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Death of a Salesman
Death of a Salesman | Arthur Miller
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Finished this up in English 10 today and while it isn‘t everyone‘s favorite, it is a good play with important themes. #teachersoflitsy

TheLudicReader I am going to be doing this one with my seniors later this semester. I love it, but haven‘t ever taught it…so it‘ll be fun. 7mo
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Starting this with my sophomores today!! #teachersoflitsy

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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🖤 1y
dabbe Poor Willy Loman. 💚 1y
Eggs @dabbe Depressing 😔 1y
dabbe @Eggs I remember having to read it in high school, and I thought, “Why couldn't we have read THE CRUCIBLE instead?“ At least that one had a villain! 🤣 1y
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Death of a Salesman | Arthur Miller
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#temptingtitles #withdeath From what I can remember my seventeen year old self hated this play.

Eggs Perfect 🖤💀🤍 1y
Ruthiella I remember delivering the “We‘re free and clear Willie!” speech in drama class at 17. 😂 1y
Cuilin @Ruthiella I don‘t remember much except it was about Willy Loman‘s family and they seemed tired and sad? 1y
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It was a slow day at work yesterday so I started reading this because @wideeyedreader and I had been talking about it recently. Apparently I rated it 2 ⭐️ ⭐️ when I first got on Goodreads from when I read it in HS. I still didn‘t really like it-especially Willy. But I would give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️ now.

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"A small man can be just as exhausted as a great man" -this is a book of broken dreams, settling, depression and then the ultimate act to end it.

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Death of a Salesman | Arthur Miller
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This classic has been on our bookshelf for YEARS. So long now that my husband has forgotten how and why he had it. It has been on my tbr simply because I figured I should read it. Short enough to read in a day, or a weekend but definitely not lighthearted. A tragic, cautionary tale.

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A classic play on the American dream, and the dark underbelly of that "dream". Miller's greatest play many would hold.

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My hubby bought me a book at an antique store. Good end to a very long week!

Soubhiville Ooo, pretty! 4y
cozypunk Neat! 4y
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I love Stacey Keach and was thrilled to stumble across this audio theatre production of a classic. #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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I understand why many people love Miller‘s Pulitzer-winning play. I really do. I like it's criticism of the American dream and appreciate that it's still applicable today. However, the plot was predictable and the dialogues felt somewhat unnatural. Lastly, the women came in two flavors: the dedicated loving housewives and the gullible sluts. I understand that in the 1940s such stereotypes were normal but it doesn't mean I have to like them.

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Today‘s card is: Five of Diamonds/ The Hierophant; TRADITION

“Frank Churchill is a member of the landed gentry, but things on the surface are not always what they seem: Emma does not trust Frank despite his gentlemanly exterior”

So many of the themes in Death of a Salesman link back to a desire for tradition. The chase for “the American Dream” casts a shadow throughout.

What does this make you think of? Comment below!

sprainedbrain This card makes me think of people who aren‘t what they seem and arranged marriages... Mr. Rochester with his wife in the attic. 😬 4y
Annie1215 @sprainedbrain TOTALLY Mr. Rochester 4y
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Summer reading.

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This was an absolutely beautiful read. I watched a version on Tv with Dustin Hoffman and liked it so much that I decided to read it so glad I did. I thought the format would be hard to read but it was wonderful. 5⭐️

LibrarianToujours Had to read this in high school. The line “the woods are burning” said by Willy always stuck with me. 6y
Jamesmelvinmitchell @NHLibrarian funny how sometimes things like that stick in your head. 6y
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What the heck
I hated this

Bklover Not a cheery story! 6y
Blueberry But I love the picture. 6y
Gina That picture ♡♡♡ 6y
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Easy to identify with

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Really good, quick read. Miller certainly captures struggle and hope throughout this story.


tournevis This is such a good play. One of the best. Up there with Tchekhov. 6y
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Picked this up for $1 in the clearance section a while back. Figured I should finally get around to reading it.

Mrs.C One of my favorite plays! Hope you enjoy! (edited) 6y
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The only thing you got in this world is what you can sell.


I can see why the Death of a salesman won a pulitzer for drama in 1949, its arthur millers masterpiece. Theres so much to take from this play, his lack of confidence for the American Dream and the class system and capitalism in disguise. It was a pleasure to read.

