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Black Wave
Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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As the planet inches toward its decline, a writer deals with the hallucinatory confusion of celebrity, addiction, and climate change.
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Nothing better than Jenny‘s own review of this book above.

Well you inspired me to read something completely out of my wheelhouse again. It‘s DARK, drug addled and apocalyptic. It‘s also brilliant. Michelle Tea describes this world in the most unique and visceral ways. I loved it and hated it, was constantly surprised and engaged - and I‘ll be thinking about it forever. (TW: end of the world climate disaster!!)

Ruthiella This book was bonkers. I had no idea where it was going or where it would end up. 2y
Centique @Ruthiella bonkers is the perfect word for it! 2y
Leftcoastzen I liked it a lot ! Bonkers definitely fits! 2y
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CarolynM I‘m convinced. I‘ve just bought it for my kindle🙂 2y
Centique @CarolynM I‘ll be so interested in your thoughts when you read it! 2y
batsy I've had this stacked for so long and I'm pretty sure Jenny's review played a part! It sounds super interesting. 2y
Centique @batsy it‘s really different and she plays with style as she goes. I‘d be so interested in what you think of it! 2y
Rissreads Stacked!!!!!!! I love bonkers! ♥️ (edited) 2y
Reggie This book!!!! I read it because of Jenny, also. And loved it. 2y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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In this semi-autobiographical (??) novel, Michelle is living her best queer writer life in late-90s San Francisco, drinking and doing drugs and sleeping around. She moves to LA just in time for the end of the world, the earth having been irreparably damaged by humans. Both melancholy and sometimes strangely hopeful, and with an unexpected cameo from Matt Dillon. You might think you don‘t need an apocalypse book right now, but you‘d be wrong.

Reggie I loved this book!!! 4y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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evidence that people don‘t move to SF to have an ordinary life .Ms.Tea captures the wildness & weirdness of feminist lesbian culture in San Francisco in the late 90s.Her friends, lovers, watch dismayed as the dot.Com people make the rents go up & drive out the creatives who have bad jobs to pay cheap rent & experiment with drugs,sex,booze that fuels their art.When Michelle leaves for L.A.,the novel swings to dystopian collapse.A wild ride!😘

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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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My social distancing on a Saturday night , some Kilt Lifter and some Tea!

readordierachel Good plan 👍🏼 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it ❤️ 5y
Hooked_on_books My, what a sassy beer name. 😳 5y
Reggie This book is a trip!!! I loved it. 5y
Leftcoastzen @Reggie I‘m about 2/3rds thru .Wild ride and though I am not a lesbian poetry slammer I did live in the lower Haight in that time period and remember some of the wild girls!😃 5y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Fazzahmdan Hello my dear 5y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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@BookishMarginalia thank you so much for the #cupidgoespostal gifts! You truly are a treasure of Litsy!

TheLibrarian I really enjoyed The Book of M and will interested to see what you think. 6y
BookishMarginalia Yey! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I hope they bring you joy 💜💜💜 6y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Picked this up in San Francisco a few years back and just started reading it. Strong queer feminist characters, gritty in its imagery and set in the Mission District of San Francisco. Loving it so far!

Reggie This book was crazy!!!!! Crazy good. 6y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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This book was all over the place, and that was a good thing. We follow our main character, Michelle, from San Francisco to LA as she experiences sex, drugs, alcohol, love, family, friends, Matt Dillon, and the end of the world. The writing is really good, the story is completely original, and the book was a fun ride.


#sfftbrchallenge book 4 finished. 😃

Reggie There were so many “what?!!!‘s” every time I turned a page reading this book. Those dreams where you might meet someone you love and the part where the owner of the store explains how the love between him and his wife works. I loved it all. Glad you enjoyed it. 6y
sprainedbrain @Reggie That dream thing was brilliant! 6y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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It‘s go time for #24in48 🙌🏻

Here my stack... I started The Magician‘s Lie earlier this week, but otherwise I have picked some #diversereads for this time around. I‘ve got Children of Blood and Bone on Kobo audio for when I can‘t sit and read.

