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The Secret of a Heart Note
The Secret of a Heart Note | Stacey Lee
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Eggs So pretty 💜🩷💚 3w
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#February #ISpyBingo

'A novel' - Divine Rivals (it was fav novel in February)
Flowers - The Secret Of A Heart Note
Title & Author in different fonts - I'm Okay
Red - Sinjebradec (Bluebeard)
Grey Hair - Remarkably Btight Creatures

Children's books:
Sweater - Enci benci na kamenci (local author)
Blue eyes - Nody's Pet Chicken
Triangle (there are 3 rabbits😄) - Mystery Thief Peter Rabbit
Moustache - Povodni mož (local)
Crown - The Snow Queen

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looking great!!! 5mo
maich @TheAromaofBooks thanks😃 5mo
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#WickedWords #Love #Letters #Notes #Couple

Another book with so many wicked words.
This is fun and enjoyable challenge.

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#hyggehour #hyggehourreadathon #litsolace
I forgot to post this yesterday but I read for 2hours and then went to sleep. My company were a herbal tea and orange with cinnamon candle.
@AllDebooks @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

AllDebooks Lovely x 5mo
maich @AllDebooks Thank you😘 5mo
Chrissyreadit 💛💛💛💛💛💛 5mo
maich @Chrissyreadit 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 5mo
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This was a sweet YA romance, lots of high school angst and drama, and a bit cheesy at times, but still a fun read. The main character, Mim, has a super-elevated sense of smell, and can actually smell people‘s emotions. She and her mother come from a long line of aromateurs - “love witches” who make elixirs that can open the path to love. Listening to Mim describe the scent various emotions was interesting!
A fun #SundayBuddyRead selection!

julieclair #Pantone2024 (Horizon Blue) @BarbaraBB #ISpyBingo (“Secret”, Grass, Pink Font, Purple Font) @TheAromaofBooks @Clwojick #ReadTheUSA2024 (California) @aperfectmjk 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
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#ReadAway2024 #FabulousFebruary #20in4 #readathon

Read for #SundayBuddyRead I enjoyed this sweet YA romance-perfect for February. It‘s not as strong as the author‘s historical fiction but still engaging. Teenage “love witch” Mim & her mother are the last two living aromateurs whose calling is to mix scent potions to help people fall in love but can‘t fall in love themselves for fear of losing their abilities. Loved Mim & the plant & scent lore.

Andrew65 Excellent 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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For being an early book from this author it was fun, I can see growth which is interesting. We have one more backlog and a new one of hers coming out to put in our schedule going forward. This was a good fit for February 💕 sweet.

I thank ya for joining in 💕💕💕

Librarybelle It was a good choice for February! I really loved the philosophy and writings of the aromateurs. Such a fascinating process! 5mo
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle the flower part was fascinating, I agree! 5mo
Sargar114 I didn‘t realize it was an early book, that makes so much more sense now! 5mo
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IndoorDame This was fun, I liked the premise! The YA ness got to be a bit much at the end, but I agree it‘s always cool to see the progression of good authors! 5mo
mcctrish I liked it and I‘d love to see someone make a movie of it. I think lit would be beautiful to watch 5mo
Sargar114 @mcctrish it would be a fun watch 5mo
Sargar114 @TheBookHippie looks like we have lots to read haha 5mo
AmyG Agreed. You can see how with each book she becomes a better storyteller. I enjoyed this. Next month….😬🤣 5mo
Karisa @mcctrish Yes! It feels made for Netflix—could even be a series (edited) 5mo
mcctrish @AmyG I just got out our next read and I‘m a bit worried 5mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG @mcctrish Just hoping for the best 😮‍💨😅 5mo
vlwelser It's cute. I'm glad she moved on from this though. Her other books have more depth. 5mo
DebinHawaii I liked it & thought it was a fun pick. Like with Simone St. James, I am in for any and all of Stacey Lee‘s books! 🤗📚 5mo
DebinHawaii @mcctrish @AmyG @TheBookHippie I am worried too! 🫣 It‘s on my Kindle… 😱 5mo
mcctrish @DebinHawaii the first ‘book‘ is a CHUNKSTER 5mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish I KNOW 😅😮‍💨 5mo
CoffeeNBooks I liked this one, especially since it was such a unique story with all of the flowers. But, I do prefer Lee's historical fiction. I'm glad we read this, though! It was perfect for February. 5mo
TheBookHippie @CoffeeNBooks it was perfect for the month ! 💕💕💕 5mo
julieclair Thanks for hosting this fun read! 5mo
mollyrotondo I can't wait to read more from Stacey Lee! She's definitely a strong writer but was still learning what she does best through this book. Thank you for adding all of her books to our lists each year! lol 5mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo 🤍 we all do love her books! 5mo
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Wishing well
The End

Thoughts ?

Librarybelle Admittedly, I think I like Lee‘s historical fiction more. I do like how Lee circles back to Mim‘s 3 wishes, and as cheesy as it is, ending with her kissing Court. To me, such a YA ending! 5mo
Sargar114 @Librarybelle I agree, her historical fiction is much stronger. This was quite cheesy but at least it was fun. 5mo
IndoorDame I don‘t remember boys like Court in HS, but Mim deserves someone like that, so I‘m all for the HEA ending 5mo
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mcctrish It was sweet, I did like her historical more but I still feel this could appeal to more than just the YA crowd. She does a decent job of making her YA go beyond her targeted demographic 5mo
AmyG @IndoorDame Right? Court was a “one off” 🤣 I was happy for Mim. She is a sweet, kind girl and she deserved to fall in love and be happy. 5mo
Karisa Super sweet but her characters like Mim, Court, Alice, the librarian, Kali, and Bryony made it work for me. Just started Downstairs Girl and totally agree with @Sargar114 5mo
Sargar114 @Karisa that is such a good one! 5mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa Downstairs Girl is what hooked us! 5mo
Deblovestoread This was a sweet read for February. I still have this one on my shelf 5mo
vlwelser He's charming. And the fact that he's stubborn about this helps. 5mo
DebinHawaii A cute & sweet read for the month, overall I enjoyed it although I agree, her historical fiction is better. Still looking forward to this one: 5mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii it‘s in next years line up! 5mo
DebinHawaii @TheBookHippie 🤗📚🎉 5mo
CoffeeNBooks I do like that Court is independent and not swayed by peer pressure from the other kids. I thought the ending was sweet. 5mo
julieclair I‘m not opposed to a little cheesiness! 🧀😆 I think this was a lot of fun, perfect for February. 💘 5mo
mollyrotondo Definitely agree that Lee's historical fiction is stronger but this was still an enjoyable read. I'm glad we read this right before a chunkster lol 5mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo fluff to ease us into March 🤪 5mo
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie exactly! I started the intro in my book and that‘s even too long lol but I‘m excited 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick This was my least favorite of Lee's books that we've read so far, but it wasn't bad. It's a bit heavy on the scent thing fur my personal tastes & Court as missing an edge, but overall he and Mim are cute together. 5mo
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I think it‘s awful how Mim suffered by not allowing love in, because of fear. It arrived anyway. 🙃💕

I also think her mom was emotionally abusive. A bit cruel. She was way too harsh.
That‘s my hot take.

Thankful the Aunt arrived- hilarious locking them in the shed 👏🏼

Librarybelle Totally agree - the mom is emotionally abusive. I‘m glad Mim found her happiness in the end and that Bryony is in her life. The shed episode was hilarious! 5mo
IndoorDame The shed was hilarious! As much as I like Byrony she‘s just as stubborn as Mom. The whole family feud is ridiculous. Serves them right to be locked in there 😂 5mo
mcctrish The mom proves that education is important. She was living based on fear and projecting that onto Mim = total abusive relationship 5mo
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Karisa Yes! Leaves Mim alone for days but then micromanages when there 🙃 Wowza! As everyone said above she‘d scene was the best! 😂 5mo
AmyG Not a fan of the Mom. Huge fan of the Aunt. Glad the sisters forgave each other. I can only imagine that now things will be so much better for them all. 5mo
Deblovestoread Agree about the mom. Since they are in the love business you‘d think she would be more aware of her own behavior. Thankful for the aunts in the world who can provide what a parent can‘t/won‘t. 5mo
vlwelser Fear is a weird thing. The mother gets zero points for any of this. Thank goodness for the aunt though. 5mo
Read4life The shed scene was funny and showed how Mim is getting a backbone. I‘m glad she‘ll be spending more time with Bryony and that her mom is going to upgrade the business. 5mo
DebinHawaii Yeah, the mother was so far down that even her getting a bit better in the end wasn‘t enough. I‘m glad Mim will spend time with her aunt. And, yes, loved the shed! 😆 5mo
CatLass007 The mom is emotionally abusive. But I get the impression that her late mother was emotionally abusive also. It‘s no excuse but it explains a lot. 5mo
TheBookHippie @CatLass007 I think you‘re right. 5mo
TheBookHippie @Deblovestoread @vlwelser I take being an aunt very seriously for this reason. 💕 @DebinHawaii 5mo
vlwelser Being an aunt is super important. Kids need extra people they can rely on. And aunts are the best. 5mo
julieclair @Deblovestoread Totally agree with everything you said. 5mo
mollyrotondo The mom was terrible. And she kept justifying her behavior with her sister like ripping up the letter and not answer the phone was all normal reaction. She never admits she was wrong. I don't like her. Mim should just form a tight relationship with her aunt. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick For Mim's sake, I hope mom turns around a bit and loosens the reigns. Time apart will do them both some good. I have one brother. Short of him committing a major crime, I can't imagine NOT wanting him in my life. 5mo
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Librarian is moving 😝
Pink box Alice & the math teacher all fixed up phew…

Librarybelle I guess this shows that while the elixirs focus emotions, it‘s up to the human to identify the emotions and move forward with their best thoughts. I like Alice and Mr Frederics….may they enjoy the ukulele and math together! 5mo
Sargar114 Lol @Librarybelle They do seem good together. It‘s YA, we knew it would tie up in a nice bow 5mo
IndoorDame I‘m so happy the librarian landed her dream job! 5mo
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mcctrish Alice and Mr Frederics brought home Aunt Bryony‘s message that they don‘t have as much power as they think they do and Mim‘s mom best remember that going forward and let her girl have a life 5mo
Karisa @mcctrish I loved it when she said that because it was what I‘d been thinking with this book 😂 but true of being a teen too—get over yourself a bit Mim (and mom) 😂 5mo
AmyG I was just happy to read Alice and Mr Frederics found each other naturally. They both deserve to be happy. And add the librarian as she found what she wanted, too. Sometimes I like a nicy tied up bow at the end of a story. 5mo
mcctrish @AmyG me too! Too many sloppy bows out in the real world 5mo
vlwelser I sort of love the librarian. Good for her. 5mo
Read4life I, too, liked that it was all tied up nicely. Alice & Me. Frederics both deserve to be happy together and the librarian was a great peripheral character. 5mo
DebinHawaii Yep to all of this—Alice & Mr. Fredericks & to Ms. Di Carlo getting the job she wanted. 👍🏼 5mo
CoffeeNBooks I like that everything worked out well for all three of them. 5mo
julieclair I am a big fan of “tied up in a nice bow” endings! 5mo
julieclair This photo! I want to be there!!! 🌸🫖🌸 5mo
mollyrotondo I'm so happy Mr Frederics and Alice got together because Ms. Di Carlo did not seem interested at all in him or in dating right now. It made no sense to force her to explore feelings for him when she clearly didn't like him. It also showed Mim that her mom is insane with this stuff lol 5mo
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Vicky. Ends up 🤷🏻‍♀️
Whit …
The other girls…
All having nothing to do with scent and everything to do with it‘s just life as a teen in high school…. 😝

Also cheeseburgers ?

