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The Poisonwood Bible
The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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My last three books were duds and I‘m in dire need of a 5-star book…hoping this is a good choice!


AmyG I loved this. But I remember it taking me about 50-75 pages to really get into it. 2mo
Ruthiella Hope this one works for you! 🤞 2mo
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Exciting find - $2.00 for this #firstedition at the #usedbookstore 😄

I enjoyed Kingsolver‘s Animal Dreams, Prodigal Summer, and Demon Copperhead so I‘m looking forward to adding this one to the list.

#thepoisonwoodbible #kingsolver

AmyG Nice! 3mo
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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The Price family follows their fanatical father on a religious mission to Congo during a time of political and emotional upheaval.

Post Colonial ✨ Hardened ✨ Absolution

A heavy family saga that is incredibly well written. A cross between Heart of Darkness and Hello Beautiful.

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Reading about the Congo whilst in -23 temps in Finland is peculiar!

BarbaraBB Haha! Great view though 😍 8mo
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Although I enjoyed this book, I might have expected too much. Overall I felt the book lacked some historical significance in terms of the atrocities that took place in the Congo.
It is still a very enjoyable read.

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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My next read. This book comes very highly recommended 📚🤞

Scochrane26 One of my fave books ever 11mo
Yoricke_SouthAfrica @Scochrane26 I'm only a few chapters in, and I'm already loving it. 11mo
perfectsinner I need to try this one again. Tried reading it in my teens and bailed, but wondering if I would like it better as an adult. 11mo
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Really thought I'd have more orange books, but this is the only one I found. I picked it up at the little free library in the Starbucks where my daughter works. Haven't read it yet.

#scarathlon #photochallenge day 10: orange
+6 #spookyghostclub @Clwojick

mcctrish I read this a decade ago and I still think about it 13mo
Traci1 @mcctrish it's been on my want to read list for a while. I'm hoping to get to it soon. 13mo
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Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Rereading this after 20 years for book club. I forgot how good it is. Excellent for discussion. 🛖

Sleepswithbooks Yay - this is in my TBR pile 😀 13mo
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Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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I enjoyed this book. Partly thought it could be about 200 pages shorter, but I also liked how it brought the characters through their lives. I disliked Rachel more and more as the book went on, and this probably brought me to tears at least four times. Loved the multi character all women‘s perspective, and political histories of African nations through their experiences.

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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I think this is my new favorite opening paragraph.

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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30 Book Recommendations in 30 Days — Day 2 I will never stop recommending this book.

Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Yesterday‘s #bookhaul
Top two were from the free table at work. Definitely the time of year where instructors are cleaning out their offices!
Bottom two were “treat yo‘self” purchases to go with the sour candies (which are used to cover the bad taste of prednisone- iykyk).

Larkken Ha! That‘s funny about the meds - I need a “chaser” for my thyroid meds too 1y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Kingsolver‘s epic about a missionary family brought to the Congo by their evangelical patriarch is an undertaking, but well worth it. Her ability to give each of her five narrators a unique voice and perspective on colonialism showcases her talent as a writer. She also tackles the themes of freedom, faith, and feminism. A thoughtful novel with impact, this gives the reader a story and characters they‘ll think about long after the last page. 4⭐️

BeckyWithTheGoodBooks Thank you to #ALSpine and @dariazeoli for this recommendation!!! 😀 2y
dariazeoli I‘m so glad you enjoyed it! 1y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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still swooning over Kingsolver‘s words.

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver

Everyone should read this book at least once in their lives. There is much to be said about it. That‘s all I‘ll say. 🤍

BookwormM Agreed loved it 😍 2y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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About halfway done with The Poisonwood Bible. I am enjoying it very much. Barbara Kingsolver really knows how to write a book. Also, this is one of my cats, his name is Banjo🤍

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Barbara Kingsolver is a remarkable writer ✨

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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My book stack for #ALSpine with @dariazeoli 📚 I am planning on reading the tagged book and Jennette McCurdy‘s memoir this month and reading the others throughout the year. 😀

dariazeoli Hope you find some new favorites! I‘m really liking True Biz right out of the gate. 2y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @dariazeoli Yay! I‘m glad you are enjoying it! 2y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Not really in the #Scarathlon wheelhouse, but yesterday‘s #photoprompt was poison and this is one of my favorites. #TeamSlaughter

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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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After loving Prodigal Summer, I followed y'alls recommendations & picked up the tagged book. I was a smidge intimidated because it's over 500 pages but in the end 500 pages felt like not enough. I really enjoyed the multiple POV's & the setting that was detailed as is the author's style. I highly recommend checking it out if you've had it on your shelf. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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For #readafrica2022 I selected this title representing #Belgiancongo #thecongo. I have to say I spent a few chapters yelling at the book. A few chapters crying and the whole book cringing as several times it was extremely uncomfortable. Which I guess is why it‘s a controversial read. In any event this country came alive for me through her descriptions and the characters. #travelthroughbooks @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle @Texreader

Librarybelle I‘ve yet to read this one, but I‘ve heard others describe all of the emotions they get from this one. 2y
KristiAhlers @Librarybelle it was good but I wouldn‘t read it again. It was actually a draining read emotionally if you know what I mean. 2y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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@Texreader this is my current read for #readafrica2022! This one is set in Belgian Congo.

