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Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community
Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community | Ray Oldenburg
18 posts | 3 read | 6 to read
Oldenburg argues that "third places"--where people can hang out simply for the pleasures of good company--are the heart of a community's social vitality and the grassroots of democracy. of photos.
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The Importance of Book-Centered Spaces as Third Places by Susie Dumond; https://bookriot.com/book-centered-spaces-as-third-places/

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Just got these two in the mail. Super excited to dig in!

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Yes, we had to! #ReleaseDay for The Testaments, The Institution, Akin...

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I love my local coffee shop!

#coffeehouse #coffeeshop #cafe

AmyG ❤️ 5y
DGRachel That‘s beautiful! 5y
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Found a bookstore on vacation 💜

GripLitGrl Love the logo & bag🤓😍 5y
Jennick2004 @GripLitGrl isn‘t it amazing?!! I wish they had shirts...but at least she gave me a bookmark 😉 5y
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These 3 are my main #booksource . #30JuneBooks

Kinokuniya - largest, haven for bibliophiles, with over 300000 titles in English, Japanese, Chinese and Malay.

Book Depository- love them for their FREE shipping worldwide, but waiting for my ordered books to arrive always cause me much anxiety..they may arrive 7 weeks later or get lost in the post! 😭

Bookxcess - a remaindered bookstore with fantastic discounts (but not latest titles).

batsy Samesies! 😁🙌🏽 5y
Freespirit Kinokuinya in Sydney is an amazing book shop also 5y
Smarkies same sources! though I also get my used books from Better World Books. :) 5y
BooknerdsLife Awww I love our Kinokuniya in Sydney too! And I order half my books from book depository 🤗 Thank goodness for their free shipping 🙌🏼📚💖 ...tho my wallet might not agree 😂 5y
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This may not seem book related, but trust me, it is!! our tiny little town now has an adorable coffee shop! ☕️? this means many hours spent reading on the bar, in the comfy couches or the handmade tables. I couldn't be anymore excited!! (Ps--our town has nothing like this, it's big news!!) before this, the closest we have to a cafe is McCafé in McDonald's ? today was the grand opening. We were third in line ?

LiteraryinPA Congrats on the new addition to your town! It looks like a great space for reading. 6y
Chelsea.Poole @LiteraryinLititz thank you! It is perfect! It's much cuter, but I couldn't get good pictures because of all the people! That's a good thing! 😊 6y
kspenmoll So happy for you!!! 6y
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Johanna414 I totally understand that excitement! My tiny town was in the same boat until our coffee shop opened up a couple years ago. I love it! 6y
Tamra Yea!! ☕️📚 6y
Chelsea.Poole @kspenmoll thanks! I'm obsessed! 6y
Chelsea.Poole @Johanna414 I feel crazy gushing about it to my sister in law who lives in nyc, but for us, this is a BIG DEAL! Glad you understand ☺️ 6y
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GingerAntics 🤣😂🤣 6y
A_planNerd Valid point 🤣 6y
Bookyonce Haha love this 6y
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thereadingowlvina 😂😂😂 6y
JacqMac 😂 😂 6y
cajunsyd That‘s too funny!! And a great idea. 6y
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#MittenLitten #LitsyMeetup

Chilled at Schuler Books in Lansing, with @BookNAround @Kelican17 and @VioletCavalier !!! 📚

Branwen Eeeee! So awesome! I'm only about half an hour away from Lansing! Let me know when you guys have another meetup! 😀 6y
CrowCAH @Branwen they‘re meeting again on the 11th. I‘ll tag you in the original post. 6y
LeahBergen Fun! ❤️❤️ 6y
ValerieAndBooks How fun! Litsy meet ups are the best 😊👍! 6y
HOTPock3tt Love it!! ❤️ 6y
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Spent the afternoon in Barnes & Noble, my home away from home! 😊📚

Suet624 Sounds perfect. 7y
Branwen @Suet624 It really was! 😄 7y
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Catching up on Season 2 of The Good Place and found this quote too good not to share! 😂❤️ Chidi is a fantastic character, and the show really lives up to its name by being an excellent mini-escape from the moments when current events, politics, etc. make the real world feel like a not-so-good place!

