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La mia Africa
La mia Africa | Karen Blixen
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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You may be wondering, what does this iconic pair of #lips have to do with the tagged book? I‘ll tell you.

When the movie adaptation of the book came out in 1985, I went to see it at a 10:00 pm showing. It‘s a long movie! At one point a major character dies and is buried on a hillside in a somber and quiet scene. In the middle of this scene, from the theater next door I hear… the opening RHPS theme song from a midnight showing.


wanderinglynn Well that had to be either really annoying or really funny or a combo of both! 😆 11mo
Susanita @wanderinglynn I thought it was funny, but it definitely took me out of the mood. 11mo
Eggs 🖤💕👄 (edited) 11mo
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Bette That‘s awesome! I love how random things can come together and make us laugh. 😂👍 11mo
dabbe Wow! Unintended (and probably unwanted) comedy relief! 🤣🤣🤣 11mo
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 A once in a lifetime experience! 11mo
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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This audiobook was free although it‘s abridged. But it was a great taste of Blixen‘s story, so I would like to read more of it.

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick
#20in4Readathon @Andrew65 Day 1: 1 hour

Andrew65 I never get the point of abridged books. On one occasion I fell into trap of buying an abridged audio book, 12mo
Eggs @Andrew65 I agrée ?. Just give me the whole enchilada! I can handle it ??‍♀️ 12mo
Andrew65 @Eggs So true! 12mo
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!) Feel free to join in!


Out of Africa | Karen Blixen
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Sigh. It‘s time to be honest with myself and admit that I am not enjoying this book. It‘s a classic that‘s been on my TBR for ages, but the writing style is not doing it for me. There are some excellent descriptions of African landscapes, but there‘s no real sense of a story here. It‘s just random observations about people and events. All of the colonialist and racist elements are also getting to me. Hibernating this one for now 🐻 #1001books

AnnR In this case, I think the movie was better than the book. 2y
BarbaraBB What @Ann_Reads says! 2y
Daisey Scrolling back through #1001books posts, and I very much agree with you. I was disappointed by this one, but I did love the descriptive passages. 1y
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Out of Africa | Karen Blixen
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Blixen writes about her time in Ngong where she in the time around WWI had a coffee farm. She writes about the Africans and the foreigners. I found her thoughts on the differences between Europeans and Africans quite nuanced. I preferred the parts where she spent more time with an episode since some parts were written in really short vignettes.

I bought this book back in 2002 so glad to finally have read it.

#foodandlit #Kenya
#1937 #192025

Librarybelle I need to read this one! 2y
bthegood I have never read the book, but I love the movie 🙂 2y
AnneCecilie 1st book finished for #SuperSeptember @Andrew65 2y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 2y
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Out of Africa | Karen Blixen

Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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Sleepytime tea and books. I love summer and having the option to read as late as I want. #teachersoflitsy #teatime

LapReader I‘m looking forward to our winter holidays for the same reason. 2y
TheNeverendingTBR Sleepytime tea ❤️ 2y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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These adorable floral bookmarks are the light of my springtime reading. I love them! 🌸🌷💕 #springtime #bookmarks #flowers

Colorful Flower Bookmarks, 30 PCS (Unknown Flower) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TCB9P9J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_51XYESQT1ZBP3KQFEQ8V?_...

Kimberlone They were so cute! 2y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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Enjoying the morning sun at home with my mom and @Kimberlone for Mother‘s Day. I bought these sweet floral bookmarks recently and give them each some as well. 🌸🌷🌼 #bookmarks #springtime #flowers

LeahBergen So pretty! 2y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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This book covers several of my reading challenges. This is a #bookspin read as well as my non-fiction challenge and my #travelthroughbooks. I thought this was a really solid read. I‘ve never been to Africa and she brought the landscape to life as well as all the people who came through her life. #springread #mayreadinglist @TheAromaofBooks

TheBookHippie Such a pretty cover. I‘ve not read this in a long time I did enjoy it! 2y
KristiAhlers @TheBookHippie I saw the movie forever ago. I pictured Meryl Streep the entire time. The author had such adventures! 2y
TheBookHippie @KristiAhlers I saw it in the theatre when it came out 🤣 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! What a gorgeous cover!! 2y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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"Drown me if you like, but kill me not with caprices. No coitus interruptus, heaven, heaven!"

