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The Fourth Monkey
The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
Se7en meets The Silence of the Lambs in this dark and twisting novel from the author Jeffery Deaver called, A talented writer with a delightfully devious mind. For over five years, the Four Monkey Killer has terrorized the residents of Chicago. When his body is found, the police quickly realize he was on his way to deliver one final message, one which proves he has taken another victim who may still be alive. As the lead investigator on the 4MK task force, Detective Sam Porter knows even in death, the killer is far from finished. When he discovers a personal diary in the jacket pocket of the body, Porter finds himself caught up in the mind of a psychopath, unraveling a twisted history in hopes of finding one last girl, all while struggling with personal demons of his own. With only a handful of clues, the elusive killers identity remains a mystery. Time is running out and the Four Monkey Killer taunts from beyond the grave in this masterfully written fast-paced thriller.
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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DNF. So, so bad. The fact that my thriller pages go bananas over this book actually saddens me all the way into the depths of my soul. What happened to good mystery writing. 3/10...and that is generous

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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The first 150 pages of this were OK, but in the mid-200s now it's just going for the shock factor. Absolute gratuitous and disgusting depravity. Who thinks of these things

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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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🌟I can‘t pan this book enough! Beyond ridiculous cartoon villains and one dimentional, cliche detectives. Just cause you make it gross doesn‘t make it good. And if your gonna be gross don‘t make it so unrealistic and silly. I mean, I totally laughed and eye rolled my way through this.

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Doing a reread and loving it just as much as the first time 🥹❤️

michellelav Also, happy Mother‘s Day @Jemmygem ❤️ thanks for the amazing view 😉 1y
michellelav @aperfectmjk this may be my new summer re-read 😂❤️ Love it! 1y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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🎧 Looks like I‘ve got a new series to read.

There are 3 storylines that meet at the end.

1. A serial killer is thought dead at the scene of a bus VS pedestrian accident. His last victim is still alive but for how long.

2. The serial killer has left behind a diary so you get to hear his origin story.

3. The last victim‘s terrifying story while she‘s left alone in the dark, handcuffed to a hospital gurney.

Sick and twisted.


TrishB Loved this series 👍🏻 2y
Twainy @TrishB sounds like I found a winner!! I was looking at my GoodReads & remembered an ARC I read of A Caller‘s Game … and went looking for other books by that author … not that I need to start yet another series LOL 😆 2y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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🌟completely unoriginal! Same boring tropes and uses torture porn to ram it up instead of well@fleshed out characters to care about DNF‘d

BookMaven9 Agree!!! 13mo
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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If this were a 1-page book I would still need a moment of reflection. 😂


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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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I didn‘t realize this was a trilogy when I bought it. I‘m excited to start it.

tracey38 I recently bought this book, too, because I heard the trilogy was good. Hope to start it fairly soon. 2y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker

Had this story simply been a race against time to decode the serial killer‘s game and find his latest victim before she lost more than just an ear, I might have liked it a bit more. But I thought the serial killer journal entries were incredibly cheesy. I suspect they were meant to be creepy. This just didn‘t work for me at all.

My full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4691080314

BookMaven9 Book was so bad 2y
BookMaven9 Couldn‘t agree more. I even laughed it was so lame 13mo
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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I don't know if it's the moon cycle or what but I have never been so glad to finish a week. After years I finally had enough and stood up for myself at work. Might be seeking new employment. I'm not sad about it. I did some rage shopping and decided that tonight is for me. Comfort show, comfort books, all the bath and skin care I could find and let's not discuss the junk food 🤣

Take care Littens, life's too short for bullshit!


RebL Yes! Good for you. People get angry when you set your boundaries, but that‘s their problem. Enjoy the night & the weekend! 3y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Thanks for the recommendation @aperfectmjk ! Starting it today!

eanderson Good series!!! They read fast! 3y
FantasyChick My favourite!! Have the next two on deck. You won't want to stop! 3y
michellelav Such an amazing series!! 😁 3y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Thanks for the tag @TheRiehlDeal

There are many I recommend depending on the person, but these 5 are definitely the ones I recommend the most.

In this order!