Let‘s do this thing!

heikemarie CBB💜💜 6y
vivastory Happy readathon! 📚🤘📚🎉📚 6y
Copwithabook I love your headphones! 6y
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sprainedbrain @vivastory are you readathoning? 😃 6y
sprainedbrain @heikemarie It‘s just as good as I had heard! ❤️ 6y
sprainedbrain @Copwithabook so do I... I have to get the retractable earbuds so my darling, evil cat doesn‘t chew them up. 😹 6y
vivastory I am! I'm doing it today & tomorrow since I have to work on Sunday. 6y
sprainedbrain @vivastory Yay! I always love to have a more official excuse for reading all weekend. 😂 6y
vivastory Right?! It's like an official title for how I spend 95% of my weekends 😂 6y
sprainedbrain @vivastory Bahahahaha SAME! 😂 6y
UwannaPublishme Happy Readathoning! 📚🙌🏻 6y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Some #waves from my tbr. 🌊 😃


Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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This is just one square-iPhone-photo size part of one shelf on a tall 5-shelf bookcase that is completely full of books I haven‘t read yet, almost all of which are #BlameItOnLitsy acquisitions.

Dear Littens: If you look really close, many of you can probably identify one that you recommended here on Litsy or generously gifted to me in a swap. So basically, this is your fault. 😂


Soubhiville Sorry, not sorry 😈 7y
Cspen113 I‘m listening to The Lost City of Z now! Just started it. 7y
Mdargusch I‘m right there with you! 7y
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Ms_T *Relates* 7y
dariazeoli I relate to this! 7y
Redwritinghood I have a few of those shelves too. 😉 7y
AmyG I see a few I‘d love to borrow...because if Litsy. 7y
emilyhaldi So relatable 💁🏻‍♀️ 7y
MaureenMc I sometimes wish I only had one bookcase with unread books. 😬😄 7y
sprainedbrain @MaureenMc same. We don‘t need to talk about just how many such cases we have. 🤣 7y
MaureenMc @sprainedbrain No, definitely no need to do that! 😆 And no need to look at all of my reading apps either! 🤣 7y
sprainedbrain @MaureenMc and let‘s not even start on how many unread ebooks and audiobooks we may or may not have. 🤣🤣🤣 7y
KimM Guilty 7y
Jess7 Lmao!!! So funny! 😂😂🤗🤗🤗 7y
Dragon 👍😂 7y
sprainedbrain @KimM Haha! You really are! 😂 7y
sprainedbrain @AmyG I usually pass them on when I‘m done (unless they make it on to my forever shelf). 😉 7y
Reggie Read Black Wave!!!!! Lol 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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#FierceFeb #GoodMorningHeartache. I love it, because after Andy leaves, Michelle, barefoot, standing in her own vomit, as a self punishment, walks back up to her room, the vomit on the bottom of her feet picking up all the crap on the dirty floor she never bothers to clean, even a flyer for an upcoming benefit. Lol

batsy Is it weird to say that this sounds great? 🤢💚 Michelle Tea seems to write those Marmite books... But I like the sound of this 👍🏽 7y
Reggie @batsy this drug fueled book will work you over in the best way possible. Your brain will feel like taffy by the end. So good. 7y
Lindy @Reggie Thanks for posting this quote, and reminding me how much I love this book. @batsy I think you will like it too. 7y
batsy @Lindy If it's got the Reggie-Lindy endorsement it's moving further up my TBR! You guys have the most intriguing taste in books and I love it. 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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I got about halfway through, and I‘m just not enjoying this. It seems very self-indulgent. There isn‘t much here but a lot of sex and drugs and some allusions to the world going bad. Just not enough here to keep me listening.

Jokila That‘s too bad! It sounds really interesting! 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Up next on audiobook. #currentlyreading

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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Cathythoughts 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻love this (edited) 7y
Reggie @Cathythoughts Thank you. The book was intense. 7y
Cinfhen I keep wavering if I should read this book... 7y
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susanw I loved this book. Crazy banana pants kind of book but great. Her writing is amazing. 7y
LauraBeth Wait - what substance is Michelle high on? 🤔 7y
Reggie @Cinfhen It‘s definitely different. @Laurabeth Life!!! @susanw Yes!! I was never bored with this book. And I totally agree about her writing. 7y
TrishB Great post ❤️ 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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This was a strange book, but I doubt I‘ll soon forget the MC, Michelle. There are a number of themes running throughout this - drugs, alcohol, LGBTQ MC, apocalypse, LA, San Francisco - and it makes for an interesting experience.

