Happy Sandwich Day! When my old 1960s BHG cookbook fell apart, my daughters got me a new edition. Here‘s a sandwich 🥪 with Thanksgiving leftovers flair 🦃
#Sandwich #DaysDevotedTo
Happy Sandwich Day! When my old 1960s BHG cookbook fell apart, my daughters got me a new edition. Here‘s a sandwich 🥪 with Thanksgiving leftovers flair 🦃
#Sandwich #DaysDevotedTo
Jolabokaflod was a roaring success this year, as we all got books from our wishlists and most of them were secondhand. My daughter found the crow 🐦⬛ book, and her boyfriend found this 1956 edition of the BH&G New Cook Book, which I spent HOURS poring over and giggling at. A lot of the recipes are hysterical. Nutty pups, kids? That‘s a hot dog with crunchy PB on a toasted bun. I love old cookbooks. 😂
#BookHaul #FavoriteThings #MtCookbook
This cook book I inherited from my mom, she baked from recipes from the book since I can remember, I was 11 when I made my first cake from the recipe in it. Here I made jelly roll and cinnamon rolls and bread #festivephotochallenge #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious Day 22
After seeing @ValerieAndBooks post , I wanted to post about this 1953 edition.A family heirloom, it belonged to my great aunt, I treasure it!You definitely can trace changing ideas, trends , fashion,& lifestyles in the U.S. through the years of this classic cookbook.Actually, I would rather have that kitchen than my new one!
Top: 1982 edition
Middle: 1989 edition
Bottom: 2018 edition
Not only do clothing and kitchen styles change over the years, so do tastes. My current edition (found used but like new) for example has Buddha bowl recipes which are a thing now 😊.
I also found this recipe in the same red and white cookbook, but it was to long to take a picture, so here‘s a site with the exact same recipe: https://www.food.com/recipe/buried-cherry-cookies-263855
These sound delicious, but I‘ve never made them before, so we‘ll see how it goes. 🙃 #merryreaders #wintergames @Clwojick
1. This classic is my go to cookbook. I have several that are more niche that I love, but this is the staple.
2. Cooking with white flower on Oasis, from the Book of Strange New Things. It could be recipes of how to make many things with one base bland ingredient.
3. Not much of a reading snacker, but coffee or tea is good to sip.
#dailycheckin Baking day today. I made my annual peach pie this morning. Baked early because it is so bloody hot, which has left me plenty of reading time this afternoon.
#wintergames #teamfozziwig @Clwojick @StayCurious @BarkingMadRun
More holiday baking.
1. Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. I always remember that red and white check cover in my mom's kitchen.
2. Maybe..If a burger is a sandwich, then a hot dog is a sandwich.
3. I would need a time machine so I could get Justin Wilson, the old cajun chef from PBS, to cook up a southern feast.
4. I love to eat plain potato chips with a big spoon of miracle whip to dip them in.
#ManicMonday @JoScho
1. Tagged cookbook -I‘ve had it since I moved out and I turn to it several times a week; wonderful reference.
2. I say yes because it‘s main ingredient is the hotdog (meat) and it‘s between two pieces of bread (the bun). And I love to add all kinds of delicious toppings. Especially jalapeños or chili and cheese; just to name a few. Yum yum!
3. Bobby Flay
4. This is hard...I guess salsa on my eggs
#ManicMonday @JoScho
#ManicMonday @JoScho
1. Tagged. I learned a lot about how to cook from this cookbook. I also love How to be a Domestic Goddess by Nigella.
2. Nope.
3. Ina Garten. I‘d love a tour of her garden too!
4. I can‘t eat this anymore but back in the day I would dip my fries in my Wendy‘s frosty.
December 26: Book Gifted to Me - Santa got me this for Christmas a couple of years ago. I'll admit I haven't cooked much from it. #cookbook #allthebooksdec
So I see no one else seems to know what #JingleJuice is supposed to mean either since no one has posted lol. We made calzones tonight and a couple burst open and we‘re juicy and there may have been some jingling playing in the background. #DeckTheShelves
Making banana bread 🍌🍞for #thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. This is my very favorite #cookbook. 👩🏻🍳My mom got a copy for me when I got married...she got a copy as a wedding gift in 1979, and we cooked recipes from it all the time when I was growing up.
Last post for the night:
A #puremorning starts with breakfast... Delicious French toast on page 127 specifically... 😋
Seriously though, this cook book is amazing. Super simple recipes, with basic ingredients, and easy to follow instructions. As someone who learned to appreciate the culinary arts much later in life, this book has been a life saver.
#90sinJuly #cookbooks #breakfast
I'm in a baking mood today. Buttermilk coffee cake in the oven, brownies coming later 👩🏼🍳 #baking #coffeecake #cookbook #brownies #yum
I am trying to piece together a whole grain pancake recipe from a video Bon Appetit posted awhile ago and my trusty BHG cookbook. I think I've got it together. We'll see how it goes!
Today's #bookhaul courtesy of my grandma who couldn't believe that I didn't have a copy of this- so she sent me one 😝
A familiar look, from 1953, and an earlier incarnation from 1937. Both from my mother's collection.
I just barely finished cooling my pumpkin pie before going to bed last night, but here you go. I hope you all had a great Pi Day! (My husband made a berry pie that's more visually intriguing, but I wanted to post the picture of the one I made.)
Making a cake for my mom's birthday. How does one adult make this much of a mess when making frosting? You'd think that a child "helped" me, but you'd be wrong. This mess is All mine. And I haven't even added the food coloring yet. ?#riotgrams #cookbook #baking #whatamess
Even with all of my cookbooks, I still end up going to the internet for an oatmeal raisin chocolate chip cookie recipe. 📚🍪 #cookbooks #baking #cookies #oatmeal #raisins #chocolatechip #smellsamazing #bejealous 😉
For @RealLifeReading and anyone else who has never had stuffed peppers 😊 This is comfort food in our house, but my recipe these days only vaguely resembles the original one from the old BH&G cookbook I got as a wedding gift.
Reading cookbooks today. 🦃 This is the 1953 edition complete with vintage stains. ❤️
I don't really have #CookbookLove in the plural sense for #PhotoADayNov16. I do refer to my classic Better Homes & Gardens Cook Book from time to time. Just too many foodie blogs out there. Found this chocolate lasagna recipe at http://www.centercutcook.com/chocolate-lasagna/. #Yummers
Made this bad boy as my comfort food for tomorrow night as I watch the season finale of America. (Totally stole that line from a meme my sister sent me!)
This is my favorite cookbook of all time. My mom still uses the edition she got when she was married in 1979, and it's what my sister and I learned to cook from. I have a (much updated) copy of my own that was a wedding present, and I always reference it before any of my others! #cookbooklove
My grandmother was cleaning out a few years ago and was going to throw this in the burn pile. I rescued it. It's falling apart and has so much random stuff stuck in it but I love it. I haven't used it for fear of losing something from it though. #cookbooklove #photoaday16
Getting ready to take a picture of my cookbook for #photoaday16 and found this gem ... there are tons more crazy stuff stuck in here.
#somethingforsept day 18: #booksthatmademehungry. Here is a pic of my cookbook bookshelf. I tagged the BHG bc it was the cookbook that I learned to cook from way back in my college days.