The Fourth Monkey (series) - J.D. Barker
The Nightingale - Kristin Hannah
The Travelling Cat Chronicles- Hiro Arikawa
As Bright As Heaven - Susan Meissner
In the Waning Light - Loreth Anne White

#sundaysoapbox @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

TheRiehlDeal You‘re welcome! 😊 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I forgot about As Bright As Heaven!! 💔💔 When I read it I was thinking what if this happened today… that was right before Covid… 😱 3y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Wow, what a great thriller! @aperfectmjk was right, once I started reading I was hooked and couldn't stop. 📖 Thanks for the recommendation! I've already downloaded the second book onto my kobo 😁 If you enjoy a good thriller, check this series out! 📚

aperfectmjk Yaaaaaaaaay!!! I'm so glad you liked it! I can't wait until you finish the series. It's truly mind blowing. @FantasyChick is my J.D. Barker sista... she'll tell ya, anything he touches is guaranteed to be a winner. 3y
michellelav @aperfectmjk I'll definitely be checking all of his work! 😁 3y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Crazy, bonkers serial killer! Loved it. New author to me and excited to read more.
#newseries #seriesread2021

MicheleinPhilly Those diary entries...😳 3y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly exactly !! How could he not be bonkers!! Loved the twists too. 3y
TheSpineView Great job! 3y
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vivastory I read this series back to back in September. It was a good time 3y
TrishB @vivastory I did think about going straight to the next one! But I like knowing it‘s waiting and ready. 3y
BarbaraBB I didn‘t even know this was the first of a series. I loved the plot, the descriptions of NY and the movie too. 3y
TrishB @BarbaraBB oh a film! That may be worth a watch! 3y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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A terrifically compelling start to a new series that is most definitely not for the faint of heart. There is quite a bit of grisly gore and 🐀 so you know, fair warning. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks again Elisabeth!!#StartASeries #SeriesRead2021

TrishB I can‘t believe it- I just started reading this today 😁 loving it! 3y
TheSpineView Awesome! 💙📖 3y
MicheleinPhilly @TrishB Once again 👯‍♀️. ☺️ 3y
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BarbaraBB I loved this one! Hope you will too @TrishB 3y
TrishB @BarbaraBB loving it so far! 3y
eanderson You‘re welcome!!! I‘m glad you enjoyed it. The series is pretty solid. 😀 3y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Elisabeth! You have just made my day! Thank you so much, my kind and thoughtful friend. 😘

vivastory I recently reread this series. The final one gets a bit over the top with all of the twists, but still a great series 4y
Crazeedi Litsy is the best place isnt it! 4y
LeahBergen And that‘s a jolly terrier card! 👍🏻 4y
MicheleinPhilly @vivastory My wife, who is not a big reader, has already stolen it. 😂 4y
eanderson I‘m so glad it finally made it to you. So I sent it last Monday and it sat in Philadelphia since the 13th. I really enjoyed this series! You are very welcome!!! Enjoy!!! 💕💕 (edited) 4y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Holy moly. This thriller was amazing from the get go. Seriously, if you like thrillers and serial killer stories this is your next book.

BarbaraBB I agree! So good! 4y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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#3books #ILove

I'll never shut up about this series. Read it!

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 📚❤️📚 4y
eanderson Great series!!! The last one is a friggin door stop! 4y
aperfectmjk You and me both girl, you and me both! 4y
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FantasyChick @eanderson It is!! Have you managed to finish it yet? 4y
FantasyChick @aperfectmjk Yay! I find there are so few people who know this series, I get so excited to find another fan 😂 4y
aperfectmjk I read all his books. Most of them I have signed as well. 4y
FantasyChick @aperfectmjk I've read them all too. Well, I haven't read Forsaken yet but it's here waiting patiently. I managed to score a signed copy of that one but they are hard to find in Canada 😑 4y
aperfectmjk Yeah, that stinks. 🥺 4y
eanderson Lol! Nope! It‘s really good but I have a couple other books going with it. My goal is to finish it by the end of the month. I am about half way through and I‘m really doubting Sam?!? 😮 4y
BarbaraBB I loved The Fourth Monkey and never knew it was a series! 4y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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If this isn't my favourite series, it's pretty damn close!

I read The Fourth Monkey and JD Barker has been an #autobuyauthor ever since. If you're into serial killer thrillers.....I highly, highly recommend!

#20Series20Days #Top20Series @Andrew65

Andrew65 This is on my TBR. 4y
FantasyChick @Andrew65 Make sure you have the whole trilogy ready to go....trust me! 😊 4y
Andrew65 @FantasyChick That is a strong recommendation! 😎 4y
aperfectmjk I LOVE THIS SERIES!!! I'm right there with you. This is DEFINITELY my favorite series. I'll read anything J.D. Barker writes. A menu, instruction manual, obituary, I don't care what it is... I WILL READ IT. 4y
FantasyChick @aperfectmjk YES!!!! He's such an underrated and mostly unknown author and I have no idea why. Everyone needs to read his books! Fun fact: I've actually used the words "I'd 5 star a menu if Barker wrote it" in one of my reviews of this series ?? 4y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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One of the many series that I still need to finish. I can say that the first two are great!!! 😆 #Top20series #20series20days

Andrew65 This is another new author / series to me. Stacked. 4y
EadieB I've never heard of this series either will have definitely check it out! My library does have copies so that's good. (edited) 4y
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Fourth Monkey | J D Barker
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That awkward feeling when you bounce hard off a book so many others have loved. Cartoonish villain, implausible plot, no ending ... Did we even read the same words, y'all?!?

