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Changeless | Gail Carriger
85 posts | 215 read | 40 to read
Alexia Maccon, the Lady Woolsey, awakens in the wee hours of the mid-afternoon to find her husband, who should be decently asleep like any normal werewolf, yelling at the top of his lungs. Then he disappears; leaving her to deal with a regiment of supernatural soldiers encamped on her doorstep, a plethora of exorcised ghosts, and an angry Queen Victoria.But Alexia is armed with her trusty parasol, the latest fashions, and an arsenal of biting civility. So even when her investigations take her to Scotland, the backwater of ugly waistcoats, she is prepared: upending werewolf pack dynamics as only the soulless can. She might even find time to track down her wayward husband, if she feels like it.CHANGELESS is the second book of the Parasol Protectorate series: a comedy of manners set in Victorian London, full of werewolves, vampires, dirigibles, and tea-drinking.The Parasol ProtectorateSoullessChangelessBlamelessHeartlessTimelessFor more from Gail Carriger, check out:The Custard ProtocolPrudenceImprudenceFinishing School (YA)Etiquette & EspionageCurtsies & ConspiraciesWaistcoats & WeaponryManners & Mutiny
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Saw some beautiful flowers today. The whole road was full of different types of tulips.
And the next chapter in my books sounds a bit scary...

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Read 10 books, 7 physical, 2 from library, 2 for #ReadAfrica2022, 1 non-fiction

My favourite was Changeless by Gail Carriger.

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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My first favourite book of the year 💖💖💖 Alexia and Connall continue to be a great couple, there's a clever mistery, fun new characters and bits of interesting, expanding worl building.

And what an ending!

#bookspin #seriesread2022
@TheAromaofBooks @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Well done! 👍📖📚 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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First random picks of the new year 👍

#bookspin #roll100
@TheAromaofBooks @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Fun stack! Happy reading 3y
galueth28 @PuddleJumper Thanks 😀 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Some of this felt like a lot of filler but I did still enjoy for the most part. The ending definitely left me wanting to read the next book. Some great funny lines. I enjoy this take on the supernatural!
Another #bookspinbingo book done. I‘m working on those bookspin and doublespin books. Hoping this weekend has lots of time to finish up a few books!

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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As lovely as the first one really glad I found this series for some light hearted fun. Austen meets ware wolves in this hilarious comedy of manners.

That ending though! Can‘t wait for the next book but so much to read this month it may have to wait till December 😢. Also I can check off my first box on my #bookspinbingo!

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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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My favorite thing about Changeless is seeing grownup Genevieve and the rest of the family Lefoux. 🐙🎩👨🏼‍🔬👻👒

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Bel Canto (does that count? 😀 If not Coraline)
Gail Carriger
Cyndi Lauper
Clair de lune

#manicmonday #LetterC is hard! @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for playing 💕😊 4y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Here is my overly ambitious April #TBR.
It will probably spill into May, or June.

Gissy Cheers!🥂🍾☺️Ohhh I was supposed to see the books 😂🤣 4y
MaleficentBookDragon @Gissy 👍😹🍷🍸🍹 4y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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I mixed up my #Bookspin choices AGAIN for April because I decided to only do physical books next month.
Hopefully I won't change my mind again.😁
I'm also in for #doublespin and #triplespin picks
#Mounttbr #Unshelfing
Come on lucky numbers 4, 10, & 18!

TheAromaofBooks haha I always have trouble deciding on my list and usually post it like the day before I draw the number! 😂 5y
UwannaPublishme May I ask how you create this image? I tried PhotoGrid and they only allow up to 16 photos. 🤪 5y
MaleficentBookDragon @UwannaPublishme I use pic collage. I bought it to get rid of the watermark. 5y
UwannaPublishme Yay! Thanks for the tip! 😊❤️👍🏻 5y
BethM How to hang a witch is one of my most favorites! 5y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger

Book 14 of the year.

