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Razo e sensibilidade
Razo e sensibilidade | Jane Austen
Razo e sensibilidade est focado nos relacionamentos de Elinor e Marianne Dashwood, duas filhas do segundo casamento do Sr. Dashwood. Elas tm uma jovem irm, Margaret, e um meio-irmo mais velho, John. Quando seu pai morre, a propriedade da famlia passa para John, o nico filho homem, e as mulheres Dashwood se veem em circunstncias adversas. O contraste entre as irms, mostrando Elinor mais racional e Marianne mais emotiva e passional, resolvido quando cada uma encontra, sua maneira, a felicidade. Ao longo da histria, Elinor e Marianne buscam o equilbrio entre a razo e a sensibilidade na vida e no amor.
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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The bed and breakfast next door to me holds Jane Austin weekends. This weekend was ‘special‘. It was a Sense and Sensibility gathering. Our town was having its annual parade and celebration today and folks attending the B&B event intermingled with the rest of us. Men in top hats and women in bonnets. Sadly I only remembered to take a photo as they walked back to participate in parlor games.

LeahBergen I wanna go! 😱 3w
Suet624 @LeahBergen believe it or not I have often thought of you doing this. 3w
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TieDyeDude That's just delightful! 😃 3w
Suet624 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude I agree. Sometimes my town reminds me of the Gilmore Girls. 3w
Gissy Amazing😍♥️♥️♥️ 3w
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#Brown 🤎 #CoverLove 🎆🇺🇸🎇🍔🌭🍉🕶️🩱☀️

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Eggs Gorgeous 🤎🤎🤎 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 🤎 3mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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I am *in love* with this vintage Folio set of Austen's compete works- a gift from my thoughtful husband. Kicking off a full re-read with Sense and Sensibility, my sentimental favorite forever. #PemberLittens #CurrentlyReading

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 4mo
LeahBergen These are my absolute favourite editions of Austen (they have the best woodcut illustrations). I have the same ones in burgundy (the ones they released after your set). 4mo
Andrea313 @LeahBergen Amazing! The woodcuts are so wonderful, definitely a highlight of these editions. Have you posted pics of your burgundy collection? Sounds swoon-worthy! 4mo
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LeahBergen I think I have. I‘ll find one and tag one! 😆 4mo
bookishbitch Those are stunning!! Enjoy!! 4mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig So beautiful! 4mo
Ruthiella Amazing 🤩 4mo
MaureenMc 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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I connect to, and fall in love with, something different in each of Jane‘s books, but this is one of the few where I connect to the leading women in a way that I actually see whispers of myself in them and their actions. I know I always say I‘ve just read my favorite, but I actually think it may be true this time 😂 I‘m slowly rereading all her works so eventually I‘ll get back to you also on my favorite at 41.

LiteraryinPA I feel that way about some of Austen‘s work too! I think this one and P&P are the ones I can reread and always find something new. 5mo
Kerrbearlib Love Jane Austen 💜 5mo
erzascarletbookgasm Great photo 💚 5mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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I‘m so fickle. I think whichever Austen I‘m reading at the moment always becomes my favorite Austen all over again, until I pick up another 😂

AmyG Lovely book. 5mo
IndoorDame @AmyG I love used books! Most boring cover ever, but such a treasure inside. It‘s a 1950s edition. They did a run with about half of the first illustrator‘s watercolor pages. 5mo
Gissy Lovely illustration 😍 5mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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May 1st 2020 - When #PemberLittens began our first Chapter a Day Readalong. You were a bright spot throughout the Pandemic. Wonderfully supportive after my house fire. I think of you every time I look at my shelf of Jane Austen books you sent me. 💙💙💙💙💙

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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Sense And Sensibility is definitely the cattiest of Austen‘s novels. Elinor in particular is a straight-up hater. She might put on a polite front for other characters, but Austen reveals as narrator that she is absolutely murdering everyone around her in her mind. You‘ve got to admire a girl who can filter like that! Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/sense-and-sensibility-jane-austen/

TheBookHippie 🤣🤣🤣 I agree!! 6mo
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Sense and Sensibilty | Jane Austen
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I loved this book, but dang! The bar is low here for men to be forgiven for their awful behavior! When those bad actions involve women, the women are blamed much more harshly. I liked Eleanor, but she forgave much too easily. I don‘t understand the point of the third Dashwood daughter, Margaret. I kept forgetting about her. #audiowalk

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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I disliked Mrs. Jennings when I first met her. She talks too much, and she‘s an awful gossip. Now I think she‘s pretty funny and has a good heart. I don‘t understand Eleanor‘s attitude toward Edward at all. He‘s not an innocent in the way he treated her. Marianne is growing on me; she‘s got a lot of faults, but she says what she thinks. I almost needed a sweater today. #audiowalk

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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My! John and Fanny Dashwood are pieces of work!

