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Too Wilde to Wed
Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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New York Times Bestselling Author Eloisa James returns with the second in her fun and flirtatiousWildes of Lindow Castle series... The handsome, rakish heir to a dukedom, Lord Roland Northbridge Wilde--known to his friends as North--left England two years ago, after being jilted by Miss Diana Belgrave. He returns from war to find that he's notorious: polite society has ruled him "too wild to wed." Diana never meant to tarnish North's reputation, or his heart, but in her rush to save a helpless child, there was no time to consider the consequences of working as a governess in Lindow Castle. Now everyone has drawn the worst conclusions about the child's father, and Diana is left with bittersweet regret. When North makes it clear that he still wants her for his own, scandal or no, Diana has to fight to keep from losing her heart to the man whom she still has no intention of marrying. Yet North is returning a hardened warrior--and this is one battle he's determined to win. He wants Diana, and he'll risk everything to call her his own.
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Too Wilde to Wed LP | Eloisa James
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When work and life get complicated I like to spend some time before bed listening to a favourite audiobook book. Thanks to Libby I‘ve spent the last few weeks listening to this fun romantsy. My personal favourite of the series and I think North is my favourite character ( although Parth is a very close second)

CoverToCoverGirl I enjoyed this one too. Up next for meis 2y
Dragon Thanks @CoverToCoverGirl enjoy! It‘s another fun romantsy 💚🐉 2y
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Too Wilde to Wed LP | Eloisa James
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Finished the tagged book. I'm so glad I have 4 out of ghe five books currently available in this series. As the author states in the first book, each ends on a cliffhanger. After the first book, I couldn't wait to read the pictures book where the characters are introduced. So while I'm not working as hard on my #bookspin I'm definitely marking off spots on my #bookspinbingo board! 😆

aroc That's what free spaces are for! 4y
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Too Wilde to Wed LP | Eloisa James
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Taking a break from my #bookspin with this one. I love the Wildes so far. They're such a fun family. Enjoying the end of a three day weekend reading and listening to 1st Wave on SiriusXM.

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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Fun take on the “fall in love with the governess” trope. Loved these characters.

CoverToCoverGirl I need to read this series.. soon! 5y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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“Her voice #floated to him so softly that the words didn‘t sound like a question.”

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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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So happy to have stumbled on this! ❤😍

Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Had a bad run with romances lately -- started and dropped several in a row -- but this one broke the streak. Delightful so far. Hero returns from war to find his former fiancé, who jilted him, working as a governess in his family's home... with a child in tow everyone assumes is his bastard. (More fun than it sounds!)

Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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A nice, easy read with loveable characters and intriguing plots. Perfect if you‘re feeling a bit stressed and just need something you can relax whilst reading and a good time.

I definitely want to read the third book in this series but I think I‘ll read something else first and come back to it.

Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Enjoying some reading time on the beach in Barcelona! ❤️🇪🇸

I‘m not getting through this one as quick as the last one but only because I‘m so busy exploring Barcelona!

Cortg Amazing 😍 Enjoy!!! 6y
Mdargusch Fun! 💙 6y
Blaire Barcelona is amazing!! Enjoy it. 6y
CarolynM That looks beautiful! Enjoy. 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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I started Too Wilde to Wed this morning on my plane to Barcelona! This was the view out the window of the Pyrenees mountains! 💙 A pretty good reading view I think! 😂

AmyG Wow 6y
Chelleo Beautiful! 6y
TrishB Lovely ❤️ 6y
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ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Woah - what a view! 6y
Tanisha_A WOW! 😍 6y
Rachbb3 Gorgeous ❤️ 6y
youneverarrived Wow 😍😍 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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You know that thing where you put in your headphones to listen to a few minutes of your audiobook to lull you to sleep and the next thing you know it‘s 4am and you haven‘t gotten a wink of sleep because your book got real real good? Well, that‘s what happened to me tonight. This was a great #romantsy story from the brilliant @EloisaJames - definitely recommend if you need a lovely escape. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

julesG It's such a good book. 6y
Johanna414 Lol I was just reading reviews of this book before I write my own, and you described my night last night exactly! 5y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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So hot 🔥 so wild! A fabulous frothy audiobook! Dreaming of spring flowers.

