Series continuation with a primate that signs which at times I thought I was reading Congo
Series continuation with a primate that signs which at times I thought I was reading Congo
#3Books that made me mad.
1) Apple for Zoe - sexist drivel that is just horribly written. AWFUL.
2) Women Talking - I'm mad that this actually happens in the world.
3) The Bone Labyrinth - I LOVED this book. Yet it mad me mad for two reasons - one, the depiction of cruelty to research animals, and two, the hint at the end of the book that my favorite character will be dying. NOOOOOOO.
Baako wins the role of favorite character.
Current situation. 70°F outside, partly cloudy, and I am so tired of hearing gamer YouTube videos in the background of my life. Thank God it is nice enough for me to enjoy my back deck.
And then the books!!! I‘m so excited about every one of these!! I love that you picked some that weren‘t on my TBR — you did a great job!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 And Thank you for including the postcards! I‘ll definitely tell you what I thought about the books! 🤗♥️🥰 Thank you Thank you @Soubhiville !! ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you @Texreader ! I had forgotten all about this! I was so excited to come home to book mail!!
Cleaning out books and found these brand new duplicates. And to celebrate reaching Litfluence of 85,000, I‘m giving them away! Tell me which book you want by 5 pm CST tomorrow, and I will put your name in a drawing for each book. This is my fave James Rollins‘ book! So I‘d love to introduce someone to this awesome author!!
I wondered what happened to Kowalski after 10 years...It is quite vague...
1. Rollin‘s Sigma series
2. It‘s been awhile since I watched it but Supernatural; as a kid, MASH
3. The what?
4. Hopefully something spectacular on my birthday on Sunday
5. Nope; got my love of reading from my mom, @Momreviews
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
This had all the elements to make me a happy reader. History. Science. Ethos dilemma. All wrapped up in his action packed save the world thriller ride!
Rollins seems to be getting back on his A-game!
When you remind this book of someone esp when he loves James Rollins
#demoncrown #jamesrollins #theseventhplague #sigmaforce #bibliophile #booklover #bookstagram
This book, was a little iffy at first, but it picks up I promise! It's a scifi mystery/thriller that will keep you guessing, with an occasional gasp. I loved it!
When you finish a book, sob about a dying dog, then immediately add the author's entire backlist to your Amazon wish list...I loved everything about this book. It made me laugh and cry and gasp and yell out in indignation. It was an emotional rollercoaster to say the least and I can't wait to get my hands on more by James Rollins! Brad Thor's quote on the back cover nailed it.
Finally digging into this one. So far, so good.
Finally back to catching up on the James Rollins's Sigma Force books! #FridayReading #Aprilbooks #action
Not #artificialintelligence in its ordinary sense but definitely artificial intelligence in a beautiful being. Such an awesome book. #aprilbookshowers
My fave James Rollins book so far has a Caucasian/Eurasian (Vietnamese) couple so it qualifies for #diverselovestories today for #feistyfeb. They are enemies turned lovers so they are also among the #unconvincingcouples for #booklove17. First time I've satisfied two challenges with one book!
I liked this book a lot more than most of Rollins' recent ones. They spend too much time with Gray and Seichan. This one was all about Kowalski. He and Monk are my favorites. The animal testing aspect WAS very hard to read. I cried a lot. The bond with Kowalski and Baako was so touching. The hint at the end made me sad. I had almost given up on Rollins but this one pulled me back in.
I always enjoy his books. Lots of action and suspense. This is not my favourite of his as I found the animal testing parts difficult to read but overall a enjoyable fast paced story.
Excited to start this one. James Rollins never disappoints!
Just finished and a large part is #booksetinsamerica. Loved this book! His previous book also had a large setting in South America, the 6th Extinction. #booktober. In fact I can think of even more of his books set there... What a gold mine! 😉
Just finished and a large part is #booksetinsamerica. Loved this book! His previous book also had a large setting in South America, the 6th Extinction. #booktober. In fact I can think of even more of his books set there... What a gold mine! 😉
Finally finished just in time to be my #bestreadofseptember and easily Rollins' best book. An ambiguous ending, unusual for Rollins, makes me anxious for the next book in the Sigma Force series. I mean it. This was one darned good book. #somethingforsept
Why do I love James Rollins? His historical mysteries mixed with science and action adventure cannot be beat! Here's one of many illustrations in this book explaining the history, the mystery, and the science. This is one of the several #mapsinbooks in this chapter; this one on page 344! It's been a nonstop and emotional book and I love it. Rollins has added a lovable animal in danger making it hard to put this book down. #somethingforsept
It is still too hot to read outside. But hubby and I spent the day with the inspector for the lake house we are buying. When we trim the trees we will have a spectacular view of the lake from our balcony. A perfect reading spot I think. #readingoutside #outsidereading #somethingforsept
I did it!! Thanks Litsy friends!
I really enjoyed this one. It was a bit slower for me, I think partially because I was unfamiliar with the sigma force characters and had to get to know them. I loved the mix of archeology, biology and genetics with action.
See that quote on the front? It'd better be true! I've had so many blah books in a row I don't know the last time I felt compelled to read (ok...I do remember: my CJ Sansom books, but I read them all). I've been hanging out in Litsy to avoid reading. So this one is next up! May I have much better luck...
#librarylove #somethingforsept This is Landa Library in the San Antonio Public Library System. It is in a gorgeous building and on beautiful grounds. I spent lots of time at the playground when the kids were young. I haven't been back in years but I clearly need to utilize my library more often.
#librarylove #somethingforsept This is Landa Library in the San Antonio Public Library System. It is in a gorgeous building and on beautiful grounds. I spent lots of time at the playground when the kids were young. I haven't been back in years but I clearly need to utilize my library more often.
My one new book this month (so far)! My fave author! But it will have to wait. The Winter Crown (underneath) is pretty good so far!
Miss Cookie has chosen our read for the evening , our first book by James Rollins.
Does anyone know anything about this book? I got it at Walmart yesterday thought it would be a page turner. Stormy is saying " put the darn phone down and play with me!! " and/or "you post so many blurbs but hardly ever finish the book! Put your phone down!" She's right. I'm going to start actually reading and stop posting blurbs and reading articles everywhere which really drains me then I don't read the actual book. My concentration sucks ??
I always like anything by James Rollins. Just started this one; have to make sure it gets back to the library on time.
History, science, international conspiracy, Atlantis, jet-setting adventure, romance & summer blockbuster action: this book has it all 😜 Each chapter ends on a cliff hanger: keeping me up way past my bedtime this week to find out what happens next!