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Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen
Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen | Jazz Jennings
63 posts | 62 read | 69 to read
Jazz Jennings is one of the youngest champions of transgender equality. "O, The Oprah Magazine" A role model for teens everywhere. Seventeen.com on Jazz Jennings Teen activist and trailblazer Jazz Jennings named one of The 25 Most Influential Teens of the year by "Time" shares her very public transgender journey, as she inspires people to accept the differences in others while they embrace their own truths. Jazz Jennings is one of the youngest and most prominent voices in the national discussion about gender identity. At the age of five, Jazz transitioned to life as a girl, with the support of her parents. A year later, her parents allowed her to share her incredible journey in her first Barbara Walters interview, aired at a time when the public was much less knowledgeable or accepting of the transgender community. This groundbreaking interview was followed over the years by other high-profile interviews, a documentary, the launch of her YouTube channel, a picture book, and her own reality TV series "I Am Jazz" making her one of the most recognizable activists for transgender teens, children, and adults. In her remarkable memoir, Jazz reflects on these very public experiences and how they have helped shape the mainstream attitude toward the transgender community. But it hasn t all been easy. Jazz has faced many challenges, bullying, discrimination, and rejection, yet she perseveres as she educates others about her life as a transgender teen. Through it all, her family has been beside her on this journey, standing together against those who don't understand the true meaning of tolerance and unconditional love. Now Jazz must learn to navigate the physical, social, and emotional upheavals of adolescence particularly high school complicated by the unique challenges of being a transgender teen. Making the journey from girl to woman is never easy especially when you began your life in a boy s body. Praise for the picture book"I Am Jazz" Jazz is a sensitive and courageous young woman. Her story is inspiring and important to read. By sharing her experiences and view she has added to our understanding and compassion for the transgender experience. Barbara Walters Jazz [is] an eloquent spokesperson for transgender kids. Katie Couric I wish I had had a book like this when I was a kid struggling with gender identity questions. I found it deeply moving in its simplicity and honesty. Laverne Cox, acclaimed actress and transgender advocate A terrific and timely book that explains to kids what it means to be transgender and more importantly that reminds kids our similarities are much more important than our differences. "New York Times" bestselling author Jodi Picoult All young people regardless of difference deserve the things Jazz shares in her lovely book: a loving family, supportive friends, and the freedom to be their true selves. A beautifully illustrated and accessible primer on one trans girl's journey of living her truth. Janet Mock, New York Times Bestselling author of Redefining Realness "I Am Jazz" is honest, inspiring, and beautiful but its greatest strength is it never apologizes for being different. "New York Times" bestselling author Brad Meltzer"
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At the age of 5,Jazz Jennings transitions to life as a girl. A year later, her family allowed her to share her story in an interview with Barbara Walters. She has been the subject of a documentary, a picture book and had her own reality TV show.Supported with unconditional love by her family, she became a powerful activist for the transgender community.Jazz wrote and narrates this memoir at the age of 15.It reads YA. #booked2023 #transcharacter

Cinfhen Wow! Age 5!!! I think I might need to listen to this although the mention of reading/sounding YA does give me a bit of pause 🤷🏼‍♀️ 1y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen I knew very little about her before listening to this book. Through the loving support of her family, she develops into a positive, phenomenal young woman. She was only 15 when she wrote the book. It is not polished, but from the heart. I enjoyed the education as an adult, but I think it would be most impactful for teens. ❤️ (edited) 1y
TrishB My daughter watched the show years ago- it was very well done. 1y
DivineDiana @TrishB Thank you. I just might search to see if it is still available. 1y
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Before reading this I only knew a little bit about Jazz, now knowing her story I love her!!! I think that she is amazing and brave and she has already made her mark on the world in so many ways. She is an amazing story teller and I hope she writes more books in the future!! Highly recommend!!!


AsYouWish #ReadYourSign Libra - Prompt from Gemini List- Book Published between May 21 and June 20th @Clwojick @Meaw_catlady 4y
Clwojick 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 4y
Meaw_catlady Looks so good! I‘ll have to add it to my list! 🖤 4y
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So I'm an reading group on Facebook called The Book Democracy and they create Bingo and Tic Tac Toe cards each month for members who want them. Last month, I had a great card that pulled me out a reading slump. This month, I'm stuck with this. The yellow indicates completed and the red is what I'm currently looking for. Any suggestions?

