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Galaxy, and the Ground Within
Galaxy, and the Ground Within | Becky Chambers
Return to the sprawling, Hugo Award-winning universe of the Galactic Commons to explore another corner of the cosmos--one often mentioned, but not yet explored--in this absorbing entry in the Wayfarers series, which blends heart-warming characters and imaginative adventure.With no water, no air, and no native life, the planet Gora is unremarkable. The only thing it has going for it is a chance proximity to more popular worlds, making it a decent stopover for ships traveling between the wormholes that keep the Galactic Commons connected. If deep space is a highway, Gora is just your average truck stop.At the Five-Hop One-Stop, long-haul spacers can stretch their legs (if they have legs, that is), and get fuel, transit permits, and assorted supplies. The Five-Hop is run by an enterprising alien and her sometimes helpful child, who work hard to provide a little piece of home to everyone passing through.When a freak technological failure halts all traffic to and from Gora, three strangers--all different species with different aims--are thrown together at the Five-Hop. Grounded, with nothing to do but wait, the trio--an exiled artist with an appointment to keep, a cargo runner at a personal crossroads, and a mysterious individual doing her best to help those on the fringes--are compelled to confront where they've been, where they might go, and what they are, or could be, to each other.
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I am absolutely devastated to finish this series. Every single one of these books has been so different and I feel as if I‘ve learnt something about myself through reading each one. They are abstract but clever and subtle. This one was particularly uplifting and I enjoyed the ending.

Ms Chambers I want more!

ChaoticMissAdventures I love this series too! I could read dozens of them. 4mo
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Heartwarming but not sappy, comforting but not dismissive of sadness/harm. A group of sapient aliens (almost no humans in sight) are stuck on an unremarkable planet that is the space equivalent of a truck stop. Despite their immense differences, they get to know each other and connect, and work together in a crisis. This is the last Becky Chambers I had on my TBR before I've read all of her books. Can't wait until she has a new one out! #CozySciFi

Clare-Dragonfly I‘m on my second-to-last Becky Chambers! I hope she comes out with a new one soon, too! 4mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️what a lovely way to end this series. A handful of aliens from@different worlds get stranded on at a rest station and just sit and learn about each other. What a warm and lovely place to be stuck in for few days. I‘m sad it‘s the last book.

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Much deserved book and wine after dealing with a very cranky baby for two hours (he is finally sleeping in the baby carrier on my chest) 🥂

Ruthiella Good baby! 😴🥂 4mo
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That feeling when you're reading the last book you haven't read from one of your favourite authors. After this I won't have any new Becky Chambers books to read! Until her next one comes out, of course.

TieDyeDude 😢 5mo
Ruthiella Yes, I know that feeling well. 5mo
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Various interstellar travellers of different species are stranded in a hotel together for a few days when satellites are destroyed in an accident.

It took me a while at first trying to remember who was what species and their characteristics but once I got that sorted out, it was an enjoyable ride, if a little didactic in an “AUTHOR'S MESSAGE“ way at times. But I found myself on the edge of my seat during the medical emergency towards the end.

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Another fairly quick choice for #readingbracket2024… Much as I loved Galaxy and it warmed my heart, the long and magical search for Lyra‘s father has a tight grip on me. The Secret Commonwealth might end up grabbing one of the bonus slots, too. In fact, I think the only reason it didn‘t get the top slot is that it ended!

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Once again, Becky Chambers manages to make a disaster cozy and sweet. Five people of four different alien species are trapped in a small waystation for several days. They are forced to get to know one another and learn to understand one another‘s species. Despite early prejudices, they all become friends.

Yes, I‘m spending a lot of time in a bathrobe with a cat on my lap lately 😂 Chemo takes it out of you!

RaeLovesToRead Nice that you have a feline buddy looking after you! 🥰 7mo
Clare-Dragonfly @RaeLovesToRead Gandalf is very good at making sure I rest! 😻 7mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
Pageturner1 💗take care 😻 7mo
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Yes, yes I did go buy the whole series, since I just finished the latest published (next in May 2025!). I feel like it's too easy to associate sci fi with the coldness of space. The Wayfarers books hold such warmth, this latest is no exception, not that it's without friction. Interpersonal sharing and understanding, managing conflict, discussing gender and reproductive rights, touching on the harms of colonialism. Above all they make me happy. ❤️

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When the sci-fi just elegantly summarizes a major problem of the modern world. 👌🏻

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While I maintain my stance of 'you're never getting ME on a space ship", I think if my life were going to be on a vessel, having art everywhere would help. ?

