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Assassin's Apprentice / Royal Assassin (Farseer Trilogy, #1-2)
Assassin's Apprentice / Royal Assassin (Farseer Trilogy, #1-2) | Robin Hobb
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It‘s a good summer to revisit some old favorite authors for me.

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We do many things in our latest episode. Select a December book of the month, dissect the modern educational system, and mull over starting a bumper sticker company. Enjoy!


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1/5⭐ I was willing to give it a chance despite not connecting with the characters but stopped 10% in at the casual pet murder and an idiot adult expecting a 6 year old to understand what he was talking about without any explanation. #roll100

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Things have been a bit trying lately, so going for the comfort re-read and food. #WeArePack

daena Perfect comfort read 💖 13mo
coffeenebula @daena And it‘s been just long enough that I don‘t remember everything, so it‘s an engrossing read all over again 🥰 13mo
RaeLovesToRead Pack! 😭💕 12mo
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🎧 I loved this book! I wasn‘t sure if I would. It‘s well written. Epic fantasy. Fitz is a typical kid, if not a little too perfect at times. A bastard Prince used as a pawn by his grandfather & uncles. Nosy & Smithy bring added depth and interest. I‘ll be adding book 2 to my TBR. If you haven‘t read it, you probably should.


TrishB Read more than once ❤️ my fave fantasy series ever. 1y
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Eggs Well done 👍🏼 👏🏻 2y
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Another gorgeous day! I am taking advantage of this weather for as long as I can! Took a nice walk during my lunch break today! 🌿💕📚

swishandflick Pretty! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly That looks lovely! 2y
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I managed to snag a comfy window seat in my downtown coffee shop this morning! 😀💕📚

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It is in the 40's here today so I took my first walk in the woods of the new year! 🌿💕📚 There was still some snow in the ground, and everything was a bit slippery, but it was SO worth it! I got to read on my favorite bench for a bit too! It really made me remember how much I love reading at the park and now I'm even more excited for spring to arrive!

RaeLovesToRead ❤❤❤ this pic!!! 2y
wanderinglynn What a lovely view! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 2y
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A grounded, character-driven fantasy that relies on the strength of its worldbuilding and the humanity of its inhabitants to tell a believable, engrossing story.

TrishB And it gets better and better. 2y
JesseCalder @TrishB Glad to hear, I'm starting the sequel soon :) 2y
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I really really love a good fantasy map! 😍📚💕

Having already read the Rainwilds Chronicles, I scoured this map to find familiar territory and was super excited to see the Rain Wilds and Bingtown! Seeing places I've already read about felt like coming home! 😊

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I have been SO inspired by Rae's enthusiasm for this series that I decided to reroute my current Hobb reading trajectory and go back to the beginning and start these next! I have read the Rain Wilds Chronicles and LOVED them, so I'm excited to read the rest of the books in the right order! 🥰📚💕 Thanks @RaeLovesToRead ! #catsoflitsy #chaplin

Mitch The Ships series is my fav! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 2y
ShelleyBooksie Chaplin ♡ 2y
RaeLovesToRead I can see Chaplin also approves of your decision! Hope you love it as much as I do 🥰🥰 2y
Leftcoastzen 😻👏 2y
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It took me while to settle in, but once I had I rattled thro‘ - simply loved being in this world with Fitz.

It felt disturbingly current in places - Chivalry stepping away from his princely role, the powers that be appearing to do nothing in the face of threats to their people. And the misting felt very close to home!

The world she built is quite wonderful - even as a not-a-great-fantasy-reader, I can see myself coming back v soon for part 2!

Cinfhen I‘m considering reading (listening) to this one for #HighFantasy 😅 2y
rockpools @Cinfhen *googles high fantasy* Works for me! I found it a surprisingly quick listen, Cindy - you could do much worse! 2y
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wanderinglynn Ooh, I love Robin Hobb! 2y
rockpools @wanderinglynn I‘m so pleased! I‘d heard such great things, but was worried it‘d be a disappointing not-for-me. It wasn‘t 😁 2y
Librarybelle Hooray!! 2y
TrishB I missed your great review 😁 2y
Centique I‘m so glad you enjoyed it! 2y
Centique @Cinfhen a couple of other ideas for you if this one doesn‘t work. Naomi Novik has two stand alone novels I loved - Spinning Silver and Uprooted. But if you end up wanting something shorter, perhaps the first Dark Materials book by Phillip Pullman (in the US it‘s called Golden Compass elsewhere called Northern Lights) It‘s middle grade but it‘s a compulsive read. Lyra the main character is a brilliant kid to root for. 2y
Cinfhen Thanks for the suggestions @Centique FANTASY is so NOT my JAM - I need all the help I can get 2y
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Assassin's Apprentice had superb character development.

