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The Undomestic Goddess
The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Sophie Kinsella's Wedding Night.Workaholic attorney Samantha Sweeting has just done the unthinkable. Shes made a mistake so huge, itll wreck any chance of a partnership. Going into utter meltdown, she walks out of her London office, gets on a train, and ends up in the middle of nowhere. Asking for directions at a big, beautiful house, shes mistaken for an interviewee and finds herself being offered a job as housekeeper. Her employers have no idea theyve hired a lawyerand Samantha has no idea how to work the oven. She cant sew on a button, bake a potato, or get the #@%# ironing board to open. How she takes a deep breath and begins to copeand finds loveis a story as delicious as the bread she learns to bake. But will her old life ever catch up with her? And if it doeswill she want it back?
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Started this book for June #BookClub. Borrowed it on #Libby. So far, once we got to the housekeeping part, it got better and in a better flow, even the romance has appeared.

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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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The Undomestic Goddess is an all around laugh out loud, feel good read for those who need a little “pick me up” and a quick reminder that even when life goes left, it may still be going right.

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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From heartwarming moments to hysterical situations (and one steamy meetup), the Christmas Wish will quickly become one of your holiday romance favorites.

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Clwojick Way to go! Great job! ☠ 2y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Honestly I have been falling in love with every book I read from Sophie Kinsella. This book is a genuine heart-tugger. #21 read a book that has been on your to read shelf for over a year

Avanders Oooooh I really enjoyed this one!! 2y
Lisalucy @Avanders Same. It‘s soo funny. Can‘t wait to read another one of her books. 2y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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If I‘ve learned one lesson from all that‘s happened to me, it‘s that there is no such thing as the biggest mistake of your existence. There‘s no such thing as ruining your life. Life‘s a pretty resilient thing, it turns out.

Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Finsihed reading this in a day!
If you're looking for a quick, fun, light read; something to chill and relax with bunch of cocktails, this is a go to book for that! Can't believe this was not made in to a movie. This book gives you the feels of a #romcom.

⭐⭐⭐/5 : Funny, simple and enjoyable!

CarolynM I enjoyed this one too🙂 3y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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New addition!! 😇 : Books on Wheels!! ⚙📚

Bookcart to carry around my books anywhere at home!🤸‍♀️

RedxoHearts I love these carts I have two for my crafting. Though now maybe I need a third one for the books that are just in a stack on my table 🤣 3y
aperfectmjk Ha! I wish I had that much room left on my book cart, it's crammed full. 3y
under.a.pile.of.books @RedxoHearts wow. May this is a sign for you to buy that third cart now!! 😜😅 3y
under.a.pile.of.books @aperfectmjk hope to stack my cart full soon! Lot of bookmails on the way 😁 3y
MakiChas A mobilized TBR of shame, no thank you. 3y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Thank you @Mishu94 for the tag 🥰

Currently reading ‘The Maze Runner‘ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ (completely hooked!!!)

I absolutely loved Undomestic goddess by sophie kinsella and also why mummy doesn‘t give a **** by Gill Simms - had me laughing out loud

“Just bloody keep cutting,” Newt ordered “I think I know where he is going with this.” Thomas was relieved someone was finally getting it.

@Vicki4 @ceci_reads @achalla

Mishu94 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Most of my book reviews and ratings will be updated at my Bookstagram and the link to my Goodreads account is at my bio. Come, join my journey at IG 😉.

P/s: Tagged book was my latest review all about. Let's!!

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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I love that I can always count on Kinsella for something light and funny! It‘s just what I needed right now!

♊️ spirit color - yellow

TheKidUpstairs This was my favourite Kinsella! So cute and fun 4y
Clwojick Have you read Can You Keep a Secret? I loved that one too! ♥️ 4y
OriginalCyn620 I have @Clwojick! I enjoyed the movie too! So funny! 4y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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It‘s officially my birth month & while I‘m usually excited for June to come around, it‘s kinda impossible right now. Other than my birthday, me, my girls, & my mom usually have at least one trip lined up, but not this year. The state of the world is weighing on me. 😔 I‘m going to curl up with Kinsella, a comfort author for me. It‘s also my first book for #readyoursign. I‘m very grateful that Litsy is always here when I need positivity in my life!

