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Senlin Ascends
Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
Thomas Senlin is a bookish headmaster from a fishing village who has always wanted to see the Tower of Babel for himself. The Tower is as immense as a mountain and as diverse as a nation. Lured by the grand promises of a guidebook, Senlin takes his new bride, Marya, on the honeymoon of their dreams. But no sooner do they arrive at the Tower than Senlin loses Marya in the teeming throng. Senlin's search for his wife carries him through madhouses, ballrooms, and burlesque theaters. He must survive betrayal, assassination, and the long guns of a flying fortress. But if he hopes to find his wife, he will have to do more than just survive. This quiet man of letters must become a man of action.
Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft

Exceedingly disappointed in this one. I finished it, but didn't enjoy it.

#Roll100 @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Ah well, it's off your list 1y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 2y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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I like well written epic adventures and this steampunk fantasy did not disappoint. I normally don't like the hero rescues the damsel in distress trope, but this protagonist was a teacher who liked things just so and was a unique character. I really got into the story and the female characters fortunately developed more as the story went on. I will continue the series. I want to find out what happens next.

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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I read most of this today. What a original action packed read. It was great not knowing much about this book, so I will keep it simple. A couple goes to The Tower of Babel for their honeymoon and she gets lost, he starts an adventure to find her. To say the trip was not what they expected is an understatement. Now this is book 1 of a trilogy, so while it isn‘t exactly a cliffhanger ending, the story is not over. 5⭐️

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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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8 of 2022. ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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1- Laurell K. Hamilton, Riley Sager, Dean Koontz.. Those pop into my mind for now.
2- Frost, Winter, Asher, Alexion, Marceline Rousseau
3- Tagged

Wanna play? @Tera66 @Blueberry @5feet.of.fury @BookDragonNotWorm @persephone1408 @damselsgotballs @Bklover @TheRiehlDeal @TheNeverendingTBR @LeslieO @Bookworm.Babe.on.a.Budget @eanderson @Bookjunkie57

BookDragonNotWorm Thanks for the tag! 3y
damselsgotballs Thanks for the tag! 3y
LeslieO Thanks for the tag! 🙂💜 3y
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Eggs Thanks for joining in my friend ❤️💜 3y
Blueberry Thanks for the tag. 🦃 3y
DarkMina @Eggs♥️ 3y
Bklover Thanks for the tag!❤️ 3y
DarkMina @Bklover You‘re welcome! 3y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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🎧 This book is a melding of genres … there‘s a little bit of all of this: fantasy, steampunk-lite, sci-fi, torture/horror, Charles Dickensesque, Mystery, Narnia, Pirates, LOTR, Discworld, Fury Road, Hitchhiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy.

Thomas Senlin is on a delayed honeymoon to the Tower of Babel with his wife Marya. He‘s a mid-30‘s headmaster at his school in a small fishing village & Marya is at least 12 years his junior.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️9/10 👇🏻

Twainy They are separated in this foreign land in the 1st chapter and the book is his very lengthy search for her.

The tower is made of enormous ringdoms stacked on top of each other like the layers of a cake & it seems to be growing. They were to meet on the 3rd level so he‘s headed there & on the way he meets with so many obstacles, betrayals & pain.

Twainy It could seem a bit slow but you‘re watching this man come to the realization that everything he knows & has been teaching about this wonderful monumental place has been totally misleading.

This is set in a world where electricity is rare, there‘s strange animals, steam powered machinery & torture chambers.

Twainy Senlin as the main character grows the most but so do some secondary characters. I really like Edith!

This is written beautifully & was a joy to read. There were a couple plot conveniences at the end but they‘re needed to move the story into book 2! I can‘t wait to read it … moving it to the TBR!

Twainy The book‘s action starts to really pick up about at the halfway mark. It‘s written so well and the surroundings are so interesting that I didn‘t mind.

