitoring."

Those are the first sentences of ELEVEN HOURS--which we're thrilled is an NPR Best Book and one of the New Yorker's "Books We Loved in 2016."

ephemeralwaltz Looks good! Stacked! 8y
BraveNewBooks Just checked this out off the library! 8y
dixi_e ❤❤❤ this 📖. 8y
Bookartbookmarks 👍👍👍 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Figures that this would be my first book back after having the baby! I love the way Erens weaves this story together. Intense and captivating!

LeahBergen Congratulations!! ❤ 8y
Joanne1 First book after baby, I remember that. A little bit of me returned. 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Wow! I meant to take a short break to read some of this but I couldn't stop and now I'm a blubbering mess. So good!

RebeccaH Yes! I loved it. 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Book 2 for #Deweysreadathon I haven't actually been able to read more than usual. Oh well, that's life with a baby. It's been fun seeing everyone else's posts though!

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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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A little late for #septemberphotochallenge day 1, but here was my August list (top row) and my fave of the month! 💜💜💜

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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A milestone hit! Thanks, Litsy family, for being the amazing, kind, and supportive people that you are! This is my happy internet place and it makes me smile every day! Read on, explorers! ❤️🍊💛💚💙💜💗

britt_brooke 🙌🏻🙌🏻 8y
LitHousewife 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 8y
she_barks Congrats! 8y
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InLibrisVeritas Congrats! 8y
moranadatter Congrats!🎉 8y
Twocougs Well done!!💃🏽🏆 8y
pppooraikul Hooray! 🎉😁 8y
Suzze 🤓🤓🤓 8y
CherylDeFranceschi W00t!🎉📚🎉 8y
Texreader 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🎉 8y
BookishMarginalia 🎉🎉 8y
Trav Yay!! 8y
PurpleyPumpkin Nice!🎊🎉🎊🎉 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Photo cred: nephcure.org (via Google search)

This book is a beautifully written story about a woman as she undergoes the final stage of her pregnancy - labor. I started this while on my OB rotation, working mostly on the labor and delivery floor, and I was impressed by the accuracy of the medicine here. I really enjoyed this and it gave me a small measure of understanding for what my patients are experiencing. 💙💙💙

BookishFeminist I agree, I loved this book. Such an important message, too. 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 Need to recommend this to my daughter. She's a L&D nurse. 😀 8y
stargazerblue49 @kaysreadinglife Bless your daughter! Being an L&D nurse is such a tough job and I have so much respect for all the ones that I know! I think she would love this book! 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Enjoying a lazy post-call afternoon 💙

MrBook 😱😆😻😻😻😻. Looks like my Coale 😸! 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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I'm not going to be able to stop thinking about this as I'm on call for Labor and Delivery tonight. I may not know from personal experience what labor feels like, but I have been experiencing it vicariously all month and this just makes me giggle 😂 I hope this is what goes through everyone's head during the event.

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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens

Beautifully written. Shows two sides of birthing. The mothers and the nurses, with both point of views. I only wish this book was longer and told me more of the people's stories. Didn't get enough of the book, literally.

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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Not even to the first page and I already feel wonderful about this book! #wereinthistogether #womenarepowerful

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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What an incredible book about relationships. The whole thing takes place during a delivery, but stories are told about Lore (our preg. protagonist) and her heartbreaking relationships and her nurse Franckline who is hiding her pregnancy and her relationships. I love @Tin_House

NerdyRev My last sentence was- It is also about these two women thrown together by happenstance. Great writing too! 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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TBR stack ALL inspired by you fine new friends at Litsy. Started Eleven Hours this morning and wow. Wowowow

BookishFeminist Enjoy!! I loved Eleven Hours. 8y
mkindness EVERYTHING I NEVER TOLD YOU is great! 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Next in my @Tin_House rabbit hole. I am only 20 pages in a 165 page book, but I am enthralled.

BookishFeminist I really enjoyed this one 8y
RealLifeReading Ooh really want to read this 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Literary nutrition at the the Tin House Summer Workshop, which is in full swing! We're over the moon to have these fine authors (and more) on faculty this year.