Ruthiella Yes, they are! 😖 6mo
KathyWheeler @Ruthiella I saw the movie years ago but didn‘t remember a lot. I was shocked at how awful they are. This is my first time reading the book. 6mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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I'm just saying that I think Elinor deserves a drink, a hug, and ten million dollars in cash. (Or would that be pounds?) #reread #classics

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 8mo
Eggs Perfection 🩷🩷 8mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Read in January. 1995 movie watched today.

I wasn‘t sure I would enjoy this one as much as P&P or Persuasion, but I did. I read in print but also listened to Rosalyn Landor‘s lovely narration. I laughed out loud at some of the character‘s comments and behaviors,mainly the unsavory characters. #aam #authoramonth

dabbe This was my January Austen read, too! I loved it + the movie! ❤️💜🩷 8mo
batsy Kind of becoming my favourite, or second favourite, Austen. Adore the movie! 8mo
Bookzombie @dabbe @batsy Yes, the movie was great. I think this could be my second favorite too. 8mo
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Sense and Sensibilty | Jane Austen
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#AuthorAMonth @Soubvihille Two sisters who are complete opposites in character spend most of their time trying to understand one another as they struggle with their world and finding happiness and husbands. Both undergo changes and learn to meet each other halfway as they grow closer together. Austen's wit and savage commentary about the social norms of the day are evident here as in her other books. I adored Elinor and Marianne. Next, the movie!

AnnR Lovely review! 🙂 This is the one Austen novel I still need to read. 8mo
Cuilin I love both movies. The BBC‘s version is fabulous, but Emma Thompson‘s is my favorite and Alan Rickman as Colonel Brandon 😍Enjoy. 8mo
dabbe @AnnR 🩶🖤🩶 8mo
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dabbe @Cuilin I'm watching the Emma and Kate one. I've seen clips on YouTube (where I consistently drool over Alan Rickman! 🤩). I can't wait to see the whole thing. BTW, I replied to your email re: Sherlock. 🩶🖤🩶 8mo
Cuilin @dabbe fab, will read 🫶 8mo
dabbe @Cuilin 😘 8mo
Caryl That film is fantastic. Enjoy! 8mo
dabbe @Caryl 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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S&S is the first Austen book I fell in love with, and the one I've returned to the most throughout my life. My relationship with the characters has changed so much as I've aged, and it makes me deeply appreciate Jane's staggering skill. To see myself in a work at 14, at 26, at 35, and at 40, and to laugh and cringe and think back fondly is such a gift. On top of that, to continually take away new discoveries is a rare thing. #PemberLittens

Texreader I read it for the first time this month. She wrote characters so well. 8mo
Andrea313 @Texreader Some of her most true to life, for my experience! 8mo
dabbe Finishing this baby today! Then, the movie! 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
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Andrea313 @dabbe Yay, enjoy!!! Is this a re-read for you, or a first time through? 8mo
dabbe @Andrea313 First time. And I have no idea why I waited so long! 😍 8mo
Andrea313 @dabbe What a treat to read it for the first time! ❤️ 8mo
dabbe @Andrea313 Finished last night and LOVED it. 🤩 The movie will be next. I might have to watch that on my own, though, because my husband will be like 🙄. 8mo
Andrea313 @dabbe Ha! You never know, maybe he'd surprise you. Doesn't everyone love Alan Rickman? 😜 8mo
dabbe @Andrea313 For different reasons. 🤩😍😂 I've watched clips on YouTube, and #hubbahubba! 🤩 8mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Just as wonderful as I remember! No one does annoying neighbors and greedy family members better than Austen. I blew through this, listening while walking, working out, cooking, and painting. I haven‘t done a paint by number in over a year and I forgot how calming it was. Especially while listening to Austen :) #BookspinBingo #Authoramonth @TheAromaofBooks @Soubhiville

Soubhiville Oh fun! I used to do paint by numbers as a kid and always enjoyed them. 8mo
Texreader I love this review! I agree, no one does descriptions of annoying people better! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 8mo
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Sense and Sensibilty | Jane Austen
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The Dashwood sisters are unlucky at love, thanks to men who were deceitful about their intentions. Meanwhile, their world is surrounded by nasty in-laws and busybodies and manipulators. Thankfully there are also a few kind souls who genuinely care about them and some luck and payback may help to put things to right. Rosamund Pike is an excellent narrator—taking the time to distinguish many characters and their emotions. #authoramonth

Soubhiville Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 8mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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I hadn‘t read this one before so I decided to pick it up for #authoramonth. I now only need to read Mansfield Park and I‘ll have read all of Jane Austen‘s work!