Feb 25: meet with Realtor to put house on the market.
Feb 29: husband leaves for new job (600 miles away)
Mar 1: haul a *literal* ton of dirt by wheelbarrow to fill in low spots in the yard prone to flooding and standing water prior to sale
Mar2: spend 7 solid hours cleaning the house for real estate photos.

Still love this series. Definitely seeking out more by this author.

InBooksILive I love this series! 5y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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"Why, Alexia Maccon, what are you doing? You appear to be dangling. -- How undignified of you. Stop it at once!"

This entire page had me laughing entirely too hard.

Gail Carriger is funny ? why I waited so long to read this second book is beyond me. I'd forgotten how much I had laughed in the first one.

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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We are supposed to have gloomy day with light rain all day. Perfect weather for @DeweysReadathon #readathon ! I‘m about 3 hours down and hoping to have decent showing though definitely not the full 24 or even 20.

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Here‘s a selection of covers from my stacks where #TheBlueDress stands out on the cover. 💙👗💙

CrowCAH Blue dresses are very popular I see! 👗 5y
Cinfhen Wow!!! Who knew??? I‘ve always liked that cover for 5y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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I wanted something nice and light to break up all the gothic books I'm reading for book club. This oughtta do the trick!

lilistar I love this series! 5y
ShyBookOwl @lilistar I really enjoyed book 1. Book 2 is fun so far too. I'm curious about the series after it too. I think it follows her daughter. 5y
Maria514626 The author‘s imagination. Bonkers! I loved the first one. Need to get back to that series. ❤️ 5y
ShyBookOwl @Maria514626 Haha it is. In the first one, I felt like I was reading something from the Buffyverse... like... some version of a Victorian-era slayer. Even the humour... it was bizarre in a great way. 5y
Maria514626 😂😂😂 5y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Slow day at work, so I was able to finish this audiobook. Not as much fun as the first book and I‘m a little concerned about how the cliffhanger is going to play out in the next book, but still a fun romp through a steampunk version of Victorian England and Scotland with great characters.

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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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What is wrong with me? I haven‘t finished a book in 10 days. Ten! I‘ve started all but one of these and I‘m enjoying them all, but I just can‘t focus for long, and two of these MUST be read by the end of the month. 😭😭 Does this ever happen to anyone else? I‘m starting to get really stressed about it.

