Matchmaker, matchmaker…
I finally finished this for #JaneAustenThenAndNow
I forgot how funny this book was. I‘m looking forward to reading some of the modern retellings this month.
Oh my dear Jane Austen, I do love you so.
Rereading this for #JaneAustenThenAndNow was a total delight.
1. Reread - my 3rd time, and I like it better each time.
2. Elinor, although her stoicism borders on annoying at times
3. The scenes between Mr. and Mrs. Palmer are always entertaining ?
4. "I never wish to offend, but I am so foolishly shy, that I often seem negligent, when I am only kept back by my natural awkwardness." Me too, Edward, me too.
5. Neither. Too weird.
6. Dashing and flirty as long as it was equal opportunity flirting
#Pemberlittens watching this tonight. First Impressions: Barton Cottage is a MANSION but were bemoaning it's small. But other than that I'm loving. Cheesy in good way.#JaneAustenThenAndNow
Uhhh, hey Penguin, who asked for this? 😳 😬 What say you, #PemberLittens? #JaneAustenThenAndNow #TheNowIsHideous
#JumpStart2025 #Read2025
I did not do a good job rereading this one at 2 chapters a day with the #JaneAustenThenAndNow group. I set out with one of my print copies (pictured) & ended up finishing it on my Kindle in 4 or 5 sessions. Here are my answers to the discussion questions:
1. Reread, maybe 10 times. As mentioned, I read from both my print edition & my Kindle.
2. Colonel Brandon, always & of course pictured in my head as Alan Rickman.⬇️
1- Reread. At least 10 times, maybe more.
2- Character: Elinor, I'm so impressed by her. But I also truly appreciate Mrs Jennings once they get to London.
3- Scene: Elinor giving way to emotion when she learns Edward isn't married
4- Quote: I can't narrow it down
5- Hair gift: HARD PASS
6- Secret vs flirty love: I don't like either choice but I might prefer the flirty one to being kept a secret
7- ⬇️
#JaneAustenThenAndNow @Crinoline_Laphroaig
1. This was my second time reading Sense & Sensibility. I listened to the audio read by Rosamund Pike, who does an amazing job. I liked it a little more this time, knowing what to expect going in. I'm still salty about the couple pairings in the end. I think I'll always ship Elinor and Colonel Brandon, although I disliked Edward less this time around 😅
Thank you @Crinoline_Laphroaig for leading the #PemberLittens and for these great discussion questions!
1. S&S was the first Austen I read, age 14, and I fell in love. I don't know how many times I've read it - maybe 15? It's one of those that gives me something different every time and it's been both sobering and really fun to read it through the decades, first as a Marianne, then an Elinor, then a (gasp!) Mrs. Jennings and back again. ⬇️
#Pemberlittens it's time for our first discussion of 2025!
You can answer here or make your own post. Please remember to tag me so I don't miss your posts. And search #JaneAustenThenAndNow to see others posts.
I share my answers in comments and then tag everyone. ⬇️
And we end with happiness! Elinor and Edward marry and Mrs. F relents, offering them a bit of cash to settle more comfortably at Delaford. Marianne eventually has to eat all her words because she falls - not passionately - but quietly in love with an old man who wears flannel waistcoats. And now Margaret is of age to dance and have beaux and be teased, so triumph for Mrs. J! My love for this book is unceasing; I will never tire of it. Brava, Jane!
Ch. 49. Edward returns and though we don't get the actual proposal, we are assured that he has joyfully "secured his lady." Much of this chapter is full of people bashing Lucy - Mrs. Jennings calls her a hussy! And Edward throws shade at her writing and admits that the whole affair started because he was so bored and directionless he had "nothing in the world to do, but to fancy (himself) in love." But out with the trash- a bright future is ahead!
Ch. 47/48: Elinor is anxious for news of Edward, and she gets it- a servant ran into the newly married Mr. and Mrs. Ferrars. Elinor does her best to take it in stride, when all at once, Edward arrives! He lets it fly that it's actually his brother who got married (while nervously ruining some good scissors, get it together, man) and when Elinor leaves the room in a burst of emotion (so much for calm) dude up and flees the house?! Edward! Come ON!
Ch. 45/46: Mrs. Dashwood and Brandon arrive just as Marianne is in the clear! Also, Brandon confessed his love for Marianne to Mrs. D. She shares the news with Elinor, singing his praises and claiming that she never thought much of that Willoughby (uh-huh). Soon they head home to Barton and Marianne gives Elinor a heartfelt apology for being such a rude, thoughtless bitch to everyone. It's actually a lovely moment of self-awareness- yay, growth!
Marianne's illness worsens and Brandon goes to fetch Mrs. D, when who shows up? King of the fuckboys himself, drunk off his ass and ready to make all sorts of excuses for his cruelty, which boils down to: "I've been in horrific debt for years and was always looking for a sugar mama! Besides, my rich aunt disowned me when I knocked up Eliza so I had to get that Miss Grey stack. Don't hate me!" Cue my eye rolls! Does anyone feel bad for this asshat?
