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Gita al Faro
Gita al Faro | Virginia Woolf
Introduzione di Armanda GuiducciTraduzione di Anna Laura MalagEdizione integraleQuando, nel 1925, Virginia Woolf si accinse a scrivere Gita al Faro era decisamente giunta alla soglia della maturit artistica: in questa sua opera riusc infatti mirabilmente a mostrare il suo sapiente dominio delle possibilit del monologo interiore e la straordinaria capacit di muoversi liberamente tra il flusso delle coscienze dei personaggi. Con tutta la sua avvolgente bellezza, questo romanzo una commossa elegia allAssenza: assenza innanzitutto della madre, morta quando la Woolf aveva solo tredici anni, lasciandole un vuoto incolmabile. Ed proprio tale immagine cara a legare le diverse solitudini dei protagonisti di questa rievocazione corale, tutti chiusi in un proprio mondo isolato da cui difficile comunicare. Fluido e ritmato come il mare sotto il raggio ora breve ora lungo del Faro che fende loscurit della notte, il romanzo si impone al lettore con la forza della memoria, il fascino del ricordo, la voce struggente della nostalgia.Le sue parole suscitarono una gioia immensa nel figlioletto, come fosse ormai sicuro che la spedizione avrebbe avuto luogo, e lavvenimento meraviglioso che gli sembrava daver atteso con ansia da anni e anni fosse ormai, dopo una notte di buio e una giornata di navigazione, a portata di mano. Virginia Woolfnacque a Londra nel 1882. Figlia di un critico famoso, crebbe in un ambiente letterario certamente stimolante. Fu capo del gruppo di Bloomsbury, circolo culturale progressista che prendeva il nome dal quartiere londinese. Con il marito fond nel 1917 la casa editrice Hogarth Press. Grande estimatrice dellopera di Proust, divenne presto uno dei nomi pi rilevanti della narrativa inglese del primo Novecento. Mor suicida nel 1941. La Newton Compton ha pubblicato La crociera, Le onde, Gli anni, Notte e giorno, il volume unico Tutti i romanzi e, nella collana GTE, Gita al faro, Una stanza tutta per s, Mrs Dalloway e Orlando.
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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Repost for @AllDebooks

I've been meaning to revisit Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury set for a while now. Would anyone be interested in joining me for a monthly #buddyread from August?

As well as Woolf's books, I will be including biographies, non-fiction, retellings of her work, etc. There's certainly a lot to explore.

Let me know if you'd like to join me and I'll start a taglist.

Original post - https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2754185

AllDebooks Thank you for the share x
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I've been meaning to revisit Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury set for a while now. Would anyone be interested in joining me for a monthly #buddyread from August?

As well as Woolf's books, I will be including biographies, non-fiction, retellings of her work, etc. There's certainly a lot to explore.

Let me know if you'd like to join me and I'll start a taglist.