I'm like 2s away from scrapping this thing!

Laughterhp I‘m not sure what type of books you‘re into but this book was really good. 5y
Laughterhp Or you could read something by Agatha Christie. Or 5y
EchoLogical @Laughterhp This seems like a good read. I‘ll definitely check it out. Thanks! 5y
Bookzombie @EchoLogical The Spellmans series is fun on audio. They can even be sped up a bit. 5y
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#nonfiction2019 - Something uplifting.
This book was delightful. #BFC

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What an amazing young lady!

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I had actually started listening to this last month... the month before that? I'm not really sure. I had stopped listening bc I needed a break. Understanding that she wrote this at 15, I knew it would be tough to get through. Holy geez. Every other sentence consisted of her name dropping some celebrity who told her how amazing she is... then, of course stating that she didn't want to sound conceited. Um, well, that's a fail. ⬇⬇

vkois88 This book could have gone so well, but she definitely comes across as nothing more than an entitled brat. There are so many transgendered teens who go through life being treated less than human, even by their own families. She SAYS she knows how lucky she is, but I don't see it. She has an opportunity to have a platform. She has means to get the hormones she needs. Her family stands by her. She has a tv show. It's all a bit much to take in. 2🌟 6y
Bklover Good to know!! Great review! 6y
vkois88 @bklover 😘 thank you. I feel bad writing a bad review bc I wanted to like it... I've never watched the show bc I thought she looked bratty. So I listened to it to try to prove myself wrong. But it didn't happen 😕 6y
SaturnDoo I didn't like this one either 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽 6y
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Jazz narrated her own audiobook, and it‘s great! I enjoyed this memoir about growing up transgender, and I just love Jazz‘s attitude towards life!

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I read this book when it first came out and it has been a wonderful addition to the middle school libraries I am responsible for. This month, I have spent my reading time on books covering #lgbtq issues so that I can continue to add quality material so all my students will be able to see themselves represented.

#yalgbtq2018 #YAWednesday @TheFunkyBookworm

TheWordJar This is my daughter‘s favorite book! 6y
TheFunkyBookworm That is awesome! Thank you for sharing!! Check out last week‘s YA Wednesday for tons of great books celebrating culture and diversity- I‘m sure a lot of those would be great additions to your library as well! 💜 6y
Bookladylinda I have this on audio, I need to push it up on my TBR 6y
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This one made me tear up today...sometimes the people you expect it from the least can surprise you the most. Plus the line about all children was extra meaningful to me in light of current events.

TheWordJar I really enjoyed this book, but it‘s my daughter‘s absolute favorite. She‘s read it many times and just loves Jazz. I was also surprised how touching it was and how wise Jazz is. 6y
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There are some Q&A‘s with her family members at the end of the print edition, along with a list of resources. Some of these are so touching.

AshleyHoss820 I think that‘s very good advice for ALL parents! 😊❤️ 6y
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There are some Q&A‘s with her family members at the end of the print edition, along with a list of resources. Some of these are so touching.

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This was an excellent audiobook from SYNC, I‘m so glad they made it free to teens and others like me this summer. Hearing Jazz tell her own story in her own words and how frustrated she was being born in the wrong body and not being understood by others, through some tough growing up, and finding her own way, inspiring others along the way was so uplifting and such a great positive story.
#LBGTQ #Transbooks #Nonfiction2018

KellyHunsakerReads I read this. It helped me to better understand my son. 6y
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She is one impressive girl! Such a great story and great audiobook.

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I loved this audiobook from SYNC, but I‘m glad I checked out the physical book from my local library as a companion. I love the mermaid pictures! #mermaid #MermaidTales

I‘m still super impressed she taught herself to make these!