Lindy This book made a big impression on me too. 😀 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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I‘ll have a chai tea latte with oat milk with my book this morning. ☕️📚

BooksForEmpathy Oat milk! I forgot this stuff existed! 7y
Lacythebookworm @BooksForEmpathy I think they can make milk out of almost anything 😂 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Didn‘t get this one finished in 2017 (and wasn‘t sure it was for me) but after listening to @ReadingEnvy discuss it on a podcast, I decided to go back in!

ReadingEnvy It's pretty unique! 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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So what started out as this unabashed, near the end of drug fueled, Bohemia, late 90‘s San Francisco, lesbian, tour de force, with a simple shift in place, from San Francisco to Los Angeles, turns into this apocalyptic, existential, masterpiece. There are so many characters in here. All beautiful, all human. Thanks @ReadingEnvy for this rec. I‘m so happy that this was my last book of 2017, to be left with such a beautiful reader‘s high.

TrishB Great review 👍🏻 7y
Reggie Thanks @TrishB!!! I can‘t wait for your NuYear challenge. 7y
TrishB I‘m excited about seeing all the posts 😁 7y
ReadingEnvy Oh I'm so glad you liked it. I haven't stopped talking about it since I read it in February. 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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This book is making my head hurt in the best possible way. I feel like people who write good books would read this and wished they could write a book like this. So good.

sprainedbrain I‘ve had this book on my shelf for over a year... definitely getting to it in 2018. 7y
ReadingEnvy Yessssss 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Monday morning after 6 days off work - wowza! I have completed my Morning Pages and am starting a new book. Yay! (Anyone else do Morning Pages?)

Lcsmcat What is/are Morning Pages? 7y
RebelReader I've done morning pages in the past and they were very helpful. I should really start doing them again. Not sure why I stopped. Thanks for the reminder!👍🏼👍🏼 7y
Lacythebookworm @Lcsmcat Morning Pages are three pages of handwritten stream of consciousness completed first thing in the morning. http://juliacameronlive.com/basic-tools/morning-pages/ 7y
Lacythebookworm @RebelReader You‘re welcome! I also find them very helpful. 😊 7y
Sydsavvy I've done them religiously and not so religiously. 😎 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea

This book started out much like all of Michelle Tea's other writings - a zany queer, punk, autobiography - and then it turns into a bizarre apocalyptic story. It's intense and wild and a bit confusing at times. It didn't all work for me but I did quite enjoy it overall. #queerbooks

Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Radler and queer apocalypse reading on the dock! #queerbooks

underthebelljar Gorgeous reading spot! 7y
Cortg I would love a reading spot like that! 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Reading with a view earlier tonight 😍

Tanzy13 wow 🌅 7y
monkeygirlsmama That's so lovely. 7y
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Suet624 💕💕💕 7y
tojuxtapose Where is this?! 7y
Jess_Read_This Gorgeous. What a beautiful piece of the planet. 7y
Bibliogeekery @juxtaposition Muskoka, Ontario, Canada 7y
Cortg Gorgeous! 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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KCorter Holy crap. Yes. This exactly. 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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After a terrifying lightning storm it has cleared up to a beautiful night at the cottage. Time to curl up in bed with my book. 📚💤

brittanyreads Beautiful 7y
8little_paws I want to go to there! 7y
Texreader Gorgeous ! Glad everyone is safe and sound 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Reading on the cottage porch and watching the storm in this summer full of rain! ☔

Melissa_J That looks so calming! 7y
Cinfhen Same thought @Melissa_J 💗 7y
ReadingEnvy Lovely 7y
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charissharpe Looks like a lovely place to be, even in the rain! 7y
Suet624 So pretty. 7y
OriginalCyn620 That is absolutely gorgeous! 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Cottage reading #queerbooks

Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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This resonates! 💗

BooksForEmpathy ❤️❤️❤️. 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Next up! #queerbooks

swishandflick You're in for a wacky ride! Cool cover, mine looked different. 7y
ReadingEnvy Still one of my favorite books of 2017!! 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Riotous and delightful, Michelle Tea writes her ass off, immersing the reader in a gritty, thoroughly imaginative landscape--an apocalypse scenario that seems plausible.