AllDebooks I'm not 💯 on #WoolfsWords yet. Need to have a think about that, if thrre is interest. Maybe something Bloomsbury related, which would, of course, open up a huge range of books to explore. 🤔📚📚📚📚📚 3mo
Librarybelle Oh! I‘m interested!! I‘ve only read Mrs. Dalloway and have wanted to explore more. 3mo
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AllDebooks @Librarybelle Oh yay! 💚🙌💚 3mo
TheBookHippie Count me in. 3mo
IndoorDame I‘m not up for talking on another monthly buddy read, but I have been looking back at Woolf on my own some this year and have more titles of hers I plan to revisit , so if you decide to go ahead I‘ll definitely keep an eye on what you‘re reading and maybe join in occasionally 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin This sounds great!🙌🏽 3mo
TheKidUpstairs Could you add me to the tag list? I've only read one Woolf, but I've been meaning to read more as I loved her writing! 3mo
AllDebooks @IndoorDame that's perfectly understandable. I'll tag you in the first post with the books we're reading for the rest of the year x 3mo
AllDebooks @PurpleyPumpkin @TheKidUpstairs glad to have you with us. I best start planning! 😅 3mo
IndoorDame @AllDebooks that would be perfect 💚 3mo
AllDebooks I'm going with #VirginiaBloomsberries as the name for the group. We have a green light. 💚 (edited) 3mo
quietlycuriouskate Not sure to what extent I can commit myself but I love VW so will join in when I can and look forward to reading your posts. 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin Love the name #VirginiaBloomsberries! 💜 And wow, did that Tate article ever send me down and interesting rabbit hole. Thanks for sharing! (edited) 3mo
Deblovestoread I‘d love to be tagged. I have yet to read VW but have 3 of her books on my shelf so will jump in when those are picked, if that‘s ok? 3mo
AllDebooks @PurpleyPumpkin you are welcome 😊 3mo
AllDebooks @quietlycuriouskate it will be quite laidback, no pressure. Glad to have you join us x 3mo
AllDebooks @Deblovestoread Yay, that's what motivated me to pick them up. My VW books have been on the shelf for far too long 😊 3mo
Daisey I‘m not much of a Woolf fan, but I do have some specific books of hers on my TBR. Could you add me to the list for the informational post about when you‘re reading which books, please? 3mo
AllDebooks @Daisey absolutely 😊 3mo
Cuilin Yes!! Please include me. I‘d definitely dip in. 3mo
AllDebooks @Cuilin 💚 I've just posted the reading list for the rest of the year. 😊 3mo
kspenmoll Please tag me! 2mo
AllDebooks Yay, welcome. It's great to have you join us. Here's the link to last week's post of reads for the rest of this year 😊 https://litsy.com/p/djJia2dVUUpt 2mo
AllDebooks @kspenmoll ⬆️ it didn't reply to your message 🫣 2mo
Graywacke This 1st one in august will be tough for me, but i may try to catch up and join. Can you add me? Please 🙂 2mo
AllDebooks @Graywacke Yay, great to have you join us. Don't worry, it's very relaxed. Just drop in as when you can. x 2mo
Graywacke Perhaps i‘ll linger behind and backtrack. The pace might be too fast for me. 2mo
AllDebooks @Graywacke ok. I have tried to alternate betwren long and short texts, to allow for overlap if necessary. 2mo
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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4-5 Mar 24 (audiobook)
Definitely not a fair review. Woolf‘s writing, and this book in particular, does not easily lend itself to audio. This mostly consists of stream of consciousness thoughts of various characters, focussing on their views of each other, during their stay at the Ramsays‘ summer house and planning of a trip to the lighthouse. Unlike Clarissa Dalloway, I found Mrs Ramsay unsympathetic and particularly disliked her husband.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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No book cover so i juste draw a lighthouse in my journal. A re-read from Virginia Woolf

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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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My umpteenth re-read, this time via audio on BorrowBox. It's got to the point now that picking up this book is a whole "time passes" motif of its own in my life. ?

One of these days I might have sympathy for Mr Ramsay: today is not that day! (I am curious about his beautiful boots, though. ?)

catsuit_mango Yes, zero sympathies for all the male characters that just live in their heads and don‘t realise all the women around them are carrying and caring for. 10mo
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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I forgot to post my #bookspin list yesterday, but here it is!! I‘ll be reading “To The Lighthouse” and “ The Great Alone” this month!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Enjoy!! 11mo
keys_on_fire Hello fellow #TeamWreathItAndWeep member! Hope your November has been productive! ☺️ 11mo
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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So it seems I‘ll be one of the few (from what I‘ve seen on Litsy) detractors of this novel. I realize a lot of people love this, but I did not at all. I‘m not sure what I just read. For me, this omniscient stream of consciousness style is difficult to follow. Each moment requires thirty pages of memories and meandering thoughts and impressions from every participant‘s mind. I‘m not clear on what the story is even about other than a painting.

To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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You either like Virginia Woolf or you don't. To the Lighthouse, like the rest of her fiction that I read, is painstakingly slow and deceivingly short; you will have to work through those pages where the author lets you experience just a moment in someone's life. It's so descriptive of what the characters are seeing, feeling and reminiscing on that single mundane moment that you get to fully experience it with them. ⬇️

nanuska_153 It's beautiful and like all things beautiful you can't quickly pass by, you have to stop and take your time to admire them. 13mo
eeclayton I like her but I bailed on this book. I intend to have another go at it later on, though. Great review. 13mo
IuliaC Great review! I should read this one again 13mo
nanuska_153 @eeclayton thanks! I actually put it on hold for two months and then picked it up again because you really need a certain mindset to read her fiction (as well as peace and quiet). Really worth both waiting and picking it up again 13mo
nanuska_153 @IuliaC thanks! It's one of those that I know I will definitely re-read in the future 13mo
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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There is a reason why classics become classics. This was the first time I read this particular title and I found how she described everyday life absorbing. She has a very distinctive voice. #classicreads #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

Cuilin Loved this book. 1y
Ruthiella Interesting cover! 1y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 1y
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My #bookspin list for May! Hoping to get back on track this month. April was a bit of a slump for me.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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For anyone interested, A Public Space will be reading To the lighthouse next month!