CoverToCoverGirl I have the book but maybe the #audiobook is the way to go... or 🤔 maybe do an audio and book read along! 😊 6y
Dragon Thanks @CoverToCoverGirl the narrator is excellent and I‘m listening to Born To Be Wild now. It‘s good. Just a reminder there‘s some 🔥🔥🔥 so headphones 👍😀🐉 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Listening to this lovely audiobook, a great narrator, I do love a historical #romantsy. Thanks @EloisaJames for this fun read.

julesG There's an audiobook??? 6y
Dragon Thanks @julesG I found it today on the Cloud Library. 😀🐉 6y
EloisaJames Thanks!! I love my narrator. 6y
Dragon Thanks @EloisaJames I‘ve only got 2 hours left. So fun. 👍 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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It's terrible outside: rain, grey, cold. So a cozy candlelight breakfast for one it is. Hot tea and hot chia seed and oats porridge, a book I neglected to read although I had preordered it, and my Ghost to keep me company - she's sitting next to the warm tea pot.

Whenever I think, @EloisaJames has written her best book yet and this must be my favourite, she surprises me with the next one that I fall in love with.

This is the best and I love it.

julesG PS: North and Diana are the perfect couple and I keep hoping that Horatius will turn up again, or that Leonidas will take over the dukedom. I know this is certainly not going to happen, but I may dream till the end. 😉 6y
Texreader Looks like a delightful way to spend a dreary day 6y
CoffeeAndABook Perfekt ??Schönen Dienstag ☕️?? 6y
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Crazeedi Pretty kitty! 6y
julesG @CoffeeAndABook Danke, dir auch! 6y
CouronneDhiver Does your kitchen have an interior door, shown here? 6y
Moony Oh it's such terrible weather. I'd like to be at home in my bed and read a good book, but I have to work. 😑 6y
julesG @CouronneDhiver It does. No open kitchen in this old building. The kitchen is the first room off the narrow hallway in our flat. Most German flats have separate rooms for kitchen and living room. 6y
julesG @Moony I'd like to stay in and read, but now I have to take care of the laundry, take the rubbish out and head to ergo therapy. Still better than having to work, but on the other hand, I'd be happy to be able to work. *sigh* 6y
CouronneDhiver I like the separation between spaces ... maybe because it‘s so unusual compared to most homes here. 😊 6y
julesG @CouronneDhiver It has its advantages especially in winter, when I don't have to heat every room to ambient temperature all the time. Heating bills scare me. They can become very high due to the central heating and its complex billing calculations. 6y
EloisaJames Wow—that‘s wonderful praise—thanks!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 another fantastic read from @EloisaJames ❤️❤️ also I‘m completely obsessed with the Wilde family and need more!!

EloisaJames Thanks!! 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Love learning new words!!! Thanks @EloisaJames 🤓🤓

Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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I enjoyed this second book in Eloisa James‘s newest series. Taking place in England around the revolutionary war it has an original take on the Duke romance trope. My one criticism would be it gets repetitive at times, but I did enjoy the characters and look forward to reading the next book in the series! #romantsy

Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Starting my #bookaweekchallenge with this lovely period romance. #romantsy

EloisaJames I hope you love it!! 6y
Nessavamusic Enjoying it so far, definitely am liking the premise. @EloisaJames 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James

A secret baby/broken engagement story with two strong, honest characters who work hard for their happy ending. The dialog is sharp, the romance is sweet, and the other family members are funny and supportive. Really enjoyable.

Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James

The 1st book ended on a cliffhanger so I went on to find out more about North, who I liked in Wilde in Love. I really like North. I didn‘t have a high opinion of Diana from the earlier book and I‘m not liking her much better in this book. She has a big heart but is disorganized and not very resourceful. Hoping she will win me over by the end. I like the Wilde family though.

Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James

While I liked the hero, I found the heroine to be just a little tiresome and dull witted. I was more interested in the side plot lines for the other books in the series. Also, I hate the trope where the little orphan boy doesn‘t speak for 4 years, and then says exactly the right thing a la Little Timmy from Dicken‘s Christmas Carol.

Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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What a delight this series is. Thank you @EloisaJames #romantsy

EloisaJames Thank you!! I‘m in Italy, writing in our garden, and Betsy‘s story is coming along. 😄 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Dear @EloisaJames, my cat and I just read the next part of Wilde Denial. It had one of the best bed scenes I've ever read. 😁😁😁 Well-done!

ladym30 What a sweet fur ball!! 6y
wanderinglynn What a cutie! ❤️🐱 6y
Slajaunie Sweet! 🐈 6y
EloisaJames I love his paws!!! And I‘m glad you liked that bed scene! It‘s kind of fun writing without an editor — freeing. (edited) 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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“It was an interesting thought. Another river of relief, #cool and forgiving, washed over her. Diana brushed a kiss on North‘s neck by way of thanks. It was strong and corded, nothing like the birdlike necks of courtiers. “Will you tell me why you sold out?” “There‘s not much to tell.” His voice rasped. She snuggled against him and waited.”
This is the 2nd book in the series and just as good as the 1st. Now I must wait for book 3. 😩

