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No Plot? No Problem! Revised and Expanded Edition
No Plot? No Problem! Revised and Expanded Edition: A Low-stress, High-velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days | Chris Baty
Chris Baty, founder of the wildly successful literary marathon known as National Novel Writing Month, has completely revised and expanded his definitive handbook for extreme noveling. Chris pulls from over 15 years of results-oriented writing experience to pack this compendium with new tips and tricks, ranging from week-by-week quick reference guides to encouraging advice from authors, and much more. His motivating mix of fearless optimism and practical solutions to common excuses gives both first-time novelists and results-oriented writers the kick-start they need to embark on an exhilarating creative adventure.
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3.5/5⭐ #roll100

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I do my darnedest to tell people I care about them or appreciate them.
One of my favorite things in all the world (other than being alone) is when someone‘s doing their thing and living and whatnot and that makes my life better, incidentally.
But I don‘t think I have thanked someone for really helping me with something important to me that few can help with
@CocoReads thanks for getting the CampNo Cabin going. You kicked me in the hinder. ↙️

jmofo @CocoReads I did some of the best novelling I‘ve done in a year in July. Thanks for sharing and inspiring me. 6y
jmofo @GingerAntics thank you for the excellent discussions and being you. I don‘t think I‘ve properly appreciated you either.🧡 6y
GingerAntics Wait, what did I do? 6y
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jmofo @GingerAntics you‘re just being you. I really enjoy discussing things and you‘re a good one to discuss things with. I dunno, like writing and other stuff. I appreciate you being here. You make my Listy experience more fun and interesting. 6y
GingerAntics Wow. Thanks. I always just thought I was over opinionated. ☺️ 6y
CocoReads @jmofo @GingerAntics thank you! And thanks to the both of you for encouraging me. ❤️ 6y
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Sorry to interrupt your usual posts about actually published books, but I finished #NaNoWriMo! I wrote 50,000 words of the first draft of my first novel in less than a month! Now excuse me while I go and gorge myself on Christmas themed mysteries by the fire.