In bed with my journals, grocery lists, kindle, and Jane Austen. This Wednesday feels a lot like it should be Friday already.
Ch. 41/42: Elinor grudgingly pays a last visit to John and Fanny before leaving London. John is ever the tactless twat and Robert Ferrars shows up and generally acts like a self-important windbag. Once at Cleveland, Marianne goes full-on emo, sad to leave the city where she last saw Willoughby but unable to stand being so close to Combe Magna, her personal Boulevard of Broken Dreams. She takes to sad-girl solo walks but uh-oh...she catches cold...
Ch. 39/40: These chapters genuinely crack me up. Brandon and Elinor hang out by the window to talk confidentially, and Mrs. J retreats just far enough for some plausible deniability while frantically straining to listen and read lips. She hears just enough to assume that the conversation is a proposal. In reality, Brandon tells Elinor that he's heard about Edward's circumstances and wants to offer him the parsonage and living at Delaford. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Ch. 37/38: Two chapters full of nothing but hot gossip! Fanny Dashwood invited the Steeles to stay (but only to avoid inviting the Dashwoods) and completely misreading the situation, nobody's favorite airhead Nancy spilled the beans on the Lucy/Edward engagement. And shit. hit. the. fan. Fanny had a meltdown and Mrs. Ferrars went nuclear, not only fully disinheriting Edward but vowing to take him down at every turn. Yikes on fucking bikes, folks!
Ch. 35/36: These chapters are getting so rich I can hardly summarize them two at a time! But I'll try: the Dashwoods have to attend an annoying party with Fanny and John, and Elinor is introduced to Toothpick Case Guy, aka Robert Ferrars, a pompous blowhard. He couldn't be more different from his shy brother, who previously tried to visit Elinor only to find that Lucy was also there, resulting in the most painfully awkward social call of all time.
My reading buddy while I enjoy the tagged book!
#PemberLittens #JaneAustenThenandNow
I'm getting a late start on the #JaneAustenNowAndThen reading challenge, but I'm going to dive into Sense and Sensibility today. I think I'll be reading from the Harper Muse edition with the laser cut jacket this time because it's my newest. This will be my third read of S&S. #pemberlittens @Crinoline_Laphroaig
Ch. 33/34: OK, I'm cheating today by posting twice but I had to make a little commotion for one of my all-time favorite moments of Austen snark - the whole thing about He Who We Shall Meet Shortly buying a toothpick case. His self-indulgent frivolity leaps off the page and the author absolutely roasts him for it. No memes or quips that we conjure up in discussing her work could ever come close to Jane's humor when she lets it fly.
Ch. 33/34: LOTS of action in these two chapters, most of which boils down to the Dashwood sisters being surrounded by utter trash people. Mrs. Ferrars? A sour, sallow bitch. Lucy Steele? Still a scheming, calculating gremlin. John Dashwood? The worst of all- an oblivious, hypocritical asshole of the largest order. I mean, tell us again what is due to poor relations from their rich family members, John. GO AHEAD. TELL US.
Ch.31/32: Brandon stops by in the morning, and while Marianne flees the room (again), Elinor welcomes him. He proceeds to trauma dump his whole sad life story, ending with Willoughby's having seduced, impregnated, and abandoned Brandon's ward, Eliza 2. The fact that the two men duel is skated over pretty quickly, but I've gotta ask: why do a military man and an avid hunter both walk away unscathed? Starting to believe this meme was the real story.
Ch. 29/30
Willoughby finally replies, but such with a disingenuous and insincere letter that he is clearly "deep in hardened villainy" (see above for villainy). He claims she must have mistaken him. She did NOT, sir! Even the author is moved to overwrought adjectives by his gaslighting nonsense. Unprincipled! Depraved!
Marianne in the throes of her self-absorbed misery lashes out at Elinor as she apparently now has a monopoly on unhappiness.
Ch. 29/30: Marianne is rightfully heartbroken after Willoughby sends the most fuckboy letter of all time, straight up like, "Hey, sorry if you got the wrong idea from my excessive flirting, but I'm engaged, actually" and it's horrible. In her anguish, Marianne twists the knife, invoking Edward's supposed love for Elinor. Mrs. J offers up comfort food and wine but it's no use and Elinor happily chugs the Constantia herself. Girl has earned it!
Ch. 27/28 - Berkeley St
Col. Brandon comes to visit daily "to look at Marianne and talk to Elinor", but Marianne is in a tizzy waiting for Willoughby and refusing to leave the house, even for common courtesy, but it makes no difference, as Willoughby is determinedly avoiding her!
When she does finally encounter him at a ball, he is distant and ignores all references to her dreadfully improper correspondence to him. She is very publicly wretched.
Ch. 27/28: Willoughby is almost completely MIA- he dropped his card once when the Dashwoods were out, but other than that, he's giving A+ level ghosting. Marianne is slowly losing it, but at a party, she finally sees him! A miracle! However, in a dramatic turn equal to that of Demi blanking Kylie at the Golden Globes, Willoughby pretty much ignores her, greeting Elinor only, making some lame-ass remarks to M, and then making a quick escape. WTF?!
