July 19th #CoverLove 💺 🪑 Chair @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
July 19th #CoverLove 💺 🪑 Chair @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
I can't believe it's already time to post the March #BookSpin lists! New to the list this month is the tagged and Hyperion. I'm starting to get a little behind on my reads for February but fingers crossed I'll be caught up in March. As always thanks to @TheAromaofBooks for hosting.
I have been more successful reading my Fantasy physical books but there is still a lot left to be read.
Good read, slow start but interesting characters.
#AlphabetGame #LetterW
Chaplin invites you to his Ted Talk about one of the fantasy genre's most underrated authors, Tad Williams! 😹 He's so fantastic and I can never understand why more people aren't reading his works! The Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series - the first book is pictured here - is particularly excellent! Especially if you love old school fantasy epics! 💕📚 #catsoflitsy #chaplin
Has my chunkster curse continued? Yes it has thank you for asking. Lol I‘m still quite a bit behind for the year but I‘m still so hyped for this day each month. As always thank you to @TheAromaofBooks for hosting.
My mini chard tart experiment was a success! Hello, leafy greens for breakfast.
I‘m gonna push on through the last 80 pages of THE DRAGONBONE CHAIR today. While I‘ve enjoyed some parts, this reread has been way more of a slog than a delight. I‘ll give STONE OF FAREWELL 50-100 pages, but if it hits me the same way as TDC did I‘ll be bailing.
I‘ll also keep thinking lots of tl;dr thoughts about how Teenage Me and Adult Me‘s tastes differ.
My uncle sent over some homemade focaccia and I was honourbound to eat it while I finished another chunk of THE DRAGONBONE CHAIR. I‘m a little more caught up in the epic sweep now I‘m closer to the end, but I‘m still gonna need a break before I can finish the last hundred-odd pages.
Lunch with THE DRAGONBONE CHAIR. I keep slipping in and out of this one, y‘all. I like it well enough, but I LOVELOVELOVED it when I was fourteen and I can‘t seem to recapture that, even as a nostalgia thing.
Time for another chunk of THE DRAGONBONE CHAIR, plus a piece of the chard tart I made yesterday.
I‘m still doing the unofficial Bookspin participant thing, and this month‘s draw decreed I should finally reread THE DRAGONBONE CHAIR. It‘ll be my in-between book for the next little while.
Three are soooo so many books I haven't yet read...and here I am re-reading this again. 😝
I can't help myself. It's comfort. It's home. It's...safe. 🥰
In my defense I'm listening to the audio this go-around, which I have never done before soooo... 🤷♂️
Anyone else re-read for comfort? What's your go to?
I‘m gonna post a book (or series) from my TBR every day until I‘ve shared the lot. No descriptions. No explanations. Just a whole bunch of books I haven‘t read yet.
This is Day 46.
(Okay, let‘s ditch the no-explanations thing here. These are the only rereads on La TBR. I fell hard for them 23 years ago, took ages to source my own copies from thrift stores &similar, and never actually reread ‘em once I got ‘em. 🤷♀️)
Thanks for the #wondrouswednesday tag, @Eggs and @Ast_Arslan !
1. Most of my family does. My dad‘s always been weird and occasionally cruel about everyone else‘s book ownership, even though he‘s a reader himself. 🤷♀️
2. I‘ve got a couple cousins who don‘t read. Everyone else does.
3. It‘s sort of cheating, but I can‘t believe I haven‘t reread THE DRAGONBONE CHAIR yet. I‘ve had it sitting here for like 15 years.
After lugging this around from move to move for the last ten years I finally have sat down and read it! It took me some time to get into it, I thought it began a little slow and I didn‘t immediately like the main character. I quickly changed my mind, and this had almost everything I love about a classic fantasy novel. Looking forward to finishing the series!
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description or reason for wanting to read the book. Some are old and some will be new. Don't judge me - I have a lot of books.
Day 70
#tbrmountain #bookbuyingdiet
Who recommends this and why? I‘ve heard good things about it but I‘m not sure if I want to read it.
#7Days7Books Day 2.
'Books that left an impression on me.'
This will be no surprise to you guys by now. I'm a massive Tad Williams fan and the best way to describe it is, how people feel about LOTR's is how I feel about the Memory Sorrow and Thorn series.
The world of Osten Ard has been part of my imagination for almost as long as I can remember & remains to this day as one of my favorite places to visit. 💙
#fivefingerstack Thanks for the tag @annkuch13
Book I liked: Sword of Kaigen
Book I always reccomend: the Dragonbone Chair.
Book I didn't like: Throne of Glass.
Character I'd marry: Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail).
Pinky Promise I'll read soon: The Black Prism.