BarbaraBB Such a good choice! 2y
BarbaraBB I‘ll tag you in our first post about #ReadingAfrica2022, there you can find the list with all countries! 2y
KristiAhlers @BarbaraBB thank you so much! I found this through @Texreader! 2y
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BarbaraBB She‘s the best! 2y
Texreader My warning: I read a few years ago and hated it and now won‘t read any books by her. Hopefully not the case for you! 😉 2y
KristiAhlers @Texreader I‘ve heard you either love her or hate her. This is my first time reading her so fingers crossed! 2y
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Poisonwood Bible (Revised) | Barbara Kingsolver

The initial concept grabs you, the plot truly thickens and the years reveal unlikely twists and turns in the lives of these family members. It's one of those stories that haunts you long afterwards.

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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This book was sensational! I could not put it down. When I was busy I was thinking about reading it! I learnt so much and I felt so much. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

lynneamch One of my all-time favorites! Time for a re-read. 3y
CarolynM I've never been drawn to this book, but you've made me think I should give it a try. 3y
Rissreads @CarolynM I was the same! I think it‘s because it had the word ‘bible‘ in the title but Serena loved it so I gave it a go and it was so good! 3y
MrsMalaprop @CarolynM I loved this book, but was a bit hesitant recommending it to Nerissa as I read it a long time ago. So glad you loved it too @Rissreads 👏💕. 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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I wanted to re-read this for #ReadingAfrica2022

I still love this book although I forgot how long it takes the ending to come. I think Kingsolver does a masterful job of developing the voices of these girls, and that really comes out in the audiobook.

wisherwishinguponastar I met a lovely woman on an airplane who couldn‘t say enough about this book. Every time I see a post or review I keep telling myself to get to it! 3y
Librarybelle Oh! Good choice! 3y
SilversReviews Such a good read!! 3y
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Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Clwojick 💖🥳 3y
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Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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This was just as wonderful as everyone has always told me. I‘m so glad I finally took the time to read it. It‘s a masterful family saga. At first I was profoundly uncomfortable by the missionary aspect of the book, but the further I got into the narrative the more nuanced and interesting that aspect got. #AuthorAMonth #PopSugar2022 #ABookWithTwoPOV @Soubhiville

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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks sent this book to me and I'm so glad I finally read it.

I've never read this author before, but I am now a fan. #AuthorAMonth2022 @Soubhiville

There's not anything new I can add about this book that hasn't already been written in other reviews. It truly is a classic, full of drama, history, and heart. I was swept away in the story and didn't want it to end.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m happy you enjoyed it!! I need to read mine! 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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I'm so glad I decided to try #authoramonth and read this book. The author says she stayed true to the historical events of the Congo and I found I learned so much and was never bored. The four sisters give great contrasting views of life in the Congo and I don't know if I've ever despised a character as much as Nathan Price. Beautiful prose and thought provoking. I will be thinking about this story for a long time to come. #pop22 #popsugar

RaeLovesToRead Agree! This book was fantastic. Its the first time I've completed an #authoramonth book on time ❤ 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Impressive and expansive book about an American family that travel to the Congo to work as missionaries.

Reflective, philosophical, sometimes a little too poetic, but delivers an unflinching, eye-opening perspective on colonialism through the sisters' different voices.

A solid pick. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Branwen I might have to make this the year to read this one! 😃 It sounds great! 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen Hope you like it too 😊 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Recommended to me by a girl I met in a bar bathroom in Galway Ireland in the summer of 2018. Finally read it! Told from the points of view of a mother and her 4 daughters. Tells about how their family goes to the Congo as missionaries and what happens to them there during a period of political uncertainty. At first it was hard to put down, but I think it was about 100 pages too long toward the end.

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver

"Illusions mistaken for truth are the pavement under our feet. They are what we call civilisation."

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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PopSugar Crew... I think I'm going to use this for a book featuring two languages (although it features at least three!) Even the title references an incorrect use of the Kikongo word bängala (poisonwood tree) and there are lots of words and phrases both in Kikongo and French throughout.

