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Frag nicht nach Sonnenschein: Roman | Sophie Kinsella
Katie Brenner aus dem lndlichen Somerset hat einen Job in ihrer Traumstadt ergattert: London! Die Lockenmhne wird gebndigt, der unfeine Dialekt abgelegt und das Grostadtleben kann beginnen. Doch Katies Chefin Demeter entpuppt sich als Tyrannin, die sie nicht nur dazu verdonnert, ihr den Ansatz nachzufrben, sondern sie auch aus heiterem Himmel wieder feuert. Warum musste Katie sich auch in Demeters Affre Alex verlieben? Zum Glck braucht Katies Vater just in diesem Moment ihre Hilfe: Die heimische Somerset-Farm soll zum Glampingplatz werden. Und als der tatschlich zum begehrten Reiseziel wird, tauchen dort pltzlich Demeter und Alex auf ...
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover 💚 3mo
Eggs 💚💚💚 3mo
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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This is about a totally different book and I‘m getting really annoyed that so many books aren‘t listed here 🙄
So… about this book:
I really enjoyed it, it had everything you could wish for in a sweet and clean romance - chemistry, connection, humor, a whole lot of drama, family bonds and lessons learned and of course a happy ending! 💜
Complete review will follow.

#booklover #cleanromance #newrelease #agegapromance #enemiestolovers

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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“This is the trouble with meeting people in real life: They don‘t come with profiles attached.”

― Sophie Kinsella, My Not So Perfect Life

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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Like most of Kinsella's books, you don't dive into these pages expecting romance and swoon-filled moments. You prepare yourself for the most eye opening, thought provoking, enlightening experience that her words always ignite. I never fail to walk away from her books with an incredible and uplifting perspective on life and invigorated to continue my journey.

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Katie works in brand management in London, constantly trying to bury her midlands upbringing and match the posh vibe of her coworkers. When she gets fired, she‘s forced to move back home while keeping her unemployment hidden. She helps her parents set up a successful glamping site on their farm when her former boss shows up. Katie gets her revenge but learns just what kind of person her boss actually is.
Also has a romance
Finished 12/20/2022

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Fluff read. Only finished it because it is for bookclub.

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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A lovely, charming palate cleanser! A light read that serves as a reminder that life is not always what it seems. So much can be distorted by our own perception or bias, when we‘re all just trying our best to be happy. I‘ll take some time today to offer extra grace to those around me 😌

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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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I feel like I post about this book too much. 😂. But the story of Katie's wild ride with her bitch #boss (or is she?), her journey of self-discovery, and the look at life as a broke young adult is totally charming, and one I return to time and time again. #ConflictedWorlds
@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
📸: Vilma Iris

Eggs Perfect 👌🏼💚👏🏻 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome photo 💚 3y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Blissful day's end! This ice cream might bankrupt me, but it'll be totally worth it. #CurrentlyReading

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Halfway through Monday and I already needed to take a long lunch with this ridiculous and wonderful book which I've already read about 20 times. It's just one of those days where the only thing for it is an escape into old favorite. How's your week going so far, Littens? #CurrentlyReading

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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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I absolutely adore Sophie Kinsella! I‘m always prepared for silly antics and situations as well as some sort of touching experience that isn‘t always at the forefront of the story. This novel didn‘t disappoint. I also loved the narrator and could listen to her accent all day. And, bonus, part of the story takes place during Christmas!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟 ✔️ off my #bookspinbingo board and 16 points for team #merryreaders #wintergames2020

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Book 126

An easy listen; nothing special but a fun distraction.

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Had such an enjoyable time listening to this audiobook. This would make a great rom-com movie!

Katie Brenner does not have the easiest job, mostly because of her boss. When the day comes that her position is terminated, Katie follows the road back home and helps her family set up a business on their farm.

I loved the message, particularly how this author pointed out despite even the best pictures on social media, nobody‘s life is perfect!