alisiakae I think I will be rotating between comfort reads and books that challenge and stretch my thinking this month. 😊 4y
Meaw_catlady I‘m glad you can take some comfort in litsy! And happy birth month ! 4y
ulyssesartmiller It's definitely been tough this year, no doubt about it. All we can do is take it one day at a time. I hope Kinsella is as comforting as she usually is for you, and I hope you find some joy for your birthday! 4y
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Clwojick I need to reread the older Sophia Kinsellas soon. I remember loving the standalones from the 2000-2010 time frame. Happy birthday month! ♥️ (edited) 4y
BiblioLitten I chose a comfort author as my first read too. Such a good feeling getting back to it. 💛 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I don't know if it'll help you, but since I'm used to traveling a bit for work & exploring, I've started to walk different routes around my neighborhood & local towns just to change things up. It's not exactly a vacation but I've found a new shop to visit when it opens and tried a new-to-me restaurant. 4y
OriginalCyn620 Thank you so much @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @ulyssesartmiller @Meaw_catlady ... I feel a bit better now! 😊❤️ 4y
OriginalCyn620 It‘s good to have comfort reads/authors @4thhouseontheleft @BiblioLitten! 4y
OriginalCyn620 Thank you @Clwojick! 😊 4y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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It‘s a wrap. Yay for a successful #stayhome24in48 #24in48

Librarybelle Congratulations! 5y
PaperbackPirate Wow! Congratulations! 🎉 5y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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This was a cute book.

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Wishing I could read instead of having so much work to do!

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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Not really enjoying this book sebab rasa macam slow gilak. But still worth reading since there‘s valuable input. The book teach us to make decision based on what make ourselves happy rather than being influenced by others. Yes, people listens to your rants. They stick with you if you‘re on top of the world. But they wont really give a damn if your ship is heading the wrong way and start sinking, no?

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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#Celebration makes me think of food, which made me think of Kinsella's novel because its title was influenced by Nigella Lawson's cookbook.

Picture shows German edition I intend to give to a friend this Yule. The title translates to Goddess in Wellingtons.

#MOvember @Cinfhen

Avanders This was such a fun book ☺️ 5y
Megabooks Is the word for Wellington‘s a German brand name (like Wellington‘s) or is it a generic term for all outdoor boots? For some reason I‘m very curious! 5y
julesG @Megabooks Erm?! It's the British word for rubber boots that I learned. 5y
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julesG @Megabooks BTW, German doesn't have a generic term, we just call them rubber boots. 5y
MaGoose I'm going out on a limb here to say that in English, Wellingtons has passed from being a brand name to a generic name for rubber boots. Just like Kleenex for facial tissues or Google for doing an internet search. 5y
julesG @MaGoose Thanks. That's what I was trying to say. And I was Aldo thinking of Kleenex, and Hoover. 😸 5y
marleed I loved reading this thread because I‘ve always thought the word wellies was such a fun term so much happier on a cloudy, rainy day than, ‘Be sure to wear your rubber boots.‘ 5y
Megabooks So the German word wasn‘t once a brand is what I‘m trying to ask? Maybe I wasn‘t clear. It just translates as rubber boots? I always thought galoshes were the same as Wellies, but a more American term. But apparently galoshes fit over your existing shoes, and wellies are generally shoes on their own. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
julesG @Megabooks Right. The German term just translates as rubber/gum boots. 5y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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I absolutely loved this book and didn't want it to end. Had me literally laughing out loud at times. A very witty, charming read.
Book 13/20 for #bfcr4

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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Started and got lost in the book do far this evening. A quarter of a way through it already. It's light hearted and funny and a refreshing change from the graphic books I've read recently ❤ Samantha is the complete opposite to me 😂

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella

The best kind of Chick Lit there is- a hilarious story with a bunch of awkward moments as well as sexual tension.

Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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It's #Hour18 on the #24in48 #readathon.


The first English language romance I read was Outlander. A friend had talked me into it. That was 20+ years ago. I used to read a lot of crime/thriller/murder mystery, but have gradually shifted towards romance and historical romance over those two decades.

Nowadays I seem to read more romance than any other genre. Guess I like to see/read other people falling in love.


BooknerdsLife I seem to be reading more Romance these days too😁 I found them very relaxing 😌💖 5y
CarolynM I'm another one who is enjoying romance more as I get older. These days I like to feel confident of a happy ending. (edited) 5y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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3.5⭐️. Perfect summertime read! Quick & fun!

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Starting a new audiobook as I continue on with the #24B4Monday Readathon. This book wasn‘t originally in my proposed stack but had it in my audible library for quite some time.
My total so far is 12 hours 59 minutes.