Mitch Oh no.. even the Noir one? I‘d try to finish the skinny ones first, foster a sense of achievement 🤞🏼 5y
CaliforniaCay This happens to me all the time! I'm always reading multiple books, sometimes it will take me months to finish one because I keep jumping between books. I agree with @Mitch , sometimes it helps to read something short to feel some sense of accomplishment. Or reading poetry to cleanse my palate, or even listening to an audiobook sometimes helps pull me out of my slump. 5y
Leftcoastzen Yes , reading multiple books , sadly #chunksters. Ahhhhhhhhh, can‘t finish anything!Think I might grab some poetry like @CaliforniaCay to feel a sense of accomplishment finishing something. 5y
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MelissaSue81 I had a rough spell last month where I was only finishing audiobooks. I had a few books that really bogged me down and I some busy weeks. I read a couple shorter books and then ended up finding a couple really good ones that got me out of the slump. 5y
GingerAntics Henry IV Part 2 is not nearly as engaging as part 1, so I wouldn‘t be too worried about it. It‘s hard for everyone to get through. It could be stressing you out and dragging you down on the rest of your reading. 5y
LiteraryinPA I‘ve been in the middle of several books lately too! I totally feel you. 5y
rretzler This just happened to me, so I feel your pain. Fortunately, I kept reading and did finish one of the three I was reading and then went on to finish four books in five days! Usually, when I‘m in a slump, I just put them aside and start on something that I think I‘ll enjoy a little better but it wasn‘t happening for me at the beginning of the month. Hang in there. I‘m sure it will get better (edited) 5y
Eyelit Nothing wrong with you! Slumps happen, as frustrating as they are. I hope this passes and you have less stress! 5y
mcipher All. The. Time. Sometimes I read one or two books for months and start and finish three others in between before I get back to them. Reading life is weird. 5y
RainyDayReading This is exactly what I‘m experiencing right now. I‘ve started so many books that I‘ve been enjoying! I just haven‘t finished any of them.... 5y
DGRachel @Mitch I‘ve just been so tired that I can‘t focus on reading at all, even the short stories are too long to hold my attention. I start reading, make it maybe 5 pages, and fall asleep. But, I am definitely going to take your advice, grab the skinniest books first and try to get that sense of accomplishment for encouragement. 🥰 5y
DGRachel @CaliforniaCay I‘ve been doing multiple formats just to make progress. I have Changeless in print, Kindle, and audiobook and have flipped back and forth! 5y
DGRachel @GingerAntics Henry IV is done and was actually probably the thing I was least stressed about because I had the audio and breaking it down into one act per Sunday was cool. Since Act V was only 30 minutes, I finished it today just so I could feel a little better about myself and actually finishing something. 🥰 5y
DGRachel @Leftcoastzen @MelissaSue81 @LiteraryinLititz @rretzler @Eyelit @mcipher @RainyDayReading Thank you all, too, for the support and encouragement. It‘s nice to know I‘m not completely crazy or alone in this feeling. 😘😘 5y
Mitch @DGRachel Be kind to yourself 😘 5y
GingerAntics I‘m thinking that‘s getting finished today, too. 5y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Nap time means I get a few stolen moments of reading! It seems like I've had no time to read the last couple of days, and I'm definitely feeling it. #ReadingTime is my #MeTime, so when it's lacking I tend to turn into a stressball.

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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Enjoying these books. They are my go to for reading in small chunks when my life is overly busy. Witty and creative. This one ended on a cliffhanger.

Literaturenut This is one of my favorite series; enjoy! 5y
Swe_Eva This is indeed a good series for taking a break. 💜 5y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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I have a carefully planned out #TBR for April. This book is not on it, but it is the book I WANT to read, so I‘m starting it now, TBR plans be damned. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ #Bailey is 💯 done with me and my nonsense. 🤣🤣 #dogsoflitsy #pitbullsoflitsy #readingbuddy #snugglebuddy #moodreader

Crazeedi Go for it!😉💞 5y
DGRachel @Crinoline_Laphroaig I don‘t know what that is, so no. I just happen to own the books after my mom bought the Kindle editions and devoured them. I read Soulless last year, loved it, and just really wanted to read the next one now. 😊 5y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @DGRachel It's a Readalong of all the Gail Carriger books in Chronological order. Author is posting lots of behind the scenes stuff on her Facebook and Instagram. Changeless is what we are on right now. Continues through August when new book comes out 5y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Afternoon Tea Break with Changeless. Loving the reread. First time was a binge read, this time I'm savoring.
Happy to see return of one of my all time favorite characters - Genevieve Lefoux.

Nute Pretty photo! I like your tea cup and saucer. 5y
ScientistSam What @Nute said!😀☕ 5y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger

Next up in the #ParasolProtectorate readalong. I re-read this recently so I‘m not up for it again but I‘m trying to follow along so when we get to things I‘ve not read I can join in.

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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I love this series!!

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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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This is the second book in the Parasol Protectorate series. As the cover says, it is intoxicatingly witty. Finished this #audiobook while cleaning 🧹

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Another fun romp through the world of the supernatural in this series set in an alternate Victorian era. Each book keeps me turning the pages with glee. I love the adventurous Ms Tarabotti!

