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A Ladder to the Sky
A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
A psychological drama of cat and mouse, A Ladder to the Sky shows how easy it is to achieve the world if you are prepared to sacrifice your soul. If you look hard enough, you can find stories pretty much anywhere. They don't even have to be your own. Or so would-be writer Maurice Swift decides very early on in his career. A chance encounter in a Berlin hotel with celebrated novelist Erich Ackermann gives him an opportunity to ingratiate himself with someone more powerful than him. For Erich is lonely, and he has a story to tell. Whether or not he should do so is another matter entirely. Once Maurice has made his name, he sets off in pursuit of other people's stories. He doesn't care where he finds them - or to whom they belong - as long as they help him rise to the top. Stories will make him famous but they will also make him beg, borrow and steal. They may even make him do worse.
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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#temptingtitles #withnew

I did it! I managed to use all owned tbr books for this months photo challenge. I had to dip into my nook for one but otherwise all others are on my physical pile and the tagged book is one of the newest books I‘ve recently purchased. Thanks for hosting @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Congratulations 🎊🎈 on achieving that goal! Thanks for playing 💙💙 1y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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A lovely beach weekend of pups, books and gelato.

DogMomIrene Soooo even though this is a bookish place, I‘m still the person who notices the lovely green coloring on your pup‘s harness. So pretty and springy in itself😊 1y
mrp27 @DogMomIrene Aw thanks! She‘s actually my aunt‘s dog but I had the pleasure of dog sitting her over the weekend. I agree the green harness is pretty. 💚 1y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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What a read to start the year with. Brilliant writing as always with Boyne; quite a dark novel but I loved the humour within it, the way each section focused on a different character viewpoint all in relation to Maurice, the ending…there wasn‘t much about it I didn‘t like. A rollercoaster read of a book with a despicable main character. Couldn‘t put it down.

squirrelbrain I loved this one too, despite Maurice being so awful! 1y
BarbaraBB I felt the same. Great review! 1y
erzascarletbookgasm I loved this as well. Oh Maurice! 1y
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Megabooks I wasn‘t a fan of how he depicted an aromantic character. We get so little representation in literature that I hate seeing a negative portrayal. (edited) 1y
youneverarrived @Megabooks I get that! ❤️ 1y
BiblioLitten Even the ending was so good! It made me chuckle despite his character trait. 1y
youneverarrived @BiblioLitten I laughed at the ending too 😆 1y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Boyne is always a favourite of mine.
#12booksof2022 #12daysofchristmas @andrew65 #june2022

Andrew65 Loved this one, and also would put Boyne as a favourite of mine. 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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“I want to be a success…It‘s all that matters to me. I‘ll do whatever it takes to succeed”.

Oh Maurice! What an unforgettable protagonist Boyne has created. I loved this book.

#AlphabetGame #letterL

TrishB Maurice was a clever, nasty man! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks On my shelf! 2y
Deblovestoread Still need to read this one. 2y
erzascarletbookgasm @TrishB Perfect description of Maurice! 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻👌🏻 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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This is an amazing book about ambition that only John Boyne could write. He made me hate Maurice Swift as much as he made me love Cyril Avery. I loved the unique narrative style. Perfect. #highlyrecommend

marleed I loved this one too - and loved the parts I hated! 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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This is the third Boyne I‘ve read, and the second that I really loved. Maurice Swift is such an interesting, repulsive character.

My one criticism is that, as he seems to identify as aromatic and asexual, it‘s portrayed as just another negative aspect of his profile. Those of us on the ace spectrum get so much erasure, flack, or judgment that it seems like low-hanging fruit to pick with Maurice. He‘s terrible all on his own; leave us out of it!

Soubhiville I totally agree! 2y
Megabooks 💯💯💯 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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I have some questions about this. For the author. Couldn't the narcissist be a total psycho without being on the LGBTQ+ spectrum or making such a big deal about it? What is the real Gore Vidal even doing in this book? I think that's it.

I love this author. This book was fine. But I expected next level. No idea what order this came out in. Feeling judgemental.

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Megabooks 💯💯 really terrible asexual/aromantic rep. Very disappointing. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2y
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Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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#audiowalked this #aam book, and have to say it wasn‘t a total success for me, although it did make me think more about issues of plot ownership and how much the talent of the writer stands on its own when asserting ownership of a story than did the fairly similar The Plot.

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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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This is my first Boyne so-so, and idk if it‘s because of the negative representation of the asexual/aromantic MC (see last post) or if I just prefer it when he does the arc of a single character‘s life like in Hearts or Loneliness (tagged ⬇️).

