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Possession | A. S. Byatt
Hailed by The New York Times Book Review as "a gifted observer, able to discern the exact details that bring whole worlds into being" and "a storyteller who could keep a sultan on the edge of his throne for a thousand and one nights," A. S. Byatt writes some of the most engaging and skillful novels of our time. Time magazine calls her "a novelist of dazzling inventiveness." Possession, for which Byatt won England's prestigious Booker Prize, was praised by critics on both sides of the Atlantic when it was first published in 1990. "On academic rivalry and obsession, Byatt is delicious. On the nature of possessionthe lover by the beloved, the biographer by his subjectshe is profound," said The Sunday Times (London). The New Yorker dubbed it "more fun to read than The Name of the Rose . . . Its prankish verve [and] monstrous richness of detail [make for] a one-woman variety show of literary styles and types." The novel traces a pair of young academicsRoland Michell and Maud Baileyas they uncover a clandestine love affair between two long-dead Victorian poets. Interwoven in a mesmerizing pastiche are love letters and fairytales, extracts from biographies and scholarly accounts, creating a sensuous and utterly delightful novel of ideas and passions. With an Introduction by the author that describes the novel's origins and its twenty-year gestation, this Modern Library edition is a handsome keepsake for fans of Possessionnew and old alike.
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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It's little hard for me to adequately explain how much I enjoyed this book, was obsessed by it (possessed), and was so unrelentingly curious. I was aware of this while reading, from about page 7 when it fully struck that I wanted to be involved. And that feeling never spoiled. I adored this book. I think this might be best book written in my lifetime. 🙂 Really. #byattbuddyread

kspenmoll Thank you for articulating what i feel!!!! 1mo
Palimpsest One of my favorite books 4w
merelybookish You're making me want to re-read it! (I read it back in the late 90s and loved it then.) 4w
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Graywacke @Palimpsest now for me too! 🙂 4w
Graywacke @merelybookish another Byatt fan! Thanks. Back in 1990…I was just learning I actually like reading. ☺️ (i wasn‘t _that_ young either. A late comer) 4w
Suet624 I‘m so happy to see how much you liked this one, especially after seeing you just finished 2 so-so books. 3w
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I‘m so happy to have finally read this after years on my shelf. What a book - the layers of stories, the romance, the academic drama. The way Byatt wrote the artifacts of letters and poetry to create the characters is incredible. Thank you @Graywacke for hosting our buddy read!

BarbaraBB Such a great read! 1mo
sarahbarnes @BarbaraBB I can‘t believe I waited so long to read it! 1mo
youneverarrived One of my favourites 🤍 1mo
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BkClubCare Loved this book, and though, yes, the book is better than the film, I enjoyed it anyway 😂 1mo
merelybookish So satisfying when a book lives up the hype and anticipation! 4w
vivastory I read this one many years ago & it has always stuck with me. So glad that you loved it! I currently have her collection “Medusa's Ankles“ checked out from the library 3w
sarahbarnes @vivastory I found a used copy of another of her books and had to buy it after loving this one 3w
vivastory @sarahbarnes I was not familiar with that whatsoever! It sounds fantastic though. Adding to my TBR. There is a story from Byatt in the tagged story anthology that I adore (it is overall a terrific collection) 3w
sarahbarnes That collection looks so great! I need to check it out. 3w
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Possession - chapters 22-28 - the end }#byattbuddyread

So those letters - didn‘t everyone, even us readers, desperately want them, at any cost? Is that bad? 🙂😇

So, apologies if I‘m a little overgushing, but this was an unparalleled amazing reading experience for me. I was possessed (how long before you realized the title has 2 meanings?). Have you finished? What was your take? What are your thoughts?