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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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This book is intense & visceral and lovely. It is more than a must read & certainly an emotional read. I was caught off by the end but loved every moment of this fluid tale. The two protagonists are both inspirational & this is definitely a book that embraces the truth of growing & birthing life.

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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens

What an emotional impact this books makes in just 165 pages. The two leading women in this book are so different, yet in the end they were more similar than you can imagine. I liked how the the characters back story was woven through the book.

BookishFeminist Agreed--I loved this book! 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Heard a great review on NPR. Hope this short book makes a powerful impact.

dixi_e I just finished this. WoW. 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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A pregnant woman mysteriously walks into a hospital, totally alone, awaiting labor. Her Haitian nurse cares for her & both women must come to terms w/their pasts. A visceral, feminist & intimately raw look at motherhood, memory, interconnectedness, independence, & agency over one's life & body. 🏥 #ReadWomen

Notafraidofwords I have this in my TBR! I keep hearing great things about it. 8y
BookishFeminist It's worth noting that this book describes pregnancy, motherhood & giving birth in a very real, emotional way that is rarely represented in literature. We need more stuff like this, as it's important to represent this aspect of life that touches so many people, yet is often overlooked or edited out. 8y
BookishFeminist @Notafraidofwords It's great! The writing is beautiful. 8y
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Notafraidofwords @BookishFeminist I'm a sucker for good writing. Have you read 8y
BookishFeminist @Notafraidofwords I'm waiting for it to come in for me at the library. Soon! :) 8y
Notafraidofwords @BookishFeminist oh okay. I am going to wait to see what you think before I get it 😀. 8y
BookishFeminist @Notafraidofwords LOL I see how this works ;) 8y
Spiderfelt That sounds fantastic. 8y
BookishFeminist @Spiderfelt It's wonderful & beautifully written. I hope you check it out & then let me know what you think! 8y
Bookartbookmarks Sounds amazing! Thank you! 8y
BookishFeminist @Magoo No prob, hope you enjoy! 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Beautiful dedication at the beginning of Eleven Hours, a story about two soon-to-be mothers in the midst of labor who must now reconcile their pasts. I love wonderful dedications like these. 🌸 #ReadWomen #BookQuotes #Dedications

Riveted_Reader_Melissa That is indeed a great dedication! 8y
zembla This makes me think of the dedication for Annie on My Mind: "To all of us." 8y
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BookishFeminist @christinamcc They are kind of similar, aren't they? I might have to check that book out--I've never heard of it before. 8y
zembla @BookishFeminist I've only read ABOUT it, myself -- it's famous for being the first lesbian YA book with a happy ending. In 1982! Horrible that it took so long... 8y
BookishFeminist @christinamcc Oh that sounds really interesting! It is horrible that took so long but that makes me super interested to read it now. 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Pamela Erens is a national treasure. Every one of her books will break your heart but in the best way possible.

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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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One of my favorite passages. The exploration of friendship between women in this novel is a glorious subplot

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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There may have been tears.

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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Tote bag and book purchases today at the wonderful Laurel Book Store in Oakland. The nicest booksellers I've ever met work here. And it had a play area for my little boy in the children's book area.

dixi_e I desperately want to read Eleven Hours! 8y
BookishShelly I was only able to read a little bit yesterday but it seems really good. 8y
SusanInTiburon I'm in Marin. I'll make a point to check out Laurel soon! 8y
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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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An intense pleasure to read. Sharing the characters' intimate longings and fears about becoming a parent,and the painful transition of labor/delivery was a privilege. The change from being a non-parent to being a parent is a radical and dramatic event, impressively depicted in this book. Wonderful.

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Up next.

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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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There's been a bit of a hype surrounding this book because of its portrayal of actual childbirth. I read it into 2 sittings but ended up puzzled by the story's climax and ennui. Also one of the character's backstory was held back and never fully explained. I still recommend it.

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Welp. If nothing else, this book makes it impossible to forget the horrors of childbirth.

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Here goes nothing...

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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Seeing her read at my local indie tomorrow night.

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Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Book mail is the best mail. I am really curious about reading this one.

Eleven Hours | Pamela Erens
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Recently acquired books.

TheWellReadOwl Ooh! Lab Girl! Let us know 🤓 8y
Notafraidofwords Ordinary Love is beautiful. One of my favorites. 8y
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