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The Light Over London
The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
Reminiscent of Martha Hall Kelly's Lilac Girls and Kristin Hannah's The Nightingale, this sweeping, entrancing story is a must-read for fans of remarkable women rising to challenges they could never have predicted. Its always been easier for Cara Hargraves to bury herself in the past than confront the present, which is why working with a gruff but brilliant antiques dealer is perfect. While clearing out an estate, she pries open an old tin that holds the relics of a lost relationship: among the treasures, a World War II-era diary and a photograph of a young woman in uniform. Eager to find the author of the hauntingly beautiful, unfinished diary, Cara digs into this soldiers life, but soon realizes she may not have been ready for the stark reality of wartime London she finds within the pages. In 1941, nineteen-year-old Louise Keenes life had been decided for hershell wait at home in her Cornish village until her wealthy suitor returns from war to ask for her hand. But when Louise unexpectedly meets Flight Lieutenant Paul Bolton, a dashing RAF pilot stationed at a local base, everything changes. And changes again when Pauls unit is deployed without warning. Desperate for a larger life, Louise joins the womens branch of the British Army in the anti-aircraft gun unit as a Gunner Girl. As bombs fall on London, she and the other Gunner Girls relish in their duties to be exact in their calculations, and quick in their identification of enemy planes during air raids. The only thing that gets Louise through those dark, bullet-filled nights is knowing she and Paul will be together when the war is over. But when a bundle of her letters to him are returned unanswered, she learns that wartime romance can have a much darker side. Illuminating the story of these two women separated by generations and experience, Julia Kelly transports us to World War II London in this heartbreakingly beautiful novel through forgotten antique treasures, remembered triumphs, and fierce family ties.
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Antiques, a tin box with a “diary,” a mystery about who wrote the “diary,” WWII, and a secret kept by Cara‘s grandmother,  is how we begin THE LIGHT OVER LONDON.

FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/yypbxd7e

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds good! 3w
Eggs Brilliant ❤️ 3w
SilversReviews @Eggs You are always so sweet with your comments. ♥️ 3w
Eggs @SilversReviews So are you 🥰🙏🏻 3w
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!


The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Cara and Louise's stories didn't interact like I expected them to, but that's not a knock. What a vibrant portrayal of modern and wartime life and learning to grow through your circumstances. Going to have to look up more of Kelly's work! #historicalfiction #contemporaryfiction #dualtimeline

The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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I enjoyed this story about Louise, a young woman from a tiny village in England who joins the ATS to do her bit after Paul, the pilot she‘s fallen in love with, is deployed. She‘s assigned to be a gunner girl and keeps up her relationship with Paul through letters. But how well can you really know someone you‘ve only spent a handful of days with? Louise finds out that sometimes people aren‘t who they seem.

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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Good read. I give it 3.5/5 ⭐️

The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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#JulyJourneys #London

Another of my favorite cities to read about.

Eggs On my perpetual TBR—great choice ❤️👏🏻 3y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Thanks to:


Today‘s Prompt: LIGHT

Antiques, a tin box with a diary, a mystery about who wrote the diary, WWII, and a secret kept by Cara‘s grandmother, is how we begin THE LIGHT OVER LONDON.

FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/yxengl5p


OriginalCyn620 Sounds good! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love reading books with diary‘s!! 4y
SilversReviews @OriginalCyn620 It was very good...I hope you get to read it. 4y
SilversReviews @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks They do make books interesting. 4y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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“You deserve to never be disappointed, and you deserve to be with someone who doesn‘t make you feel like your choices aren‘t the right ones” (252).