Moray_Reads Oh well done! That's a huge achievement. I hope there'll be wine and snacks to accompany your mysteries 🕵️ 6y
saresmoore Don‘t worry, @LeahBergen, I‘m also sipping on a sizable glass of wine! 😁🍷 6y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads Ha! See above comment! 6y
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Moray_Reads @saresmoore good to know! I can always tell myself in not drinking alone when someone I know it's doing it at the same time 😁 How was the Na-no-wri-mo experience? 6y
LeahBergen Yay, you!!! 🎉🎉🎉 That‘s fantastic. And keep that bottle handy - you deserve it! 😆 6y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads It was excruciating! Mostly the act of reading my own pathetic attempts at sentence-making, but also the trudging stubbornly on when inspiration has run out. It feels like a massive accomplishment, in spite of the fact that I‘m positive I‘ve written a whole load of utter 💩. And I can assure that you are never drinking (or reading) alone! 6y
merelybookish That's awesome! 6y
saresmoore @merelybookish Thank you! 🥳 6y
Lovesbooks87 That's awesome! 6y
daniwithtea Congrats!! 6y
Librarybelle Awesome! 6y
Bookzombie Congratulations!!! 6y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore getting it on paper is such a huge step. I think I read somewhere that Sarah Moss always destroys her first drafts before moving onto the second. Not that I'm suggesting you do anything so drastic 😅 6y
mreads Congratulations 😁👍 6y
jmofo Hooray! 6y
mrozzz Wonderful!!! Great job! 😄😄😄😄 6y
ScientistSam Great job! Such an achievement! 6y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads Honestly, I think that sounds like an excellent idea. There is so much plot development that happens during the first draft, there were times when I was writing loathsome sentences just to get the thought out so I could move on to the next. 6y
CouronneDhiver 🙀🙀🙀👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 6y
saresmoore @CouronneDhiver That‘s exactly what my kids said! 😅 6y
Jas16 🙌🏽 6y
lahousewyfe Woohoo!!!! 6y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore it works for Sarah Moss, there are definitely worse role models! Let me know if you need easy detective fiction recommendations, after a brief foray back into lit fic, I'm returning to the comforting world of Margery Allingham 6y
vivastory A big congratulations, Sara! 👏👏🤘 You deserve a break! 6y
TK-421 Congratulations! 6y
saresmoore @vivastory Thank you, my friend! 6y
saresmoore @TK-421 Thanks! 6y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads I always appreciate your recommendations! Fortunately, I got my mom into Margery Allingham (on your recommendation) and she bought a bunch of Albert Campion books on our shared Kindle account. 😁 6y
AlaMich That‘s awesome!! Congrats!! 🍾🍾🍾🍷🍷🍷👏👏👏 6y
Leftcoastzen That is awesome! 6y
kspenmoll Congratulations!!!! So happy for you! Enjoy your break!🎉🎉🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
Branwen CONGRATULATIONS! 😀👍💕 I am so so proud of you! 6y
saresmoore @Branwen Thank you! ♥️ How‘s your novel coming along? 6y
Redwritinghood 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
saresmoore @AlaMich @Leftcoastzen @kspenmoll Thank you, lovely friends! 🥰 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Congratulations, that‘s a fantastic achievement!😲👏 6y
Branwen @saresmoore Great so far! I mean, I definately won't hit the 50,000 landmark this week 😔, BUT! I love the story I'm writing so much, like the characters and storyline, you know? And I'm working on writing it everyday, so I'm really happy with that! 😀 I'm really glad that naniwrimo has given me the confidence to pursue this! 📚💕 6y
DivineDiana 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
MaureenMc 🙌🍾 6y
readordierachel Huzzah! 🎉🎉🎉 6y
BarbaraBB That‘s incredible, you‘re on a roll. Go celebrate and then back to work, I can‘t wait for the result 😀👍😘 6y
saresmoore @Branwen Yes! I totally get it! I think the truly beneficial exercise is in writing daily. Honestly, I think I‘ll toss out 49k of the words I wrote. Getting to know the characters has been my favorite part of it all! 6y
saresmoore @BarbaraBB Yeah! Ha! Thanks for keeping me in line. 😅♥️ 6y
JazzFeathers Fantastic!!!!! Congratulations!!!! 6y
batsy Woohoo!! You go, girl! It *is* a massive accomplishment. Can't wait to buy your books off the shelves 🙌🏽😍💕 #rudeladywriters 6y
saresmoore @batsy First of all, in my dreams. Second of all, like I‘d ever let you pay for one! Thirdly, the feeling is mutual, so let‘s both please keep writing, yes? 😘♥️🧁📝 6y
Kalalalatja That‘s amazing, congratulations 👏👏 6y
saresmoore @Kalalalatja Thanks, friend! ♥️ 6y
britt_brooke Fantastic!! 🤗 6y
TheWordJar How wonderful! That is a spectacular accomplishment! I‘ve fallen behind on my word count (though I love my story and hope to continue with it), but my daughter has taken off with the Young Writers Program. Which is gratifying in its own way! 6y
UwannaPublishme Woo hoooooo! That‘s a huge accomplishment and a big reason to celebrate! 🙌🏻🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Keep going...I want to read your published book. 😊👍🏻 6y
saresmoore @TheWordJar That is fantastic! A story you love and an inspired kid is a massive double win! My 9yo has been working on editing and digitally transcribing a story of hers for about a year now. When I finished NaNo, it was the inspiration she needed—she‘s been working tirelessly at it ever since! Mom five! ✋ 6y
saresmoore @UwannaPublishme Thank you! ♥️ 6y
Suet624 That‘s so awesome, Sara. Congrats. 6y
saresmoore @Suet624 Thank you! I kind of can‘t believe it. ♥️🥰😘♥️😍♥️♥️♥️ 6y
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I think this pretty much sums up my feelings on day one of #NaNoWriMo.