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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I finished this up on audiobook last night. It was just as good as the first one!! That ending though had me sitting in shock, and had be running to download the third book at 2am!!!! Hahahahaha! I am just in love with all of these characters. I suggest this series to EVERYONE!! Do you ever wish you could be apart of the world a book is written about? Well I would love to be in this world!! What book do you wish you could “live in”

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I loved these on audiobook, I agree. 6y
Nute Thank goodness for e-devices and the internet allowing for book buying at 2a.m.😆 6y
BookaholicNatty @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I have been swept away by this series! The narrator of the audiobook is sooo good!!! @Nute you are soooo right! I don‘t know what I would do without it!!!! (edited) 6y
Elma This is one of my favorite series. 6y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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I have an hour break in between classes and so I decided to start in on a new audiobook! I loved Soulless soooooooo much when I listened to it a few months ago so I‘m super excited to listen to the rest! I just adore Alexia ! Who else loves this series? I recommend this to everyone!!!! You must listen/read Soulless first tho! If you haven‘t put it on hold or download it ASAP! 📚😍❤️

Redwritinghood I did like Soulless, but haven‘t explored the rest of the series. So many books! 6y
Lynnsoprano Same as @Redwritinghood. I got Soulless from @theresidentromantic last winter in the Valentines swap and adored it. My TBR is just getting unmanageable, and every time I‘m ready to start a new book it seems I‘m getting a LibraryThing early reviewer book that jumps the queue. 6y
Elma Yes!! I just made my husband read the first one last month. 6y
theresidentromantic They're excellent! I love gifting it to people because it's not always a book you pick up but it needs to be read by anyone who even remotely likes tea 😉 6y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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💒 My cousin got married
🍵 Drinking my morning tea
🐺 Changeless by Gail Carriger
🥓🍟 Baconator Fries
🥓 Bacon


Changeless | Gail Carriger
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I enjoyed this one, but I'm pretty irritated with the end. It wouldn't be so bad if I had easy access to the next in this series.

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Actually using my elliptical tonight while revisiting an old friend. I'm woefully out of shape.

readordierachel Nice! I just started working out at again this week after a looong hiatus. We got this. 6y
silentrequiem @readordierachel I had it on the easiest setting and still couldn't do more then 15 minutes. 😫 6y
readordierachel Hey, that's something! I only did 30, lol. You'll be adding minutes in no time. 6y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Still a pick but not nearly as good as Soulless.
I did pick up the whole series from the library, so on to the next one! 😊

I'm glad I have some shorter/faster reads because I'm also reading The Count of Monte Cristo (for #MakeMeReadIt) and I'm reading that veryy slowly (256 pages out of 1000😫)

TheLiarTheLighter I picked the whole series up from a charity shop on a whim and loved it! 6y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Excellent sequel! Had mystery, vampires, werewolfs, ghosts and zeppelins! I will definitely read the third!

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Finished this over my morning cup of tea. Fabulous! I had read a lot of reviews saying it wasn't as good as the first in the series, but I completely disagree! I love the humour in Carriger's writing and her world building is strong. Just loved it!

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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I love these SFBC omnibus editions of The Parasol Protectorate series. So Fancy. The books are pretty fun too. Soulless was delightful and Changeless is turning out to be just as good.

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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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I enjoyed this book just as much as the first one! Definitely more steampunk elements and great world building and plot. Infinitely loveable characters! #steampunk #fantasy

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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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I am loving this series...at least the next book is available from the library because that cliffhanger 😱

Chellebearss Yes! I‘m on book four now and trying to pace myself 6y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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This was just as great as the first in the series. Unfortunately it left off with a nasty cliffhanger and I immediately had to pick up the next book to find out what happens. I hate when I get played like this! :) #78of2018

ladym30 Stunning photo! 6y
Chellebearss @ladym30 thanks! My attempt at a parasol 😝 6y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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I actually liked this sequel to Soulless even more than the first! Though I have to say, the spoiler cover image would have been better placed on the third installment... still, this has been #steampunk fun that took me by surprise, though this has been on my TBR shelf since 2011!!