KathyWheeler I really wanted those letters, but I can‘t decide if that‘s bad or not. 1mo
Currey @Graywacke Yes, yes, yes!!! I wanted to read those letters. What a wonderful reading experience. My book buddy thought the ending too sentimental but I thought it was just right. 1mo
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Librarybelle I too wanted the letters, haha! I loved the repetition of “possessed” and its meanings mentioned by the characters—such a good way to further tie the book title to the story. As I mentioned in my review, this will probably be one I will reread at some point to look at the layers in the story even more. It‘s the type of story that I think readers will find more things, more clues, with each rereading. A great buddy read! 1mo
Currey @Graywacky @KathyWheeler @Librarybelle All the characters were so fully written. I particularly liked that the stereotypical secondary characters like Val (the jilted one), and Beatrice Nest (the inept academic) bloomed in these final pages. We get a glimpse of the fullness of Ash and are left with the mystery of Blanche. 1mo
Graywacke @KathyWheeler oh, very bad. 🤣 1mo
Graywacke @Currey i loved the ending. I think she pressed a lot to make the story work and the past and present echo. All the sudden romance. I loved it. But also, for me, she could do no wrong at the end. I‘m so happy you enjoyed it too! 1mo
Graywacke @Librarybelle there is so much going on. I‘m mainly tempted to reread the poetry, now that I know what‘s behind it and I look for references. 1mo
Graywacke @Currey i loved Val. But even Cropper becomes a necessary evil. Without him we lose so much. And, yeah, Blanche remains a mystery. Our Morgan le Fay, maybe. Or maybe our Merlin. 1mo
Graywacke Any thoughts on the reflections of the Persephone myth? I thought about the role of the seasons and Roland‘s coming Amsterdam (?) post and the coming long distance relationship with icy Maud. But i‘m having trouble tying it into cristabel, except perhaps her pregnancy echoes the pomegranate seed. 1mo
Currey @Graywacke The cyclical metaphor - not so much the seasons but the falling in and out of creativity and the destruction of creativity. Also a lot of leaning on the need for answers, i.e knowledge and how that plays with the myth of the garden. 1mo
KathyWheeler @Graywacke Probably so. 😄 1mo
KathyWheeler @Currey Yes! I remember thinking, the first time I read this, that both Val and Beatrice were unnecessary, but they weren‘t at all. 1mo
sarahbarnes Just weighing in here to say I absolutely loved reading this - thank you for this buddy read to finally bring it off my shelf! I was pulled along in the current of the ending too - needing to know what was in those letters. I loved the beauty and pain of it - Ellen‘s and Ash‘s and Cristabel‘s. The letters never read. And that postscript. I‘m happy for Roland, Val and Maud in the end, too. 1mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes @slategreyskies @LibraryBelle @LapReader @KathyWheeler @Currey @jewright @Deblovestoread Thanks everyone for joining, for getting us through this lovely novel. I‘m still now trying to understand why i was so attached to this lovely novel and what that might say about my own reading. I‘m so glad everyone enjoyed. This was a commitment, a rewarding one. 1mo
Librarybelle Thanks for hosting this, @Graywacke ! It was an extraordinarily constructed novel, and I will most likely reread in a few years to catch details I missed in this first reading. 1mo
Currey @Librarybelle @Graywacke Agreed, thank you for leading us. This is a great book, so many layers and such wonderful characters. (edited) 1mo
Deblovestoread I‘m so glad we read this together. Thanks for hosting. I loved how layered it was and the way all the stories unfolded. 1mo
KathyWheeler @Graywacke Thanks for hosting! I always meant to reread it, and this gave me the motivation to do it. 1mo
Graywacke @Librarybelle @Currey @Deblovestoread @KathyWheeler You guys are so kind. This group kept me on track. So, thank you. And, I completely agree about the books layers and complexities. 1mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Byatt incorporates multiple types of documents to create a dual timeline of love and secrets. It‘s a very detailed read, and I think at some point I will have to reread this to fully intake the multiple layers. The ending is spellbinding, a perfect conclusion to a story rich in interweaving details. So glad I finally read this! #ByattBuddyRead #192025 #1990. #52BookClub24 #NominatedForTheBookerPrize

Deblovestoread Great review! And I agree a reread would give me even more of the story.💜 1mo
julieclair Ooohhh!!! Stacked! Great review. 1mo
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kspenmoll I am almost finished! It‘s been in my shelf for years & I doubt I would get to it without this buddy read. Love your review! 1mo
Graywacke Glad you enjoyed (and are ready to read it again!) 1mo
Librarybelle Thanks for leading the discussions, @Graywacke ! 1mo
Graywacke @Librarybelle thanks for joining 🙂 1mo
Hooked_on_books I feel like a good ending is the marker of a really good writer. Too many books don‘t have a good ending, and I love it when it‘s well done. I‘ve never read her, which I should probably rethink! 1mo
Librarybelle @Hooked_on_books So true…an ending could help or ruin a book! 1mo
CaramelLunacy I came to this one after seeing the movie (Jeremy Northam and Jennifer Ehle were perfect as the Victorian poets). 1mo
Librarybelle @CaramelLunacy I plan to rewatch the movie soon! I saw the movie years ago, and it would be interesting to see it again after reading the book. 1mo
Crazeedi I have had this a long time but have not read! 1mo
Librarybelle @Crazeedi I‘m glad I finally read it! 1mo
Crazeedi @Librarybelle I'm going to move up 1mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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This a fun new graphic from the Bookly app - my July

- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
- Possession
- Lost & Found by Kathryn Shulz
- Above Ground by Clint Smith
- Light in August by William Faulkner
- The Control of Nature by John McPhee
- Sympatia by Rodrigo Blanco Calderon

Possession | A. S. Byatt
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A quote on reading from AS Byatt‘s Possession:

“There are readings—of the same text—that are dutiful, readings that map and dissect, readings that hear a rustling of unheard sounds, that count grey little pronouns for pleasure or instruction and for a time do not hear golden or apples. There are personal readings, which snatch for personal meanings, I am full of love, or disgust, or fear, I scan for love, or disgust, or fear. … 👇

Graywacke There are—believe it—impersonal readings—where the mind's eye sees the lines move onwards and the mind's ear hears them sing and sing.

Now and then there are readings that make the hairs on the neck, the non-existent pelt, stand on end and tremble, when every word burns and shines hard and clear and infinite and exact, like stones of fire, like points of stars in the dark—readings when…
Graywacke … the knowledge that we shall know the writing differently or better or satisfactorily, runs ahead of any capacity to say what we know, or how. In these readings, a sense that the text has appeared to be wholly new, never before seen, is followed, almost immediately, by the sense that it was always there, that we the readers, knew it was always there, … 1mo
Graywacke … and have always known it was as it was, though we have now for the first time recognised, become fully cognizant of, our knowledge. 1mo
kspenmoll 🩵🩷🤍 1mo
Librarybelle Nice! 1mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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It might be me, but I listened to this book (a reread for me), and I think it‘s better in print because of the variety of formats Byatt uses — letters, essays, poetry, straight narrative. It‘s easier to see and make connections in print. Still good. No map, so here‘s some pictures of Little George in my husband‘s walker and on the sofa, and there‘s also one of Missy sitting on the back of the sofa like a cat. #audiowalk #byattbuddyread

Graywacke I sampled it months ago - and it was simply too rich. Too much going on. I need time to process. So I didn‘t pursue audio. As a reread, I thought it might work better. 1mo
KathyWheeler @Graywacke Yeah — if I had not already read it, there‘s no way I would‘ve been to do the audio. 1mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Possession - chapters 18-21 #byattbuddyread

A lot in these four chapters. Blanche‘s letters, Lenora Sterns story, Sabine‘s letters on Cristabel in Brittany (👆), Cropper‘s philosophy of artifacts, Lenora saving Blackadder‘s TV interview, Hella Lees, and a lot poetry - on Is, seances and a lost child.

