My christmas present from hubby is full. Maybe should have gotten the 5 tier, but I would still need another shelf.
My christmas present from hubby is full. Maybe should have gotten the 5 tier, but I would still need another shelf.
When I was 23, my husband and I bought a trailer. It was a 5 year plan at the time to save for a new home. 1 recession later and a lot of serious life changes turned those 5 years to 15. This November we finally got the home and land that we‘ve craved. At 38 years old, this is my first “real” bookshelf. It‘s such a small thing probably to most. But I am so proud of us and the team that we are! Decorating this shelf seems almost symbolic!
It's slow goings getting things in my new place how I want them but slowly I'm getting there. These book cases need help though lol
Finished (for now)
This arrangement feels darker… it‘s nice to have it all tidy and dusted!
Now if I could just lay my hands on my missing script I‘d be happy! Also if the tradie would come soon that would also be great… starting my work week by going into time debt isn‘t my idea of a good time.
I started with a plan but it got lost…
Screaming but quietly because it‘s after midnight & I live in an apartment building. Maybe saying YOLO this afternoon and going to the art gallery instead of completing my “to do” list was not my best idea… (I‘m shocked 😂 I‘d say why am I like this - but nothing motivates me like the last minute & nothing sparks a clean up like knowing a tradie will be here to judge me in the morning)
Ever since my Instagram got hacked (& is irretrievable) I‘ve been feeling a bit 😩 so I decided to rearrange my most often used backdrop as I start again…
So this is how I started and now it‘s 1.30am and I‘ve lost control of the rainbow. I should probably go to bed or make myself a hot chocolate and turn my music down.
I decided to redo my living room bookshelf. It is now only non-fiction books. It's so very "adult" to me. ?
My dog go is quite perturbed by the pile of books I have left in his way 🤣 #bookshelfreorganization #reshelving #dogobstacle
I put together a bookshelf, by myself. 😊
My husband and son made this bookshelf to store all the children‘s/teen books. 😍
I don‘t think I‘ve posted a pic of my shelves since adding a third bookcase a few weeks ago. So glad to have my books more organized and not have to have each shelf double stacked. Books are roughly organized by genre and/or type. I have so many unread books, that my one major New Years resolution is to read from what I already own.
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I do love a morning spent organizing my shelves...
New book shelf in the kitchen just for cookbooks....
Heaven! 😊💕📚🍽
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Best Christmas gift ever!
I‘d been outgrowing my bookshelves for a long while, so my hubby bought me a new bookshelf just for my cookbooks! It arrived yesterday and I‘ve had a lovely morning organizing it.... (a bit of a “busman‘s holiday” for this bookseller!)
Mine is personal significance! Oddly enough, if it‘s organized any other way, I get uneasy.🤣📚❤️
We have made it to Paris! Our first stop last night was to see my aunt and cousins who live in the 6th. This is a picture of their covetous wall of bookshelves and books. So dreamy 🥰.
Just for perspective on how many books are on the shelf 👀 I am still amazed
I AM IN AWE OF THIS LITTLE SHELF‘S ABILITIES! Two rows deep on each shelf, and I was able to fit ALL of my paperbacks that didn‘t have a shelf home, onto it; plus some. Mostly horizontal (FTW!)
Still have some organizing to do, but I had to take a moment to congratulate the I shelf I had major doubts in 😂😍🙌🏻♥️
Alrighty, friends! I received the pictured shelf for my birthday. It's much smaller than I anticipated, even though I did my dimensions.. - insert self judgment face-
The top will be reserved for my new printer and décor... but the bottom two need to fit the majority of my monstrous TBR list... How would YOU guys do efficient shelfing? Books stacked on top of each other, or two rows (one front, one behind) just normally stacked? (spine showing..)
It was a slow work day so why not totally rearrange my bookshelves? They used to be alphabetized by author‘s last name, but I wanted something more aesthetically pleasing. Andrew and I even managed to get rid of quite a few books we knew we no longer loved. Still a work in progress but loving it so far!
A friend sent me this. So cool!
Taking a break from prepping for my sister‘s bridal shower to show you a #shelfie of my latest bookshelf configuration! Had to clear out three shelves‘ worth of space for my brother‘s books, so mine are more squished together than previously.
If you judge your books‘ covers to be just a bit blah, then Thatcher Wine can change everything.
He is to a library what a tailor is to a suit. He custom-tailors libraries all over the country.
Check out this video:
#library #interiordesign #booklove