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Spending a relaxing birthday afternoon reading with my kitty Watney!

Leftcoastzen Cute kitty! Nice name 😻 1y
dabbe Hello, Wonderful Watney! 💙🐾💚 1y
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#thingsincommon - covers list previous author books

I am grasping at straws to connect my most recent reads!

This is the 4th book in the wayfarer series. It wasn‘t my favorite of the 4 books but still just as lovely. This one is set on a planet where people only visit when waiting. A bunch of different people/species are on this planet and stuck when all communications come down. And have to work together and deal with different issues.

Laughterhp Oh forgot this was one of my #trappedonanisland pick for April! @aperfectmjk 1y
Clwojick You‘re doing great! ❤️Authors last name starts with C! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 (edited) 1y
Laughterhp @Clwojick Oh! I didn‘t even think of that! Good catch. 1y
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Book #8 of the year: “The Galaxy, and the Ground Within” by Becky Chambers

This one was a gift. I liked the creativity of the creatures and the lack of a human-centered storyline. Several very different characters are brought together through unexpected circumstances. Over the course of 5 days they learn about each other, the diversity of the universe, and their own biases and areas of ignorance. It wasn‘t my favorite but it was easy and unique.

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How can a book where almost nothing actually happens pull at your heart so much? Like, there were maybe five pages of action total, and I still ended up crying in the carport. I am so in love with these books and the magical everyday HopeCore that Becky Chambers writes.

BarbaraJean “HopeCore”—I love that! It‘s a perfect descriptor for Becky Chambers‘ work. 2y
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It feels almost unfair to rate this only 3 stars because it‘s still leagues better than so many works in this realm but compared to the rest of the series I found it very meh.

LeeRHarry Oh no 😔 2y
kgriffith @LeeRHarry I‘m not mad about it, it‘s still a good listen/read and I‘m certain it‘ll connect to future books as well 🫶🏼 2y
LeeRHarry @kgriffith ok thanks that sounds more promising 😊 I‘ve been putting off reading it as then there are no more. 2y
kgriffith @LeeRHarry have you read the Monk and robot duology? They‘re exquisite! 2y
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Here are my March #Roll100 picks! I think I‘m most looking forward to the tagged book, but we‘ll see what I actually end up reading in March. 🤪

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 2y
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3/5⭐ As with the previous book in the series (Record of a Spaceborn Few), there are some interesting relationships and issues touched on, but ultimately the book feels more like the author's worldbuilding notes than anything else. #bookspin

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It has been a very long time since I have read more than one book in a series and this year I have stumbled on 2 favorite series! Chambers is brilliant in the world she has created here and I love how there is always one character that bridges each book with another. The characters are richly drawn and each species is given creative care having a vivid look and culture. Truly love these books.

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Almost done with Stay With Me.
Still working on Warmth of Suns, taking it at about 25 pages a day, going to finish by end of the month. I got the tagged on audio from the library.
Hoping for a good week!

Librariana Sounds like you've got a great, solid plan. Happy reading! 😊💜📚 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Librariana getting through things before end of year!! Happy reading 😍 2y
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I love the worlds and characters that Becky Chambers creates. This is a lovely, quiet end to the series. It‘s about inclusivity and the beauty of diversity. It also gets you thinking hard about what and where home is and the significance of the ground you stand on.

bookishbitch I love her writing and need to get this. 2y
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In general, I don't think this book is as strong as the rest of the series but this scene in which aliens try to understand why humans eat cheese makes the book worthwhile all by itself.

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I will read anything Becky Chambers writes... I love these books soooooo much!

Onioons Such a great series! 2y
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#LetterG recs:
The Galaxy and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert
Good Enough by Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer

#AlphabetGame @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

ChaoticMissAdventures I just started reading Becky Chambers this year and I am loving her! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
sebrittainclark @ChaoticMissAdventures She's become one of my favorite authors. 2y
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A charming and entertaining story about a group of aliens stranded together and how they learn about one another and themselves in the process.