SheReadsAndWrites I loved this book. Such a fun read. 🤓 4y
NikkiM5 I always love her books, adding this one 4y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Got in a super nice walk earlier while listening to my new audiobook, and can‘t stop listening! This is on in the background even as I get other tasks done around the house.

PS who else loves peppers as much as me?!

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Yaaaass!!! ❤️🤤❤️ 4y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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I enjoyed this all the way until the last 30 pages or so. The whole book felt like a cute, fun story about an independent career young woman finding her way in London, but then the end had the heartbreaker, fling guy professing his love for her. It just felt like the message was things will go wrong and then everything will turn around and be perfect. Too unrealistic and could‘ve ended when she let the guy go and was happy with herself.

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Katie is trying to ditch her country roots and reinvent herself as Cat, a hip Londoner with an enviable life- just like her brilliant, trendy boss Demeter. But then Katie is fired and retreats home to help run the family business. When Demeter unexpectedly turns up, Katie learns the truth behind her ex-boss's glossy facade. Contrasting an urban and #ruralsetting, we see Katie grapple with her past and her dreams for her future. #BiblioMAYnia

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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Woohoo! Another one read and really enjoyed it, although I‘m not surprised since Sophie Kinsella has always been one of my favourites. I don‘t know why it took so long for me to get to it, but I‘m glad that I finally did. ♥️ I finished it off on audio while doing a poly gel manicure. It was my first attempt at full extensions, but I think they came out good enough for a first attempt. Here‘s to hoping they last two weeks. 💅🏻 #MarchUnshelfing

ImpliedNonsense They look great! What products were you using? I don‘t have a drill so I can never get mine as smooth as yours. 5y
Clwojick @ImpliedNonsense I don‘t have my drill yet either! It‘s supposed to be in the mail tomorrow or Wednesday 🙃 I hand filed my old extensions down. It took me hours lol. But since i was listening to my audiobook, I didn‘t mind. I bought a kit on amazon and so far it‘s been well worth the $40. 5y
ImpliedNonsense @Clwojick hopefully we‘ll both have drills soon! 💅🏼 5y
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Clwojick @ImpliedNonsense I found one for $15 on amazon, and then I plan on buying some drill bits on AliExpress. 5y
ImpliedNonsense Ooh that‘s such a good idea. 🤔 I‘m going to have to look into that because I HATE going to the salon. 5y
Crazeedi Lovely nails💖 5y
OrangeMooseReads They look good. Does the poly smell really strong/bad? I‘ve thought about getting some because my natural nails break so easy. 5y
Andrew65 🤞🤞🤞 5y
Clwojick @OrangeMooseReads i bought the coscelia brand on amazon and they don‘t smell at all. 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Sometimes you just have to give into your cravings in a major way. After craving this creamy poppyseed kale & cabbage salad for a few days, I picked up the family size. I have every intention of eating it solo for breakfast and lunch while I read the blurbs on all of my books and decide which ones I‘m no longer interested in. Switched over the the audiobook while I tackle this salad and task 😝 #MarchUnshelfing

LittlePixels Why, oh why can't we zoom in on photos?? That looks delicious! 😋 5y
Eggs Oh yeah kale and cabbage salad..that‘s my groove too 5y
Meaw_catlady I love that salad!!! 5y
alisiakae I liked this audiobook! 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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March progress so far! I finished off What Alice Forgot yesterday, which was originally on my #BookSpin list, only to see that it was picked for # 20 @TheAromaofBooks 😝 So I will definitely have to do the double spin this month. I decided to bail on and unshelf the Astrophysics book, and I finished off The Bedwetter on my way home from work this morning. Now, after crashing for a few hours I am on to the tagged book. 💙 #MarchUnshelfing

Andrew65 Really enjoyed the tagged book and What Alice Forgot. 5y
TheAromaofBooks Nice!! Really long day at work today and I haven't even had time to post my #MarchUnshelfing goals 🙄 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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March #Bookspin and #doublespin picks. I'm excited to knock these two off my TBR list.