Librarybelle The cheeseburger thing is the most bizarre thing I‘ve ever heard! 😂 5mo
Sargar114 I‘m not gonna lie, I loved the cheeseburger thing. That being said, the ending felt rushed and vague so 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5mo
mcctrish As someone who LOVES a McDonalds cheeseburger ( when I was pregnant the first time I CRAVED them something fierce) this random plot point felt put in just for me. As soon as the salt water thing was explained I said out loud “girl, go get a cheeseburger RIGHTT NOW!!” My favourite lunch is 2 of them, a small Diet Coke and apple slices 5mo
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IndoorDame I wouldnt‘ve minded some of the mean girls getting what they deserved in the end, but I didn‘t actually expect it in such a sweet story 😂 5mo
Karisa It was bizarre 🍔 but also felt strangely possible. Places develop weird customs 😂 What I couldn‘t figure out was why Mel was hurt, bloody knees? What did I not catch? 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
Karisa @TheBookHippie 😂 That image is so funny, random, and spot on for this part of the book 😂 5mo
AmyG @mcctrish I love a quarter pounder with cheese….so I so “got” this. And people falling in love on their own…Mim needed to hear that most of all. 5mo
mcctrish @Karisa was that ever explained? Did I skim over something ? 5mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa I didn‘t catch it either 😅 the why part. 🤷🏻‍♀️ was she pushed? Bullied? Not sure. 5mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa 🖼️ Little GEMS to make us smile 🙃🍔 5mo
vlwelser What the heck with this graphic? But also funny. Aren't they in California? This seems like a weird thing. It's not healthy and I'm surprised the girls would be into it. 5mo
DebinHawaii Love the graphic. For some reason the cheeseburger 🍔 ❤️ thing made me think of this 70s YA book title: 5mo
julieclair I thought the cheeseburger thing was cute. High Schools do develop all kinds of offbeat traditions, which is kind of fun, I think. 5mo
Karisa @DebinHawaii oh my gosh! What a title! 😂 5mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii @Karisa required reading and also mentioned in the movie Dangerous Minds as required reading. 😅 5mo
mollyrotondo @DebinHawaii 😂 what is this book you mentioned? Why is it called My Darling, My Hamburger? 😂 I'm intrigued lol 5mo
mollyrotondo Things are wrapped up without much explanation as to what happened to these kids at her school lol Vicky is not punished in any way but ends up with a new best friend lol and Mim doesn't really form a better friendship with those other two girls who seemed nice. 5mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo I had to read the book and I can‘t remember 😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️😂😅 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Vicky deserved something bad to happen, but having her befriend Drew just seems weird. The cheeseburger thing was weird, as well. My high school did lollipops for Halloween & carnations for Valentine's Day, but I can't imagine the cheeseburger thing being real. ? Nice that Mim saw that "love" can happen without the potions. The final section did seem rushed, though. 5mo
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What did you think of why she was mad?
Was that fair of her?
Or should Mim have done/been better, stronger?
Kali gets her girl and Prom Queen👸🏻👸🏻

Librarybelle To me, it kind of seemed like a weak plot point, Kali‘s reason for being mad. But, she had to be mad in order for Mim to go through what she did. And yay for Kali for being herself and for being acknowledged! 5mo
Sargar114 I didn‘t really see her as mad. More disappointed in the way Mim behaved and then took the time to focus on herself and how she wanted to behave. 5mo
IndoorDame I might‘ve started a brand new fight with Kali if she said that to me… glad I‘m not a teenager! 5mo
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mcctrish I do get why Kali was mad - she said more than once to Mim to leave it alone BUT the complete radio silence seemed extreme especially when Mim seemed to be going through so much. It was actually a short period of time but it felt to me like Mim felt like she was losing her only real friend and that impacted so many of her decisions at the time ( like she couldn‘t think straight or get past it) 5mo
Karisa Kali shouldn‘t have completely ghosted Mim but Mim was not listening to her anyway. I felt like Kali was also just busy with her own stuff—in charge of the fundraiser, writing a poem, still keeping up with gardening at Mim‘s. Mom was busy running all over too. It‘s like they had two separate stories going 5mo
AmyG I agree with @Librarybelle that the Kali/Mim plotline was weak. I chocked this up to this being her first book….a learning experience. I was so happy for Kali coming out and being who she is. 5mo
vlwelser Kali comes around. That's the important part, right? This seemed sort of contrived but teens are a bit stupid so 🤷 5mo
DebinHawaii Their relationship definitely made this feel more YA than some of her later books. I think Kali went too far in completely ignoring Mim, but Mim (much as I love her) can be a lot at times going through all of her angst & I can see where Kali needed a break. 5mo
julieclair I think Kali had a right to be angry, but ghosting Mim was a bit too severe. But, as @vlwelser said… Teens! 🤷‍♀️ 5mo
mollyrotondo This was the weakest part of the book for me. Once they started talking again and tried to explain to each other what happened, I felt like they were talking in circles. Nothing that they said made any sense as a reason to be mad and not talk to each other. I feel like Stacey Lee didn't know how to wrap up their fight lol I like Kali and Mim and would have preferred they didn't fight and just worked together in this story. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I'm happy that Mim had a friend and Kali seemed cool, but I didn't get a strong connection between them. Teens can be self-centered so I think that came into play here. Way to go Kali, getting homecoming queen and her lady date. Mim has been sheltered for a while, so I'm at least happy she has her friend back (and seems to be making some new ones). 5mo
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Finally the AUNT appears!!!
Salt water 🤦🏻‍♀️🫣🤷🏻‍♀️🤨🤪😝😤
There was no JINX … what?! Ugh.
The mom hugely bitter and resentful woe…

Librarybelle I really disliked the mom at this point. To have Mim so afraid of love, and even to question her mom‘s love for her, was just so sad. If I was reading a print copy of this rather than an ebook copy from the library I would have thrown the book across the room! But, I love Bryony! 5mo
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle SAME. I very much think the mom is HUGELY ABUSIVE. 5mo
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Sargar114 I actually really liked the salt water explanation. Simple and made sense. The mom makes no sense to me 5mo
IndoorDame I‘m so over the mom! If I were Mim I wouldn‘t be half as forgiving and devoted! … and I guess salt water is as good a way as any to get to the ending we all expected 😆🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame 🤷🏻‍♀️😮‍💨 5mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame I agree about the mom 🤬😡 5mo
mcctrish @Sargar114 I liked the salt water explanation too - the whole love kills your nose was way too subjective and I stand by my previous claim that your first love, while very special, should not be the end of you! Mom needs to work on her relationships, maybe get a therapist 5mo
Karisa Finally Bryony! She was a bit Mary Poppins but solved a lot of the chaos “Mimsy” had created. Mim‘s mom??? 🤦🏻‍♀️ How could those twins be so different? 5mo
Sargar114 @Karisa I liked that Byrony was the one to solve a lot of it and not the mom. She is showing he living and compassion that Mim needs 5mo
AmyG I didn‘t like the Mom either. It just made me feel so sad for Mim. But enter Aunt Bryony! Thank goodness for Mim. She seems to have “saved the day”. And yes, the salt water explanation did make so much sense. 5mo
Deblovestoread I wanted to shake the mom and say “look what you are doing to your kid, look how hard she is trying to live up to your expectations”. Not going to lie this is one of my least favorite tropes. 5mo
vlwelser Bryony is fierce and I love it. 5mo
Read4life I‘m in agreement about the mom. I was ill reading some of the things she said to Mim and how she often made her feel. Bryony was such a good character. 5mo
DebinHawaii Yay to Byrony! Boo to Mim‘s mother. I was good with the salt water being the explanation rather than a curse. 5mo
CoffeeNBooks Aunt Bryony is great- too bad Mim missed so many years with her because of her mom's stubbornness. I'm glad Bryony was able to explain the salt water. 5mo
julieclair @CoffeeNBooks I was thinking the same thing… such a shame that Mim missed out on a relationship with her aunt because the mom held such a grudge. 5mo
mollyrotondo I was definitely fine with the salt water explanation. It made way more sense than the jinx. The fact that her mother was ingraining that jinx in Mim really shows what a terrible mom she is because why would you want your daughter to be alone in the future and in fear of love? The mom really didn't redeem herself to me at the end. I love Bryony and I'm glad Mim is going to stay with her for the summer. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick The mother seems like a bitter woman, afraid of change, and then, in the end, she wasn't even redeemed. Like, OK, you're going to let your daughter go to Hawaii for the summer & you're willing to upgrade the facility a bit. It's literally the least she could do. 5mo
TheBookHippie @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I agree. I do not like her AT ALL. 5mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo she was not redeemed at all. Pretty realistic for YA! 5mo
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie so realistic for a YA book lol but young people need a dose of reality too lol that‘s why I love Stacey Lee! She doesn‘t sugarcoat EVERYTHING for young readers. 5mo
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This was a fun read but not my favorite from this author. While it was an interesting story, it got a bit cheesy for my taste. Read for #sundaybuddyread and doubled as my #doublespin

TheBookHippie 🧀 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! 5mo
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Light pick. Lee‘s YA novel about a girl, her mom, and their special ability to make potions of sorts to help with love has the feel of teen emotions, including the complicated mother-daughter relationship, and of course love. I was really invested in the elixir creations and the “heart notes” Mim and her mom could detect for emotions. So fascinating - a smell for everything, from worry to happiness. #SundayBuddyRead

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#SundayBuddyRead #ReadAway2024 This was a lovely book and I look forward to tomorrow‘s discussion of the final section. I don‘t remember who said it was YA, but it didn‘t feel like YA to me. It feels like a tale of family and friendship. It‘s a coming of age tale. Yes, there‘s teenage angst but it feels more mature than YA. I‘m not sure if I‘m making any sense. One day during the week I read an article about the new Broadway musical The (cont)⬇️

CatLass007 Outsiders, based on the novel by S.E. Hinton. The author of the article called The Outsiders a YA novel. But it doesn‘t feel like YA anymore than West Side Story feels like YA. 5mo
DieAReader 🥳Great 5mo
willaful YA can be mature and about things other than teenage angst! There's lots of wonderful coming-of-age YA. 5mo
CatLass007 @willaful I guess I‘m kind of a book snob.😁 5mo
Andrew65 Fantastic 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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My blooming cactus made me think of Layla‘s Sacrifice in the story. This was a delightful YA romance, it was light with the usual teenage angst, mean girl tropes but with a dash of magic in the form of aromateurs ( people/witches who can weave natural things - flowers/spices/herbs - into elixirs/potions to help people fall in love. I did love the garden descriptions and smell notes and idea that an elixir could fan the flames of love

Tamra I‘d like to get a blooming cactus. Is it low maintenance? 5mo
IndoorDame Your cactus is lovely! 5mo
mcctrish @Tamra I think so. I have two that I got from neighbours at different times ( they bought them at Christmas and then didn‘t want them anymore) they sit in north and south facing windows. I water once a week and leave them alone. They bloom twice a year now around 🇨🇦 thanksgiving and Easter ish 5mo
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mcctrish Thank you Adina @IndoorDame 5mo
Tamra @mcctrish I will keep my eye out for one. I might be able to handle watering once a week. 🙂 5mo
dabbe Lovely 🌺! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
TheBookHippie 💕💕💕💕💕💕 5mo
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See you Sunday for the ending 👃🏼🗝️🌊💐


kspenmoll Beautiful images! 5mo
Crazeedi In love with these gardens, wish mine looked like these! Magical 5mo
TheBookHippie @Crazeedi I can‘t wait until I see green again! 5mo
Crazeedi @TheBookHippie i do have green grass!! 5mo
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I enjoyed this story of Mim and her mom Dahlia, who are aromateurs. Mim is a teenager trying to find her own path both at school and with her friends, hoping that she can make that work with the expectations set forth for her by her mom, and generations ago by her aromateur ancestors.
#SundayBuddyRead #LitsyLoveReads

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While this earlier Lee book isn‘t as polished as the others I‘ve read, it was still a very good read. I enjoyed the story of aromateurs and the characters she creates.
#BookSpinBingo #SUNDAYBUDDYREAD @TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
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My first Stacey Lee book and it won't be my last. It has been a while since I've enjoyed a YA book. It was light and cute. I really liked the whole idea of aromateurs and that feelings have certain scents.

