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The Fox Wife
The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
56 posts | 26 read | 35 to read
Beware: once you start, you may not be able to put it down! Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, author of Independence and The Last Queen Some people think foxes are similar to ghosts because we go around collecting qi, or life force, but nothing could be further than the truth. We are living creatures, just like you, only usually better looking . . . Manchuria, 1908. A young woman is found frozen in the snow. Her death is clouded by rumors of foxes involved, which are believed to lure people by transforming themselves into beautiful women and men. Bao, a detective with a reputation for sniffing out the truth, is hired to uncover the dead womans identity. Since childhood, Bao has been intrigued by the fox gods, yet theyve remained tantalizingly out of reach. Until, perhaps, now. Meanwhile, a family that owns a famous Chinese medicine shop can cure ailments, but not the curse that afflicts themtheir eldest sons die before their twenty-fourth birthdays. Now the only grandson of the family is twenty-three. When a mysterious woman enters their household, their luck seems to change. Or does it? Is their new servant a simple young woman from the north or a fox spirit bent on her own revenge? New York Times bestselling author Yangsze Choo brilliantly explores a world of mortals and spirits, humans and beasts, and their dazzling intersection. The Fox Wife is a stunning novel about a winter full of mysterious deaths, a mother seeking revenge, and old folktales that may very well be true.
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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A story about foxes with a mystery tagged on, and a body count. - I'm paraphrasing from the 'author's notes' at the end of the book.

Enjoyed this mystery and would have loved to see more footnotes.

Cathythoughts Lovely cover ♥️ 2w
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Evening plans sorted. 😁 Needed some room in the freezer, so made mixed berry crumble. The teenager approved.

#LitsyCrafters #KnittersOfLitsy

peaKnit Knitting with mohair paired with another base is a favorite! 2w
julesG @peaKnit Not a big fan of mohair. It is nice to pair with other yarn, but I don't really like using it or wearing it. 2w
peaKnit I agree- next to skin can be itchy….but I do like the halo it adds with a more substantial yarn. It‘s trending lol. What is the yarn on the left? It looks like it would provide a halo look. Thanks! (edited) 2w
julesG @peaKnit it's all sock yarn. I'm using leftovers for this tee. 2w
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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TheSpineView Good luck!🤞 1mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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This book gets ALL the descriptors: mysterious, lovely, heartbreaking, satisfying, lyrical, deadly, and so many more. Ah San (Snow) and Tagtaa are characters I will remember for a very long time. Both driven by love for family & loyalty to friends and lovers, they drive this story forward as one seeks revenge and one seeks to protect. The complicated relationships that connect the two women and Bao are intricately plotted and beautifully rendered.

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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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I loved this story of a fox shapeshifter, Snow, seeking revenge for the death of her daughter. Her tale intersects with that of Bao, a human, who can tell when others are lying. The writing is beautiful and clearly evokes both a particular place and a particular time. I have always been interested in fox lore from around the world, and this book was a lovely take on that lore.

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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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The only way to describe what this reading experience was slow burn fantasy. I listened to the audio read by the narrator and it gave a very lyrical feel to the story. It's told from two different POVs and I couldn't help but wait to see when they would finally converge.

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Starting this today. I love the cover.

Suet624 Love the cover too… 2mo
lauraisntwilder Oooh, looking forward to hearing if the inside matches the outside! 2mo
KathyWheeler @lauraisntwilder I‘m liking it so far. 2mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo

I enjoyed this book, in particular, because I am interested in Far East culture and mythology!

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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I was SO excited to get my hands on a new book by Yangsze Choo, since I loved THE NIGHT TIGER. In THE FOX WIFE, Choo draws on the Chinese mythology of foxes to tell a compelling, lyrical story of Snow, a fox in a revenge mission, and Bao, an investigator of mysterious deaths that may be the work of a fox. With an evocative atmosphere and complex characters but deliberate pacing, this is a book to sit down with in long stretches and get lost in.

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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We went to Barnes & Noble for my birthday today. I‘m pretty happy with my purchases.

Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 3mo
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KathyWheeler @Ruthiella Thank you! 3mo
LeeRHarry Happy birthday 🥳 3mo
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 3mo
Follow.my.read I loved James!!!! What a beautiful birthday 🥳 spent in the best way! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 3mo
Tamra Happy Bookday & Birthday! 3mo
jlhammar Great picks! Happy Birthday 🎉 3mo
KathyWheeler @Follow.my.read I really didn‘t want to wait for the library copy to be available to read James. 3mo
KathyWheeler @Tamra Thank you! 3mo
KathyWheeler @jlhammar Thanks. These were the books I really did not want to wait to read. 3mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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A dual view story one being from a fox shapeshifter and the other a detective, their lives become intertwined as vengeance and duty bring their stories to the same point. I really wanted to like this book. The writing is absolutely wonderful and at times I really didn‘t mind how slow moving the book seemed to feel. The story was well thought out and everything in the end got resolved but I just wasn‘t super jazzed about it!