LeahBergen Yes! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
valeriegeary I thought of you this morning as I went into my office to work!! I hope you are having a good start to NaNo and that the Muse visits you more days than not!! 6y
RealLifeReading Good luck! 6y
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JennyM You can do it. Good luck and enjoy! Xx 6y
Cinfhen Yes you can 💕🙌🏻 6y
Sarah83 You will rock it 🤗 6y
AlaMich 👍👍👍 6y
TrishB You go 👍🏻😘 6y
saresmoore @LeahBergen Ugh, it‘s utterly terrible so far, but they tell me to practice “exuberant imperfection” so that‘s what I‘m doing! 🍷 6y
saresmoore @RealLifeReading @JennyM @Cinfhen @Sarah83 @AlaMich @TrishB Thanks for all the encouragement, friends! ♥️ 6y
saresmoore @valeriegeary You have no idea how much that means to me! I was thinking of your crooked river today as I was writing a scene by an old oak tree from my childhood. You write such memorable and evocative settings and I was hoping to channel some of that. I‘m sure I‘ve failed miserably, but you really did inspire me. 😊 6y
Suet624 I thought of you writing today. You must know that you have a beautiful writing style. Right? I‘m so glad you‘re doing this. 💕 6y
batsy Beautiful sentiment. I only trust and love the writers who find the process itself mostly terrible 😉😘💪🏽 6y
JazzFeathers True, eh? I've done NaNo for many years, but this time will be hard. November will be a busy month. I have to find a way to fit everything in. 6y
saresmoore @Suet624 You just know how to say exactly what I need to hear. ♥️ 6y
saresmoore @JazzFeathers I hope you experience the time creation phenomenon that I‘ve heard about. Or at least channel Bilbo at Bag End. That‘s always been my favorite image of the writing life. 6y
RohitSawant Here's a great video of Neil Gaiman talking about the craft, which never fails to inspire and reassure me, and I hope it does the same for you. You truly have a wonderful, engaging way with words, and I'm so delighted as a reader that you're doing this!
saresmoore @rohit-sawant My goodness, that‘s a balm for the writing soul! Thank you so much for sharing that, Rohit, and for your too-kind words. ♥️ 6y
Moray_Reads Lovely sentiment ❤️ 6y
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November first kicks off #NaNoWriMo ! Prime your keyboards, grab your pens it's time to write a novel!

Make it official by signing up on the website! All entries and website wide materials are free to utilize! #writersoflitsy #amwriting


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National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is only 9 days away! It's not too late to join the FREE challenge and try your hand at writing a novel in a month. No skill necessary no previous or future desire to be a novelist required. If you're curious join in or help support the hundreds of thousands world wide! #NaNoWriMo #NaNoWriMo2018 #writersoflitsy


WRITING BUDDY: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/estela-v

LibrarianJen I added you as a buddy! I‘m JenAC83 6y
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Shit. What just happened?!

Any tips for a terrified, but quietly optimistic first-timer? 😬🤦‍♀️ #NaNoWriMo

GrilledCheeseSamurai Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. 6y
Kalalalatja Exciting! 6y
saresmoore @GrilledCheeseSamurai Sage wisdom. ☕️ 6y
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TrishB You‘ll be fab 👍🏻 6y
Branwen Super exciting! You are going to do GREAT! 😀👌 6y
saresmoore @Kalalalatja @TrishB @Branwen Thank you, my friends! I figure I have nothing to lose by trying. 6y
JazzFeathers Just have a ton of fun and don't worry about anything else. In case you need a buddy, l'm Celebcuen over there 😊 6y
Beachesnbooks My first time was last year, it helped motivate me so much!! 6y
saresmoore @Beachesnbooks Motivation is what I need most! Are you doing it again this year? 6y
emilyhaldi Fun!! Good luck 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Branwen I have a hard time with motivation also! 😥 @saresmoore @JazzFeathers can we be writing buddies? This is the first year I'm going to go for it (even though I've had an account for ages!) 6y
queerbookreader I BELIEVE IN YOU I have a lot of friends who do this and the most useful bit of advice I think is 1) don't beat yourself up if you get off track 2) discipline is key. don't wait for motivation to strike--you'll be waiting your whole life that way. Force yourself to sit down every day and write, even if it's just a billion disorganized bullet points that vaguely lay out a plot and dialogue 3) trash writing is better than no writing at all 6y
saresmoore @Branwen Woohoo! Yes, please. My username is the same: saresmoore. 6y
saresmoore @queerbookreader That is excellent advice—thank you! I think my kids will be playing a lot of video games next month. 😬 6y
saresmoore @emilyhaldi Thank you! 6y
Branwen @saresmoore Yay! This is so great! My name on there is Rebecca_Sara 😀 6y
Branwen @saresmoore I tried searching for you but I can't find you! 😣 6y
saresmoore @Branwen I‘m having the same issue! I wonder if the site is having problems? 6y
Branwen @saresmoore I'm so confused! *laughs* 6y
saresmoore I attempted to send you a message, so we‘ll see if that works! @Branwen 6y
saresmoore @Branwen This does NOT set the precedent for our success in the actual writing process! 🤦‍♀️😂 6y
Branwen @saresmoore I know, right? 🤣 I hope its not an omen! 6y
Branwen @saresmoore Okay, I got the message and added you as a buddy! At least, I think I did? 🤣 6y
vivastory Good luck! 6y
saresmoore @Branwen Success! 😅 6y
saresmoore @vivastory Thanks! I‘ll need it! 😬 6y
Beachesnbooks I am yes! I‘m beachesnbooks on there too if you want to add me! I‘ve been really struggling to write lately so I‘m hoping to have a good NaNo 6y
BarbaraBB Good luck, you‘ll be doing great 👍😘 6y
Moray_Reads So exciting, have fun with it! 6y
RohitSawant Awesome! Good luck! 🙌🏼 6y
JazzFeathers @Branwen Totally buddy me! It might be some day before l buddy you back. My laptop is getting a make over and l hate to work on the site on my phone. But l'll ve sctive again as soon as l have ny baby back 😉 6y
Branwen @JazzFeathers Hooray! Thank you! And good luck with your laptop! 😀 6y
AlaMich That‘s so great!! I have no wise advice, having never done it, but..have fun!!! 👏👏👏 6y
Suet624 I‘m so happy you‘re doing this! 6y
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Plotting for next month nanowrimo's and watching Sunday night Hometown Hockey. Leafs vs Hawks.