Maurice Swift is a thief. He always wanted to be a writer, but can‘t imagine a plot to save his life. And he will stop at nothing to get ideas to gain the acclaim he thinks he deserves! #AuthorAMonth

Megabooks This is my favorite Boyne. (edited) 2y
Megabooks This was also extremely good. 2y
Cinfhen I really enjoyed this one by Boyne , not as much as Hearts but it was definitely a 4 star read for me. 2y
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Megabooks @Cinfhen more like 2.5-3⭐️ for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Like @Cinfhen This was a 4* read for me. I didn‘t care for 2y
BarbaraBB And I haven‘t read History of Loneliness yet but do have a copy so I am now looking forward to it! 2y
marleed I love how each of his books are so different from the other. It reminds me of Amor Towles books where enjoying one is no guarantee you‘ll enjoy the next one. 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB you gave me Loneliness, and I think you‘d love it! Thank you 💜 I think I‘m stopping on Boyne for this month. Rarely do I read more than 2 for author a month. I‘m sure I‘ll pick him up again at some point. Thanks for the heads up re: traveller 👍🏻 2y
Megabooks @marleed so true! 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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As an aroace person, I‘m finding Boyne‘s MC problematic. There are jokes that aromantic people are psychopaths, especially those that are allosexual or sex positive/indifferent asexuals (like the MC). I don‘t know what Boyne identifies as, but this is really hitting me as perpetuating a negative stereotype that some readers might not realize they‘re consuming because asexual themes aren‘t as often explored as allosexual ones. Thoughts?

KatieDid927 I admit I hadn‘t thought of it from this exact angle, but I do think you‘re right and there is a lot about this book that I didn‘t enjoy. 2y
Alfoster I hadn‘t thought of this either but it makes so much sense! Now I‘ll have to reread with this in mind!👊 2y
LiteraryinLawrence Wow, I‘m glad you brought that up so if I read it I can think about that perspective. It‘s hard not having enough rep in books so that each time it‘s done wrong it feels like a slap in the face. 2y
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Megabooks @KatieDid927 thanks. I‘m unsure of what I think about it. While I hate the portrayal, Boyne‘s writing is still stellar. However this is still my least favorite of the four I‘ve read. 2y
Megabooks @Alfoster thanks! Yeah, I kind of had a feeling from the beginning but in interlude two, it was glaring to me. I don‘t see much aroace rep in adult fiction, so it sucks to have such a prominently negative one. 2y
Megabooks @LiteraryinLawrence yes, there is so little rep in adult fiction, especially literary fiction, that I hate to see it negatively portrayed. Plus the character kept on making asides about missing a hormone, and I didn‘t like the casual medicalization of it either. 2y
Alfoster Exactly! Great that you pointed it out! Sometimes people are so afraid of what they don‘t understand that it‘s easier to just gloss over it! 2y
britt_brooke Appreciate your perspective, Meg! 💚 2y
Megabooks @britt_brooke thanks friend! 💜 2y
BarbaraBB 🤍 2y
dariazeoli I agree, and it‘s a big aspect that made this less than five stars for me. Boyne writes so well, and Swift is horrible, but his romantic/sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. It‘s like saying Amber Heard is evil because she has BPD. 2y
dariazeoli (Not equating being ace to mental illness, just that the wrong traits are lumped into “why a person sucks”) 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne

I've already read one book by the #AuthorAMonth previously, and I think I am good. This was not for me. @Soubhiville

A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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The books and the bookends are new! Three more for #NewReleaseTuesday 😎 Tagging the books ⬇️

Link to the handmade bookends: https://getarchd.com/collections/whitney-winkler 🤩

Megabooks This is where I‘m starting 2y
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Leftcoastzen Cute photo, cute bookends. 2y
Chelsea.Poole Love it! the books and the bookends! 2y
marleed Oh you‘re going to have fun! 2y
Centique Ohhhh the bookends! 😍 2y
Megabooks @Centique thanks!! 😀💜💜 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Maurice Swift makes a great villain. One you love to hate. And his downfall was both predictable and exactly what you wanted to happen. At the beginning I thought the dialogue was weak, but perhaps he just couldn‘t grasp Erich‘s voice, because it got better.
I read this for both #doublespin and #authoramonth.
@Soubhiville @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne

My #roll100 picks for March! A ladder to the Sky and Aberystwyth Mon Amor. Two Kindle selections that have been sitting waiting to be read for a while! I love how the dice Gods are stretch my reading in all different directions already this year 😊 @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Yay! That's great! 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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My #roll100 picks for March! A ladder to the Sky and Aberystwyth Mon Amor. Two Kindle selections that have been sitting waiting to be read for a while! I love how the dice Gods are stretch my reading in all different directions already this year 😊 @PuddleJumper

rockpools Aberystwyth is fun! Aah, the tea-cosy shops 🤣 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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I am a big fan of John Boyne‘s books. When I read them I am unable to think of anything else. The Hearts Invisible Furies is on my Top 10 list!
I‘ve just finished A Ladder to the Sky…it is such a dark novel, the main protagonist is horrid..but I wanted to keep reading..horror and dread one page…laughter the next ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I‘m on a roll..I‘m reading The Absolutist next😊
#irishwriters #literature #fiction

A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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@Soubhiville, thank you so much for your generous gifts for #Authoramonth2022! I'm so excited to get to these when the time comes. And look at that cute #LitsyBookMail sticker! 😁 Thank you again for your kindness! ♥

Soubhiville You‘re welcome! I hope you‘ll like them. 🙂 2y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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I finished this book and headed outside to walk in silence so I could wrap my head around my emotions on this one. Maurice Swift is a fascinating character. The book is so well written and the way the plot unfolds is perfection. I loved hating Maurice.

Soubhiville I loved this book! Also great photo! 3y
Leftcoastzen Great review! 3y
AmyG I loved this one, too. 3y
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ICantImReading I really liked this book, too! 3y
StellaB I really loved this one too. Very satisfying ending isn‘t it 🙂 3y
marleed @Soubhiville Thanks! And @Leftcoastzen @AmyG @ICantImReading @StellaB - so good. I wonder if budding writers are tasked to study his style. 3y
BiblioLitten A very interesting read. 3y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Not my favourite Boyne but still a great read. I love that there were changes in the narrator and you weren‘t sure straight away who they were or what their relationship to Maurice was - the question was always ‘Oh no, what‘s he doing now?‘

Maurice is, weirdly, one of the most likeable but obnoxious villains in literature. Can I also just say that we‘re not all like that in Harrogate, his and my home town! 🤣

TrishB 😂😂 we believe you! 3y
Tove_Reads He‘s coming out with a new one in a few months! 😍 3y
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squirrelbrain Can‘t wait @Tove_Reads ! 3y
squirrelbrain Oops I forgot to include that this is my #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks 3y
Oryx It's a real skill to make you like a villain. I remember liking this one - especially the bits in Italy 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
Cathythoughts Boyne seems to be real hit and miss 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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I loved this book. I couldn't put it down and was always wondering what was going to happen next. It isn't actually a thriller but I'd say it has some psychological thriller aspects to it. The characters were fascinating - and many of them villainous in one way or another. Even though some of the events were predictable once you figure out who Maurice is, it was a great read. John Boyne is quickly becoming one of my favourite authors.

CBee You should absolutely read 3y
CBee It‘s probably one of my favorite books ever and I just read it a few months ago! 3y
Jess861 @CBee I'll have to add it to my TBR pile! Actually, I'll probably be adding all of John Boyne's books to my TBR. 3y
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CBee @Jess861 I did the same after I read Ladder 😊 3y
Chelsea.Poole I love his books!! I haven‘t read them all but the ones I have read are amazing!! 3y
Jess861 @Chelsea.Poole Right?! Such a natural gift for writing! 3y
erzascarletbookgasm I loved this book, he‘s one of my favourite authors 😊 3y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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It is brutally hot here so what better than a beer and a book in the backyard while dad plays with the kiddos. I really enjoyed A History of Loneliness by John Boyne so I'm hoping this book is just as good.

#BackyardReading #BookAndBeer #CraftBeer #Heatwave #SummerReading

A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Even if I loved him, Maurice Swift is definitely #mercyless 💔

Day 26

Eggs Sounds like a great book 📖😊 3y
AmyG @Eggs it‘s a wonderful book. 3y
Leftcoastzen Great pick! 3y
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Ast_Arslan @Eggs I agree with @AmyG ! It's highly recommended 😉🧡 3y
Ast_Arslan @Leftcoastzen also your profile picture! 🤩🌸 3y
Leftcoastzen @Ast_Arslan that‘s Crosby ! 3y
Ast_Arslan @Leftcoastzen He's beautiful 🤩❣❣ 3y
Eggs Litsy app and my phone are not cooperating tonight and I‘m having trouble tagging you with June challenge #CuriousCovers 🤗 3y
Ast_Arslan @Eggs I'll joint it for sure 😉 Later I'll share the post 😉 3y
Eggs Thanks 🙏🏻💗 3y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Dark, but phenomenal. John Boyne has become a must read for me. He never disappoints. I seem to have a thing for Irish authors.