Hollie I checked it out, too...the mermaid tails are so cool! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Hollie I‘m still super impressed by this interesting side note in the book, that‘s a pretty amazing thing to teach yourself to make. 6y
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I loved this audiobook from SYNC, but I‘m glad I checked out the physical book from my local library as a companion. I love the mermaid pictures! #mermaid #MermaidTales

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This is an autobiography more than a memoir, I think. It‘s sort of like an outline of her life through eighth grade. Not only does 15-year-old Jazz Jennings write this, she reads it aloud as well, and in a self-confident way that gives extra impetus to what she says. She is so positive, so upbeat, that I think this book would be extra special and helpful for any young person that‘s transgender.

SkeletonKey Loved this one. 6y
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I am very thankful to Audiobooks SYNC for the chance to listen to this book. It was great to hear from Jazz in her own words and voice about what it was like growing up as a transgender child. Things that were hard but should be easy, and things that were way more than she ever thought she could be. This girl is growing up to be an amazing woman, and I am glad that I could see into just a little bit of her struggle.

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This short book is a delightful listen. Jazz is a positive, playful, confident trans teen who tells her story to this point. This is a great mirror for trans kids and their parents to look into and inspiring for everyone. It‘s free from Sync through 7AM EST 5/24.


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Being Jazz is one of the free audiobooks available this week on https://audiobooksync.com , they change every week throughout the summer.

I downloaded it today, and moved it up my to-read list!


ReadingEnvy Thank you for posting this! I remember doing this a few years ago but had forgotten about it. Do you know if the books expire? 6y
Bklover @ReadingEnvy I did this a year or two ago as well and the books I got back then are gone so I assume they must expire at some point. 6y
ReadingEnvy @Bklover okay... Maybe I'll poke around the site to see if I can find a time period 6y
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rockpools Thanks for the reminder! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @ReadingEnvy it says they are available to download for 7 days (they change each week), and then they are yours to keep. However, they download into Overdrive for me, so if I change phones, have to redownload Overdrive, etc...then I lose them. 6y
ReadingEnvy @Riveted_Reader_Melissa ah makes sense thanks!! 6y
readinginthedark Thanks for the reminder! 6y
LittlePixels @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @ReadingEnvy I always download them to my computer as well as my iPad/iPhone. On the computer they're just saved as mp3 files and can be backed up and kept forever. 6y
ReadingEnvy @LittlePixels awesome thanks!! 6y
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With the straightforward voice of a 15-year-old, Jazz Jennings reveals the most intimate details of how she transitioned from a male to a female at a young age. Anyone who questions that a child is capable of feeling gender dysphoria will be moved and enlightened by Jazz's powerful story. While touching on the many dramas of pre-teen life, Jazz highlights the ways in which being transgender adds additional complications to the mix.

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Small divergence from the spooky themes of October. I finished listening to The Fireman and decided to sneak in the short but sweet memoir by Jazz. She was signing at the Philly Trans Health Conference and it made me want to learn more. #memoir #trans #lgbtq


Got a *hacked* firestick (ssh) and am watching I Am Jazz for the first time...so enlightening!! 💜💚💛❤️

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"The meaning of life is the meaning you give it."

Jazz is so beautiful. I loved hearing her tell her story. Definitely recommend this on audio, as she reads it with her own snark and sass put in. ?❤

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I wasn't familiar with Jazz's story or her show, and am clearly not the audience for her book, but enjoyed it none the less. Would be great for middle and high school students!

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What a truly remarkable and courageous young lady!

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The thing that I loved most about this memoir was the continuous positivity. Jazz goes through so much with her transition and becoming an advocate. She has an amazingly supportive family and is smart beyond her years.

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Pardon my venting, but the news is utter trash fire today. I'm ticked at the Supreme Court for knocking the Grimm case down to the lower courts. Civil rights are not state and local issues. Nothing is going to change if I sit here and ruminate about it though, so I created a list of books on trans and gender identity issues. Knowledge is power, and we need both to advocate. Post 1/3 of #TransBooks to hear trans stories. 🏳️‍🌈