Well that was annoyingly long. It was a unique, interesting book.
Tera66 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 3y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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#Audible is having ANOTHER even better $5-$7 sale for Prime Plus members … sci-fi & fantasy … once again I‘m having a difficult time choosing …. I started with 67 … down to 36 … need to get it under 10. I need a lucrative side hustle … where I can listen to books … don‘t we all …

Tera66 Thanks for reminding me....I just spent 💰💰💰 No regrets!☺ 3y
Twainy @Tera66 I‘ve reigned in my crazy shopping spree …. Wound it down to 9 …. We shall see if I can cut it down some more. SOOOO MANY GOOD BOOKS!! 3y
Tera66 @Twainy I was excited to get the first three books in The Books of Babel series by Josiah Bancroft. I got them on my kindle, but they are long and I wanted the audio option too. An 3y
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Tera66 Opps, was gonna say, And a few like 8 more😄 3y
Twainy @Tera66 ahh my tribe!! SENLIN!! I whispersync! I love audiobooks! I wouldn‘t make it thru 12 books a year with my actual book reading free time. Whenever I can multitask I do! Thank you Libby for dumping FIVE audiobooks on me from my long awaited hold list W00T! 3y
Tera66 @Twainy I haven't tried listening and reading at the same time, but I might try it. Is that how whispersync works? And that was what I was hoping to do too, read when I can or listen when I'm doing stuff since they are so long.. Since I'm work for home now, I've struggled with my audio books, hoping these will get me back in.🎧😊 3y
Twainy @Tera66 whispersync is when you set down the audiobook and pick up your kindle and when you open the kindle it opens to the page you were listening to. I‘m not sure if you can use both at once but maybe? 3y
Tera66 @Twainy That is awesome, I'm for sure doing that! How have I not been doing Whispersync!?! 3y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Book 2 in this series! It was fast paced and enjoyable!

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Well, I got nowhere close to 24 hrs, but my true goal was to get out of my own head a bit and with that in mind, it was a total success! #stayathome24in48

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Late start on this month‘s Sci-fi and fantasy book club pick. Need to hustle through this one...

AutumnRLS I've only heard awesome stuff about this series! Definitely on my TBR. 5y
myellenbee I got a free copy of this at Jordoncon and haven't gotten to it. But it sounds really good. I'm moving it to the top of my tbr. 5y
Schlinkles @AutumnRLS and @myellenbee So far, so good 100 pages in... 5y
Lucy_Anywhere I enjoyed this book so much! 5y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft

The first book in one of my all time favourite series. There is nothing like this out there. Completely unique and brilliantly written. A must read for any book lover, no matter what kind of genre you enjoy!

michellelav Welcome to Listy!! 🎉📚😊 5y
RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 📚🤗👏🏻 4y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Aside from Harry Potter, this is my first real fantasy series I‘ve undertaken and it‘s amazing! A newlywed couple travels to the Tower, a place where each ring of the Tower is its own fantastical world. A Tower that has many rings, but how many exactly, no one knows. Upon arrival at the bustling Market that surrounds the Tower, our hero, Senlin, gets separated from his bride and from there his search begins. Now on to book #2 in the series!

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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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When Senlin, a school headmaster, finally takes the plunge & gets married, he wants nothing more than to honeymoon in the Tower of Babel, a place he feels he knows well since he‘s read about it in books...in real life, the Tower is nothing like it is in books. Within hours of their arrival, Senlin loses his bride. Vowing to find her, he must start living outside his books if he is to succeed. Odd, adventurous, fun read with great main character.

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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Megabooks 😂👍🏻 5y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Honestly, the best thing about reading a book with a headmaster as the main character is all the fabulous bookish references.

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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I approve of this...

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Next from the depths of my vast & sprawling TBR stack(s). I picked this one up a few months ago, read a couple of chapters and just wasn‘t feeling it. More me than the book I suspect. So, trying again. Must shrink ⛰📚📚📚⛰!

DuckOfDoom The depths of your TBR contain treasures! That's one of the books I've been meaning to pick up, looking forward to the review 😁 5y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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This ticked all the boxes for me! Senlin Ascends tells the story of a man who loses his wife on their honeymoon to the Tower of Babel and desperately tries to find her. It's a literary fantasy that's beautifully written and Thomas Senlin is an everyman hero you can't help rooting for. Bizarre, slightly unsettling, and full of dark humour.