Byatt‘s son was struck and killed by a drunk driver when he was 11. Byatt stopped writing for 11 years.

Please, on all this, thoughts?

Graywacke I ran out of space, but i thought it was quite interesting that, in Mummy Possest, Ash compares fraudulent seers with artists. 1mo
Librarybelle It was good to read Sabine‘s diary related to Christabel…one can feel how conflicted Christabel feels during this time. It was interesting to watch Cropper, Blackadder, and Stern piece together the clues that Roland and Maud had already put together, and it was rather humorous to see Stern rescue Blackadder during the interview. How sad about Byatt‘s personal life. 1mo
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Currey @Graywacke @Librarybelle I also found Sabine‘s diary really interesting. Not only did it give us a view of Christabel that we had not seen before but it was great to have a fresh voice attempting to unearth another mystery/the same mystery. I was also captivated by Byatt‘s ability to introduce a totally new character, and have that character come alive for us in the second half of a book. 1mo
Currey @Graywacke Also Byatt‘s ability to run two different poetry styles. Ash‘s pedantic Victorian and Christabel‘s lighter and more mystical 1mo
sarahbarnes @Librarybelle @Currey agreed that I was totally taken in by reading Sabine‘s diary and getting this new insight into Christabel. And @Currey yes - her ability to introduce a new character, write such diverse poetry. Genius. @Graywacke I had no idea she lost her son that way. Devastating. 1mo
sarahbarnes I love how the story continues to be revealed in layers through this part, through pieces offered by the different characters. And the story of Maud and Roland unfolds much more quietly in the background. 1mo
Deblovestoread Agree with all of this. I loved the way the story unfolded. I am sorry about the author‘s loss. Devastating! 1mo
Graywacke Sorry if i shocked anyone about Byatt. I thought it was relevant and a non-spoiler way of tying into Cristabel‘s story and poetry. (Spoilers are fine here through chapter 21, but i try avoid putting them into the main post.) 1mo
Graywacke @Librarybelle Stern made me smile. It‘s interesting that Blackadder is such a sinister name, but a pretty mild, even likable, person. And, yes, they are sniffing out this story and facing their published inaccuracies. 1mo
Graywacke @Currey I was thinking that about Sabine - a late, new, almost unnecessary character, and yet she works. She‘s so interesting herself. 1mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes I‘m with you, watching this story reveal. I‘m already sold. I already fully bought in. But she keeps adding and adding, and great stuff. 1mo
Graywacke @Deblovestoread i‘n glad you and everyone else are enjoying this. This book is something like a major time commitment. But i haven‘t felt that. Just lazily reading away. 1mo
sarahbarnes I reached a point during this week‘s reading where I have to know how it all turns out and I can‘t stop reading. 😊 1mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes I have been trying to keep pace, but it‘s meant slowing down. All reigns off this week! 1mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Heading home today from our NYC adventure. I‘m glad I have some good reading to entertain me on the flight. And relieved I got all my book purchases into my bags. 📚 📚 😮‍💨

BarbaraBB You‘re all set. I can‘t wait for your opinion on Bear and am interested in the Ravn! 1mo
Liz_M Good luck with the flight 🤞 1mo
sarahbarnes @BarbaraBB I like the Ravn so far! And very excited for Bear after your review. 1mo
sarahbarnes Thank you @Liz_M! 1mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I had to walk inside today because it started raining as soon as I went out to walk. I honestly don‘t know how, but I completely forgot about Christabel‘s time in France. #byattbuddyread #audiowalk

Possession | A. S. Byatt
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This 1990 Booker winner was told through two time periods with the help of some poetry, fairy tales, and letters. A romance with a bit of a mystery and some academic competition. I loved the ending! 4 🌟

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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I thought I‘d walk outside for a bit, but it started to lightning, so I walked 1 mile outside and 1 inside. After I‘ve finished this book, I may watch the movie again to see what I think of it so close to reading it. #byattbuddyread #audiowalk

Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Possession : chapters 11-17 #byattbuddyread

Two chapter-length poems, many other lengthy quotes, and Ash and Cristabel narrated in chapter 15 (my notes say “hot hot”). Meanwhile Maud and Roland trace Ash along the York cost, neglecting home. How‘s it going? For me, Byatt has prepped me for all these quotes. I‘m fascinated and entertained.

The photo of the ammonite comes from a Whitby webpage on finding fossils.