writerlibrarian What a game. So many goals. Leafs prevail 7-6 6y
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Day 1 of #tarottakeover and the first card was the Sun card! It took me forever to come up with something for this. But the only book I can think of that gives me energy would be this handy little guide right here. I always feel so much more motivated to write after I read this guy. Which is a good thing that I found it again, because NanoWrimo is coming. @ErinSueG @WhiskeyMistress

Erinsuereads I have this and I have never looked at it!! I need to crack it open apparently! 6y
jmofo YAY 6y
RainyDayReading @ErinSueG Yes you do! I don‘t know what it is about it but it just gets me excited for NanoWrimo. The second half of the book breaks down NanoWrimo by weeks so when I‘m in a particular panic I like to read those sections and it helps calm me down haha 😅 6y
Erinsuereads That‘s awesome! I‘ll grab it next time I need a boost! 6y
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Inspired by @GingerAntics , I decided to do some story plotting tonight. Probably I need to decide where to hang this board—I can‘t keep sitting on the floor to use it!

GingerAntics YAAAAAAAY!!! lol I‘m thinking of getting some post-it notes or index cards so I can start thinking about major plot points, now that I have my locations scouted and I‘m working on my characters. 6y
CocoReads @GingerAntics my life is ruled by post it‘s. Too bad I need to sleep once in awhile. I like my new job but this full time thing is really cutting into my reading and writing time. Lol 6y
GingerAntics @CocoReads if only we could all just become independently wealthy, so all of our time could go to reading and writing. 6y
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CocoReads @GingerAntics that is 💯 trufax. 6y
GingerAntics Weird question...what do you do for “novel cover”? 6y
CocoReads I haven‘t done anything yet—I‘ve not even tried publishing, I‘m mostly writing for myself so I haven‘t really thought about it. 6y
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Woohoo I edited 31 pages of my pirate ☠️⚔️⚓️ novel this month to become a Camp NaNo winner!

Thank you @CocoReads for hosting the cabin!!! 😘

merelybookish Congrats! 6y
CocoReads Great job! Thanks for playing with us! 6y
Redwritinghood 👏👏👏👏 6y
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JazzFeathers Yayyyy!!! 👏👏👏🙌🙌🙌🙌💪😄🎉🎉🎉🎉 6y
jmofo Hooray! 🧐🤘 6y
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That was down to the wire, but I finished with 50,064 words and 22 minutes to spare! #NaNoWriMo #NaNoWriMo2017

Maybe now I'll have some time to post on here. (I really didn't mean to vanish for a month).

