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Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Up early before the munchkin with a headache so I decided to stay in the dark and start Ring of Power. Seems pretty slow so far- thought from anyone who has watched it?

KathyWheeler I find it a bit slow as well. Some interesting things are happening though, so I‘m sticking with it. 2y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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5. #Merry

Did you say 'Merry'? 😂

Eggs 🙌🏻🤩👍🏼 3y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Just to let you know they have a Lord of the Rings set at Build a Bear. My Frodo is on his way to me! As a note you can only get them online and Gandalf is current out of stock. 😍💛

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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1. Is it cheating to pick a series? 😎
2. Socks 🧦
3. I‘ve been to the top of Pikes Peak which is ~14,000 feet. 🗻
4. Liver 🤢
5. Probably. At a minimum I‘ll wear cat ears. 🐈

Cathythoughts I picked this one too . It‘s one big book 👍🏻♥️ 5y
wanderinglynn I picked a trilogy. 😉 5y
Cathythoughts @wanderinglynn it‘s a desert island 🤷🏻‍♀️ we will be there awhile 5y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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1. Havnt read sinse I was 20. Would love to sit down on a desert island and take my time - no interruptions
2. Socks 🤷🏻‍♀️🧦♥️
3. Purple Mountain in Kerry - a great climb
4. Sardines 🤭🤢( hubby loves them 🙄)
5. I‘m not a Halloween person ... but for my witchy granddaughter I will do it 👍🏻♥️

@howjessreads #friYAYintro

Susanita GMTA 😀 5y
Cathythoughts @Susanita yes! Absolutely 5y
Cathythoughts @Susanita you know it‘s the book ! Powerful! And it‘s the time in my life that I read it ... a magical time magical 🧙‍♀️♥️ 5y
Balibee146 Great book choice.... I've still not read it... Tried about three times and never got out of the 'shire at the start... Must give it a proper go once I've hit my good reads goal this year (first year I'm in danger of missing it and my tidy mind can't break that chain lol) 🔗🔗 5y
Cathythoughts Oh dear ... I‘m sure you won‘t break that chain 👍🏻...... it really gets scary outside the Shire .... I was terrified reading it back then - “good” terrified - I‘d love too read again someday - (edited) 5y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Did someone mention rings? #7Rings
Can only be One ring...Lord of the Rings!

7 to the Dwarf Lords!

One Ring to rule them all!



melissajayne When I saw this post, I couldn't help but remember the Big Bang Theory episode in which the guys got a huge box of junk and inside was a ring from the movie and how Sheldon thought he had turned into Gollum. 5y
Andrew65 @melissajayne That was a great episode! Rather like the one with the Time Machine as well. Wonderful television! 5y
melissajayne @Andrew65 I wasn't a fan of the Time Machine episode, although I loved the Gorn nightmares that Sheldon ended up having at the end of the episode. 5y
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OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🎶 5y
Andrew65 @melissajayne He did suffer didn‘t he! 5y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Stealing my husband's pic to talk about our adventure earlier this week. We went to the #MorganLibrary in #NYC for the amazing #Tolkein exhibit about #LordoftheRings - it featured his artwork, drafts of maps, photos, correspondence and more - amazingly illuminating. His mother's handwriting clearly influences his Elvish/runic scripts. He designed covers and artwork! (No pics allowed inside.)
#lotr #jrrtolkein #hobbit #middleearth #museum #library

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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Hehehehehehe... yup^^^

hermyknee Yeeessss!!! 6y
AmyG Ha! 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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1. Lord of the Rings- would love a long space for a slow reread
2. I‘ll save Scarlett &‘Rhetts relationship ♥️💔
3. Father Gaunt , the priest in the Secret Scripture
4 my cosy cashmere shawl
5 @erzascarletbookgasm @youneverarrived @squirrelbrain

#whatwouldyoudo @DannyHattan
Thankyou @JennyM for the tag 😘

readordierachel Good list! 6y
youneverarrived Thanks for the tag 😚 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein

Taking advantage of being away with work, writing some #LitsyLove letters and will hopefully finish Lord of The Rings later ... Barman thought I was writing Christmas cards! 😲😳

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️ 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Well....it‘s not far from the truth lol! #books #elf #funny

BethM Completely identify lol. 6y
TheBookbabeblog84 @BethM this is so damn true of me! I‘m a mini Viking like elf lol.... 6y
Schnoebs Me 🙋‍♀️ 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Happy Saturday!! #middleearthmarch

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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1. Sci-fi
2. Earthbound (if I‘m honest)
3. Coffee fuel
4. Scientific prowess
5. Salty rivalry
6. LOTR, tagged
7. Dystopia
8. Animal Sidekick
9. Amphibians
10. Tough one...I guess mostly Series
11. Ugh no, not YA...anything but that!

hermyknee 😂🙌🏼💙 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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#24in48 hour 30 challenge! #FavoriteSeries
I bought this box set with my allowance when I was 14 years old (the first movie had just come out) and I DEVOURED it.

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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I play this game called Tsuki Adventure & you can buy Tsuki things & he will eventually use them. I bought him this book as soon as I saw it (because books!), but today he finally used it! He is reading "Lord of the Carrots." ???❤❤❤ #charactersreading

ju.ca.no Cute😍 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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This kid gets it.

Gezemice 😂👍 6y
eanderson 😂💕 6y
LauraBeth 😂😂 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I made a goal to read The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I read both now. I prefer the Hobbit but this is just as epic and full of adventure.
Protect Sam!
Read it in less than a month

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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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#MusicalNewYear #RingOfKeys

Me thinks there must be some keys involved somewhere 🔑

TrishB And definitely some rings 😁 6y
JennyM @TrishB 💍s 🧙‍♂️ s and 🔑 s 6y
Cathythoughts Me thinks so too 👍🏻✨✨✨ 6y
Cinfhen Hahaha, clever 🤓🤓🤓 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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I can‘t stop laughing!!! 🤣🤣🤣

LauraJ Snort 😹 6y
LauraBrook Oh my god, I love this!!! 😂😂 6y
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LazyDays This.is.awesome! 6y
LazyDays This.is.Mordor! 6y
julesG 😂😂 6y
vivastory 😂😂😂 6y
Lreads Now I finally know what the “B” in J. B. Fletcher stands for: Baggins! 😂👏 6y
GypsyKat @QuietlyLaura 😂😂😂 6y
batsy I love this 😂😂 6y
TK421 I would watch the heck out of this!😂 6y
tracey38 🤣🤣 6y
Bookzombie 😂😂 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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I found this on Pinterest this morning and had to share. I hope to keep this in mind in the new year.

tracey38 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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3 days to get through The Two Towers.
I'm loving this book! 💜

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Okay so I know it's a little early but I got really excited because I noticed that after the Harry Potter buddy read that I'm hosting, there will be four months left in the year. And I figured what better way to finish off the year then with another epic buddy read! Right?🤘🏻😆🤘🏻
This #BuddyRead will take place September - December 2019 #LOTRBuddyRead

Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures Ok so I‘m gonna have to do this one too! @TheReadingMermaid you really know my weaknesses lol 💛🖤💛📚 6y
Jovy Another series I always miss on buddy reads! I will be watching out for this ❤️ 6y
LauraJ Sounds good to me! 6y
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Meaw_catlady Yes! 6y
BooksAndTea97 I definitely need to participate in this one since I never managed to finish the entire LoTR trilogy. 😳 Can't wait for either of buddy reads that you're about to host. ^^ 6y
LaLecture I‘m in 😬. I bought a collection of all these books some time ago but was never motivated enough to read it. I‘m sure a buddy read could help 😬. 6y
Carolyn11215 I don‘t think I finished this trilogy either so I‘m in! 6y
BeansPage @Carolyn11215 we are going to be reading all four books starting with The Hobbit 😉 6y
BeansPage @BooksAndTea97 ⬆️⬆️⬆️ 6y
Carolyn11215 @TheReadingMermaid I adored the Hobbit!! 6y
BeansPage @Carolyn11215 I have actually never read any of the books but I have seen all the films and I grew up watching the animated movies 💕 6y
jb72 I‘m in on this one. I‘ve never read the books or seen the movies. 6y
BeansPage @jb72 yahz! 😃 I'm going to do this one just like the Harry Potter buddy read where we're going to read one book a month and watch the corresponding film after we're done with each book. 6y
zezeki I've read it for the first time few years ago, also thanks to a buddy read. There's a long way to September, but I will keep my eye on this one. 6y
LittleBug I‘m gonna try and join this one too!!💜 I read them all, including Silmarillion when I was a kid and probably missed most of it🙈 Been wanting to do a reread for a while now😊 (edited) 6y
laur89 I was wondering what was going to happen with the other 4 months! I may just finish off with the extended series books (Cursed Child, Fantastic Beasts, Quidditch, and Beedle the Bard) 6y
Schnoebs I just got the hobbit for Christmas and I‘ll definitely put it off till this buddy read! And if I like t well enough I might just have to donate that copy and buy a fancy box set of the collection! 6y
jb72 @TheReadingMermaid sounds like a great plan. 6y
BeansPage @laur89 we are including the cursed child in this buddy read 😉 just not the fantastic beasts series 6y
laur89 Oh good to know!! 6y
BookwormAHN Brilliant plan! A year of J K Rowling and J R R Tolkien. I'm definitely in for both 💚 6y
tdrosebud It's been awhile since I've read these and would love to join in. 6y
Andrew65 What a great plan! 6y
kelli7990 I‘ve never read LOTR. 6y
Schnoebs I knew I wasn‘t crazy! I just looked through all the Tolkien tags to see if this readalong was still a thing 😂 Is this still happening next month? 5y
BeansPage @Schnoebs I honestly don't know sweetheart. I failed so miserably at the Harry Potter buddy Reed that I don't know if anybody else would want to do the Lord of the Rings buddy read with me. 😞 But I guess we can try if you and a couple other people are on board. 5y
Schnoebs I mean, I‘d still be down since I think I would definitely need a buddy read for the lotr series just to make sure I get through it lol 5y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Book one of three of Lord of the Rings completed.
I'm loving these books. Right now I prefer The Hobbit. Fellowship of the Ring took me 11 days

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein

Not all who wander are lost.

Purrfectpages Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Aliviaa Thank you! 6y
Soubhiville Hi! Welcome to Litsy! 6y
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RaimeyGallant Nice quote! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy. 🤗 6y
Spencer_Labbe The old that is strong does not wither ✨ 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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It‘s time for the annual re-read! With a new edition ready to be destroyed by reading it in the pool and a beautiful bookmark from Ink and Wonder

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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Watching LOTR trilogy for the first time since reading the books and now I can be the guy that says "That didn't happen in the books"!

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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This is older than me. Published 1980. (I was born 1990)

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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First read with the tree.
This is my dad's old copy and he is never getting it back mwhaha

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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One ring to rule them all... (in Korean)

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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One ring to rule them all... (in Chinese)

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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One ring to rule them all.... (in Japanese)

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Favorite ubiquitous quote: “All who wander are not #lost” that may be taken out of context from LOTR. And when lost I 🎶 went to the doctor 🎵 I went to the mountains 🎶 I looked to the children 🎶 I drank from the fountains🎵(Indigo girls).