Librarybelle I‘m fascinated too, like watching a literary mystery unfold. 2mo
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Deblovestoread This continues to be unlike anything else I‘ve read. Thoroughly enjoying it. 2mo
kspenmoll I am just enthralled! ! 2mo
jewright I‘m running a little behind. I got bogged down in the letters. 2mo
Currey I am also enchanted. I really had to study the poems and can‘t say that I thoroughly grasped them but love the letters and the Maude/Roland interactions 2mo
Graywacke Love all the positive response to this book 2mo
Graywacke @Librarybelle it is a literary mystery. I don‘t imagine research is typically this much fun. 🙂 2mo
Graywacke @Deblovestoread I‘m thinking on that - whether it‘s unique or standout. Anyway, i haven‘t been this into a book like this before either. And certainly nothing that created two characters worth of poetry 2mo
Graywacke @kspenmoll enthralled is the perfect word 😍 2mo
Graywacke @jewright the longest, slowest section so far - the letters. They escalate. 🙂 2mo
Graywacke @Currey i flew through the poems. I read Swammerdam twice because i didn‘t understand what i was reading the first time. But i decided the general impact of them was more important than the close reading. ☺️ I‘m so entertained by Maud, and meek Roland (and disillusioned Val) 2mo
sarahbarnes I too am enthralled! I agree with all the thoughts that you all have shared here. I also loved reading Ellen Ash‘s journal and the interactions between Maud and Beatrice. The characters are so magnificent drawn. And the academic drama! 2mo
sarahbarnes The scene between Maud and Roland at the end of ch 14 is my favorite so far. 2mo
sarahbarnes And of course Fergus can‘t keep his nose out of things. 2mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes Was the end chapter 14 where Maud let her hair down? I was charmed by that. Fergus is a decent villain - smart, interesting, and devilish. Better than the Hades-lawyer with the Porsche. 🙂 … I‘m happy to share the enjoyment of this book! 2mo
sarahbarnes Yes, that‘s the one. I love how their interactions are so endearingly unconventional. 2mo
slategreyskies I‘m really loving this book, but I‘m running a few chapters behind the rest of the group. I‘m loving how quickly the situation is nearing a sort of frantic excitement, with so many characters starting to realize that there‘s a big discovery to be had and all of them wanting it for themselves. 1mo
Graywacke @slategreyskies so glad you‘re enjoying. It is a book of discovery, in a way. 1mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I like the addition of Christabel‘s & Ash‘s letters and poems, Ellen Ash‘s journal, and an excerpt from Lenora‘s book. I‘m finally settling into the rhythm of the audiobook. Only 82° this evening! #byattbuddyread #audiowalk

Graywacke I love all the quotes and excerpts and poems too. Byatt was having fun. Lovely walk 2mo
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It has been too many days since I could not enjoy my porch due to the heat & humidity. So far today (9 a.m) it‘s a pleasant 73 degrees. Yay! I have missed being on my porch. Finished & posted a review of Murder on Wall Street& now I am continuing reading Possession. #porchlife #coffeeandbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 2mo
kspenmoll @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you! ❤️💛 2mo
dabbe #zenfortheday 🩵💙🩵 2mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Possession - Chapters 6-10 #byattbuddyread

I fell behind this week, care of Hurricane Beryl. But have just finished chapter ten and am staring down the title Swammerdam, knowing something of its consequences. I haven‘t read on yet.

Roland is charmingly humbled by our author, and our compassionate hearts maybe lie with Maud (mine does). But that was before we were showered with these passionate letters. You in? Overwhelmed? Share how it‘s going.

Librarybelle Those letters! Wow! You can feel the passion. I like that we‘re reading through this slowly…so much to unpack between the narrative and the stories and poems and letters. Also, did everyone else feel the cold of the house as Roland and Maud read through the letters??? 2mo
Graywacke @Librarybelle i felt that cold, even in our sweltering July. 2mo
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Librarybelle @Graywacke Yes! Who knew this would be a good time of year to read this book, especially those of us living through the heat right now. 2mo
Currey @Graywacke Exactly…99% humidity and hot but I was feeling the cold. I am feeling very empathetic to Maud and have some confused feelings about the two lovers although those love letters!! Roland has so little going for him except I am appreciative of his perseverance. 2mo
Deblovestoread @Librarybelle Yes! The heat of the letters against the cold of where they are reading and the perceived coldness between Maud and Roland as they read. 2mo
Graywacke @Deblovestoread ooh. I hadn‘t thought that contrast through. What a beautiful perspective. 2mo
Graywacke @Currey I‘m intrigued how interesting Roland and Maud are, especially how endearing Roland‘s meekness is. 2mo
Graywacke @Librarybelle did you see those letters evolving as they did? I was thinking it would all play out innocently. No… 2mo
Librarybelle @Graywacke This is where seeing the movie before reading the book did not help! Movies do not always follow the book, and it‘s been so long since I‘ve seen the movie, but I remember enough from the movie not to be surprised by the letters. For them to be hidden away had to make them special for some reason, and the romance angle is a good reason to hide them away. 2mo
Graywacke @Librarybelle yes, maybe it needed to be dramatic. Otherwise why have them. 2mo
kspenmoll This novel has been slow going for me but I am totally immersed in its storyline-I had to write down all the characters & their connections to help me with this dense read.The letters became so passionate which I wan‘t expecting.I like the idea of the contrast between cold & the heat wave here @Deblovestoread @Librarybelle I have not read thru Swammerdam yet, daunting! 2mo
sarahbarnes Sorry to be late to the discussion this week! I agree with you @Librarybelle that there is so much to unpack through the different narrative pieces. I love how they‘re all connected - the story of the whiteladies and the correspondence about the poem for example. 2mo
sarahbarnes I was also thinking the letters escalated quickly! 😆 I love how long and formally they started out, and then became so much more abrupt and urgent. I love that we read about Maud and Roland reading the letters and then they are all presented to us firsthand. 2mo
sarahbarnes I will say I absolutely loved the passage about Maud and Roland outside the bathroom. What a fantastically written moment. 2mo
sarahbarnes And what is happening in the last two letters in Ch 10?? 2mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes last two letters of chapter ten - maybe Cristabel doesn‘t like microscopes? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Swammerdam 2mo
Graywacke @kspenmoll i‘m so happy you‘re immersed and going slowly! Me too! And i have lots of notes. I keep seeing names and wondering -who was that?- Notes have saved me so far. … I did read Swammerdam twice this morning, but it was pretty straightforward once i got the gist. 2mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes glad you joined. No worries on timing. And - yeah - those letters took a sudden leap of … passion? 2mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Getting some reading time in a beautiful setting today while I wait for a glimpse of my partner in the Triple Bypass bike race in Colorado. I‘m glad to be the one sitting here reading. 😂


Cathythoughts Wow ! Enjoy the read ❤️ 2mo
AmyG Enjoy the beautiful scenery. 2mo
sarahbarnes @Cathythoughts @AmyG it‘s a lovely excuse to sit outside and read. 🩵 2mo
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AmyG Have fun in Vail…that‘s near where I live. 2mo
sarahbarnes @AmyG fun! I live in Denver and get up here as often as I can! 2mo
Graywacke Kudos to your partner… but i‘d rather be reading. 🙊 ( #byattbuddyread ) 2mo
Chelsea.Poole Lovely views! 2mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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It‘s a good thing I decided to walk instead of swim. About 5 minutes after I got to the rec center, it started thundering and lightning. I‘ve now caught up to the schedule for #byattbuddyread and think I‘m finally getting used to the audio. #audiowalk. Our giant Maine Coon, Wash, is playing with little George.