Smrloomis 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🎉🎉🎉🍾 7y
mhillis Congratulations 🎉 7y
julesG Well done! 7y
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Cinfhen Congrats 🙌🏻 7y
CocoReads Congrats! 7y
MyBookLife 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
JessClark78 Congrats! 🎊🎉📚 7y
Wife Yay 😀! 7y
CrowCAH Congrats!🎊🍾🎉🎈😁👏🏻 7y
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One more day of #Nanowrimo & then I can breathe.

Rachel.Rencher What app is this? 7y
JazzFeathers I'm in front of my PC now getting in the mood for the last stretch. Let's do this! 💪🙌 7y
JazzFeathers @Rachel.Rencher lt's the NaNoWriMo site 😊 7y
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#emojinov #quotsynov17 #novemberbythenumbers

Though this is my computer screen I have written on 📝 paper. The quote is #Absurdity, seriously who does NaNo for six years in a row, winning the past five. I‘m absurd for only needing to write less than “20”,000 more words to win #NaNoWriMo this year!

mrozzz That's definitely amazing, not absurd 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
CrowCAH @mrozzz thanks writer friend! ☺️ (definitely was trying to make one post for all the November challenges lol) 7y
mrozzz It was a clever idea!! 7y
Andrew65 Well done! 7y
CrowCAH @Andrew65 thanks! 😊 7y
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I did it! I cracked 10,000! #nanowrimo #maybeicandothisafterall

ContraryMary That's awesome! 🎉 7y
readordierachel 👏👏👏 7y
DivineDiana Yay! 👏🏻 7y
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LiteraryinPA That‘s amazing!! 7y
suvata 🎈🎉🎊😎 7y
dylanisreading Rock on! 👏🏼 7y
JessClark78 🎊🎉🎊🎉📚👏 7y
LauraBrook Wow, congratulations! 7y
ReadingSusan Congrats!!!!🎊🎈🎉 7y
mhillis That‘s great!! 7y
tammysue Awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
DGRachel Way to go!🎉🎉 7y
Jas16 🙌🏽 7y
mrp27 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
ReadingEnvy Woohoo! For me that was always when the characters would start to take over. 7y
Redwritinghood 👏👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎉 7y
cobwebmoth Good for you! 7y
mrozzz You can totally do it!! Keep at it 😄 7y
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It's 5:30 in the morning on November 1. Time to sit for my very first #nanowrimo session ever!

...pizza is brain food, right?

JazzFeathers 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌😆 lt was a good day of writing for me. How was it for you? 7y
kidamy @JazzFeathers great day here! Up for day 2 now. ☺ 7y
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I‘ve attempted this several times in the past, but have never been able to finish, for various reasons. I made a promise to myself that I would have a rough draft of a novel completed by the time I turn 35 (next July) and this seems like a good way to make progress towards that goal. I‘m equal parts excited and terrified. If any fellow Littens are participating, I‘m PenguinInFlight. @ValkyrieAndHerBooks is there, too!! 💜📝

moranadatter I‘m not a writer, but I‘ll happily cheer you on. 7y
Booksnchill @PenguinInFlight great that you are putting your dream out into the universe- I know you‘ve got this!!!👏👏👏 7y
robinb You can do it!!! 🙌🙌 7y
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JazzFeathers I'm taking part too. And although l'm a veteran (it's my 12th) thus year l'm particularly scared 😨 7y
JazzFeathers I've just added you as a buddy. I'm Celebcuen over there 😊 7y
PenguinInFlight Thanks, @moranadatter @Booksnchill @robinb Good luck, @JazzFeathers! I‘ve made some progress, but I‘m behind in word count already (work has been hellacious) 😫 but hoping to play catch up this weekend. 7y
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Is anyone participating in NaNoWriMo? I think someone already posted about this recently, but I can‘t remember who. I‘m seriously considering signing up.