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Eggs Perfection 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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Reread of a favorite that did not disappoint. No one is better at describing a character‘s interior life than Woolf.

sarahbarnes Agreed! This is the copy I have, too. 💙 2y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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I cannot "get over" the racism in order to enjoy reading this. So going to bail.

IuliaC Wonderful photo! 2y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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Wow. This lady was really racist huh? I am not sure if I knew that at some point and forgot? I have only read one other book of hers years and years ago I read Mrs Dalloway. But I don't know if I am going to finish this one.

SamAnne Oh wow. I haven't read Woolf in a long time but I loved her in my 20s. Anti-semitism? And more? In the Edith Wharton vein? 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures @SamAnne I googled her and it looks like she was very anti-Semitic. In this one it is just snide comments about race. Blue eyed characters are good and pure. One character "unfortunately" has "Chinese eyes" but is charming so hopefully someone will marry her...... Just so gross and blatant. 2y
IuliaC What a view 😍 2y
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StaceGhost She was also super classist! Just to round out her prejudice I guess 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures @StaceGhost fun! So glad we keep her around as "classics". I know often the people we prop people up because their writing was so good, but I don't feel the need. There are so many other better people to read. 2y
dabbe This was on my TBR list ... no longer. Thanks for the trigger warning. ❣️ 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures @dabbe I am not one that can ignore it for the writing. I know some can, but "they didn't know better" doesn't even cover it here. It is just blatant racism. I only reached page 40 before I had enough. I wish people spoke about it more with her, but maybe I am just not paying attention. 2y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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Happy 2023! The new year brings a bunch of new books from 1927 into the public domain (and into #SerialReader) including To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf among other works by Agatha Christie, Ernest Hemingway, Willa Cather, Edith Wharton, Arthur Conan Doyle and more!

Find the full list and more info over at Serial Reader's blog https://www.serialreader.org/blog/new-books-1927-public-domain-2023-lighthouse-h...

BookwormM Exciting 2y
batsy Fun! 🤩 2y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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1. Skye
2. Tagged book plus several others for mood reading

Susanita So I was scrolling through Facebook and came upon validation of my choice. https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisitScotland/permalink/1516314758817412/ 2y
TheSpineView Skype is high on my list of places to go. Thanks for playing 2y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf

"Did Nature supplement what man advanced? Did she complete what he began?"

To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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My list for July‘s #bookspin! I would be happy to read any of these picks, so looking forward to seeing what is in store this month!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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#OnThisDay in 1927 Virginia Woolf published her follow up to Mrs Dalloway, To The Lighthouse. Woolf began writing To the Lighthouse partly as a way of understanding and dealing with unresolved issues concerning both her parents. Published through her own house, Hogarth Press, and with a cover designed by her sister Vanessa Bell, the book outsold all her previous novels and the proceeds allowed the Woolfs to buy their first car. #HistoryGetsLIT

Megabooks I really love reading these everyday! Thank you! 2y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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Lately I've been reading so many classics, and I knew I wanted to read this book. The writing was as you might expect, though I could understand it and found it rather descriptive I found myself finding different quotes that resonated with me, particularly ones that described my favourite characters, Mr and Mrs Ramsay. The characters relationships were well developed and I really loved the philosophical side of the story.

IuliaC A beautiful classic 2y
lynneamch Not more than an hour before seeing your post, I listened to Leslie mention how To the Lighthouse taught him to appreciate stream of consciousness writing. His is a sweet memoir 2y
abookdragonsretreat @lynneamch What a lovely coincidence! ❤ 2y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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The beginning is a classic family drama. The middle is a symphony in prose. The ending is a metaphysical triumph

Leftcoastzen Lovely review! 3y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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To the Lighthouse is the quietest novel I have ever read. I don‘t entirely know what that means but I know it to be true. It is a novel of observation. Characters rarely speak to each other and when they do we hear of it through the eyes of a third party. Oftentimes it is simply communication without words, words somehow feeling inadequate. It‘s a novel you‘ll want to flip open to a random page and savor each and every word.