I did like this one and I switched between audio and print. I‘ve never watched the movie either, so now I have to go find it!

jenniferw88 Get ready to swoon at Alan Rickman 😂 8mo
Laughterhp @jenniferw88 ooh! Love me some Alan rickman! 8mo
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Sense and Sensibilty | Jane Austen
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I‘m on my third Austen book this month, fourth Austen book I‘ve read so far having read Emma some years back, but I‘m getting a little weary of her. Rosamund Pike is an excellent narrator and I‘m glad I switched to the audio—it‘s easier to keep going. But I am so tempted to bail. I‘m 5 hours into it, a big investment, with “only” 6-1/2 hours to go. Stay or go?

#authoramonth @Soubhiville

CogsOfEncouragement I adore Austen, but maybe you need a pallet cleanser in between? 9mo
Texreader @CogsOfEncouragement Yes I think that‘s it. Good idea. 9mo
IndoorDame I also love Austen, but don‘t think I‘ve ever read her books back to back like that before. 8mo
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Sense and Sensibilty | Jane Austen
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Since I‘ve finished reading Pride and Prejudice faster than expected, I thought I‘d given this one a try. #authoramonth @Soubhiville

Soubhiville That‘s great! I like this cover, pretty. 9mo
dabbe I'm loving this one! 🖤💜🖤 9mo
Texreader @Soubhiville It‘s a beauty! 9mo
Texreader @dabbe I wish it weren‘t so long though! 9mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Between Barton and Delaford, there was that constant communication which strong family affection would naturally dictate;—and among the merits and the happiness of Elinor and Marianne, let it not be ranked as the least considerable, that though sisters, and living almost within sight of each other, they could live without disagreement between themselves, or producing coolness between their husbands.
#SenseAndSensibility #JaneAusten #Classics 🖤🖤

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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#PemberLittens watch on YouTube this amazing musical play of Sense and Sensibility for FREE today!!!


Sense & Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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TalesandTexts Love this one! 12mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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LiteraryinPA Ahh, I‘ve read this book so many times and I get something different from it each time. 12mo
Purpleness @LiteraryinLawrence I know, it‘s so great re-reading old favourites. Like visiting an old friend. 12mo
ShyBookOwl I love that! Re-reading can be such a great experience 12mo
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Sense and Sensibilty | Jane Austen
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I am working my way through Jane Austen novels. I didn't enjoy this one as much as Pride & Prejudice. Overall, I didn't feel like very much happened, and I didn't care for any of the men.

Ruthiella Even on the second read I can‘t quite warm to Colonel Brandon. 14mo
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen

If I had been told what this book was about I wouldn‘t have read it. The life in which adolescents only priority in life is to be married off, doesn‘t interest me enough to read a story about it more than once. But this novel is more than a story, and Austen‘s style of writing is so captivating that I enjoyed the whole of it. Such an intelligent author too, who didn‘t spend unnecessary pages on endless and fatiguing description.

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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I forgot to post that I'd finished this one. It was my first time reading it and I'd never seen an adaptation. The ending wasn't what I expected. I had something completely different in mind! In retrospect, *of course* it ends the way it does. Still, my version could have been good! 😂

Clare-Dragonfly Did you hope Elinor and Colonel Brandon would get together? I hope that every dang time 😂 1y
lauraisntwilder @Clare-Dragonfly Yes, I was totally convinced that was going to happen! 1y
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Another classic from Jane Austen.

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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1. This was harder to determine than expected, so I‘m going to go with the tagged book.
2. As long as the author is not “phoning it in,” the series can go on indefinitely.
3. The Deborah Knott series by Margaret Maron. It was a satisfying ending but still a little bittersweet.

Eggs Great answers🙌🏻 1y
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen

While I really liked this book, it's a hard read if you're somebody who needs constant action to stay invested.