CocoReads I was going to but I‘m already overwhelmed by life—maybe next year 7y
RaimeyGallant 95% sure, but maybe as a rebel. 7y
DGRachel I have a friend who wants me to collaborate with her on a novel but based on our conversations I don‘t think she has enough of an idea for us to get started this year. Aiming for next year. 😊 7y
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dylanisreading @CocoReads @RaimeyGallant @DGRachel I‘m still on the fence about it because it starts so soon, and it‘s so stressful. 7y
CocoReads @Bianca I have about 5000 words of something already but November is a really busy time at work and with home/family with the holidays coming. I just don‘t think it‘ll work for me this year based on my already sky high stress. Hoping something changes in my life by next year because it sounds fun. Terrifying, but fun. 7y
dylanisreading @CocoReads That‘s awesome! Yes, it‘s scary. I‘ve tried a few times before and have yet to win. 7y
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One of my favourite #NonReadingPursuits is writing; it's been a passion all my life. For the past 3 years, I've participated in #Nanowrimo and #CampNanowrimo events. It's a great way to stay motivated while getting lots of writing or revision done in a hurry! I also like D&D and crocheting, but don't get to spend as much time engaging in those activities as I'd like. I'm thinking I should give #AudioCrocheting a try this winter. #UncannyOctober

DuckOfDoom My Plan for November was to finally write pen&paper campaigns again and finish audio crocheting my scarf 😄 good to see other people have these a bit weird selection of hobbies, too 😊 7y
LeahBergen I love the crocheted leaves! 7y
annkuch13 Yay D&D! 7y
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8leagueboot Yay NaNo! Are you participating this year? 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 I love D&D we play it on Sundays as a family. And crochet!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
TK-421 @DuckOfDoom @ForeverNerdy @annkuch13 Nice to know I'm not alone 😊 7y
TK-421 @LeahBergen Thanks! 7y
TK-421 @8leagueboot I plan to take part in Nano again this year, but I haven't decided on my project yet 7y
kspenmoll Wonderful crochet! Stick to your passion; I admire you writers!!!!❤️ 7y
TK-421 @kspenmoll Thanks! 7y
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After a weekend filled with activities, I finally had a day to myself yesterday. I started rereading The Chronicles of Thomas Covent trilogy, and I was able to get some revision done for my #CampNanowrimo project! I just found this nifty badge in my email, so I thought I'd share. #nanosoflitsy

MrBook 😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻 7y
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Congrats to all those who finished, or even tried, NaNoWriMo!! I tried years ago, and as the joke goes: I'm an over achiever, I finished my 30 day writing initiative in only three days 😖👎🏽
Found this article on books written during the crazy month of November! So many good ones! http://m.mentalfloss.com/article.php?id=53481

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Drinking pumpkin spice chai and doing some late night writing for #nanowrimo. Such a bright screen in a dark room is probably not the best idea.

ReadingEnvy How is your word count? 👍 8y
Emory @ReadingEnvy A little under 5,000 right now. So behind! 😧 8y
ReadingEnvy @Emory woohoo halfway to where the characters start taking over... 10k Isa magical place. 8y
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Best of luck to all the aspiring writers out there who are doing #NaNoWriMo 2016!! 👏🏆🎊

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Anyone else doing #NaNoWriMo? It's been slow going for me this year. Between starting a new job and trying to learn the language here, I don't think I'll get anywhere near 50k words, but it's a good excuse take a month to push myself to write more. ✏️📖

KateTheBookworm Also shout out to @GriffinAndHerBooks for the journal!! 8y
Driftglass Ahhh! Have fun!! This will be my 3rd year not doing it - but it's because I'm working on a second draft of a book. I do miss barreling forward with little knowledge of where it'll take me! 😃📚✨ 8y
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Day 3 of #Nanowrimo and I'm only at 615 words.😣 Ready to sit down and get to work! I've got my writing buddy Henry and some pumpkin spice chai to keep me focused.

CherylDeFranceschi Fortitude! 8y
GlitteryOtters You can do it! Sending you all my best writing vibes ✨📝✨ 8y
athorne You got this! 8y
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The boyfriend is making dinner so I can sit and finally get started on #Nanowrimo. I'm diving in with no plot but figuring that out throughout the month is always the fun part! Any other Littens participating this year? 😀