#SundayBuddyRead #bookspinbingo #4

AmyG Her books only get better and better. 5mo
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Sadly I don‘t get to keep this around another week, so I read the last section right after we finished our #sundaybuddyread chat yesterday. I found the way things wrapped up satisfying for the most part, but also predictable for the most part. I‘ll keep the rest of my opinions to myself and see everyone Sunday 💙❤️🩵

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#hyggehour #hyggehourreadathon #litsolace
My reading is over for today. I'm too tired and tomorrow is work day. I read for an hour only...the whole week didn't read so much. Hope the next week will be better.
Still reading the tagged book for #SundayBuddyRead
@AllDebooks @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

TheBookHippie Been there!!! Here‘s to having a good week! 💕 5mo
Chrissyreadit hope you have a restful evening/sleep 🩵 5mo
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Well 🤷🏻‍♀️💕 we get to finish now. A lot to tie up yet!

Definitely a February light read. It‘s fun.

Happy Sunday !!! 💕💕💕

Any guesses on the end? Where‘s the aunt ?!?!

vlwelser Yeah. I'm just going to finish now. Or today anyway. 5mo
IndoorDame Hoopla reclaims this tomorrow, so I‘ll be finding out what happens this afternoon 😁 5mo
vonnie862 Hmmm...no idea but I do hope she gets her smell back. 5mo
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AmyG I am curious….does she get her sense of smell back? Or does she just stay in love…and that‘s ok??? 5mo
mcctrish @AmyG I just feel like it‘s a bit early for forever love 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
Karisa We better see this Aunt Bryony! 😂 5mo
Sargar114 I‘m also wondering if maybe if Mim losing her skill has more to do with her relationship with Kali than Court, but maybe that‘s more the twist I want then what will actually happen. 5mo
AmyG @mcctrish Ithought it was just falling in love….not necessarily forever. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5mo
mcctrish @AmyG I just think if you lose your nose it shouldn‘t be a flash in the pan love 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
AmyG @mcctrish Ha! Right? Who “knows”? 🤣 5mo
julieclair I hope that somehow the curse gets broken, and both Mim and Byrony are able to have love AND their nose. 🤞 5mo
CoffeeNBooks @IndoorDame Me too- my library download will automatically be returned tomorrow! 5mo
DebinHawaii Hopefully it gets all wrapped up well. Other than hopefully Mim finding out not everything happens because of her/her families powers & the curse breaking, I‘m not sure what will happen but I agree with @Karisa we need to see Aunt Bryony! (edited) 5mo
mollyrotondo I definitely want to meet the aunt and for her to show Mim and her mom that she didn‘t actually lose her sense of smell. Or maybe it‘s more about falling away from your family that causes the smell to go away. Maybe if her mom patches things up with the aunt her aunt will get her smell back. And maybe Mim stressing out about her mom being disappointed in her has caused her nose to stop smelling. Maybe they are misinterpreting the curse? 5mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo I think the mom is just bitter. 5mo
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie the mom is very bitter. Read a little more today but still don‘t understand the mom‘s deal yet 😆 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @mcctrish I agree that a high school love/crush shouldn't be enough to lose your sense of smell over! 5mo
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Court cannot play well… or?!
He love whales more?!

He‘s so in love he can‘t play ?
Nothing unusual ?

vlwelser 😂 I must have missed this. 5mo
IndoorDame @vlwelser ditto! 😂 5mo
vonnie862 It's cute that he wants to be an oceanographer. 5mo
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AmyG I think Court is coming into his own, realizing what he wants from life. 5mo
mcctrish I know he loves whales but why can‘t he play ? Or he doesn‘t want to 5mo
Karisa I think I must‘ve been so involved in Mim ignoring Kali, liking Court, deflecting Vicky, taking care of the plants, making the potion and tracking down Alice that I was not paying attention to the soccer game 😂 Court‘s not playing well?! Must‘ve been all those practices missed due to Mim! 😉 5mo
Sargar114 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5mo
CatLass007 @TheBookHippie Where does it say Court isn‘t playing well? The crowd is chanting his name, which seems like something people would do if he is playing well. 5mo
julieclair I hope Court follows his dream to become an oceanographer. 5mo
TheBookHippie @CatLass007 “the crowd, groans as Court‘s ball goes high missing the goal… “ end of ch 28. (edited) 5mo
CatLass007 Okay, I do remember that. But one missed goal doesn‘t mean he‘s playing poorly, does it? I‘m not familiar enough with soccer to judge. 5mo
DebinHawaii Hopefully he will follow his passion 🐋 rather than what he is good at despite his father or at least soccer is a means to an end for him. (edited) 5mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii me too!!! I love that he loves whales. 5mo
TheBookHippie @CatLass007 yes. Especially for him. 5mo
CatLass007 @TheBookHippie Hmmm. Thanks for clarifying. @DebinHawaii It seems like Court has a good head on his shoulders for the most part. It would be wonderful if he could have oceanography as his vocation while still having soccer as an avocation. 5mo
mollyrotondo Court should be an oceanographer. And he missed soooo many practices. He mentioned that the coach would be mad at him. I think he doesn‘t care about playing and wants something else. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Meh. I think I skimmed this part. Corey is in high school. He can play well, be in love, and still want to be an oceanographer. Missing a couple of practices shouldn't matter if he's a good as he's supposed to be. 5mo
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Mom doesn‘t answer emergency call..

Where is she- really??????

vlwelser Oh. Didn't think of this but what if she's testing Mim. Or hanging out with her sister. Or something. 5mo
IndoorDame I know!!! But I guess this is how we get to meet her Aunt which Ive been dying for. 5mo
vonnie862 @vlwelser ooh I didn't think about that! I was thinking that perhaps she had a lover. 5mo
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AmyG @vlwelser I,too, was wondering if she was with her sister. I find the sister a huge mystery and wonder if she will make an appearance in the story. 5mo
mcctrish She‘s off the grid for sure 5mo
Karisa @vlwelser @vonnie862 Oooh, I didn‘t think of the mom going to Bryony or a tryst. I was thinking much more bleak things. I like your takes better! 5mo
Sargar114 I was wondering if she was already on her way back. Seems like she‘s gonna have quite the mess to clean up. 5mo
CatLass007 @vlwelser I was wondering if Mim was being tested… I had a crazy idea that the ENT is a possible love interest for the mom. 5mo
julieclair I keep thinking the mom is going to show up at home unexpectedly. 5mo
CoffeeNBooks Mim is very independent and responsible, but it doesn't seem like her mom would be completely out of contact like this. 5mo
DebinHawaii It seems like a long time to be out of contact with your minor daughter when you are that far away unless she is headed back. But she seems less of a mother & like more of an employer with Mim anyway. I am really not a fan of the mother. 😡 5mo
Read4life The mom being so controlling and then out of touch for so long just seems weird. But, I don‘t think she‘s got a man or has gone to visit Bryony. I think this is another example of Lee still finding her writing footing. 5mo
TheBookHippie @Read4life I agree. It is interesting to see her journey. 5mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair me too like surprise! 5mo
BarkingMadRead Seriously. How do you leave your teenager alone while going out of the country, and not being reachable?!?! 5mo
mollyrotondo I am also suspicious of the mother. Is it just Lee learning how to tell this story or is the mother up to something? I feel like she‘s been gone too long and not checking up on Mim that much so she could be trying to patch things up with sister. I don‘t know lol 5mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo @BarkingMadRead I do NOT like the mother AT ALL. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Well, I jumped the gun and asked where she is in the previous question! I chalked it up as plot point that she's unreachable and didn't assume anything nefarious, just perhaps in a more remote part of the world. 5mo
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Cannot SWIM ?!? What?
Court, a bee -seriously ?
Kiss of life 😘
Seaweed & The candy gram mystery solved…
They‘re in love 😉💕

Mim can‘t smell
Doctor says it‘s not a cold
Convenient an ENT appeared 😉

Thoughts ?

vlwelser Seems like a weird move by the author that she can't swim. The rest of this is turning into a hot mess. 5mo
IndoorDame Can ENTs actually diagnose not a cold or allergies like that 😂 Not important. Why is her mother out of touch!? And why did she stop trying to call? 5mo
vonnie862 Well, when you are very sheltered, there's a good chance you won't know how to swim. And yes, the ENT was very convenient. 5mo
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TheBookHippie @vonnie862 we have that here too, it‘s why all third graders in public schools get free swimming lessons. We are surrounded by water. 5mo
AmyG Is this one of her earlier stories? If so…you can see how she has grown as an author. I am liking this the least of her books, but not hating it. 5mo
mcctrish @IndoorDame nothing is inflamed probably and I totally get why Mim can‘t swim - she only has one purpose in life ☹️ her mom has a sister that she has written out of her life because of losing her nose, there has to be some fear driven choices happening for her mom which can‘t end well 5mo
mcctrish I thought that bee was a bit much 5mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG I think it‘s her first 🙃 5mo
Karisa @mcctrish The whole section was too much. Giving me stress just trying to follow all the Mim needs to do. Feeling a bit like when I used to play “Diner Dash” game on my phone 🏃🏻‍♀️🏊🏼‍♀️🐝😰⌛️❤️‍🔥😱😂 Too much! 5mo
Karisa @AmyG @TheBookHippie Yes! Feels like an author still figuring things out but no one seems to be hating the book. Shows she‘s got talent for us to still care about the characters despite the book‘s under-bakedness 5mo
Sargar114 This was just about the most ridiculous scene. I would have thrown the book if it wasn‘t my phone. 😒 5mo
Sargar114 @TheBookHippie this picture, lol, chef‘s kiss 😚 5mo
mcctrish @Karisa I remember that game 🤣🤣 who needs a game that amplifies day to day stress which maybe means Mim‘s nose is stressed and that‘s why she can‘t smell ? 5mo
AmyG @TheBookHippie Then this makes sense…the coincidences, silly surfing scene. 5mo
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 🖼️🏆🤣 5mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG 2016 oops -Under A Painted Sky 2015 which is in next year‘s schedule. (edited) 5mo
julieclair There was enough drama out there on (and off) that surfboard without adding a bee sting into the mix. Although it did provide a convenient reason for Mim to kiss Court. 🐝💋 (edited) 5mo
CoffeeNBooks I feel like this part was just way too much convenient nonsense in order to move the story along. 5mo
DebinHawaii Yeah, this whole part was too much crazy with the surfing & the bee & the kiss of life… 😳🤪 Hopefully Lee reels it all in by the end. 5mo
BarkingMadRead This was a lot and I‘m not sure how I feel about it! 5mo
mollyrotondo I also thought this was A LOT 😂 the swimming and the bee sting and them both dying out on the water and them kissing. I will say that I was impressed that Mim is not able to smell now so it looks like she‘s gone the way of her aunt. Which is a bold choice since she hasn‘t finished making any concoctions that she needs to fix all her mistakes lol it was a silly way to get there but I‘m glad we are dealing with a nose less Mim right now. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I read this part and decided I should just stop asking questions. Because she has all these smells near her all the time, she's a walking epi-pen?! And to quote one of my favorite Instagram Puppy Songs... Where the heck is mahm? 5mo
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Pink box on the math teachers desk..
Alice pricey jeans ..
Game seats together with the family !
Court says maybe the math teacher IS okay for his mom …