4 ⭐'s @robinb This was a fantastic read to end @suvata #LMPBC Round 009 #GroupN & a great way to start out @TheAromaofBooks #October #BookSpin

Will post updated #BookSpinBingo tomorrow. Full review on GR.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Great progress!! 4y
CloakNQuill @TheAromaofBooks Thanks! Already finished 3 books. I made sure my bingo picks for October were available and that is working out better for me. (edited) 4y
robinb So happy you enjoyed it! 😊 4y
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CloakNQuill @robinb I enjoyed the way she portrayed the romances, it didn‘t feel overwhelming. Will send it out sometime this week. 4y
robinb @Wastedmindsx yes, and I especially liked the characters Louise and Cara. No rush on return. 😊👍 4y
robinb @Wastedmindsx It‘s here (and it smells so good! 😉) Thanks! Did you keep a bookmark? 4y
CloakNQuill @robinb perfect! Yes, Nancy Drew one🕵️‍♀️ . 4y
robinb @Wastedmindsx Good! I had one left so wasn‘t sure if I sent too many. Maybe @SaturnDoo didn‘t keep hers? 4y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Couple of my books for @TheAromaofBooks #October #BookSpinBingo

Alongside is my #BookSpin #9 happens to be my last book in #LMPBC 💌 Round 009 #GroupN @robinb which I am starting today.

Happy reading everyone!

robinb Enjoy! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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I really enjoyed this book. I love WWII novels, and though I might have some quibbles with this one (flagged a bit, the “evil mum” was too one-dimensional), the history bringing to life the “Ack-Ack girls” in particular was wonderful. If you like the time period I do recommend. Another one down for #BookSpinBingo! And my final tally for #cyoreadathon is three books this weekend: one new, two that were in progress. 😊

And Sir Murray turned one!

Sleepswithbooks Sir Murray 🐶🥰🥳 Hope you celebrated!!! 4y
Sace Sir Murray is a doll! Congrats on the 3 book finish! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Great progress!! Is Sir Murray an Old English Sheepdog? I vaguely remember some older relative having two of them when I was little (like, the size of the dogs haha) and I thought they were amazing to pet. 4y
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MittenGirlPeach @TheAromaofBooks that‘s exactly what Sir Murray is! He‘s the third one we‘ve had over the years. He‘s a very sweet and rambunctious handful. What a lovely memory! 4y
MittenGirlPeach @Stacypatrice we did! He got special presents too. 4y
MittenGirlPeach @Sace thank you! It turned out to be a good reading weekend. 4y
Sace I'm glad you enjoyed it! 4y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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The story provides a unique perspective of the British women during the war effort. Although fiction, the story does explore the courage and dedication of the gunner girls who were specially recruited. A touching and remarkable story of love, courage, betrayal and resilience.

The Light Over London | Julia Kelly

Boy, I really enjoyed this book! Sweet, romantic story of two women — one in current time and one‘s story from WWII. Well developed characters with a well written story line. A happy ending, too. Exactly what I needed to read on vacation!

The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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I enjoyed my pick for #LMPBC #GroupN. It‘s a dual timeline set in both WWII and 2017. Cara, as an employee in an antiques shop, is dealing with both a divorce and the death of her parents. She discovers a WWII diary and becomes absorbed by the story of a young woman in the ATS who becomes a gunner girl. As she tries to discover the owner of the diary, she begins to see similarities between herself and the writer. While fairly predictable, I ⬇️

robinb enjoyed the writing and all that I learned while reading. The characters are well-drawn and Louise and Cara especially, very compelling. 4/5⭐️ @SaturnDoo @Shadowfat @Wastedmindsx @suvata (edited) 4y
robinb @SaturnDoo would you like for me to go ahead and mail this or wait until closer to the end of the month? 😊 4y
SaturnDoo @robinb you can mail it whenever you like. It doesn't matter either way works for me😊 glad you enjoyed it!!! 4y
robinb @SaturnDoo thanks, will do! (edited) 4y
robinb @SaturnDoo I actually made it by the PO today so I got your book off! You can expect a purple and white polka dot package on Monday or Tuesday. 😊 4y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Up next, I‘m continuing on with my second #LMPBC pick...this time it‘s fiction in #GroupN.
❤️ this cover!

@Wastedmindsx @Shadowfat @SaturnDoo


eanderson I recognize that book! Enjoy!!! 🤗 4y
robinb @eanderson You should!! 🤣🤣 I forgot the PS: *Courtesy of my kind friend @eanderson . 😊💕 4y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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4⭐️ While the book wasn‘t great, it was pretty good and I quite enjoyed most aspects of the book. I did like the back and forth, but I wished the author would have stuck with Louise‘s narrative a little more and fleshed her out a little more. Also I‘m getting tired of books doing this. Just write a single narrative. #historicalfiction #ebook #ww2 #fiction #bookreview #bookstagram #2020

Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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I love this idea, @Andrew65 !
Five books sounds like a good goal for me.