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 2mo
Texreader ❤️❤️❤️🐈‍⬛ 2mo
Tamra 😘 2mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Today I split my walk between indoors and outdoors, so the map is for the first half. I‘m getting a little bit better at keeping the characters straight in the audiobook. #audiowalk #byattbuddyread

Possession | A. S. Byatt
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It was only 85° today at 6:30pm, so I walked outside, finally! I‘m not sure Possession is the best book to listen to instead of read in print or as an ebook. If I hadn‘t read this book before, I‘d have a little trouble following it. #audiowalk #byattbuddyread

Bookwormjillk Yay!! 2mo
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Reading this novel but it is slow going- only because each sentence is chock full of imagery & images that I have to slow down to take each sentence in. This is a buddy read but I probably will be behind - I am only on p.57! I am totally immersed in the story so far.

Graywacke Fantastic. Sounds like the book is a win so far! ( #byattbuddyread 🙂 ) (edited) 2mo
dabbe 💚💚💚 2mo
Librarybelle I‘m really enjoying this one too! And yes…it‘s not a fast read by any means. Totally agree about the imagery in each sentence. 2mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Started this book this evening for my #audiowalk book — I‘m alternating between it and Stone Blind. I read it when it first came out and loved it. So much of it was familiar from my own grad school in British Lit (Victorian) days. I‘m finding that I still enjoy it. No map today — it was 90° F in the shade at 6:30pm, so I walked at the rec center.

Cuilin Loved this book. 2mo
Graywacke Lovely. Nice sculpture ( #byattbuddyread 🙂 ) (edited) 2mo
KathyWheeler @Graywacke Thanks for the hashtag reminder! 2mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Possession - chapters 1-5

We have met Roland, our knight, and his research on Randolph Henry Ashe that he performs for someone else. And his discovery of the link to Cristabel LaMotte, thanks to help and family connections of Maud Bailey. Poetry, stories and letters.

How goes it? Are you struggling, completely infatuated and in love with Byatt like me 😁, or some, hopefully positive, place between?

Graywacke The painting is: The Return of Persephone (1891) by Frederic Leighton - referred to on page 3. 2mo
Graywacke (I‘m traveling today. Apologies ahead of time for my lack of response to comments) 2mo
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Currey @Graywacke I have read The Children‘s Book and knew I would love Byatt‘s writing but less sure I would like the story and characters. However, so far, so wonderful. Even Val and Blackadder (our snake?) who are not likable, are well drawn and one hopes for some positive evolution of Val to compliment the quick descent of the first chapters. 2mo
Graywacke @Currey i feel so bad for Val. I‘m so happy you‘re smitten too. I‘m enjoying beyond anything I imagined. I haven‘t read Byatt before. The whole set up - i get curious and then everything plays into exactly what i want to know. The poetry is better. The fairy tale is better. The letters - i‘m so curious now. 2mo
sarahbarnes I too was quickly immersed. I agree @Graywacke the poetry and fairy tale are brilliantly written. Like you @Currey I want to see some redemption for Val. I was maddened by Sir George and them having to leave without the letters! This is my first Byatt and her writing is exquisite. I‘ve had this book on my shelf for decades (!) and am so glad to finally be reading it. 2mo
Librarybelle This is my first Byatt as well. I saw the movie loosely based on this book many years ago, and I grabbed my copy upon seeing the movie. I‘m enjoying the inclusion of multiple types of writing to allow the story to unfold. I too wonder about Val and how her story progresses (or doesn‘t). Enjoying it so far! 2mo
Deblovestoread It started slow for me but by the end of Ch. 5 I am fully interested. Loving the poetry and fairy tale. On the fence about Val. Curious about the letters and where they will end up. 2mo
sarahbarnes I read an interview with Byatt where she said she conceived of this book in its entirety before she wrote it and wrote it largely without interruption. Imagine being able to create such a story in your mind! 2mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes @Librarybelle @Deblovestoread so glad you all are enjoying too! 2mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes that‘s really cool that could write all this straight through. It feels like years of work and planning. But it flows really nicely. 2mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes so, I haven‘t had my copy for decades. I only bought it in April. Congrats for dusting your copy off. I have kind of thought about reading Byatt for ages. But it was getting involved with a Booker Prize group that really got me motivated. That led to me finally buying a copy. 2mo
Graywacke @Librarybelle it‘s pretty amazing she can just mix in a poem here, and a wonderful reference to other poetry (and art) there, while writing her prose. I haven‘t seen the movie. Should i consider it? 2mo
Graywacke @Deblovestoread glad you‘re in and enjoying this poetry. I think Val‘s research getting essentially destroyed because of association with her husband is just tragic. 2mo
Librarybelle @Graywacke I remember liking it, but I have not seen it in at least 15 years. I do plan to rewatch it after finishing the book! 2mo
jewright I always love books about people who enjoy reading and research. I‘m enjoying all the poetry. 2mo
KathyWheeler This is a reread for me. I loved it so much when it first came out, that I was afraid it wouldn‘t live up to that, but it does. 2mo
Graywacke @jewright especially when they provide all that research to you in a timely manner, just for reading. I‘m happy you‘re enjoying too. 2mo
Graywacke @KathyWheeler yay! Anything feel different this time? 2mo
Graywacke So, I live outside Houston, currently getting hit by hurricane Beryl. My traveling yesterday involved going to the airport, checking in, having our flight, due to land 12 hours before the Hurricane‘s arrival, cancelled, and then getting a place to stay with my sister outside Philadelphia. No flights home right now. 🙁 2mo
sarahbarnes Oh no @Graywacke - thinking about you and hoping you can get home soon. 2mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes thanks. Much closer now. We have to drive a few hours from the nearest airport that actually had flights 2mo
Graywacke I shouldn‘t post these while traveling. I was reading on my flight this am, and at the of chapter 7 theres a Porsche and some jealousy … and this painting is described. I got the location wrong. Oops. 😬😁 2mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Ok. I‘m on page 7. But I‘ve begun #byattbuddyread