TK-421 Waiting is so difficult! 6y
EloisaJames But just think...usually I have 1 book a year, and you only have to wait until July 29! I‘m so glad you enjoyed this one! 😘 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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1 “Lord Roland Northbridge Wilde—known to his friends and family as North—had been taught at his governess‘s knee that a gentleman defines himself by his respectful and decorous manner toward the fair sex.”
2 384
3 opportunities
4 Horatius, Alaric, Willa, Diana, North
5 red
6 historical romance
7 ferocious - eyes
8 n/a - ebook
9 EJ
10 two minutes
11 2018
12 no
13 no - just started
14 everything I can get my hands on

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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James

Book 2 of the Wilde series. Loved it as much as book 1. Have to wait until late July for book 3. 😔

RadicalReader @Beckys_Books July needs to hurry up love new books 6y
tammysue I was happy to hear it‘s releasing so soon, yay for July! 6y
Beckys_Books @RadicalReader @whatshesreadingnow I already preordered it, so excited!! 6y
tammysue Me too! 💕 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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My Saturday morning was finishing this. Love this series and excited for one on Parth up next! #romantsy

Beckys_Books I also finished this book this morning! 6y
brennahawleycraig @Beckys_Books I just love this series. I immediately preordered the next one. It comes out in July! 6y
EloisaJames Oh hey—I‘m so glad you loved it!! I was looking through #romantsy to find a new book to read and actually jolted when this turned up! 6y
brennahawleycraig @EloisaJames that‘s awesome!! I just love this family. And the women are always great and strong, as usual. I appreciate how you do that! 6y
EloisaJames That‘s just me imitating life! 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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This NYT list is hugely gratifying—just look at the names of the authors ahead of me in the fiction list! (yes, authors are just as squirrelly as you think and can obsess over a bestseller list as if it were a Regency dance card with Darcy scrawled on it.) Thank you to all Littens who danced with Diana & North—I hope you loved the book! #romantsy #historicalromance #bestseller!

RaimeyGallant Congratulations!!!!!! 6y
erinreads That‘s fantastic! Congratulations! 💃🏼 6y
Pamwurtzler Congratulations!! 6y
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tammysue That‘s wonderful, congratulations!!! 6y
LiteraryinPA That is so exciting!! 6y
LibrarianRyan Yeahhhhh 6y
Redwritinghood Congrats! 6y
Jas16 Congratulations! 6y
LeahBergen Awesome! 6y
Simona 👏👏👏Congratulations 🥂 6y
mabell Wow congratulations!!! 🎉🎉🎉 6y
CarolynM Congratulations!🎉 6y
ScientistSam Yay, congrats! And well deserved - I love this series 😁 6y
CoverToCoverGirl Congratulations! Well deserved! 😊 6y
kspenmoll 🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
sprainedbrain Congratulations!!! ❤️ 6y
Jeg Well done. 👏👏👏 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Diana and North‘s story was so lovely. When they met, they were both pretending to be different versions of themselves to impress each other. They work so hard to get to know the true versions of each other and themselves, it was a touching journey to observe. #romantsy 💕

robinb Nice review. Currently reading the first one. 😊 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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I can't promise to die after you, Diana. But I will love you until the moment I take my final breath. And if I go before you, I pray that your face is the last thing I see before I close my eyes. That sight will hold me until we meet again.

tpixie ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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I loved the story of North and Diana. I laughed out loud a lot, which is one of the reasons why I love Eloisa James's books. And a sentence near our HEA almost brought me to tears.

North has been changed by his time in the army, fighting for the Crown in the American colonies' war of independence. Diana has become a governess in order to protect a small child. They've both come a long way since the events of Wilde in Love.


ScientistSam Wilde in Love is still my favorite of the Wildes of Lindow Castle series (it's just too delightfully meta) but this addition to the series has definitely left me looking forward to more! I can't wait for Lavinia's story😘 6y
robinb I‘m behind on this series...haven‘t started it yet but I ALWAYS ❤️ her books! Thanks for the reminder! (edited) 6y
ScientistSam @robinb I HIGHLY recommend the series. Wilde in Love is probably tied with When Beauty Met the Beast as my favorite Eloisa James 6y
ScientistSam @robinb I think you'll 💕 them😁 6y
ScientistSam @EloisaJames you have another winner here😁 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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5 ☆ I love the Wilde‘s and this hot series!🔥
The story focuses on North and Diana, their relationship is full of spicy heat behind the scenes while dealing with their past relationship/broken engagement + the new addition of a little guy Diana brings with her to Lindow Castle (where she‘s now employed as a governess).
It proves to be a REAL scandal for North as he‘s perceived to of fathered the child!
I enjoyed every bit of this delicious book!