Andrew65 Loved this one. 3y
AmyG He is a must read for me, too...thanks to Litsy. 3y
BiblioLitten Loved it! 3y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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For sure a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read for me. His writing is impeccable and I was completely sucked into this story. A definite recommend.

A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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John Boyne is one of my favourite authors. In this book, he has given us Maurice Swift, an #unforgettable protagonist...an irresistible character but a sociopath who will stop at nothing to become a famous writer. I loved this book and the ending made me chuckle. Oh Maurice!


OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
Copwithabook Yes! That‘s true skill, making a sociopathic character that people kind of root for and feel sorry for. 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Work has been crazy and fairly terrible lately. I am trying hard for balance and self-care. So stepping off into a John Boyne novel feels indulgent. This took me s but to get into but holy cow what a character! Boyne never disappoints.

Leftcoastzen A great read! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I loved this book. 4y
BookDragonNotWorm Hope things get better soon! 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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I‘m fairly certain that John Boyne is an author that I will read no matter the plot. I picked this up because I loved The Heart‘s Invisible Furies...and I loved this one, too. Maurice Swift is a wonderful character to hate!

A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Up next (and will be a bingo!) The Heart‘s Invisible Furies was my favorite book of 2019. Excited to start another one by John Boyne. 📚

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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Oh Maurice, you're tearing me apart.

A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Sunday cuddles!
Thanks to @Ast_Arslan , my dearest bookworm❤

Ast_Arslan Tu non sai quanto mi stessi trattenendo dal chiederti se l'avessi iniziato o meno 🤣🤣 4y
Bubisaur Lo immaginavo, è anche per questo che l ho postato😘 4y
Ast_Arslan ❤❤❤❤ 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Fantastic day for book mail, received my #botm and the above which I found on eBay.

Leftcoastzen Wow!Nice ! Very good read as well in my humble opinion. 4y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen I'm really looking forward to it 4y
BarbaraBB You‘ll love this one but I shouldn‘t read it this soon after THIF, it is so different it might not survive the comparison 4y
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vivastory @BarbaraBB Thanks for the warning! I think I'll wait a month or so, might read the following right before I do since it's been compared to it and I've been meaning to read it for awhile 4y
LeahBergen It‘s been compared to Ripley?? Ooo, I‘ll need it. And I‘ll be waiting to see what you think of him. 😄 4y
vivastory @LeahBergen Highsmith is an author I just know I'm going to love ☺️ 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Yay! I loved this (Oh Maurice!). Hope you‘ll love it when you get to it. 4y
BarbaraBB I loved Ripley too. Great idea to read that one first. 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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A truly enjoyable book about an utterly despicable person. Maximum cleverness right through to the end. I really liked it, and would like to believe that such unabashed, shameless evil exists only in fiction. #BOTM

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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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The writing is this novel is amazing. You read through 3 different characters and how their lives are effected while being involved with Maurice.Two characters that stick out to me are Erik&Dash,both know they are being used and allow it to continue in some hope that Maurice will fall in love with them.this was the saddest section of the book, because you could tell how lonely they were.They were so desperate for someone to share their lives with

A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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I am seriously hoping Maurice gets what‘s coming to him in this last bit...

Leftcoastzen 😂 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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I finally finished my #doublespin pick for May, and it was EXCELLENT. This is my first book by Boyne, but it won‘t be my last. His character development is incredible and his writing sublime. Highly recommend ⭐️

TheAromaofBooks Great review!!! 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Loved this book - John Boyne is incredible! I think The Absolutist and The Heart‘s Invisible Furies were just as good 4y
CBee @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I started The Heart‘s Invisible Furies months ago and was enjoying it! Then I stopped reading it for some reason..... #moodreaderproblems 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage If you liked this, I‘m guessing you will love 4y
CBee @BarbaraTheBibliophage I started that one months ago - just need to finish it. Really liked what I read. 🙂 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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This is a book about ambition, vanity and complete lack of empathy. It also explores the borders of plagiarism. Our main character is a guy, who wants to become a writer, despite being unable to write a proper story, so he uses other people's ideas in a very cruel way to climb the so called “ladder“ to fame. The narration style was unique and very captivating! I especially admired the way John Boyne is able to write dialogue. Definitely recommend!