I am finding this book an odd combination of innocence and innuendo. It is so much a tale of another time and place that it almost reads like fantasy.

Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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"I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills."


Out of Africa | Karen Blixen
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1-25 is my March #bookspin & #doublespin list

The entire list is for #roll100.
🎲 My March roll 1 is the tagged. I‘ve seen the move but never read the book.
🎲 My March roll 2 is The Midnight Front.

Out of a total of 219 books on my TBR Bookcase, I‘ve read 12 so far. I aim to read at least one more this weekend. Slow but steady progress. 🎉

wanderinglynn I wrote about my TBR Bookcase quest on my blog: http://wanderinglynn.com/2022/01/13/update-on-100-books-in-2022/ 2y
squirrelbrain Love your blog! I too am trying to reduce #mountTBR this year (mine is 347 books). So far I‘ve read 38 books, and 16 were off the TBR. I‘m not as brave as you though and haven‘t gone as far as a book-buying ban. I have this one on my physical TBR shelf if you fancy a #buddyread some time? We could both feel virtuous then! 😁 2y
TheSpineView Great list! 2y
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wanderinglynn @squirrelbrain thanks! I had to do something drastic to get me motivated to read what I already have! 😆 I‘d love to do a #buddyread of Lincoln. Just let me know when! 🙌🏻 2y
wanderinglynn @TheSpineView thanks! ☺️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
PuddleJumper That's great! Good luck with clearing it down 2y
squirrelbrain I can do any time Lynn, what would you like to do? 2y
wanderinglynn @squirrelbrain since March is almost here, why don‘t we start it 1 Mar? There‘s 157 chapters, but many seem short, a page or less. And only 343 pages. Seems doable in a month or less. 2y
squirrelbrain That‘s great Lynn… be warned though, if I‘m loving it, it‘s not going to last the whole month….I‘m a speedy reader! 2y
wanderinglynn @squirrelbrain I hear you! 😆🙌🏻 2y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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This is Dinesen‘s memoir about about life on her coffee plantation in #Kenya, the atmosphere of Africa, about the people she meets and about the indigenous Kikuyos, who work and live with her on the grounds. It's barely possible to make a living off the coffee, but despite hard times, her deep love and respect for the land and the people becomes very clear.

#pop21 #publishedanonymously #ReadingAfrica2022 🇰🇪 (early start 😄) #1001books #bookspin

LeahBergen I loved this book 👏🏻 3y
BarbaraBB @LeahBergen I was surprised by how much I did. So different from the movie! 3y
Megabooks Great cross prompt use!! 👍🏻👍🏻 3y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
Librarybelle That‘s a good choice for #ReadingAfrica2022 ! 3y
Cinfhen I have this stacked as a potential for #Kenya 🥰 3y
AshleyHoss820 I‘ve been looking forward to this one so much!! I‘m so glad to see it rates as a pick for you! 😊 2y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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This version had both out of Africa and Shadows on the Grass. I should have just read the first half. The second portion while expanding on people and situations had too much repetition from the first book, and slowed the pace.
I had to war within myself, and my utter hatred of colonization, and racism, and continually remind myself what years this takes place. I was horrified and annoyed at many things she wrote here. While also ....

ChaoticMissAdventures Review cont. ..in awe of her adventure like spirit. The writing was well done, you can tell these are not her first published books. She has both a lyrical and a fun way of describing her adventures. 4y
ChaoticMissAdventures I think anyone who reads this should have to read King Leopold's Ghost - though set in the Congo it gives the story of the horrors that the African people faced at the hands of Northern Europeans 4y
Pageturner1 lovely picture 4y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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December reading. December is my time to really tackle classics. Normally I take on one maybe 2 large doorstoppers but this year my attention span is so short I picked 10 short reads instead.
Should finish the first, Out of Africa today.

Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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So.. somehow i didn't notice on my list that I completely skipped over #6! Guess it is good that isn't either the #bookspin or #doublebookspin
Now I guess I have a free space, which is good because I have so many books to read.
I started Out of Africa yesterday, so hoping that will be my first to check off!