DivineDiana And the peonies! 💗 6y
tammysue @DivineDiana One of my favorite flowers 😍 6y
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CoffeeK8 Beautiful flowers 6y
tammysue @CoffeeK8 Thank you, Kate! 🌸😊🌸 6y
robinb I HAVE to get to this series! Just saw where @ScientistSam has finished Too Wilde To Wed. The universe is telling me something! 🤣 ❤️her books!!! Beautiful pic!!! 6y
tammysue @robinb Ty Robin!😁 You must get it, is sooo good and book three will be released July 31st! 6y
Sophoclessweetheart Pretty photo, such cute flowers 🌷 x 6y
tammysue @Sorceryandswords Ty Kendal! 😊🌸 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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I loved this book! North and Diana were so sweet with each other❤️ The Wilde‘s are becoming one of my favorite fictional families. I hope we get a book for each of the Wilde children🤞☺️ I‘m looking forward to Parth and Lavinia‘s book next, I can already imagine the witty banter from those two😏

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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Continuing this fun read on A lazy Sunday afternoon 💖 #romantsy

BethM I have this in my TBR! 6y
CoffeeK8 @BethM I‘m really enjoying it! 6y
ScientistSam So good! 6y
tammysue Loved it! 😁 6y
EloisaJames Yay!! 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Too Wilde has a great review in the NYT Book Review today! I wish my mother was alive; she always wanted me to write a “real book,” and this review might have convinced her I was already doing it. The review says Too Wilde is about a sparkling love story between two friends. 💕💕

Suet624 💕💕💕 congratulations. 6y
batsy Congrats 😊 6y
Reecaspieces So awesome! @MrBook check it out! 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm Nice graphic. Congrats 👏 6y
CarolynM That's great. Congratulations💐 6y
TrishB 🎉🎉 6y
britt_brooke So exciting! 6y
KarenUK That‘s awesome! Congrats 💕 6y
Booksnchill Well done!💖👍 6y
ReadingEnvy Congrats! I've watched the NYT try harder to write about romance. ;) 6y
MrBook Oooooh!!!! Thank you, @Reecaspieces 🤗! 6y
dariazeoli Congrats! Nice to see you back on Litsy! 6y
MrBook @EloisaJames is THE best, and I'd drive hours for her if needed. 🤗🤗🤗 6y
CoverToCoverGirl Congratulations! 6y
mabell Congratulations!! ❤️❤️ 6y
Daughter-of-words I started it yesterday😊 it‘s so good!! Congratulations 🍾 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Congratulations!!!🏆 6y
MicheleinPhilly Congrats! 6y
mdemanatee Yay! Congrats! I loved it. Well deserved. 6y
Jas16 Congratulations 🍾🎉🙌🏽 6y
sprainedbrain That‘s awesome! ❤️ 6y
Blaire Congrats!!! That‘s amazing. The book review is always the section I read first - can‘t wait to read it tonight. 6y
DivineDiana Fantastic! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 6y
ScientistSam Congrats! 6y
Dragon Congratulations!!!! 🎉 6y
EloisaJames @mdemanatee thank you!!! I‘m so glad you liked Too Wilde. 😘 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Starting this one tonight while my husband watches the Yankees

CoverToCoverGirl The Yankees are a dim second next to your choice! 😍 6y
CoffeeK8 @CoverToCoverGirl seriously... we spend a lot of baseball season like this 6y
EloisaJames I hope you loved North more than those burly baseball players!!😄 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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So excited about this book, it just released on Tuesday - I‘m grabbing a glass (or three 😉) of wine, putting my feet up and enjoying a much needed break tonight. 🍷🔥

erinreads I‘ve yet to read anything by her. Should probably change that! 6y
tammysue @erinreads I hope you do! I‘ve been reading The Wilde‘s of Lindow Castle series, this is the 2nd in that series. I‘ve read several others too and have really enjoyed them all. She‘s an excellent storyteller! (edited) 6y
EloisaJames Thank you!! I hope you love it! 6y
tammysue @EloisaJames I love seeing this other side of Diana.. she‘s fabulous 👏🏻😃 (edited) 6y
EloisaJames @whatshesreadingnow yay!! She is definitely one of those characters who is adamantly herself, if that makes sense. 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Had to make the trip crosstown to pick up the latest by @EloisaJames. Started it on the bus home, of course!


