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Jude l'oscuro
Jude l'oscuro | Thomas Hardy
A cura di Erberto G. PetoiaEdizione integralePubblicato inizialmente a puntate e poi in volume nel 1895, Jude loscuro fu lultimo romanzo di Hardy e fu stroncato senza riserve dalla critica e dal pubblico vittoriano del tempo, a tal punto che Hardy ritenne conclusa la propria carriera di romanziere. Il libro, ribattezzato dalla critica Jude the Obscene (Jude lIndecente), venne inoltre bruciato pubblicamente dal vescovo di Exeter lo stesso anno. Il protagonista della storia Jude Fawley, un giovane uomo appartenente alla classe pi umile della societ, il cui sogno nella vita divenire letterato. Altri due personaggi cruciali del racconto sono la volgare prima moglie di Jude, Arabella, e Sue, la cugina di cui si innamora perdutamente. Opera cupa e pessimista, ha avuto unefficace trasposizione cinematografica nel 1996, per la regia di Michael Winterbottom, con Christopher Eccleston e Kate Winslet nei panni di Jude e Sue.Parlarono per un po di tempo, guardandosi e appoggiandosi al parapetto del piccolo ponte. Il richiamo muto della donna, pronunciato chiaramente dalla personalit di Arabella, teneva Jude incollato a quel posto contro la sua intenzione, quasi contro il suo volere, con un sentimento del tutto nuovo per lui. Thomas Hardynacque nel 1840 in unumile famiglia del Dorset, comp studi di architettura ma presto abbandon lidea di praticare quella professione per dedicarsi alla letteratura. Stabilitosi con la moglie, Emma Gifford, in una casa di campagna presso Dorchester, vi trascorse lintera vita senza alcun evento degno di rilievo. Romanziere di grande successo, dopo la condanna moralistica di Jude loscuro smise di scrivere in prosa e divenne autore di poesie. Mor nel 1928 e fu sepolto nellAbbazia di Westminster. Tra le altre sue opere vanno ricordate almeno Via dalla pazza folla (1874) e Tess dei DUrbervilles (1891).
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“Yea, many there be that have run out of their wits for women, and become servants for their sakes. Many also have perished, have erred, and sinned, for women. . . O ye men, how can it be but women should be strong, seeing they do thus?” —Esdras

Finally starting this for #BookSpinBingo (last month and this month!) #Classic #CC50_part2 #TableRockMO

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#BookSpinBingo Time! Jude is a #Classic on my #cc50 part2 list. I added this on a whim to my Sept list of 20 and now I “get” (have?) to read it!

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The turmoil and persistent lamentations in this book is unequivocal. “Because we are to menny.” That quote has been burned in my memory for years to come. This is my third Hardy book this year and again have not been disappointed. I wish I could say more but do not want to spoil the story.

Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Yesterday after work, I decided to explore my neighborhood and I found a Little Free Library that I didn't know about! I had a book to give away, so I swapped it for this gem. (I am such a sucker for the classics. 😊) It may sit on my TBR shelf for a while, but that's ok with me. 👍

Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy

365 pages. Tragic story about broken dreams. Jude wants to go to college, but college is for rich people only. He meets his sweetheart, and she appears to be cold-hearted bitch. He meets he love of his life, and society condemns them both for having "unlawful" relationship. The story takes place in 19th century but in many aspects, aren't we still facing the same issues?

#tomhardy #jude #judetheobscure

Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Gah, this book! First of all it‘s a masterpiece, and for me a highly readable, beautifully written and engaging story. But it is also guttingly, heart-wrenchingly grim and be warned, contains one of the most horrifying, disturbing scenes in the history of literature. Jude the Obscene is a fair moniker not for the non-conformist ideas on women, sex, and marriage that got it banned but for that one brutal turn in the plot. Still an excellent...

