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The Silver Chair (rack)
The Silver Chair (rack) | C. S. Lewis
Narnia ... where giants wreak havoc ... where evil weaves a spell ... where enchantment rules. Through dangers untold and caverns deep and dark, a noble band of friends are sent to rescue a prince held captive. But their mission to Underland brings them face-to-face with an evil more beautiful and more deadly than they ever expected.
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great covers 📚🪑 3mo
Eggs Great choices-I love covers so much🪑 3mo
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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#Chair 🪑 #CoverLove 🎆🇺🇸🎇🌭🍔🍉🕶️🩱☀️

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 🪑 3mo
Eggs Fantastic 👍🏼👏🏻 3mo
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🗡️ 📚🪑 3mo
Eggs Great image 🪑 🖤 🗡️ 3mo
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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This was a really good book but I felt like besides the end, it didn‘t play into the Narnia landscape as much as the others. I really wish they wouldn‘t have canceled the movie cause it would have been so fun to watch!! Onto the last book in the series!

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage There‘s an old BBC tv version of this series that was on PBS, I think. The 1988 version? My sister and I watched it growing up. Maybe it‘s on prime? I just remember Tom Baker (of Dr. Who fame) played Puddleglum (edited) 3mo
michellelav @Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I‘ll have to look into it!! Thank you for letting me know 😁 3mo
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage You‘re welcome ❤️📚 3mo
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“And whatever strange things may happen to you, let nothing turn your mind from following the signs.” In my most humble opinion, this thrilling story is the best book in the entire Narnia series. This adventure teaches not only the heroes but also the reader that all journeys require a map of wisdom that if neglected will almost indefinitely result in greater trials and heartache. #narnia #52challenge

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The further away from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe I get, the less I like the books. The weird thing is that I can‘t even really explain why. The only thing I can put my finger on is that I just can‘t connect with the MC‘s like I did with the Pevensies. I only have two more books in the series, so I‘m not giving up!

Texreader I sort of had the same problem. I was very unhappy with how the series ended. So beware. 2y
Ruthiella I‘ve only read The Magician‘s Nephew, which I loved. 2y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I enjoyed the first three in the series and it seemed to go downhill from there. 2y
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I have to give this a thumbs up based on it‘s reputation. The truth is, I find this whole series just so so. This is just my personal taste at play here and I don‘t want to be lukewarm about a book that is so loved from a series that is so loved. I guess there‘s no accounting for my taste. 🤙

jdiehr I always felt like I should love these books more than I do as well 2y
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The Silver Chair | Clive Staples Lewis
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I enjoyed reading this book again. It was a quick read for me. Once again I love the characters in the series so much!!! I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars!!!

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Eustace and Jill are sent on a mission to find King Caspian‘s long lost son and sole heir to Narnia‘s throne. I didn‘t enjoy this book as much as the rest. I think I‘m just not as invested in Eustace and Jill, and Aslan was a bit too vague for what seemed inadequate reasons. I feel like Lewis is starting to lose his magic with this book.

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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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The Silver Chair | Clive Staples Lewis
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This isn‘t one of my favorites but there‘s still lots of adventure and I do love Puddleglum.

Now onto The Horse and His Boy.

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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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Just finished The Silver Chair on my journey through Narnia.
🌟 Puddleglum 🌟 is the star character of this book!
Now to read The Horse & His Boy!

The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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🎧 Listening & Reading The Silver Chair 🤍 🪑 🤍
📖 Reading In Every Mirror She‘s Black
Realizing they both have a color in their titles!


The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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I think this one suffers from not featuring one of the four Pevensies, but Puddleglum's speech at the end and the escape from the Underlands do make up for it! #childrenslit

The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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Meh. I found this one mostly boring as Eustace and his school friend Jill transport to Narnia and Aslan sends them off to find Rilian, the lost Prince of Narnia. I enjoyed the Eustace character arc well enough in Dawn Treader, but I didn't find him very compelling here, nor did I care for Jill. With their new friend Puddlegum, a marsh-wiggle, they are exploring previously uncovered parts of the world, which are mostly underground. ⬇️

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Their journey felt long but the last few chapters pick up a bit. This is the last of May's review catch up. #NarniaReadalong @caffeineandcandy #BookspinBingo @ TheAromaOfBooks 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
CaffeineAndCandy Yay ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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Despite being a weird and busy month, my May #BookSpinBingo board actually came out pretty well!! I really tried to finish Led Zeppelin and Kitty's Class Day in time but just couldn't quite pull it off!! So close!!

DivineDiana Lovely! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 3y
Megabooks Awesome job!! 👍🏻👍🏻 3y
bookstoregoblin That‘s such a cute set up with the tiny book covers. 😍 3y
TheAromaofBooks @dimestoregoblin - I have blank sticker paper that I use to print mailing labels on, so I just find & save cover images then print them on that paper in “contact sheet“ size, cut them out, then peel & stick them as I read the books!! It's a little over-the-top but I love filling in my board with the colorful covers haha 3y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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#NarniaReadalong @CaffeineAndCandy

I'm not sure exactly why, but this is the first book in this series that I had a hard time getting into.

