Early birthday present for myself from the Folio Society new year's sale. So pretty! So shiny! Can't wait for it to get dark so I can check out the Oryx and Crake glow in the dark effect. 😍
Early birthday present for myself from the Folio Society new year's sale. So pretty! So shiny! Can't wait for it to get dark so I can check out the Oryx and Crake glow in the dark effect. 😍
Dear Folio Society, please take all of my money.
That vivid royal purple Tess lured me in to their summer sale. #foliosociety
My first ever box from Folio arrived! Woohoo!!!
Loving the appropriate book titles on the box.... especially as it travelled all the way to sunny FL!
Who else got sucked into the Folio Society sale? Apparently I‘ve never ordered from them before, because the shipping price about blew me away. I know have a total of 12 Folios coming my way though, between the sale and a set of Mapp and Lucia that I bought secondhand. 😍😍 #foliosociety #foliofreaks
Another lovely anthology, this one from The Folio Society. Includes short pieces under the headings Home and Away, Christmas at Sea, In Foreign Lands, Seasonal Feasts and Entertainments, The Back or Beyond, and In Time of War & Other Perils. T.S. Eliot's The Journey of the Magi serves as epilogue.
#FolioSociety #Folio
Day 9
That moment when your wife says "Your present came today", and she gives you a Folio Society box! Let's find out what is inside!
Have all #foliofreaks seen it already?
@scripturient @LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads @Kalalalatja @Bambolina_81 @saresmoore @ScorpioBookDreams
So this is the coolest box ever! My first set of Folio society books!
This goes out to all the #foliofreaks . Did you know, if you type 'Folio society illustrations' within the Google search and switch to the button 'pictures', you find some of the gorgeous illustrations and download them.. they are pretty awesome as a screensaver on a mobile phone. 😍😍😍😍 #foliosociety
My new favorite Christmas poem. 😁
First page of the Table of contents from the Folio Christmas Book. A nice selection of the less sentimental sort of holiday stories, which I‘m quite enjoying. #Folio
Finally finished this gorgeous Folio book of days. 💓💕
For every day there was an entry and some were very interesting and some were a bit out of space ... 😑
This is the last entry and even if the last day of this year didn't pass, I liked to finish it just now.
If you like diaries or non fiction this might be a great book for you.
I‘ve been waiting months to read this one. ❤️❤️❤️
Still not up to date with the Folio diary, but I thought you might be interested in the entry of October 14th...
"Insurance assessors look at the books in what remains of the library at Holland House in London, after it was bombed, October 1940"
After so much reading and puzzling today, I need my favourite food. 😁 Bf is still on tour with his guys, so I can read while I eat. 😊 Hope to finish the tagged book within the next days. Reading in English is very difficult for me at the moment, as I have to work so much, I can't concentrate on English literature. I hope, it will get better at the beginning of the next year. 😮
You might thought, I forgot about the tagged book and you are right. I put underneath a pile of magazines and it was lost. Last week while I was looking on my tbr at Goodreads, I discovered that I didn't finish it. So here we go... Let #fridayreads begin now... 😊
Oh, well... there goes all my money! 😳 In all fairness, the free shipping is 💯 worth it, imho. I am going to London this holiday and the thought of making room in my luggage for any that I found was stressing me out. So I‘m very happy now! I got Middlemarch, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, The Illustrated Man and A Room of One‘s Own. The shipping alone on Middlemarch would have tanked the whole endeavor were it not for this sale!
Ok, so after I learned this morning that Folio Society have now implemented different prices for UK and international customers (not shipping but the actual price of the very same book) I sent them an email asking for an explanation. Here is their answer. Idk about you, but I don‘t really find that a satisfying argument. And yes, if they want to keep going, maybe they shouldn‘t alienate like half of their customers. #foliofreaks
My bank account is really going to feel this collection. It's going to take a supreme effort of will to wait until the end of the month!