I suspect that serial killer thrillers just aren't my thing, and it's good to know that the series has found its audience and will do fine without me. Now on to more realistic stories. Like that one about energy monsters and killer robots at the edge of the galaxy ... 😊

vivastory 😂😂 4y
Hestapleton I love serial killer fiction, but I also found this one to be a HOT MESS. 4y
swynn @Hestapleton Thanks for that, it's actually reassuring. It just occurred to me that the last time I had this strong a negative reaction to a book others loved, it was one of Alex Kava's. And though I feel like I *should* like serial killer thrillers (I like mysteries, thrillers, and horror), I can't think of any favorites. So it really may be a genre mismatch for me. 4y
BookMaven9 There are decent serial killer books out there but this one is just stupid. I hear you, back to galaxy! 2y
BookMaven9 Same!!! There are good ones out there but this was eye roll bad and cheesy 13mo
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1. I much prefer series so I read them a lot. Some favourites are tagged, Charley Davidson, Fever series, Shadow of the Fox series. And so many more!

2. It depends on how much I enjoy it. I can forgive writing issues as long as the book keeps me captivated and feeling for its entirety.

3. It's hard finding the magic lately but I did find a secret stash of creme eggs so I'm counting it!

Thanks for the tag @MoonWitch94


MoonWitch94 I agree with you on 2! Absolutely. And creme eggs are totally magical, lol. 4y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker

Very well written. Kept me intrigued throughout the entire novel. No slow, boring parts. I like how I learnt more about the killer as the Detective did. The many twists and turns throughout kept me guessing especially towards the end. Looking forward to The 5th To Die!

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Holy guacamole! I‘m glad I finally decided to knock this off my tbr. It kept my attention and I wanted to know more. I enjoyed the diary parts and trying to figure out where the story was headed. Excited to read the next one! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Well, babes decided that he wasn‘t tired after eating so I‘m getting some reading time in. Less than 100 pages and I‘m determined to finish this book today. With a twist I definitely didn‘t see coming, I‘m excited to see how it ends!

Cinfhen Little guy is soooo cute 💚 5y
BarbaraBB Lucky you, my babies never slept 😂 5y
maich ❤❤❤ 5y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Decided to try to run for the first time after having Matthew. I did intervals and with the help of this book the time flew by! I‘m seriously trying to figure out why Porter was on leave and what is really going on! It definitely has my attention. 🏃‍♀️

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Matty is still asleep. (He worked hard today watching the ladies exercise.) I‘m looking to start this new series! I‘ve heard a lot of great things about the 4MK Thriller series. 😯

robinb Awww, such a cutie! 💙 5y
Suet624 So sweet! 5y
eanderson @robinb @Suet624 right?!? I love him! He wasn‘t so cute when he woke up though. He‘s a little fussy from getting shorts. Poor baby! 5y
robinb @eanderson Oh I remember those shot days...breaks a mom‘s 💔! 😩 5y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Wow! This was an awesome, suspenseful thriller with some disturbing scenes. 😱 4MK is a serial killer Chicago detectives have been searching for when he is struck dead by a city transit bus. There‘s evidence one last victim is being held by 4MK and police need to find her before it‘s too late. I realize this is a series and can‘t wait to read more! This author is super talented!!

Bookzombie Is this the first book in the series? 5y
Texreader Yikes! Great review! Even your review has a cliffhanger!! 5y
Lizpixie Yes! I‘ve read the first two and am impatiently waiting for my library to purchase the last book! It‘s fantastic👍 5y
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NatalieR @Bookzombie Yes, I think there are 3 installments. 5y
NatalieR @Texreader Ha! 😂 Thanks!! 5y
NatalieR @Lizpixie Good to know! Thanks!! 5y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Because I suck at keeping up with things, playing a little catch up before the month ends

Sorry in advance for the picture dump!!

My current favourite #thriller series! If you like smart, twisty serial killer books I highly recommend this!

#scarathlon #teamslaughter #chillingphotochallenge @Clwojick

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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#ChillingPhotoChallenge #day19 #Gory Catching up on the days I‘ve missed with this challenge. Gory doesn‘t begin to cover the 4MK killer in this series, every victim he takes goes back to their family piece by piece. First their ear, then their eyes, finally their tongue, all in nice little white boxes tied up with black string, before their body is found posed somewhere.🙉🙈🙊🐒 #Scareathlon #TeamSlaughter 1point #PointsTotal- 1,078

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Somehow got this one as free from my husband‘s Hilton membership and it was actually really good!!