Maybe the match is good?

vlwelser This book is going to sort itself out despite the best efforts of our protagonist. 5mo
IndoorDame Mim did say this pair also smelled compatible (whatever that means) when she first dosed Court‘s mom accidentally 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
vonnie862 Maybe it was meant to be? The math teacher seems to be enjoying the attention. However, $400 for a pair of jeans?! Do they a butt lift? Why so expensive? 5mo
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mcctrish Absolutely @vlwelser 5mo
mcctrish @vonnie862 they are Frame or Paige or some other brand of jeans and they are probably awesome but still that‘s a lot of money 5mo
AmyG I agree with @vlwelser everything will sort itself out. (edited) 5mo
TheBookHippie @vonnie862 🫣🤷🏻‍♀️ it‘s a lot of money -phew.. 5mo
Karisa Yep, feels like the math teacher and Alice are a good match. Should just leave them be. He‘s the customer and is happy. Mim has enough on her plate 5mo
Sargar114 This seems like the classic YA problem of the MC kinda making a bigger deal of the situation than it is. But you don‘t really have a story otherwise. Like if they get along and are happy, is it really that bad. But love is messy and thinking about the whole thing feels a little gross. 5mo
CoffeeNBooks Even though the math teacher was originally interested in the librarian, he seems fine with Alice's attention, so maybe that will work out for them. 5mo
CatLass007 Mim is afraid of screwing up so many different things. It must have been extremely stressful to grow up and be homeschooled with an overbearing, unforgiving mother like hers. Knowing that her mother cut off all contact with her twin sister Mim is afraid of being cut out of her mother‘s life too. Her mother has never allowed Mim to have any friends except Kali, and the fact that she and Kali have become friends is just a fluke. Kali‘s (cont)⬇️ 5mo
CatLass007 brother works for her mother. Kali works for her mother. It doesn‘t seem like her mother has any friends but Mim has found out what it‘s like to have friends and she wants more. Mim gets a glimmer of what it‘s like to have a life beyond what her mother has. 5mo
julieclair I wonder if Mim‘s antidote will work, and Alice will lose interest in the math teacher? 5mo
DebinHawaii Frederics & Alice seem like a good match. I think they both need someone kind who is interested in them & Ms. DiCarlo just doesn‘t seem that interested. 5mo
BarkingMadRead They seem to work so well together, maybe he‘s good for her! 5mo
mollyrotondo I think Alice and the math teacher are the real match. Mim is stressing because of her mom. Which needs to be addressed because Mim can‘t go on being afraid of her mom her whole life. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick The one thing I just realized is that the aromateurs put a lot of effort into individually making their love potions. It's not just one love potion that fits all. They are built according to the subjects. Would the potion meant for Ms DiCarlo be as effective if slipped to Alice instead? I wonder if this is just a coincidence that Alice is coming on to Mr Frederick's. And $400 on a pair of jeans? I've never known that kind of wealth. 5mo
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Not sure the school librarian wants a man.
Is definitely lost in her work.
Not sure what to think of her.

vlwelser I like her. She's so quirky. 5mo
IndoorDame I‘ve been thinking the same thing. She‘s not pining for a relationship. Can‘t tell if she‘d be totally averse if one came along, but she seems good with her life as is… 5mo
vonnie862 I feel like she has other things to sort out in her life before trying to settle down. But she seems to be interested in putting herself out there. Isn't she trying online dating? 5mo
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mcctrish She seems to be totally wrapped up in her book and isn‘t really paying attention to what else is happening. I think the math teacher just wants love so let him have Alice ( she might be out of his league but he‘s kind and that is what she needs ) 5mo
AmyG @vonnie862 Yes, I thought she was online dating, too. I stillthink she will get togeher with the math teacher….but organically. No Mimor online dating. But who knows? 5mo
AmyG @vonnie862 Yes, I thought she was online dating, too. I still think she will get togeher with the math teacher….but organically. No Mim or online dating. But who knows? 5mo
Karisa @vlwelser I like her too. Seems like she‘s the main character is her own book somewhere out there 😂 Totally oblivious to Mim and math teacher scheming 5mo
CoffeeNBooks I'm confused by her, lol! She's only mentioned periodically, so I can't quite figure out her story yet. 5mo
julieclair I think she and the math teacher would be good together, although I can‘t recall her expressing any real interest in him. Her book seems to be all-important to her right now. I‘m interested to see where this goes. 5mo
DebinHawaii I assumed the “queries” that Ms. DiCarlo was talking about were for her book & Mim just thought she meant online dating. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think she is totally wrapped up in getting published right now. 5mo
Read4life I agree that she seems focused on other things and doesn‘t seem interested in her love life right now. 5mo
mollyrotondo I thought the same thing! The math teacher is obsessed with getting married because his mom wants that for him. But the librarian does not seem to be interested in finding love and she definitely doesn‘t think twice about the math teacher. I don‘t think they are meant to be. I think Alice and the math teacher will naturally get together. 5mo
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Disappears a bit ..

Knew Mim loved Court(!)

And she outs herself, very brave.

Mims Insecurity about their friendship - typical for high school?

What kind of friendship do they have ?

Also Vicky “it‘s so ….. gay” (?!?!?!?)

vlwelser Vicky is such a troll. Kali needs to self care but it seems like she's doing that. 5mo
IndoorDame Good for Kali! Vicki‘s response 🤬 Also, this isn‘t the first YA book I‘ve read in recent years where I wonder if I‘m missing something? I know I went through HS somewhere liberal 25 years ago, and teach elementary schoolers somewhere liberal now, but it seems like things have gotten better for queer students and I‘m reading books that portray it as worse??? 5mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame it‘s very bad here. Way worse since 2016. 5mo
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vonnie862 Kali is very brave and the fact that most of the students didn't fully react to her coming out shows that 1) they are accepting or 2) they didn't really hear her. However, there are always going to be bullies out there so I wasn't too surprised with Vicki's reaction. 5mo
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie that‘s super upsetting! I know there are/have always been pockets of the country like that, but I hate to think they‘re spreading and/or intensifying 5mo
mcctrish Kali is fierce and seems like she comes from a family that loves her as her so Vicky is a thorn in her side but isn‘t going to take her out. She told Mim not to get involved and Mim didn‘t listen so Mim should worry. But Mim has a mom who doesn‘t listen to her or even want to talk to her about what she wants so there‘s no support system built in for Mim. Mim‘s stress over Kali is warranted as her only friend but she could have more friends - 5mo
mcctrish Mim is branching out more and more making connections 5mo
mcctrish The anti rainbow group here 🇨🇦 is being fuelled by some staunch religious wingnuts - they pull their kids out of school at any hint of 🌈 but everyday is 🌈 day so jokes on them 5mo
AmyG Kali is a brave young g woman…and I agree, she seems to have the support of her family. Yes, there are always haters but I know Mim will be there for her. I am in San Francisco now and it‘s just so nice to see people just being….people. The hatred inso muchof this country is just frightening. (edited) 5mo
Karisa @mcctrish @IndoorDame I‘m at a school that‘s K-12 and teach middle schoolers. Being openly anti-LGBTQ+ feels rare, but we did have a mom threatening to pull her son from our school last week. It was like where will you take him? The whole school district just put up flyers about our upcoming pride celebration and has been happily declaring our ranking as one of the most diverse districts in the nation🤷🏻‍♀️😂 (Her son is delightful btw) 5mo
Karisa Kali‘s a great character! Sometimes I feel like Mim is not a good friend to her. It makes sense with the story though, Mim hasn‘t had much practice at being a friend and as @mcctrish said her mom hasn‘t been a great model for it either 5mo
Karisa @TheBookHippie 😢 2016, the 💩 that keeps on stinking. So ready for the US/world to start moving forward again! 5mo
mcctrish @Karisa at my school it‘s some Muslims ( they don‘t attend the main mosque that‘s been here for like 100 years but some smaller ones ) and crazy Christians ( the ‘Christians‘ hate vaccines as much as rainbows, May their essential oils heal them) we all are stunned but happy they are at public school and not off at the private alternative where they‘d never be challenged 5mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa I‘m ready for good instead of evil that‘s for sure. 5mo
Sargar114 Kali is totally the best character in this book. I love that she took control back of her coming out story. Agree @Karisa that Mim isn‘t a very good friend to her, but does make sense with her limited social experience. 5mo
Karisa @mcctrish Interesting! We have some of the CC‘s in our area that like to stand in public areas with bullhorns bugging everyone (not sure who they are hoping to convert that way 😂). This mom seemed to be lashing out from life stress (she‘s realizing her son needs SPED services and her husband‘s been in prison for murder…poor lady😬) Our school‘s director is openly gay so we don‘t have to worry about supporting all students as best we can🌈💗 5mo
mcctrish @Karisa 😳 she‘s got her hands full 5mo
CoffeeNBooks Kali is great! I love how she handled the situation. 5mo
CoffeeNBooks I teach in a high school, and even though I'm in Florida where books are banned and we can't have anything with rainbows in our classrooms because it might possibly offend a parent, our students all seem to be really supportive of each other. I have hope for our future, even though Florida is currently broken. 5mo
julieclair I love how Kali chose to tell her own coming out story, and in such a bold fashion. It‘s hard for bullies/mean girls to gossip behind your back when you‘re not hiding anything yourself. 5mo
DebinHawaii Yes to all of this. Kali is my favorite. I like Mim but she does lack in experience & maturity & jumps in too quick with her gut reaction. Hopefully she learns from her mistakes. 5mo
Read4life @julieclair I agree 100%. That was not only brave of her but smart and, I‘m sure, empowering. 5mo
mollyrotondo I was so happy Kali came back! She was absent for a big chunk of this section. So happy she took the opportunity she had at the soccer game to take control of her story and remove power Vicky thought she had over her. Vicky is a real piece of work and needs to be put in her place. Mim didn‘t grow up going to school or having friends so I don‘t think she knows how to interact well with other people her age. She is socially awkward 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Mim is just now learning how to be a good friend. I think she'll be able to save the relationship with Kali. Good for Kali on deciding to control her story. The news may be a big deal to Vicky, but maybe not so much for the other kids in the school. Am I the only person who found the rap song a little cringey, though? 5mo
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See you SUNDAY 🫣

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#hyggehour #hyggehourreadathon #litsolace
It's Carnival weekend so I didn't have much time to read. We went to masquarade carnival. I was Minnie Mouse and my daughter was Gabby (from Gabby's dream dollhouse).👹🤡
So my reading started 20min late tonight but I read for 2hours. I decided to join #sundaybuddyread and enjoy with Mimosa smells adventure.
In the background is my aroma therapy
@AllDebooks @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

AllDebooks What a perfect end to a lovely day 💕 5mo
maich @AllDebooks thank you. You're right. It couldn't be more perfect.🥰 5mo
TheBookHippie Oh how lovely!! 💕💕💕 5mo
maich @TheBookHippie Thank you❤️💕 5mo
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The mom flying off
A tad far fetched but I‘m going with it 😅😂🙃

Cake in math class …oy that was funny- never happen with security as tight as it is -but funny nonetheless 🎂🍰

This is a very light sweet read very enjoyable for February 💕

Anything else you caught?
I‘m hoping we get an Aunt visit still.