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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Happy Halloween! I'm pretty chuffed with my low key costume this year - bin bags and duct tape were all I needed. And the wings lasted a whole day of teaching 😂

BGam Awesome!! 5y
wanderinglynn Fantastic costume! 🖤 5y
Meaw_catlady Love it ! Happy Halloween ! 🖤🖤🖤 5y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Week 3 check in for #BFCr4 I didn't get to the gym as much this week as I had a stomach bug at the end of the week 😷 but I'm chuffed with the amount I've read considering this is a very busy half-term! How's the rest of my crew doing? @lapreader @4thhouseontheleft @rsteve388 @wanderinglynn

LapReader I‘ve got visitors until Wednesday so only getting walks in. 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 A great week especially since you were sick. 5y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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It's been a long week and I can barely keep my eyes open 😴 two hours towards the #24B4Monday readathon is a bit disappointing but I'm honestly pooped! Fingers crossed for lots of reading time tomorrow 🙏

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Book one of a planned 4 book series from what I can tell. Book three was only released at the beginning of 2019, so be forewarned.
I liked the concept of the Tower and I liked the development of a mild-mannered headmaster getting a bit out of his depth. The author also does a good job of tying in seemingly loose ends as the story moves along.
I plan to read the next books, but maybe not right away. No hurry if the series isn‘t done yet.

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Dreary, rainy Sunday. I have the start of a cold, so I am curled up with my comfy blanket and this book. It is slow-paced, but it is an enthralling world he is building. 🤓

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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I feel as though I am starting a grand adventure!

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Thank you @MaleficentBookDragon for all of the fun things you sent with the #SFMBC book! I've wanted to read the tagged book, and I haven't heard of the other 3 but they look good! I tried to get my cat in the picture but he wouldn't pose 🐱 @Avanders

Avanders Yay!! ♥️♥️ 5y
MaleficentBookDragon Im so glad you like everything. Im sorry I thought I saw The Toy Makers on your #TBR. The other book is a good intro to Katherine Howe if you like magical realism. 5y
MaleficentBookDragon And. I'm obsessed with the candle. 5y
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Avanders Also .. I might have missed it, but did you send the SFMBC book to Karina? Thanks! ♥️ 5y
Shadowfat @Avanders yes I did. I'm not sure if she got it, I sent it 2 weeks ago. I didn't do tracking because it would have been double :( 5y
Avanders @Shadowfat oh wow! Well, she might not have it yet, but I‘m sure it‘s wending its way to her.. I‘ll check in! ♥️ 5y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft

I rather adored the book. It managed to cover a lot of ground without feeling rushed, and it really flowed into the next novel nicely. The characters seemed realistic as well as relatable, and I enjoy the descriptions in the book because the use of adjectives and similes were not abused. They were to the point and simple so as not to interfer with the story. Fantastic read, truly. Recommend for fans of Yahtzee Croshaw.

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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A coworker lent me Senlin Ascends because of our mutual love of fantasy lit.

This was really a strange book, but I enjoyed it. I couldn‘t put it down because I needed to know whether Senlin found his quarry. The character development was great and, surprisingly, I loved the handling of the female characters.

This is an adventure/fantasy/mindf*** of a book, and I‘d highly recommend it.

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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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“Home” is an exaggeration made true by distance.

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft

I‘m glad your self-righteousness has given you some exercise, but you forget: We are not such a tidy, reasonable, and humane race. Our thoughts don‘t stand in grammatical rows, our hearts don‘t draw equations, our consciences don‘t have the benefit of historians whispering the answers to us. Oh, stuff your outrage!

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft

He believed true love was more like an education: It was deep and subtle and never complete.

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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This wasn't for me. The beginning was interesting, but then I struggled. Bad things happen, scenery and characters change, bad things happen, repeat. After a third I googled for spoilers to decide if I should hang in there. I did, and it got better, but it wasn't the kind of book I like (although it's well-written and it's clear the author has a plan). I didn't like the main character much, and I would have found his wife's story more interesting.

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Had a slow start for me, but once I got more comfortable with the weird world of the Tower if Babel, the faster I was reading it. I really enjoyed the story, but I wished we saw more from Marya‘s perspective. Will be starting Arm of the Sphinx immediately after.

