Murderbot, you've grown so much! All the accolades to Kevin R Free, whose majestic #audiobook performance is absolutely perfect. He IS Murderbot, as far as I'm concerned. Can't wait til the next one!
Murderbot, you've grown so much! All the accolades to Kevin R Free, whose majestic #audiobook performance is absolutely perfect. He IS Murderbot, as far as I'm concerned. Can't wait til the next one!
While “Death in Rome“ might arguably be a “better“ book, thought-provoking and well-written, few books are as much fun as the Murderbot series.
#12Booksof2024 @Andrew65
I'm not sure whether it's me not being focused enough on the audiobook or were there too many technical details that were unnecessary for the smooth plot development. Well, I felt a bit overwhelmed by the technicalities. But I loved the intrigue, the inner struggle of the protagonist and the hopeful ending - there is a very interesting future ahead for Murderbot and some other security units.
I usually read sci-fi in the summer, but I wasn‘t able to make it to this book before the semester started so it‘s going on the TBR for December‘s #WinterGames2024. 😄
#earlybirdpoints #holidaybookdragons
Murderbot, ART, ART‘s crew, and the team from Preservation are still on the planet that caused so many problems in Network Effect but with a different mission: getting the inhabitants to side with them against the corporate rim group wanting to mine the planet for resources. The colonists threw a wrench in the plans when they revealed there was a third settlement that had been isolated for 30 years. The race is on to beat Barish-Estranza to them.
This installment is quite vulnerable and emotional compared with the earlier books. It has Murderbot connecting (reluctantly) more with its human side, which is interesting.
Kitty-enforced downtime: It's very important to Silo that I take time on a Saturday morning to read and drink some coffee while we listen to the birds through the open window.
A little partying before bed. I risk disturbing my sleep hitting the Pellegrino so close to bedtime, but sometimes you just have to live it up.
Oh Murderbot, how I LOVE you so!
This is another fantastic adventure for Murderbot and ART. I laughed out loud many times.
After reading the book, I immediately listened to the audiobook. These books on audio are my favorite bedtime stories right now.
Full review on Goodreads.
Thanks to #Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I loved being back in the world of Murderbot! Who is having somewhat of a mental health crisis in this one. Some cool new characters and I enjoyed it enough to want to immediately read it again.
Murderbot is as hilarious, poignant, and relatable as always. This was another exciting romp through a wild sci-fi future in a world mostly controlled by corporations, with our scrappy heroes trying to save people from indenture and slavery as much as possible. My main complaint is that this picked up so closely after the previous novella, with no reintroduction to the characters, that I struggled to keep track—they should have been one book.
The series as a whole was really good & I liked this installment. Excited that there should be more in the near future, but this was a very optimistic point to leave offf for now.
Murderbot is dealing with (redacted) but has people -& constructs that are understanding. & while it has has learned how to better relate to others -through recent interactions but mostly from media, sometimes sentience sucks.
My #bookspin is an audiobook so I will listen to System Collapse and spend more time with Murderbot. #doublespin is a 2023 release, so I think I'll pick Nestlings. I feel the need for something scary.
Muderbot plots are so good because as security personnel, MB is always assessing risk, predicting threats & prompting anticipation & anxiety. You turn pages to see what MB got wrong, and how he/she/it heroically adapts. “Competence porn.” But this mission felt too boring for too long. Still great sardonic quotes: P84 “we proceeded down the stupid tunnel, into the stupid danger.” 🤣 2023
P193 “I would be panicking more, but I didn‘t have time.”
How sad am I that the Murderbot story arc is over! I definitely see this whole series becoming one of my major comfort reads.
This one felt a bit more to the point and it continues the general plot of the last book.
It still feels like the author's general understanding of non-hetero relationships is minimal at best and half the time feels like a joke.
At least ART is back and I'm glad for it.
Sadly, I‘ve reached the end of the Murderbot Diaries. This was actually my least favorite, but I still just adored the series as a whole. This book got a bit too technical for me and didn‘t have the relationship-building opportunities that the other books had. I‘m not a regular sci-fi reader and I find that I lack the imagination necessary to keep track of all the unfamiliar planets/entities/aircraft/warring factions, etc. but what a great series!
Not as strong as those stories before, but I still loved being with SecUnit and ART again. Again, I could relate to SecUnit quite often 😄 But I missed some of the humor and the plot was ok-ish. It's still a good book after all. Martha Wells has her own way to describe human behavior and through the eyes of a KI we find ourselves and have to admit, it's right with its remarks.