KarenUK 🙌🙌🙌🙌💕 8y
TheBookHippie Jazz children's book I AM JAZZ is phenomenal for explaining to kids!! Also Red: A Crayons story works for little ones. I'll go look which other ones I have see if you posted them . Peace. 8y
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BookishFeminist @TheBookHippie Thanks for the recs! I tagged them above so folks can access them. 😀 8y
SomedayAlmost Thanks for great suggestions! 8y
BookishFeminist @Spiderfelt That's a great one! It's in another of my posts :) keep meaning to buy it since it's a B&N discover pick and discounted. 8y
BookishFeminist @SomedayAlmost quite welcome! ☺️ 8y
Spiderfelt Oops! It has a different cover than the copy at my library. Sorry for the duplication. 8y
BooksCatsMaine Thanks for this! I too am heartbroken about the Grimm case. Not sure why I expected a better outcome, but somehow I let myself hope.... 8y
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This was my most recent non-fiction read. I listened to it on audio and it was fantastic. Jazz is such a strong and caring person, and her story has and is helping so many others like her ❤️ #marchintoreading #recentnonfictionread

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Currently listening to this book thanks to the kindness of @Yournewfriendsam !

Lacythebookworm 🙌😊 8y
RadicalReader @Peddler410 what do you think of it? 8y
Peddler410 @RadicalReader The Book itself or the audio in particular? I'm enjoying both but I can speak more specifically if I know which you are asking about 😊 8y
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RadicalReader @Peddler410 the book. But also how does the book compare to the audiobook version in your views ? 8y
Peddler410 I find the book insightful. We have a student-- eighth grader-- who is transgender boy in one of my middle schools. The book has given me a better understanding and I like the audio -- hearing the story in Jazz's voice adds something for me. 8y
RadicalReader @Peddler410 absolutely wonderful to have a book where you can get insight on wonderful aspects that are so enjoyable. I have a friend who is transgender as well 8y
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#riotgrams #currentreads. Loving all three 😊

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Ahhhh I finished my 24 hours!! Here are the physical books and comics I finished, then the two audiobooks and ebook I finished during the marathon. I had a fantastic time and enjoyed interacting with so many Littens this weekend! I really needed this time spent reading right now. ❤ #24in48 #diversebooks

LazyOwl Well done 🎉💃🙌 8y
BookishTrish Congrats! 8y
NCNY Congrats! 🎉 8y
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MatildaBaggins Awesome!!!! 👏🏼 8y
CherylDeFranceschi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Awesome! 8y
Betty Congrats!! 8y
Yournewfriendsams Great job!!! 8y
Hooked_on_books Nice job! 🎉👏🏼 8y
ashsbookmarks Good job!!! 8y
Megabooks 👍🏻👍🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🎊🎊🎊 8y
BookishFeminist Yay!! Awesome job!! 8y
Cinfhen Congrats 🎉💕✨📚😊 8y
Eyelit Excellent!! 👏📚🎉 8y
TrishB Well done 😀🎉 8y
DebinHawaii Great job!! Congrats!! 📚🎉👍 8y
Simona Congrats 🎊🍾🎉🎈 8y
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Fantastic audiobook. Jazz wrote this when she was fifteen and she is such an intelligent, eloquent and authentic young woman. I saw a few reviews on Goodreads where people completed about how it felt juvenile or that it wasn't realistic but this is the real life story of a teenage trans girl and it doesn't need to be anything else. No one person's story represents everyone in their group (race, gender, age, etc..) and I really enjoyed her story.

Yamich49 @Bibliogeekery Thanks Ali! I ran out of characters and forgot to add it as a comment! 8y
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Just over 23 hours in and it's time for a snack and some hot cocoa! I'll have to take a break for about an hour or so for a video chat with my college besties and then I'll be back to finish strong! 💪🏽#24in48

Ruri_kaichou That is so fantastic!!! 👏👏👏👏😎 8y
Lizpixie Wow, that looks yummy! 8y
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Enjoying listening to this #ownvoices #diversebook for #24in48 and #diverseathon. Clocking in at almost 21 hours read so far!