Librariana Oh, I am SO excited to hear what you think of your BookSpin selection!! The title immediately caught my eye when I saw it come through our department 😊 Happy reading! 4y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Librariana it came to me from this amazing book crate I subscribe to called HealthTea normally everything she picks is stuff on my list but I had not even heard of this until it arrived, so I am very excited. 4y
ChaoticMissAdventures Tagging @TheAromaofBooks to play, I don't know why but if I tag on my PC it never works right. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks great & I'm all about a bonus free space!! 😂 4y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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After finishing Circling The Sun, I need to hear Karen Blixen‘s side of things. This copy is gorgeous and I‘m using it for the Memoir, Biography, or Autobiography prompt in the Catch Up On The Classics Reading Challenge.

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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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My July #bookspin picks! I‘m so excited about #bookspinbingo !
@TheAromaofBooks Thank you so much for hosting...this is my favorite thing on Litsy! 📚

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! So glad to have you for another round!!! 4y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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#JamminJune @Eggs

You might remember the movie but this is the book the movie is based on. Isak is from Denmark and moves to Africa and owns a coffee plantation.

Eggs Great choice 👌🏼📚👏🏻 4y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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Friday afternoon. Made it through the first week back to work after holiday. Made it through working from home and closed schools. Missing last week‘s South African views. Hope all is well with my fellow Littens. Look after yourselves.

charl08 I got back from CPT 2 weeks ago and def missing the light. And the warmth! 4y
umbrellagirl @charl08 so much! The day after I came home it snowed. That was the last thing I needed! 4y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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I definitely read more this past month than last month, though I didn't quite finish this second book till today.

⭐⭐⭐ (3)
If you can suspend your disgust over the accepted racism, classism, sexism, and biases prevalent in the time of Colonialism, this is an interesting read. A fine example of the "I Married Adventure" genre so popular in the 1930-50s. Reading historical literature like this takes patience and contextual understanding. #RtC

Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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Dear @BarbaraBB ❤️ thank you for the lovely birthday package! Both books have been on my tbr for so long, and the tagged book will be my “Danish” pick for #ReadingEurope2020 🙌 ❤️

BarbaraBB I was afraid you would have read it already but it was on your tbr a few times! Have a very happy birthday! 🎉🎈🎊🎁🎂 😘 5y
MicheleinPhilly Happy Birthday! I hope you have a big old bowl of små godis to celebrate! ? 5y
Redwritinghood Happy birthday! 🎂🎂 5y
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Kalalalatja @BarbaraBB I haven‘t, I watched the movie in school, but don‘t remember much, so I‘m excited! 💕 @MicheleinPhilly we ended up celebrating with a big bottle of wine instead 😉🍷 @Redwritinghood thank you! ☺️ 5y
ephemeralwaltz Happy belated birthday, Katja!🎉✨❤️ So sorry I missed it xxx 5y
Kalalalatja @ephemeralwaltz thanks Clara! ☺️ ❤️ 5y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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Just finished this book for my book group. I can‘t say that I loved it, Karen Blixen writes a little too much in the colonial mindset for me to be comfortable with it, but she has some beautiful descriptions and she certainly lives a brave and wondrous life.

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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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My #Overdrive loan expired before I finished Power of the Myth, so while I wait the two weeks to get it back to it, I went in search of a copy of the tagged book, which is my friend's book group's (#RtC) next read. Struck out on Overdrive and #PrimeReading, so I'm trying out a download from Fadedpage.com. Not sure of quality, but the cover image sure is pretty.

SleepyDragon Just wanted to mention that reading this ebook on my Kindle was very glitchy. The app would crash and close if the tablet was left idle for a few minutes and hibernating. The app never saved the last I was on, so I had to bookmark the page every time I sat the tablet down for even a minute. Then I always had to go into my downloads file and open the file manually, as it did not show up in my books library. 5y
SleepyDragon It was free, so I can't really complain, but I wish it had worked better with the Kindle app interface. It also didn't give proper page numbers, so I had to track using percentages. I used Bookly to estimate the page numbers. I don't blame the site, though, as I've had these formatting issues with Gutenberg downloads as well. 5y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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#WanderingJune @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

This is the first book that came to mind. This is another book that was made into a movie. As usual the book was better. True story by the way.

