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Las Cenizas de Angela: Titulo original Angela`s Ashes. A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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I‘m a mixed bag on this one. It was slow and repetitive in parts, very depressing, and ended kind of abruptly. There were some funny and interesting parts as well but I definitely would not recommend this book to anyone. Kind of surprised it won a Pulitzer but what do I know 🤣

Ruthiella One of the few books that I‘ve DNFed. Too much of a misery memoir for me personally. 3w
Bec_lectic @Ruthiella I almost DNFed myself but somehow slugged through just to say I finished it😂 3w
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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This was so popular when it came out (when my kids were in Catholic school.) But I‘m one to be wary of hype, and I put it off. But I shouldn‘t have. It‘s tragic, and funny, and very well written. Number 12 of #24in2024, and #bookspin for April. @TheAromaofBooks @Jas16

Amiable Such a fabulous book 5mo
BarbaraJean I‘ve been wanting to re-read this one! I read it during all the hype, and then picked up ‘Tis and Teacher Man over the years, because Angela‘s Ashes was so good. I still haven‘t read those other two, and feel like I need to circle back to this one before I do! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo! 5mo
Lcsmcat @BarbaraJean Both of the sequels are on my shelf. I‘m a little wary because often memoirs of childhood work when those from later years don‘t. So I‘ll be eager to see what you think of them. 5mo
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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Enjoying the mild weather while it lasts, I‘m starting my #bookspin outside with an adult beverage and dried veggies.

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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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This was wonderful. Sad and yet not really. Objectively sad, I think. But Frankie doesn‘t seem bitter or upset about the life he lived.

Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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New book for bookclub. Trying to read it with an Irish accent. May pick up the audio too for a fuller experience.

Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt

Really enjoyed it! I liked the brutal honesty from the author.

Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt

Mostly very readable and also very sad for the constant poverty and a father who spends it all on drink. Parts are nice and there is humor, but it gets a bit raunchy in the end. Irish might appreciate it the most.

KCofKaysville Found out that the author made up some things. Not quite as poor etc. 2y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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I am starting another older one I should have read long ago. My youngest sister told me a lot about it.

Elizabeth2 So good! Enjoy! ❤️📚 2y
bibliothecarivs Been meaning to read this for ages. 2y
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jlhammar I loved this one! Fantastic memoir. 2y
stevesbookstuf1 I started to read this ages ago and dropped it about half way through. I think it was just too depressing for me at the time. Willing to give it another go at some point. 2y
bthegood This is on my TBR - hope you enjoy it 🙂 2y
KCofKaysville @bthegood Pretty sad so far but good reading. 2y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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I read Angela's Ashes in middle and high school over and over and over...but I have only just discovered the audiobook, read by the author. It's been years since I've read it and hearing it in McCourt's own voice makes it feel like a brand-new story. Despite the backlash and controversy, I'm not sorry to say I'm positively tearing through this one and loving every sad, funny, bittersweet moment. #CurrentlyListening

lynneamch The audio is so worth it. Also 3y
Andrea313 @lynneamch I read both ages ago, but I'm sure the audio would be well worth listening to! 3y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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Day 45.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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I'm packing and listening to the tagged memoir (the last person who hasn't read it?) while my companion watches for bugs.

Shadowfat I still haven't read this either! 3y
PrezBookster I have owned for years and never read it! 3y
LeahBergen I loved this book. I know, I know… but still. ❤️ 3y
merelybookish @PrezBookster @Shadowfat It's one of those books that everyone seems to have read, which is probably why I avoided it for years. 🤷 3y
merelybookish @LeahBergen Well it's beloved for a reason! I'm not far but it's pretty heartbreaking. 3y
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One of those books that makes you laugh and cry at the same time.

Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt

At first glance , Frank McCourt‘s first book, “Angela‘s Ashes,” might seem like a run-of-the-mill memoir about his wretched childhood. But McCourt‘s voice, full of wry humor, and his knack for sketching memorable characters lifts his book into the realm of classic memoirs.

Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt
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I actually read this book when I was in High School for a book report. I remember enjoying it a lot, now over 15 years later I've decided to read it as an adult. This is also my book pick for my reading group, making this my 'book of the month.' I hope to enjoy as much as I did when I was younger, if not more.

lynneamch Just lived this, especially the audio. Also 4y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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Happy Saint Patrick's Day 😊

GingerAntics I love Frank McCourt!!! 💚💚💚 4y
kspenmoll 💚☘️💚☘️ 4y
Cathythoughts I‘ve still not read this book ! 4y
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JazzFeathers @GingerAntics l was lucky enough to hear him talk at a bookfair here in Italy a looking time ago. He had such a great sense of humour. 4y
JazzFeathers @Cathythoughts Me too, actually 😶 4y
GingerAntics @JazzFeathers oh that had to have been amazing! I‘ve heard he‘s got a quick wit. 4y
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Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #angelasashes #frankmccourt #bookjoy #bookbeast #readwithme
What are you reading? 😊

tpixie Yes this has been on my TBR since it was written! 4y
BoleyBooks @tpixie I have had it on the shelf a while...decided it was time. I was expecting it to be a very dark story, but I have been pleasantly surprised by the narrative. We humans are a bunch of strange specimens, and seen through the eyes of a child even more so. 😊 4y
MamaMastracci One of my all time favorites! 4y
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BoleyBooks @MamaMastracci I just saw that there is a sequel called ‘Tis ...have you read it? I guess I will need to get my hands on it soon. 😊 (edited) 4y
MamaMastracci @BoleyBooks Yes, I have! I loved it too. The first time I read it when it was released and I thought it was sad. Then I heard Frank McCourt read some of it and he was laughing about it... all of his troubles in the past. It gave me a new perspective. I read it again with his laughter in mind and thinking- of course all of this happens to Frank. I loved them both. There is a third, Teacher Man. It‘s more about his later life. 4y
tpixie @BoleyBooks oh! That‘s good to know. I think that‘s why I‘ve been hesitant to pick it up. This makes me less afraid! 4y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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"You have to study and learn so that you can make up your own mind about history and everything else but you can't make up an empty mind. Stock your mind, stock your mind. It is your house of treasure and no one in the world can interfere with it."

Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt

This is a book that first touched my soul in middle school, and many times since. Because of my deep love of this book, I genuinely can‘t understand (although I don‘t judge!) when people don‘t like it. That being said, this most recent reading I listened to McCourt‘s audio book and felt very intense emotions the whole time- I strongly recommend. And if anyone wants to hear how this book relates/performs to oral tradition- I‘d love to talk more!

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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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1.) Voting is an illusion of choice and an illusion of freedom, I only vote for Scottish Independence 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

2.) What I'm most thankful for this week is touring bookstores/charity shops all over London with my girlfriend, we had so much fun and got a whole bunch of nifty books! 😍

Thanks for the tag @LitStephanie 💫

#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon 🌛

Cosmos_Moon Yay for new book! Thanks for joining in this week! 4y
Deifio Freedom! Scotland! 4y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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I can‘t believe I‘d never read this - it was such a gap in my nonfiction reading for so long (especially given my Irish ancestry). Listening to McCourt tell his story in his own voice was great and I can‘t imagine experiencing this book any other way. It‘s not an easy read but the balance of humor and horror is truly extraordinary.

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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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4 stars for Angela's Ashes. A very quick listen. I definitely enjoyed this audiobook read by the author.

And that's another Bingo for me! #bookspinbingo


Cinfhen Woohoo 🎉 you‘re having a GREAT MONTH 😄 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay bingo!! You're making fabulous progress!! 4y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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I'm told this is a must read. Looks like it should be a quick one. On my way to another bingo. #bookspinbingo

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The author tells a horrific story that caused me to cringe, grind my teeth and cry my head out. This book affected me emotionally. But McCourt wrote it in a way that kept me reading.