TheAromaofBooks Nice - and I am still totally digging your layout for this challenge!! 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Now, this was a good fluffy read—predictable, but fun! There are parallels to The Devil Wears Prada.

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Positive thoughts in the morning can elevate your entire day.
-Vicki Reece
How do you start your morning? Do you have #morningtradition
I start mine with a cup of coffee, positive thoughts, and a good book.
There is my last book purchase. Slovenian edition of #MyNotSoPerfectLife
#sophiekinsella #paperback #slovenianedition #coffeetime #mostbeautifultimeoftheyear #WinterGames #SlayBells
@Clwojick @StayCurious @MidnightBookGirl

Texreader I must have my hot black tea! Great photo! 5y
maich @Texreader Thanks😊 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Bad reading day. Had to put one book aside because the violence was too much, got 4% in on the tagged book and realized I had read it, tried to listen to my audiobooks but realized I forgot my ear buds. I hate it when I waste my commutes.

Erinreadsthebooks Boooo, hope tomorrow‘s reading is better 5y
kspenmoll Oh no!! Days like that are no fun. Hope you can recoup tomorrow! 5y
Bookwormjillk Thanks @Erinreadsthebooks and @kspenmoll I know these are minor tragedies compared to what other people are facing but it had me in a mood last night! 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Sophie Kinsella is definitely my go to author for abit of light hearted chick lit.
I devoured this book this morning it was such a fun read 😍

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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The perfect palate cleanser, and the audiobook was lovely. I preferred the sections that take place in the countryside on the farm-turned-glamping site. The plot wasn‘t so heavily focused on the romance; more on Katie finding her voice and identity. 👍

Adding the 7 hr 11 min I listened to this audiobook this weekend to my running timer brings my total to 1️⃣9️⃣ hr 1️⃣7️⃣ min! #summersendreadathon #24b4Monday

jb72 Great job! 🎈🎉🎊 5y
Andrew65 Fantastic time. 👏👏👏😊 I enjoyed this book too. 5y
Clwojick You‘re killing it! Way to go! And I‘m glad you liked this book. It‘s been on my shelves for a while. 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Made homemade GF chicken noodle soup tonight! Perfect meal to battle a head cold, and well suited for an overcast, cool evening!

#summersendreadathon #24b4Monday #booksanddinner

BarbaraTheBibliophage Looks yummy, although I‘m sorry you‘re battling that cold. 😷🤒 5y
alisiakae @BarbaraTheBibliophage Thanks! It‘s turning out to be fairly mild, two of my friends have it much worse. 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft Summer colds are the worst! 😢 5y
Rissa1 Summer colds are terrible! 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Beautiful sunset after the storms tonight! It turned beautiful shades of pinks and oranges after I took this pic.

Took advantage of the cooled down temps to take an #audiowalk. Didn‘t actually make it far in my book because I think all of my neighbors came outside tonight!

This book makes me want to move to the countryside and open a glamping resort. 😂

Crazeedi Beautiful view!❤ 5y
youneverarrived Beautiful 🌅 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Day 3 of draining the neighborhood pool which will then be cleaned and refilled after someone broke a glass bottle in it. 😩😩😩

So no dip in the pool after my humid, sweaty walk this morning. At least I am listening to an enjoyable palate cleanser. I haven‘t read a Sophie Kinsella book in years, but she used to be my go-to for light reads. #bfcr3 #teamfitlit

Susanita How obnoxious to ruin everyone's enjoyment of the pool! 5y
alisiakae @Susanita I know! I feel so bad for the teachers in the neighborhood, who all lost their last 2 days at the pool before going back to work yesterday. And it‘s costing $4,000 to do this. 5y
blank 😭😭😭 5y
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Reviewsbylola Holy shit. Someone was having a little too much fun, sounds like. 5y
dariazeoli People are a pain! 5y
Megabooks Will people ever learn to read signs?!? 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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A quick fun read was exactly what I needed after all of these WWII books. I really liked the main characters and their bonds. Nobody‘s life is ever perfect.