AmyG Great book. 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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It‘s been a bumper April for me! I never manage to read this many books but due to the lockdown, maternity leave & sitting up at night trying to get my 2 week old to sleep, I‘ve whizzed through 11 books! I‘d only read 13 books in the 1st 3 months.

After a slow start where the COVID crisis meant I was finding it hard to concentrate on books, I‘ve completely changed and am really started using them as a means of escapism.

LoveToReadLiveToRead A Ladder to the Sky and Case Histories have been my favourites 📚⭐️ 4y
AvidReader25 Oh my goodness! Congrats on the newborn!!! My second kiddo just turned one and over been thinking so much about those hazy newborn days. 4y
Eggs Congratulations on the birth of your new little human 👶🏼🎉🎈 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Congrats on your baby! 4y
LoveToReadLiveToRead @AvidReader25 @Eggs @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick thanks ladies! It‘s exhausting but lovely! 👶🏼 x 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Got this from a local book exchange network.

Has anybody read it? 🌞

La_Cori I read last year and I loved it! One of the best book from 2019 for me 😉 4y
viirastus @La_Cori That sounds really promising! 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Oooo, Mr Boyne, you‘ve created another character who will stick in my head for a while!
This is the twisted tale of Maurice Swift, a man with a talent for the mechanics of writing a good book but who is incapable of thinking of a good plot. So what does he do? Why he acquires them from others....by any means necessary.
This had me hooked from the get go and kept me riveted right to the end as I waited to see what fate had in store for Maurice!

AmyG Great book! 4y
Megabooks Gorgeous cover!! 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne

I am such a fan of John Boyne. This book was utterly dark, and the main character is pretty much completely unlikeable, but Boyne nails the storytelling perfectly.

Erinreadsthebooks An autobuy for me! I 💜Boyne! 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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I liked it, but it's not nearly in the same ballpark as The Heart's Invisible Furies. The protagonist was a horrible person, and I always struggle with that. Also, the changing narrators, all writing in different PoV was frustrating. I will call it a pick, but barely.

CollapsingLibrary I found the writing style very frustrating at first but I think it was ultimately a pick because even 9 months later and I think about this book and the main character a lot 4y
Trashcanman 👋🏼😊 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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🌈 Wrap-up! 🌈
Well, February was fantastic!

Lethal White- Galbraith- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
A Ladder to the Sky- Boyne- ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Becoming- Obama- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Sign of Four- Conan Doyle- ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Song of Achilles- Miller- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

What was your favorite read this month?!

A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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At a brewery with a book 🤓📚🍺

Megabooks Nice! 4y
Leftcoastzen Sounds lovely! 4y
BookishMe Oh GOODY! 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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mollyrotondo Oh I loved The Heart‘s Invisible Furies!!!! One of my favorite books. I heard this one is good but very different 4y
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TheSpineView @mollyrotondo I have both books but I just can't seem to get to them. 4y
AmyG @TheSpineView Oh no! @mollyrotondo It is completely different. But it‘s wonderful. 4y
mollyrotondo @TheSpineView The Heart‘s Invisible Furies is definitely worth picking up this year if you have time. It‘s long but you fly through it is so good! 4y
mollyrotondo @AmyG I must grab a copy from the library soon then 4y
TheSpineView @mollyrotondo I have heard nothing but good things about it. I will definitely move it up on the TBR list.😊 4y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😊 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @mollyrotondo Furies is one of my favorite books!! 4y
mollyrotondo @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks uh it‘s amazing, isn‘t it?! It was so beautifully written. I love hearing that other people loved it so much! 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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Started this last night. One of my favorite writers. Off to an excellent start. Engaging. It‘s going to be hard to put down. Luckily I have today off.

Bklover This one is on my TBR. How did you end up liking it? (edited) 4y
Cuilin @Bklover I really liked it. Great, clear, and concise writing. Fabulous storyline reminiscent of the Talented Mr. Ripley. 4y
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A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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I wasn't sure how I felt about the book for a while, but I'll be honest, the last 1/4 is really what made the book for me. I'm glad I stuck with it because the ending was worth it. Lots of interesting characters and not-so-black-and-white situations that make you think.

A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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I only got one book for Christmas this year, so I decided to play Santa for myself with a little post-Christmas shopping at Half-Price Books 🎄📚

UwannaPublishme 😁🙌🏻 4y
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