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Next year as a challenge to read what I own and to thin out my shelves I asked @ripley_reads (thank you!!) to randomly select 12 numbers from my total number of unread books. I have a year to read these books, or I have to unhaul them if I don't.
This is the chosen stack! Some I'm excited for, others I'm scared of (I see you Robin Hobb) but I think this will be a fun way to read what I own! See any greats?

Credit to MegWithBooks on YT for idea

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I really liked the lightning thief - I read it after watching the first movie (the movie is a disaster, safe to skip) (edited) 2y
brittanyreads @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Ohh! Good to know! Thanks. I think I read somewhere they are making a new TV series? Maybe on Disney+?? 2y
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JenReadsAlot I liked The Couple Next Door. 2y
CaliforniaCay Milk and Honey is a good one, and a quick read 🤗 2y
Scochrane26 I like the Lightening Thief & the Bridgerton one. 2y
brittanyreads @JenReadsAlot Happy to hear! I've enjoyed other books by her 2y
brittanyreads @CaliforniaCay Yes! Happy some quick ones were drawn haha 2y
brittanyreads @Scochrane26 I adore Bridgerton! The Viscount Who Loved Me is one of my favorites of the year! 😆 2y
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I don‘t normally do graphic novels but I may have to change my mind!

LeahBergen I think the gift from you just arrived as I received an unordered Amazon package! 😘😘 2y
TrishB @LeahBergen cool 👍🏻 2y
LeahBergen I hope the one I sent to you from Book Depository arrived or arrives soon. 🤞 2y
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TrishB @LeahBergen I‘ve had a couple from BD but not opened any until tomorrow 😁❤️ 2y
Bluebird Ooooh! I loved this trilogy. Will have to check out this graphic novel! 2y
TrishB @Bluebird me too 😁 2y
batsy Happy birthday, Trish! Have a fantastic day ❤️🎈🎂📚 2y
TrishB @batsy thank you 😘 2y
murfman I've already pre-ordered this! I can't wait for it to show up! 2y
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I last read this twenty years ago, and honestly, I remembered that I loved it but not much else about it. It deserves every bit of hype that it has ever received. It is a wonderful book that had me guessing, fretting, speculating, and flat out worrying about Fritz, the protagonist, well past the end. In fact the 2nd book is going to get bumped and read rather quickly now as well. This is a fantasy masterwork. Full stop.

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Just saw this on Robin Hobb‘s FB page. Dark Horse Comics has adapted the series, to be released in December:


RaeLovesToRead 😲😲😲😲 2y
Soubhiville Oh! I‘m in! 2y
shanaqui Huh. Intriguing! Thanks for posting about this! 2y
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“She made a dagger for her father‘s birthday, with a grip like a leaping stag, and yet done so cleverly that it‘s a comfort in the hand, with not a jag or edge to catch on anything. Now, that‘s a bit of beauty that will live on long after her hair grays or her cheeks wrinkle. Someday her grandchildren will look at that work and think what a clever woman she was.”


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This week's comfort read.

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I bought book 2 a while ago not knowing it was a trilogy series. Because I liked the cover. Thanks to ebay now I've got them all. Hopefully I'll read them at some point this year since I've heard good things.

TrishB A wonderful trilogy. 2y
shanaqui It's a great trilogy, though I haven't read it in a long time! 2y
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Thanks for the tag @JenReadsAlot
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

The books whose worlds have infringed on my daily living the most are usually fantasy ones! So stories from the realm of the Elderlings or Westeros gets me hung up and wishing I was back there when they finish...