LindaLappin I love the central part, Time Passing, as the house creaks and ages, and life unfolds elsewhere -- and of course the very last line, which has resonated in my mind for years! 3y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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I've never read Virginia Woolf, so I'm excited to finally do so! The seniors at my school are assigned this text which makes me feel a little behind the curve as they ask me questions that I can't answer. (I teach freshmen, but I get a lot of seniors in my study hall period.)

What other books by Virginia Woolf should I seek out?

Ruthiella Other than To the Lighthouse, I‘ve only read 3y
IndoorDame I loved The Waves 3y
Branwen Mrs Dalloway, for sure! ❤ Orlando is also super good! 3y
Teresereading Mrs Dalloway! And I want to read A Room of One‘s Own next! 3y
LindaLappin Her fiction is magnificent -- Mrs. Dalloway, The Waves, Jacob's Room -- and her diary is fascinating. You can follow so much of her creative process by reading her diary. there's a one volume collection of entries dedicated to writing: “A Writer's Diary,“ Another absolutely fabulous book is her Moments of Being -- which includes an exquisite childhood memoir set in the area where To the Lighthouse takes place 3y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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Ending the year with two stories that I've been meaning to get to for a while now. 🤓

What's your last book of 2021?

CuriousG Working on The God of Small Things. Not sure if I'll be able to finish before 2022 hits though. 3y
LindaLappin wonderful reads for the year's end. So antithetical and yet ... 3y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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My first Virginia Woolf book! 🥳 This was...stunning. One of the best books I‘ve read this year. I was worried that it might be kinda hard to read or something, but I was happy to find that it was actually very readable. The writing was gorgeous, the characters were excellent, and its philosophical insights were very profound. Woolf really knew how to draw the transcendent from the mundane. One of my first exposures to Modernism, and it was great!

batsy "to draw the transcendent from the mundane"... Beautifully put. I love this book ? 3y
TH3F4LC0N I love it too now! 😀 I also bought a copy of Mrs. Dalloway at the same time I bought To the Lighthouse, so I‘m actually really excited to see what that book‘s like! 3y
LindaLappin I agree -- I love the beginning line & the conclusion especially -- and the way time unfolds in the middle section... 3y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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In a quiet summer-home setting, Woolf paints a portrait of inner character and relationship dynamics through the language of thought. Sublime work! How can distinct, limited persons find unity, love, & buried purpose? Woolf shows the way in her greatest novel. The “Time Passes” section is daring and transcendent. The portrait of a struggling artist moves me with its truth. This is one of my very favorite books: kind, trenchant, artful, beautiful.

IuliaC I read this one many years ago on a vacation by the sea and I remember I enjoyed it very much 👍 3y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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“Told from multiple viewpoints, To The Lighthouse gives unprecedented insight into the minds of the characters, as well as telling a broader story of personal and social change in the world after the World War I. To The Lighthouse is a landmark work of English fiction. Virginia Woolf explores perception and meaning in some of the most beautiful prose ever written.”

Yes, the writing is exquisite but I had a hard time getting into the story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Beautifully written but too prosey for my liking.

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Reading at work whenever I can

WJCintron This bee is beautiful!! 😍 3y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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#JulyJourneys #Lighthouse But of course!

plemmdog Difficult but amazing! I‘ll be curious to see what you think about the middle section 3y
Leftcoastzen @plemmdog I read it years ago , due for a reread. 3y
Eggs Cover Love 🖤❤️🖤 3y
Leftcoastzen @Eggs you may already know , Virginia‘s original covers (like this one) were designed by her sister, Vanessa Bell 3y
Eggs No I did not know! @Leftcoastzen 3y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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Thank you so much @UwannaPublishme for my new favourite bookmark. Brings back very happy memories. 😍 #litsylove

Tove_Reads Gorgeous! 3y
tracey38 Love it! It says "take me away" to me. ? 3y
UwannaPublishme 🤗🤗🤗 Whenever I see a lighthouse, I think about you and your adventures living there. 3y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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I can't say how I got this far without having read this, but I have read it now. It's as excellent as everyone says it is, and nothing happens, as everyone also says. I'm still reading through her diary slowly in between other books. That's a slow read because I want it to be. I'm not looking forward to that one ending.