Billypar Yes! Nice pick 👍 Quite a nice range of music and literary works we have here: The Raven--Amanda Palmer--LOTR--The Indigo Girls: covered a lot of territory! 😃 6y
Cathythoughts Excellent 💫💫💫 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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The latest addition to our book-themed nursery is this wonderful decal we found on Etsy. Originally it had Narnia, but I had them sub in the 100 Acre Wood and I love it! We also did some doctoring of the height to make it better fit the space. But I‘m totally in love 😍

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Been re-reading the series of unfortunate events. Found this gem in The Grim Grotto. I Have had it since 2001 so it's been awhile! It also came with the ring. I used to wear it everyday day, turned my finger so green! 😂 ❤😊😂 #bookmark #newoldfind #muchlove #frodocrush #dedicated #oneringtorulethemall

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Saw this on Facebook. Epic.

LazyDays 👏👏 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Romance, westerns, epic/traditional fantasy

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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#HumpDayPost @MinDea

💫Really hard question! I‘m going with Gandalf
💫fave colours green & blue ... least fave .. depends ?? I don‘t like black doors ( I like black clothes though ) 🤷🏻‍♀️
💫a glass of Kefir
💫yes ! I don‘t have a specific craft
💫keys 🔑

Happy humpday @MinDea & to all you Littens out there in the world ❤️

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Okay R.E. Parrish is on a roll with the literary-themed comics recently so bear with me while I repost some! And now there's a redbubble offshoot and I want ALLLLLLL of the merch lol

1/3 #litsylaughs #lotr

vivastory 😂😂 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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I don‘t read a lot of (not enough) fantasy books, I don‘t know many witches and wizards. So, can‘t say this is my favourite, but I know him! 🧙‍♂️
#NewHogwartsAdventure #favoritewitchorwizard

vkois88 👍👍👍 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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1. Tome
2. DON‘T MAKE ME CHOOSE!!! 😩😩😩 But if I have to....Lord of the Rings...? So hard. They‘re both lifelong favorites.
3. Physical book
4. Tea? Actually prefer Apple cider or hot chocolate but tea isn‘t bad.
5. Agatha Christie
6. Uhhh whoever hasn‘t done it! Feel like I‘m a bit late to the game 😅
#tuesdaytidbits #thisorthat
Litsy won‘t let me tag anyone anyway so 🤷🏼‍♀️

Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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I've got everything packed up for Saturdays meetup with @CrowCAH for the #TolkieniteSwap!

CrowCAH Ooh pretty and pokeadoted! Looks like my birthday gifts will have come early! 🎈 6y
GondorGirl @CrowCAH I'm really excited for you to open everything. I tried to pick a couple of my favorite Tolkien related books that most people probably aren't familiar with. 😁 6y
JazzFeathers @GondorGirl @CrowCAH How beautiful that you can meet in person 😍 6y
CrowCAH @JazzFeathers yea, it‘s crazy, we actually met last year at RenFest and by random chance for this swap we got each other, so we‘ll meet again! 6y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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My heart 💔 when Thorin died in LOTR. Grrrr, f@&?!#% Orc! #thisremindsmeof

ShookBelf I was proper ugly crying in the cinema when he died 😭😭😭😭 7y
Ash.on.the.line My sister was mad about this one! She said Tolkein betrayed her! 😆 (edited) 7y
KarouBlue Richard Armitage. ❤️ swoon ❤️ 7y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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tpixie Fun!!! 8y
jyurkanin Yessssssss 8y
TeR OMG 8y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Today's #readjanuary for me is a combination of DNFs and did not starts. These are all #bookseveryonehasreadbutme. I'm cool with that though! #notinterested #youdoyou

Suzze I started My Brilliant Friend. I think I made it 10 pages. I may (probably not) try again one day. 8y
B.Reader @Suzze I'm sure they are great for some but just sound so profoundly uninteresting to me! 8y
CrowCAH LOTR is a heavy read and the movies are very similar, so if you've watched them, you'll be good! 😉 8y
B.Reader @CrowCAH I actually DNFed the movies too! I just think that sword and sorcery fantasy is not really for me! 😊 8y
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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein

I would recommend this series to anyone who loves adventures! An epic and really beautiful journey.

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Lord of the Rings | J R R Tolkein
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Soon I shall finally read it.....