KVanRead ...novel and it‘s sad that all the harsh criticism it received led Hardy to never write another. #BannedBooksWeek 4y
KVanRead Also, wonder what Jude the stone mason would think of these mask-wearing lions in my neighborhood.😷 4y
KathyWheeler This is a great book. 4y
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Bookzombie Are those mask and dissent collars on the lions? Or am I just wishing that? 🙂 It‘s probably my imagination. (edited) 4y
KVanRead @KathyWheeler yes, I loved it! 4y
KVanRead @Bookzombie Not your imagination! I can‘t believe I didn‘t realize those lacy collars were dissent collars but of course they must be! Love them even more now! 4y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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I have been wanting to show off the cool end papers in this swingin‘ 1967 Modern Library edition and @LeahBergen @Leftcoastzen look at the #bookplate!

Also my new fall mug arrived just in time for another heatwave. Don‘t need a fall sweater, cuz I am a fall sweater 🥵🤣

#DogEaredBooks #vintagebookfind

squirrelbrain That is *so* Sixties! 🧡 4y
LeahBergen Ooo! They‘re both awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
MsMelissa Of course I love the mug 🥰. The endpapers are pretty cool, too. 4y
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Leftcoastzen Both are pretty cool ! I love fall , and Modern Library editions,and bookplates ,and cool mugs! 4y
KVanRead @squirrelbrain @LeahBergen @Book_Fiend_Melissa @Leftcoastzen Thanks 😍 Hope you all are enjoying fall🍂 4y
Cathythoughts Lovely Auntumny colours 🍁 4y
batsy This photo is 👌🏽 4y
Read4life Love that mug! 🧡 4y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Great #audiodogwalk today. Good book, great companion, and glorious smoke free weather!

Hooked_on_books What a cutie! 🐶💚 4y
Darklunarose What a beautiful doggo. 4y
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Leftcoastzen Finally! Cute pup!🐶 4y
Cathythoughts Lovely walk I‘d say ✨ 4y
Tanisha_A Yay! 4y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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My daughter's current 'favourite book'. She's 6! 🤣🤣🤣

ElaineR Haven't read that book for about 25 years but it still makes me shudder 😱 4y
readingjedi @ElaineR I'm glad she can only read 1 word in 20 and thinks there's a fairy godmother in it! 😂😂😂 4y
OnlyYoo I heard this was a super sad book haha 4y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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#7days7books Day 2

I became a Thomas Hardy fan in High school. I think the first one I read was Tess of the D‘urbervilles, but Jude has stayed with me forever. I can never forget “Because we are too menny.” If you‘ve read it, you know what I mean.

Lcsmcat Hardy is one of the few authors I regularly reread. I too became a fan in high school with Tess and Far from the Madding Crowd. 4y
charl08 I love that cover (really don't like Hardy though!) 4y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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gradcat Love, love, love this! ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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I would never have read this book without this podcast. It was great! I really hope he does another one.

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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Man, this book!
Halfway through it I noticed that I knew that story and found out that I've watched the movie with my favorite doctor and Kate Winslet.
This beautiful edition is from a Brazilian book of the month club.

Jen2 I‘m listening to a podcast of this book. It‘s quite good. 5y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Some #tbr possibilities for July, including some I may save for #24in48.

Soubhiville Nice stack! 5y
Rachbb3 Yes, great stack! 👍👍 5y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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I thought #J titled books might be a bit harder to find for #30JuneBooks but I still found a dozen fairly quickly. Is that cause J titles are less rare than I guessed, or cause I have too many books? 🤔 gotta be the first one...


Andrea4 How is it when I scroll past your posts (which only display books) I'm like, oh that's Lil! ??? Like, do I have your carpet memorized? 🤣🤣🤣 5y
llwheeler @Andrea4 😂😂😂 5y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Bit of a downer, but asks some big questions on marriage, religion, and education.


Certainly obscure and dark but totally original

Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy

Amazing writing, but what a terribly sad book! Just when you think it can‘t possibly get worse for Jude and Sue, it does.