Best part of a week? Getting to go back to sleep on a day off 😆

Worst part of a week? Having to wake up 🙃

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Ok! Let's do this...
Thanks for the tag @jenniferw88
#manicmonday #letterA @CBee

📚 Assassin's Apprentice (Hobb)
✒ Jane Austen
📺 Agatha Christie's Poirot / Marple
🎤 Andrea Bocelli
🎶 Anywhere (Rita Ora)

You are all tagged 😘
Including you, Randy @The_Penniless_Author

CBee Nice!! Thanks for playing! 😊😊 2y
batsy Great pick for TV; I'll gladly watch a Poirot or Marple adaptation any day. 2y
RaeLovesToRead @CBee Thanks for the challenge! 😁 2y
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RaeLovesToRead @batsy My absolute faves too 🥰🥰🥰 2y
CBee @RaeLovesToRead absolutely! It‘s so fun and I‘m glad I started it back up again ♥️ 2y
RaeLovesToRead @CBee I can foresee controversy ahead... at least 4 of my favourite songs start with "I" hehe 2y
CBee @RaeLovesToRead ha! You can do more than one - it‘s totally flexible 👍🏻👍🏻 2y
The_Penniless_Author You just had to tag me on this one, didn't you? ? You know I treat these "favorites" questions like a matter of life and death. In order to ensure I maintain some sort of life outside of researching every book/TV show/band/etc that ever existed to make sure I didn't miss anything, I'm just going to go with "something I like" when doing these ? 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author You know that my purpose on this earth is to needle you 😁 And that's the next 26 of your Monday's ruined... my work here is done 😈 2y
RaeLovesToRead @CBee It's going to turn into a catalogue 🤣🤣🤣 2y
CBee @The_Penniless_Author you take it very seriously, I see 😂😂 (edited) 2y
CBee @RaeLovesToRead cool with me! My horizons need expanding! Or broadening? I dunno 😂 (edited) 2y
RaeLovesToRead @CBee If you want to broaden your horizons... my musical taste is probably not going to help 😉 G is for Günther? 🤣🤣 2y
CBee @RaeLovesToRead I am nothing if not open minded. I have all over the place music taste 😂😄 2y
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Fun idea from @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Post your favourite A book

Very easy pick for me 😅 This is by far one of my favourite books

#AlphabetGame #LetterA

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
RaeLovesToRead This would be mine too!!! 🥰 2y
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Part 1/3 of shelf 3/21 of my bookshelf tour 🤪

Favorite book of this bunch is tagged 🥰

#BookshelfTour #RobinHobb #RobertJordan #BrandonSanderson

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

shanaqui Oh gosh, those sets look so lovely! 2y
Kammbia1 Those Robin Hobb books look really nice! 2y
The_Book_Ninja Amazing 2y
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In this week‘s countdown to #WyrdAndWonder, I share my Top 5 Fantasy Subgenre Reads.


What are some of your fave fantasy subgenres?

Nessavamusic I love all fantasy, but I read Urban Fantasy & Fantasy Romance the most. 2y
wanderinglynn @Nessavamusic urban fantasy is my fave too. 2y
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I really really love the paperback editions of this trilogy! The pretty script and gold touches on the covers are so so lovely! 😍📖 I did however save my original mass market paperbacks of this trilogy even though they're falling apart, because I am really attached to them!

vivastory I agree that the new editions are so eye catching! The first time I saw them I knew nothing about them but was curious bc of the cover 3y
Branwen @vivastory Right?! There's just something so beautiful and elegant about them! 😍 They really command your attention! I ended up replacing the first three trilogies with these paperback editions! With the other two series, I actually like the mass market paperback editions more, so I kept them as is! 3y
tokorowilliamwallace Hopefully I'll get to these and find some more thrifting. Currently still in the middle of the 9th one (as introduction to the author and series) I found at an airport bookstore because I was tempted by the thickness. 3y
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I chose the tagged, Book 1 of the Farseer Trilogy, for the Two of Cups reversed for today‘s #tarottakeover as this book focuses on Fitz‘s beginnings.

Also, it‘s one of my favorite fantasy series. ❤️

Erinsuereads Omggggg I totally forgot I started this series a thousand years ago. The first two were so good! Thanks for the reminder! 3y
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Day 194.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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I just changed out my mass market paperbacks for these beautiful UK paperback editions of the Realm of the Elderlings series by Robin Hobb 😍 I can‘t wait to dive back into this series 🥰

#IHaveABookBuyingProblem #CantStopWontStop
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

BookwormAHN Lovely 💚 3y
RaeLovesToRead These are the versions I keep buying (though I've only got the first 4)... they look incredible all together like that 😍 3y
wanderinglynn 😍😍😍 3y
GondorGirl These are my favorite covers, but I can't bring myself to replace my hardcovers. 3y
JuliaTheBookNerd @GondorGirl If I had them in hardcovers I wouldn‘t be able to replace them either 😊 3y
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🌟🌟🌟🌟. It‘s been awhile since I‘ve driven into some high fantasy. Excellent old school world building with characters to love or not. The magic is a bit underwhelming at this point, but being only on book one, I‘m sure I‘ll learn more. If Dickens were to write a fantasy, this would be the one.