I did enjoy Puddlegum though 😀

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think the first one without any of the original children is a bit harder to connect with, you don‘t even have Caspian or any Narnians that you know well to latch onto from the beginning. (edited) 3y
Addison_Reads @Riveted_Reader_Melissa That's a really good point and probably a big part of why I felt disconnected from this story. 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Addison_Reads I always thought that if it had still been just Lucy & Eustace, or it was the beavers or even Reepicheep on this adventure it would have helped. But there‘s just Eustace from the other stories and he‘s still a bit new, a very brief far away view of Caspian and Trumpkin, and then it‘s off with the owls and a creature we had never encountered before....so it‘s all very new. 3y
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rubyslippersreads This is my least favorite too. 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I struggled to finish this one, too. 3y
Addison_Reads @rubyslippersreads @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I'm glad I wasn't the only one. I started The Horse and his Boy today and I'm already enjoying it more. 3y
CaffeineAndCandy Love your cover! 💜💜 3y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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I finished another #audiobook #reread in The Chronicles of Narnia. I enjoyed this story of Eustace, Jill, and Puddleglum more than I remembered, although some aspects of this one did seem a bit too obvious and predictable to me as an adult.


Daisey This is also my #DoubleSpin book 18 for May @TheAromaofBooks 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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The Silver Chair | Clive Staples Lewis
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This one has never been my favourite Narnia book, but I am very glad to have reread this lovely story.

#narniareadalong @CaffeineAndCandy

@TheAromaofBooks this was also my #DoubleSpin for this month

Texreader ❤️🐈‍⬛ 3y
rubyslippersreads I didn‘t love this one either (but I do love your cat. 😻) 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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I'm quite biased when it comes to Narnia - far too many happy memories wrapped up in these to be remotely objective! Another delightful journey - I had forgotten a lot of the details for this one, including just how much I love Puddlegum!!

Thoroughly enjoying the chapter-a-day #NarniaReadalong @CaffeineAndCandy

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The Silver Chair | Clive Staples Lewis
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As others have mentioned, not my favorite trip to Narnia but no trip to Narnia can be called bad. I do miss the Pevensies.


CaffeineAndCandy 👍❤️ 3y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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I didn‘t like this book quite as much as the others I‘ve read, but I still liked it. I absolutely adore Puddleglum, the Marsh-wiggle; he made this book. Tom Baker (the 4th Doctor from Doctor Who) played him in the 90s version put out by the BBC. I‘m so glad I decided to participate in the Narnia read-along, as I‘m really enjoying these books. #narniareadalong

CaffeineAndCandy Happy you‘re enjoying it! ❤️😘 3y
KathyWheeler @CaffeineAndCandy I don‘t know how I never read them when I was young. They are exactly the kind of books I would‘ve loved as a kid. 3y
CaffeineAndCandy ❤️ Me too! I keep wondering what it would have been like to read this as a child. 🤔 3y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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I still enjoyed this, years later and as an adult, but I will admit that I missed the Pevensies and even Caspian‘s presence in this one... but I also like how the series explores that time passes and children grow, and that the adventures don‘t have to include all the same characters to be magical.


TheSpineView Great job! 👍📖💜📚 3y
KathyWheeler I still have a couple of chapters but I‘m liking it. 3y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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Train reading 😃 🚂🚃
highly enjoying the view and this getaway chapter in this book for the #narniareadalong.

Happy May Sunday ☀️ to everyone
and happy Mother‘s Day to all the Mamas out there 🌸💐💖

IuliaC So beautiful! 😍 3y
CoffeeAndABook @IuliaC thank you 😊 3y
Tera66 Great view! 3y
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CaffeineAndCandy Train reading is so great! 💜💜💜 3y
CoffeeAndABook @CaffeineAndCandy It really is 💖 I miss being able to sip a to-go coffee and munch on goodies though 😷 but one day... it‘ll be a feast 🎉 3y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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Always another curious creature to meet in Narnia. #NarniaReadalong

DivineDiana Love his attitude! ❤️ 3y
CaffeineAndCandy 💜💜💜 3y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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I have not been able to concentrate on anything today and have been in and out of all these books. I‘ve listened to the Dolly Parton one already but checked out the ebook so I could look at the pictures. I started The Silver Chair for the Narnia read along.

The Silver Chair | Clive Staples Lewis
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Off on another adventure in Narnia!

CaffeineAndCandy 💜💜💜 3y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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To burn off some of the calories from last night's chippie tea, I want for a walk on the seacop. I wasn't able to read along the way as there was a fine drizzle, unusual for West Lancashire #sarcasm
Out on the marsh, plenty of mud, gulls and lapwings, but no marshwiggles.
Coming back up the pad*, nice to see some cobbles and a Lantern Waste style lamppost, unvandalised by interdimensional witches.