Sense and Sensibilty | Jane Austen
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I saw Jessica Swale‘s adaptation of Sense and Sensibility performed this summer and fell in love with the smart choices and beautiful production. It was a pleasure to read the adapted play. The added scenes between Elinor and Edward spark with chemistry. The little sister, Margaret, is fleshed out and I love the depth her naturalist tendencies add to the story. A brilliant stage adaptation for anyone who loves the original novel.

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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📚 Sense and Sensibility- Jane Austen
✍️ Sarah Winman and Mary Stewart
📺 Schitt‘s Creek
Band The Seekers (Vale Judith Durham)
🎵 - Sunshine on my Shoulders - John Denver

#manicmonday #LetterS @CBee

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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This is from the Instagram account @goodreads_reviews which showcases the best 1 star reviews. And I gotta say...I love S&S, but they're not exactly wrong. 😂😂😂

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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STOP, I cannot...! 💀💀💀 #PemberLittens

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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I recently saw Jessica Swale‘s adaptation of Sense and Sensibility on stage and it was so wonderful! It‘s one of my favorite books and this version of the play adds in more humor and a few extra scenes between Elinor and Edward that gives it an added depth. I absolutely loved it!

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austin
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Having seen the movie first, I can say that reading the story was much more interesting. The movie made me feel that too many elements were similar to Pride and Prejudice (sisters in need of good marriages, a male character of little consistency, etc). Reading the book allowed me to fully enjoy the nuances and the characters.

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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When is the last time you read some Austen?

DivineDiana Today! 😂 2y
suvata @DivineDiana Awesome 👏🏻 2y
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Reading and the Little League World Series. Who else has loved the viral video of the batter hugging the pitcher after being hit. Love seeing that kind of sportsmanship! #bookspinbingo

Sense and Sensibility is actually my July #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks It's my favorite Austen!! 2y
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Lol, one for the #pemberlittens lbh she's not wrong 🤣

DivineDiana And how I love that beautiful way with words! ❤️ 2y
AllDebooks @DivineDiana it is a charming description x 2y
sprainedbrain Perfect! 😂 2y
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austin
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 💚📚 2y
Eggs Beautiful 😍 2y
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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readordierachel So pretty! 3y
Cathythoughts I like this quote 👍🏻 3y
mabell “Amiable” - I like that 😊 3y
CrowCAH Isn‘t it amazing how persons can change their minds? 3y
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Dear #pemberlittens, I finished reading the previous selection! Now, I will look back and read everyone‘s comments. My favorite character was Elinor Dashwood. She exemplified strength, loyalty, kindness and grace. The writing was exquisite, as I fully expected. However, the constant evaluations of a woman‘s beauty as her ticket to a good match irritated my enjoyment of the story. I was so tired of the tributes to Marianne‘s beauty.

StaceGhost I loved Elinor! She‘s one of my daughter‘s literary namesakes. Also, I love what you said about women‘s looks being used as currency. I feel like Austen was definitely making ✨A Statement✨ It‘s almost as if she‘s saying a little less beauty would make it easier for women to be happier because then they wouldn‘t be as idealized. Same thing with Kitty in AK— let women be beautiful and happy! And don‘t make a big to do about it lol (edited) 3y
sprainedbrain I‘m so glad you loved it! I also love Elinor ❤️ 3y
DivineDiana @StaceGhost Love that your daughter has Elinor as a literary namesake! Curious about the others? I do have a deep respect for Jane Austen, and agree with your comments wholeheartedly! Thank you. ❤️ 3y
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Graywacke That was such great movie version 3y
DivineDiana @Graywacke It was! I think it‘s time to revisit it! 3y
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Saw this play last night. It was a loose adaptation but enjoyable nonetheless. Plus, it was nice to go to a theater again. #janeausten

Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austin
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#200PnPcovers #Gossip @CrowCAH @mabell Have you heard? Mrs. Jennings is one of the biggest gossips out there!

CrowCAH I may have heard this rumor! Lol 3y
mabell Ha! Perfect! 😂 3y
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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#200PnPcovers @CrowCAH @mabell #conveyances My mind went to the scandalous carriage ride that Willoughby and Marianne went on where they ended up disappearing together (without a chaperone) and heading to his future house…Surely such a familiar ride and destination must mean they‘re engaged, no?

mabell Perfect! 👏👏👏 3y
CrowCAH Me would think… What a scandalous ride! 3y
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Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen
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Absolutely adored my reread for #Pemberlittens! I'd rewatched the Ang Lee movie recently so it was good to refresh my memory of what is actually in the book.

Beautiful writing and wonderful characters (as almost always with Austen).