I finished this up last night. What a great read! The ending to book 1 felt a little rushed or incomplete, but that is probably intended due to the events that happened (Fitz isn‘t all-knowing!). I looooved the depth of descriptions. I read the illustrated version of the book, which was nice to “see” some of the characters. The artwork was very well done. I‘ll be picking up the next in the series as soon as I finish up another book or two.

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I know I should be reading something from my TBR, but I‘m currently re-reading these 2.
MOBY in preparation for Bees, as I need a refresher on what‘s happened.
Assassin‘s Apprentice just cos I want to. I finished the RotE series a few months ago and I just miss the characters. Robin Hobb is amazing. I‘m loving the re-read, it‘s so good picking up on all the little intricacies now that I know the characters well and what‘s to become of them.

PuddleJumper I haven't read the Fitz and the Fool trilogy because I want to re read the series then get distracted by my TBR pile 😅 3y
Messiejessie @PuddleJumper oh you have to read the Fitz and the Fool trilogy when you get the chance. It‘s so good. 3y
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Wow loved this book! So engaging I wanted to know happened next so badly! At work I would just think about what would happen or how much longer till I could read again. I liked the magic system even if I didn‘t fully understand it, interesting characters, and love the animals.

TrishB Brilliant series. 3y
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I love this Thursday's questions @MoonWitch94

1) I 🖤 them... especially if it's not immediately apparent they are unreliable. I'm quite easy to fool because I'm quite trusting (I.e. gullible) 🤣

2) I 🖤 my new Eddie the Bookworm bag.

3) I'd usually say Poirot or ASOI&F, but I've been thinking about Fitz and the Fool today - I still have the second trilogy to look forward to! Highly recommended.


Kindle tells me that I‘m 43% through the book, and I am already enthralled with the storytelling. An interesting world that you learn about bit by bit through the eyes of a boy. I already see myself picking up the next book as soon as I can.

MaureenMc I‘ve heard good things about Robin Hobb. Fantasy? 3y
TrishB Wonderful series. 3y
DanaR @MaureenMc Yep! So far I‘d call it low Fantasy, no different races or wizards, but there have been hints, so I might be wrong! 3y
MaureenMc @DanaR I‘ll have to add that to my TBR. I‘ve found fantasy to be more enjoyable than Sci-fi, although I know sometimes there‘s a very fine line between the two, so 🤷🏻‍♀️. 3y
DanaR I agree! My mind doesn‘t want to pick apart fantasy, but I find lots to pick apart in sci-fi! 3y
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Loved it!

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#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz

📚 JK Rowling who writes as the Cormoran Strike series as Robert Galbraith.
📚 Written by Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden
📚 Yes

BookmarkTavern I‘ve enjoyed what I‘ve read by Hobb. Thanks for sharing! 3y
TheSpineView @ozma.of.oz 😊 3y
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Happy National Paperback Book Day!

#paperbackbookday #paperbackbooks

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I have the illustrated hardcovers. Seems logical to purchase the audiobooks ... if they‘re $5. 😁 #AudibleSale

vivastory I really liked the first book. I should continue with the series. 3y
Twainy @vivastory it‘ll be my first Robin Hobb read. I‘m interested. 😁 3y
TrishB @vivastory you really should 😁 my fave fantasy series. 3y
vivastory @TrishB I see my local bookstore has Royal Assassin. I think I'll swing by tomorrow & grab it 3y
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I never should have put off reading Robin Hobb for so long! I've believed for years that she writes inaccessible high brow fantasy books but having seen a fair few booktubers tackle this series last year and watched their reviews I began to think that maybe that perception is wrong. And it was!

I ate this book up! I love a family saga and basically thats what this is, but in a fantasy world.

Loved it.