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Went to the park today, got some walking and reading in since it was so sunshiney and nice! 🤗📚💕 I even saw some deer in the stream! 🦌

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Thanks to the wonderful @GrilledCheeseSamurai and his glowing recommendation I am now the happy owner of these books! 🤗💕📚 I just couldn't resist! I love love love discovering new awesome fantasy series, so I am super excited about this! Also, I'm kinda already in love with the covers! 😍 #bookmail #blameitonlitsy

GrilledCheeseSamurai And there is still 1 more to come for the series! ❤️🤩❤️ 6y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I have these in and out of my book depository cart 🤔 6y
Branwen @GrilledCheeseSamurai That is even more exciting news! Any idea when it is coming out? @BookHoarder32 You should go for it and get them! They look amazing and I keep hearing such great things about them! 6y
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GrilledCheeseSamurai @Branwen I'm not sure. I don't think there is even a title of the book announced yet so I'm guessing sometime in 2020 as the Hod King just came out at the start of this year. 6y
Branwen @GrilledCheeseSamurai Ah, that makes sense. Still! It leaves something to look forward to! 🤗 How are you liking The Hod King so far? 6y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Branwen Halfway through now and loving it! 🤘 6y
Branwen @GrilledCheeseSamurai Yesssss! That is so great to hear! 😀👍 6y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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This is such a weird premise but it was executed so well! I can't kept the concept straight in my mind really but the adventuring is just so much fun and the characters are just so enjoyable and continuously evolving.

Itchyfeetreader I have never read steampunk but this sounds really interesting 6y
GrilledCheeseSamurai Loved this one! Book 2 is really good as well! I think i liked it even more. I have the 3rd book and plan on starting it soon! 🤗 6y
BookishGamer87 You need to stop giving me books to add to my wishlist, seriously. 😂 6y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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I've heard so much praise for this book so I'm finally going to start it

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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft

I was left feeling very meh about this book. Granted, I was sick for the majority of the time I was reading it, but with the stakes as high as they were, I never felt a sense of urgency from senlin to find his wife. After reading the first book, I know that isn‘t what the series is going to be about really, but that‘s the premise this book was set up on and in that respect, I don‘t feel like it succeeded. Will continue though.

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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I have also been thinking about what I might send for #LMPBC #groupN #weneedabettername
Not knowing if we have genre preferences, here‘re some thoughts... as you can see, I have a genre-bent anyway 😆
Anyway, @TK421 @cobwebmoth @Chrissyreadit let me know if you‘ve read any of these and/or if you want me to scrap the whole things and start over w a different focus 😁😁.

It is also possible (definite) that I‘ve already read 1 of these ...

cobwebmoth I'm fine with any of them. I haven't read any of these yet. I'm open to whatever.😊 6y
cobwebmoth What's the title of the bottom right one? I can't tell what it is. 6y
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Avanders 😁 6y
cobwebmoth Thanks! Haven't read that one either.😊 6y
Chrissyreadit Is the Power by Naomi Anderson? I have not read any of these either. 6y
Chrissyreadit Any genres or topics you are not interested in? @Avanders @cobwebmoth @TK421 6y
cobwebmoth @Chrissyreadit I don't tend to read a lot of hardcore horror, but I'm willing to try just about anything. 6y
Avanders @cobwebmoth @Chrissyreadit yes - The Power by Naomi Anderson ☺️ Cool! I love picking books no one‘s read 😉 As for genres or topics... I don‘t tend to read romance or western, but I‘m really open to anything — I‘ll even try one or both of those 😜 & tho I‘m unimpressed w gratuitous rape fantasy/child abuse type stuff, it‘s no longer a trigger (it helps that hormones have calmed down now that buggy‘s almost 2 😁), so no need to tiptoe either. 6y
Chrissyreadit @cobwebmoth @Avanders perfect- I also do not love hard core horror or gratuitous rape/child abuse- although I like true crime- I will look at options tonight, and they would not include the above. 6y
TK421 Those all look pretty good, but I have to say that Bad Monkeys has me curious. 6y
Avanders @Chrissyreadit true crime has its place... 😜 @TK421 sweet... & good to know... 😁 6y
BookishMarginalia (Magpie Murders is amazing!) 6y
Avanders @BookishMarginalia I keep hearing that! Need to prioritize..... 😁 6y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Started this a couple days ago but I‘ve been sick so I haven‘t made a lot of progress. I haven‘t been sucked into this yet like I thought I would, it‘s been this slow meandering thing more about the society of the tower and how horrible and different it is from what senlin thought it would be than about the search for his wife. Hoping this changes soon.