Bookwomble *Pad: I was born 7 miles along the coast from where I live now, in Marshside (as lovely as it sounds!), where this type of footpath is called a pad. The village I live in now calls them ginnells, by which the locals mark me out as a newcomer, despite my 15 years of being a resident here 😄 4y
kspenmoll I enjoy hearing about your walks; to icy right now where I live in New England area of USA. 4y
Bookwomble @kspenmoll My walks are all close to home at the moment, of necessity during the current lockdown, but I'm lucky to be in a semi-rural area where, if the scenery isn't exactly dramatic, it is expansive. I love the open skies and, when the clouds clear, the beautiful quality of light. I'm probably on a similar latitude to you but, for as long as the Gulf Stream stays online, we have a mild climate where it's rarely icy, but frequently damp ☔😊 4y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis

Jill and Eustace journey from Narnia to find Prince William.

I liked this one a little more than the last three.

The Silver Chair | Clive Staples Lewis
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OriginalCyn620 🤍🤍🤍 4y
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The Silver Chair | Clive Staples Lewis
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After a busy couple of weeks, I finally finished this one. Aslan sends Eustace and Jill on a quest to rescue the lost Prince. Along the way, we meet memorable new characters like Puddleglum the Marsh-Wiggle and Glimfeather the owl. Aslan gives them specific instructions for the mission. Even though they "muffed" them, Aslan's purpose is fulfilled, and he has grace and forgiveness: "Think of that no more. I will not always be scolding."

The Silver Chair | Clive Staples Lewis
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"It was a dull, autumn day and Jill Pole was crying behind the gym."


The Silver Chair | Clive Staples Lewis
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Dawn Treader took the wind out of my sails (ha ha) but I sped through this one! I feel like I could have had more of things, more of the underground world, Puddleglum, Rillian, and the witch could‘ve been a bit...more...but it‘s another solid entry to the land of Narnia. I especially loved the bit with Caspian helping out Jill and Eustace. 😊 Not my favorite, but not bad either!

Clare-Dragonfly I always want more of the underground world! 4y
AshleyHoss820 @Clare-Dragonfly Me too! It was so fascinating and then they‘re just gone! 😕 4y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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It‘s a tad more righteous and proselytizing in parts than the first three in the series, but that can be forgiven thanks so such imaginative visuals.

The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis

Really enjoyed it.

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I never have quite come round to liking this properly, though Puddleglum is great. I don't like Eustace and Jill much, Caspian being old sucks, and Rillian is almost a non-entity. Still a meh!

Hulk joined me to read though! #BunniesofLitsy

Clare-Dragonfly This is my favorite of the series! I love Eustace, Jill, and Puddleglum. Though I agree regarding Rilian. 4y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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The first narnia book without Lucy and while it was sad not to have Lucy there, Jill was fun!

The more I get into this reread the more I remember my imagination running wild reading these books the first time as a child. Talking lions and giants, what a world!

Looking forward to wrapping this up with the final book.

The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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About to start this book. Really enjoying the series.

renegade Hi 4y
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Time for comfort books. My daughter, who is now 20, suggested we listen to The Silver Chair, a favorite road trip audiobook for our family over the years. My girl has been unbearably anxious lately and I‘m happy we can sit and listen together and feel calmer.

#covidcomfortbook #audiobook #backtonarnia

HannaPolkadots Good idea! On Audible the whole Narnia series was available for one credit, so I got it for comfort reading too ❤ 5y
PatienceFortitude These are anxious times 5y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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@24in48 A decent showing for the day, with cleaning and cooking and journalling. I‘ve been called in to work tomorrow, which was to be a day off, so I‘m not going to make it 24 hours... it‘s all right, though, as I read a grip yesterday as well. When I was thinking I‘d read these books this year, I thought it would take months...

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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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Thanking #Scribd for having this wonderfully narrated audiobook! The story was a good fill-in/follow-up to Caspian‘s life after the great Voyage.

By far not my favorite story - Eustace has no business being back in Aslan‘s world 👎🏼 However, Puddleglum had an Eeyore feel to him, and therefore ranks as one of my favorite Narnian characters. Bonus points to this installment for the mention of Reepicheep!

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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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Finishing up the month with another installment of the Chronicles of Narnia! I miss the Pevensies.

P.S. Thanks to the audiobook, I now know that “quay” is pronounced /kee/ and not /kway/. 😬

The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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🦉 tagged
🌕 The Sword in the Stone
🎵 Hedwig‘s Theme by John Williams

#manicmonday @JoScho

Clare-Dragonfly I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who thought of The Silver Chair! 😄 5y
JoScho Thanks for playing 😊🖤🦉 5y
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The Silver Chair | Clive Staples Lewis
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Book: The Silver Chair (Glimfeather!)
Movie: Labyrinth
Song: Hedwig‘s Theme

BookmarkTavern Hey! 2 out of 3 we match! 👋🏻 5y
JoScho Thanks for playing 😊🖤🦉 5y
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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“Four babies playing a game can make a play-world which licks your real world hollow.” -Puddleglum, The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis

ephemeralwaltz What a pretty cover! 5y
PickingBooks @ephemeralwaltz Yes! I love it! 5y
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