Tamra I‘m on chapter 6 and I can say it‘s going to be a challenge for me because I‘m not terribly fond of poetry or fairy tales. 😅😂 Hopefully the mystery keeps me hooked. 2mo
Graywacke @Tamra I think that was her gimmick - the mystery to hook us into what she actually wanted to write. But - I‘m totally in love with this at p7. Just need time to read more. 2mo
Kimberlone Once upon a time I was supposed to read this book for my Modernism to Postmodernism in college, but I hated that professor and avoided reading most of the assigned books in that class out of spite. Alas, this has been on my TBR for over a decade, and I know it's right up my alley if I ever picked it up again. 2mo
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Graywacke @Kimberlone classes just don‘t often seem to lead to reading joy. If you read it, i promise, no essay questions. 2mo
jewright I like it so far. I‘m about to start chapter 4. 2mo
Tamra I am going to bow out on this buddy read. After reading the first section (thru chapter 6) I‘m not digging it. 😏 (edited) 2mo
Graywacke @Tamra that a lot of slow pages to read and not enjoy. Sorry it isn‘t working for you, but glad you‘re not tormenting yourself further. I‘ll miss you, though. 2mo
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Repost for @Graywacke

Two weeks and one day out.

Our plan

July 7: chapters 1-5
July 14: chapters 6-10
July 21: chapters 11-17
July 28: chapters 18-21
August 4: chapters 22-28

Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Two weeks and one day out

Our plan

July 7: chapters 1-5
July 14: chapters 6-10
July 21: chapters 11-17
July 28: chapters 18-21
August 4: chapters 22-28

jewright Could I join this, please? 3mo
Librarybelle Looking forward to this! 3mo
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Tamra 👏🏾👍🏾 3mo
slategreyskies I‘m excited about this one! Thanks! 3mo
Graywacke @jewright of course! 3mo
Deblovestoread I‘d like to join in if this is ok? 3mo
sarahbarnes Very excited! Headed to NYC today and it‘s in my bag! 3mo
Leftcoastzen Oh you and your smart people books! 3mo
Graywacke @Deblovestoread absolutely. I‘ll tag too going forward. I‘m getting excited for this. 3mo
Graywacke @Librarybelle @Tamra @slategreyskies @sarahbarnes - I‘m excited too. I joined the sort of official Booker Prize Book Club on facebook and this comes up a lot. I know i‘ve missing something special. Let‘s go! 🙂 3mo
Graywacke @Leftcoastzen oh, stop. Mean! ☹️ … are you joining too? 🙂 3mo
PageShifter I have this on hold now but let's see what happens 😃 I should get this tomorrow 3mo
Daisey I really enjoyed this when I read it. I wish I had time for a reread with discussion, but I don‘t think I can fit it in. I may still check out the posts. 3mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes @slategreyskies @Librarybelle @Tamra @LapReader @KathyWheeler @Currey @jewright @Deblovestoread hi all. A little reminder that we‘ll chat Sunday on chapters 1-5. I‘m flying home Sunday. So my comments will be limited. But I should be able to get a discussion post out. 2mo
Librarybelle Sounds good! 2mo
sarahbarnes Sounds great, thank you! Loving it so far. 2mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes oh good to know! I‘m enraptured. I had no idea how much I would enjoy this. 2mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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repost for @Graywacke:


I‘m looking for a reading plan for Possession and finding poetry everywhere. Had no idea.

Ok, plan idea A:

July 7: chapters 1-5 (102 pages)
July 14: chapters 6-10 (118 pages)
July 21: chapters 11-17 (111 pages)
July 28: chapters 18-21 (114 pages)
August 4: chapters 22-28 (109 pages)

What do you think? This is just a suggestion. I‘m open to what might work better for anyone.

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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I‘m looking for a reading plan for Possession and finding poetry everywhere. Had no idea.

Ok, plan idea A:

July 7: chapters 1-5 (102 pages)
July 14: chapters 6-10 (118 pages)
July 21: chapters 11-17 (111 pages)
July 28: chapters 18-21 (114 pages)
August 4: chapters 22-28 (109 pages)

What do you think? This is just a suggestion. I‘m open to what might work better for anyone.