MallenNC I liked this one too. It is peony favorite of her more recent work. 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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This was cute. Fluff but fun. If you need a nice easy fun read, this is it!

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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This evenings audio walk! Beautiful! #bfc #bfcr2 #bookfitnesschallenge #audiowalk

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Audio packing my daughter‘s dance costumes and supplies. Tagged book is appropriate for this task. #notavacation #audiopacking

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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I was looking for a fun read and this totally fit the bill!

I picked it as my #socialmediafocus read for #booked2019 and as the title suggests it asks what ripple effects come from the image we project online, so it really got me thinking about my own accounts and how comfortable I actually am with transparency online vs in irl interactions.

Cinfhen You‘re killing it!!!! #BookChallengeSlayer 🙌🏻 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great pick and review. I have had those discussions with myself about what I post. When life is tough I hardly say anything, and sometimes that‘s when I should. Be Momma taught me not be a “whiner” so I generally keep quiet. (edited) 5y
IndoorDame @BarbaraTheBibliophage I totally know that feeling! Outside of litsy my only active account is an instagram where I try to post a really transparent account of life with chronic illness. I started partly to connect with others going through the same thing & partly to help raise awareness, but I‘m only actually able to let myself do it so freely cause I‘ve kept it account completely separate from my personal life & my friends/family don‘t follow 5y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @IndoorDame I did exactly the same thing with a Twitter account when I was 1st diagnosed with RA 10 years ago. It helped to process the experience with people who “got me.” While my friends and family love me, they didn‘t really know how to help. #spoonie #chroniclife 5y
IndoorDame @BarbaraTheBibliophage wow, really? hearing that is actually really comforting! sometimes I do feel odd about keeping it private, but it works for me for now :) 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @IndoorDame I‘m glad it‘s a comfort. I think you do whatever works for you! 😘 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Listened to this one onAudible. Laughed out loud!
Another good one by Sophie!

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella

Love this book. But who am I kidding, I love everything Sophie Kinsella writes!

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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3.5-4 stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Audible deal and my first Kinsella book. A light pleasure read, predictable and perfect for car rides to and from campus at the end of the semester. And who doesn‘t enjoy a British narrator? 📚

#Audible #FastFoodRead #PleasureRead #AudibleDeal

My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Supposed to be going to Chicago in two days, but pretty sure I have the flu. Cool. Cool cool. Willing myself back to health with mass amounts of ginger tea and books by badass broads. #currentlyreading

quietjenn Hope you feel better soon. 5y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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I really enjoyed this book! Sophie Kinsella is always a good choice when I need something light and sweet after reading a few heavy books and this one did not disappoint!
#booked2019 #socialmediafocus
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen I love her books for the same reason!! She‘s consistently good and her humor is on point!!! 6y
OriginalCyn620 I love Kinsella too for the same reason! 6y
alisiakae I used to love her books. I need to get back to them when I am in the mood for something light. 6y
Karisa Oh! I was wondering what to read for that Spring category. I have that in my Kindle but never started. Hurray! Thanks for the recommendation! 6y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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My replenishment stack for today for the #Green Display. 😁

Have you read any of these?!

#LitsyLovesLibraries #MrBooksDisplays

ItsAnotherJen House Girl is a good read! 6y
Amor4Libros Secrets of Charmed Life is awesome! My not so perfect life is good, too! 6y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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#hellothursday @wanderinglynn

1. Rural
2. Beach (although lately I prefer to be in the shade on the beach!)
3. Sitting around a bon fire. I don‘t get outside much in the Winter 😒
4. Hotel!
5. The main character helps her family run a glamping business

One more day until #fridaynightbookclub 😍

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! ⛺️ And enjoy your bookclub! 6y
darklydreaming @Crazeedi ❤️❤️ 6y
darklydreaming @wanderinglynn Thanks! It was a fun one 😊 6y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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#HelloThursday @wanderinglynn