This book completes my reading of the 6 2022 Hugo Best Novel nominees! I
#hugoawards #hugo2022

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Loved this "bottle episode" version of the series. Much more focus on the cultures in the world that the other books built. My favorite of the series.

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Wait, this is the end of the series?! NOOOO!!! OK, I understand that Chambers no doubt has other projects & other worlds to create, but I am a little sad there will be no more Wayfarers novels. Each one is like a warm hug from an old friend and this one is no exception. A Closed and Common Orbit remains my favorite, but they are all great, and this one was lovely too, & I'll gladly reread them all whenever I need some comfort & some good vibes.

charl08 I'm hoping she changes her mind... 2y
LeeRHarry Love this series - saving the last one as a birthday treat later in the year 😊 2y
shanaqui Yeah, I felt like that when I learned about this being the last book. :( I have so many things I still want to know about in this world, and so many characters I'd be happy to see more of! 2y
underground_bks She switched publishers and now has a novella series with Tordotcom publishing! 2y
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All of this series tends toward the personal and slices of life over big meaningful events, but this is probably the most of all. I found it very restful and hopeful, as Chambers' work usually is.

And that's my sixth line (three verticals, two horizontals, one diagonal)! #BookSpinBingo

I will never be this successful again, I'm sure. 😆

shanaqui Thank you, @TheAromaofBooks, for running this challenge. It's pretty amazing how much progress I made on backlogged books this month! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Fabulous month!!! 2y
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Oh, I loved this so much! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Lovely character driven conclusion to the Wayfarer series. 3 strangers of different alien species are trapped on Gora, a nondescript planet that is a stopover for ships traveling between wormholes, when a technological failure makes travel temporarily unsafe. With nothing to do but wait, the strangers learn about each other‘s lives and cultures while enjoying the hospitality of the owner of the Five-Hop One-Stop and her precocious child.

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I adore this universe so much. I don‘t necessarily wanna live in it, but I looove finding little differences and similarities with our world. I could read 100 books set here, connected or not. Chambers has such a beautiful writing style, and a wonderful way to describe her characters, you rly notice the complexity of each!
It dives into so many relevant issues like gender, war, ableism…It makes them accessible and helps you rly consider the sides.

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Actually, every book I read in September 2021 was a winner- it was a great reading month for me. But I‘m highlighting this title because I love the universe Becky Chambers has created in this series. It‘s not a perfect universe, but it is hopeful and a good antidote to doom and gloom fiction.

Andrew65 A popular book. 3y
readordierachel This one is high on my tbr, for all the reasons you mention 💕 3y
Centique Perfectly put! It just warmed my heart this one 😍 3y
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My #3rdBookOf2021 for #March is the last in The Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers. Every book she‘s written so far has been amazing, this was no exception. Pei, Ashby‘s lover & an Aeluon whose race forbids inter-species relationships, is stranded on Gora, an interstellar “truck stop” when it‘s gates are blown up. Forced to spend time with a group of unrelated species, they all learn that underneath, they all are very similar. #12BooksOf2021

julesG That was my February pick. 😁 3y
Andrew65 Another great choice. 3y
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Here's my February pick.


Andrew65 Looks good. 3y
Crazeedi Never heard of this one, beautiful cover. 3y
Kayla.Adriena @Crazeedi these are the UK covers. Much more beautiful than the US versions 3y
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1️⃣ I made this small stuffie recently, whee
2️⃣ I learned this week that incense is no longer only for meditation &/or high schoolers who think they have covered up the smell of weed. I‘m intrigued; does anyone have a favorite I should try?
3️⃣ my home & family 🧣🏡👫🏻🦮
Oh! Also the tagged sweet, feel-good scifi novel. Chambers writes such homey slice-of-life space stuff! I need to do it in small doses, but I love it.