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft

Solution: I‘m reading the first chapter of each book and whichever one captures my interest the most is the first one I read. I have another hold in that I‘ll be picking up tomorrow. I‘ve got quite the stack going for this month.

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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What a fantastic book! When Senlin starts his ascent Squidapus wondered why a woman like Marya would marry such a straight-laced stick in the mud, but as each ring of the tower strips more and more away from Senlin and the core of who he is as a person shines through you begin to understand just what is so special about him. A whimsically dark adventure that asks if one can climb up without being dragged down into selfishness and cruelty.

Shadowfat Great review! 6y
mutlee Yay! So glad more people are enjoying this fantastic book. I just bought the third one. 6y
Squidapus @Shadowfat Thank you! It's really hard to get across everything Squidapus wants to say in 450 letters! 6y
Squidapus @mutlee I immediately bought the 2nd book for us. I don't think I got across just how much Squidapus liked this book in the review lol. Senlin's transformation is incredibly well written and growing to root for him was a trip! 6y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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It‘s Friday and we are headed into a snowy three day weekend—5-9 inches tonight with up to another 5 tomorrow—and I am ready. I don‘t know if I‘ll finish everything in this stack, but since I have plenty of reason to stay inside, I‘m going to give it a go.

BookishMarginalia Stay warm and read! 6y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Squidapus is starting this one next! He hopes it's a little lighter in tone than Baru Cormorant; he could use a little levity!

Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Ooooh 😍😍😍 What a perfect #jolabokaflodswap package!! Thank you so much @taraWritesSci (did I guess that right?)!! I can't wait to read this book!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 And the See's chocolates 🤤🤤 Thank you!!

And thank you @MaleficentBookDragon for creating such a great swap! It's all hyggeligt 😉😘

ravenlee Ooh, Sees are awesome! 6y
Avanders @ravenlee a rare treat for me! ☺️☺️ 6y
BethM I got some Sees in my package but I'm not familiar with them. 6y
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Chrissyreadit That book sounds like fun! And what are Sees? 6y
CampbellTaraL Yay! It's from me, I just forgot to put something in there saying so. I had to get that package out of the house fast before people swarmed the See's! 😜 6y
Avanders @taraWritesSci lol I can see why!! @BethM @Chrissyreadit you know, I hadn't heard of see's 'til I moved to Chicago either... I'm glad they have one here! Those scotchmallows are (1) something I'd *never* have bought myself and (2) amazing. 🤤 6y
CampbellTaraL @Avanders 🤭 little morsels of fluffy goodness. 6y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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1. Senlin Ascends and The Lies of Locke Lamora. I can‘t pick just one!
2. 100 - met my goal!
3. First kid-less vacation since the second child was born three years ago.
4. Colder weather and cozy reading time.
5. Hi Littens!

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 👋🏻😀 6y
Scott_BookInvasion Senlin Ascends was so fun! One of my favs too. 6y
mutlee @Scott_from_BookInvasion Have you read Arm of the Sphinx yet? I‘m excited to start that one. 6y
Scott_BookInvasion @mutlee yes I have. I read the 2 back to back. Sphinx was equal if not better than Senlin. 6y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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Squidapus we already have a big backlog of books I don't think you agh jeez okay get off get off get off

2BR02B Interested to hear your thoughts on 6y
Squidapus @2BR02B Found it randomly and it sounded pretty intriguing, and we always like reading sci fi/fantasy from different cultures because so much of it is homogenous and white male centric that it's refreshing and unique a lot of the time 6y
Clare-Dragonfly All their covers match him! How could you resist? 6y
Squidapus @Clare-Dragonfly Holy crap how did I not even notice that 6y
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Senlin Ascends | Josiah D Bancroft
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My first foray into the realm of BookTubes. Branding and more cool stuff to come as I work on it a little more this weekend!

I would greatly appreciate if you‘d subscribe! I need 500 just to be able to customize my URL. Sheesh! I love you all and would appreciate if you‘d comment, like, subscribe and all that jazz! ❤️😎📚📚📚📚🤘😀