On we read!!! Happy Sunday. 💕💕💕

vlwelser Yes to the aunt. This is such a fun book. Overanalyzing the details might be a mistake. The scent witch thing is equally improbable as a jaunt to Oman. 5mo
Librarybelle That whole math class scene was just awkward. Honestly, I much prefer Lee‘s historical fiction books, but as I said before, I‘m digging the aromateur aspect. 5mo
vlwelser But how much do you love that she adds Oman in here and gives kids an opportunity to explore that geography and its flora? 5mo
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TheBookHippie @vlwelser the flora part is so much fun. 5mo
IndoorDame Yes to the aunt! And they have a private plane but no cash for new clothes or lawn maintenance 😂 5mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame because they hooked up the right people they get the plane rides, because no money can be given is a hoot. 😂 5mo
Karisa @TheBookHippie @IndoorDame They need to hook up a fashion designer, chef, gardener… 😅😂😂 I keep thinking there is no way Mim and her mom can keep up all those acres on their own with just a little help from poor Kali 😅 5mo
vonnie862 A private plane but no cash! Lol 5mo
CoffeeNBooks There is a lot of suspending disbelief for this story, but I'm really enjoying it so it's ok. 😁 5mo
CoffeeNBooks @TheBookHippie Thanks for picking such a fun, unique read! 5mo
mcctrish I am loving this light hearted love novel, I wish it was gardening season. I thought the cake scene was hilarious ( I could just see it play out in my brain with Melanie having an absolute meltdown in the cringe of her mom being sweet on the teacher 😂😂😂) it was hard not to just binge to the end 5mo
AmyG I am sorry but I will miss this weekends chat as I didn‘t finish the section. I will hopefully catch up for next week. My daughter in San Fran broke 2 fingers and needs surgery so busy with her. 5mo
DebinHawaii I agree with @vlwelser —it best to not overanalyze & just go with it. 😆 I am looking forward to the next section. 5mo
DebinHawaii @AmyG Oh no! Hope she is okay. 💜 5mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG oh no -sending love!!! 💕💕💕 5mo
Deblovestoread I am suspending belief and just going along for the ride. It‘s nice to have a sweet story. @AmyG So sorry about your daughter. Hope surgery goes well! Take care 💜 5mo
BarkingMadRead I‘m loving it so far, I meant to bring it to NYC with me but I left it home. I probably would have finished it if I had! It‘s a fun and easy read so far 5mo
julieclair @CoffeeNBooks My feelings exactly! @AmyG It‘s good you are able to be there for your daughter. 💗 5mo
CatLass007 I‘ve read some of the people in this group referring to this as YA. It doesn‘t feel like a YA book though. Yes, its main characters are in high school, but this seems more like a sweet fantasy that‘s accessible to all ages. 5mo
TheBookHippie @CatLass007 its age level is 13-17 …8 grade on up, it is YA listed. It seems it could be enjoyed by many. You cannot read relationship or LGBTQIA especially generally to anyone under 6th/7th grade without push back 😵‍💫😩. The whole book is banned here. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5mo
CatLass007 @TheBookHippie Do you live in Florida? I live in East Tennessee, a very red part of the state, and I‘m not hearing much, if anything, about banning books. People have been going insane about banning books. I‘m actually glad to know that I‘m pissing people off by reading this book. I‘m looking at the nonfiction bingo board and I really want to go all out reading as many banned books as I can and finding the nonfiction counterparts to read as well. 5mo
TheBookHippie @CatLass007 Lord no, I‘m on the Lake in Michigan in a pocket of alt right religiosity evangelical idiots 🤦🏻‍♀️😵‍💫😩🤷🏻‍♀️😂😅 5mo
CoffeeNBooks @CatLass007 @TheBookHippie I'm an English teacher in Florida. Florida is broken at this point. 5 years ago I had an amazing classroom library with hundreds of books; now most teachers have packed up their classroom libraries because anything that isn't state approved curriculum has to go through a vetting process. Books have been removed from our school libraries if they might be remotely offensive to anyone. It's so sad. 5mo
CatLass007 @TheBookHippie @CoffeeNBooks Censorship is effing scary. The only voting precinct in this area that went blue is the one associated with the university. I don‘t know why we‘re not seeing the book bans that are shaking up the rest of the country but maybe we‘ve just been lucky. I imagine we‘ll experience it eventually. 5mo
TheBookHippie @CoffeeNBooks ughhh. So awful. 5mo
Sargar114 Not my favorite we‘ve read from Lee, but still fun. @AmyG hope your daughter recovers soon. 5mo
AmyG Thank you so much @julieclair @Sargar114 5mo
mollyrotondo I am loving this story lol Lee's great writing still comes through and her ability to provide so much information on a specific topic still makes this book a good Lee read. But it is more fun and takes leaps with reality, but I am enjoying it a lot. I agree that she writes a great YA book that can be enjoyed by adults. Can't wait to pick it back up this week. @AmyG I hope your daughter's surgery goes well! Also #readbannedbooks 5mo
maich @IndoorDame yes private plane and torn clothes🤷‍♀️ 5mo
maich @AmyG I'm so sad to hear that. Sending love❤️❤️❤️ 5mo
maich We don't have banned books in Slovenia. But it is popular in local reading challenge 'read a book that is banned in the USA'. 5mo
AmyG Thank you @maich and @mollyrotondo 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick This line cracked me up: “What would be so wrong about fixing Vicky with Drew? He likes drawing soul-sucking demons, and she IS a soul-sucking demon. It's perfect“ HA!! Today, I also learned that horseradish looks like a horse-sized phallus and is used to treat impotence. I guess you could say I liked the second week's reading better that the first. On to the next! 😂 5mo
TheBookHippie @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 5mo
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Learning them allll ….Mim is very good.

Also doesn‘t this seem a bit cruel to Mim to be told she can‘t be in love?

I do like how she has learned it and is quite faithful about it, seems it could be less harsh.

vlwelser I love flowers and plants. This is a nice change from all the food. 5mo
Librarybelle I‘m not as engaged in the human interaction part of the story, but I‘m really interested in the aromateur concept. It seems like such a fun idea for a story! It is so sad about Mim and not being able to love. But, I‘m hoping we do get to meet Aunt Bryony and find that she can in fact do both. Maybe Bryony is also still a aromateur??? 5mo
IndoorDame I like the concept. The aromateur idea seems super unique to me. The loosing their gifts if they fall in love thing, I‘m surprised some ancestor didn‘t devote more resources to breaking the curse, but I‘m happy to see how it plays out, and I‘m glad it hasn‘t soured Mim‘s relationship with her mom. 5mo
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TheBookHippie @vlwelser 😅👩🏻‍🍳 gardening my second love . I do like all the flower talk here. 5mo
Karisa It makes no sense that Mim can‘t fall in love but is also in desperate need of heirs to keep it all going. I‘m loving the flowers and scents parts too. @Librarybelle Yeah! I‘m still waiting for Bryony too! Hoping it doesn‘t come at the cost of Mim‘s mom 😬 5mo
vonnie862 It suvks that she's not able to be in love. But I wonder...how does mom expect Mim to have daughters in the future if she's not allowed to be around boys? 5mo
TheBookHippie @vonnie862 Right?! Ummm. 5mo
CoffeeNBooks @Karisa my thoughts exactly! 5mo
mcctrish @vonnie862 exactly! She‘s supposed to have 2-3 daughters but not have love?! WTF she can barely handle apprenticing under her mom and high school but she‘s supposed to hook up with random strangers and be a single mom too?! Hard pass. Let‘s get Aunt Bryony on the bat phone and figure some shit out ( she shouldn‘t have to go work for forensics to smell detect dead bodies ) 5mo
DebinHawaii Yes, I don‘t like that her mom expects her to just have children/daughters by finding someone she doesn‘t really love or care about like she did. I am hoping they find away around the curse and that Aunt Bryony is doing well & still has her gift. 5mo
Deblovestoread How is she suppose to have a daughter to carry on the aromatuer line if she doesn‘t fall in love!?! @Karisa I have the same fear that Auntie will have to come because something happens to mom. 5mo
Karisa @mcctrish 🦇☎️ Bryony to the rescue! 💗😂😂😂 5mo
Read4life @mcctrish I have forgotten what I was going to say. All I can see now is Aunt Bryony and the bat phone. 😆 5mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish 🦇📞👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼♥️ 5mo
julieclair It‘s amazing the aromateur line has lasted as long as it has, considering they are not allowed to fall in love. 5mo
CatLass007 @vlwelser @Librarybelle @IndoorDame @TheBookHippie @Karisa @vonnie862 @CoffeeNBooks @mcctrish @DebinHawaii @Deblovestoread @Read4life @julieclair Mim‘s mom made a point of telling her the number of the sperm donor she used at the fertility clinic. I think it says a great deal about mom‘s personality. Either she did fall in love when she was younger and got her heart broken and that‘s why she chose not to take even the slightest chance of (cont)⬇️ 5mo
CatLass007 being hurt again. Or she felt so abandoned by her sister and so overwhelmed with being the sole aromateur that she refused to allow herself, and later Mim, the slightest hint of happiness. How all the aromateurs in the preceding centuries were able to procreate without falling in love, I have no clue. 5mo
Deblovestoread I missed that part of the sperm donor! Thank you! @CatLass007 5mo
CatLass007 @Deblovestoread You‘re welcome! 5mo
julieclair @CatLass007 These are good theories! I wonder if we‘ll get to learn more of the mom‘s history? 5mo
CatLass007 @julieclair Thank you. I hope so too. 5mo
mollyrotondo @Librarybelle this is my theory as well. We haven't heard from Aunt Bryony yet and Mim's mom cut her off so quickly that we don't know if she really lost her heightened sense of smell after falling in love. I think Aunt Bryony is going to come back around somehow and will reveal that she can still smell and still practices her craft and this will put less pressure on Mim. I remember the mom saying she went to a sperm bank but that's the fate... 5mo
mollyrotondo ...you want for your daughter? There must be another reason her mom is so afraid of love for her own family. 5mo
maich I think that they will fix it and she'll fall in love. Bryory will be cure too. And I agree with all what everyone said. 5mo
maich My grandmom always told me that we need to talk with flowers and they will grow beautifuly. I'm doing that. Sorry if it's weird🤣 5mo
Librarybelle Totally agree, @mollyrotondo ! 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick The idea of aromateur is cool, but to be the sole heir to this art?! That's A LOT to put on one child. If you're worried about the art form dying out, shouldn't mom have had more kids? An heir and a few spares, so to speak. All the scent details are a bit boring to me, but the concept is an intriguing one. I can't imagine wanting my child's future to be set in stone and reliant on a frozen pop to carry on the family business. 5mo
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Vicky & Co
She‘s unhappy -but she has a choice to be this mean, how awful.

Whew the memories of mean girls at middle/high school - you have them too?

Smoking Vicky- she gets to volunteer now😵‍💫
What could go wrong ?