I read this book way back in the time and I still know how I felt about it.

As depressing as it was I couldn't put it down. I liked the writing... it is mesmerizing.

Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt

What a treat it was to listen to this book in Frank McCourt‘s own voice! He covers heavy material, but has a survivor‘s humor. What a tremendous gift he has for telling his story!

Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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A second or third read of this well known memoir. Frank McCourt really knows how to tell a story. #StayHome24in48 #SocialDistancingReadathon

Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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I just can‘t keep going with this one! I don‘t like McCourt‘s writing style, it was so difficult for me to keep up with.

emilyhaldi This one is intense!! I may have considered bailing if I wasn't reading it while trapped in an 8 hour flight 😂 5y
wideeyedreader @emilyhaldi Oh that is a long flight! I have so many other books I think I‘ll enjoy more, so I‘ll read those instead 5y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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1. Tagged, and also Eli‘s Promise from #NetGalley!
2. The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon! I love it so much I want to reread it already!
3. I got a new stuffed bear this week! It‘s very cuddly and soft
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

jordanremington Hello there, how are you doing today? 5y
rachelsbrittain Aww I love a great new stuffie 😍 5y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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“My father and mother should have stayed in New York where they met and married and where I was born.”

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

AllieLovesBooks “The small boys came early to the hanging.” 5y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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Day 9 -#MemoirMonday #MagnificentMarch

Since it‘s March, that‘s why I chose this memoir from Ireland.

OriginalCyn620 I‘ve heard nothing but good things about this one! 💚 5y
EadieB @OriginalCyn620 I haven't read it either but I have heard good things too! 5y
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Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt
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3 generation in my family. My father, Larry. My later sister, Christy. My son, Jack!

Lindy 😮 5y
tpixie Wow! ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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Omg, thank you so much @Crazeedi for the Birthday Gift!!! ❤❤❤ I'm excited to read it, it's been on my TBR for years!!!

Crazeedi Yay!! I'm so glad, it's such a good book, enjoy❤🥰 5y
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Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt
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Kinda hard to read with Master Finn standing on me. He‘s watching daddy snow blow out the window. ❄️

Godmotherx5 That‘s adorable. 5y
ShelleyBooksie Finn is so handsome!!! 5y
Geenie Beautiful 🐕! 💕 5y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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Laughed and cried so much!

Joanne1 I read this so long ago. Still remember it well. 5y
DMC_run8 I'm ALWAYS late to the game! 5y
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Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt
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Today‘s book Mail. And I am going to be participating in a real life book club next month. This is their pick! I cannot wait!

LiterRohde I loved The Goldfinch. And that genre is not usually my jam. 5y
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Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt
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Movie:Angela's Christmas. 2018. Netflix.
Based on a story by Frank McCourt.
A trip to church with her family, gives Angela an idea...
#wintergames #ReadNosedReindeer @Clwojick @StayCurious
#bingo....someone says miracle......

StayCurious Amazing start! +5 = book to movie adaptation; + 5 Holiday movie; + 1 point participation = 11 points! 5y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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These are both excellent books! Very well-written.

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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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#scarathlon #TeamStoker Just finished this for another challenge, unfortunately it doesn‘t fit the team theme.