“I felt HostileSecUnit1 go into shutdown mode. It wasn't dead, it was just catostrophically damaged. (I know, who isn't?)“
#DoubleSpin After thoroughly enjoying my reread of Network Effect, I had trouble getting into this. The premise, Murderbot with PTSD, is fantastic, but nothing about the story compelled me to keep reading. Soft pick, though fans definitely won't want to skip it.
I feel compelled to read this series over from the beginning. Because I feel like I missed something here. This is book 7. I love Murderbot but this was less than the others imo.
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
This is easy, because every time I dance to “Titanium“ I think of Murderbot, and it's especially relevant to this book, in which it is suffering from PTSD. The lyrics of the song are very empowered, but the music reveals the underlying vulnerability that the words are trying to hide.
I had a very good month of reading in January and even managed 3 bingos!
#bookspin #doublebookspin #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks
I love this series!
Thank goodness my hold came through on this latest Murderbot installment when it did*. Another escapist read with the ever delightful and sarcastic construct as it tries to (once again) rescue its humans from destruction, but this time with less confidence.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a good enough memory of the previous two books to follow along this time. I recommend retaining Network Effect and Fugitive Telemetry first
I'm just so happy to have another Murderbot story! The themes of dealing or not dealing with trauma, and how you communicate, especially with strangers, especially in fraught situations. Wells consistently gives this series emotion, action and character moments you can identify with. While this particular plot relies on Murderbot feeling off its game, the reader can still rely on ART's snark to reign supreme and occasionally break the tension. 1/2
Yes, hi, hello, I too would like a friend-shaped Asshole Research Transport (affectionate) monitoring my vitals to encourage mindfulness "what the hell are you doing?" and dispel intrusive thoughts "stop that immediately". Pretty please. ?
Oh, to have the ability to archive and transmit video footage of previous incidents when making a point. If only! 🙏🏻
A sequel to Network Effect, Murderbot is still working with ART to help Preservation and the University to help colonist affected by alien remnant contamination, but as usual there are plenty of Corporate interests making things complicated.
Another great book in the series. I do wish I'd reread Network Effect more recently, so that I remembered more of the context at the beginning of the novella.
A couple purchases with our Barnes and Noble gift card
#SeriesLove2024 @Andrew65
I love this SecUnit. He hates squishy humans... well except for his squishy humans. He is especially worried because he is not himself and he has to figure what is wrong. Another great story in this series. 4.5⭐️
As always I love me some Murderbot. I do think this one and the last one, Network Effect, would have been better if they had just been together as one book. I didn't hate it though. Murderbot is one of my all time favorite characters. Possibly because I love their sarcasm. I didn't want to wait for the paperback to buy it so I nabbed this at the library.
The only thing better than ART is lots of little ART iterations. Look, I adore Murderbot, but I love ART, or maybe I just really love the way the two play off each other. Regardless, this novella has plenty of banter, lots of Murderbot anxiety, and high-stakes adventure. Delightful, as always.
I love Murderbot and the 7th & newest installment is no exception.
Another excellent book in the Murderbot Diaries series. It‘s hard to review these because every time I basically say the same thing: I love Murderbot, perfect balance of sarcasm and heart, fascinating worldbuilding, can‘t wait for the next book. And it‘s allllll true again with this one! #SeriesLove2023
Super excited to get this from the library. Perfect timing since my husband and I are now quarantined because of covid.
128/150 Another excellent Murderbot adventure. If you're already reading the series, then you know how good this is going to be. If you're not, then I recommend you get All Systems Red asap and join in the fun. I especially enjoy the audiobooks, Kevin Free is an excellent narrator. 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫
52nd book finished for #RushathonExtended @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65
4th book finished for #Adventathon @BookmarkTavern
I just can‘t go wring with Murderbot! I‘m pretty sure in the cover photo it‘s facing off against an Ag-bot, as happens in the story.
The use of media feels so absolutely perfect and I loved the way Murderbot works together with ART, Three, and all of their humans in the best collaboration so far.
Sleepy Sietje isn‘t particularly impressed, but I loved System Collapse.
It was very exciting to get another murderbot story. The pacing was a bit off in this one. The first half is all emotional upheaval and slow angst; whereas, the last half is breakneck action. Still love this series.
Thanks for the tag @Yuki_Onna ☺️
1. The tagged book, the newest of the Murderbot diaries, was a lovely little installment. How long to wait until the next one comes out? Alas.
2. I have a whole stack of trashy witchy rom coms, ghost stories, & other lovely, silly things to read but I‘m most looking forward to reading the snow queen by Hans Christian Andersen with my babies ❄️
Sentience sucks.