To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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I'm posting one book per day from the ever growing unread stacks in my personal library. No description or explanation, just books I own and plan to read. #tbr

Day 44

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🎧 Well I must say I‘m really enjoying this as an audiobook 🎧

To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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Soul You reading the book.... woowwww.....I am craving to read any Virginia Woolf work... please do tell after reading, how it was?! 4y
truthinfiction @Soul Certainly. It's slow work, though. 4y
Libby1 I loved Between the Acts. 3y
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Gita al Faro | Virginia Woolf
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A discapito del suo fine, il faro non fa che oscurare ancora di più i pensieri di tutti i personaggi che prendono le distanze uno dall‘altro inesorabilmente. I flussi di coscienza di ciascuno hanno un motivo musicale di fondo comune, ma ogni componente della famiglia sceglie l‘intensità che gli è più consona, affina il tono al proprio timbro, allunga o rallenta il tempo del brano a seconda della bassa o alta marea dei suoi pensieri. #virginiawoolf

ale.giannoccolo Ti ringrazio! @Milara 4y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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I picked this up earlier this year but it just did not click with me at all. Now I am absolutely loving it and can‘t put it down! Might end up in my favorite 20 books of 2020... thanks to Jennifer @Jas16 for sending this to me gosh, 3 years ago?! ☺️

Jas16 It is so funny how that happens. Picking up a book at the right time can make all the difference. So glad you are enjoying it. 4y
Reviewsbylola Beautiful pic 😍 I‘ve been scared of this one. 4y
Shmemilina The same thing happened to me with this one! 4y
SamAnne Such a great, groundbreaking novel. But it can take a bit to get into it. 4y
emilyhaldi I really don‘t think you would like it 😂 @Reviewsbylola but #newyearwhodis may be your chance to find out!!! 4y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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I just finished it again. I breathe for this existential, psychological immersion! Who else loves Virginia Woolf? Any suggestions beyond 'Mrs. Dalloway?'

SamAnne I love Woolf and had been planning a readalong of her books this winter. I loved To the Light House and Orlando! 4y
sleepy.ash87 @SamAnne 'Orlando' looks amazing! It will definitely be my next Woolf novel. Thank you for the recommendation! 4y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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I have the cutest reading buddy! #dogsoflitsy

Darklunarose You sure do! What is your buddy‘s name? 4y
Velvetfur Aaawww! 🐶 4y
GinaKButler What a cutie! 4y
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Gissy Yes! What is your buddy's name? So cute! 🐶❤️❤️❤️ 4y
KendallHershey @Darklunarose @Gissy her name is Jet 🥰 4y
Darklunarose @KendallHershey Jet is just beautiful! 4y
paper.reveries Look at those eaarss! 😭😩♥️ 4y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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"No, she thought, putting together some of the pictures he had cut out - a refrigerator, a mowing machine, a gentleman in evening dress - children never forget." (p. 62)

I love the themes of motherhood I am noticing now that I am reading 'To the Lighthouse' again. There is such honesty around motherhood in this text, another feminist statement by Woolf, I imagine. My most recent motherhood painting, "An Artist Like You" (copyright 2020)?

To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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"Suddenly, as if the movement of [Mr. Bankes'] hand had released it, the load of [Lily's] accumulated impressions of him tilted up, and down poured in a ponderous avalanche all she felt about him. That was one sensation. Then up rose in a fume the essence of his being. That was another. She felt herself transfixed by the intensity of her perception; it was his severity; his goodness." (pp. 23-24)

SamAnne One of my favorites. 4y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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Annie1215 I felt this one in my bones ❤️ 4y
TK-421 ❤️ 4y
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To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf
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This has been my comfort book for years. You know, the book you keep in your handbag, in the glove compartment of the car or in the top drawer of the nightstand. I'm going to read it cover-to-cover again. So excited! P.S. -- Tyler doggie says hey.

SamAnne Me too. A book that transformed my reading experience when I first picked it up 30 years ago. 4y
sleepy.ash87 @SamAnne I'm so glad someone else feels the same way. I think it is much better than Mrs. Dalloway and to read it out loud is lovely. For me, it was 10 years ago that I fell in love with this novel! I look forward to getting to know you and seeing more of your gorgeous garden here on Litsy 🌻 4y
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