📸couldn‘t help myself 😂😅😵‍💫

vlwelser She does give Regina George vibes. But also seems deeply unhappy. 5mo
Librarybelle Vicky is unhappy, and yeah, totally gives me vibes of unhappy situations in school. 5mo
IndoorDame Totally see her as a Regina George! But her backstory is really sad. She reminds me of middle school girls. My HS was too big for that kind of stuff, people really only cared about their own friends which was such a nice change! 5mo
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Karisa Yep, still some Queen Bees around in the middle school I teach at but no one on the Regina/Vicky level thankfully. Not just girls… We try to keep them in check as much as possible. It‘s the other kids‘ approval that gives them power. 5mo
Karisa Having Vicky volunteer at Puddle Jumpers (still curious on what that entails) might be a punishment for Kali/Mim 🫣 5mo
vonnie862 There's always a story behind bullies. I hope Vicky will show growth in the story. 5mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa I see it at the private school here but it‘s mostly in our middle schools. High school(public) is way too big for it to work. (edited) 5mo
CoffeeNBooks I'm worried for Mim & Kali having to deal with Vicky at Puddle Jumpers. 5mo
mcctrish @Karisa @CoffeeNBooks somehow it feels like Puddle Jumpers will suffer to teach Vicky a lesson 😖 it would be better to get Melanie ( Court‘s sister ) away from the Queen Bees 5mo
DebinHawaii I forgot if they mentioned what Puddle Jumpers was in the first section but I was too sleepy last night to go back and look since I‘m in a print copy on this one. 😉 I did think it was kind of humorous that Mim‘s mom brought Vicky‘s dad & stepmother together. 5mo
Karisa @DebinHawaii Yeah, the resentment against stepmom at least made Vicky a bit more layered and more a a reason to not like Mim. Vicky needs to give more people a chance! 5mo
julieclair I shudder to think what will happen when Vicky reports for volunteer duty at Puddle Jumpers. 5mo
CatLass007 I know that Mean Girls was a popular movie back in what? the 90s? But I don‘t remember the kind of pack mentality from my junior high and high school days in the 70s. Yes, there were cliques of all types but no one went out of their way to be deliberately cruel to one person. Not that I can think of. Or maybe after being tormented by nuns from 1st-7th grades, things in grades 8-12 were much less traumatic. 5mo
mcctrish @CatLass007 I don‘t remember it either. I went to a different school for 7/8 - I think 4 K-6 schools fed into it plus the kids who were at it so maybe that unsettled everyone? And then I went to a huge high school so people just found their people and made their groups. 5mo
mollyrotondo @CatLass007 I feel the same way. I also went to Catholic school for K-8 and was tortured by many things lol so when I went to public high school i didn't notice bullying and mean girl cliques as much. I'm sure it was there, but the school was so big and I was so happy to be out of the Catholic school environment that I don't recall the mean kids and bullies or them holding all the power. 5mo
mollyrotondo I was glad we got that little backstory about Mim's mom helping Vicky's dad and stepmom get together. But Vicky seems to torture her stepmom and her stepmom doesn't seem bad at all. I feel bad for everyone who has to deal with Vicky. 5mo
maich I had a schoolmate in hight school that made my third year the intolerably. First 2years we were best friends. But then she started dated an adult men and she didn't know how to end relationship. She started cut herself on arms. I said her that she needs help of an adult person that she needs to tell someone. So she stoped being my friend. When school social worked find out she lied that she's doing that because of me. I told them the truth. 5mo
maich Then her 'boyfriend' who as an adult (the same age as my father) hit me by a car. Thanks to God I wasn't hurt bu I told my parents and teacher everything. Today we work together. And she can't look me in the eyes. 5mo
maich I was bullied in primary school because I was a fat kid. It was hard. 5mo
TheBookHippie @maich I‘m so sorry. I was bullied too. So ridiculous. 5mo
maich @TheBookHippie Thanks. We were strong and we were more mature that the mean girls. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Unless your stepmom is truly heinous and hurts you, I can't imagine hating someone so bad that you have to act like a bitch in school to others. Having a smidgen of backstory helps, but she is still just The Worst. When I was in school, there may have been 1 on 1 feuds for whatever reason, but for the most part, there wasn't much more than teasing or an occasional fist fight. Or maybe they just didn't pick on me bc they knew I'd pop 'em back. 😁 5mo
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Court is quite angry about the mixup .
But then relaxes a bit and helps get the flowers .
I like the story about how she encouraged him by not letting others bother her.

Is he falling for her?! Or had he fallen already?

vlwelser I like him. He seems to do his thing and not worry about the others. I like that he's a little bit fierce about his mom. 5mo
Librarybelle I‘m thinking he likes her, and I wonder if the reason why the spray didn‘t work was because his like is not smell based but a deeper type of like. He seems like a good guy. 5mo
IndoorDame He does seem like a really decent guy. I wonder if spraying him a second time will work? 5mo
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Karisa Court is a little too good to be true 😅 but I‘m ok with that. 5mo
vonnie862 @Karisa I agree but I too am ok. I also think he has already fallen for her after the bee sting. 5mo
CoffeeNBooks I like Court- he seems like a good kid who makes his own decisions and doesn't just follow others to be popular. I think he truly likes Mim, probably partly at least because she's different than the other girls because she, too, makes her own decisions and isn't trying to fit in to be popular. 5mo
mcctrish @vlwelser I like that he‘s protective of his mom. Court seems like a good guy and I think he liked Mim for being her own person. The spray doesn‘t work cuz he‘s already been intrigued by her. He gets enough drama from his dad, he wants someone thoughtful and chill ( maybe why he was mad about the mix up - not wanting him mom hurt and that Mim had stirred the pot ) 5mo
DebinHawaii I agree, it seems like he had already fallen for her “naturally” so the spray isn‘t working. I like him. 5mo
Deblovestoread Court is a good kid and I think been interested in Mim from a far and more so after his bee sting. 5mo
BarkingMadRead I think Court already liked her and that‘s why the spray isn‘t working. I think that spray only works on people who are attracted to her pheromones or whatever 5mo
CatLass007 Court seems like a fine young man. I worry about his near hatred of his dad. Anger is perfectly normal, but he seems enraged. Maybe it‘s just teenage hormones ratcheting up his anger. 5mo
CatLass007 🍫 5mo
TheBookHippie @CatLass007 sometimes hatred is necessary and the path to indifference. I think he‘s just so devastated currently. 5mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I like him too. 5mo
CatLass007 @TheBookHippie I was thinking that having someone to talk to who is not in the middle of the situation could be very helpful. Call it counseling, therapy, or whatever. Sometimes people just need help figuring out their feelings. 5mo
julieclair I agree with others who have said that he was already falling for her, so the spray didn‘t work. It came too late. 5mo
Sargar114 Agree with everyone, I think he genuinely likes her so the spray won‘t work. 5mo
mollyrotondo I also think Court already liked Mim and wasn't just being drawn in by her pheromones. I really liked the scene in this big garden. I thought Mim and Court worked really well together. I also want to wander around this garden picking flowers lol 5mo
maich I asked myself the same. And I agree with everyone. The spray didn't work because he's already fallen for her and not because of the smell but because he really like her. It is true it is real not elixir. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick It seems like for the reversal to work, you have to catch them before feelings truly start to develop and I think Mim is just too late to spray Court successfully. He seems likeable. It's admirable that he's protective of his mother and seems to be his own person. 5mo
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Candy grams - lots of them
This was odd… SO
Because they like her?
Because it‘s a joke?
Because they think she‘s a love witch 😂🤦🏻‍♀️😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️
Or I missed something 😂

vlwelser It's weird that she never looks at them. Maybe she comes back to this later. 5mo
Librarybelle I was wondering if it was a combo of joke and her “love” draw. It seems odd, given that even if she is attracting others, they‘re not necessarily sticking up for her in situations. 5mo
IndoorDame @Librarybelle I agree, this part was super odd. If her aromateur pheromones or whatever that thing is was actually that strong, I‘d expect her to be way more popular at school 5mo
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Karisa @IndoorDame @Librarybelle Exactly! I took it to mean she had a bunch of people that liked her due to pheromones but then so confusing that she‘s a sort of outcast. Kali, Court, and the ASB girls are nice to her but where are these admirers? On that note, I wish Mim would notice and be there more for Kali… 5mo
Librarybelle Yes, @Karisa ! It seems like Kali is there for Mim, but is Mim really there for Kali, other than making a love concoction out of revenge? 5mo
vonnie862 Is it the pheromones? But she's all covered up and i don't think she touched people. 5mo
Karisa @Librarybelle Kali deserves more! It felt like Lee was setting up more of a plot line for her there for a second 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe she‘ll come back around to Kali? 5mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
Karisa @vonnie862 Yeah, was the point of all that just to show that Mim has other options? She‘s not just going for Court because he‘s the only option? I picture her walking down the hallway and people following like bees to a bouquet 💐 🐝🐝🐝 (edited) 5mo
CoffeeNBooks I assumed it was because of the pheromones, but it was confusing because no one is hanging around her like they're attracted to her. So then I thought maybe it was a joke, but I really don't know. Feels like a storyline that's left unexplained for now, but maybe it will get picked up again later in the book. 5mo
mcctrish My take away from this was the ASD girls wanting to befriend her. I find it hard to believe it‘s her pheromones @vonnie862 - what‘s his name who sits behind her is loving on Vicky 🤮 and he‘s right in Mim‘s space. She‘s got too much going on. I know her mom needs the help but I feel her mom should let her have this year. It‘s a perfect learning experience on all the levels ( I‘m getting mean girl vibes and I‘m tired of that trope) 5mo
DebinHawaii Yes, it was a strange with all the descriptions of guys/people looking freaked out when she walks up to or by them it seems weird she would get that many candy grams or have that many guys attracted to her. The anonymous thing is odd too. I was thinking they were all from Court at one point but it seemed like there were different scents, so who knows?! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
julieclair I'm thinking it was a cruel joke someone (or a group of people) is playing on her. 5mo
Deblovestoread The candy grams confused me as well. If she had all these admires wouldn‘t they be following her around like love sick puppies? 5mo
CatLass007 I‘m hoping the author doesn‘t leave us hanging about the candy grams. Mim seems annoyed and embarrassed by the way the candy grams were dumped on her desk, but she doesn‘t seem particularly curious about them just yet. 5mo
BarkingMadRead Yeah, this was odd to me as well. I think she has too much going on, and I kind of wonder how much of these worries are unfounded. 5mo
Sargar114 I thought it was the pheromones and then I thought she mentioned keeping the messages so she‘d know who she‘d have to spray with the BBG stuff. I‘ll also mentioned I hated this kind of stuff in middle and high school 5mo
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 I hated it so much in school 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 5mo
mollyrotondo I assumed her pheromones were making the boys crush on her, but after reading everyone's comments I can see now that that doesn't add up. We have seen some random teenage boys try to flirt with her but she sprays them. But the boys at school don't act like they want to be around Mim all the time and she is not popular. Maybe those two nice girls were trying to make Vicky look bad. 5mo
maich I thought about pheromones. But I'm not sure. Maybe it is a joke because of Vicky. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick In the first chapter of this section, when she was talking to the girls, Mim had a throwaway thought about living in a garden full of aphrodisiacs. She tries to neutralize the guys when she senses trouble, and may need to do so a bit harder. I think there was also a comment early on about the boys potentially being interested because of it was a danger of going to school. 5mo
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Getting ready for #sundaybuddyread I‘m just smiling the whole time I read this ( between bites of course 🤣😋)

Sargar114 Is that a Bart Simpson bookmark? 😂 5mo
mcctrish Yes @Sargar114 🤣🤣 5mo
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The stage is set! I‘m thinking we‘re in for a sweet treat 💕