Andrew65 Great to have you playing long, good luck with your targets. 🥰 4y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Thank you soooooo much @Kdgordon88 ! I l ou ve everything. The books are great, I can't wait to try the bath bombs and I have already gotten into the chocolate. It's perfect. And thanks for hosting @Chrissyreadit and @MeganAnn

Deblovestoread Yay! I am so glad you like everything! Sorry for not including a note...I am still going to write one! 5y
Chrissyreadit 😍🎉🙌🥳 5y
MeganAnn 😍😍😍👏🏻🎉✨❤️ 5y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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This was a fun, light historical fiction read. While predictable at times, it still made me want to keep reading and find out what was going to happen to our two main characters. This overall light, and at times romantic, feeling of this book is the perfect palette cleanser after something more emotionally heavy or a big series read

SilversReviews Enjoyed this book. 5y
Redwritinghood Happy birthday! 🎂🎂 5y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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@ljuliel posed the question of preferred time periods to read about. I tend to gravitate mostly to WWII era books. I've been obsessed with the war my entire life and am always looking for a new perspective of it. Everyone who lived during that time experienced it uniquely and all of their stories deserve to be heard. I am also a sucker for all things Gilded Age especially if they involve circus or vaudeville types, and pioneer/westward expansion.

ljuliel Very interesting choices. We had so many different answers for these. The circus topic would be especially interesting ! What‘s a favorite in that category ? 5y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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This is a good book!! It's on sale this week if interested.

#kindledeal #kindledeals #ebooksale

The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Antiques, a tin box with a diary, a mystery about who wrote the diary, WWII, and a secret kept by Cara‘s grandmother, is how we begin THE LIGHT OVER LONDON.

Historical fiction fans and women‘s fiction fans will enjoy LIGHT OVER LONDON.

REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/yyhsxhzk

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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Don‘t miss the LIVE Chat on September 30.

LOVE the paperback cover.

Great read..Antiques, a tin box with a diary, a mystery about who wrote the diary, WWII, and a secret kept by Cara‘s grandmother.


The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Love the cover!!

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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ two compelling stories that will have you wishing for more Light over London #netgalley #wordpress #juliakelly #lightoverlondon full review at thejwordpress.wordpress.com

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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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I figured the best way to follow up a GREAT read #WARBREAKER by Brandon Sanderson - was to pick a completely different genre. Haha! The book after the 5⭐ read is always a fail because nothing can follow that up! I'm enjoying this so far. It's shorter and a dual POV story. It's rather sweet!

bg_reads Got a 5⭐ rating from me, by the way! 😆 5y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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From my Goodreads tbr.

#LondonCalling #WanderingJune

Cinfhen Good one 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻I think @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks would like this book based on the cover and blurb 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Cinfhen awesome!! I‘ll stack it!! Thank you!! ❤️ 5y
Cinfhen I just had a feeling @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😘 5y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Current reading view: dogs, chickens and a tortoise. Hope all you Littens are enjoying your Saturday!

Crazeedi ❣❣❣ 5y
DivineDiana Love this view!!! 5y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Coffee and reading, my favorite kind of Sunday morning 😊☕️ Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday

madamereadsalot1 Love your mug! 5y
RvnclawWhovian @madamereadsalot1 thanks!! I‘m going to the zoo later today, mostly to see the elephants lol, so I thought it was appropriate today 5y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Thank you Goodreads!!! Cannot wait to read! Review to follow!

Sweetdgabe87 💜 5y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Stayed up late to finish this gorgeous novel. 5 💫s 😍

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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly

Lately there seems to be an abundance of books with switching timelines from modern day to WWII but I'm not mad about it! I guess there are so many of them because they're just so good. The Light Over London does not disappoint. In my opinion it is equally as good as The Nightingale. I loved the themes of love and betrayal and the strength of the women in both time periods. And the twist, oh the twist! I never saw it coming.

