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Librarybelle On my to read list! 6mo
BarbaraBB I‘ve been postponing this one and reading your review, I think for a reason! 6mo
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Hooked_on_books I love Grann and love an adventure story, but this one was a little lackluster for me, too. I‘m with you on not quite getting the hype. 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 6mo
cariashley I struggled with this audio too, felt like I was the only one! Just couldn‘t get into it. 6mo
BarbaraBB Worth the read 🙌🏽 6mo
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This was a book I #meanttoreadin2022 #pop23 but, despite knowing that it‘s about Ash‘s best friend Edi, who has terminal cancer and is in hospice care, I found it too much to start with so hibernated it. However, it ended up being heartwarming as well as heartbreaking. It‘s more about Ash, who is hilarious and a hot mess, but learns about herself through caring for Edi.

#netgalley - published next week in the UK


squirrelbrain It‘s no spoiler, given the subject matter, to say that this book #includesafuneral #52books23. And I‘m using this for #booked2023 #titlestartswithvorw 2y
squirrelbrain Oh, and it‘s my #doublespin too! 😁 @TheAromaofBooks 2y
Deblovestoread Quadruple play! 🙌🏼 2y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Megabooks This sat in my Amazon cart for months, then I took it out. Perhaps I should put it back… Great review! I also have to be in the right mood for hospice reads. 💜💜💜 2y
Cinfhen I recently bought this as a #DailyKindleDeal @Megabooks 2y
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Needed some short books as I was running out of time to complete my 95 book goal, and this was 58 pages!

#pop22 #aboutabandorsinger
#booked22 #mclivingwithaids 😭 I really wish I'd been born about 15 years earlier so that I could have seen them live.
#ReadingAfrica22 #zanzibar (or #tanzania)

@Cinfhen @alisiakae @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB @Cortg @Laughterhp @RaeLovesToRead @squirrelbrain @Kalalalatja @Megabooks

BarbaraBB Such a special man! I loved the documentary, I had no idea before. 2y
Librarybelle Yay for multiple challenge completions! 2y
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Cortg Fantastic! Yep, I‘m trying to wrap some reading up before the end of the year. 2y
TrishB Hubby says he‘s the best front man he‘s ever seen live and he‘s pretty much seen everyone over the past 50 years!! 2y
Cinfhen I never saw them live either 😢big regret but I did see the band with Adam Lambert and they were FABULOUS 2y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen @TrishB well I learnt from this book that the last show they performed with Freddie was in the Dominion Theatre in London, and that's where We Will Rock You had it's London run (which I saw about 5 times before it closed, as we are friends with the drummer & could get cheaper tickets) 2y
Cinfhen Ohhhh, that‘s awesome 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage So much love for Freddie and Queen! 2y
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This Is Our Place | Vitor Martins
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This audio started out great but about 1/3 way in it became a bit YA angsty 🙄Still a pleasant story told through the eyes of a house in #Brazil whose occupants change throughout the years. What the families share are a teen grappling with their sexuality. #ReadingTheAmericas Also works for #52BookClub23 and #Booked2023

squirrelbrain Hmmm I have this one pencilled in for Brazil, which I own, so I‘ll probably stick with that, even though it might not be a #tripledip! (edited) 2y
Librarybelle At least Brazil is off of your list for the Americas challenge! 2y
Cinfhen Exactly @Librarybelle ! And State of Wonder was an excellent book @squirrelbrain and I have a feeling it will check off boxes from other challenges too☺️ 2y
KarenUK Gotta love a #tripledip! Sorry it ended up being only so-so 😕 2y
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This Is Our Place | Vitor Martins
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Loving this audio!! Interconnected short stories told through the voice of a house in #Brazil who‘s occupants change through the years but each family has an LGBTQ+ teen character. It‘s really fantastic. #Scribd

BONUS: One story is #AboutAPandemic #Booked2023 and #52BookClub23 #Secrets
Bummed I can‘t use the #TriplePlay but maybe you can @squirrelbrain @jenniferw88 @Megabooks @KarenUK ?!?!! Who am I forgetting???

KarenUK Love a triple dip!! 👏👏 2y
Megabooks Thanks for the heads up!! 2y
squirrelbrain Ah, well, if you will start one challenge early this is what happens! 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the #tripledip idea though! 😘 2y
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BarbaraBB I might use that triple dip idea! 2y
Cinfhen Yes, a #TriplePlay is pretty awesome @BarbaraBB @KarenUK @Megabooks @squirrelbrain especially when the book is good too!!! 2y
Librarybelle This does sound like a good one! 2y
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Adrift on St. John | Rebecca M. Hale
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IndoorDame I love the time of year when the new challenges all come out! 2y
BarbaraBB Oh wow! I on my way out now but when I return I dive into this. Looking forward to it. Hopefully it is on Storygraph too. Thanks for tagging ❤️❤️ 2y
squirrelbrain Hhmmm, I‘m *definitely* not doing any more challenges next year, but I can see lots of #doubledipping in here….. 🤦‍♀️ 2y
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BarbaraBB It‘s on Storygraph? That is fantastic. Diving in now. Looking forward to tackling this challenge with you, @Cinfhen and probably @squirrelbrain 🤣 And maybe @IndoorDame ?! (edited) 2y
BarbaraBB Great prompts! It looks doable! 2y
Monica5 Think I will try this in 2023😊 2y
Deblovestoread Excited it‘s on Storygraph. I‘m in. 😀 2y
Cinfhen I‘ve been offline for 24 hours but I had a feeling it would drop on Friday!!! Going to check it out!!!! Thanks, Jenny 😘😘 2y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen haha! I'm due in for a hospital appointment next Tuesday (just a regular check up), but I was expecting it to drop then when I wouldn't have been able to research! Have got most of them planned, but need to work out which #doubledip / #tripledip with #booked2023 & #readingtheamericas2023 - will post ideas on here tomorrow! 2y
Cinfhen Can‘t wait to see what you found!!! I‘ve found a few #DoubleDips and #TriplePlays but I‘m still searching. I‘m happy to share/ send some of my books with you, Jenny 💕💕💕 2y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen thank you, and likewise I'm happy to send some of mine (as long as it's a physical copy 🤣!) 2y
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I'm definitely committing to too many challenges for next year! I won't be reading all of these, and several #doubledip and some #tripledip, but this is what each one looks like at the mo!

#52bookclub2023 isn't finished yet, as not all the prompts have been released and I'm also probably going to try to do #pop2023 as well! 😂😂😂

IndoorDame I always commit to way too many challenges! But I‘ve vowed to do better this year so I can read more of what I already own. 🤞🏼I manage to follow through 😂 2y
Bookwormjillk Haha me too, but I promised myself I will try to use what‘s already on my list instead of adding more. 2y
tdrosebud I always go for too many as well. They help me out of my comfort zone. And for me, it's okay if I don't finish them (though this is a more recent development). The goal is for me to read more. And I love the act of planning for them, even if I stray from the plan. 2y
julieclair I commit to too many as well, and then each month I pick and choose among them. But my (impossible) dream is to read every single book I have planned. 🫠 2y
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#nextup my #doublespin pick, that also works for my last for #popsugarsummer and also it‘s been on my #tbr forever #readwithmrbook
The perfect #tripledip !!

Also, Thank you so much Helen for the lovely postcard! I‘m going to use it as a bookmark..... 😘💕

squirrelbrain Oh gosh that didn‘t take long... it‘s a snazzy new app that I found - use your own photos and no need to go to the shop or the Post Office! 😘 4y
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