MISO 👀 https://www.bonappetit.com/recipes/slideshow/miso-recipes

🍮 https://smittenkitchen.com/2018/03/luxe-butterscotch-pudding/

SUNDAYS 💕just love💕 Thank you 🥰

mcctrish I do have miso chilling in the back of my fridge 🤣🤣 thanks for Sundays, I am loving this sweet book so far. I agree with @AmyG Stacey Lee is a different level of YA author - more a writer of the age than just targeting that audience 6mo
IndoorDame Clearly I‘m going to have to choose (at least) one of those miso recipes to make, they all look delicious 🤤. I‘m so in love with this so far, which surprises me a little because it‘s way more sweet and earnest than my usual fare. 6mo
vlwelser This is so YA but I do not care in any way. And you managed to find a cute love story for Feb so extra points there. 6mo
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AmyG What @IndoorDame said….this is a little more sweet and earnest for my taste….yet it works for me. I really enjoy her books. She has a new book being released April 24 6mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG I have it ordered and on our 2025 list 😅🤣🤣🤣👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser 💕🏆💕 6mo
AmyG Hahahaha…you rock! 👊🏻 @TheBookHippie 6mo
Read4life I‘m loving this discussion and book. So happy to hear we‘ll be reading Lee again next year! 🤓 6mo
Librarybelle I am so entranced about the aromateur process! 6mo
TheBookHippie @Read4life we‘ve got back list and her new one so we‘ll be reading her awhile yet 🙃💕 6mo
vonnie862 I'm really liking this one. 6mo
Karisa It‘s giving me Sarah Addison Allen Garden Spells feels which I love. The premise feels a little off to me (if someone is not into you, leave them alone 😅). But it‘s all done so sweetly with a touch of magic that I‘m a sucker for in books. I feel like this would work for a middle school YA book even. Perfect for Valentine‘s Month! 6mo
Deblovestoread If it wasn‘t such a sweet story and one you can anticipate will have a HAE I‘d be up in arms over the dosing with a potion without knowledge plot line. Instead I‘m rooting for Mim to have the education she wants, Kali to have the right to tell her own story, and a relationship foe the math teacher 😊 6mo
DebinHawaii Enjoying it so far & yay 🎉 to more Stacey Lee & #SundayBuddyReads discussions! 😘 6mo
CoffeeNBooks @Karisa Reminds me of Garden Spells, too! This is only the 2nd Stacey Lee book I've read, but I definitely want to read more of her books! 6mo
Karisa @CoffeeNBooks Yep, I‘ve already put in a hold for Downstairs Girl been on my tbr forever! 6mo
CoffeeNBooks @Karisa The Downstairs Girl is the other one of hers I've read, and it was a great book! 6mo
TheBookHippie @CoffeeNBooks @Karisa we started with Downstairs Girl 💙 It is so good! We have her new one and Under A Painted Sky to read yet. And hopefully she‘ll write more! @DebinHawaii may put BOTH in our 2025 plan. 🙃 the new one for sure! (edited) 6mo
Karisa @TheBookHippie Love it! Loving those miso recipes too. I‘m going to try the ramen miso pesto one this week. Yum! 6mo
Sargar114 I definitely prefer her more historical stories, but this is still a fun romp and perfect for February! 6mo
julieclair I am really loving this sweet book! And @Karisa and @CoffeeNBooks , I agree about Garden Spells (which I loved) and The Downstairs Girl was sooo good! 6mo
mollyrotondo I love Stacey Lee! We've read her fantastic historical fiction, but this magical realism story is just as well written. She knows how to write a YA novel that isn't immature or filled with YA tropes. Cannot wait to continue and to read more Stacey Lee next year! 6mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo I love her too. This is a fun one 💕 6mo
maich It is my first Stacy Lee books and I really enjoy reading it. Will probably read more her books. 5mo
TheBookHippie @maich We started with Downstairs Girl -Luck of the Titanic -Outrun the Moon together so far. We all just love her! ♥️ 5mo
maich @TheBookHippie I'll added them on my tbr🙂 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Stacey Lee has a new book coming out this spring! April 23rd...Kill Her Twice, a YA murder mystery noir set in 1930s Los Angeles's Chinatown. Sounds good, as I've enjoyed her recent books. I'll be honest, though. This one keeps putting me to sleep. I'll try to continue but can't promise I'll finish. Maybe it's ALL the scent talk, but I literally keep dozing off. 5mo
TheBookHippie @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I‘ve got it on our 2025 schedule 🙃😂💕 5mo
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The math teacher
The librarian
The mom of the cute guy


Love triangle ? 😅

mcctrish The mom needs someone, the math teacher wants someone and the librarian is just living her life 6mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie I feel like I need to go to Sephora and smell some perfumes 😆 6mo
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IndoorDame @mcctrish exactly! 6mo
IndoorDame I have complete faith that this will all work out happily 💗 6mo
vlwelser I mean we need to have drama for the book to work. I sort of hope the librarian and the math teacher get together without the scent potion. 6mo
AmyG I found this funny. Same here @vlwelser …they seem like the best match. 6mo
Librarybelle Admittedly, I kind of thought of Clueless and Cher‘s attempts to get her two teachers together…without scent, of course! But, wouldn‘t it be great if the math teacher and librarian got together on their own??? 6mo
vonnie862 @Librarybelle I was thinking the same thing! 6mo
Karisa The librarian is totally the counselor from Glee in my head 😂 https://glee.fandom.com/wiki/Emma_Pillsbury 6mo
Karisa @Librarybelle @Librarybelle Oh yeah! I can see those Emma vibes in there now that you point it out😊 6mo
DebinHawaii I feel like the librarian & teacher are the best match so I agree, I hope they get there on their own! 6mo
CoffeeNBooks I agree about the math teacher and the librarian. I hope Court's mom finds someone, too- she deserves someone nice after having to deal with her ex-husband. 6mo
BarkingMadRead I would love for Alice to be move to move on, she deserves so much better! The teacher and the librarian are a far better match! 6mo
Sargar114 It‘ll be interesting to see how it plays out. But it does give me anxiety that Mim is trying to fix on her own, but it is YA and like @vlwelser it‘s the main drama for the story so I‘m here for the ride. 6mo
julieclair I do hope the math teacher and librarian end up together, even without help from the elixer. But a love triangle with Alice sure would be interesting! 6mo
mollyrotondo I'm not sure who I want to get together. The librarian seems sort of clueless to the math teacher's interests and she doesn't seem super interested to find love herself. Alice is hurting though and could use someone who kind and caring in her life. I'm excited to see how Stacey plays this all out lol 6mo
maich @vlwelser I agree with this drama situation. And these 3 are a funny together. Will see who will get the teacher. Maybe she'll need the mother help at the end. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I'm just along for the ride to see who hooks up & if Mim can fix this error successfully and on her own. 5mo
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mcctrish I hope Bryony makes an appearance 6mo
IndoorDame @mcctrish same! She sounds fascinating. And I‘d love to hear her side of the story! 6mo
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mcctrish @IndoorDame YES! Mim needs both sides 6mo
vlwelser I also hope the aunt turns up. @mcctrish 6mo
AmyG I am also hoping we meet the Aunt. I am wondering if Mim has something to do with that…reaches out to her? 6mo
Read4life @AmyG I like that idea. I hope we meet Bryony, too. Mim needs both sides of the story and so do I. 6mo
Librarybelle I hope we hear from Bryony. I think it would be good to hear her side of the story. 6mo
vonnie862 It's so sad that the mom stopped talking to her twin sister. 6mo
Karisa Bryony has got to show up. Maybe she has kids of her own, cousins for Mim. Probably to support Mim as she pursues Court. Maybe they‘ll work together to break the curse. Mim and her mom need more people. Kinda surprised their clients haven‘t become more of a found family. 6mo
Karisa The idea of aromatuers is interesting. Focusing only on love potions feels too narrow for their great skills though. Feels like they are using it casually to do more but not offering as much as they can with their knowledge of plants and smells 6mo
DebinHawaii I hope Mim does get to connect with her aunt & we get more of Bryony‘s story. I love learning about scents & aromatherapy. It‘s been a while sense I read it although very different, but this book gives me flashbacks to this one: 6mo
CoffeeNBooks @DebinHawaii Yes! I really liked The Scent Keeper! And I'm in agreement with everyone that hopefully Aunt Bryony herself will make an appearance in the story. 6mo
CatLass007 A visit with Briony would be excellent! 6mo
Sargar114 I hope we get more of Byrony as well! 6mo
julieclair I hope the mom and Byrony will reconcile, and Mim can get to know her aunt, and learn more about the choices she made. 6mo
mollyrotondo I really hope we meet Byrony. I wonder if she had children that ended up with the scent gene regardless of her having lost it herself. @Karisa I agree that they should be doing more with this ability instead of just helping people fall in love. Mim uses he ability to save Court which is huge. 6mo
maich I think that the Bryony will appear. Maybe they find a cure and she'll get her power back. And then Mim and Court will fall in love. Will see🙂 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I do hope Bryony will pop up in the story and the sisters reconcile. 5mo
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The mother
And her staunchness …

I see this often
Never sure how to find the line in how far to push, first generation kids have so much- but this story seems generational.


AmyG I see this in my daughter-in-law….who is Chinese. Her Mom is a tough one. Her father is tough, but a real sweetheart. 6mo
mcctrish Parenting is hard 6mo
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IndoorDame What a cool piece of Taoist history! 6mo
IndoorDame The story does seem generational. Mim tries so much harder to please her mother than a typical American teenager, and she‘s busy thinking about ways to take the family business into the future instead of just focusing on finding her personal bliss. 6mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame I love learning new things!! Who knew?! 6mo
Read4life Great article. I love how they saw extracting the fragrance as liberating the plant‘s soul. My best friends growing up (starting at 4 y.o) were Greek and Syrian. It was amazing being brought into their families and participating in their traditions. It was difficult for them when they weren‘t allowed to do things because it was different from how their parents were raised. 6mo
vlwelser I think the mother fears losing her daughter to the outside world. Isn't this a normal thing? But she might be pushing Mim away to some extent. 6mo
Librarybelle Thanks for the article! This could be generational and cultural, but there is also the knowledge that they are the only two aromateurs left, and Mim‘s mom worries what will happen if Mim breaks the rules. 6mo
CoffeeNBooks Thanks for the interesting article! I love learning new things! 6mo
vonnie862 The mother-daughter relationship can go through tough patches. I really hope the mom doesn't drive Mim away. 6mo
Karisa Is her mom first gen? I missed that. I thought they were many ethnicities and the cool property had been in the family forever. The premise of just passing knowledge from mother to daughter and no men/love matches allowed feels far fetched. Lee also mentions they‘re the only ones left in the planet with these skills. At least her mom is open to Mim putting the knowledge into a spreadsheet. 6mo
Deblovestoread I struggle with pushy mom‘s in stories when they continue to ignore/overlook what the daughter is trying to do/say. 6mo
DebinHawaii Mim has a lot of pressure from her mom, traditions & the family “duty.” I‘m interested in learning more about what happens in this world if aromateurs die out. 6mo
CatLass007 Mom‘s mom already has “lost” a sister because she fell in love. I think she pushed her sister away out of fear and anger. She‘s afraid of losing Mim too so she‘s holding on too tight. What would she do if Mim actually fell in love? Mim‘s mom would feel betrayed and would push Mim out of her life. 6mo
Sargar114 It‘s interesting because I do feel her mom trying to hold on tight, but I also get the sense that she really is trying to be flexible by letting her go to public school and what not. 6mo
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 yes. Seems push pull even for the mom. 6mo
julieclair The mom does not seem completely inflexible, but I think she is struggling with wanting to keep Mim safe and protected from outside influences (especially boys). 6mo
mollyrotondo I have mixed feelings about the mom at the moment. I don't like that she stopped talking to her sister. She needs to work on patching that up. I do understand wanting to keep her daughter safe and close though. I am surprised to learn that perfume was made illegal in China at some point. 6mo
maich @mcctrish I agree 5mo
maich I think that some part is cultural other part only fiction. Because there were only the 2 of them left. Mother was scared if something happend to Mim they can to become extinct. She is careful about Mim. I love to learn about other culture. Thanks for the article. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick It's all about the business, birth right or not, the daughter should have a say in how her life goes. Mom is lonely & doesn't want to lose her family, but trying to tie down a teenager isn't a great idea either. She's firm, but not unlikable. She's in a tough spot. 5mo
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Ugh blackmail… so heartbreaking 😵‍💫