#Pemberlittens it's your mid month check in. How's it going? Are you reading 2 Chapters a Day all month? @Andrea313 @CaramelLunacy are doing fun posts.
Myself I'm doing daily read but will probably finish early to get Discussion Questions ready for January 30th.
*Remember to tag #JaneAustenThenAndNow so every one can find your posts.
"From this moment her mind was never quiet; the expectation of seeing him every hour of the day, made her unfit for any thing."
#Pemberlittens Chapters 27/28 Marianne the Drama Queen Dashwood and her letter writing. ??♀️
Chapters 23-26
Lucy Steele is determined to stake her claim on Edward. Elinor is convinced that Edward cannot possibly be in love with her, but she somehow is not upset with HIM for leading both of them on.
Marianne and Elinor then go to London with Mrs. Jennings (suddenly less intolerable to Marianne when she can be used to track down Willoughby...). Marianne sends him a note (so forward!) but the visitor at their door is Col Brandon instead.
Ch. 25/26: Mrs. J invites the Dashwoods to stay with her in London and for some reason Marianne is...into it? But immediately upon arrival, M's motives become clear - she sends a note to Willoughby, and Elinor is like, "Engagement confirmed!" Why else would Marianne be so bold as to *gasp* write a letter? A knock on the door makes Marianne jump but when she finds Brandon on the other end, not W, she flees the room immediately. A little tact, girl!
Ch. 23/24: Elinor tries to come to terms with Edward's engagement to Lucy in the most exasperatingly Elinor way possible- by feeling worse for him than she feels for herself and by pretending that absolutely nothing is wrong. When she's next able to get Lucy alone, she gently pushes for intel, and eventually concludes that Edward could not possibly love his fiancee. I mean, who could?! I think the tweet pictured here speaks for all of us, amirite?
Chapters 20-22
No sooner have the Palmers left (her very silly, him very dour), then the Misses Steele come to visit Barton. They get into Lady Middleton's good graces by indulging and cosseting her already spoiled children. Elinor has quite a sassy line in response to Lucy Steele's "horror" at quiet, well-behaved children:
"I confess that while I am at Barton Park, I never think of tame and quiet children with any abhorrence."
Chapters 17-19
Edward comes to visit, and Elinor has hope of the renewal of their quiet affection. But mostly Edward mopes about and is distant. There is a particularly vexing speech about how he wanted to do something useful with his life, but nobody presented him with the exact right thing, so now he is idle and useless. Woe is Edward!
Playing a little catch up on my #Pemberlittens #JaneAustenThenAndNow reread over coffee & a breakfast sandwich. Then I have some catch-up for #LitsyLove & maybe some journaling. It was a long week & Saturday is for errands & self-care.
I keep getting sidetracked by news & images of the fires in Los Angeles. So far my friends & my nephew & his girlfriend who live there are all okay. Hope any Littens & your families are too. Such a tragedy. 💔
#Pemberlittens "After sitting with them a few minutes, the Miss Steeles returned to the Park, and Elinor was then at liberty to think and be wretched."
I am not wretched. I have tea and wonderful view of snow from my bed.
???❄️? #JaneAustenThenAndNow
I'm revisiting Elinor and Marianne while enjoying the peace and quiet of my #happyplace 🌲❄️
#Pemberlittens a bit of #JaneAustenThenAndNow from yesterday's reading of Chapter 19 - Then. I had forgotten the circumstances when this was said and whi said it. Wise words from Mrs Dashwood? That's not something I associate with her.
And the 'Now' ⬇️......
Chapters 19/20: Using an old meme today but what better image to capture Edward's "plight"? OK, I feel for him, what with his harridan of a mom, but get some real problems, man. You're so rich that you can swan about being "dashing and expensive" and you're still gonna be a drag? I know, I'm hard on dear Edward but his Sad Boy schtick is wearing- on both me and Elinor! Luckily he fucks off to somewhere else, just in time for the Palmers to arrive.
Chapters 9-16 (catch-up)
Marianne takes a tumble down a hill and sprains her ankle, but is rescued most dashingly by a handsome young man. They are soon fully enamored of one another (and annoying with their carelessness for others, propriety or, indeed, reality, not to mention their insistence on being snotty about everyone).
Willoughby leaves with no official relationship status and an uncertain return, occasioning a great deal of wallowing.
Chapters 17/18: Edward spends the first part of his visit moping around like a saddo. He rallies a little after being generously welcomed by Mrs. D but "he was still not in spirits". He loosens up as time passes, teasing M about how to describe the picturesque countryside, and even ribbing her about Willoughby. But I can take no joy in it because in this chapter we're introduced to Edward's disgusting hair ring, which grosses me right tf out. ?
My first read. I am catching up, read Chapters 1-8.
Marianne is So Much - all about the Depths of Every Feeling and Moderation is akin to Death! Marianne is Victorian Capitalization and many exclamation points. She both reminds me of myself as a teenager and would drive me absolutely bonkers in real life.
Not much to say yet about the more practical, grew up too soon Elinor. But I suspect I will like her very much.