BookNerdBritt Loved this audiobook! 8y
Megabooks 👍🏻👍🏻 8y
Yamich49 @BookNerdBritt Yes!! I'm about halfway through and I'm so glad I listened to this on audiobook. It's great! 8y
Yamich49 @Ebooksandcooks Thx! Back at you, miss already done with the marathon!! 8y
BookNerdBritt The show is really good too! 8y
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What a great introduction to Jazz! She is a remarkable, and remarkably candid, young woman. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterJ

Peddler410 I have this in hard cover. I'll need to look for the audio -- especially since it is read by Jazz her self. 8y
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I think it's so cool that the book has 20 pages of references at the end! I felt kind of cheesy for picking this book up. But I think that it's an important read. I was open-minded before reading, but reading Jazz's thoughts and feelings firsthand really helped me to see transgender people as regular people,just like everyone else. She is an inspiring girl. And I love her message that we all just need to love each other.

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Finished my bathroom vanity makeover and this wonderful audiobook! I didn't know anything about Jazz Jennings, didn't know she was on 20/20, Oprah or had a show on TLC, but I think this kid is AMAZING! I loved listening to her tell the world her story and she did not hold back! She's accomplished so much already, I look forward to more of her and her inspiration in the future.

Jenshootsweddings Pics of the vanity!! 8y
Cortg @Jenshootsweddings Hang tight! I have to get the drawer pulls put on. I'm hoping to have my contractor or hubby do it. Drills don't get along with me. 8y
Michelle_mck My mum is obsessed with Annie Sloan everything 8y
Cortg @Michelle_mck Yeah, I've done a few projects. It's an easy way to turn something old into something new. 8y
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I'm not gonna lie, I find her show really interesting. Book so far is pretty cool too

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Starting 2017 off with two incredible young ladies...Jazz Jennings and Flavia de Luce!

Books_Wine_Repeat Love, love, love Flavia! ❤❤ #teamFlavia 8y
Leelee08 #teamFlavia😍😍😍 8y
DiruVamp Flavia is very high on my TBR the series sounds so good!! 8y
TheWordJar @Books_Wine_Repeat @Leelee08 @DiruVamp I can't believe I waited so long to read Flavia. She is the best! And I'm so excited that it's a series. So much more Flavia to come! 8y
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I am always interested to learn about new things. I saw her on TV and have wanted to know her story. So Beautiful!!

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#bookswithpictures #seasonsreadings2016
The book I finished last night has color pictures interspersed with the text. I mean, there's Oprah and the President all on the same page...

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My J for #LitsyAtoZ which again, I started a little early. She's open and honest and sounds like the teen girl she is. Becoming a young woman is a difficult process for us all, but she has to deal with the added challenges of being transgender as well. She has an amazing support system and I can't wait to see what is in store for her. She said of her depression "it's a constant battle, but I think I'm winning." I think she's amazing! ?

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It's possible that we are all not as accomplished as Jazz Jennings is at 15. Her poise and confidence in sharing her story are pretty cool--and I want one of the mermaid tails she makes!

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We don't have cable, so I only sort of knew who Jazz was. I was curious, though, so when Scribd had the audio I checked it out. I can't even imagine what it is like to be her because being a teen is hard enough as it is. But she seems like she has a level head on her shoulder and is very supportive of her community. She did a good job narrating as well. I am glad I checked it out! I may have to track down the show. Recommended! #catsoflitsy

LauraBeth Look at that bitty baby 😻 8y
LauraBrook Yes, that teeny little baby is everything! Those feet! 😍 8y
Gezemice Awwwww!😻😻😻😻😻😻 Cuteness overload! 😀😀😀 8y
bookishnerd @LauraBeth @LauraBrook @Gezemice That's Chloe. She is almost 3 months old. 😊 8y
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Broke_Girl_Reads I spy bombshells 👀👀👀 8y
queerbookreader @Broke_Girl_Reads YEP YOU DO I am so upset that they changed batwoman's outfit but I'll give it a chance anyways. She looks way better in her own series. But whatever. 8y
Broke_Girl_Reads @lemonlime799 definitely give it a chance! The costumes are hokey but the story is awesome and feminist. Also pretty much all of them are queer and it makes my heart glow 8y
queerbookreader @Broke_Girl_Reads Batwoman is hands down my favorite superhero bcz she is so so queer and it fills my heart with joy 💚💚💚💚 8y
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Interesting look into her life and journey.