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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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For worst couple I nominate Jude Fawley and Arabella Donn #lovehate @ErinSueG @WhiskeyMistress

Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Just started this. He reads and comments on the book. Very funny!!!

deirdrebeecher But what about the worst most awful terrible thing. Surely nothing can make that funny. 6y
Purrfectpages I love Michael Ian Black! 6y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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My new job involves a long commute. Leisure time has been limited the past few months. One way to “read” is with this hilarious podcast. Give it a whirl: https://www.earwolf.com/show/obscure-with-michael-ian-black/

Owlizabeth I love MIB!!! I‘ll have to check it out, thanks for the tip! 6y
Godmotherx5 @Owlizabeth He is pretty funny. I hope you like the podcast. 6y
Purrfectpages Michael Ian Black is the best! 6y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy

My first Hardy, and I was pleasantly surprised by how readable I found the story. It was good to read in chunks, though, thanks to Serial Reader. That made the emotional anguish easier to handle.

CoffeeNBooks I really like Thomas Hardy. I haven't read this one yet, but it's on my TBR stack. I really liked The Mayor of Casterbridge. 6y
rabbitprincess @CoffeeNBooks I'll probably read more of his work! Will make a note of The Mayor of Casterbridge. 6y
Suelizbeth I love Thomas Hardy and have read every one of his books. I started with The Return of the Native and I think that‘s still my favorite, as well as Tess of the D‘Urbervilles. (edited) 6y
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rabbitprincess @Suelizbeth Looking forward to reading more of them! 6y
batsy My first by him was Far From the Madding Crowd & I was also surprised by how readable it was. Looking forward to reading the others 🙂 6y
rabbitprincess @batsy I loved the recent movie of Far from the Madding Crowd, with Carey Mulligan and Michael Sheen! Someday I will read the source 😉 6y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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A little from Jude the Obscure this morning. #obscure #QuotsySept18


Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Well, that was depressing.

Beautifully written, scathing commentary by the author on religion and marriage in Victorian England... hard to believe Hardy wrote something so forward-thinking in this time period, and easy to see why it was so badly received then. The novel feels unflinchingly honest, brutal, and sad. Poor Sue. Poor Jude.

If you like fun stories with happy endings, this is not the book you‘re looking for.



vivastory I need to read this. I remember loving the film adaptation. 6y
sprainedbrain @vivastory I was looking for an adaptation. Lol 6y
vivastory I can't say how faithful it is, but I watched it many many years ago & never forgot it. Christopher Eccleston played Jude & Kate Winslet played Sue. 6y
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charl08 I read it years ago (a short lived classics phase) but it left a big impression: 'depressing' covers it perfectly. 6y
KellyHunsakerReads I adore Thomas Hardy for everything you just said. 6y
VSAtkinson Love this review! I‘ll be adding this to my Must Reads. 6y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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I started this fine Saturday with lofty goals:

-yard work
-prepare elaborate dinner for my kids
-finish The Bear and the Nightingale

It is now almost 10 pm, my yard and house are in the same condition, I‘m eating takeout Mongolian beef literally over the sink, and have not opened Bear.

I have read 22 (and counting) issues of Jude the Obscure though. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I‘m a #SerialReader failure. 😂

#booksandfood #deweyjuly #readathon

Rachbb3 There's always next time. 😆 6y
Lreads Sounds like you had a great day! ☺️ 6y
mabell 😂😂🙌 6y
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Daisey Definitely had those kind of days! 😂 6y
Liz_M What a perfect day! 6y
Readerann Ha! I‘ve had the same ‘issue‘ with Serial Reader! 😂 And let me add that I love Thomas Hardy... (edited) 6y
sprainedbrain @Readerann this was my third Hardy and I‘ve loved them all, so I think it‘s safe to say I do, too! 6y
VSAtkinson @sprainedbrain I‘m hopeless with Serial, too. 6y
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Huge #MtTBR success. This one has been forgotten on my shelves for almost 20 years 😬

TEArificbooks Love Hardy 6y
SaraBeagle @mdm139 Yes! I love how he tears apart societal expectations and hypocrisies 6y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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What do you get when you marry classic literature with one of my favorite comedians?? You get a new podcast called Obscure in which the somewhat equally obscure Michael Ian Black reads and comments on said book. It‘s probably a novel I would never have read otherwise, but if you add MIB to anything I‘m bound to give it a try. If nothing else, it should keep me company on my summer walks!

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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Michael Ian Black has a new podcast where he reads Hardy's Jude the Obscure and comments. I'm looking forward to listening on my walk with Peri today. He's my kind of humor.

Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Hey Jude is one of my favorite Beatles songs! One of many favorite Beatles songs! 🎶
#HeyJude #HeyJune
@GypsyKat @Cinfhen

GypsyKat Great picture! 6y
Alfoster Oh me too! Now I‘ve got it stuck in my head!🤪🎵🎶! 6y
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tammysue Fabulous photo! 🎶 6y
Soubhiville Great song! I love the beatles! (edited) 6y
Cinfhen Oh wow!! I haven‘t seen vinyl in a long time 🙌🏻🖤so fab 6y
CoffeeNBooks @Cinfhen I love my records! This one belonged to my parents when I was little. 6y
Cinfhen Even more special 6y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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#HeyJune | #HeyJude

Jude strives to lift himself out of the circumstances he is born into. Although he tries to “take a sad song and make it better,” ultimately he is fated to experience the worst tragedies in life with very few moments of redemption and happiness.

Full disclosure: I HATED this book when I read it in Victorian lit. It‘s a miserable story with little to redeem it in my mind. I was surprised I still even had the book.

Saknicole Shut your mouth! I love Jude! Oh the tragedy! At least you've read it though, so I can make Jude the Obscure references to someone! 6y
Cinfhen This book received a lot of attention today... I think MOST felt the same way you did!!! 6y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Cinfhen Nice, the Hardy is running a close second to A Little Life 😂 6y
MatchlessMarie When I read this book in middle school I actually started thinking maybe 🤔 the Beatles song was inspired by the book 😅 6y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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A dark and depressing book. Not for the faint hearted. #heyjune #heyjude

Cinfhen I‘ve never read Hardy! Guess I won‘t start with this one 6y
Wilkie @Cinfhen I think that most of Hardy is pretty depressing, but with Jude he takes suffering to a whole new level. 6y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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#HeyJune #heyJude I just thought of one. Sounds like this song could accompany some of Hardy‘s novels ❤️

Cinfhen Well done ✅‼️ 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I immediately thought of this book, too though still TBR. I know of the other Jude in A Little Life, but I haven‘t read that either. 😅 This catchy song is going to be in my mind the whole day. 😊👌 6y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm I know ! Its going around in my mind too... lovely song. Really seems to suit the name Jude too. ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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TrishB 👍🏻 the only other one I could think of after ALL! 💕 (edited) 6y
BarbaraBB Great choice! 6y
Cathythoughts @TrishB 👍🏻❤️ 6y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Excellent writing and subject matter that I'm sure was shocking to its original Victorian audience. It was good, but I could not stand neither Jude nor Sue. Especially Sue with her wishy-washy ways. #classics #serialreader

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This passage struck me this morning. My son has autism, specifically Aspergers. This describes him perfectly, intellectually gifted with a college level vocabulary but socially immature.

tammysue That‘s so true.. our oldest was born autistic and has Aspergers too. :) 7y
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Time for a classic! Haven‘t heard of this one and know nothing about it!! That could make for either a very interesting read or a very horrible read!!!

TheAnitaAlvarez My Poetry professor described this as the saddest book ever 7y
BookaholicNatty @TheAnitaAlvarez Oh no! Lol have you read it? 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez @BookaholicNatty She actually loved it! I haven‘t read this one, but I have some experience with other Hardy novels 7y
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Velvetfur I absolutely LOVED Far From The Madding Crowd when we had to read it in high school, so I'm sure this book will be great too 😊 Looking forward to your thoughts! 7y
toofondofbooks Hardy is fantastic! 7y
KellyHunsakerReads I love Hardy! 7y
BookaholicNatty @Velvetfur I am adding that to my tbr right now 😊 7y
BookaholicNatty Hardy has soooooo many books. I just went and looked. @Hunsakermountain and @toofondofbooks what other books of his do you all like? 7y
toofondofbooks I loved Far From the Madding Crowd, Tess of the D'Ubervilles, and The Return of the Native 7y
Velvetfur @BookaholicNatty I want to read it again now, ha! 7y
KellyHunsakerReads I love: The Mayor Of Casterbridge and Far From the Madding Crowd. Return of the Native is good. Tess of the Durbervilles is up next for me. 7y
azulaco I loved this when I read it years ago, but I remember it being heartbreaking. Duh, it‘s Thomas Hardy. 😝 7y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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I don‘t know if this is definitely my oldest un-read book but it‘s one of the contenders for sure. I‘d enjoyed Tess of the d‘Urbervilles so when we had a cheap version of this at the store I worked at, I picked it up...in 2003. It has since moved with me 11 times and I still haven‘t read it. 2018 goal?
Hour 30 challenge of #24in48