LindsayReads Go get 'em! 8y
valeriegeary *shakes pom-poms* Write all the words!! 8y
ApoptyGina69 We talk about it every year! Go for it and keep us posted! 📝🖋📖 8y
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Linsy I'm participating for the first time this year. Word speed! 💕 8y
Emory @lindsayreads @valeriegeary @ApoptyGina69 Thanks for the encouragement, everyone! 😄 8y
Emory @Linsy Yay! I hope you have a blast! 8y
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I made a Litsy group on #NaNoWriMo for any of us that want to chat group-style, encourage each other and blow off a little steam as we try to write a novel in a month. Here's the link of any of you #WrimosOfLitsy would like to join: Wrimos of Litsy http://bit.ly/wrimosoflitsy

ScarletQuill Awesome sauce! 8y
8leagueboot Definitely signing up! 8y
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Where are all my #NaNoWrimo friends? Let me know if you're participating, and if you like add me (beccaeve) as a writing buddy and let me know what your NaNo username is. Happy writing #WrimosOfLitsy!

TheSloanRanger I'll add you now! I'm Ginger St. George on NaNo, just a heads up! 8y
beccaeve @picklebacksandpaperbacks Thanks!! Added ya back! 8y
Lesliereads I'm Leslie Lulu 8y
GlitteryOtters Added you (which you have probably seen by now 😂), and I FINALLY got to start NaNo this morning...and immediately poured out 3076 words. Not caught up yet, but getting close (and it was so nice to get started...I've never had to delay a NaNo start before. I don't think I will do that again, it is too hard!). 8y
Linsy I'm linsyalayna. I've never officially signed up for NaNoWriMo, but I'm feeling like I need some extra inspiration. I'm so glad to find Litsy friends that are doing it too! 💕 8y
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Writing my own #novel for the next 30 days. Here we go, #NaNo, here we go! #writing #fiction

GlitteryOtters Go, go, go!!!! Good luck, have fun!! 8y
ScarletQuill @GlitteryOtters thanks! So far so good! I'm writing my own cozy mystery since I'm suddenly so obsessed with them, which is totally outside of what I usually write, so it should be interesting. 8y
GlitteryOtters Yay, I love hearing about people writing cozy mysteries for NaNo--it feels like you almost never hear anyone writing those at NaNo time! I'm writing YA with magical realist tendencies, which is my usual NaNo fare. 😂 8y
ScarletQuill Except now I might be back on my fantasy epic idea haha. I'm restless. 8y
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And so it begins...

Anyone else doing #NaNoWriMo?

JackieSmith Good luck!👍🏻 8y
[DELETED] 1409720085 Not this time but it is so fascinating to me. Best of luck! 8y
saguarosally 700-ish words. Going to bed now. 8y
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rachelm Me! 8y
bmsddk Hello fellow Wrimo! Wishing you flowing words and bright days ahead 😊✒ 8y
CrowCAH @beccaeve started my words at lunch today! 8y
beccaeve @saguarosally Great start! 8y
beccaeve @saguarosally @rachelm @bmsddk It's great to meet other Wrimos!!! #WrimosofLitsy 8y
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Anyone else gearing up for National Novel Writing Month? Gonna have my books on @Litsy one day!
#nanowrimo #scribbles #goals

saguarosally Writing goes up, reading goes down. See you in December lol 8y
beccaeve Yep! I've got the same dream! Good luck this month!! 8y
TheSloanRanger @beccaeve Same to you! 8y
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A fresh notebook and Chris Baty's guide for writerly adrenaline junkies? You know what this means... #nanowrimo #nanosoflitsy

beccaeve Yay! Best of luck fellow Wrimo! 8y
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I am attempting again this year! I am going to be armed with a new wireless keyboard and lots of coffee and music! Anyone else attempting to write 50K in 30 days! #NaNoWriMo #NaNo #writers #Mylife

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I wonder if I could read 50K in 30 days, and honestly I'm not sure I could. I've often thought of trying this just for the experience, but I never have....Good luck, and god speed.... plus pixie dust and helpful muses. 8y
Claireluana Me! I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year for my third novel! Buddy my if you want, my screen name is claireluana 8y
moranadatter I'm not a writer, but I'll happily cheer all of you on! 8y
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TheBookbabeblog84 @Claireluana will do tomorrow 8y
TheBookbabeblog84 @kmdartist ❤️ thanks 8y
Dvmheather This will be my second year 8y
8leagueboot Me! Year four! 8y
BookishClaire What is with the logo this year though?! Not very writing-y at all?! 8y
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