My #folio haul
#allthatiwant is a huge bookshelf of Folio Society books. 😍😍 Image shamelessly stolen off of google. 😆
After @Sophoclessweetheart announced that she needs to sell some #folio books, I wrote her directly. Look at the gorgeous editions, which arrived today. She also added a cute bookmark and some literally tea. Thank you so much. 💖😘
Oh oh, just saw this on Instagram. My money ... I see it disappearing already. 🙈🤣 #foliofreaks
After having birthday, using my birthday money for shopping and Folio summer sale all these beauties are waiting for their places on the shelves. 😊💖
After sorting everything else this evening, I hope I can start moving shelves tomorrow. 😍📚
Thank you for supporting my growing Folio library @DeborahSmall @Bambolina_81 @LeahBergen @scripturient @Heideschrampf
😍 They look so good on the shelf! You can see the missing A and I on the Goblin Market book in this photo. Despite that, these books are worth every penny, full price or sale. So much weight to them, and pure quality. ❤ Some of these I wouldn't have even considered buying a year ago but I'm a full #folio convert. #foliofreaks
Unwrapping starts now 😍
Squeeeeeeel! They're still in their plastic so I technically haven't opened them as they're meant to be my birthday present....the want to look is overwhelming. 😬 #foliofreaks #foliosociety
As promised: Here is my Folio summer sale haul. We also ordered the special Paradise Lost edition (will post a pic of that one soon). 😍😍 #foliofreaks
Our Folio summer sale order is here!! 😍 Now I have to wait for the hubs to come home from work so that we can open it together. 😅 #itstaringatme
Did anyone say 'booksale' ? 💸💸💸
It's that time of year... 😍😍😍
@DeborahSmall @ScorpioBookDreams @Bambolina_81 @LeahBergen @Kalalalatja @Moray_Reads @saresmoore @vivastory @emilyhaldi @rubyslippersreads @Heideschrampf @Jess_Read_This @HardcoverHearts
My cast iron canine is helping with the repair of a sad, sad slipcase. In other news, building with books is kind of fun. 😁
Whoohoooooo! Folio birthday mail!
As per @Sarah83 ‘s request, here is my Folio collection. I only started collecting a month ago but am already at 12 volumes. 🙈 Way too much money spent. 😂 #sorrybutnotsorry #itwastotallyworthit #foliofreaks
Uh oh. I‘m doomed, y‘all! Doomed! #foliofreaks #folio
Not a big surprise, but I had to pick Folio Society for the #illustratededition prompt. The problem is, I just couldn‘t pick one! So here is a #shelfie of my read FS books and their lovely spines 😍
#MayLovesClassics #LitsyClassics
Coming home from work and the first birthday parcel is waiting for me. 💝💙💚💛💜❣️ #foliofreaks @DeborahSmall
I may or may not just have placed another Folio Society order while I‘m still waiting for another one. You decide. 🙈🤣🤣 #foliofreaks #blameitonlitsy
Arrived home from a very long weekend to find beaucoup packages containing the (very cheap!) Folio Editions I'd ordered. SWOON #foliosociety #foliofreaks
Mentioned the Folio Society offer of the free Summer Anthology that's on at the minute to my partner as he knows I've put myself on a book ban....this was his response. 😂😬 BURN.
Maybe I have ordered some birthday gifts?!? @DeborahSmall @scripturient 💖😍
Still behind in the 'The folio book of days', but I really loved this one, so I had to share it. 😍💖
I think most of the Littens, who participate #janeaustenswap, think quite the same. @mabell @sprainedbrain
My reorganized bookshelf #foliofreaks #bookshelfie #bookporn
After my delivery of second-hand FS on Friday here are some brand-new editions delivered yesterday. #LittleRaskols I blame each and every one of you for Crime and Punishment! The volume in the middle is Diary of a Young Girl. #foliofreaks
Three new editions for my collection. I ordered these from my favourite second-hand dealer at 1pm on Thursday and they arrived yesterday, now that's service! The titles are the Shooting Party by Anton Chekhov, A Month in the Country by AL Carr and the Owl Service by Alan Garner. The Owl Service is sold out on the FS website but this one was still shrink-wrapped ✊ (belated) #foliofriday
So the shelf is ready. 😍 Can you read the titles? @LeahBergen