1. Suburban! ?
2. I'd die to live by the sea, and I love scubadiving... which is a great adventure every time!!! ??
3. I'm not a sporty person... at all! Does sunbathing count as "outdoor activity"?!☀️
4. Hoteling, but I'd like to try glamping at least once!
5. "My Not So Perfect Life" by Sophie Kinsella! It's such a fun read about well... living outdoor!

wanderinglynn Of course sunbathing counts. 👍🏻 Thanks for playing! ⛺️ 6y
SailorMoon The pleasure is all mine, as always! It was fun! 💕🌙 @wanderinglynn 6y
CouronneDhiver Tanning totally counts! ☀️ 6y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Delayed post from yesterday! Katie‘s dreams are not as profound as the famed #IHaveADream speech, but this Somerset girl does have a strong desire to build the perfect London life... thus light hearted book that follows is more than just Katie following her dream but also opening her heart and learning about herself. A fast-paced and fun listen, I thoroughly enjoyed this- and it‘s great for #AudioColoring #ANewChapter

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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Sunday night and feeling like something light.

BooknerdsLife Love this cover! 😍😍 6y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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My final total for #25inFive is 30 hours and 49 minutes, only managed 3 1/2 hours today. Finished 4 books during the 5 days. Thanks everyone who played along, it was a great experience and I loved everyone‘s contributions. Great to see so many people having fun, the most important aim! 🙌🙌🙌🙌😍😊👍

Traci1 That's an impressive total! 6y
Andrew65 @Traci1 Thanks, overall pleased given end of a very long term and quite tired! 👍 6y
OriginalCyn620 You crushed it! 👍🏻 6y
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Andrew65 @OriginalCyn620 Thanks 😊👍 6y
BeansPage Very nice! I'm still going LOL 😋 6y
Melissa_J Wow! Good job 👏🏻 6y
Lreads Awesome job! Thank you for hosting and for the encouragement. 😊👏 6y
Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @melissa_J Thanks 👍 Pleased with what I‘ve achieved. 😊 (edited) 6y
Andrew65 @QuietlyLaura Thanks, and I love hosting and encouraging others. 😊 6y
jfalkens Way to go!! 🎉🎊🎉🎊 6y
Andrew65 @jfalkens Thanks 😊👍 6y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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Only my second Sophie Kinsella book but it will most definitely not be my last. This was an excellent read and a good palette cleanser from many of the mystery and Suspense books I read. Loved the central character and the eventual feel good factor of the book, but there were many funny moments in the book that lead up to this point. Certainly recommend this book if you enjoy this style of books.

SheReadsAndWrites I loved this one!! Glad you did too. 😊 6y
Andrew65 @SheReadsAndWrites surprised myself with how much I enjoyed it. 6y
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My Not So Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
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End of day 3 of the #25inFive Readathon. Read 8 hrs 5 mins today finishing two books : Lillian Boxfish Takes A Walk and the tagged book. Altogether now read 18 hrs 33 minutes and finished 3 books. Read part of these 4 books today.

BeansPage Woot! Keep on Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin! 👏🏻 6y
Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid Thanks, would hope to get to the 25 hours tomorrow.👍 (edited) 6y
BeansPage Me too hon! Will post mine when I'm done reading tonight 6y
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MoniqueReads305 Such great progress. Keep up the good work. 6y
Andrew65 @MoniqueReads305 Thanks 😊 6y
Leftcoastzen Great progress.Sadly , I‘m only about 6 hours , Stuff happens. I‘m enjoying the reading I‘m squeezing in! 6y
Andrew65 @Leftcoastzen Thanks, and the most important thing is to enjoy your reading. 😊 6y
Traci1 Wow. Great time. 6y
Andrew65 @Traci1 Thanks, Pleased with it especially as this time of year. 6y
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