Happy LEAP Day! 💚🐸📗💚
Happy LEAP Day! 💚🐸📗💚
A friend sent me this photo from the Atlanta Botanical Gardens yesterday. Wonder what he‘s reading? Maybe the tagged book? What do you think?
I love finding reading and book references in unexpected places. 📚🩵
Looky what came in the post today! I couldn't resist this lol #frogprince #princess #peril #magic #adventure #fairytale
Pretty obsessed with this cover! 🐸💋
Getting started early on my July reads and so happy to be reading something new today!
This middle-grade/YA fantasy was my first exposure to author Garth Nix. Read my full review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#frogkisser
I really enjoyed this, the examination of privilege was a key theme along side a quest to fulfil a sisterly promise which by the end was quite epic in proportions - loved the talking animal quest companions, the good wizard with a ceremonial white beard, magic carpets that wrap you up tight to fly, the origin of Snow White/Merlin and a librarian that turned into a owl in moments of stress...
‘Yes, yes, my name is... you would say... ah... Champion Smooth Stone Oysterbreaker, I think. Of the Yarrow River Clan‘ ...
“If I‘m not back by nightfall, come and take a very careful look,” said Anya “but I don‘t expect to need rescuing. I‘m not that kind of Princess.”
“What kind of Princess are you?”
“Not the kind that needs rescuing,” said Anya firmly.
The scream was very loud and went on for a very long time. Princess Anya, who was reading in the castle library, ignored it at first but eventually lifted her head from her book to listen... it was her older sister Morven screaming, which was not unusual, but the intensity and duration of this particular scream were quite out of the ordinary.
“Put me down and have that archer shoot me! I‘m a traitor”
“Don‘t be silly” said Anya. “Your a librarian who is unlucky enough to work for an evil sorcerer, that‘s all.”
#ChillingPhotoChallenge #day22 #Green Green has always been my favourite colour. All shades but particularly lime green or chartreuse. It‘s rare to see books in that shade but I managed to find a few on my shelves. Only a few really match my #Scareathlon #TeamSlaughter theme, but at least there‘s a few💚💚💚💚 1point #PointsTotal- 1,081
A fun middle grade novel, that adds some fairy tale fun to an adventure of one girl to literally kiss a bunch of frogs to save her kingdom! I really enjoyed some of the moments, some though were a bit silly but perfect for a kids novel. Overall, enjoyable but not a favorite for me.
#audiobook #litsyatoz #f
Full of ridiculousness (the best kind), oodles of silliness (which may have you groaning in amusement), all sorts of talking animals (most of which were once human), wizards and a courageous heroine, this tongue-in-cheek fantasy is perfect for young readers who enjoy reading funny stories. There‘s an evil stepstepfather, magic aided kissing which can break curses, and a quest. This book is sure to find a home with young readers. A fun read.
“How can something be ‘slightly perilous‘?”
Good question! 😂
And the description of the Duke! Yep, still enjoying the book.
Ardent is, of course, a dog...Love this and I bet young readers will too. So far, a very amusing book.
Busy day in the library today but we have a few quiet moments before our last class of the day. So, another book from the TBR pile which just so happens to be a MG (although I have also seen it listed as YA) fantasy I can preview for the library. It‘s Garth Nix so should be good! 🤞 Love the cover!
Bought this from the scholastic book fair at my girls school last year bought it for my 10 yr old who is just now getting over her reading struggles and is starting to love to read thought maybe we could read it together but she said mom you read it first and see if it's somethi g I would like.. Took me year to pick it up. On page 103/372 and I love it.. So I think she will also.
#inkhearts 2) Last Book Purchased
I just didn't know what to do with myself during the #LitsyCrash2017 (lasted all day for me 😣)... so I started yet another book. I've been struggling to keep focus on anything I start, so hoping a little fairytale magic will halt my slump 😂
The boys school had a book fair. We all got a book. Jack kept his to read during study period.
The book fair is back!!! I got this lovely book, and these erasers I don't intend to use! 😉
#bookfair #halloweenlover #frogkisser #garthnix
I don't know. I can't find this book in my house right now and I'm not even mad about it. It's cute for a juvenile book but I was really bored by this...except Ardent. ❤️ loved him so much! #litsyAtoZ #letterN #frogkisser! #garthnix #bailed ##princess #magic #quests #juvenile #cute
This was too dry for my tastes. Cute, fast-paced story, but you can only read so many puns before it gets old.
#atozchallenge #dogsoflitsy #Gremlin #Vay
My morning reading time with coffee (I caved and brought my own mug into work). #bookanddrink
Fancy Nancy is très élégant, so obviously she's my pick for #style
#myhero = J.K.Rowlings for bringing so many people to the bookish flock!
#sizzlinsummerbooks #JubilantJuly #90sinJuly #multitasking
@Tiffy_Reads @RealLifeReading @Cinfhen @Robothugs
Such a wonderful, fun adventure! It's been awhile since I've read such a good, classic fantasy!! 💚💚💚
Haven't read this yet, have you???
I grabbed this book at the library solely based on the cover! Then I saw the author. Not too far in yet, but it's fun!!
Glad to finally dive into this.
It is ridiculously nice in Seattle right now. That meant I finally was able to find the willpower to finish this one. I enjoyed it! It's a fun near-parody of the fairytale genre. It took me a while to finish because I was in a book slump, but I flew through the last 100 pages.
This was the march book pick for the #yachronicles
I enjoyed it enough to keep reading, to find out what happened. It's wasn't that it was bad, it's just the protagonist kept experiencing one problem after the other and you were left thinking 'When is the heroine going to win!?' Although I loved Anya, she was comical, smart and fearless!
3.5 ⭐️
"Abra candelabra" said the wizard, chuckling to herself. "Doesn't mean anything , I just like saying it !"
College work is done, house work done, now time to snuggle up with this guy and read ❤️
Finished working on school stuff for the evening, getting ready to settle in for some kitty cuddles, tea, and reading! ♡ #worldbooknightparty #mybookswapclub #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #readingcompanion
I liked this one a lot. As a fan of the "retold Fairy Tale" genre this is a solid B+. Didn't blow me away but very enjoyable nonetheless.
I finally finished this last night!!! As a novel for young people, I absolutely love it. Daring deeds, soul searching, sacrifice, humor, and just enough hard stuff to keep it real; It is perfect for 3rd grade and up (or a more precocious younger reader). I can't wait to share it with students.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! :-) I took this book with me on all my family visiting today, because I am loving it so much, and also because I am a wee bit obsessed with the gorgeous cover! ♡
I loved and reviewed this delightful #fairytaleretelling awhile back when I had an ARC, but now wanted to show off the beauty of the hardcover - look at those glossy raised frogs, the gold accents, the shiny raised frogs! (I realize I repeat myself - because, the frogs!) It's wonderful in your hands. Boy, I love touching a well-made hardcover 😁
"It was the middle of an ice storm, the wind howling across the frozen moat to hurl hailstones against the walls of the castle and its tightly shuttered windows. But despite wind and hail and the full chill panoply of winter, it was deliciously warm in the Great Hall."
#aprilbookshowers #firstlineofcurrentread