saresmoore 11 moves! That‘s impressive! 7y
Bry @saresmoore I don‘t know if ‘impressive‘ is the word that all of my friends and family (aka helpful movers) would use. 😜💪 7y
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DeborahSmall My favourite Hardy novel ❤️ 7y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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And take a look at what I found inside this Modern Library edition: what a cool #BookPlate!! Now I‘m super curious about Mr. Goetzel and his (in my mind, anyway) fabulous library. Anyone else do this? What‘s the most interesting thing you‘ve found in a book?

GondorGirl I love finding old book plates. They're so pretty! My favorite has a man riding a dinosaur on it. I can't remember which of my books it's in though... 7y
KVanRead @GondorGirl That sounds so fabulous. You should post it if you find it. I‘d love to see. 7y
LeahBergen I recently bought an old book that has the bookplate of author Ralph Connor in it (although I think he is only “Canada Famous” not “real” famous). 😂 7y
KVanRead @LeahBergen Haha! Canada famous is good enough for this expat 🇨🇦❤️📚 7y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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First year participating in #LitsyAtoZ, only have #J left! Any recommendations?! The pups didn't like this one #dogatemyhomework

Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Thomas Hardy is one of my favorite authors so I'm familiar with the compounding sense of doom to be found in his novels. There are some other classics that I want to buy and read, but I won't give myself permission to purchase until I read this one. By the end of part I the protagonist has wished himself dead multiple times and attempted suicide once. The pig slaughtering scene was particularly gruesome. Only 300+ pages to go!

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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Today's train reading 😀 I' m reading the new Karin Slaughter - the kids are reading the other two!

ClairesReads You all have great taste! 7y
DeborahSmall Jude is my favourite Hardy ❤️ 7y
Cathythoughts I loved Jude too 7y
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CoffeeCatsBooks I love Thomas Hardy 💕 7y
Nute Love for Thomas Hardy. New love for black Penguin covers! 7y
TrishB @DeborahSmall @Cathythoughts @CoffeeCatsBooks @Nute I'm not a big Hardy fan and my daughter said I've always put her off! She asked her dad to buy her this and she loves it so far!! 7y
Cathythoughts Your daughter is in good company ❤️ 7y
DeborahSmall He's one of my favourites. Where are you off to? I'm sure you're almost finish The Good Daughter? It's so good. I got my letter today and love the goodies ❤️️ 7y
TrishB @DeborahSmall we're in Devon. We're staying in a lodge with a hot tub that's absolutely lovely but it's rained since we got here and the kids are itching to get in! I'm at 75% of book and dying to finish, it's brilliant 😀 glad the letter etc arrived 💝 x 7y
TrishB @Cathythoughts it looks so 😀 7y
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People go on marrying because they can't resist natural forces, although many of them may know perfectly well that they are possibly buying a month's pleasure with a life's discomfort.

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Okay I know this is a minority viewpoint but I disliked this book very much. I would have quite happily flung it far away. But I wanted to complete a famous classic. Jude! Sue! Will you make a decision! Such a depressing tale.
#farflung #maybookflowers @RealLifeReading

batsy Love that interpretation of far-flung 😂 7y
SharonGoforth But Hardy does depressing so well 😍 7y
MatchlessMarie I think you would appreciate this lighthearted overview with stick figures that I came across a few months back 😂
readinginthedark Good to know! I hated Tess of the D'Urbervilles, but someone told me to give the others a try. Maybe not this one. 7y
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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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"I'm an outsider to the end of my days!"

#judetheobscure is more depressing than I thought, but I still liked it very much ? #thomashardy

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Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy
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Why should we faint, and fear to live alone,
Since all alone, so Heaven has will‘d, we die? #thomashardy

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