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Wow. This was everything I was hoping for in The Whisper Man. How have I not heard about this series before? It was twisty, it was creepy, it was a hell of a lot of fun. This author is going on my list alongside Karin Slaughter, Tess Gerritsen & Jeffrey Deaver. Loved it! Now I‘m going to reserve the next two books so hubs can pick them up when he drops this off. If you haven‘t read it yet and also adore the above authors, do yourself a favour.🙌

vivastory I just received the third one in this series yesterday 5y
TrishB Stacked 👍🏻 5y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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After the disappointment of the last library book, I‘m hoping this one will be better. This also has great reviews but it also has a bit of a cult following and has been compared to Jeffrey Deaver & Karin Slaughter, both authors I respect & love to read. So fingers crossed!🤞 Detective Sam Porter has hunted the 4MK for 5 years, opening box after little box of body parts. Now he has the killers diary & is racing to find the latest victim in time.

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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Rereading the first two books in this series before book 3 is released next month. 😁

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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1. Done
2. Neither
3. I'm always up early so sunrise.
4. I'd probably put it towards a new car and pay off my credit card. 😂
5. No idea. Didn't like school. 🙈

#friyayintro @howjessreads

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Pretty disturbing mystery that starts off a bit slow. It does have some twists, some you may see coming and some you may not. The 2 audio narrators are a talented pair. It‘s a pretty good audiobook. Overall rating: 3.96 stars.

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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I enjoyed this one. It was definitely dark and scary. The serial killer portrayed was terrifying and I really liked the varying perspectives throughout the book. It kept me on the edge of my seat and now I‘m ready for the next one!

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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1. The Fourth Monkey
2. 179 (one book away from my goal!)
3. I'm not sure 🤔
4. More book releases. 😂🙈
5. Hey guys! 👋

@wanderinglynn #hellothursday

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 👋🏻😀 6y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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I loved this book. Sometimes the whole cop tracking down a serial killer thing can be a bit dull or predicable, bit of a been there done that if you will, but not so with this book. There were actual surprises, and I enjoyed all the twists and turns and reveals along the way. Based on this book I will most definitely be reading the next in the series

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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What a nice way to spend some of my Saturday afternoon
#weekendreading #booksandcrochet #supermario

Chelleo Love your needle!!! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
julesG Welcome to the Litsy family! 6y
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CarolynM Welcome to Litsy 🌼 6y
BookishMadHatter @Chelleo thanks! I made it myself on a craft afternoon with my kids 6y
julesG What I didn't really notice earlier, this is the coolest, nerdiest crochet hook I've ever seen. 6y
BookishMadHatter @julesG right? Perfect combination of nerdy and cool. It‘s one of my favorites 6y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 6y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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The hardest part of finishing a book is choosing which one from my #tbr (now at over 500 long) I want to read next. I think this one will be my weekend read.

Chelleo Yep, your crochet hook game is strong!!! 💪🏽 6y
BookishMadHatter Love me a good crochet hook @Chelleo ... and just about anything horror related is tops in my book 6y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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5⭐'s. Wow this book was amazing! I went into this with no expectations because I don't usually like serial killer/cop books but this was so so good. One of the best thrillers I've read in a long time!

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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker

Wow! Loved this book!


The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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My next audiobook. I have such a hard time picking audiobooks because I'm picky about the narrators. 😂 Anyone else?

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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1. Pretty much!
2. I only have Netflix
3. True crime documentaries, comedy or crime thrillers. I can't choose
4. Always, unless in reading in bed
5. 4MK....which is actually happening so YAY!! 🙈🙉🙊
#tellmetuesday @Ke633

Ke633 That‘s exciting! Hope they get it right! Thanks for sharing! 6y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker

“They eat trash and carry more diseases than a Kardashian at Marsh Gras”. This quote had me rolling. They were talking about rats. I just thought it was pretty funny

The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker

When a book has influence on your dreams... is that a sign of a good book? Because this book literally had me dreaming of a serial killer... and I loved this book! Can‘t wait for the next one.

MuddyPuddle Agreed! 6y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Starting this tonight while I have The ‘Burbs on in the background. My husband is on a business trip and I never sleep well while he‘s gone, so I always try and have a “comfort movie” on while I lay in bed. Do you have a “comfort movie?”

YouReadMyEyes I love The Bodyguard...lol #kevincostner😍 6y
AndreaReads Oh my gosh! My husband LOVES The ‘Burbs! We just watched this on Saturday! 6y
NikkiRobson73 I have a comfort show I fall asleep to king of the hill every night 5y
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The Fourth Monkey | J. D. Barker
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Thanks so much for a chance at your #BankHolidayGiveaway @Amy-Laura 👏 I hope you enjoyed your day 😉 I read so many good books this year it's hard to choose but one would have to be the tagged book! Just loved it and I'm really looking forward to the sequel which comes out in July!

Cosyreader Oooo intriguing! I‘ve just stacked it! 6y
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