LapReader Can I join please? 3mo
Tamra Looks reasonable to me - thank you for your organization! 3mo
Graywacke @LapReader of course! 3mo
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Graywacke @Tamra 👍 great! 3mo
sarahbarnes Agreed! Looks great to me. Thanks for figuring it out! 3mo
Graywacke @sarahbarnes oh good. 👍 3mo
slategreyskies Sounds good! Thanks! 😊 3mo
Graywacke @slategreyskies almost everyone 👍 3mo
KathyWheeler I read this when it first came out and loved it. Coincidentally, I recently felt the need to reread it, so I downloaded the audiobook. Id like to join in this buddy read. 3mo
LeahBergen Oh, how I loved this book when I read it years ago! It‘s such a favourite. 3mo
Librarybelle That works for me! Thanks for organizing this!!! 3mo
Graywacke @Librarybelle ok, that settles it! 👍 I‘ll post reminders 3mo
Graywacke @KathyWheeler please do join! 3mo
Graywacke @LeahBergen I‘m excited to finally read it! 3mo
Currey @Graywacke May I join also? 3mo
Graywacke @Currey yay! Of course! 3mo
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#ThreeListThursday #TLT @dabbe

1. An English Suite - Finzi, Parry, and Bridge. An excellent classical music collection.

2. Possession movie soundtrack composed by Gabriel Yared. Lush and heartfelt.

3. March by Michael Penn. Good acoustic rock songs.

dabbe Love the genres, too! Thanks for sharing. 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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We almost decided to read these. Ended up going in another direction.

Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Maybe I'll return to this someday, but I'm abandoning it for now. At nearly 50% in, I just didn't care enough to pick it back up, and I didn't want to slog through this as my last read of the year when better books are waiting. This was my December #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just needs to go into hibernation... sometimes permanently 😂 8mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I have been in a massive (seriously, year long) reading slump. But Byatt's passing prompted me to finally pick this one up that has long been on my TBR. Y'all, I tore through this novel! It is so good! The narrative is great, the prose is great, the letters, diaries, poems are all great. It was a delight to read in every sense. The ending is a bit hasty and zany but it doesn't take away from how masterful the novel is overall.

Tamra I‘m glad to hear it‘s good because it‘s been on my TBR forever. I hope I get to it next year. 8mo
everlocalwest @Tamra Yay! I have thrown this book into so many hands since I finished it. I hope you love it! 💙📚 8mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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AmyG 😪 10mo
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I am so sad to see this. I read the tagged in college and loved it, and got to see Byatt speak while in grad school. She was engaging, and I was star struck meeting her to sign my book. Rest in Peace amongst all the great storytellers, AS Byatt.

KathyWheeler I‘m sorry to hear this. Possession is one of my favorite books. 10mo
youneverarrived So sad 😞 I would love to reread Possession at some point. 10mo
Ruthiella I too loved Possession. I‘ve read a couple other books from her and have long meant to read more from her back catalogue. 10mo
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batsy Sad to hear. I loved Possession, too. And this one 10mo
Jas16 Oh this is so sad. Possession is the book I always wish I could read again for the first time. (edited) 10mo
kspenmoll So sad. She was a brilliant writer and storyteller. 10mo
Aimeesue Oh dear. What a loss! 10mo
TheLudicReader That is sad. I felt so accomplished when I finished Possession. That's a tough but rewarding read. 10mo
Tamra This has been sitting on my shelf and I know it‘s so well regarded. 10mo
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I‘ve been meaning to read this for years and I was absolutely right about how much I‘d love it. Beautiful, labyrinthine, full of yearning and strange surreal mystery elements and I LOVED how it viewed the past and wrote about (obviously very romanticised and somewhat secret history-esque) academia. The ending was a bit predictable but I wasn‘t really in it for the solution to the mystery eh

JamieArc I loved this one when I read it years ago for my English literature degree. When I was in grad school, I got to see AS Byatt speak and she was lovely. I got a bit starstruck meeting her when she signed my book 🤩 1y
KathyWheeler I absolutely loved this book! When I was in grad school, I had considered writing my thesis on both Robert Browning and Christina Rossetti (it ended up being on neither), so this book just struck close to my heart. 1y
Gissy That one I has been in my tbr for ages too!😱it was good to read your review because it reminded me that is waiting for me to read it☺️ 1y
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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My long weekend goal is to finish POSSESSION. As good as it is, I‘m now at the point where I‘ve spent way too much time with it and I‘m ready to move on to something else. The tiny typeface they‘ve used for all the letters, journals, poems, and academic excerpts is doing me in. It‘s not a vision issue; it‘s about how I read for long stretches and get through, like, thirty pages. It‘s a frustrating progress to effort ratio.

Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Back in the day, after I encountered some stuff that helped me break past the idea that all litfic writers mistake dispassion for sophistication, I read a whole ton of novels that I absolutely COULD NOT WAIT to reread so I could catch all the little moments that gave the endings so much power.

POSSESSION was one of those—but y‘all, it‘s been 18 years, and while I remember the historical ending, I don‘t remember what I wanted to watch for. 🤷‍♀️

xicanti I AM having an awesome time with all the academic shenanigans, though. The book‘s gonna take me forever to read since all the letters, poems, and excerpts are in tiny typeface (and faux-Victorian language), but it‘s so delightful I don‘t even mind. 2y
BkClubCare I really enjoyed this, too. 2y
xicanti @BkClubCare on Monday afternoon I realized I wanted to reread it so bad that I HAD to make time for it, many years later than I intended. 2y
rubyslippersreads I‘ve had this on my TBR list for ages. 2y
xicanti @rubyslippersreads it‘s fascinating. 2y
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I was swept away by this novel. Just a big, dramatic story about scholarly passion and obsession, Victorian poets and the making of art, and love, but I think its dry humour goes under the radar.

Other 5 ⭐ reads that come to mind for P are Jane Austen's Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice, and Susanna Clarke's Piranesi.