Notafraidofwords Is this the show Kristen Bell is in? 7y
Notafraidofwords @Christine I️ love her !! 7y
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razmanda Current favorite show! Janet is my bae. 7y
Christine @Notafraidofwords Yay, me too! And she‘s so great in this show that I‘ve heard more than once of people who were not Kristen Bell fans changing their tune. :) 7y
Christine @razmanda Janet!!! She‘s the best. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘ve been watching this one too, I finished season 1 and just started season 2! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Christine Who doesn‘t like Kristen Bell? Did they never see Veronica Mars? 7y
Christine @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yay, so good, right?? And I know re KB, what is wrong with such people?? At least they are being converted. ;) 7y
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My daughter-in-law gets me. #coffeedoesabodygood #sodobooks

hlgreenfield Love it! 7y
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Yesterday it was so to hot for#booksinthewild so instead I ventured to the bookstore. #riotgrams

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I visited a new coffee shop bookstore in my town, that I had no idea was here. Silly me. It was on the list of Real Simple magazine's number one bookstores in each state. I'm not sure if I would consider it the number one bookstore in my state, but it was charming. I had the best chocolate chip cookie I've ever had in my life. And a pretty good cup of iced coffee. Think Starbucks with about 100 popular books.

Cinfhen That actually sounds amazing 😊 8y
Wife Cool idea! ☕️📚 8y
DebinHawaii It looks charming and like a great place to hang out for a bit. 📚☕️🍪👍 8y
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MyNamesParadise What state is this in? It sounds amazing! 8y
LisaJo @MyNamesParadise It is in Alabama. Outside the Birmingham area. We have some great bookstores. 8y
MyNamesParadise @LisaJo oh cool!! Wish I had something like that near me! 8y
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The new book I'm working on is about characters in a small town. When I think about why these places interest me, I think of coffee shops like this. The coffee is hipster-quality but the clientele could not be more diverse: old guys telling war stories, families meeting for breakfast, even loners working on novels 😬. A warm, calm buzz of conversation. Anyone else have a shop like this in their town?

Zelma I haven't found it yet, which saddens me. Plenty of coffee shops, but not a fun mix of clientele. 8y
DeborahSmall Yep! I've lived in this town for almost 23 years, since I was 17. For years there's been just crappy little 'greasy spoons' because the local council won't let in any decent franchised coffee shops. Then last year we got a lovely 'trendy but cheap' indie coffee shop that also serves sandwiches etc. Coffee is great, they even have a few sofas and it's open until 10pm!! Great for people watching. Old loners, couples, families and high school kids! 8y
Ericmanciniwriter @DeborahSmall it sounds like we live in almost the exact same town! Something similar happened here. 8y
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Ericmanciniwriter @Zelma that's the important part, isn't it? So many places self-sort. This past weekend at this shop I talked to a house painter, a scrapper/fisherman, and an ivy league professor 8y
DeborahSmall The most frustrating part, as well as the shitty instant coffee, was they all close around 3.30/4pm. When I'm home in Glasgow I can walk to a coffee shop and read (people watch) until 11. Now I love that so many people in the town have embraced the cafe culture and don't need to go to a bar in the evening to meet with friends. Such a great place with so many different characters. 8y
MyNamesParadise Omg I wish!! 8y
Ericmanciniwriter @DeborahSmall you're from Glasgow? That's awesome! 8y
DeborahSmall Glasgow has become a beautiful city over the years. I miss it so much 8y
mauveandrosysky This is why I love coffee shops. They're great for the introverted loner who likes to people-watch. 8y
Suet624 Actually, I'm pretty spoiled. There is at least one in most of the towns around me. 8y
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If you're ever in Den Haag, go to Tot zo! The Bookstore / Bike Rental for coffee! I might never leave again! Their wifi key is: facebookisnotfranzkafka 😍