JanuarieTimewalker13 You‘re doing great!! 5y
Andrew65 @JanuarieTimewalker13 Thanks, had to work hard to continue reading with the tiredness today, a battle of wills. 😂 (edited) 5y
Jennick2004 Way to go! 5y
Andrew65 @Jennick2004 Thanks, ended up being a good day despite a slow start. 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 No harm in a wee bit nap. My best Irish. Probably makes no sense, but I try. I almost knocked out myself😴 5y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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😍 This has to be one of my top Sophie Kinsella reads , I loved it , if your looking for an easy girlie read that will make you giggle I highly recommend

Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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A cute book. Nothing heavy and nothing serious. I wasn‘t crazy about the ending- it was a bit too unrealistic and self centered. But a good listen while I worked in my first paint by number.

JoScho Looking good! Still working on mine. 5y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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At 24.5 miles this week, I met my #BFC fitness goal of walking/running a combined minimum of 20 miles each week. Bitsy walked/ran all of these miles with me. ❤️

I‘m killing my sleep goal! 😂

I listened to the tagged audiobook while walking.


DivineDiana 👏🏻🚶‍♀️👍🏻 Cheers to you and Bitsy! 5y
BookwormAHN Way to go 👏🏻 5y
CoverToCoverGirl What a team! Well done! 👊 5y
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wanderinglynn Way to go! Fantastic first week! 🙌🏻 And sleep is super important for good health. 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
Clwojick Sophie Kinsella 😍 I love how light and funny her books are. 5y
RadicalReader @LauraBeth what app do you use to get this information? 5y
catebutler You did so well! I definitely think your sleep goal is admirable! 5y
Sharpeipup Good for you! Sleep is so important... 5y
Cinfhen Great job!!!!! I‘m in awe and cheers to Bitsy who outpaced me by 19 miles 😂😂😂 5y
bewareofwords Great work!! 👏🏽 5y
Megabooks You have a very fit resting heart rate! 👍🏻👍🏻💜 5y
BarbaraJean I bet Bitsy‘s keeping up with you on the sleep goal, too. 😂 What a great week! 5y
julesG Your sleep goal! 👏👏👏 Wish I could get 6 hours each night. 5y
TheSpineView Doing awesome! Keep up the good work! 5y
Blaire @julesG agree. My sleep goal is set to 7.5 and I think I hit it once or twice a month. 5y
VanChocStrawberry I want my step average to be as high as yours! Way to go! 5y
Suet624 I want to sleep as much as you do. 4 hours at a time seems to be my thing.
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Too many heavy feels this week, so I'm reading something fun and fluffy!

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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Another day, another #bookhaul. I seriously have a problem.

I‘m out of shelf space (again) and out of space for shelves. 😭

Suet624 Oh, honey, it‘s a wonderful struggle, isn‘t it? 😁 6y
rubyslippersreads I feel your pain. 😏 6y
Lovesbooks87 Oh that's my problem too! Every store that I went today I got at least one book to add to the hundreds of books that I already own! I have the same problem too! 6y
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DivineDiana I feel you! 😉 6y
Hooked_on_books Three words: wall mounted shelving. Problem solved! 😬 6y
DGRachel @Suet624 @rubyslippersreads @Lovesbooks87 @DivineDiana @Hooked_on_books Thank you all! You‘ve made my heart happy, especially since no one suggested anything as horrific as a book buying ban. 😂🤣😂🤣😘😘😘😘 6y
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Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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#TarotTakeover Day 4 @WhiskeyMistress @ErinSueG

The Fool

I took a picture of the German edition of the tagged book, I gave away the English edition some years ago.

The MC of this Kinsella rom-com is a perfect example of the fool. She runs away from her life as a lawyer, starting work as a housekeeper without knowing anything about housekeeping. But she's a fast learner. She also meets the right guy for a passionate new start.

julesG BTW that's the sunrise in Germany at 6.30am. 6y
Trashcanman 🤗❤️😊🤗 6y
nelehelen Love that sunrise pic!! 6y
Erinsuereads Oh man. I forgot all about Sophie kinsella! I spent yearrrrssss reading the shopaholic books 6y
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Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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1. Tagged ⬆️
2. September
3. Yes, two—girl, age 5 (6 this month) and boy, age 3
4. Peanut M&M‘s and a Diet Coke
5. 🎂🍦💐🎉🎊🎁🎈 Happy Birthday to the September babies!!

@jesshowbooks #Friyayintro

BarbaraTheBibliophage Happy Birthday Month, you September baby! 🎉🎉🎂🎂 6y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella

“If I‘ve learned one lesson from all that‘s happened to me, it‘s that there is no such thing as the biggest mistake of your existence. There‘s no such thing as ruining your life. Life‘s a pretty resilient thing, it turns out.”