LazyOwl So glad you enjoyed. I absolutely love Fitz and the Fool 💕 3y
Cinfhen My wonderful friend LOVES this series @TrishB do u think I might like it?? Or massive #PageCountPhobia 3y
Lucy_Anywhere One of my absolute favourite writers! The Liveships trilogy is possibly my fave trilogy 3y
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TrishB Amazing series ♥️ and writer. @Cinfhen the books are long and very traditional fantasy- magic, dragons, gods etc. But never say never 😁 3y
Cinfhen Nope!!! All the buzz words that are a pass for me ...thanks @TrishB xx 3y
TrishB @Cinfhen I did think that but didn‘t want to be presumptuous 😁 3y
Michellesibs @LazyOwl Yes! The fool was so much fun. Im so glad I pushed myself to read this! 3y
Michellesibs @Lucy_Anywhere Whenever I talk about this book people rave about the Liveships trilogy so im definitely going to continue on. 3y
Michellesibs I love that you tried to sell this to @Cinfhen @TrishB , the good thing is its only 400 pages and has a proper ending if you wanted to try it out and read as a standalone. 3y
Cinfhen Hahaha! 400 pages is definitely doable but dragons 🐉 are pretty much a hard pass 😆 (edited) 3y
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I read the Mad Ship trilogy a few years back and found them brilliant... Also enjoyed the rain wild chronicles. I guess this trilogy didn't quite meet my expectations... Although really good in terms of the world created and connecting with all of the characters, I felt it quite drawn out and it took me really long to finish. Glad I read them though!


Kept putting it down but when picked it back up I got through it. Hoping book 2 better

Not sure what to make of it yet

TrishB The first one is very slow, just building characters and storylines. The rest is awesome. 4y
Bookworm04 I got book 2 waiting I still wanting to give it ago. I orginally strted this book in June 2020 but put down on and off then picked back up January read in bits. Then last night abs tonight powered through it. Reading American gods now and Daniel hurst book 10 in the 20 minutes series which not on here 4y
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This one does character so well that I thought the other parts of the story would fall flat but they don't. I usually struggle with books longer than 200 pages but this one had me. Plus big excite for where the Fool's story goes, because I was told, not spoilers, but things that encouraged me to start on the trilogy in the first place.

wanderinglynn One of my favorite trilogies. Love Robin Hobb! 4y
MsMelissa Robin Hobb‘s books are amazing! You have a lot of great reading ahead of you. 4y
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Book cushion with everything need in its handy pocket , 100 pages to go till complete. Not my usual read but preserving with it. With all the reveiws this book has must keep going as I have the rest of the paper backs in the series to read. Nice chilled day off. The wheel wins every time for what I read. I I rolled Assassins apprentice📖9️⃣ in (jan) today‘s pick is 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩! #SpinTheWheelApp #spinthewheel 👉 https://spinthewheel.app/download

Bookworm04 @Andrew65 how you doing miss our catch up comments 👌 4y
Andrew65 Doing okay at moment, bit better this weekend. Quite intense at work and unfortunately lost our mother in law to COvID last week, slowing coming to terms with this. Hope you are well. I love this trilogy. 4y
Bookworm04 Oh no we lost grandad to it April Hubby had it to and still not right. Oh good I keep at it then Hope u ok otherwise 4y
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I rolled Assassins apprentice📖 in (jan) today‘s pick is 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩! #SpinTheWheelApp #spinthewheel 👉 https://spinthewheel.app/download even better thing is as read and complete the book you can hide the slice and carry on with the other choices it great fun. I do this one every night want to read and if fed up of one book I chose another That way never bored then all get completed. I read 4 books this month already.takes me 6mth normally 😂

kaysworld1 This is a fantastic way to pick your next book I have just downloaded it 😀 4y
Bookworm04 Glad I could help. Fun isn‘t it I made 4 wheels up. One for Audioble, one for kindle unlimited, one for borrow box amd one woth all kindle books on that want to read. Not done every book I own I be there forever 🙈 4y
kaysworld1 @Bookworm04 it really is fun. I've done it by shelf, added about 20 books per shelf then spin till I have read them all then start on a new shelf. Xx 4y
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@dariazeoli finished my first audiobook today the push was great now back on to paper back assassins apprentice to get this done then will spin wheel for another audio. I even did symbols each title so knew where to find my book 👾- kindle 🎧- audioble 🅱️ borrow box 📖paper back 📳 kindle unlimited this is it on Apple store it free https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/spin-the-wheel-random-picker/id1467343690 my wheel for today pick was assassins