CoverToCoverGirl Ohhhh that cover.. swoon worthy! 😊 6y
ScientistSam @CoverToCoverGirl for sure!👍💕😍 6y
EloisaJames Thanks, Sam!! See you later? 5 pm? I can be there. I‘m not sure I‘m using Slack right 6y
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ScientistSam @EloisaJames Yay! I'll be there at 5! I think others are going to trickle in between 5 and 6, depending on when things end. 6y
EloisaJames Thanks for meeting me yesterday, Samantha! It was great. 😘😘 6y
ScientistSam @EloisaJames it was so much fun! Thanks for coming! 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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#ARC #Review: Too Wilde to Wed by @EloisaJames with @AvonRomance. This second installment of the series had a great (and much-changed) hero returning home from the Revolutionary War.⠀


#bookbloggers #reading #romance #historical #bookreview

EloisaJames Thanks! 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James

I am really enjoying this next installment ! But I‘m stuck at work and Nook for PC isn‘t loading the book. 😩 I only have 40 pages left and I wanted to read during lunch !!!!!

EloisaJames Oh my Nook is so fussy! I hope you enjoyed the end! 6y
ElenaBaer @EloisaJames I loved it !!!!! Whose story is next ????? 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Oh boy I did not realize all these books released today. I‘ve got a lot to read in the next 14 days! 🤗 #libraryhaul

EloisaJames I know! I‘m reading 2 at the same time—riches! 6y
CoffeeK8 @EloisaJames it‘s so much fun! I can‘t think of the last time I read only one book 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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So I got a starred review from Library Journal today! I‘m so happy. I discovered Georgette Heyer in a Carnegie Public Library years ago so I still shiver with delight thinking of my books in libraries!

Ddzmini Love you books 😋 6y
CrowCAH Congrats! ❤️📖 6y
ScientistSam Congrats on the review and the release! 6y
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Jas16 Happy Book Birthday! Cannot wait to read this! 6y
sprainedbrain Congrats!!! ❤️ 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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Two of my favorite authors have new books out today!!! I‘m so excited for both of these🤩🤩 #bookmail #happybookbirthday 🎉❤️❤️

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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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It‘s too hot and I am reading in Lincoln Square instead of by the river or at the beach.

TheBookStacker Im reading inside it‘s too hot out and looks like it might rain 6y
mdemanatee @TheBookStacker I‘m inside for now. I am charged for my air conditioner for every month it‘s installed in the window so I am being stubborn. 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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My story of a jilted future duke and an inept & independent governess publishes Tuesday! Register your preorder or purchase in the first week on eloisajames.com for a free novella!

ElenaBaer I am very excited !!!! Now I just have to carve out some time in my schedule next week to read it! 6y
EloisaJames @ElenaBaer thanks!! I can‘t wait to see what people think of North and Diana. 😘 6y
ScientistSam Can't wait! 6y
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ScientistSam Will Book Culture have signed copies? 6y
EloisaJames @ScientistSam probably? My book club is discussing—you could come get one in person? CallBC for free ticket—love to see you! 6y
ScientistSam I'll see if there are spots remaining! 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James

The things I love most about Eloisa's books are the depth of the characterizations and the ingenuity of the storytelling. There is never a clear path to the all important HEA- Happily ever after. The situation seems unsolvable. The lovers seem bound for heartache. But it works out in a clever way as the pieces fit together unexpectedly. Great story I cannot wait for the next one in the series. Wilde for You #romantsy #keeper

EloisaJames Thank you!! 😘😘 6y
MommaBeja @EloisaJames no thank you! I am always concerned when writing these not to give away the story. 6y
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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James

Possibly the best @EloisaJames book to date. Have you preordered yours?

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Too Wilde to Wed | Eloisa James
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1. A great week, no complaints 🙏🏻
2. A book or flowers for my outdoor planters 🌸🌼
3. Too Wilde To Wed, releases 5/29
4. A grilled brat w/beer + brat horseradish mustard
5. @HOTpock3tt @Eggs @Chasing_Pages

Eggs Thanks for the tag 😘😘 6y
Chasing_Pages Thanks for the tag! 😉 6y
EloisaJames I hope you love Too Wilde!! 6y
tammysue @EloisaJames 7 more days!!! 😁 6y
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