CoffeeNBooks I teach this one every year in my AP Literature class- it's such an interesting play, with so much in it to analyze and discuss! 6y
ReclusiveHermit @CoffeeNBooks Its such a powerful play to teach you must be doing a wonderful job. 6y
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Found a First Edition copy of Death of a Salesman at a used bookstore today- super excited to read this classic!

nelehelen Awesome find!! 6y
TrishMcCallister Beautiful find! 6y
Erinsuereads Woah woah woah! What a lovely cover and amazing find! 6y
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TheWordJar Love that cover! 6y
Cortg Awesome find! I enjoyed this book when I read it WAY back in the day for high school English. 6y
Nute Wow! That‘s a keeper!! 6y
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I foraged for #oldcoolbooks at my library‘s book sale and came back with a few great finds!

DivineDiana Yes, you did! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 6y
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And I am DONE with my first #24in48 🤯🥂 powered through 6 physical books and 2.5 audiobooks. Can‘t wait for next time!

Jess7 Wow that‘s ALOT!! 6y
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Do you read plays? I‘ve only read a couple Shakespeare‘s, but I‘m going to try to take this on soon. #arthurmiller #stagplay #deathofasalesman

Samplergal This is quite good. 6y
BookishMe I recall reading a year ago or two. When I recently watched Casablanca for the first time (!) I understood this title reference 6y
KristinaRay I haven‘t read this, but I enjoyed the Crucible when I read it years ago. Our Town is one of my favorite books and it‘s a play as well. 6y
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We are all just salesmen

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#Opinions #150PnPCoverParty my opinion of Willie Loman always pissed my high school teacher off. I thought he was a pathetic arsehole, she continually failed my essays even when I argued all literature was subjective.....Bitch! IMO ❤️

TrishB This is why I hated English lit in school! 7y
emilyhaldi Lol 😂 7y
DeborahSmall @TrishB yep I only had one English teacher I never argued with. Gave up on night class in eng lit A level when I moved here although I have my Scottish higher in English. A levels looked upon better here and obviously they are! Was just a nightmare xx 7y
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LeahBergen 😂😂 This is exactly why I “hated” poetry (or so I thought). 7y
DeborahSmall @LeahBergen We studied contemporary poets but I loved Milton and Keats and especially Blake etc so it never worked well with my teacher 😂 7y
CrowCAH She had very strong opinions and on your work! Lol 7y
eraderneely That‘s hilarious! My high school essay said “I couldn‘t wait for the salesman to die” and I got an A. Sorry your teacher didn‘t have the same appreciation for subjectivity! 7y
DeborahSmall @eraderneely 😂😂 brilliant teacher! 7y
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Better World Books is having a sale this week. The books I have gotten have always been in good condition. Www.betterworldbooks.com

Tamra I use BetterWorld often! 7y
OrangeMooseReads @Tamra I love them, not only decent price and good condition books, but they donate books to literacy programs as well. 7y
Lcsmcat Thanks for sharing! 7y
OrangeMooseReads @Lcsmcat you‘re welcome 😊 7y
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Peddler410 I love this image! 7y
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I am cheating, not reading it now.... live performance at Ford's Theatre in Washington DC... read it in high school😀😀😀

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Really disliked this book! 😬
#deathofassalesman #book #books #classics #fairylights

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So this lived up to the hype and title "modern classic" for me. It came out in 1949 and all of the issues related to the American Dream, consumerism, and family dynamics are absolutely still relevant today. Excited to geek out now on Arthur Miller and this play. #lifelonglearner

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Remarkable play. The sense of dread Miller can create is so exhilarating and there are some gorgeous scenes. Will definitely get tickets when I see a revival pop up

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#blackandwhitecovers My mom was waiting to join in again and add something for this prompt. After digging through book boxes from my aunt, she was annoyed to find this one, in a messy condition 😅 she remembers it from her school days, as the most frustrating and depressing book she's ever read. - Now I'm curious, having gone with Notes From Underground. #maybookflowers

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Desperately catching up on school reading after the most mental week in my life! Adored A View From The Bridge and am really enjoying this so far

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Entertaining and frustrating read. Willy Loman reminds me of someone, but I can't remember who.
I would also like to know what happens to Biff afterwards.