Black Wave | Michelle Tea

An odd experience so far. I'm liking it, but it feels, for some reason, auditory. Like I'm listening to a friend--or more like an acquaintance--tell me this zany story, instead of reading the book like normal.

Taylor @Flaneurette You're reading this, right? What do you think of it? 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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My immediate tbr and in progress. How do you guys like #libby so far? I'm still getting used to it but I wish I could see where I am in the queue for holds and the expiration date for loans. Also an option to return kindle books early- I can only figure out a way to do that on amazons website.

DreesReads I haven't tried it yet--I have finally figured out Overdrive (mostly) and now my library is pushing Libby. Is it better? Easier to use? Does it show percent read in audiobooks? Does it do audiobooks lol? 7y
lamaman2boys I really like the fact that I don't have to sign in and out to use our 3 library cards with Libby. It definitely does audiobooks @AudreyMorris I didn't see a %, just time. 7y
Flaneurette @AudreyMorris it does seem easier and more streamlined than overdrive, which I hadn't used much because it seemed clunky. I haven't gotten an audiobook yet but it does do them. I am mostly looking to organize my holds and loans easier 7y
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Flaneurette @lamaman2boys I like the not having to sign in and out too! 7y
Taylor How far into black wave are you? Do you like it? I'm fifty pages in right now and liking it. (edited) 7y
Flaneurette @Taylor I am 58% into Black Wave and I'm liking it too even though it's not my typical read. Hope to finish today and figure out more concretely what I like about it 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Okay, this baby can come any day now. I have all my reading material (plus kindle not pictured) ready.

Bookbeez @Caterina I'm super excited about that one too. I snatched it up as soon as I saw it on the new book shelf at the library. 7y
kyraleseberg Oh my, Blue Highways! I'd forgotten all about that book! 😍 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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At first I thought I was going to really dislike this book but I pushed through and ultimately ended up really liking it. The world is on its last legs as climate change, pollution, species extinction and more have moved past the post of no return. In the midst of everything, a young woman is struggling with addiction and trying to make meaning from her life.

Unlike anything I've read before.

Kristelh I started it but did not finish. 7y
JenP @Kristelh it is not a book I would have recommended to you. I didn't like the beginning for a variety of reasons 7y
ReadingEnvy I ended up loving it but it really changes from beginning to end! 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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I have a bookcase full of TBR books but can't settle on any I want to read right now. Perhaps I'm suffering from #infinitejestbuddyread hangover? I blame DFW.

I'm contemplating starting this next. Have you read it? What did you think?

LeahBergen I KNOW I'm going to have an IJ hangover ... I think that's why I'm stalling on the big finish! 😬 7y
JenP @LeahBergen I reread the first chapter again and almost kept going before realizing that was crazy. 7y
JenP @LeahBergen i can't wait to see what kinds of reactions people have to the ending 7y
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ReadingEnvy I LOVE this book. It takes you on a journey and ends a completely different place. 7y
JenP @ReadingEnvy oh good! I will read this next then 7y
Spiderfelt @JenP the ending is such an anticlimax, but I hardly expected anything more from DFW. There are so many partial storylines without resolution, why would the book ended neatly tied up with a bow? 7y
JenP @Spiderfelt I thought so at first too (the ending being anticlimactic) but after some time to think about it I am feeling differently about it. 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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#maybookflowers body of water

Wave counts, right?! I have literally no idea what this book is about - I get ARCs at my bookshop job and I just picked this one up because it looked interesting.