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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Very good. I enjoyed how the separate threads came together near the end.

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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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I was a little distracted by unrelated things while listening to this, so I missed a bit at the start, but overall thoroughly enjoyed it. I like that we get to know this character who is a fox spirit but in human form while also having a mystery storyline alongside. And there‘s a buoyancy to the story that‘s appealing.

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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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My entire #BOTM box.

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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3.5/5⭐ I received an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I love the atmosphere of this book. Throughout is the pervading mystery of fox lore, how it morphs and impacts people of varying beliefs, and how it compares to the reality of being a fox in this world. If you like slower, atmospheric magical realism with strong emotions, this one's for you.

Full review: https://hissingpotatoes.com/2024/03/13/review-the-fox-wife-by-yangsze-choo/

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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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I really love the way Yangsze Choo celebrates Asian mythology and culture with her beautiful stories. This book does unfold slowly, but it‘s quietly spellbinding and dreamlike; it lingers even after turning the final page. #BOTM

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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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After a week off earlier in the year than ideal due to a bad fever last week, we're back with a Feature Friday on the Fox Wife https://youtu.be/9vnJPhjg9kA

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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This was a fantastic tale about foxes who can transform themselves into humans. Snow wants revenge for her daughter's death and sets out to find the man who killed her 🩵🦊🩵
#NoShameReadathon24 #Revenge @Nessavamusic

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds good and I love the cover! 5mo
Nessavamusic Ooh I saw this on BOTM but didn‘t grab it. I‘ll see if the library has it. 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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This book was magic and my favourite so far by Choo. I read this slowly and am so sad it's over. The setting wad a character in itself and I loved how the two story lines weaved together. This will definitely be one of my favourite reads of 2024 and a book I will think about for a long time. Beautiful and perfect! #highlyrecommend

LeeRHarry Good to hear! It‘s definitely on my radar. 😊 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#OUABC 2024 Reading Challenge: 40 Prompts (8. A book with an animal‘s POV)

• 400 pages • first pub 2024 • fiction • literary • China • speculative fiction • adventurous • emotional • mysterious • 4 Stars

The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo is a good fit for those who enjoy immersive, culturally-rich stories that blend folklore, mystery, and historical fiction, with a focus on the intersection of mortal and spiritual realms.

KristiAhlers This is on my tbr list this month. Haven't gotten around to it yet. 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Set in 1908 during the waning days of the Qing Empire, a detective with an uncanny ability to discern truth from lies investigates the death of a courtesan & comes across an even more incredible tale than he anticipated . At the same time, a young woman seeking vengeance joins a wealthy household as a servant hoping she‘ll find the one she‘s looking for. Engrossing historical fiction, a tale of murder, vengeance, & forgiveness. A really good read.

Texreader Great review!! Stacked! 5mo
Crazeedi This sounds like a good one! Adding!! 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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I'm trying something new called #ReadWithSuvata hosted by, yours truly, @suvata ...

• The first book is THE FOX WIFE by Yangsze Choo.
• Read at your own pace.
• As you read, come to #Litsy and discuss the story, comment on characters, add favorite quotes, etc.
• Warning: All sections WILL HAVE SPOILERS, so please post in the corresponding chapter‘s area.

Being a very eclectic reader you can count on a variety of genres.

CarolynM Nice idea🙂 This one isn‘t for me, but I‘ll keep a look out for your next choice. 5mo
suvata @CarolynM sounds good 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Ugh… more than halfway through the month I #unskipped #botm #bookofthemonth for these…. What is wrong with me?! 😩😩

Also reading this lovely cozy for #SeasonalCozies 😄👏🏽👏🏽

Sadly, I‘m not available to do #Hyggehour this week because I‘m at work (taking a quick break 🥸), but I read the cozy earlier today in an attempt to find a little relaxation ☺️🥰

(Did I tag the right people? 😬)