#pop22 @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB @KarenUK @Megabooks @Kalalalatja @Cortg @4thhouseontheleft @Laughterhp

Megabooks Sounds good to me! 3y
BarbaraBB Smart! 3y
Chelsea.Poole Beautiful cover! 3y
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RaeLovesToRead @Megabooks @BarbaraBB There are also references to other African languages, such as Lingala. I'm hoping to finish the book this afternoon 😊 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Chelsea.Poole I love it too 😊 3y
Cinfhen I LOVED this book!!! Your edition is GORGEOUS 3y
Branwen How are you liking it? 💕 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Cinfhen So far it's really good (and I've got about 50 pages to go). I love the cover too, especially the colour palette 😊 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen It's very readable! I'm learning a lot about the history of the Congo. Most of the characters are unsympathetic but voiced well. I think the description of it as like a "dysfunctional little women" is quite good ? 3y
Branwen @RaeLovesToRead Ha! That's an intriguing description! 😂🤣 3y
Ruthiella Ooh, “Dysfunctional Little Women” is spot on! 👍 3y
Megabooks It really is a wonderful book! I gave it 5⭐️ when I read it years ago. I‘m tempted to reread it for Reading Africa. Love that cover, too. 👍🏻 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen @Ruthiella Except the main theme of Little Women is sisterly love and in The Poisonwood Bible... this isn't much of a theme!!! 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Megabooks I'm torn between 4 and 5 stars... 🤔🤔 3y
Cortg Yay! I have this on my bookshelf at hone but haven‘t read it yet. 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Cortg It's really good and really readable! 😊 3y
Cortg Hopefully I get to it sooner than later! 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Librarybelle Way to go with covering so many challenges! 3y
BarbaraBB Cool graphic! 3y
Cinfhen I LOVED this book and it does work for SO MANY challenges 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Wow, that was epic. Early on, I was trying to decide whether to drudge through to the end but then something clicked, I started to care, and I was hooked. The book just kept getting better and better. There's a lot to process, but this is the kind of book experience that, for better or worse, makes it nearly impossible for me to not see a book through to the end. #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Attempting this one for #authoramonth . I have never read a Barabara Kingsolver book and this one has lived on my bookshelves for years. I probably won't finish it this month but will have a decent start.

MrsMalaprop I loved this book. 😍 3y
Kimzey One of my favorite authors! 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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"Oh haiii there... whatcha doing?"

"Drinking tea from the mug you painted? About to start The Poisonwood Bible?"

"Is that supposed to be me? Immortalised in glaze?"

"Personally, I think you did a lousy job..."


squirrelbrain So cute! 😻 3y
JenReadsAlot I love your pickle pictures! 3y
Soubhiville Cats are so sassy! (I think your mug is lovely) 3y
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rockpools That mig is amazing 😻 3y
rockpools *mug. Long day! 3y
RaeLovesToRead @squirrelbrain @JenReadsAlot Thanks! 😊😸 I feel like I'm bombarding you all with Pickle pics so I'm glad they are being enjoyed 😄 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Soubhiville @rockpools Thank you! 😊 You can't see it on the picture but the mug handle is her stripy tail 😄 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Soubhiville P.S. If I can finish The Poisonwood Bible I will (at long last) have completed an #authoramonth book in the correct month 😅 3y
Soubhiville It‘s a long one! Good luck! 3y
Yuki_Onna Awwwww... 😂🤩😂 3y
The_Penniless_Author The Poisonwood Bible has been on my bookshelf for five years now, and every time it moves up into the on-deck spot I go and buy a handful of other books that immediately jump it in line. Maybe your review will finally push me to read it 🤞 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna She's so sweet 😋 3y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author It's a book that only came to my attention through #authoramonth (a challenge I flunked badly last year by reading a grand total of zero books when I was meant to 😬). I'm trying not to read the reviews on GR so as not to have expectations... it seems to be a polarising book! 3y
Branwen I've been wanting to read this book for a long time! Can't wait to hear what you think of it! 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen Aw, thanks! 😊 It's quite a chunkster, but hopefully I'll finish it in time for Author a Month! 3y
Branwen @RaeLovesToRead You've got this! I'm rooting for you! 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Just picked my #authorofthemonth book up from the library… it‘s a chunkster! It filled my little dyslexic heart with fear!! I‘m a very slow reader. I better get The Night Circus finished ASAP if I‘m going to get this done before Feb!

