First book in Neil Gaiman‘s Chu series! The illustrations really shine! Chu has a powerful sneeze 🤧 and no one know when it will erupt…
#JoysOfJuneReadathon Day 9
First book in Neil Gaiman‘s Chu series! The illustrations really shine! Chu has a powerful sneeze 🤧 and no one know when it will erupt…
#JoysOfJuneReadathon Day 9
I love Neil Gaiman but I think maybe this one is for kids younger than mine? I really don‘t know. My kid acted bored and I wasn‘t anywhere near as impressed as I usually am with #neilgaiman books.
I love Neil Gaiman and my good friend Tricksy bought these for Jace awhile back. I was happy to get to whip them out today for Jace‘s book review! 😆 He loves the stuffed Chu and the book is really adorable. I‘ll read anything by Gaiman! 😬 5⭐️
We got to meet Adam Rex (the illustrator of Chu‘s Day) today. He was so nice! He spent forever talking to my kids, and showed the whole book to Juliet, and then signed copies of his books for them. ❤️
Got some awesome #bookmail from my friend @TricksyTails yesterday! She is spoiling Jace with all of these cool goodies. I had no idea Neil Gaiman wrote children's books! 😱I can't wait to read these to Jace! And the onesies are awesome 😅 - I especially love the Letters To My Baby book. It's something that's right up my alley. Thanks again my friend and give Tanuki a kiss for me! 😘❤️☺️
1️⃣ As an adult, tagged. As a child, there were many and they changed.
2️⃣ "Absolument", on page 3 of L'Île noire (Tintin). I was 4.
3️⃣ I read everywhere and anywhere.
4️⃣ Indoor. Outside hates me.
#weekendchat @CSeydel
1️⃣ WW, but Squirrel Girl is winning my heart over.
2️⃣ Tagged
3️⃣ Cola
4️⃣ Neither. "Faire de la glissade", or "aller glisser".
#fridatfrigesday @SpeculativeFemale
Gaiman just quoted my tweet!!! Don't mind me, I'm just fangirling to death 😱😍💀
I may not have a lot of books with #AnimalCovers, but my son sure does. He helped me choose those. #riotgram #riorgrams #day21 @bookriot
My niece's 1st birthday is later this week, so of course I got her some books! She already likes to sit and look through the pages of her books; a girl after my own heart! ❤️📚 #bookwormintraining
From Chu's worried face, I'd have a guess he's heard the book nibbler rumors. Shhhh... let's not mention they're true. 🐶🍽📚🐼
#FBF #NomNomNom #FunFridayPhoto #DylansFirstBook #TheBookCorgi
Here's my collaboration for the #augustphotochallenge 😄 The Chu series is so stinkin' cute! The illustrations are beautiful, and it's never too early to start a child's love of Neil Gaiman 😉 (I just bought 3 copies of this book for a niece, a nephew, and a friend's child, so that why I happen to have one on hand 😁) #augustofpages
Trying to raise him right. Any child of mine is required to love Neil Gaiman as much as I do! 😆❤️🐶📚
#TheBookCorgi #DylanofWinchester
Sneezing is not always fun. Especially when it can cause disasters
Chu looks unsure of his nap buddy for the evening. I guess this wouldn't be a good time to tell him that this particular corgi enjoys eating paper. 😅 #thebookcorgi