TheBookHippie 💕💕💕💕💕💕 I think so, yes. I cancelled alllll my book subscriptions. I have to read my TBR 🤣😩🫣😝🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🙃👀 5mo
Chrissyreadit I should cancel…. i have an unread literal bookcase … 5mo
Chrissyreadit #hyggehour can be whenever you make it 😘 5mo
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julieclair I‘m glad you‘re enjoying the cozy! And as for the unskipping… there‘s nothing wrong with you that isn‘t wrong with all the rest of us, too! 🤪 We‘ve all been there! 🤓 5mo
AllDebooks Life is all about adjustments. The important thing is you made time for yourself to relax x 5mo
BookBelle84 The Fox Wife is amazing! 5mo
BethM The cozy looks good! 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 61 - End comments here

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 56 - 60 comments here

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 51 - 55 comments here

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 46 - 50 comments here

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 41 - 45 comments here

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 36 - 40 comments here

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 31 - 35 comments here

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 26 - 30 comments here

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 21 - 25 comments here

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 16 - 20 comments here

suvata Chapter 16: “Children and wild animals are similar in many ways. If you sit down, they‘ll approach you slowly.” I find this to be the case most times. 5mo
suvata Chapter 16: There‘s no revenge like a mother scorned. Baktu better hide. “I‘m really sorry,‘ I said, explaining about the Manchurian photographer Bektu Nikan. She listened very carefully and asked me to describe him. After thanking us again, she left, cradling the cub.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 16: There‘s no revenge like a mother scorned. Bektu better hide. “I‘m really sorry,‘ I said, explaining about the Manchurian photographer Bektu Nikan. She listened very carefully and asked me to describe him. After thanking us again, she left, cradling the cub.” 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 11 - 15 comments here

suvata Chapter 11: “It‘s hard for some men to understand how a simple act, like walking down a dark street or drawing the attention of the wrong man, can be so fraught for women.” Hard truth! 5mo
suvata Chapter 11: How many times has this happened to you? “At the door, I paused, then opened it abruptly, smack into somebody‘s chest. Men do scream, by the way, and this one was no exception. A shriek of surprise and panic.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 11: “Whenever humans encounter something strange and novel, their first instinct is to kill it.” And that‘s why aliens 👽 won‘t come here. LOL 5mo
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suvata Chapter 12: “He‘s forty-nine years old and has two official wives and six children.” Busy guy! 5mo
suvata Chapter 13: ““Mo is a dream eater,” I explained. “Put this under your pillow when you sleep and call the mo three times to eat your nightmares.” interesting concept. I‘m not sure that even nightmares should be forgotten. Maybe they are there as a warning or a lesson to be learned. 5mo
suvata Chapter 13: “a woman couldn‘t hire a male prostitute without being maligned for the next five hundred years. People still haven‘t got over Empress Wu and her male lovers.” LOL 5mo
suvata Chapter 14: Sounds like a shape-shifter. “But the lady never complained about being locked in every night. I remember how bright her eyes were. They sparkled in the darkness like those of an animal.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 14: This is soooo true. “Bao is struck by how a man may be a monster to other people‘s daughters, yet filial to his own family.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 14: I never heard of black or white foxes! I thought they were all —> 🦊 5mo
suvata Chapter 15: Humans do do this. I wonder why? “I don‘t believe in curses. Humans, however, are obsessed with patterns, ascribing meaning to randomness.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 15: “the elder sons died younger and younger. And none has lived beyond the age of twenty-four.” In the south, “twenty-four” is the Cantonese homophone for “easily dying.” In Japanese, it sounds like “you die.” Also, Bohai was twenty-three this year. That might explain his general skittishness.” That would definitely make me skittish. 5mo
suvata Chapter 15: ““‘How foolish of you!‘ the midwife said. ‘You have a son. An heir. Why would you want a girl? Otherwise I‘d have to drown her for you.‘ She was exhausted, too; otherwise I don‘t think she‘d have been so careless with her comments. “‘What do you mean?‘ I asked. “She pointed at the basin of water at the foot of the bed. “That‘s for a girl.” Gruesome population control. 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 6 - 10 comments here