Q84 Oh, I love your elegant! You've done a great job. Do you sell them? 3y
Larkken @Q84 thank you! No, I‘m not prolific enough to support a shop, and barely prolific enough to give them as gifts! A “welcome baby” gift was given on their 2nd birthday 😬 I think I need to keep it as stress relief! 3y
Q84 @Larkken That's ok. We all have our limits. No shame. Better late than never right. I have wrote out Christmas cards to send and let is pass by without mailing them. The only thing to do then is wait until next year and hope their still relevant. 😆 3y
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Q84 *they're 3y
wanderinglynn What a cute elephant! 💚 3y
Eggs Sweet lovey 🐘!! 3y
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The Wayfarers is the perfect example of cozy sci-fi! Gora, a planet with nothing on it but travel stops, an odd group finds themselves at the Five-Hop run by a single mother and child doing their best. Mechanical failures means the group gets to have a mini-vacation while trying to figure out their lives. I enjoyed the day in the life style writing with emotional moments between strangers, characters becoming friends. Chambers is a great author!

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Loving this so far ❤️

#BookNerd 🤓💙

Jemgirl2014 Your bookshelf is so pretty! 3y
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Last book in The Wayfarer series. I loved this book, and the series. I really like how nuanced the characters are and how they all come together and drive the story.

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Doing double duty for Sci-Fi Sep #RoaringWolf (Reaching for the Stars) & #Booked2021 (New in 2021).

3 shuttles stop at a galactic fuel station/rest stop run by a Laru and her kid. The planned overnight turns into an extended stay due to unforeseen circumstances and this mix of sapient species end up sharing and sparring in unexpected ways. The human conflicts mirrored here are clear. I cautiously hope we on Earth will evolve to this point. 🤞

Cinfhen Great review 😍I know this is such a beloved series but I couldn‘t get into the first book 😔 3y
Ruthiella @Cinfhen Thanks. 😊 It‘s a reading taste thing. I totally understand where readers are coming from when they say these books are not for them. 😀 3y
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At a planetary rest stop, several beings are stranded after an almost total collapse of the planet‘s satellite system.

Not much plot here, but a wonderful story about finding community & help within a group of strangers brought together by disastrous circumstance. Chambers‘s alien species continue to wow me with their uniqueness & development. She has a knack for it. A cozy sci fi for when you need to reaffirm that people can be good. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

Ruthiella I loved this one too! I just finished it last night. 3y
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Thanks for this #ThoughtfulThursday tag @jeannasser & @WJCintron ! 😀

🍃 1. I got to zoom-chat with some good friends
🍃 2. When the leaves start to change color
🍃 3. Done!

Feel like playing? Consider yourself tagged!

MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 🌻📖🍁 3y
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The fourth book in the Wayfarers series and it is a true delight. Coxy, heartwarming, life affirming story. I love the worlds that the author creates! 3.5 🌟

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sharread Welcome to Litsy. 3y
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What can I say? Becky Chambers has yet to disappoint.

In this deeply satisfying final book in her Wayfarers series, she once again tells an intricate story that is all at once challenging, thoughtful and hopeful. It‘s her signature move - space adventure as hopeful exploration of life in all its facets. this was the exact book I needed.

If you can, listen to it on audio. Rachel Dulude makes this great book even better.

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I am very good at starting science fiction series, but I am not good at finishing them. I am happy to have finished this series. The first book, A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, is one of my all-time favorite Science Fiction novels. I enjoy being in the world (or galaxy) that Chambers has created. This novel has interesting characters, but very little plot. I didn‘t mind. I had a great time just hanging out.

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It has recaptured the fun and sweetness of the first of the wayfarers book. It is a sweet hug of a book and great to help my book slump where I can take nothing dark, or even just a bit hard, on my fiction. This book is jut 100% Zoloft delivered as a story.

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Just a joy to read! The last book in the Wayfarers Quartet, and it doesn‘t have much plot, but I found it wonderful to get up close and intimate with a diverse bunch of aliens, stuck together in an unusual situation, forced to get to know each other. Chambers does an amazing job of showing how we can welcome and learn from other people groups and she does it using aliens - somehow tipping your perspective upside down so you learn a few things!

Centique Somehow this is the most comforting, life affirming thing I‘ve read in ages - and I spent much of it in a bio dome or a spaceship. 😂 3y
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Last book of the #wayfarers quartet. Reading for one of my #bookclubs

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