stargazerblue49 Looks heavenly! 8y
PurpleyPumpkin Wow, beautiful!😍 8y
Libby1 This looks like a perfect place to spend the afternoon. 8y
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CoffeeAndABook WOW that looks like a real gem of a place💎 8y
scripturient I love this picture! 8y
MrBook This is fantastic 😁👏🏻👍🏻! 8y
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Well this is a fun number & one I didn't even think about hitting 2 months ago when I joined @Litsy after @BethFishReads raved about it. (Thank you!) This book is about 'The Third Place'-there is home, work & then third places-where people gather, put aside their worries, & hang out for the pleasure of good conversation & community. Litsy has become my #1 third place & you all have been the most warm & welcoming community! Mahalo! #litsylove❤️📚❤️

BookishFeminist ❤️❤️ congrats! Litsy is a wonderful third place. 😊 8y
OSChamberlain That seems like a great book! Congrats 😁 8y
Zelma 😍👍🎉🍾 yay! It is a great third place. 8y
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Eyelit 🎉👏😃 8y
451Degrees The perfect description of Litsy❤️ 8y
BooksForEmpathy I love this third place idea. It's so true! 8y
DebinHawaii @OSChamberlain It is a very interesting book and I actually give it partial credit for a new job/promotion I got when I was at Starbucks. It got mentioned by Howard Schultz & third place became a 'thing' & then a mantra there in the 90s but it was out of print at the time. I found 2 used copies at Powell's books & gave one to the head of the department I was interviewing with when he said he wanted to read it. Big points & I got the job. Hah! 😆 8y
Megabooks Definitely correct about Litsy! ❤️💙💚 8y
DebinHawaii @BookishFeminist @Zelma @Eyelit @kyvo21 @BooksForEmpathy Thanks! I agree it describes Litsy well. The author argues that in order to have a happy, balanced life we need these 'inclusively social' third places--totally Litsy! 👍😀 8y
DebinHawaii @Ebooksandcooks Yes! For sure! 👍 8y
Lizpixie Congratulations! Litsy is definitely my third place, in fact I think it's my second place after family. You all have been the most supportive, caring, enabling bunch of almost strangers I have ever met. When I start rambling about books at home, most of them think I'm obsessed, and a little crazy, but you guys get it. I'm glad I've found my bunch of crazies🙃 8y
DebinHawaii @Lizpixie Yes, Litsy is hell on the budget and TBR list but extremely good for the soul!!! 😀👍 8y
LeahBergen 🎉🎉🎉 Yay! 8y
quirkyreader Deb is now officially our Pele level reader. 🐸🐙 Alas there are no volcano emojis. 8y
Jenshootsweddings ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 8y
LauraBeth 🎉🎉🎉📚 8y
BethFishReads So happy to see you here every day!!!! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa 🌋 Here you go @quirkyreader! We need more emojis! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Congratulations 🎉🎉 8y
PurpleyPumpkin Well done!🎉🎊🎉🎊 8y
megt Congratulations! 8y
CherylDeFranceschi 🎉📚🎉! 8y
MrBook WOOHOO!!! Congratulations! Let the good times roll 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻🙌🏻!!! 8y
DebinHawaii @MrBook Mahalo for being such a great and positive part of this community! 😀👍 8y
MrBook @DebinHawaii Awww, thanks! See that, @BookBabe ? Mahalo 😁. (Her favorite place in the whole world is Hawaii!) And thank you for also being a fantastic and wonderful part of the @Litsy Universe as well 😎👌🏻! 8y
Carol Rock on! 🤘📚🎉 8y
DebinHawaii @Carol Thank you! ❤️😀 8y
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