suvata Chapter 6: So, Bao can tell when people are lying. Would you like to have that power? Or is it too much responsibility? I once read a book in which someone built a “truth machine“. So everyone in the world would know if they were telling the truth. That may come to pass one day. Surely, not in my lifetime thank goodness. 5mo
suvata Chapter 6: “There‘s no official body count in this district, where officials are routinely bribed.” Somethings never change. 🙃 5mo
suvata Chapter 6: Well, this hardly seems fair. “Girls sold into brothels must shoulder the cost of their own imprisonment, to which is added, month on month, the cruel price of interest, room, and board.” 5mo
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suvata Chapter 6: “Tell me, have you ever been in love, Uncle Bao?” “Yes, I have.” “Who was it?” Qiulan‘s eyes light up. Strange how, despite her own disappointments, the rumor of love still sparks an interest in her. “It was a long time ago. She and I were childhood friends, but she married another, and so did I.” Oddly, I think this happens quite frequently in real life. I know it happened to me many many years ago. 5mo
suvata Chapter 6: “some are afraid of having their likenesses captured, fearing it will snatch away their souls”. I have read about this in so many historical books that it must be what people actually thought. I don‘t know how taking a photo could steal your soul but, what do I know? In this current cellphone age, maybe we all have no souls. 5mo
suvata Chapter 7: “That‘s the problem of living a long life. One can‘t help running into old acquaintances.” if you are lucky. 5mo
suvata Chapter 7: “It has always amazed me how people lock up their daughters but not their sons. If they locked up the young men as well, there would be a lot less trouble.” TRUE THAT! 5mo
suvata Chapter 7: “Drunken Chicken” 🐥 See: https://thewoksoflife.com/drunken-chicken/ 5mo
suvata Chapter 8: This is disturbing: “Many people treat their servants like dogs, making them sleep in the front entrance to alert the household to any thieves.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 8: “he looked straight at me, as though he‘d spotted me peeping through the crack, though I don‘t know how he could see in the darkness.” Hmmm 🤔 foxes can see well at night. 5mo
suvata Chapter 8: “Why did she care anyway? She already had his older brother, the favored one, the scholar. Bao was the spare.” Isn‘t that what they call Prince Harry? 5mo
suvata Chapter 9: “This excitability is common in the presence of a fox, particularly if he‘s exerting his charm.” Almost like being charmed by a vampire. 5mo
suvata Chapter 9: FIGHT CLUB? “The first rule of foxes is that you don‘t talk about foxes.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 9: “the young women of the household were peeking in and making breathless comments. Mostly about how handsome Shiro was, and how they‘d just die if he happened to see them. Really, I thought, they‘d no idea what they were dealing with. They might actually die.” Yikes 😱 5mo
suvata Chapter 9: “So I picked up the tureen of sweet red bean soup and threw it at Shiro. THE ENSUING CHAOS was quite satisfactory.” Well, that was unexpected (sort of). 5mo
suvata Chapter 10: What do you think happened to the photographer, Bektu Nikan? 5mo
suvata Chapter 10: How disgusting is this. “Hairy crabs, trussed like neat packages and steamed for their luscious red roe and golden crab fat, are a delicacy dipped in cold vinegar sauce.” 🤢 5mo
suvata Chapter 10: “He said there was a locked courtyard in that villa that nobody was allowed into. Mr. Wang had been acting strangely recently, as though he was bewitched by a fox.” Hmmm 🤔 What‘s locked up in the courtyard? 5mo
suvata Chapters 6-10: So much talk about foxes! Are there foxes in disguise walking among us? 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#ReadWithSuvata @suvata #TheFoxWife
Post only Chapters 1 - 5 comments here