Mean girls
Do not miss middle/high school girl drama

AmyG Girls are brutal. Team Mim!!! 6mo
Read4life I hate that Vicky got ahold of Kali‘s journal and knows her private thoughts and feelings. Makes me ill. I do love that Mim and Kali have each other. 6mo
mcctrish I‘m wondering what Melanie‘s problem is - her mom is nice, Court is multi layered, the dad is garbage - why is she part of throwing Kali under the bus to get Vicky what she wants ? Other than being invisible if she crosses her ☹️ 6mo
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TheBookHippie @Read4life makes me sick as well!!! 6mo
vlwelser Poor Kali. I also adore her. She has this body positivity thing going that I appreciate. No one wants their private thoughts on display to toxic teenagers. 6mo
IndoorDame I‘m glad Kali was adamant that Mim shouldn‘t give into Vicky‘s blackmail even though she‘s not ready to come out yet. 6mo
Librarybelle It‘s so sad! I hope this get resolved without Kali being fully outed before she is ready. 6mo
CoffeeNBooks Why are kids so mean to each other?! Poor Kali! 6mo
vonnie862 Yeah...not a fan about mean girls. It will be interesting to see if Mim follows through with the other elixir she was planning to save Kali and Court. 6mo
Karisa The “we will out you” thing doesn‘t ring very true for me anymore especially since they are in California‘s Bay Area/NorCal. I‘m a middle school teacher in Northern California and there‘s also a high school on our campus. Maybe it‘s just my school. Feels like if Kali is writing poetry about it and sharing it many would know already 6mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa written in 2015 so maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ it would be a dangerous thing here, still. 6mo
Karisa @TheBookHippie Yeah, if she would‘ve even just plunked their farm in Fresno, Visalia, Bakersfield it might‘ve worked better😅 but the bay? Maybe difference of 10 years since written though, you‘re right 6mo
CatLass007 Kali‘s fear of being outed may be more because of her family than her teachers and peers. Since we haven‘t met Kali‘s family yet, I‘m just speculating. 6mo
DebinHawaii Yes, I really hope the mean girls get taken down hard before damage is done to Kali. Regardless of what the reaction may or may not be to her coming out it‘s such an invasion of privacy to have your personal writing & thoughts you don‘t want shared put on display. 6mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii AGREE. I. WOULD. DIE. 6mo
BarkingMadRead This whole chapter have me the ick. Typical mean girl crap! 6mo
Sargar114 I really hope that doesn‘t happen. Such a terrible “villain”, works really well in the story. I love that Mim is giving her water for her elixir. 6mo
julieclair This meme! Hysterical, but also kinda true, sadly. 6mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair I couldn‘t not post this meme 😬👀😵‍💫😅 6mo
mollyrotondo Uhhh I hate this part! It provides good tension for the rest of the story, but I hate that Kali is being blackmailed. She doesn't even have anything to do with getting a potion made. Just hate that Kali is being dragged into Vicky's drama with Court and Mim. @Karisa I also thought the “outing“ threat felt outdated while I was reading, but I kept trying to remind myself that this is an older book. @CatLass007 I agree about Kali's family. 6mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo it‘s not dated here, it‘s very dangerous for some kids. But I loathe it in the book and in real life. So so reprehensible . 6mo
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie yes I can believe that this is still a major fear in certain places in this country. I guess I just didn‘t think the area in California this story takes place would be problematic. But that‘s my ignorance seeping in. This shouldn‘t be happening anywhere ever and I hope the book doesn‘t take Kali‘s story down that path. She needs a powerful role not the victim role. She‘s going to a read a poem so hopefully that brings her strength 6mo
maich I'm not a mean girl fan. I'm team Mim! This meme is true for all YA movies and books set in high school. Every time I read or watch YA found some mean girls. For exsample The Duff. 5mo
TheBookHippie @maich it‘s so wildly prevalent in real life 😵‍💫🤦🏻‍♀️😩 5mo
maich @TheBookHippie it is sad to hear that. I was bullied at school. I was a fat kid. But then I started working out. I played handball and danced hip hop. The girls that bullied me always wanted my help with maths and chemistry. At the beginning I help then but then stoped. This happend in primary school. When I was 10yo. 5mo
maich This will be always problem in society. 5mo
TheBookHippie @maich I got bullied for being too skinny with lots of curly hair 🤦🏻‍♀️ they called me QTIP -so ridiculous . 5mo
maich @TheBookHippie I'm so sorry to hear that. You were beautiful with curly hair. I have curly hair too🙂 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick There always had to be one character who is just "the worst," and lucky for Vicky, she's it! She'd wear it like a badge of honor. She's a bitch, though, and not in a mildly entertaining way, either. I'd make her elixir smell of cat piss and rotting vegetables, but Mim is too nice for that. 5mo
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Bee sting
Ex girlfriend
Courts mom- WHOOOPS
Dandelion hope-a wish, also flirtation, whoops …

Well that all escalated quickly !!!

Read4life No kidding! It was a whirlwind of events. I like Court and his mom so far. I am invested in the stories of so many of these characters already. 6mo
AmyG I think Stacey Lee is my favorite YA author. Normally I don‘t like YA but her books work for me. 6mo
mcctrish I imagine so much of this so vividly in my mind - it‘s like it‘s already a show. Happiness for all ( except the ex girlfriend - she needs some alone time ) 6mo
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IndoorDame @mcctrish 😂😂 she could totally use some alone time 6mo
IndoorDame I‘m loving Court‘s mom! I hope this mistake works out in her favor (as long as Mim doesn‘t get kicked out of school) 6mo
vlwelser I like Court and Alice. The ex girlfriend not so much. Or the sister. 6mo
Librarybelle Court‘s mom sounds pretty unique. So far, the characters are very vivid. I‘m enjoying it! 6mo
CoffeeNBooks I love Stacey Lee's writing style, and I love how she's gotten us so invested in these characters so far! 6mo
Karisa @Librarybelle Alice is unique! I thought her character was going one way (vapid, rich, mean cliche) but then she had a layer of sweetness and thoughtfulness that was unexpected. Vicky and Court‘s sister need more depth. Those two are mean girl caricatures at this point 6mo
vonnie862 I am not sure how I feel about Court yet but his mom sounds fun. I'm not too excited about how the girls at school go ga ga for him. 6mo
Deblovestoread Court seems like a nice young man. Hoping his sister isn‘t a mean girl, too. 6mo
CatLass007 Alice doesn‘t deserve the pain and humiliation her ex has caused. Court is understandably angry with his father. The possible romance between Court and Mim is a little contrived. Court‘s sister might be less of a “mean girl” if she can get away from Court‘s ex. 6mo
DebinHawaii I like both Alice and Court. Unfortunately the sister seems to take after the father. I hope she grows and as @Karisa said gains more depth as a character. 6mo
Karisa @DebinHawaii The vases around the house being made by her is giving me some hope with the sister 6mo
DebinHawaii @Karisa Good point! 🤞🏼 6mo
BarkingMadRead Alice and Court are awesome, I‘m almost not mad about the mix up, should be interesting! 6mo
Sargar114 @Karisa I was worried about that too, but it seems like Court takes more after her. All the characters are very enjoyable and the hijinx with the coffee is fun but also the thing about YA that drives me crazy. I recognize without it we don‘t have a story, but just have your mom fix the problem so you don‘t make it worse!!! I have so much anxiety about it haha 6mo
Karisa @Sargar114 I kept thinking that too. Jeez! Almost 100 ingredients and at least one is like 40 minutes away. C‘mon kiddo give your mom a chance to help 😂 6mo
Sargar114 @Karisa I suppose that‘s the problem with 40 year old “wisdom” vs 16 year old logic 6mo
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 😅 Just had this conversation yesterday would 17 year old me listen to me now😵‍💫😅🙃🤦🏻‍♀️😬. 6mo
julieclair As others have said, now is the time to ask for help in fixing this mistake. 6mo
mollyrotondo I love all the talk of flower and plant properties. When Court is stung by a bee, Mim knows exactly what grows in the area and how its healing properties could help Court until the ambulance arrived. I also like Alice. I was afraid she was going to be snotty and act better than Mim and her mom, but she seems like a really relatable woman. I did not see the coffee cup mix up coming lol 6mo
maich I like Court and his mom. I don't like the ex girlfriend. I was a little sad with the whole bee situation. But it was good that she knows which plant to use to help him. It is so crazy to know all these plants and smells. Hope she can fix the elixir. 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I'm rather indifferent on Court right now, but his mom seems pretty cool. They say she's wealthy & a former model, so we could initially expect the worst, but the way she was talking to the young girls was refreshing. 5mo
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Mimosa MIM
I already love our main character 🙃💕

What do you think ?

I love that being in school is her dream.

Read4life I‘m loving Mim and this story. Lee has brought another amazing character to life. 6mo
AmyG I, too, love Mim….and I am also enjoying this book. 6mo
mcctrish I love her too 6mo
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IndoorDame Mim is fabulous! 6mo
vlwelser She's adorable. And she fights to go to math class! Love it. 6mo
Librarybelle Yes! Mim is adorable, and it‘s nice to see a YA character who wants to be in school. 6mo
CoffeeNBooks I love Mim's tenacity! 6mo
Karisa Mim‘s sweet, independent, and smart. I like her bestie too. Reminds me of the tall best friend character on “Never Have I Ever” on Netflix 6mo
vonnie862 I am really loving Mim. I love that she is still trying to be respectful to her mom but is also making sure that is able to go to school. The fact that she doesn't want to drop algebra makes her even more adorable. 6mo
Deblovestoread Mim is lovely. Love her trying to carve her own path while trying to honor her family path. 6mo
CatLass007 Mom is a wonderful character, well fleshed out. 6mo
DebinHawaii Mim is a great character. I admire her strength & loyalty to her family & her friend while still pushing for what she wants. 6mo
BarkingMadRead I love Mim, she marches to the beat of her own drummer! 6mo
Sargar114 She‘s a fun and quirky character. Very enjoyable and believable considering high school seems o be her first social introduction. 6mo
julieclair I just love her! I love how she wants to be in school, and wants a normal teenage life, but she's also respectful of her mom. 6mo
mollyrotondo I also love Mim. She's a hard worker both in school and at her “family business“. I love that she values school and that she is not condescending or pretentious when it comes to her ability. She's true to herself and super likeable. 6mo
maich I love Mim. She is wonderful and respectful to her mom. I like that she wants to go to school and learn algerba. And also her super power (smell). The perfect ya character! 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick She's cute. She was born into the life of an aromateur, she didn't ask for it, and going to school will help her feel a bit like a normal teen. 5mo
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I mean, Come On!!!!!

Ruthiella 🍩🍩🍩❤️ 6mo
mcctrish @Ruthiella I am so justified right now 🤣🤣 6mo
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Getting ready for #sundaybuddyread THE SUN IS SHINING! It‘s a miracle ❤️💕 I‘m going to read a bit and then get outside and overdose on vitamin D. So far I‘m liking this cute romantic YA story

TheBookHippie 💕 6mo
Tamra So pretty! 6mo
Ruthiella Your donut matches your cup! 😍 6mo
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I probably won't be ready for tomorrow's #sundaybuddyread discussion because my guy will be waking up any minute now. However, I just opened the copy I ordered from BookOutlet and found this nice surprise inside.

TheBookHippie 💕💕💕💕💕💕 6mo
KadaGul @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick What an adorable gift 🎁? Early Valentine 💘 💌 Day gift 💝? 6mo
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See you Sunday 💕💕💕