LazyDays One of my favorite books. 5y
BeansPage That's okay sweetie. You still got some points for it 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt
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So this has been on my TBR list for the longest time.i would bet close to 20 years? I am proud to say I finished it today. It was wonderful. His writing was divine. I literally smelled the smells, felt the hunger, witnessed the poverty and loss and found myself smiling at the shenanigans. The story of a poor Irish family growing up in the lanes of Limerick pre and post Ww2. A story of poverty and hope. Now to find his 2 follow ups❤❤❤❤❤

marleed I read a book written by his brother many moons ago, as well. It was interesting because it‘s a slightly different perspective. Malachy- I think is his brother. 5y
BirdsandBelles Loved this book! I read it years ago and it still stays with me. 💕 5y
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Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt
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Current audiobook

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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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(Teacher Man is hiding underneath.) Three books from #Ireland on my TBR. #letstraveljuly @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🇮🇪 📚 5y
MallenNC I‘ve read his first two but still need to read Teacher Man. He did a reading in my city years ago and I regret not going! 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🇮🇪💚 5y
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Lcsmcat @MallenNC I never regret going to an author‘s event, but I have missed opportunities that I regret too. I could have heard Edward Albee when I was in school and didn‘t go. I‘ve regretted that one for many years. 5y
MallenNC @Lcsmcat Ever since I missed Frank McCourt I try my best to go when an opportunity arises! I can‘t do everything that I‘d like, but missing that one makes me try harder to go. (edited) 5y
Lcsmcat @MallenNC Yep. Same here. 5y
GingerAntics Loved Angela‘s Ashes. Really looking forward to ‘Tis and Teacher Man. Still working on getting my hands on copies of those. The library only had Angela‘s Ashes. 5y
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Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt
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This book is a must read!! How anyone can write in a way that can have you so deeply moved with the pain and struggles of the characters and nearly simultaneously laughing, due to all the shenanigans and accounts of “Presbyterian” hair is beyond me. I‘ve never heard hair described as pertaining to a specific religion but this along with many other little treasures in this book keep it as a classic.

Caroline2 This just moved up my tbr pile! 👍🏻 5y
MissMary 👏🏻 that‘s awesome! 5y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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#Riotgrams #Day19 #IReadThisTooYoung

While the content of this book was certainly beyond my maturity level at age 11 when I first read it, the power of the McCourt‘s writing has stayed with me for nearly two decades. This is the actual book my older brother gave me back then, I even wrote my name inside the front cover in my 5th grade cursive! I‘m guessing he hadn‘t read the book himself...

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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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Y‘all, I am so sorry I have been MIA! Life has been crazy the last few weeks since I have been working overtime to get time off for our cruise next week! Every other moment has been spent trying to get ready for said cruise. 😩
But I got the most LOVELY #litsylove smile box from the beautiful @Stacypatrice Stacy, you are such a sweetie! I loved this box of smiles & am really looking forward to reading Angela‘s Ashes! Thank you with all my ❤️!

Susanita Enjoy your cruise!! 5y
robinb So sweet! ❤️ 5y
Sleepswithbooks 😁💛😁💛😁💛 5y
mvegabec Awee I love @Stacypatrice she is one of my faves among Litsy Love! She's so nice and fun!😁💗 5y
Sleepswithbooks @mvegabec - What a sweet thing to say!! Thank you 😊 😘 5y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow
The hammer of the gods
W'ell drive our ships to new lands
To fight the horde, and sing and cry
Valhalla, I am coming!

Day 12 of #MayMovieMagic with #ImmigrantSong #BookToMovie #HappyMothersDay
@Rohit-sawant @Cinfhen

baes This story. ❤️ I can‘t believe everything he lived through. The sequel was good too. 5y
Cinfhen I recently read this memoir ! So good. My heart was 💔 5y
marleed @baes @cinfhen. There‘s books I don‘t remember reading, books I have to reread the synopsis to recall, and books that stay with me forever. This was the later for me! 5y
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Cinfhen I so get that!!!! My recall is usually crap but this book was special 5y
lynneamch Loved the audios of these, which McCourt read himself. Also 5y
marleed @lynneamch Oh, I should check out the audio on Overdrive. Thanks ! 5y
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt

Such a powerful book. Wow! The pain and suffering of our Irish ancestors. They survive!

Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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One of the first books I always think of when I think of #Ireland. #LiteraryLuck

lynneamch Yes. Audio was SO good. 💚 6y
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