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#marchintoreading #bookishpetpeeves
These ThriftBooks.com stickers. Ugh. Sometimes they peel off nicely and other times they ruin the book. I hate these stickers, but I love ThriftBooks... It's a real dilemma. 📚

Bookzombie I have the same issue with Goodwill stickers. If they peel off easy there is so much stickiness left behind. I heard a blow dryer helps so I'm going to try it sometime. 8y
elkeOriginal Goo-Gone. Or use a hairdryer. But they make me so mad I do not buy from them anymore. I love books too much to see them hurt... 8y
sprainedbrain Same! 8y
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Arbol There are actually library book sales that I refuse to go to because of their stickers. If it tears the book when I try to peel it off - I'm done. With the quantity I buy I already spend plenty of time peeling stickers and while I used to have the time and dedication to pull out the tweezers and goo gone - I just don't anymore. I end up having stacks of uncataloged/shelved books (because I can't do THAT until they're clean) and I get overwhelmed. (edited) 8y
mjdowens I also had to get past the thriftbooks stickers. I bought a new planner today and cussed up a storm peeling the stupid sticker off of it when I got home. We are told not to deface books when we borrow them, so why sell it to me that way? So annoying! 8y
Mtroiano Ugh! Just looking at this picture frustrates me! 8y
lynneamch True. But, if I really have made a mess of trying to get a sticker off, I will cover it up with a pretty bookish sticker of my own. 8y
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#FeistyFeb #AllTheWorld'sAStage My shelf of plays, mainly from university days. Death of a Salesman, Twelfth Night & The Oedipus plays are some of my faves. 👏🎭😊.

MrsMalaprop Oops, I see hash tags don't like apostrophes. #alltheworldsastage 8y
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I originally read this book my freshman year and hated it. My senior year at a new (worse) school it was mandatory reading. Mrs. Wills had us read it aloud. Eric read the part of Biff as stereotypically flamboyantly gay. It changed the entire connotation of the book and lead to great discussions that might not have happened otherwise. #feistyfeb #changedyourmind

MrsMalaprop One of my all time favourite plays ❤. 8y
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Ooh some more awesome marking. A student who writes about "choking on numbers" and that the recipe for the illusion of a happy family "clung to the paint on the walls so we'd see the recipe's rules". What do you think?

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Spending the night marking, as per usual. Marking personal essays on Death of a Salesman, I come across this piece of advice from a student: "Sit in libraries for hours, reading everything and anything you can get your hands on." Well, okay, if you say so!


I teach this one every year to my grade 12s. I think it is important literature, and they do well in terms of identifying with Biff, but they generally struggle to have empathy for Willy. Until my own family members grew elderly, though, it is fair to say I did not fully appreciate the struggle Willy goes through either.
Overall, a good play that calls into question the concept of success and society . #teachersoflitsy

DeborahSmall Oh I hated Willy Loman. Have never picked it up again since school. I argued/debated with my teacher so much over this play. 25 years ago you weren't allowed an opinion, we were told how we should interpret a work of fiction rather than write about your actual opinions. I refused to conform and was marked down consistently. I'm surprised I still loved reading after a year with that teacher!! 8y
Krysta @DeborahSmall Definitely a good thing you still loved reading! I had a student a year or two ago who adamantly loathed Willy. She quietly would boo every single time he would speak!. But that is the context of their lives; they don't have a lot of sympathy for parents who push them or want them to be something they are not, as Willy does. 8y
DeborahSmall I remember disliking him for feeling so sorry for himself all of the time. I must read it again. Will be interesting to read as a parent. I've pushed my kids very hard as I wasn't pushed myself. I didn't have the opportunity to go to university etc. So I'm pretty tough on them when it comes to education! 💪📚 8y
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A few of my favorites from high school...
#photoadaynov16 #readinschool

JonathanDunne Great selection 8y
badnorthern You clearly went to a better high school than me! 8y
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here at Skirball Cultural Ctr & saw this...i get so giddy when i find random 📚-ish info in random places...just had to share 🤓💕🤗#inmyownworld #myreadinglife #bookishgal #booknerdforlife

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Why am I trying to become what I don‘t want to be … when all I want is out there, waiting for me the minute I say I know who I am.

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