Hey all! Haven't been around alot lately. Been in a funk. January blues I guess. Try'na shake it off & get back to being me again. I swear January was the longest year ever. 😩😅
1. The Dragonbone Chair. It's a chunkster, 638 pages, and the beginning of a trilogy with two more books of equal or greater size.
2. I don't usually reread, but I have read The Lord of The Rings trilogy more than once.
3. 362 in print, 25 ebooks and 10 audiobooks
4. Fool Me Twice: Fighting the Assault on Science in America 4💥
5. @Dragonfairykats @Viji @audraelizabeth
#wonderouswednesday @Eggs
I'm not normally a fantasy fan and the Tolkien parallels are strong, but goodness. I remember this decades after reading it.
This book was amazing! I am kicking myself for not stealing my cousin's copy and reading it when I noticed it in her room decades ago. This is so much better so far than A Song of Ice and Fire.
Art by Simon Chen (see link):
"'Never make your home in a place,' the old man had said, too lazy in the spring warmth to do more than wag a finger. 'Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You‘ll find what you need to furnish it—memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things.' Morgenes had grinned. 'That way it will go with you wherever you journey. You‘ll never lack for a home—unless you lose your head, of course . . .'"
Back in high school a friend of mine handed me his copy and told me to read it. I did and the rest is history.
It's an epic fantasy in the vein of Tolkien and Williams does an excellent job of world building.
1. Yes
2. Yes, definitely
3. Yes
4. Huge book, and the beginning of a trilogy with two other 700+ page chunksters.
#HelloThursday @wanderinglynn
I truly loved this book! It took me a few chapters to get into the book but I enjoyed it so much! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
At what point does your TBR pile get embarrassingly tall? 🙈
Truly enjoying this book!! 📚🍺
I bought this on an Audible sale last week and then found out that Josh has a physical copy, so I‘ve been listening to it at work and reading it at home! This picture was taken at a bed and breakfast we stayed at on Wednesday 😄
#HelloThursday @wanderinglynn
1. Rural. Like...middle of nowhere rural.
2. Other, I guess. Forests, would be my answer. Lakes & forests. Particularly the Canadian Shield.
3. Canoing. 🛶 I used to be a wilderness survival guide and canoe trip guide for inner city high schools. 😊
4. Camping. The further away from everything the better. 👌
5. Fantasy is great for outdoor reading as it usually involves long treks through the wilderness.
It's only 8° here, friends! Brrrrr! 😫❄🌬 Taking advantage of the weather to stay cuddled up with my kitty reading buddies and some great reads! If I can finish this behemoth of a book today I will be really happy! 💕📚💕 #winterstormreadathon @BookBabe @MrBook
Me: book buying ban in 2019!
Also me, last day of 2018:
All 3 books in Tad Williams fantasy trilogy, Memory Sorrow & Thorn, are well over 400 pages each.
I'll tell ya what though...its fan-friggen-tastic! 🤘😍🤘
Enjoying the lovely weather today with a walk in the park with my new favorite fantasy series! 😃📚💕
Solid epic fantasy, but the too-obvious parallels to our world is distracting.
Rainy and a little bit chilly today, but my balcony has a roof so a bit of rain doesn't stop me from reading outside! 😃🌧 Another book and tea filled Sunday! 📚☕
The Memory, Sorrow & Thorn trilogy is long and very slow at times but very rewarding to finish 😊 In the end I loved this story! ⚔️ 👑
#SlowButRewarding 🐢 #AllTheBooksJuly18 ☀️
#BookNerd 📚💙
Thanks for the tag @blithebuoyant 🤘
#trivialThursday @GarthRanzz
1. Tad Williams - Dragonbone Chair. 😍
2. Jonathan Carroll/Neil Gaiman
3. Have courage to go on adventures.
Tagging @TricksyTails @TK421 @blondie
137 pages in and loving this.
#NYBirthdayGiveaway @LazyOwl
Another one of my favorite Fantasy books/series is Tad Williams Memory Sorrow and Thorn trilogy. Prolly even my number 1.
You know how people go bananas over LOTR's (myself included)? Well, this series is my LOTR's.
What I mean to say is - I'm obsessed with it. It's usually my go to for 'best of lists' and I love, love it!
And the best thing is, Tad just started a 2nd trilogy last year continuing the story. ❤️😍❤️
It's Bunday, so today featured Breakfast in bed (here cuddling up to my back) and the rest of this book. #BunniesofLitsy More of a slog than I remembered/expected, but I am glad I am rereading these. Lots to sink my teeth into.
There is SO MUCH I had forgotten about these books! Some stuff is still very obvious, but other times I am finding myself a little surprised. Hurrah that I have got to a bit with Josua -- he was my favourite character before.
Oh man, I forgot how self pitying Simon is. Argh. I can't wait to get to the bits I remember!