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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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This was as wonderful and fun as I expected it to be. I love this series! It‘s a great escape.

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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#BookAndLunch I‘m so glad this week is almost over. It was exhausting.

Redy2trvl Lunch looks delicious! 6y
JacqMac @Redy2trvl It was. 😁 6y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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After that horribly long winter, I plan on spending every minute I can, reading outside in the sunshine. This book is as fun as the first one.

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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Yay! It‘s warm enough to read outside! Finally.

ReadZenRites 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Hooray Spring!!🌸🌸🌸 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m reading this one right now also!! 6y
JacqMac @ReadZenRites Finally! Lol 6y
JacqMac @BarbaraTheBibliophage I love these books so much. 6y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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Still delighted by Alexia, but found myself skimming large chunks. Just a so-so follow up.

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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#steampunkswap # @IheartYA. What an awesome swap I received. It came at a great time. I have had some very difficult times this past month. 2 deaths and a friend whose 3 year old that has had heart surgery. I have been awful distressed. But this box made me feel tons better. Thank you

IheartYA I'm glad it made you feel better. My daughter complained that I bought too much (yeah, coming from a 13 year old) but I told her she just didn't understand. 😂 Sorry you've had a rough time. We lost 2 very close family members last month. I can empathize. *virtual hugs* 6y
IheartYA ...oh wow. The laughing face should be next to the sentence that ends with "understand", not the beginning of "sorry". The lines came out weird. BTW your tags didn't show up in my notifications so I apologize for not responding sooner. ❤ 6y
beodd I understood about the laughing face. Thanks again 6y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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#steampunkswap, # @IheartYA. #Sorry I'm late. Should arrive Saturday the post office said.

beodd I don't believe what the post office says here. Everything take forever to get here or to arrive from here. I guess I live in the twilight zone. 6y
beodd @iheartYA did you receive the swap? 6y
IheartYA Not yet. 😕 My mailman delivers until 630pm so maybe today. 6y
IheartYA It was delivered right before I got home from work. I tagged you in the reveal. Thank you❤ 6y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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The little and I are catching the red eye tonight. I have only packed the tagged book, for our 7 day trip. Don‘t worry though, I also have about 40 ebooks on my iPad and phone.

stacybmartin I hope 40 is enough! 🤣 Enjoy your trip! 6y
AmyG Safe travels 6y
JoScho Have fun!! 6y
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dsfisher Good travel book. 6y
readordierachel Bon voyage! 6y
radhikeey Happy journey! 6y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger

Book 2 in the Parasol Protectorate with The Soulless Alexia Tarrbotti and her husband who disappears leaving her with an investigation. So much fun with her sass, her friends and steampunk. Oh, and this one has a cliffhanger.

DGRachel 🤬cliffhangers 🤬 7y
dsfisher At least book 3 is available. 7y
DGRachel @dsfisher That‘s a plus! I have to wait a year for the sequel to City of Brass, October for the sequel to The Bloodprint, and September for the sequel to Iron Gold, and I‘m sure all three of those sequels will end of cliffhangers, too. 🤬🤬🤬 7y
Maria514626 I‘m early in book 1 and loving the main characters. The sass! The snark! And a Scotsman. 😁 7y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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1. Books and beads
2. Dust jacket
3. Amazon & the used book near by


MelAnn Books and beads ... Sounds like a small store of some kind 🎟 Thank you for participating! 7y
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Changeless | Gail Carriger
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1. Usually the voice, first Alan Rickman 😭, Idris Elba
2. Today it‘s blue
3. No idea
4. Dr Who, Hermione Granger, Veronica Speedwell and Alexia Macon. So much sass
5. 👀

Changeless | Gail Carriger
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#bookmail I have a problem. I‘m trying to read #MountTBR Really, I am.

Richryan52 @JacqMac Thanks for the like and the support. If you can round up one or two more votes that would be great 7y
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