JamieArc I loved this book, and it was a delight to hear her speak some years ago. 2y
LeeRHarry This is a fave of mine too - great choice 😊 2y
BarbaraBB Oh yes, another good one! 2y
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AllDebooks Very good choice 2y
Ruthiella Loved this one too, as well as all your other choices! 👍 2y
quietjenn I feel like this is one I should revisit. 2y
batsy @JamieArc That must have been wonderful. She seems so intelligent. 2y
batsy @LeeRHarry @BarbaraBB @AllDebooks @Ruthiella So glad I'm in good company 🙂 2y
batsy @quietjenn It's the type of book that rewards re-reading, for sure! 2y
Centique Such a good book - and a recent read for me! 2y
Suet624 Piranesi!!! 💕💕 2y
batsy @Centique I keep having this urge to re-read it and I keep putting it aside because of all my unread books! #ReaderProblems 2y
batsy @Suet624 So good! ❤️ 2y
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I listened to this as read by Samuel West who was the perfect narrator. Most people have heard of this, it won the 1990 Booker Prize. It‘s a deep dive into nineteenth century poetry and modern day (well 1980s!) literary academics, particularly a pair of researchers, Roland and Maud who discover some hidden letters. There‘s mystery, romance, academic politics, feminist theory and a lot of 19th century style poems. ⬇️

Centique I particularly loved some of the side characters that Byatt gives a lot of depth to - Sabine the cousin and Ellen the wife, for example. I feel that she had a lot of fun writing this, she created her own little slice of nineteenth century England. While there are some meaty subjects in here, such as limited gender roles, it‘s surprisingly gentle and hopeful in tone I felt. A definite chunkster though #notforthefainthearted (edited) 2y
Centique Loved it - I was in just the right head space for this and I‘m going to miss those letters 😍 2y
LeeRHarry This is one of my all time faves - and I actually enjoyed the movie as well. Great review 😊 (edited) 2y
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Centique @LeeRHarry ooh I‘ll have to look for the movie! 2y
batsy Lovely review! 💜 So glad you enjoyed it and like @LeeRHarry says the movie is also very good. 2y
Centique @batsy thank you Suba 😘 2y
kspenmoll Have to check out the movie- good review! 2y
Lcsmcat I loved this when I read it in the 90s. I‘ll have to look for the movie. 2y
KarenUK Lovely review! And I enjoyed this book very much too 💕 2y
sarahbarnes I‘ve had a copy of this book literally forever. I really want to read it someday! 2y
Graywacke Great review. I‘m looking for an audiobook and I‘m encouraged by your comments. I was worried this might be too difficult for audio. Noting. 2y
Centique @Graywacke he does a great job of giving each character a different sound without going overboard on accents. I may be unusual though in liking longer slower books in audio. Audio preference is such a personal taste I think 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
Centique @kspenmoll @KarenUK thank you! 😘 2y
Centique @Lcsmcat it‘s taken me 30 years to get to it! 2y
Centique @sarahbarnes I know right? I had a couple of chunksters I wanted to finally get off my list. The other one is Middlemarch 🤞 2y
Graywacke @Centique yes, i agree. It‘s a personal taste and little unpredictable. 2y
CarolynM I really didn‘t like this book much, but Samuel West is almost enough to get me to listen to it🥰 2y
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Two thirds through this audio #chunkster which I‘m thoroughly enjoying and 100% through the chocolate berry waffle that my daughter bought me for lunch 😂😂 As good as it looked!

Cinfhen OMG!!! That looks SO DELICIOUS 😋 ENJOY 2y
Ruthiella 😋 yum! 2y
batsy I love this book ❤️ 2y
LeahBergen I loved this book! 2y
Centique @LeahBergen @batsy I loved it too! Just took me thirty years to get around to reading it 🤪 2y
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Possession | A. S. Byatt

Such a cool list of books! Added so many to my TBR

? "Best books about books"

Nute I really enjoy these kind of lists at the end of the year. But they do blow up the listing of books desired to be read. 3y
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Possession was a good movie,if not as devastating as the book. I absolutely adore You've got mail too!
2. I think AJ Pearce's books, both Dear Mrs.Bird and Yours cheerfully would make for excellent movies!

TheSpineView I forgot about You've Got Mail! Loved that movie. Thanks for playing! 3y
RaeLovesToRead I've got Possession on my TBR 😊 3y
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Based on what I had heard and read about Possession before I was expecting to devour the book and absolutely love it. I did not. I liked it, sure, it was enjoyable, but I never reached that "I have to keep reading NOW" stage ? But still, a clear pick ?

Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I expected to love this book. Everything I knew about the plot seemed directed straight toward me. A scholar finds mysterious letters from his favorite poet in the London Library, steals them, and proceeds to uncover mystery after mystery? Yes, please. But...it just didn't do it for me. Reading this novel is a LOT of work. Are there pieces of it that are fantastic? Yes. Are there MANY pieces of it that are absolute drudgery to get through? Yes.

EvieBee I LOL‘d at this review. It‘s pretty perfect. 😂😂💜 3y
Brooke_H @EvieBee Thanks! 😉 3y
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I don't seem to have the concentration this book demands. So I'm going to put it back on my shelf for now.

BookInMyHands I really liked this one, but not until the second time I started it. I often set books aside and come back to them. I have to be in the right headspace, and goodness has that been difficult this year! 4y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @BookInMyHands exactly. I thought this is what I wanted, but like you said it requires the right headspace. I'll try again but I really don't have the ficus for it. Already another crazy year on tap! 😔 4y
TheLudicReader This one is tough, but worth it when you have the patience. 4y
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Penny_LiteraryHoarders @TheLudicReader yes! You really have to focus and I just don't have it right now! 4y
Schlinkles Love the cover on this version. It‘s definitely worth the work when you‘re in the right head place for it. 4y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @Schlinkles yes definitely! So I hear so I'll have to make sure I do return to it! 4y
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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This has been on my shelf for so long. I think I'm definitely in the mood for this kind of book.

LeahBergen It‘s wonderful! 4y
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Can't resist cheap second hand books,which should I read first?