suvata Chapter 1: I‘m only a few pages in, and I read this: “she‘s likely a prostitute sent by his friends as a joke.” Who does that? 🫨 (edited) 5mo
suvata Chapter 1: “A raiding party is made up of local peasants who swear there are no houses or grand estates on that crooked little hill. Only a long-abandoned graveyard.” I didn‘t see that coming. (edited) 5mo
suvata Chapter 1: Bad Fox 🦊 Women (edited) 5mo
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suvata Chapter 1: “I exist as either a small canid with thick fur, pointed ears, and neat black feet, or a young woman. Neither are safe forms in a world run by men.” Ain‘t that the truth! (edited) 5mo
suvata Chapter 1: “A LITTLE LATER, the pimp lay on the floor, the whites of his eyes rolled up.” Fox justice. I like it. (edited) 5mo
suvata Chapter 1: “Manchu soldiers known as bannermen, with their distinctive half-shaven heads and long hair plaited in queues.” Photo: https://thechinaproject.com/2021/07/21/the-manchu-queue-one-hairstyle-to-rule-th... (edited) 5mo
suvata Chapter 1: “The Manchus don‘t practice foot-binding, though the Han Chinese had done so for almost a thousand years. A terrible custom, I always thought.” Brutal custom. (edited) 5mo
suvata Chapter 2: “my wife believes that moving the body disturbed her spirit.” Yep, that would definitely disturb my spirit. (edited) 5mo
suvata Chapter 2: “Detective” isn‘t quite the right way to describe himself. He considers himself more of a fixer.” What would the world be without competent fixers? I have read about them in just about every society. 5mo
suvata Chapter 2: “SINCE CHILDHOOD, HE‘S been able to discern falsehoods. Nobody else seems to hear this mysterious sound, a faint warning when a lie leaves someone‘s mouth and hovers, like a bee, before their lips.” What an awesome superpower that is. Or, is it? Sometimes isn‘t it just better to hear the lie? 5mo
suvata Chapter 2: “when I mentioned it to my wife, she was extremely upset. Said it was the work of a fox.” I was wondering when our foxy lady was going to show up again 5mo
suvata Chapter 3: “Little lady, their eyebrows suggest, you‘d better be careful with a virile fellow like me.” When they talk like that they probably don‘t have much to write home about. Lol. 5mo
suvata Chapter 3: “YOU NEVER KNOW how things will work out. The slightest change creates a swirl in the snowstorm of possibilities.” That is so true. 5mo
suvata Chapter 3: There are so many great quotes in this book — “It‘s when you least expect it that sorrow returns, like a thief who steals joy.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 3: Hear hear, says the 69-year-old reader! “Sixty isn‘t old to me. At sixty, humans are just beginning to understand that the weather will never obey them; that true love strikes at most twice in a lifetime; and that by saying yes in your youth, you may bind yourself unwisely to another‘s cause.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 4: This makes me cringe. “He wanted a white fox skin. Said people would pay good money to be photographed with it.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 5: Reminds me of the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood “Come closer, into the light.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 5: I found this quite humorous. “I once knew a fox with the unfortunate name of Spot.” 5mo
suvata Chapter 5: I am doing a reading challenge this year, and one of the prompts is “A book with an animal‘s point of view. I had no idea when I started this book that the main character would be a fox. So, bonus! 5mo
suvata Chapters 1-5: There is a lot of talk in this book about old Chinese mythology. Do you like reading about other culture‘s myths? Do you believe in the power of Chinese herbal medicine? How do you feel about the book so far? (edited) 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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I'm trying something new called #ReadWithSuvata hosted by, yours truly, @suvata ...

• The first book is THE FOX WIFE by Yangsze Choo.
• Read at your own pace.
• As you read, come to #Litsy and discuss the story, comment on characters, add favorite quotes, etc.
• Warning: All sections WILL HAVE SPOILERS, so please post in the corresponding chapter‘s area.

Being a very eclectic reader you can count on a variety of genres.

TheBookHippie Oh yes I wanted to read this. I‘ve got it on hold at the library. 5mo
suvata @TheBookHippie Great — Remember to come back here when you start reading it 5mo
suvata OK. I have been checking this new Readalong system out. i‘ve made notes after reading the first chapter and it‘s a real pain in the butt to keep marking. Everything is a “spoiler“. I guess from now on, I will just have to warn everyone not to open the post for any chapters, they have not read as they will contain spoilers. I will edit this mean post to reflect as much. 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Starting the weekend with this one…

rockpools Gorgeous cover 😍 5mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Here's what I'll be adding to my library's adult collection next week.

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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I forgot to review this one at the time, but I thoroughly enjoyed this historical fantasy about a fox woman seeking revenge for her murdered daughter and a detective seeking answers about a series of murdered women. The two stories come together beautifully, and Cho's prose is a delight to read.

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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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#botm arrived quickly!

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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I loved “The Night Tiger”, so I‘m really looking forward to Yangsze Choo‘s newest! 🦊

We are going to read “The Women” this spring for our work book club, so I‘m happy this was also a pick! 😊 #BOTM

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Fun adventure that‘s part folktale and part historical detective novel. One of the pov characters is a fox female who is straight out of a storybook. The other is an aging detective with a magical gift. It was enlightening to learn more about foxes (both feared and worshipped in some parts of Asia). Added bonus of this on audiobook is that it is read by the author—beautiful voice!

Special thanks to NetGally and MacMillan audio for early access.

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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Just started this audiobook on NetGalley and loving her voice! It‘s read by the author and is a cool mixture of folktale/detective novel. Delicious!

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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Here‘s my review for a book I just DNF‘d.

Release date: 2/13/24

#netgalley #netgalleyarc #hailthebail

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Here‘s my progress for this book that I started listening to from Netgalley. It‘s my first book by this author. It‘s an interesting story but it‘s not for me so I‘m going to DNF it. I tried to read this book but it‘s moving too slow for me. This book is a slow paced story and it hasn‘t really drawn me in. I don‘t feel invested in the story. Every time I‘ve listened, I‘ve felt bored.

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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I started this book. It‘s interesting but I‘m not invested in the story yet. This is another Netgalley book I have to read.

The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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Manchuria 1908, the death of young girl connects a new maid, a detective and an affluent family. Filled with magical realism and Asian mythology and folklore, secrets and retribution become the main themes in this historical literary novel.