Bibliogeekery Ooo, I'm excited to read that one! #queerbooks 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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From a lesbian underground subculture in San Fran to an apocalyptic, dystopian crossroads in LA, this is most definitely one of the weirdest (but good!) books I've read in recent-ish memory 🤘🏽 #COMEONEILEEN

saresmoore I'm really looking forward to reading this weird book. 7y
AceOnRoam Great book! 7y
HeatherBlue This sounds wonderfully weird. Definitely going to have to look it up! 7y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Orange things

DreesReads Ginger cat! 8y
LeahBergen 😂😂 8y
Sace I'm in love! 😻😻😻 8y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Michelle picked up a bloated jug of wine, one meant for a large Italian family to sip over a Sunday dinner. She consumed the entirety of it. Each time she considered stopping- That's it, that was the last glass, time to go to bed- a feeling like heartbreak washed through her body. It was the saddest feeling in the world, of ending the drinking. You can drink again tomorrow, Michelle promised herself. Go to bed. But she couldn't.

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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Vigorous, generous, lusty prose - that alone is enough to charm me through the gritty alcoholism, promiscuous sex and - sure, why not - heroin too. Michelle is pretty much herself except in third person. Then, in the second part, she moves from San Francisco to LA and it gets even better - all meta and how-do-you-write-your-own-story. And then the apocalypse began.
#queerbooks #lgbtq

saresmoore Haha! Great review! 8y
Lindy @Sace @ReadingEnvy This is the best Michelle Tea yet! 8y
Lindy @saresmoore Thanks. ☺️ 8y
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Sace @Lindy I'm not familiar with the author (*bows head in shame of my own ignorance*.) I will definitely check her out. 8y
Lindy @Sace No reason to be ashamed. How could it be possible to know of every author? If you liked the excerpts I quoted, and you enjoy gritty stories, then give Tea a try. 😀 8y
Sace I plan on it @Lindy! 8y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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No longer bullied by his narcissistic overlord, he would proudly reject projects that dealt in stereotypes. No more Latina maids and gay hairdressers. The fat best friend would get the man unless the man in fact wanted another man.

Sace So much love for this. ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
Lindy @Sace I'm having trouble coming up with a review for this brilliant book, so I'm just going through the many passages that I have flagged. 8y
Sace That's the best sort of review for me @Lindy! 8y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Imagine, to stop worrying about money! Michelle was born into such anxiety, it had been her placenta, the water breaking between her mother's legs, dollars and coins scattered on the ground.

Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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I Am Killing Roaches! Michelle hollered. With My Bare Hands! Michelle needed a witness. To both her bravery and the mundane horror of her life.

Suet624 Oh dear. 8y
Lindy @Suet624 Yes, indeed. These are the End Days. 8y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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Maybe she could write a memoir under a pen name, a man's name, infuse it with all the molestation and tragedy found in a common female memoir, and bam! a best seller, maybe. She could write a novel about a girl pretending to be a guy in order to write a successful book. Or a girl pretending to be a guy pretending to be a girl to stir up a sensational literary scandal.

Soubhiville This is a quote? Wow! 8y
Lindy @Soubhiville Yeah, Tea is at the top of her game in this one. Scroll down through the postings under the title and you'll find plenty more. 😀 (edited) 8y
geodynamical_nonfiction So much craziness. Like it's the female version of On the Road by Jack Kerouac. 8y
Lindy @geodynamical Tea has the linguistic inventiveness of Kerouac and she goes farther than he does in experimental plot. 👍 8y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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This was the terrible thing about fiction, Michelle could write about whatever she wanted. She could write about dinosaurs mating with unicorns in the lost city Atlantis and some fool would read it.

ReadingEnvy Happy to be one of the fools, I guess. 8y
Lindy @ReadingEnvy Yes, me too! 8y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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... tall, wiry stalks of echinacea, their purple petals peeled back in submission to the sun.

saresmoore Gah. That's perfect. 8y
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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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"What's the book even about?" Quinn asked. "If you've removed the main story."
Michelle wasn't sure. Couldn't a book just be about life? Me, My Alcoholism, I Think. The Nineties. Being Poor. The Feeling Of It All.

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Black Wave | Michelle Tea
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She liked to read books about alcoholism and personality disorders to assure herself that neither was a problem in her life. When she finished pretending to organize Self-Help she moved over to New Age and consoled herself with astrology books. Aquarians weren't really prone to addiction, that was more Scorpio's jam. Sagittarians could also get out of hand, Cuidado, Ziggy! Michelle felt better already.
[image: astrologyguru.tumblr.com]