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella

“Don‘t beat yourself up for not knowing all the answers. You don‘t always have to know who you are. You don‘t have to have the big picture, or know where you‘re heading. Sometimes it‘s enough just to know what you‘re going to do next.”

Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella

Loved it keeps you wondering are they on are they off no Sam don't go back on your word , do what's in your heart put yourself first got to. Make life what u want it to be
Very good book ,

Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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I always enjoy Sophie Kinsella! This was another cute one by her 😍

Avanders Ohh I really liked this one! 6y
LauraJ Nice nails! 6y
Books88 @LauraJ thank you!! My son just started football, so here I am supporting him 🤣💅🏈 6y
Books88 @Avanders this was so cute! I really liked it! 6y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella

Another great read from Sophie Kinsella. I loved this book. It has the perfect amount of fun, drama, and romance. The ending was everything i hoped for, too. 4.5/5 stars for this one.

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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“Don't beat yourself up for not knowing the answers. You don't always have to know who you are. You don't have to have the big picture, or know where you're heading. Sometimes, it's enough just to know what you're going to do next.”

AliiMichelle Also my favourite quote ❤️ 6y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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It took me a while to get into this one and the first half is a bit cringey and forced, but it got better. By the end you really find yourself rooting for Samantha to choose the right life.

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Unfortunately, I disliked this book. I‘ve read a few other Kinsella books and enjoyed them. This one had its moments and made me laugh. But I thought the premise was highly unbelievable and the ending was myopic. Not for me.

Jenny At least you read it. We‘ll be the only two besides Rachel. 🙁 6y
thebluestocking @Jenny I noticed that on Goodreads. I wonder why? 6y
Jenny @thebluestocking Kathy gave up and Suey is about to. Jenni is too busy and Kami is on the fence. 🙁 6y
thebluestocking @Jenny Man! Even though I didn‘t like it, I thought it might be interesting to discuss. 6y
Jenny @thebluestocking yeah. 🙁 6y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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As usual with Kinsella, I had a hard time putting this one down. I found it amusing and perfectly entertaining but also a bit tedious. I wish it hadn‘t dragged on quite so long.

KateFulfordAuthor If you need another recommendation, may I point you to my People‘s Book Prize nominated debut? Sassy female narrative, laugh out dialogue and a pacy plot. Check the link in the bio for 2 free chapters, reviews and more. 6y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella

I love all of Sophie Kinsella's books, but this might be my favorite.
The first scene introducing the main character is the funny description of the main character texting while getting a massage. She is a total overachiever who gets fired and through a series of misunderstandings gets hired as someone's housekeeper. Has one of the hottest, sex scenes without being gratuitously graphic. Great ending too.

Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Comic Relief for the Soul (And the ebooks are on sale atm! $1.99 down from $11.99).

It‘s not sci-fi or fantasy, but there‘s a method to the madness. We‘ve all gone through reading slumps. When it happens to me, I take it as a sign that I need something different. Maybe I don‘t need another tense, harrowing plot. Maybe I need some old-fashioned comedy relief.

Read the rest at dragonauthors.com. Daily confessions of a bookaholic.

#romcom #humor

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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I caved with the Book Riot deals on Kindle today, then proceeded to download other Kindle Daily Deals. I had previously purchased Circe, but the other “new” titles are today‘s impulse buys.

For someone who doesn‘t really like eBook reading, I‘ve been buying a lot of eBooks lately. And NetGalley stalking. Perhaps #BlameItOnLitsy ?

WhatThePuck @Librarybelle this prompted me to go check my Riot deals. 😂 I ONLY added 2 more books. 6y
Librarybelle @WhatThePuck Only! 🤣🤣🤣 6y
WhatThePuck @Librarybelle ? lol. I consider my tbr as a "hold my beer" moment. ?? 6y
Librarybelle @WhatThePuck 😂😂😂 6y
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The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella

Hilarious! Reminds me of me in a way as I can't cook either. Was sad when it ended.

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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• The Undomestic Goddess introduces you to a workaholic lawyer Samantha Sweeting who ends up screwing something at work while she‘s expecting to be made partner in her law firm. She runs away from everything and ends up being a house keeper. IT IS A MUST READ GUYS !!

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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Another great, light hearted read!!! Kinsella is becoming one of my favorite authors. I love her characters...they're so relatable and endearing.

The Undomestic Goddess | Sophie Kinsella
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This is such a cute book. I can always turn to Sophie Kinsella to get me out of a reading slump!