AmyG For whatever it‘s worth…..stick with this book. It disn‘t click for me until around page 75. I loved this book. Enjoy. 3y
BookwormM Great book 3y
Tianarose It is a slow start took me forever to read the first time. But this is one of my all-time favourite books! Worth it for sure. 3y
Magpiegem @AmyG that‘s good to know, thank you 😊. Litsy (and Litsy challenges) really push me to expand my reading which I love. And if I had just gone to the library I probably wouldn‘t ever pick this up simply because of its size! So it‘s a good one for me to read for #authorofthemonth 3y
Magpiegem @Tianarose thank you I‘ve heard really good things about it but I‘m glad I‘ve been warned it starts slow so I don‘t think it‘s me and give up. 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Thank you so much for all the wonderful books @Soubhiville I can‘t wait to read each of these during this year‘s #AurhorAMonth challenge.

Soubhiville You‘re welcome! I‘m glad they arrived safely. Congratulations on 2021‘s “most read.” 3y
JamieArc That looks like a great stack! 3y
Jess861 I loved A Ladder To The Sky! 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Finished my first Chunkster of 2022 and the first book for #ReadingAfrica2022.

This is an excellent book and a big book on so many levels, telling the story of the life of a missionary family who go to the Belgian Congo. This covers three decades of their life, and encompasses all the tumultuous events that happen to them over this period.

#AuthorAMonth #DemocraticRepublicOfCongo #BarbaraKingsolver

Book 6 of 2022

Librarybelle I have heard so many good things about this one! 3y
sarahbellum One of my absolute favorite books. So glad you enjoyed it 🤩 3y
Suet624 Read this years ago and I still remember passages from it 3y
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KCofKaysville @Andrew65 I was impressed by it just a few years ago. Such a dangerous place for a family! 3y
Andrew65 @KCofKaysville Very much so. 3y
jewright Such a good but intense book. 3y
Andrew65 @jewright it is that. 3y
ChasingOm If I get around to reading for #AuthorAMonth this month, this is probably the one I‘ll choose. 3y
BarbaraBB You did that fast! 3y
PaperbackPirate So glad you liked it too! 🐊 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Woo! New books 📚 💕🥳

At least a couple of these are #litsymademedoit

I had to order in time for Author a Month (I did so badly last year)... that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

RaeLovesToRead @Branwen It looks great... but also enormous 😄 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Has anyone done cross-stitch before? I got this kit for Xmas... we'll see how it goes! I also picked up two library holds - these are 2 of 3 of my January TBR!

It's so rainy right now, perfect reading weather! 🌧📚

Reagan Hey! I got that for my sister @BRB_ImReading 🤣 3y
lynneamch Poisonwood Bible ❤💔 Still my fave of all of hers and maybe top 10 of all books. 3y
night_shift @lynneamch oh! Glad to hear it's good! I know very little about it! @Reagan haha.. cool! 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Starting my first #AuthorAMonth book, by listening to The Poisonwood Bible. #BarbaraKingsolver

This also will take me to my second country in Africa for #ReadingAfrica2022 #DemocraticRepublicOfTheCongo


Soubhiville Yeah, way to combine challenges! 3y
RaeLovesToRead I ordered this this week 😊 3y
sarahbellum One of my absolute favorites. Enjoy! ❤️ 3y
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Librarybelle Great choice! 3y
Deblovestoread Love that cover! 3y
Lizpixie I really need to read her, don‘t think I have any though. May try an ebook instead🖥 3y
BarbaraBB You are really jump starting 💪🏽 3y
Clwojick You‘re crushing it! Keep it up! 3y
youneverarrived One of my favourite books. Hope you enjoy 😊 3y
Megabooks Fantastic book! I‘m thinking about rereading it. 3y
BookwormM Loved this book 3y
PaperbackPirate One of my favorites by one of my favorite authors! 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Had to rely on my good ol‘ gr list again for today‘s #Scarathlon #PhotoChallenge theme of #poison. I have only read the Kingsolver; Poisoned Apples is feminist poetry (oh yea!) and I don‘t recall why I added A Fierce and Subtle Poison. Anyone read it? Happy Pumpkin 🎃 Day!

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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver

such a good read, especially being a former missionary kid myself. a good look into a whole other world. narrated primarily by 4 sisters who provide insight into the different challenges and experiences that third-culture kids have.

GondorGirl I loved the first part of the book (their childhood experiences), but found the latter part very slow. Still worth reading though. 3y
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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Wow! I can‘t believe it took me so long to get to this book! So beautifully written, and such a gripping story. Such a wonderful depiction of how people can think they understand a situation, only to discover the limitations of their own perspective.

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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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I first heard about this book over a decade ago and finally decided to read it for my book club‘s May theme, “a book you‘ve been meaning to read for a long time but keep putting off,” after a friend highly recommended it. In a word: Wow. I can see why this is considered a modern classic—it‘s provocative, unsparing yet also compassionate, and unputdownable.🔸#aprilreads2021 #LitsyATXReadersSociety #LARS

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The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver

Built up great characters and witty storytelling. Great use of language to build imagery.

Story of the Price Family in the Congo

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