Lesley1 I enjoyed the Nightingale and am looking forward to reading this one, too :) 6y
xxjenadanxx @Lesley1 definitely pick it up! I would also recommend The Alice Network and everything by Ruta Septys if you haven‘t read them yet! 6y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Historical fiction set in England. A woman finds a diary of a girl during wwii and gets into researching it and finding out who wrote it and what happened to them.

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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Love these questions @SailorMoon Thanks for the tag @SilversReviews #frideas
1. Fiction with a little bit of nonfiction thrown in.

2. The Light Over London. ❤️❤️❤️ review is here https://reecaspieces.com/2019/01/08/light-over-london-by-julia-kelly-historicalf...

3. English, I know I am a huge reader...but I hated English class. Boring

4. WWII and The Tudor time period

5. @LauraBeth @Bklover

SailorMoon Thanks for playing!!! 💕🤟🏻🌙 6y
Bklover Thanks for the tag!❤️❤️ 6y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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This was a guilty pleasure #barnesandnoble #bookhaul for sure. Pretty much historical fiction and beach reads! #sorrynotsorry
I did snag some books for my kiddos too, for a grand total of $11 b/c husband gave me a gift card for Valentine‘s Day.

Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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This was a great historical fiction, and I loved the majority of the book but I would have liked to read more about the Ack-Ack girls. This was the first historical fiction that I have ever read about those women and I wanted more! The love stories in both perspectives were a bit overwhelming at times. Though I have to admit the twist was pretty shocking! Overall ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2 stars

#SassyBookworm😏 #TheLightOverLondon #HistoricalFiction #Libby

Suzze My sister just started this. I‘m looking forward to reading it too. 6y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Also arrived today, courtesy of goodreads, my thanks to #simon&schuster

Laura317 I look forward to your review! 6y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Onto book 2 for #24B4Monday.

Andrew65 Good luck. 😊 6y
BeansPage Woot woot 🤘🏻 6y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly

Slightly predictable, but still engaging.
I wish the characters had drawn me in more, but they didn't turn me off.
Overall I do recommend this book to anyone who likes historical fiction. It's a quick read and an intriguing one.

The Light Over London | Julia Kelly

"When she'd finally let herself admit that she wanted a divorce, it was as though a fog had lifted. "

Not the most prolific quote, but poignant to me.
Enjoying this book thoroughly!

The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Starting this one now. Has anyone read? Interested in thoughts!

Hollie It looks so good! As soon as I get my hands on a copy I‘m going to give it a whirl! 6y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭 FANTASTIC. Review is up on my blog stop by and say hi! https://reecaspieces.com/2019/01/08/light-over-london-by-julia-kelly-historicalf...

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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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I really liked this. Initially, I liked both stories equally well, but as it continued, I did prefer Louise‘s story. There were some twists at the end, though I did figure out one of Cara‘s Gran‘s twists. The Ack-Ack Girls were a part of WWII that I didn‘t know anything about, so it was interesting to read about.

The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Daylight savings time means an extra hour of reading!
Today is my favorite kind of Sunday, a day full of reading, meal prepping, and cuddling with puppies.

akckitty Happy for daylight savings! Cute picture btw :) 6y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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My #goodreadsgiveaway came in! In the letter they are comparing it to Lilac Girls and The Nightingale... so it should be good!!! #bookmail

Insightsintobooks I really enjoyed this one. I hope you like it. 6y
robinb I ❤️ that cover! 6y
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The Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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Oooo!!! Another win!!! #goodreadsgiveaway

DivineDiana 👏🏻📚👏🏻 6y
Sace Congrats! 🎉🎉🎉 6y
AmyG Yay 🎉 6y
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tammysue 👏🏻👏🏻📚🎉 6y
readordierachel Woo hoo! 6y
robinb Good for you!!! 🙌🏼 6y
kspenmoll 🙌🏻🎉 6y
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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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I finished this book in one day, or should I say night? I enjoyed learning about the "gunner girls" of WWII era England. I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review from #Netgalley and the publisher.

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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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"The room fell silent, each of the women refusing to flinch. It would be dangerous, yes, but what they would do would matter. They wouldn‘t just be support staff, confined to the administrative side of bases . They would be helping shoot down Luftwaffe planes and keeping the people of Britain safe."(From ARC subject to change in final edit)

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Light Over London | Julia Kelly
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I'm enjoying this so far.

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