LeahBergen I loved this book. 5y
BarbaraBB I loved the movie so I must read the book when you and @LeahBergen say it‘s good! 5y
Severnmeadows I love her writing! 5y
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La mia Africa | Karen Blixen

È un libro, in base ai miei gusti, che procede un po' lento ed in maniera disorganizzata. La trama non segue un vero e proprio ordine cronologico ma più che altro segue il flusso dei ricordi della scrittrice, così come vengono fuori, mischiando avvenimenti del passato a quelli più recenti. In compenso è un libro molto descrittivo e dettagliato, tanto che sembra di essere in Africa il più delle volte.Non mancano passaggi molto toccanti.Consigliato!

Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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For a memoir that‘s scant on personal details, I found this very emotionally evocative. This was beautifully written, and you really get a feel for how much she loved her farm and the people on it. I think Africa may have been the love of her life.

CouronneDhiver I think Africa may be the love of my life too... ❤️ 6y
GypsyKat @CouronneDhiver I mostly only travel in books, so Africa seems almost like a fantasy world to me. I can only imagine how transformative it would be to actually go there. ❤️ 6y
LeeRHarry I adore the movie - sensational soundtrack- and have this on my bookshelf somewhere 😊 6y
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Blaire Great review! 6y
GypsyKat @LeeRHarry I remember the movie. Incredible acting! 6y
GypsyKat @Blaire Thanks! 6y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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I started listening to this audiobook today. So far it‘s beautifully written, but with many classics, I‘m having a hard time accepting the entrenched racism for the time.

Blaire Interested to see your review. I‘ve owned this for ages but never read it. 6y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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I finally finished this book, and although there were parts I enjoyed and some lovely descriptions, overall I was underwhelmed. I expected some excitement and adventure, but there was really very little.

#1001books #ReadandEat

Riveted_Reader_Melissa That‘s one I need to read yet too, to bad it wasn‘t what I was expecting either. 6y
Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I had high expectations after reading Paula McLain‘s novel about Beryl Markham, but this memoir has a very different style. 6y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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I‘m still working my way through Out of Africa. I‘m into Part IV: From an Immigrant‘s Notebook now, and although I really enjoy some of these little vignettes, there are others I just don‘t appreciate at all. The best part is still the descriptions of the land and wildlife.

#1001books #ReadAndEat

Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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Out of Africa is my September TBR Challenge book for #Reading1001, but I am not going to finish it by the end of the day. I‘m not giving up on it, but I only ever want to read a chapter or two at a time. It‘s a much slower read than I was expecting, and I‘m really not quite sure what I think of it. The description of the setting is lovely, but the sequencing seems odd to me and I can‘t seem to find a rhythm as I read.

#1001books #ReadandEat

Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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Last night I went back inside at dark, but tonight the breeze was perfect to read a little longer in the hammock. This book isn't quite what I was expecting, but I really appreciate the description.

I know weather and farming in Africa is much different from what I'm used to, but I think everyone with farming experience has woken up to the sound of rain in the middle of the night with the same sense of relief described here.


Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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Still feeling a bit overwhelmed by real world responsibilities. I just wanted to read my book and drink a beer in the hammock for the half hour before dark, but I only made it through a page or two before having to take a phone call as a responsible homeowner. Now it‘s dark, and I told myself that‘s when I had to go back to doing school work. 😞

sprainedbrain Sometimes being responsible really stinks. 😕 6y
Tamra 😑 6y
sammisho Adulting is overrated! 6y
Daisey @sprainedbrain @Tamra @sammisho Absolutely! Thank you for the words of understanding. 6y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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Sometimes when being an adult sucks (nothing major just several little irritations and annoyances), I take a moment to appreciate the fact that being a single adult also means I can take a short break from my responsibilities to eat chips and dip for supper while escaping with a book. Tonight that means the beautiful scenery at the beginning of Out of Africa.

#1001books #Reading1001 September TBR Challenge

LiteraryinLawrence That‘s awesome. A good reminder to all of us when adulting sucks. 6y
JazzFeathers Yay! Go you! 💪😄 6y
Daisey @LiteraryinLititz @JazzFeathers Yep, it‘s all about finding the silver lining! 6y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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I‘ve been meaning to read this for such a long time and just finished listening to it. It was so beautifully written and evocative of her time in Africa and I enjoyed the narrator as well. This was an abridged recording however, so I would like to pick up the book sometime to see what I‘ve missed. I‘ve never seen the movie so I‘d like to finally watch it too. She really lived a remarkable life and seemed like she was quite a character.

Ncostell @Ubookquitous Yes, I have read Circling the Sun although it was quite awhile ago. I may need to revisit that one again now that I‘ve read this one. 6y
Ubookquitous @Ncostell Have you read Beryl Markham‘s Autobiographical 6y
Ncostell @Ubookquitous. I haven‘t read West with the Night yet, but I have it on my Kindle. I‘ll have to bump it up on my TBR list now. 6y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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La mia Africa | Karen Blixen
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"Rammenteranno mai le giraffe.... il paese perduto?... Dove sono le altre giraffe che correvano al loro fianco nelle lunghe galoppate?..."

Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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On the short side, and not very fulfilling! (Audiobook sewing)

LibrarianRyan Is that a top or a dress? 6y
LibrarianRyan Or I suppose those could be pockets on the umm of pants? 6y
tricours @LibrarianRyan it‘s a bikini top! 6y
LibrarianRyan I would have been close. My original thought was a boostiea (spelt wrong ) top. My second guess was molding and boning inside a dress. (edited) 6y
CouronneDhiver Bustier? 😂😂 @LibrarianRyan I snorted. 👍🏽 6y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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I‘ve never read this one, so I had to grab it while it‘s on sale. 👍💸

Ncostell I just bought this one today too, couldn‘t pass it up for 99 cents! 6y
Blaire I‘ve owned this for years but never seem to get to it. 6y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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Sounds like soooo much fun! Safe travels.
My favorite travel song is Rains In Africa by Toto. Isn‘t it just the best singalong song? I‘m pairing it with my current read Out Of Africa. The similarities of wide open spaces, heat, and the wild continent are obvious.

Thanks for the tempting giveaway! @LibrarianRyan

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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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I plan to read this classic #memoir later on this year for one of my challenges. #maylovesclassics

rubyslippersreads 😍😍😍 6y
SledgeReader It‘s been on my TBR waaayy too long! 6y
Lcsmcat Beautiful edition! 6y
LeahBergen It‘s so good. ❤️ 6y
ferskner My favorite author! 6y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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GripLitGrl Great photo! 📷💕 6y
CoverToCoverGirl I like.. 😊 6y
RohitSawant 😍😍 6y
Linsy Those designs on the spines!! 😍😍😍 6y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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#AprilBookishMadness #photochallenge @maich

#bookishbirthday #april17

Happy Birthday to Karen Blixen, author of Out of Africa, born April 17, 1885. 🦍🦁🐘🌍🎂🎉📚

kaysworld1 I have this book I keep meaning no one to read it but never got around to it. X 6y
Pamwurtzler This is one of the few where I think the movie is better. 6y
Henrik_Madsen Love that book - but never saw the film🤔 6y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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Such a beautiful sentence to end on.

Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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Quite a beautiful passage.

Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen
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My current #audiobook is not a love letter to Robert Redford (errr... I mean Denys), but is a love letter to Africa. #1001books

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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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My favorite movie from a book is Out of Africa. #OutlanderfortheHolidays
Outlander books are new to me and I've only seen a few episodes but I'm interested in reading these! Thank you for this generous giveaway @callielafleur

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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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I loved this book. While I can easily imagine that if someone is not all that interested in life in Africa that it can seem dry and dull, I felt so much life in it. I admit that I‘m worried about the movie ruining the book in this case since the movie made it a romance even though there was no romance at all in the book. Thus, I will not watch it (even though I adore Meryl Streep)

DivineDiana Interesting to know there is no romance. Another book that I read about the same time period in Africa, “Circling the Sun” , also mentioned her romance with Denys Finch. (edited) 7y
DaniRa How interesting! I mean I kind of figured there may have been some romance with him IRL but since it wasn‘t actually in the book and the book was about other topics, I‘m afraid I‘d be bothered about the movie missing everything else the book was about. Thank you for mentions “Circling the Sun” 😊ill look into it 7y
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